Great video as always! I plan on going heart/ns at fresh 60 because I like the flexibility it offers. Even dropping a point in heart for natures grasp. I can heal, tank, and pvp while i gear up. However you make a really compelling argument for moonglow in phase 1. I never considered the difference between more mana or cheaper spells... i think ill switch once im fully committed to raiding. Videos like this one is why im subbed, keep up the great work! We really appreciate your content
Likewise HotW/NS has been my favorite. It may not be the 100% best for healing but it is so versatile and I dont need to respec between solo and group play.
I am rolling a druid with no experience past my nostalgia fueled days of lvl 30. So i really enjoy this torought explanations. You also spend a long time explaining the rarionale behind your choices, and that is great. Thanks a lot !
Great argument at the end about the percentage bonus helping the efficiency of your consumables. I'm still really attracted to the hybrid tank/resto build, but less so.
Man I played a resto druid alt late into vanilla and never got geared correctly... Now you made me rethink shaman main or druid :( maybe even a wedlock I'm glad I got more time to decide
I main shaman in retail (or used to xD) and i played resto shaman from BC all the way to Legion. I´m gonna roll druid in Classic. Simply because as a shaman you are way too valuable for your guild to do fancy stuff like elemental or enh. On a druid you can really enjoy all aspects of Classic!
Yeah the one thing I hate about shaman is having to respec all the time. Most guilds and shamans will want mana tide, so respecing if you want to dps will happen often :(
@@Spinexus Yea I loved playing druid in vanilla I benched my warrior and played druid all through BC I LOVED IT!!! Even healing is fun for me I think I will main druid :) Oh and I played mc geared Frost mage on Nostalrius and that was super boring... I assume warlocks are even worse because you are the summon/shard farming slave and 1 button shadowbolt for raids
@@Ebbnflow Oh and I think leveling with tank/resto spec will kick ass for dungeons and leveling with my two rogue friends + I wont fight over AGI/Crit/Attackpwr gear
Solid arguments. I would still wish for one deep resto druid in a raid of 40 though. I think they make for the best "insurance policy" healer. His job is not to top the charts by spamming healing touch, but to smooth out tank healing with dots and monitoring the raid and especially other healer's mana. Ideally, he hsould only Rejuv/Resto the tanks and that's it, conserving mana. But if things get tough he should start pumping out more spells without caring too much about mana efficiency. I think the role of emergency healer fits the druid because he can stay useful while conserving mana (with hots on tank), Innervate a 'raid' healer and Swiftmend often if things really go bad. Paladins can't really do that, neither can Shaman. Clerics have good emergency tools, but doesn't bring as much to the raid as the Druid. So yeah. I want my one good safety Druid to lead the other healers :)
This is interesting, I've not really done raids back in vanilla (just a lot of dungeoning) so I never knew what was needed in the early days. I'm maining a resto druid at the moment (45ish right now) and I'm currently full resto with swiftmend, but barely use it in my 5mans due to already having natures swiftness as my "oh shit" button and resto being a pretty mana sinking spell so i only use that on the big fights anyway. For 5mans- which I farm constantly because i prefer it to solo questing- I prefer to stay as mana efficient as possible so I'm not holding up the group, usually only stop to drink before boss battles. I was considering respeccing to aim for moonglow build instead, buuuut actually with you saying this, maybe I'm better waiting until 60 and seeing what a guild wants from me in raids. On the plus side, I'm always seeing guilds advertising for resto druids, they seem pretty popular atm, or maybe there's just not many of us about.
Hey Ebn I was Blackpaws that met you in Thunder Bluff druid trainer, was wondering if you could make a video of you PVPing with this spec? Im currently feral but planning to respec just for raids with this build.. (really hate healing and tanking)
I´m going to level up as Heart of the Wild + NS and i hope to go as far as i can with this spec, and when i done grinding i will switch to moonglow and maybe deep resto for BWL i don´t know yet. Cya
Although I have played a druid for the last 6 years in retail I have always been a solo player and never healed. I wanted to try raiding this time around in classic which is why I am enjoying your videos.
I really want to heal most of my dungeons while leveling. Not having a normal rez is the only doubt i have about leveling a druid. Do druids really get turned down because of not having a rez?
I've never had an issue getting groups while leveling. Not having a reliable rez can be annoying but its more incentive for you to keep everyone alive!!!
I've respecced to this for raiding as I was finding mana to be a bit of an issue in the longer fights, and I was barely ever making use of my full resto build's regrowth and swiftmend (they ate into my mana pool way to fast). I must say, though, I'm missing improved reju a hell of a lot right now. I know you say it only effects the base of it, but even then, with 3 points into reju (and mostly pre-raid bis) I was doing 304 every tic, which 0 points into it, i'm now doing 272. Pretty big drop. However, you're right, only one I keep reju on is the main tank usually so it probably won't hugely be missed. Will see how it goes.
Was waiting for this video from you - a question - if you were to run Moonglow + NS but with as much PVP focus as possible, how would your talent choices then look? You mentioned going for improved Enrage in resto, but in Balance what would your focus be? Would you go even further into balance? I would think improved moonfire, and maybe even vengeance might be worth it? (not sure about if the crit dmg on moonfire would mean a lot?) - and of course natural shapeshifter would be a must. Would you go imp nature's grasp? or do you like having a quick wrath in you e.g. have an enemy rooted / stunned? And is the 10% physical dmg worth it for pvp? Or would you rather have the 10% moonfire dmg? Great content as always!
Curious . If you pvp a lot, sadly I wanted to main holy paladin but my friends and I are going horde lol I’m torn if I should go resto Druid or resto shaman for pvp. Not a fan of priest so. I’m leaning to Druid since I’ve Mained it since BC. My worry just being if the mobility is the only benefit? Are the heals really as weak as they say. I will do raiding as well to gear up for pvp of course lol how will I compare as a r Druid or will I be fine getting a spot with a decent guild or wtvr. Thanks man and loved the vid! Oo and for world pvp how do you compare r Druid to holy paladin
Druid heal is absolutely fine in vanilla especially since all the healbots players use on privat servers will not work anymore. Usually you alway had a bot flashing over your hots and you were forced to use 1.5/2 sec heals or the bots would flash over your heal. Druid has the highest HPS possible ingame (Vaelastraz fight) and almost no mana problems. Most druids play 24/0/27 in pve and later with better gear you can switch to full resto if you want. In pvp holy Pala is much better than any other healer. Plate armor with shield is just ridiculous and you have all the utility you want and flashheal for basically no mana. A lot of people will be awed of how good druid heal will be. Most players only played on private servers where almost everyone used healbots like quickheal which will completley destroy druids. But Blizz will ban this add ons for classic so druids will be much better.
@@ItVex dang you got me so torn haha but my friends wanna go back to horde. which im mildly excited about since i miss it there haha alliance feels so weird to me... but dang holy pal is so tempting XD i wanna be an op heal god for pvp
is there a viable deep resto build for raiding or is this one just hands down better? i like how it looks (except for improved wrath lol ) but dont like not having swift mend :( but that moonglow is so strong like ur saying
Swiftmend will become better in phase 3 + in my opinion, but the other resto druid in my guild was swiftmend spec during ony and mc, I just noticed him going oom a lot quicker! (Yeah the points in balance are completely up to you)
If you take this build you are probably doing mostly PvE and dungeons, so NG doesnt come in handy much. But like I said the balance points are strictly based on your playstyle.
Hey Ebn. I know you don't suggest leveling anything except feral, but what about partnered up with a lock? Would a balance/resto make sense in that scenario or still feral? Thanks!
The root is a good combination of fear+dot. Your hots will be welcome for the lock's life tap... But all druids can do that. Balance give you omen of clarity which you can use when void is tanking, and your thorns help his aggro. Soulstone +rebirth is great combo too
Voidwalker is horrible at holding aggro, when I pair with a Lock for farming I still end up in Dire Bear form anyway. Feral also lets you take out Elites and jump into Dungeons as you level (so much easier finding a group with a Tank + DPS than Healer + DPS) EDIT: But to Spinexus point, if you love Balance/Resto and hate Feral, go the former.
I like what Andrew said. Void doesnt tank well so tanking would help leveling speed. Then between pulls you can heal yourself and have the lock tap and get a heal from you.
One thing I forgot, Warlocks get Fear happy. Herding a Feared mob is a pain, so if you go Balance and the Lock pulls aggro off it's VW, the Lock *will* Fear the mob. There are way to many bad things that can happen in that scenario, like running straight into packs of other mobs.
About to finally hit 60 and my plan is to go moonglow to start off with as my gear issn't the best for healing atm.. Getting 80% of my prebis before going heart/NS to play for wPvP and start help tanking when needed... BUT still being able to heal good enough
Why not Feral/NS hybrid build that will not net your more mana for heals but will give you option to do really everything early on. So even in dungeon you could swap to tank almost anytime.
the Void I played that build all the way up until BWL when my guild essentially forced me to swap to take innervate 😂. It’s a great build, makes pvp fun as hell aswell
Hey @Ebbnflow I really enjoy your videos! I wanted to ask do you feel like Moonglow spec can hold its on in 1v1 / world pvp??? I know you wont be optimized but I really like how the moonglow spec is built.
Ima resto Druid main. As a general spec for Pve/pvp there are something’s I just have to have if I’m resto. Natural shapeshifter , feral charge, swiftmend. Base on these it’s very clear what spec I prefer , on a general basis . Perhaps it is better to change to moon glow or another healing spec but for me , the spec I stated above is my everyday resto spec which lets you heal/pvp well.
Thoughts on a primarily rank 3 HT usage (rather than rank 4), as often times with rank 4, paladins beat you to it with their Flash of Light (2 seconds I believe if is?)?
I switched spec at level 54, around the time you can start running the first half of BRD as heals. Just focused on dungeons and got geared up, now 60 in good blues going to start raidin tomorrow ;)
Nice video. I plan my first alt to be a druid do that will surely help. Can anyone recommend any vanilla hunters that makes these kind of guides? Thanks in advance.
Is Moonglow NS spec really better than Heart of the Wild NS during the first couple of phases? I think 20% more intellect is better than 9% mana reduction on rank 4 healing touch personally. Especially with spells having set base costs that don't scale off a % of mana like in the expansions. Moonglow only works out as 18 mana saved per Healing touch. That's like 6mp5, assuming you have a 100% uptime on casts (which won't be the case so it'll be even less mp5), and for that you lose out on the flexibility of off-tanking and being able to solo farm consumables easily/do 5 mans in multiple roles. You're also significantly weaker in WPvP as Moonglow imo. You also have access to faerie fire if you go for HotW spec, which is great for WPvP or if your guild doesn't run a feral.
For a full healing druid moonglow is way better! The point of HotW + NS is that you are the only true hybrid in vanilla with that spec. You can off-tank/maintank (MC) with that spec AND you can heal on bosses that don´t need multiple tanks or that need warrior tanks. I´m gonna try my best in Classic to play maintank druid or off-tank on warrior only bosses like Chromaggus and Nefarian. For me that spec is insane!
Hawken Valhalla I think he makes a really good argument on how moonglow is better than heart/ns for a pure PVE build. For flexibility it wont be as good but im sold on moonglow for raiding now.
Yeah Hawken we have to remember that its not just the 9% from moonglow, if we got hotw ns we cant pick up 5/5 for the 10% further decreased mana cost. Plus a large pool of mana means more downtime for drinking. Don't get me wrong - hotw/NS is my number 1 favorite spec and I will be switching for pvp asap. That being said if you ONLY plan to heal the. Moonglow is the way to go early on.
@@porcu12345 sorry, yes you can get it. But if I am using hotw/ns I take 3/3 rejuv for pvp, so I normally can only afford 2/5. I definitely love hotw/ns. I just think if your focus is pve and healing moonglow is just the way to go. Understand all your points though, if you want a spec that is capable of doing almost everything definitely hotw/ns is where its at!!
@@zoogie980 Oh jea if you PVP ofc it´s worth it. Just saying that for horde if you just do some Wpvp warstomp into roots does the same job!^^ For BGs or premades ofc you want the talent!
Maybe you can explain why you don’t pick other viable talents, not just why you pick the best ones. Hope that makes sense, it might not take that long to squeeze in the video. Good job btw
My only real issue with this is you are "wasting" 20 points in Balance to get to Moonglow and Nature's Grace. With Heart/NS you are at least getting talents that can help you farm or Off Tank if needed. White hitting mobs to proc OoC doesn't feel all that satisfying, especially if it takes until level 54 to be "done" with the build. If Moonglow is so important, I'd take the caster talents (Imp Moonfire and Vengence) at least there's some synergy with an Int based gear set. This would at least help with farming and wPvP.
When I farm I just aoe farm like the clips in the video, and I can do that as any spec. I only heal which is why I prefer moonglow. If you plan on tanking or messing around as feral 100% go hotw/ns!!
Ebbnflow i guess me issue is that other than the 1st point in Balance for Nature’s Grasp you’re kind of wasting the rest until you hit Moonglow/Nature’s grasp. I just wouldn’t touch OoC unless I was Feral for example. I know there’s not a ton of +SP gear out there pre-60, but I’d at least like to have Imp Moonfire, Vengeance, faster Wrath and NG if I get jumped in wPvP since I’d likely be wearing INT gear anyway. Just a thought.
I don't think I'd bother with vengeance, moonfire dot and insect swarm is main spell dmg: dots don't crit in classic. The only dmg loss is initial moonfire crit (moonfire spam lol) and wrath crits (how high is your wrath crit % anyway in resto gear pretty low i'd guess) imp moonfire how ever is really good, because it improves the initialy dmg and dot dmg by 10% and the 10% crit is really good to proc nature's grace for a quick root/hibernate/heal !
Daniel Barlow i think that’s fair, but at least there’s _some_ synergy. Plus the faster cast time means it’s easy to get off a wrath or two (or even a Starfire) in wPvP with a root. Most players are going to be in 3K - 3.5K HP gear sets at 60 until they start getting geared. Maybe it’s the economist and software developer in me but I want every thing I do to have value, you only get 51 talent points, throwing away 18 or so like in this video to me is too high a cost.
@@andrewshandle Yeah agreed, i'll probably go either full feral or hotw/ns. Moonglow resto is only really needed for really hardcore progression raiding I think.
Talents are not “subjective”. They are objective because everyone experiences them the same. It’s like saying a bar is subjectively high because you think they can’t jump over it. The bar is where it’s at, everyone experiences the bar the same. It’s objective. Skill or your personal ability to jump; doesn’t change the objective nature of the bar. Sorry but so many people misunderstand or misuse the term and it’s causing issues in general discussions.
Great video as always! I plan on going heart/ns at fresh 60 because I like the flexibility it offers. Even dropping a point in heart for natures grasp. I can heal, tank, and pvp while i gear up. However you make a really compelling argument for moonglow in phase 1. I never considered the difference between more mana or cheaper spells... i think ill switch once im fully committed to raiding. Videos like this one is why im subbed, keep up the great work! We really appreciate your content
Yeah hotw/ns is the spec I will be switching to as soon as I have all my pre bis and start to mess around woth some wpvp. Definitely my favorite spec
Likewise HotW/NS has been my favorite. It may not be the 100% best for healing but it is so versatile and I dont need to respec between solo and group play.
I am rolling a druid with no experience past my nostalgia fueled days of lvl 30. So i really enjoy this torought explanations. You also spend a long time explaining the rarionale behind your choices, and that is great. Thanks a lot !
Great argument at the end about the percentage bonus helping the efficiency of your consumables. I'm still really attracted to the hybrid tank/resto build, but less so.
Ebbn you're the reason im playing druid, thank you for your content. It's fantastic.
i guess it's quite off topic but does anybody know of a good place to watch newly released movies online ?
@Zayden Raphael Lately I have been using FlixZone. You can find it by googling :)
Anyone else get distracted by the guild chat at 7:08 ? Gnorc.
Man I played a resto druid alt late into vanilla and never got geared correctly... Now you made me rethink shaman main or druid :( maybe even a wedlock I'm glad I got more time to decide
I main shaman in retail (or used to xD) and i played resto shaman from BC all the way to Legion. I´m gonna roll druid in Classic. Simply because as a shaman you are way too valuable for your guild to do fancy stuff like elemental or enh.
On a druid you can really enjoy all aspects of Classic!
Yeah the one thing I hate about shaman is having to respec all the time. Most guilds and shamans will want mana tide, so respecing if you want to dps will happen often :(
@@Spinexus Yea I loved playing druid in vanilla I benched my warrior and played druid all through BC I LOVED IT!!! Even healing is fun for me I think I will main druid :) Oh and I played mc geared Frost mage on Nostalrius and that was super boring... I assume warlocks are even worse because you are the summon/shard farming slave and 1 button shadowbolt for raids
@@Ebbnflow Oh and I think leveling with tank/resto spec will kick ass for dungeons and leveling with my two rogue friends + I wont fight over AGI/Crit/Attackpwr gear
Solid arguments.
I would still wish for one deep resto druid in a raid of 40 though. I think they make for the best "insurance policy" healer. His job is not to top the charts by spamming healing touch, but to smooth out tank healing with dots and monitoring the raid and especially other healer's mana. Ideally, he hsould only Rejuv/Resto the tanks and that's it, conserving mana. But if things get tough he should start pumping out more spells without caring too much about mana efficiency.
I think the role of emergency healer fits the druid because he can stay useful while conserving mana (with hots on tank), Innervate a 'raid' healer and Swiftmend often if things really go bad. Paladins can't really do that, neither can Shaman. Clerics have good emergency tools, but doesn't bring as much to the raid as the Druid.
So yeah. I want my one good safety Druid to lead the other healers :)
This is interesting, I've not really done raids back in vanilla (just a lot of dungeoning) so I never knew what was needed in the early days. I'm maining a resto druid at the moment (45ish right now) and I'm currently full resto with swiftmend, but barely use it in my 5mans due to already having natures swiftness as my "oh shit" button and resto being a pretty mana sinking spell so i only use that on the big fights anyway. For 5mans- which I farm constantly because i prefer it to solo questing- I prefer to stay as mana efficient as possible so I'm not holding up the group, usually only stop to drink before boss battles. I was considering respeccing to aim for moonglow build instead, buuuut actually with you saying this, maybe I'm better waiting until 60 and seeing what a guild wants from me in raids. On the plus side, I'm always seeing guilds advertising for resto druids, they seem pretty popular atm, or maybe there's just not many of us about.
Great content! Can you do a video on how to PVP against certain classes?
For example comparing HOTW+NS spec with Balance/Resto spec?
Added to my list, thanks for the suggestion! :)
Hey Ebn I was Blackpaws that met you in Thunder Bluff druid trainer, was wondering if you could make a video of you PVPing with this spec? Im currently feral but planning to respec just for raids with this build.. (really hate healing and tanking)
I´m going to level up as Heart of the Wild + NS and i hope to go as far as i can with this spec, and when i done grinding i will switch to moonglow and maybe deep resto for BWL i don´t know yet.
Although I have played a druid for the last 6 years in retail I have always been a solo player and never healed. I wanted to try raiding this time around in classic which is why I am enjoying your videos.
Thanks Ronald, yeah raid healing is lots of fun!!
@@Ebbnflow How would you suggest a new healer learn the business. Wait till 60 and learn in guild groups?
Very clear. Thank you!
I really want to heal most of my dungeons while leveling. Not having a normal rez is the only doubt i have about leveling a druid. Do druids really get turned down because of not having a rez?
I've never had an issue getting groups while leveling. Not having a reliable rez can be annoying but its more incentive for you to keep everyone alive!!!
I've respecced to this for raiding as I was finding mana to be a bit of an issue in the longer fights, and I was barely ever making use of my full resto build's regrowth and swiftmend (they ate into my mana pool way to fast). I must say, though, I'm missing improved reju a hell of a lot right now. I know you say it only effects the base of it, but even then, with 3 points into reju (and mostly pre-raid bis) I was doing 304 every tic, which 0 points into it, i'm now doing 272. Pretty big drop. However, you're right, only one I keep reju on is the main tank usually so it probably won't hugely be missed. Will see how it goes.
Was waiting for this video from you - a question - if you were to run Moonglow + NS but with as much PVP focus as possible, how would your talent choices then look? You mentioned going for improved Enrage in resto, but in Balance what would your focus be? Would you go even further into balance?
I would think improved moonfire, and maybe even vengeance might be worth it? (not sure about if the crit dmg on moonfire would mean a lot?) - and of course natural shapeshifter would be a must. Would you go imp nature's grasp? or do you like having a quick wrath in you e.g. have an enemy rooted / stunned? And is the 10% physical dmg worth it for pvp? Or would you rather have the 10% moonfire dmg?
Great content as always!
Curious . If you pvp a lot, sadly I wanted to main holy paladin but my friends and I are going horde lol I’m torn if I should go resto Druid or resto shaman for pvp. Not a fan of priest so.
I’m leaning to Druid since I’ve Mained it since BC. My worry just being if the mobility is the only benefit? Are the heals really as weak as they say.
I will do raiding as well to gear up for pvp of course lol how will I compare as a r Druid or will I be fine getting a spot with a decent guild or wtvr. Thanks man and loved the vid!
Oo and for world pvp how do you compare r Druid to holy paladin
Druid heal is absolutely fine in vanilla especially since all the healbots players use on privat servers will not work anymore.
Usually you alway had a bot flashing over your hots and you were forced to use 1.5/2 sec heals or the bots would flash over your heal.
Druid has the highest HPS possible ingame (Vaelastraz fight) and almost no mana problems. Most druids play 24/0/27 in pve and later with better gear you can switch to full resto if you want.
In pvp holy Pala is much better than any other healer. Plate armor with shield is just ridiculous and you have all the utility you want and flashheal for basically no mana.
A lot of people will be awed of how good druid heal will be. Most players only played on private servers where almost everyone used healbots like quickheal which will completley destroy druids. But Blizz will ban this add ons for classic so druids will be much better.
@@ItVex dang you got me so torn haha but my friends wanna go back to horde. which im mildly excited about since i miss it there haha alliance feels so weird to me... but dang holy pal is so tempting XD i wanna be an op heal god for pvp
Can you do a guide on leveling a feral resto druid please?
is there a viable deep resto build for raiding or is this one just hands down better? i like how it looks (except for improved wrath lol ) but dont like not having swift mend :( but that moonglow is so strong like ur saying
Swiftmend will become better in phase 3 + in my opinion, but the other resto druid in my guild was swiftmend spec during ony and mc, I just noticed him going oom a lot quicker! (Yeah the points in balance are completely up to you)
@@Ebbnflow ok thats good to know then.
Why not just go imp nature's grasp.. how often do you cast wrath?
If you take this build you are probably doing mostly PvE and dungeons, so NG doesnt come in handy much. But like I said the balance points are strictly based on your playstyle.
What do I search to view video about your consumables?
Hey Ebn. I know you don't suggest leveling anything except feral, but what about partnered up with a lock? Would a balance/resto make sense in that scenario or still feral? Thanks!
The root is a good combination of fear+dot. Your hots will be welcome for the lock's life tap... But all druids can do that. Balance give you omen of clarity which you can use when void is tanking, and your thorns help his aggro. Soulstone +rebirth is great combo too
Ofc you can level as resto or balance!^^
1-60 takes a long time anyway and it´s better to enjoy that time then play something you don´t like as much!
Voidwalker is horrible at holding aggro, when I pair with a Lock for farming I still end up in Dire Bear form anyway. Feral also lets you take out Elites and jump into Dungeons as you level (so much easier finding a group with a Tank + DPS than Healer + DPS)
EDIT: But to Spinexus point, if you love Balance/Resto and hate Feral, go the former.
I like what Andrew said. Void doesnt tank well so tanking would help leveling speed. Then between pulls you can heal yourself and have the lock tap and get a heal from you.
One thing I forgot, Warlocks get Fear happy. Herding a Feared mob is a pain, so if you go Balance and the Lock pulls aggro off it's VW, the Lock *will* Fear the mob. There are way to many bad things that can happen in that scenario, like running straight into packs of other mobs.
Awesome video. Just wondering do you know a hybrid spec for pvp/wpvp focus but where I can tank in pve too ?
About to finally hit 60 and my plan is to go moonglow to start off with as my gear issn't the best for healing atm.. Getting 80% of my prebis before going heart/NS to play for wPvP and start help tanking when needed... BUT still being able to heal good enough
is that correct? Druid Hots from different druids in the raid do not stack on the same target?
correct. 1 druids hot at a time.
@@Ebbnflow 😭
Why not Feral/NS hybrid build that will not net your more mana for heals but will give you option to do really everything early on. So even in dungeon you could swap to tank almost anytime.
the Void I played that build all the way up until BWL when my guild essentially forced me to swap to take innervate 😂. It’s a great build, makes pvp fun as hell aswell
Hey @Ebbnflow I really enjoy your videos! I wanted to ask do you feel like Moonglow spec can hold its on in 1v1 / world pvp??? I know you wont be optimized but I really like how the moonglow spec is built.
Where are the video's you mentioned at the beginning of the video? I don't see them on your channel. Please help
Ima resto Druid main.
As a general spec for Pve/pvp there are something’s I just have to have if I’m resto.
Natural shapeshifter , feral charge, swiftmend.
Base on these it’s very clear what spec I prefer , on a general basis .
Perhaps it is better to change to moon glow or another healing spec but for me , the spec I stated above is my everyday resto spec which lets you heal/pvp well.
Yeah 100% agree that those abilites really help in PvP and everyday combat!
thx for the guide! ill use it for classic!
Do you know if Book of Ferocious Bite V is in phase 1 of classic?
Probably AQ phase. The book came out Naxx patch. Most of Naxx patch items and non Naxx related stuff will be in on the AQ patch.
@@braum3978 Ty
Thoughts on a primarily rank 3 HT usage (rather than rank 4), as often times with rank 4, paladins beat you to it with their Flash of Light (2 seconds I believe if is?)?
dude pleaaaase tell me the font u used on this client !! pleeease ! thanks
So improved rejuvenation and gift of nature become wasted talents once you start getting good gear with +healing?
Phase 1 talent points
great video, helps me out alot
do you level HotW/NS to 60 then switch to Moonglow? At wont point does Moonglow become your main spec?
I switched spec at level 54, around the time you can start running the first half of BRD as heals. Just focused on dungeons and got geared up, now 60 in good blues going to start raidin tomorrow ;)
Nice video. I plan my first alt to be a druid do that will surely help.
Can anyone recommend any vanilla hunters that makes these kind of guides? Thanks in advance.
Is Moonglow NS spec really better than Heart of the Wild NS during the first couple of phases? I think 20% more intellect is better than 9% mana reduction on rank 4 healing touch personally. Especially with spells having set base costs that don't scale off a % of mana like in the expansions. Moonglow only works out as 18 mana saved per Healing touch. That's like 6mp5, assuming you have a 100% uptime on casts (which won't be the case so it'll be even less mp5), and for that you lose out on the flexibility of off-tanking and being able to solo farm consumables easily/do 5 mans in multiple roles. You're also significantly weaker in WPvP as Moonglow imo. You also have access to faerie fire if you go for HotW spec, which is great for WPvP or if your guild doesn't run a feral.
For a full healing druid moonglow is way better!
The point of HotW + NS is that you are the only true hybrid in vanilla with that spec.
You can off-tank/maintank (MC) with that spec AND you can heal on bosses that don´t need multiple tanks or that need warrior tanks.
I´m gonna try my best in Classic to play maintank druid or off-tank on warrior only bosses like Chromaggus and Nefarian. For me that spec is insane!
Hawken Valhalla I think he makes a really good argument on how moonglow is better than heart/ns for a pure PVE build. For flexibility it wont be as good but im sold on moonglow for raiding now.
Yeah Hawken we have to remember that its not just the 9% from moonglow, if we got hotw ns we cant pick up 5/5 for the 10% further decreased mana cost. Plus a large pool of mana means more downtime for drinking. Don't get me wrong - hotw/NS is my number 1 favorite spec and I will be switching for pvp asap. That being said if you ONLY plan to heal the. Moonglow is the way to go early on.
@@Ebbnflow You can definitely get the 10% reduced mana cost with HotW spec. You must be thinking about the 10% healing talent?
@@porcu12345 sorry, yes you can get it. But if I am using hotw/ns I take 3/3 rejuv for pvp, so I normally can only afford 2/5. I definitely love hotw/ns. I just think if your focus is pve and healing moonglow is just the way to go. Understand all your points though, if you want a spec that is capable of doing almost everything definitely hotw/ns is where its at!!
Where do babies come from?
Ebn, are you going to rock the 24/0/27 build or something different for FC/PvP?
When heart NS do u get naturs graps?
AkerTheShort1 you cant do natures grasp if you go 5/5 heart and NS. However I personally drop 1 point in heart for NG for pvp
@@zoogie980 Good idea actually for alliance. I think on horde warstomp fills the role of NG anyway!^^
Spinexus yeah warstomp can get you a quick regrowth but I feel NG is worth the 1 point for wPvP and BGs. Especially as a FC.
@@zoogie980 Oh jea if you PVP ofc it´s worth it. Just saying that for horde if you just do some Wpvp warstomp into roots does the same job!^^
For BGs or premades ofc you want the talent!
Definitely personal choice! Since I have warstomp I normally dont pick it up since I like 5/5 in heart. BUT if i was ally I would grab it for sure.
......... wait... so bg's before 60 existed in the beginning of wow classic? but not right now?... why?
I dont know if i missed it in the video, but does heart of the wild increase your total or your base int/agi/str?
Depends on the form you are in. In caster you have 20% intellect increase
Maybe you can explain why you don’t pick other viable talents, not just why you pick the best ones. Hope that makes sense, it might not take that long to squeeze in the video. Good job btw
Yes, it makes sense! I'll make sure to do that in the future, good tip!
Starfire is not a very mana efficient spell for healing... Ok, point taken.
Hahaha, yikes didnt notice that slip up!!
@@Ebbnflow Well you're not wrong ;)
My only real issue with this is you are "wasting" 20 points in Balance to get to Moonglow and Nature's Grace. With Heart/NS you are at least getting talents that can help you farm or Off Tank if needed. White hitting mobs to proc OoC doesn't feel all that satisfying, especially if it takes until level 54 to be "done" with the build. If Moonglow is so important, I'd take the caster talents (Imp Moonfire and Vengence) at least there's some synergy with an Int based gear set. This would at least help with farming and wPvP.
When I farm I just aoe farm like the clips in the video, and I can do that as any spec. I only heal which is why I prefer moonglow. If you plan on tanking or messing around as feral 100% go hotw/ns!!
Ebbnflow i guess me issue is that other than the 1st point in Balance for Nature’s Grasp you’re kind of wasting the rest until you hit Moonglow/Nature’s grasp. I just wouldn’t touch OoC unless I was Feral for example.
I know there’s not a ton of +SP gear out there pre-60, but I’d at least like to have Imp Moonfire, Vengeance, faster Wrath and NG if I get jumped in wPvP since I’d likely be wearing INT gear anyway.
Just a thought.
I don't think I'd bother with vengeance, moonfire dot and insect swarm is main spell dmg: dots don't crit in classic. The only dmg loss is initial moonfire crit (moonfire spam lol) and wrath crits (how high is your wrath crit % anyway in resto gear pretty low i'd guess) imp moonfire how ever is really good, because it improves the initialy dmg and dot dmg by 10% and the 10% crit is really good to proc nature's grace for a quick root/hibernate/heal !
Daniel Barlow i think that’s fair, but at least there’s _some_ synergy. Plus the faster cast time means it’s easy to get off a wrath or two (or even a Starfire) in wPvP with a root. Most players are going to be in 3K - 3.5K HP gear sets at 60 until they start getting geared.
Maybe it’s the economist and software developer in me but I want every thing I do to have value, you only get 51 talent points, throwing away 18 or so like in this video to me is too high a cost.
@@andrewshandle Yeah agreed, i'll probably go either full feral or hotw/ns. Moonglow resto is only really needed for really hardcore progression raiding I think.
what's the hotw ns spec?
Talents are not “subjective”. They are objective because everyone experiences them the same.
It’s like saying a bar is subjectively high because you think they can’t jump over it. The bar is where it’s at, everyone experiences the bar the same. It’s objective. Skill or your personal ability to jump; doesn’t change the objective nature of the bar.
Sorry but so many people misunderstand or misuse the term and it’s causing issues in general discussions.
downrank healing and mana won´t be an issue