Surprise Slider Cards

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bevp7838
    @bevp7838 8 років тому +4

    I did!!! I learned to make a cage card last fall for my grandson's birthday. It warranted a big smile and a hug! His sisters nearly tore it apart playing with it, but it was a fun project. Thanks so much for all you do. I am happy to be back. I have about a month's worth of viewing to catch up on after major computer issues.

  • @2marelle
    @2marelle 8 років тому

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these cards and this technique! Your talents, creativity, and teaching abilities never cease to amaze me! Thank you, Jennifer! 💕 Elle

  • @maggiebaxter610
    @maggiebaxter610 8 років тому

    Hi Jennifer ~ These cards are absolutely precious! The slider portion of the card adds such a fun element of surprise for the recipient. This kit is absolutely perfect for creating this fun, interactive card. Thanks for sharing! ~HUGS~

  • @loribarker683
    @loribarker683 8 років тому

    boy that makes creating slider cards a snap, great card design, I love the cake dies too...

  • @mogsya3367
    @mogsya3367 8 років тому

    love both these cards. I also love the way you give hints and tips on how to create this type of card without the dies. It has given me some inspiration to do some of these cards. I make cards for a charity shop and I think they will like them - hope so! TFS :-)

  • @liamay3654
    @liamay3654 8 років тому

    so love the 3 tier cake with the teddy bear. Adorable.

  • @deniseward6207
    @deniseward6207 8 років тому +1

    Such fun cards! They are equally wonderful, but that little bear stole my heart! 🐻

  • @lisadelong1455
    @lisadelong1455 8 років тому +1

    I love these cards. I like when cards are interactive. Very cute!

  • @Bella-lj3cv
    @Bella-lj3cv 8 років тому

    These are very cute but this kit sold out before I even woke up this morning. Thank you so much for this idea. It is really clever.

    • @jennifermcguireink
      @jennifermcguireink  8 років тому

      they will be selling the pieces separately outside of the kit soon. :)

  • @Steviestamper
    @Steviestamper 8 років тому

    Don't you just love interactive cards? These are so adorable. Thanks for another great tutorial.

  • @marcelaromero2227
    @marcelaromero2227 4 роки тому +2

    I've done the bear one, made it without any kit but I draw some elements.Thanks for sharing this!! At last it wasn't the same as the video but I loved it! :)

  • @susanm9376
    @susanm9376 8 років тому

    Thanks for the details on how to create slider cards and you made it look easy. Beginners like me appreciate it and this is a cute card that can be used for different celebrator events from birthdays to baby showers. Thanks again 😊

  • @sandybb36
    @sandybb36 8 років тому

    OMG the bear cake...adorable

  • @terrie1226
    @terrie1226 8 років тому

    Very nice cards and you did a great job showing how it was put together.......thanks Jennifer

  • @ernataylor-stark4593
    @ernataylor-stark4593 8 років тому

    Another wonderful video from you, Jennifer. I always look forward to what you are going to show us next and I will certainly experiment with this technique. Adorable cards!

  • @cindysolly306
    @cindysolly306 8 років тому

    Thank you Jennifer, you never disappoint.

  • @createinspain
    @createinspain 8 років тому +1

    I decided to make a card like this after seeing yours. I designed the file as I use a cutting machine, it was quite easy to do. My design has an ice cream cone with a cherry on top that pulls up. Fun!

  • @rennydesigns
    @rennydesigns 6 років тому

    Excellent tutorial! It's a joy to watch your work and you are so very easy to understand! Thank you.

  • @shenaliefernando5545
    @shenaliefernando5545 8 років тому +21

    Love how you give alternative ways of doing things without all the dies and tools :)

    • @shenaliefernando5545
      @shenaliefernando5545 8 років тому +1

      Buying my first embossing powders and heat gun today! It's so expensive to ship everything to Australia haha

    • @fionnawheatley9095
      @fionnawheatley9095 8 років тому +1

      Try the scrapbook store in Perth, they stock the hero arts stuff and they are really reasonable. Quicker than from the US too!

    • @shenaliefernando5545
      @shenaliefernando5545 8 років тому

      +fionna wheatley thank you so much! I'll have a look :)

    • @Trinitit123
      @Trinitit123 8 років тому

      fionna wheatley hello, is there online store ?

    • @shenaliefernando5545
      @shenaliefernando5545 8 років тому

      Kristina Spasova is a Brisbane based online craft store and they stock many brands. And they also have free shipping for orders over $50 :D

  • @jackieprice7800
    @jackieprice7800 7 років тому

    Love it! Thanks for sharing how to make this without the slider dies!

  • @NancyLynn
    @NancyLynn 8 років тому

    These cards would be great for the young and the old! TFS Jennifer

  • @jenniferm3666
    @jenniferm3666 8 років тому +3

    u have created one of my all time absolute favorites on my bday. i cant wait to order and do hundreds of slider cards. you are amazing. Thank you for helping me with this.

  • @BarbGhig
    @BarbGhig 8 років тому +1

    Really fun project! Thanks so much for the tutorial, Jennifer! You're the best!!!

  • @TheDevilDarling
    @TheDevilDarling 8 років тому

    the bear is such a cutie pie

  • @teresadoyle1396
    @teresadoyle1396 8 років тому

    These are super cute!

  • @RC.Designs
    @RC.Designs 6 років тому +1

    Adorable card! Love the technique

  • @CandyceRude
    @CandyceRude 8 років тому

    What a darling card. I enjoyed the video very much. Sorry to say that they have sold out the kit already. Thanks for all your help. You are very inspiring!

    • @jennifermcguireink
      @jennifermcguireink  8 років тому

      they will be selling the pieces separately outside of the kit soon. :)

  • @pammartin7917
    @pammartin7917 8 років тому

    What a cute card! You are so creative.

  • @babyblue32180
    @babyblue32180 8 років тому

    Adorable! Very lovely cards!

  • @norinemueller4306
    @norinemueller4306 8 років тому

    Love this great idea with the bear

  • @dassapaniranjan6039
    @dassapaniranjan6039 Рік тому

    Wonderful ideas! Thank you so much. Will definitely make this card!

  • @valeriebreingan147
    @valeriebreingan147 8 років тому

    Completely adorable

  • @the_nugget_god8091
    @the_nugget_god8091 8 років тому

    Super cute!! Love the colors you used:)

  • @debiv7834
    @debiv7834 8 років тому

    Great card!! You always make it beautiful & look easy!!

  • @summer5851
    @summer5851 7 років тому

    You are amazing Jennifer!!! Thank you so much

  • @bronwyn117
    @bronwyn117 8 років тому

    This card is awesome! Love the colors and the bear is so sweet. You underestimate your Copic coloring....I think you do great! What's even more impressive is that those Nuvo drops are perfectly placed and sized. I need to practice!

  • @lateeshasheikh6773
    @lateeshasheikh6773 3 роки тому

    Lovely . Great idea. Looks lovely.
    You rightly said the kit makes the work easier.
    But could you mention the dimensions of everything , so everything can be handmade with the help of the measurements. I dont have the kit .

  • @marshathome7282
    @marshathome7282 8 років тому

    These are so adorable! I love them!

  • @jeanwestackroyd2966
    @jeanwestackroyd2966 4 роки тому

    Love it, thankyou Jennifer !

  • @78Kimberli
    @78Kimberli 8 років тому

    Wonderful tutorial and the cards are adorable!

  • @FeMcBride
    @FeMcBride 8 років тому

    these are so cute!

  • @beverley630
    @beverley630 8 років тому

    always love to see what you create love this card thanks for sharing

  • @sharonnesvog4269
    @sharonnesvog4269 8 років тому

    +Jennifer McGuire Ink .....Jennifer, I'm so happy that you did a video on this new release from MFT. I was on their email list...and had the reminder at 7:00 p.m. PST telling me the July card kit was now available for purchase!! I made it 'mine' by 7:10 p.m. PST!!! :) I can't wait to try this out!! I just love love love all the elements of this kit!! Thanks for sharing!! Your cards are adorable!! :)

  • @debbieh8340
    @debbieh8340 8 років тому

    Hi Jennifer, I LOVED YOUR SLIDER CARD, may I ask please where do you get the bag of discs, I went to the site but they are all out, I was wondering if you have another site that I can purchase them, thank you so so much , Debbie

  • @melissam1203
    @melissam1203 8 років тому

    love love this card...if u don't have those white disks what could u use instead?

    • @jennifermcguireink
      @jennifermcguireink  8 років тому

      maybe a bead would work!

    • @createinspain
      @createinspain 8 років тому

      The one I made the other day, I just cut a tiny bit of double sided foam tape - but added a drop of strong glue to it for extra insurance! Works just fine.

  • @malihahafeez882
    @malihahafeez882 4 роки тому

    Wow. Incredible

  • @RichBoden
    @RichBoden 8 років тому +4

    Very cute - especially the bear. I had a moment of "whoa - she's colouring inside the lines! She never does that!" - then realised it was just because you wanted a white border on the bear ;)

  • @sharonfrench1087
    @sharonfrench1087 8 років тому

    Thank you, another winner!

  • @inanelson2140
    @inanelson2140 8 років тому

    Such a cute card. I have to try one of these. I always look forward to your videos.

  • @lindaruschmeyer5298
    @lindaruschmeyer5298 8 років тому

    Another adorable card. Thanks for sharing .

  • @debbieh8340
    @debbieh8340 8 років тому

    thank you so much Jennifer for replying back to me, you're very kind, Debbie

  • @donnaokoniewski3761
    @donnaokoniewski3761 8 років тому

    Fabulous card!

  • @TheClaritee
    @TheClaritee 8 років тому

    Thanks for sharing this video! I made a slider card for my friends birthday and she really liked it :)

  • @theresafranks5610
    @theresafranks5610 6 років тому

    Totally enjoyed.

  • @Lubbehobby
    @Lubbehobby 8 років тому

    Love the card, so cute!

  • @Debbiebea56
    @Debbiebea56 6 років тому

    Wow I love that card so much. I don’t think that they probably sell the kit anymore since it was so many years ago. Do you think if you still have that stamps set that you could possibly sell me a kit with the parts maybe even stamped just not colored all right let me know thank you

  • @MH-nj4vl
    @MH-nj4vl 8 років тому

    You have the unique ability to make me want to buy stamps and die cuts that I previously didn't see the potential in! I love your videos! Do you ever go to the Stampaway USA convention, since it is in your city? Just wondering!

  • @AlysonWhite
    @AlysonWhite 8 років тому

    Super cute. TFS! 💕

  • @migdaliarodriguez1995
    @migdaliarodriguez1995 8 років тому

    I love this tutorial! Thank you! Super cute!

  • @peachiegrinsxd
    @peachiegrinsxd 8 років тому +2

    Just wondering what do you do with the left over scraps of paper or foam or whatever? Can you use it for other cards? I would love a vid where you use mostly scraps maybe as a challenge :)

  • @punyashamishra8148
    @punyashamishra8148 6 років тому

    I really liked your work..😘. Love from India😘😘

  • @orchidmdg
    @orchidmdg 7 років тому

    So adorable! I am loving your videos. How do you know how to make them? It is all trial and error? Or do you learn from other people?

  • @charlenebyington7405
    @charlenebyington7405 7 років тому

    Wonderful . . .Love the bear cake. . 😎 😎 😎

  • @joycegandy7305
    @joycegandy7305 8 років тому

    So cute, I love it.

  • @TheKris2196
    @TheKris2196 8 років тому

    Can you help me? I live over seas, no craft shops here so will order online . Getting the ink pads you suggested for begginers, (ranger) how often do they need reinking, or do you barely reink them? Do you suggest reinkers for a long term use?

  • @pauladombolo7538
    @pauladombolo7538 8 років тому

    Very good, where can I buy all this material ?

  • @kittylinda2006
    @kittylinda2006 3 роки тому

    Está súper linda la tarjeta, muchas gracias por el tutorial 🥰🥰🥰

  • @roselinprimrose1637
    @roselinprimrose1637 6 років тому

    really enjoyed watching

  • @cristinaljones
    @cristinaljones 6 років тому

    Very cute! I have purchase several different glue pens like that, and they never work. Nothing comes out, lol. Any suggestions?

  • @JtruUk
    @JtruUk 8 років тому

    love the cards!

  • @nan0809
    @nan0809 8 років тому


  • @bichonsrfunwolcott6079
    @bichonsrfunwolcott6079 7 років тому

    Jennifer, just found this video. Love the dies! Please let everyone know the cake dies are called "Interactive Birthday Cake Die" by My Favorite Things. Thanks!

  • @yurylast8334
    @yurylast8334 8 років тому +5

    I am so in love with your videos and cards! They are such a high quality! Do you sell your cards online?

  • @craftingwithauntpetunia407
    @craftingwithauntpetunia407 8 років тому +2

    i watched videos where they said the nuvo drops didn't dry hard.... like they can be manipulated after they dry... can you possibly do a review on them? i'm really curious what you think of them and if they make it through the mail without getting flattened or dented....

  • @CraftyKazzaH
    @CraftyKazzaH 8 років тому

    love them!

  • @pawanji1040
    @pawanji1040 8 років тому

    its was amazing card i loved the techniq
    ue....keep uploading more such cards

  • @AnilKumar-sm3ur
    @AnilKumar-sm3ur 7 років тому +3

    I love it and ur drawing is outstanding😍😍

  • @cathyl.9454
    @cathyl.9454 8 років тому

    Hi! can you please provide a list of all adhesive you are using your projects? Thank you!

  • @bethmerkle1304
    @bethmerkle1304 6 років тому +1

    Super cute!

  • @bunnyinaboat
    @bunnyinaboat 8 років тому

    Love it!!

  • @bettyhall9777
    @bettyhall9777 7 років тому

    Too cute Jennifer

  • @valeriaraposo1
    @valeriaraposo1 8 років тому

    -What kind of die cutting machine do you use?
    and what an adorable card ;)

  • @naneranigopaul6286
    @naneranigopaul6286 7 років тому

    u is an awesome artist

  • @ShaniaAhmed
    @ShaniaAhmed 8 років тому

    Great Video!

  • @janecordell3280
    @janecordell3280 5 років тому

    Do you know where you could get the die and stamps I know this kit is older,,,but just by chance you might know..Thanks in advance

  • @Aahare_Bhuribhoj
    @Aahare_Bhuribhoj 5 років тому

    Please make a multi flow and slider card.and the 2 types card in one card

  • @lateeshasheikh6773
    @lateeshasheikh6773 3 роки тому

    Can the 2nd and 3rd layer of slider cake be made in the 2nd card . ? Could you send me a tutorial or instructions ?

  • @starrspoter
    @starrspoter 8 років тому

    can u get this kit in australia?were can u get the dies from on there for the cake

  • @amiparekh9867
    @amiparekh9867 5 років тому


  • @ChristineSzekeres
    @ChristineSzekeres 8 років тому +5

    It is frustrating that the kit sold out forever in less than 24 hours. Now we have to wait for the individual pieces to be released and who know's when that will happen. I don't understand why they had you do a video for a kit that was so limited in supply. Instead of creating good will for their 10th anniversary, they've created frustration - at least that's how I'm feeling. I did really enjoy your video and alterations expanding what the set can do. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.

    • @gccakes
      @gccakes 8 років тому +1

      totally agree

    • @StormyLong
      @StormyLong 8 років тому +1

      Highly frustrating...every time I watch a video then go to the site, the kits are SOLD least I get to see you in action..thank you so much for the videos

    • @jennifermcguireink
      @jennifermcguireink  8 років тому +3

      I did a video bc I wanted to. I am sorry it is sold out too. Hoping they will release the product again. Wish I could do something.

    • @ChristineSzekeres
      @ChristineSzekeres 8 років тому

      Jennifer: I apologize if I sounded harsh; I'm just frustrated. I like that you create content based on things you like. I think what made it more frustrating is that the kit didn't say that it was limited. I wanted to sleep on it (I'm trying to avoid impulse purchases this year) and when I went back out this morning it was gone. Had I known it was limited edition, I would have probably bought it, impulse control be darned. I didn't know that I needed to rush, I think that is where my frustration comes from. Thank you again for sharing the flexibility of these dies and stamps. I wrote to them first thing this morning and was told that they will not be reissuing the kit. I believe the individual pieces will be available in September, so at least that's something. Waiting ... it's the hardest part.

    • @jennifermcguireink
      @jennifermcguireink  8 років тому

      that's ok! they will be selling the pieces separately outside of the kit soon. :)

  • @Shonz14nw
    @Shonz14nw 8 років тому

    HI Jennifer, need some advise. Ive bought several quickie glue pens but cant get them to flow. They have plenty of glue in them just having a lot of trouble getting them to work. Can you suggest anything that may work. cheers

    • @createinspain
      @createinspain 8 років тому

      Try working them gently on your finger, sometimes that works. or clean the nib with a warm damp tissue and then scribble on that. Generally it is because the ball in the tip is stuck, once freed all is ok.

    • @Shonz14nw
      @Shonz14nw 8 років тому

      Cheers will give it a shot

    • @jennifermcguireink
      @jennifermcguireink  8 років тому

      yes, that trick is what i do!

  • @gigijohnson3211
    @gigijohnson3211 5 років тому

    I just came across this video, got excited then....stamps no longer available. Do you have any suggestions?

  • @ssssultana
    @ssssultana 8 років тому

    I love you so much!!!

  • @dsconnel
    @dsconnel 5 років тому

    Love this

  • @dockledoo
    @dockledoo 10 місяців тому

    Where can I find the complete kit?

  • @isabelvega823
    @isabelvega823 8 років тому

    hola!lindo tutorial saludossss a la distancia

  • @sylviag3576
    @sylviag3576 8 років тому

    I can't find the slider kit, first link to MFT is no longer there. Any suggestions? Would love to try the slider card.

  • @Scrapcoreseartes
    @Scrapcoreseartes 8 років тому

    amo seus videos

  • @MegaDivya1234
    @MegaDivya1234 8 років тому

    which pen you used for colouring???

  • @karenbassie5948
    @karenbassie5948 7 років тому

    I too cannot seem to locate that interactive item. could you post a picture of it maybe I can make something just like it. If I am successful I will let you know first.cheers Karen