I find that it's the very nature of the most neurotic upheavals that I experience, that I don't use my resources well when I'm in it. When I am kind of internally freaking out...that is when I find it THE most difficult time to just stop:. to meditate, to journey, to ritual, to do ANYTHING that might actually be of service to the situation. Instead, I often do something that actually makes the tangle more tangled...or else to try to just keep on and kind of turn a blind eye. I've been practicing for years, it's not that this is an issue of lack of familiarity or 'habit'. I don't think my shadows like to be shone on - with the light of anything....spell or whatever. They'd rather get under the blanket and watch Hunger Games with a pot of ice cream.
I forget I am a witch alllll the time. One phrase I say quite frequently "why am i bothering with this, I'm a witch, I've transcended this" 😂😂😂 within reason of course.
i forget too. even with two stacked altars in my bedroom, i forget too. you’re not alone lol i’m so fucking glad i’m not just some weirdo witch who forgets main witchCRAFT lolllllfiekndjdienxk i am only at the beginning and excited to hear the rest of this ramble, my favorite witch x
I’m finally getting around to reading Condensed Chaos (I’m a bit late to the party, I know) and just finished the chapter on ego magic and Hine’s comments on identity work within the realm of consensus reality, and how such work is often overlooked within magical circles, resonated with me. A long time ago, I had a conversation with my partner about magic and how I approach spellcraft and he said, “The point is to transform yourself, not everything around you.” I understand the power and importance of “externally directed” magic and spellcraft; I’ve casted spells for money, economic stability, and even did some emergency spellcraft to make sure we can keep our home recently. However, I’ve always made sure to do the “earth work” concomitantly and I’ve come to understand that (for me) there’s a thin line between casting a spell for “external results” and surrendering to the possibilities and, on the other hand, my ego’s need for control, its fears, and its search for security and control in the wrong places. At some point, a desire for control over our surroundings reveals just how much our fears and insecurities have control over us. Great video, really got me thinking about a spell I’ve got in the works at the moment! Thank you!
'At some point, a desire for control over our surroundings reveals just how much our fears and insecurities have control over us.' OMG, yessss! LOVE this comment. So fizzy!
Yes I quite often forget to use spellcraft because I see it as sacred and not something to be used friviliously. Thanks for reminding me of this fact. I’m glad to know that Im not the only one whom does this. 😂 lol I hardly ever do money spells either because I often feel that it’s not spiritual enough. Crazy hey!😁Magick can be quite often just what we need. I’m into healing magick more than anything else for not only myself but for many others. I really needed to hear this video this afternoon. I enjoy your videos so much! Blessed Be & Namaste,🙏 Love Caz⭐️❤️🌙xo
I agree wholeheartedly! Every time I get busy with spellwork I'm always wondering why it took so long for me to remember it's a tool in my toolbox! Awesome video, thank you!
I definitely connect to that "witchy brainfart" of forgetting to use spell craft. Personally, I've always been the type to forget to ask for help in general-- I've always felt a lot of shame around shirking my load unto something outside of myself. In the past, I've always wanted to "do it all" and all by myself. In asking for help, I would anticipate criticism. This psychological residue definitely translates spiritually, but like you said, it's such a joyous relief when you realize that you CAN stir up some mojo and plop those issues into a cosmically manifested transformation
Okay. Mind blown on this one 🤯 We do protection magick on ourselves and shielding and cleansing and then in the next breath we are asking for big change and some risky gains! Makes so much sense as to why sometimes we don't/can't manifest something. We are in essence sabotaging our own spell at times. I know spellwork isn't all cut and dry like this and that there are a myriad of variables and a background of mystery, but it does make a tonne of sense this way 🤩 Thank you KA for bringing this into the light 😊 game changer!
This is very interesting. I mostly find myself resorting to magic when I have come to the end of all my mundane options: it's my desperate last resort. So I'm really stressed when I do it--which might explain why it so rarely works for me! It's like when my therapist tells me to practice a technique while I'm calm so that I already know how to do it when I'm distressed, rather than waiting to try it until I'm already upset. ....I hate practicing. lol Edit: I'm glad you talked about spellcraft being draining, because part of the reason I haven't done much of it is that I have fibromyalgia and I'm just tired ALL THE TIME. I just don't have the energy/enthusiasm for it that I need.
I do forget that spell craft is an option for me, but most of the time I don't try to cast spells because I simply don't have the time or energy to put into it. If I do decide to cast a spell I have to plan for it weeks in advance and save the date in my schedule. For this reason I usually cast more broad-scope, generalized spells having to do with the higher self rather than specific intentioned ones such as for money or love. Its usually around a holiday, and I just feel like if I'm going to devote the time I want to make it work for me in a broad way.. However, this is something I hope to change as I eventually get my daily rhythms more ironed out. I'd like to cast for money just to see what happens.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Kelly-Ann!
Nothing unethical doing Magick for fun... I look at Magick for fun as being practice... practice helps one gain confidence and understanding of what works to manifest the goal. And yes for quite some time the option to use spell-craft was not something I thought about to change a situation. That however was a great growth spurt when I began to utilize it. It is important to me to do what I can in the physical to help something along ... it doesn’t feel right to “sit on my hands” while letting “magick” do the work... I guess it has something to do with then not feeling worthy of the needed outcome. .... great vlog!
This is so funny that you brought this up and that so many people can relate to that moment where we just forget Spellcraft is in our toolbox at all time! I was just thinking about it this week! It is there to enjoy any day, any time and doesn't need to be reserved for periods of crisis. I certainly do forget about it sometimes. I think it has to do with the fact that staying in inaction has been a big issue for me in the past. I want my spiritual practice to be as healthy for me as it can be so now my focus remains on plans that need to be mostly Action oriented at all times. I forget sometimes though that there is external actions as well as "internal" actions and that both work in pair. To me Spellcraft is a very good complementary element to prepare yourself for "battle". It's like wearing that big fluffy scarf that can change the whole deal during a very cold winter day. (I'm Canadian so sorry this was the instinctual comparison I could come up with hahaha). Anyway, Great video as always! Thank you for your insights ❤
You aren't the only one who has forgotten they're a witch and can do something magickally about it. I do that all the freaking time, and I've been witching for over 20 years. 🤣
I sometimes forget about spellwork too, tbh. I get so wrapped up in the stress of the situation and I fixate so much on what earth work needs to be done, sometimes I forget that I can sometimes take matters into my own hands in a different way. I relate a lot to what you said about using spellcraft to change yourself internally rather than to change what's happening around you externally. I also find that doing spellwork to influence my mood/energy/ability, rather than doing spellwork that requires no effort on my end, ultimately helps me grow more as a witch/person (and keeps me from being lazy, which I can be sometimes).
My father is one of those people who used to go to a spirit healer for his ailments every now and then, without ever trying to actively help his health on his own and get acquainted with the issues rather than pushing them away instantly. Unsurprisingly, the issues always came back - that's why I have great doubts about the ethics of casting healing magic on others. Interfering with someone's life with an intention of your own (even if it is just to make the ailment go away or get better) feels wrong to me. However, the way you describe it, I'm on board with it: Sending someone the strength to deal with an issue or the perceptiveness to listen to the message a certain ailment might have for them makes much more sense to me. Thank you for that reminder, it reassured me!
So many good points here, Kelly, thank you! Greetings from The coast of Maine, where the ocean and all of its magick take a top spot in my “practice”. Most of what happens with me is natural or “accidental”. I don’t perform direct spells, but I think I take the “teach a man to fish” approach trying to pave the path for the “earth work” that you talk about. I’ve always felt if I were more focused and used a few extra tools for that magick boost, I’d be more successful. But for now, I’m just winging it! (And getting into tarot/oracle cards thanks to your inspiration!). I’ve designed a few creative and decorative “signs” to put around the house as reminders of things to enhance and sculpt daily rituals and routines. I think I will include one now that says “don’t forget the spell” or something along those lines!!!! Maybe that will remind me that I need to start creating my own spells with my own flare and energy to manifest the positive results I’m looking for in the world. Thanks for the continued inspiration! Many blessings to you and yours 🌛🌝🌜
I'm watching this way later than I wanted to, but something stuck out - Earth Work. I love that definition. Absolutely love it, perfect description for the actual physical work that is needed in spellwork/prayer. Awesome as always. :)
Spell work is mainly my last resort and it's generally along the lines of hey divine it's not working out here can I have a push in the right direction or there's a struggle doing this awesome vibes and added strength is needed. Magic for funsies I've done it in the past but I've found the best results for me is when I have fun actually doing the spell/ ritual it took me a while to find the balance of having the fun and keeping it respectful the only time it's any different is when I do ritual before shadow work.
Totally love and agree with your comments on playing with magic/spells. I truly believe it’s a brilliant way to learn and gives so much room for growth, learning your strengths and weakness, finding new ways to do things. I respect other people’s choices, but I would always encourage practice and playing around when asked - I just say do it with a solid foundation of understanding, both of yourself and your morals, and of what kind of energies etc you may encounter. ☺️ Always fabulous. xxx
Fascinating discussion about spells +/- "earth work" (love that term, btw)! I don't know that I'd cast with the intention that I do no work at all... but I would definitely cast with the intention of the work feeling easy and playful/fun. I would ask that obstacles in my path be cleared so that the work I do put in is amplified. Because I don't feel like "hard work" is necessary in and of itself, like to "prove" to the Universe I deserve a particular outcome. However, I do feel matching the vibration is critical. 🌈🌈🌈
well.. i am a bit late to the party here LOL!!! But completely with you Kelly-Ann! Yes, I always always cast spells to help others... and i have no doubt about doing anything wrong... It's all positive and high vibes. So tick the box with that one :) To be honest, the only reason I do spell work is to bring about or enhance traits that will help achieve my, (or others) goal.. alongside the final goal as well. Asking for focus, intelligence, courage, physical and emotional healing is how i run. I always add a bit of luck in the mix too. I don't think of doing spell work simply to manifest "material things"... Maybe cos I have never been at such a "low" point materialistically? But definitely, I think spell casting is about connecting with our universe and asking for assistance to become higher developed beings. We need to learn and evolve, and spells shouldn't be a means of manifesting an "easy- cruisy" lifestyle. Having said that, I have used "banishing spells" as a "booster" usually to remove anxiety, fear and disease. I wouldn't dare try to hex (despite being tempted at times)... I have faith that the universe will give these awful people their just rewards when and where it will hurt them the most. Your comment about ego is spot on! Sometimes we just don't know or understand what is truly right for us. Usually, any ritual or major spell for me is a process. There is quite a bit of prep beforehand, meditation, thanks to deities etc etc.... and the finale is working and casting the spell... And yep.. it is work! If you are throwing energy out into the Universe, of course you will feel a bit spent. But as you say, going for a walk and "wishing" for some little thing to crop up is also a form of spell casting.. these are actions/habits that have followed us from childhood... and we all know that these childhood magical moments are the real deal! I think you perfectly covered all aspects on this topic Kelly-Ann... thank you :)
I am definitely on board with casting, too get out of my own fucking way. In fact, that is what is necessary at the moment, because clearly at least to me, I have some strong ego attachments and to some fears that have been for venting certain things in our life from coming to fruition Where do you do some examples of spell work, and how you would go about doing a ritual for several topics? I miss Joey Morrises working which series, because that was really helpful and inspiring It would be awesome if you did a series like that
I've always been fascinated by the spellcraft side of witchcraft. Everytime I would read in fiction and non-fiction about spellcasting, I would get very excited and somewhat envious of their bravery because I find it soooo intimidating and awkward to do! I ''label'' myself as a witch since a couple years already, but done only 3 or 4 complete spells actually, most of them related to a sabbat or because I was in a situation in which I felt powerless. I keep telling myself that I should just jump in and try it for fun/more mundane purpose, but I tend to overcomplicate or overthink it and the urge goes away... So you are not alone on the non-spellcrafting club! Someday I'll stop thinking about it and really walk the walk, to see what's on that side of things.
I’m not sure why, but I have only ever cast a spell when a life defining moment has been blocked and I have done everything mundane and now I need the universe to come and aid me. In all other instances I’ve been hesitant to do a spell - it’s such an effort in time and energy. I don’t really want to use it on trying to get a car or attract some lover. There’s a lot of other, deeper things that probably require that effort and underlie why you can’t get those things without the use of elaborate spell casting. Saying all that, I am constantly debating with myself wether I should actually do some spell work to get out of the jams I find myself in 🤦🏻♀️ ❤️😘
"You can still use quick and dirty magic..." I love this, I totally busted out laughing. I love how you take it to the next level though. As usual very solid advice. Thank you, you are appreciated. 🦄🦉🦊🔮☄🌹😘
Thanks for making this hun, enjoyed! I can never resist a conversation about spellcrafting. I liked and agreed with what you said about casting spells for funsies and it reminds me of something Jason Miller talks about in his latest book The Elements of Spellcrafting: 21 Keys to Successful Sorcery. Casting for fun is a good experiment. The book also mentions casting for things we don't feel we deserve, and all the possible ramifications of that, something I found really interesting. Love and blessings to you x
Oooh, that sounds like a good book and an important convo to have (about casting for that which we feel we are not worthy). Always lovely to see you, doll! x
Yeah I recommend all his books and some of his courses, it's a great and humorous read that challenges quite a lot of popular ideas about spellcasting that so many of us who read a lot of books in the 90's are familiar with and may still be influenced by. Lovely to speak to you of course! We need a catch up. I keep telling myself I will make some UA-cam videos again at some point, it's been 7 or 8 bloody months now!!! Xxx
I forget about spell craft too! At some point after I've tried everything else I will remember, oh yeah! Spells are a thing! Love your videos so much 💋
the more "CLEAR" i become, the less i need to envoke/evoke other beings for example or inspiration; therefore i handle the a situation kind of like having faith to walk on water like Peter did not. believe in yourself! yer pretty freakin' in touch with reality, and are a very considerate and complicative lady. sincere dearheart you are!
I loved this! About 20 mins in I was thinking I’d do a VR (I’m another witch who sometimes forgets I can cast). Then by the end I realised there was no point - you said everything I wanted to say 😄
Thank you Kelly-Ann, this is amazing, as always!! You are truly are such an inspiration(I know you hear it all the time, but you deserve it)!!!! Oooooh, how would you do a kick yourself in the @$$ spell/becoming an energetic match spell? I’m definitely a forget-I-can-do-spells person too and am all about the self-development/challenge one’s self journey ✨ PS: you look so sophisticated here ☺️
OMGoddess yes! I have been practicing for nearly 20 years and I still often forget that I can use spell craft/ritual as part of my strategy, especially when I am dealing with problems that are pretty emotionally heavy. I often struggle on with those kind of issues and more than once a witchy friend has had to remind me its a tool that I have available to me. Having said that I personally feel that magic for “funsies” is so important! If you don’t practice for the sake of practicing how do you know what works for you and become “better” at it? If you only cast for a serious need without ever having figured out what works for you then you may not have the necessary skills/experience to get the results you are aiming for.
'If you don’t practice for the sake of practicing how do you know what works for you and become “better” at it? If you only cast for a serious need without ever having figured out what works for you then you may not have the necessary skills/experience to get the results you are aiming for.' Exactly!!
I don’t do spells very often but when I do I must do Earth work too. Otherwise for me it just wouldn’t work. Or as u say would probably be very short lived if it did indeed work. 💜 great video , interesting and inspiring as always ⭐️
Oh my goodness I needed this video. I forget my own power ALLLL the time. I LOVE the idea of spellwork "for funsies"!! Sounds like a great way to get myself back into the practice of it. I tend to agree with your thoughts on earth work... seems a bit silly to do a spell for something when some simple secular/worldly actions might've done the trick (although I also think that a spell can be a wonderful compliment to that work). Plus I think if I come to a spell with the intention of bypassing the work necessary to get to a certain place, or achieve a result, then am I really ready for that result? I feel like I'm sending a very counter-productive vibe if I do that. It's actually a primary reason I choose not to do a spell. I find that the spells I do on myself are BY FAR the most effective. And I love the idea of doing that instead of another kind of spell, when you realize you're over-relying on magick for whatever it is. I tend to not hesitate when it comes to spells for/on others, mostly because 99% of the time it's for positive/constructive reasons. I very rarely do something with the intention of hurting another, and when I do, frankly, it's more than justified :p "This or better" and "highest good" are phrases I use a lot... and actually should use more.
Yes, I love what you said about your intentions being 'constructive' in relation to casting for others. It's not that hard to know when you are working ethically with no insidious underlying agenda, plus, as I mentioned in my video, you can cast to assist peeps in THEIR dreams rather than CHOOSING their dreams for them, so what is the harm?
Spelling and crafting have there places for sure. The word 'edge' was used a lot. Craft work and casting gives some the edge and others it gives them just the personal belief in themselves to get the job done. If the task at hand is done with success intention in any accomplishment gets the ball rolling.
I get the same brain farts as well! Totally forget spell work could help with a certain situation:) I as well feel it’s more important (for myself) to only cast if earth work is going to be part of the plan. Especially since I deal with anxiety and depression, if I didn’t focus on personal growth I feel not incorporating earth work would allow myself to be able to withdraw from the world even when I very much want to be a part of it :) it can be difficult to do the earth work part but is so important to me
Oh I need a spell for getting out of my own way!! I'm a carer and put others first, especially with magic. That damn block is hard to overcome and needs magical help but I get in my own way lol or actually place others there!
I'm surprised how often I forget that spellcraft is A Thing That I Can DO. Mostly because these days the things I want to apply magic to are very overwhelming, internal things and the idea of adding some serious mojo to the pile is just... Scary. There are some things I don't want to touch with a meter-long pole in terms of magic because I'm afraid of screwing up and making things even worse. I should try casting for owls and see what happens! :D Make spells fun, rather than scary. (I just did a quick "Show me 7" test and my peanut butter jar delivered within seconds and in bright yellow! Many giggles!)
Definitely forget magick is a thing. Partly because I place a lot of restrictions on when and why I use it. I ultimately believe in a certain cosmic order and I believe shit grows flowers, so just because something is inconvenient or challenging or painful does not mean it is useless. I believe most of the time, "earth work" as you call it is good for us and helps us grow and learn, so even if I could do some spellwork to change or encourage a certain end, I don't believe I always know what SHOULD happen, and that I might miss out on a lesson or a crucial experience by getting what I want. However, when I don't feel I'm benefiting from a challenging situation and I just feel stuck, that's when I think I should turn to spellwork, but then I forget to do so! For example, I'm glad I saw this video today because I think I need to keep in mind spellwork as one way to address my current unemployment and my households dwindling financial resources. I've actually never done a spell like that before, but I'll give it a try...
kick ass everyday and go to bed exhausted. you will sleep so well. its good to hear you speak. you help my concentration. so interesting to listen to for me.
I think the forgetfulness is because of the veil interaction. Kelly I have a question for you. In theory sacrificial offerings can be very powerful, what happens to the ones who die wearing a common symbol such as a flag? Would a Death Flag work as a sigil to power a spell if a soldier dies? It’s a theory I’ve been wondering for a long time. What do you think?
I know you probably won't see this since it's an older video but awesome video and links. Thank you. You put a lot of work into these. Are you drained after filming or does it energize you? 🌸
Yes sometimes I forget all about I could use a spell. Then someone will say can’t you do a spell for that and I will think well yes. Why didn’t I think of that. I’m relating with this.
I would love more about the kick myself in the ass spell, as well as more about "earth work" (google leads me to engineering). Spells for paperwork -- my mind is being blown. thankyou!
I only recently started doing spells for money and motivation and let me tell you. Things have changed so much. I'm wondering why did it take me so long to include it in my practice!
in my opinion, I don't use spells enough. You're definitely not alone in forgetting that spellcraft is an option! But, when I do do spells I tend to do them for long term work and for major things. I find that at this point in my path I don't even need to cast a spell for the smaller things. For example, I really wanted a tattoo; my work is mindless as I'm a student so it's a flexible part-time job and I was sorting out boxes thinking about this tattoo that I wanted and how much money I needed for it. In the next half hour, my manager asked me to work a few days that would earn me the money for the tattoo. i find that this is why I don't cast spells all that much lol.
Yeah I am a nurse (student) and for me my work is sacred but I never cast any spells or others without their permission. To me it crosses my professional boundaries. However I will pray for my patients occasionally but in general i try keeping the sacred energy within me. Like using myself as a catalyst of sorts to bring that healing energy into their lives. It's hard to explain but for me forcing people into being in my practice just gives me flash backs of my Christian upbringing and that's something I'm not about.
You said, some people think you should never do magic just to see if it works and I'm like.... why not? That doesn't even make sense to me. Experimentation and study is such an important part of Magick. "Magick for funzies" is exactly that. Even if it's for fun, it's a great learning experience. That's like saying, you can't play the piano just for fun! Or if you do you don't take it seriously as a craft. I don't want to say anything bad about others who feel differently but it just doesn't make sense to me.
I find that it's the very nature of the most neurotic upheavals that I experience, that I don't use my resources well when I'm in it. When I am kind of internally freaking out...that is when I find it THE most difficult time to just stop:. to meditate, to journey, to ritual, to do ANYTHING that might actually be of service to the situation. Instead, I often do something that actually makes the tangle more tangled...or else to try to just keep on and kind of turn a blind eye. I've been practicing for years, it's not that this is an issue of lack of familiarity or 'habit'. I don't think my shadows like to be shone on - with the light of anything....spell or whatever. They'd rather get under the blanket and watch Hunger Games with a pot of ice cream.
Another witch who forgets i can use magick for some areas of my life. You're not alone by a long shot.
I forget I am a witch alllll the time. One phrase I say quite frequently "why am i bothering with this, I'm a witch, I've transcended this" 😂😂😂 within reason of course.
i forget too. even with two stacked altars in my bedroom, i forget too. you’re not alone lol i’m so fucking glad i’m not just some weirdo witch who forgets main witchCRAFT lolllllfiekndjdienxk i am only at the beginning and excited to hear the rest of this ramble, my favorite witch x
I’m finally getting around to reading Condensed Chaos (I’m a bit late to the party, I know) and just finished the chapter on ego magic and Hine’s comments on identity work within the realm of consensus reality, and how such work is often overlooked within magical circles, resonated with me. A long time ago, I had a conversation with my partner about magic and how I approach spellcraft and he said, “The point is to transform yourself, not everything around you.” I understand the power and importance of “externally directed” magic and spellcraft; I’ve casted spells for money, economic stability, and even did some emergency spellcraft to make sure we can keep our home recently. However, I’ve always made sure to do the “earth work” concomitantly and I’ve come to understand that (for me) there’s a thin line between casting a spell for “external results” and surrendering to the possibilities and, on the other hand, my ego’s need for control, its fears, and its search for security and control in the wrong places. At some point, a desire for control over our surroundings reveals just how much our fears and insecurities have control over us. Great video, really got me thinking about a spell I’ve got in the works at the moment! Thank you!
'At some point, a desire for control over our surroundings reveals just how much our fears and insecurities have control over us.'
OMG, yessss!
LOVE this comment. So fizzy!
Yes I quite often forget to use spellcraft because I see it as sacred and not something to be used friviliously. Thanks for reminding me of this fact. I’m glad to know that Im not the only one whom does this. 😂 lol I hardly ever do money spells either because I often feel that it’s not spiritual enough. Crazy hey!😁Magick can be quite often just what we need. I’m into healing magick more than anything else for not only myself but for many others.
I really needed to hear this video this afternoon. I enjoy your videos so much!
Blessed Be & Namaste,🙏
Love Caz⭐️❤️🌙xo
This reminds me of a video that I've watched a while ago, about witches who do not witch. Thanks for sharing.
A spell teaching you to fish rather to giving you a fish is such an intense and potent paradigm shift. Thank you✨✨✨
I agree wholeheartedly! Every time I get busy with spellwork I'm always wondering why it took so long for me to remember it's a tool in my toolbox! Awesome video, thank you!
I definitely connect to that "witchy brainfart" of forgetting to use spell craft. Personally, I've always been the type to forget to ask for help in general-- I've always felt a lot of shame around shirking my load unto something outside of myself. In the past, I've always wanted to "do it all" and all by myself. In asking for help, I would anticipate criticism. This psychological residue definitely translates spiritually, but like you said, it's such a joyous relief when you realize that you CAN stir up some mojo and plop those issues into a cosmically manifested transformation
Off topic but you look very charming and sophisticated in this video. I sense a vintage vibe:) Great video as well!!
Really enjoying catching up with these playlists, rewatching some, watching a few for the first time and taking in all the goodness therein
You are sooooo not alone here. I also forget to do magic.
Okay. Mind blown on this one 🤯
We do protection magick on ourselves and shielding and cleansing and then in the next breath we are asking for big change and some risky gains! Makes so much sense as to why sometimes we don't/can't manifest something. We are in essence sabotaging our own spell at times. I know spellwork isn't all cut and dry like this and that there are a myriad of variables and a background of mystery, but it does make a tonne of sense this way 🤩
Thank you KA for bringing this into the light 😊 game changer!
This is very interesting. I mostly find myself resorting to magic when I have come to the end of all my mundane options: it's my desperate last resort. So I'm really stressed when I do it--which might explain why it so rarely works for me! It's like when my therapist tells me to practice a technique while I'm calm so that I already know how to do it when I'm distressed, rather than waiting to try it until I'm already upset. ....I hate practicing. lol Edit: I'm glad you talked about spellcraft being draining, because part of the reason I haven't done much of it is that I have fibromyalgia and I'm just tired ALL THE TIME. I just don't have the energy/enthusiasm for it that I need.
I do forget that spell craft is an option for me, but most of the time I don't try to cast spells because I simply don't have the time or energy to put into it. If I do decide to cast a spell I have to plan for it weeks in advance and save the date in my schedule. For this reason I usually cast more broad-scope, generalized spells having to do with the higher self rather than specific intentioned ones such as for money or love. Its usually around a holiday, and I just feel like if I'm going to devote the time I want to make it work for me in a broad way.. However, this is something I hope to change as I eventually get my daily rhythms more ironed out. I'd like to cast for money just to see what happens.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Kelly-Ann!
I have the same problem in forgetting I have all the tools of sigils/spellcraft at my disposal. So reassuring others have similar paradigms.
You DIRECTLY speak to my path, and it is so deeply appreciated. Blessings and respect, sister
Nothing unethical doing Magick for fun... I look at Magick for fun as being practice... practice helps one gain confidence and understanding of what works to manifest the goal. And yes for quite some time the option to use spell-craft was not something I thought about to change a situation. That however was a great growth spurt when I began to utilize it. It is important to me to do what I can in the physical to help something along ... it doesn’t feel right to “sit on my hands” while letting “magick” do the work... I guess it has something to do with then not feeling worthy of the needed outcome. .... great vlog!
"Spells for funsies"...I love you. I actually burst out laughing in my car, driving down the freeway. Your videos are the best. 💕😘💕🦄💕
Oh man you've been so helpful to me in the last couple months, can't wait to dig into this ❤
This is so funny that you brought this up and that so many people can relate to that moment where we just forget Spellcraft is in our toolbox at all time! I was just thinking about it this week! It is there to enjoy any day, any time and doesn't need to be reserved for periods of crisis. I certainly do forget about it sometimes. I think it has to do with the fact that staying in inaction has been a big issue for me in the past. I want my spiritual practice to be as healthy for me as it can be so now my focus remains on plans that need to be mostly Action oriented at all times. I forget sometimes though that there is external actions as well as "internal" actions and that both work in pair. To me Spellcraft is a very good complementary element to prepare yourself for "battle". It's like wearing that big fluffy scarf that can change the whole deal during a very cold winter day. (I'm Canadian so sorry this was the instinctual comparison I could come up with hahaha). Anyway, Great video as always! Thank you for your insights ❤
You aren't the only one who has forgotten they're a witch and can do something magickally about it. I do that all the freaking time, and I've been witching for over 20 years. 🤣
I sometimes forget about spellwork too, tbh. I get so wrapped up in the stress of the situation and I fixate so much on what earth work needs to be done, sometimes I forget that I can sometimes take matters into my own hands in a different way. I relate a lot to what you said about using spellcraft to change yourself internally rather than to change what's happening around you externally. I also find that doing spellwork to influence my mood/energy/ability, rather than doing spellwork that requires no effort on my end, ultimately helps me grow more as a witch/person (and keeps me from being lazy, which I can be sometimes).
I completely agree. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. Thanks for sharing & much love.
My father is one of those people who used to go to a spirit healer for his ailments every now and then, without ever trying to actively help his health on his own and get acquainted with the issues rather than pushing them away instantly. Unsurprisingly, the issues always came back - that's why I have great doubts about the ethics of casting healing magic on others. Interfering with someone's life with an intention of your own (even if it is just to make the ailment go away or get better) feels wrong to me. However, the way you describe it, I'm on board with it: Sending someone the strength to deal with an issue or the perceptiveness to listen to the message a certain ailment might have for them makes much more sense to me. Thank you for that reminder, it reassured me!
So many good points here, Kelly, thank you! Greetings from The coast of Maine, where the ocean and all of its magick take a top spot in my “practice”. Most of what happens with me is natural or “accidental”. I don’t perform direct spells, but I think I take the “teach a man to fish” approach trying to pave the path for the “earth work” that you talk about. I’ve always felt if I were more focused and used a few extra tools for that magick boost, I’d be more successful. But for now, I’m just winging it! (And getting into tarot/oracle cards thanks to your inspiration!). I’ve designed a few creative and decorative “signs” to put around the house as reminders of things to enhance and sculpt daily rituals and routines. I think I will include one now that says “don’t forget the spell” or something along those lines!!!! Maybe that will remind me that I need to start creating my own spells with my own flare and energy to manifest the positive results I’m looking for in the world. Thanks for the continued inspiration! Many blessings to you and yours 🌛🌝🌜
I'm watching this way later than I wanted to, but something stuck out - Earth Work. I love that definition. Absolutely love it, perfect description for the actual physical work that is needed in spellwork/prayer. Awesome as always. :)
Spell work is mainly my last resort and it's generally along the lines of hey divine it's not working out here can I have a push in the right direction or there's a struggle doing this awesome vibes and added strength is needed. Magic for funsies I've done it in the past but I've found the best results for me is when I have fun actually doing the spell/ ritual it took me a while to find the balance of having the fun and keeping it respectful the only time it's any different is when I do ritual before shadow work.
Totally love and agree with your comments on playing with magic/spells. I truly believe it’s a brilliant way to learn and gives so much room for growth, learning your strengths and weakness, finding new ways to do things. I respect other people’s choices, but I would always encourage practice and playing around when asked - I just say do it with a solid foundation of understanding, both of yourself and your morals, and of what kind of energies etc you may encounter. ☺️ Always fabulous. xxx
Fascinating discussion about spells +/- "earth work" (love that term, btw)! I don't know that I'd cast with the intention that I do no work at all... but I would definitely cast with the intention of the work feeling easy and playful/fun. I would ask that obstacles in my path be cleared so that the work I do put in is amplified. Because I don't feel like "hard work" is necessary in and of itself, like to "prove" to the Universe I deserve a particular outcome. However, I do feel matching the vibration is critical. 🌈🌈🌈
well.. i am a bit late to the party here LOL!!!
But completely with you Kelly-Ann!
Yes, I always always cast spells to help others... and i have no doubt about doing anything wrong... It's all positive and high vibes. So tick the box with that one :)
To be honest, the only reason I do spell work is to bring about or enhance traits that will help achieve my, (or others) goal.. alongside the final goal as well. Asking for focus, intelligence, courage, physical and emotional healing is how i run. I always add a bit of luck in the mix too. I don't think of doing spell work simply to manifest "material things"... Maybe cos I have never been at such a "low" point materialistically? But definitely, I think spell casting is about connecting with our universe and asking for assistance to become higher developed beings. We need to learn and evolve, and spells shouldn't be a means of manifesting an "easy- cruisy" lifestyle. Having said that, I have used "banishing spells" as a "booster" usually to remove anxiety, fear and disease. I wouldn't dare try to hex (despite being tempted at times)... I have faith that the universe will give these awful people their just rewards when and where it will hurt them the most.
Your comment about ego is spot on! Sometimes we just don't know or understand what is truly right for us.
Usually, any ritual or major spell for me is a process. There is quite a bit of prep beforehand, meditation, thanks to deities etc etc.... and the finale is working and casting the spell... And yep.. it is work! If you are throwing energy out into the Universe, of course you will feel a bit spent. But as you say, going for a walk and "wishing" for some little thing to crop up is also a form of spell casting.. these are actions/habits that have followed us from childhood... and we all know that these childhood magical moments are the real deal!
I think you perfectly covered all aspects on this topic Kelly-Ann... thank you :)
I am definitely on board with casting, too get out of my own fucking way. In fact, that is what is necessary at the moment, because clearly at least to me, I have some strong ego attachments and to some fears that have been for venting certain things in our life from coming to fruition
Where do you do some examples of spell work, and how you would go about doing a ritual for several topics? I miss Joey Morrises working which series, because that was really helpful and inspiring It would be awesome if you did a series like that
I've always been fascinated by the spellcraft side of witchcraft. Everytime I would read in fiction and non-fiction about spellcasting, I would get very excited and somewhat envious of their bravery because I find it soooo intimidating and awkward to do! I ''label'' myself as a witch since a couple years already, but done only 3 or 4 complete spells actually, most of them related to a sabbat or because I was in a situation in which I felt powerless. I keep telling myself that I should just jump in and try it for fun/more mundane purpose, but I tend to overcomplicate or overthink it and the urge goes away... So you are not alone on the non-spellcrafting club! Someday I'll stop thinking about it and really walk the walk, to see what's on that side of things.
I’m not sure why, but I have only ever cast a spell when a life defining moment has been blocked and I have done everything mundane and now I need the universe to come and aid me.
In all other instances I’ve been hesitant to do a spell - it’s such an effort in time and energy. I don’t really want to use it on trying to get a car or attract some lover. There’s a lot of other, deeper things that probably require that effort and underlie why you can’t get those things without the use of elaborate spell casting.
Saying all that, I am constantly debating with myself wether I should actually do some spell work to get out of the jams I find myself in 🤦🏻♀️
I would love to hear more about how you protect yourself from yourself!
As usual, this video was one big, "preach, sister!" for me lol! Thank your for sharing
I definitely forget I can use spell craft to help certain situations. So happy to hear I’m not alone 💜
I never even think of doing the spellwork to empower myself. I do the obvious spellwork and footwork but I must keep this other area in mind.
"You can still use quick and dirty magic..." I love this, I totally busted out laughing. I love how you take it to the next level though. As usual very solid advice. Thank you, you are appreciated. 🦄🦉🦊🔮☄🌹😘
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. I am new to all of this and appreciate your insights.
Thanks for making this hun, enjoyed! I can never resist a conversation about spellcrafting. I liked and agreed with what you said about casting spells for funsies and it reminds me of something Jason Miller talks about in his latest book The Elements of Spellcrafting: 21 Keys to Successful Sorcery. Casting for fun is a good experiment. The book also mentions casting for things we don't feel we deserve, and all the possible ramifications of that, something I found really interesting. Love and blessings to you x
Oooh, that sounds like a good book and an important convo to have (about casting for that which we feel we are not worthy). Always lovely to see you, doll! x
Yeah I recommend all his books and some of his courses, it's a great and humorous read that challenges quite a lot of popular ideas about spellcasting that so many of us who read a lot of books in the 90's are familiar with and may still be influenced by. Lovely to speak to you of course! We need a catch up. I keep telling myself I will make some UA-cam videos again at some point, it's been 7 or 8 bloody months now!!! Xxx
I forget about spell craft too! At some point after I've tried everything else I will remember, oh yeah! Spells are a thing! Love your videos so much 💋
Oh!! Yes, a kick in the ass spell. I believe that's what I'm looking for ~ thank you ☺
I tend to go to cards and journaling and not use many spells. I do totally forget that option lol!
Yes -- I'm always forgetting I can use spells for help -- I turn to my cards, crystals, and spirit guides -- but don't use spellcraft as quickly.
the more "CLEAR" i become, the less i need to envoke/evoke other beings for example or inspiration; therefore i handle the a situation kind of like having faith to walk on water like Peter did not. believe in yourself! yer pretty freakin' in touch with reality, and are a very considerate and complicative lady. sincere dearheart you are!
I loved this! About 20 mins in I was thinking I’d do a VR (I’m another witch who sometimes forgets I can cast). Then by the end I realised there was no point - you said everything I wanted to say 😄
Thank you Kelly-Ann, this is amazing, as always!! You are truly are such an inspiration(I know you hear it all the time, but you deserve it)!!!! Oooooh, how would you do a kick yourself in the @$$ spell/becoming an energetic match spell? I’m definitely a forget-I-can-do-spells person too and am all about the self-development/challenge one’s self journey ✨
PS: you look so sophisticated here ☺️
OMGoddess yes! I have been practicing for nearly 20 years and I still often forget that I can use spell craft/ritual as part of my strategy, especially when I am dealing with problems that are pretty emotionally heavy. I often struggle on with those kind of issues and more than once a witchy friend has had to remind me its a tool that I have available to me.
Having said that I personally feel that magic for “funsies” is so important! If you don’t practice for the sake of practicing how do you know what works for you and become “better” at it? If you only cast for a serious need without ever having figured out what works for you then you may not have the necessary skills/experience to get the results you are aiming for.
'If you don’t practice for the sake of practicing how do you know what works for you and become “better” at it? If you only cast for a serious need without ever having figured out what works for you then you may not have the necessary skills/experience to get the results you are aiming for.'
I don’t do spells very often but when I do I must do Earth work too. Otherwise for me it just wouldn’t work. Or as u say would probably be very short lived if it did indeed work.
💜 great video , interesting and inspiring as always ⭐️
Oh my goodness I needed this video. I forget my own power ALLLL the time. I LOVE the idea of spellwork "for funsies"!! Sounds like a great way to get myself back into the practice of it.
I tend to agree with your thoughts on earth work... seems a bit silly to do a spell for something when some simple secular/worldly actions might've done the trick (although I also think that a spell can be a wonderful compliment to that work). Plus I think if I come to a spell with the intention of bypassing the work necessary to get to a certain place, or achieve a result, then am I really ready for that result? I feel like I'm sending a very counter-productive vibe if I do that. It's actually a primary reason I choose not to do a spell.
I find that the spells I do on myself are BY FAR the most effective. And I love the idea of doing that instead of another kind of spell, when you realize you're over-relying on magick for whatever it is.
I tend to not hesitate when it comes to spells for/on others, mostly because 99% of the time it's for positive/constructive reasons. I very rarely do something with the intention of hurting another, and when I do, frankly, it's more than justified :p
"This or better" and "highest good" are phrases I use a lot... and actually should use more.
Yes, I love what you said about your intentions being 'constructive' in relation to casting for others. It's not that hard to know when you are working ethically with no insidious underlying agenda, plus, as I mentioned in my video, you can cast to assist peeps in THEIR dreams rather than CHOOSING their dreams for them, so what is the harm?
Spelling and crafting have there places for sure. The word 'edge' was used a lot. Craft work and casting gives some the edge and others it gives them just the personal belief in themselves to get the job done. If the task at hand is done with success intention in any accomplishment gets the ball rolling.
I get the same brain farts as well! Totally forget spell work could help with a certain situation:) I as well feel it’s more important (for myself) to only cast if earth work is going to be part of the plan. Especially since I deal with anxiety and depression, if I didn’t focus on personal growth I feel not incorporating earth work would allow myself to be able to withdraw from the world even when I very much want to be a part of it :) it can be difficult to do the earth work part but is so important to me
Oh I need a spell for getting out of my own way!! I'm a carer and put others first, especially with magic. That damn block is hard to overcome and needs magical help but I get in my own way lol or actually place others there!
I'm surprised how often I forget that spellcraft is A Thing That I Can DO. Mostly because these days the things I want to apply magic to are very overwhelming, internal things and the idea of adding some serious mojo to the pile is just... Scary. There are some things I don't want to touch with a meter-long pole in terms of magic because I'm afraid of screwing up and making things even worse.
I should try casting for owls and see what happens! :D Make spells fun, rather than scary. (I just did a quick "Show me 7" test and my peanut butter jar delivered within seconds and in bright yellow! Many giggles!)
Definitely forget magick is a thing. Partly because I place a lot of restrictions on when and why I use it. I ultimately believe in a certain cosmic order and I believe shit grows flowers, so just because something is inconvenient or challenging or painful does not mean it is useless. I believe most of the time, "earth work" as you call it is good for us and helps us grow and learn, so even if I could do some spellwork to change or encourage a certain end, I don't believe I always know what SHOULD happen, and that I might miss out on a lesson or a crucial experience by getting what I want. However, when I don't feel I'm benefiting from a challenging situation and I just feel stuck, that's when I think I should turn to spellwork, but then I forget to do so! For example, I'm glad I saw this video today because I think I need to keep in mind spellwork as one way to address my current unemployment and my households dwindling financial resources. I've actually never done a spell like that before, but I'll give it a try...
I do a lot of mundane magic, but I do have situations in which I forget that I could write a spell or do a more elaborate magicking.
kick ass everyday and go to bed exhausted. you will sleep so well. its good to hear you speak. you help my concentration. so interesting to listen to for me.
I think the forgetfulness is because of the veil interaction. Kelly I have a question for you. In theory sacrificial offerings can be very powerful, what happens to the ones who die wearing a common symbol such as a flag? Would a Death Flag work as a sigil to power a spell if a soldier dies? It’s a theory I’ve been wondering for a long time. What do you think?
I know you probably won't see this since it's an older video but awesome video and links. Thank you. You put a lot of work into these. Are you drained after filming or does it energize you? 🌸
Yes sometimes I forget all about I could use a spell. Then someone will say can’t you do a spell for that and I will think well yes. Why didn’t I think of that. I’m relating with this.
It was great. Thank you. I took it all in.
I would love more about the kick myself in the ass spell, as well as more about "earth work" (google leads me to engineering). Spells for paperwork -- my mind is being blown. thankyou!
One week later, and I'm still chewing over what you've shared here -- thank you -- it's been such an 'ah ha!' for me.
I only recently started doing spells for money and motivation and let me tell you. Things have changed so much. I'm wondering why did it take me so long to include it in my practice!
in my opinion, I don't use spells enough. You're definitely not alone in forgetting that spellcraft is an option! But, when I do do spells I tend to do them for long term work and for major things. I find that at this point in my path I don't even need to cast a spell for the smaller things. For example, I really wanted a tattoo; my work is mindless as I'm a student so it's a flexible part-time job and I was sorting out boxes thinking about this tattoo that I wanted and how much money I needed for it. In the next half hour, my manager asked me to work a few days that would earn me the money for the tattoo.
i find that this is why I don't cast spells all that much lol.
I definitely forget also. Then I realize "Oh yeah!" 🤣
This is an invitation to see a theory on the physics of light and time!
What would be the best spell for anxiety? I know some use crystals or spell jars, but I would love to hear from you and the community.
I forget I can do spell-craft ALL. THE. TIME.
I definitely also find that earthwork is absolutely necessary or the outcome is quite small?
Oh too funny. Forgetting that I can do a spell and when it dawns on me I’m shocked that I didn’t remember
Yeah I am a nurse (student) and for me my work is sacred but I never cast any spells or others without their permission. To me it crosses my professional boundaries. However I will pray for my patients occasionally but in general i try keeping the sacred energy within me. Like using myself as a catalyst of sorts to bring that healing energy into their lives. It's hard to explain but for me forcing people into being in my practice just gives me flash backs of my Christian upbringing and that's something I'm not about.
may your cup overflow with love and comfort. blessings.
Please talk more about what a "kick up the ass" spell for one's self might involve. Asking for a friend...
You said, some people think you should never do magic just to see if it works and I'm like.... why not?
That doesn't even make sense to me. Experimentation and study is such an important part of Magick. "Magick for funzies" is exactly that. Even if it's for fun, it's a great learning experience.
That's like saying, you can't play the piano just for fun! Or if you do you don't take it seriously as a craft.
I don't want to say anything bad about others who feel differently but it just doesn't make sense to me.
our blessings come usually when we least expect it; and its not what we would expect sometimes. lots of times, when patient the result is much better.
Somehow someway thank you inside and out thank you 🦂😉💚
Happens to me all the time!
Excellent points.
I know exactly what you mean!! I do the same thing!!
paused 5 minutes in to say yessssss to the witchy brain fart!
I just thought "Does England have beaches?" Then I realized how dumb I am.
i was going to have cookies. now i want cherry pie! MAGICK!
I love you honey fae!💛💜🌈
micro macro. as above is below. as below is above.
develop multiple streams of income if possible to stay away from financial fear.
Put a spell so more people wear velvet and buy vinegar
Parsons did plenty of "EARTH WORK" i'd say. rockets and jet engines are quite real.
Love. No love spells 🐵