It is because many others who have no heart of no understanding and nothing human inside them are just full of ignorance to all the good that's in this world the same as the good of this beautiful song. You see because in the real world thees those who's love did not turn out as they thought. And it was a very bad love. So they belive because it did not work out for them it won't for everyone else. I always like to believe there's a candle that does shine for those who do need it. Many of us are the candle on the water that will shine always in the storms. And we shine out to who does really need our Light.
RIP Helen Reddy. This might indeed be my favorite Disney song ever. My mother used to sing this to her children when we were little. Prayers from one musician to another.
I saw this movie when I was a kid and have loved it for this song, ever since. I have her "Ruby Red Dress" as my ringtone. She's missed. A definite icon.
I’ve been listening to this all through 2020 and even said a few days ago that this was one of my favorite Disney songs. I used to sing it constantly as a child. This has been my 2020 anthem to my friends struggling during the pandemic. I noticed any time I sing or hum it, my son will kick inside of me. Her passing was a shock and filled me with sadness, but then this song comes on and a flame of remembrance flickers and makes me smile.
This is arguably the best song from the film. It works on two levels: on the surface, Nora is singing to Paul that she still believes he's out there, and that she'll never give up on him. However, she is also singing to Pete that he doesn't have to keep running forever. Hence the lyric "Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn."
@billnumber3324 I know i grew up this movie is my childhood favorite movie with my favorite childhood song candle on the water by Helen Reddy is been my favorite singer when sings this song Candle on the Water. And I love it thank you.
Ethan Nielsen , CHICKEN SOUP? , 😂😂😂😂 obviously not a Vegetarian ? Maybe Vegetable , Leek or even Mushroom Soup ? , everything has to be correct or you will be pissing people off 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I had to listen to this. I heard Helen Reddy just passed away which truly saddens me. I loved her music and I loved her singing in Pete's Dragon especially this one!
Even though we never see Paul until the end of the film, you can tell by this song that they had a pretty strong relationship. That's the beauty of good storytelling.
I remember saying to my parents the first time we watched it "I bet Paul will come back!" and they all thought he wouldn't. I just knew they wouldn't leave Nora all alone at the end!
I enjoyed this movie in the TV edit, where they moved this song to the opening credits and cut this scene. It brings the whole film to a screeching halt. The DVD version was pretty bad by comparison.
I saw this movie in the theater as a VERY young kid. I don't remember much about the movie, but I remember this song and the image of the lighthouse as a candle on the water. It was years later that I learned it was Helen Reddy singing it.
Never apreciated how amazing these songs are as a kid. Now as an adult I can't help but admired how much quality went into each song that made each of them so memorable. I feel like no one brings up this movie anymore and that's a real shame. Such a classic.
She is singing to Paul. This song is about not giving up hope, undying love, and faith. This song is made perfect by the flawless voice of Ms. Reddy. Can you tell I love this song!
It should have, but it was up against the horribly effusive "You Light Up My Life." In its time,, "You Light Up My Life" was THE song. Nowadays, people would be embarrassed to admit they ever liked that song, and rightly so. "Candle on the Water" might have lost to "You Light Up My Life," but I think it would win a popularity contest against "You Light Up My Life" TODAY, hands down.
I was kind of on the fence about the character of Nora in Pete's Dragon. Paul had been lost for over a year, yet she was still carrying the torch for him. There's being optimistic and then there's being "unrealistic," as her father Lampey put it in a horribly cruel moment. If you're going to still hold out for someone who vanished without a trace over a year ago, I'm going to start questioning your sanity. But then again, her father's a certifiable loon, much like Belle's dad in Beauty and the Beast. So, it wouldn't be hard to see where she gets it from. But then again, Paul came back, so I guess she was right. Perhaps some intuition told her that he would come back.
Really? Lol How strange. I don't think a year would be long at all if someone just vanished. It's not like you know they're dead.. plus travel and communication time wasn't like it is now. I do know someone who's friend disappeared 6 years ago and they're still looking.. which yes I might agree is unrealistic.. but when they don't know what happened they just don't get that sense of closure or finality that you would with proof of death or something.
I think I relate to this song more than I did when I was a child. in this song Nora was singing about her lost lover who had vanished a year before in a storm and had not been heard from since. she is singing about not giving up hope that the man she loves will return to her. I think I relate to this song because I have hopes that this pandemic will end
I remember I was absolutely drawn to this song the first time I saw the movie on VHS with my family. I remember hoping that somehow wherever he was Paul heard Nora's prayers and would return to her at the end. although toward the end Nora was beginning to give up hope that Paul would return to her it all turned out right in the end.
This song is so beautiful. I never heard it till last year. Her voice is so pure and smooth. It’s like the best voice to represent an encouraging parent.
❣️❣️❣️ I missed u as soon as I heard u weren't on this Earth anymore Helen. I want to thank you for sharing your angelic voice with us, and I thank God that You were living in the Same Era as me.. because you made it that much More Special.. RIP Helen~ ❣️
just got the news. I never knew much about this woman or her career as a whole, but this was always a special song from one of my first favorite Disney movies. rest easy, Helen Reddy.
I knew about Helen Reddy, but I actually had no idea this was Helen Reddy in the movie. It never clicked for me until I came back to it much later in my life.
I heard this song for the first time a few days ago and it’s been stuck in my head ever since. Her voice is so beautiful and exudes such a sense of peace
My grandmother was a great pianist, but she stopped playing as much as she got older. one day, she randomly played this song for my father before she died unexpectedly a few days later. This was my dad's favorite movie as a kid, and this final moment with his mother really meant a lot to him. 13 years later, my father passed away, and my sister played this song on the harp at his funeral. Listening to this helps me remember him ❤️
Always loved this song, watched Pete's Dragon many times with our kids when they were growing up. RIP Helen Reddy, you have been an impressive influence on many.
So glad I grew up in the 70s. Seeing this in the movie theater. Listening to Helen on the am radio. Her voice so effortlessly perfect. Great iconic lady. I'm sure she is still singin everyday in heaven.
I adore lighthouses. A friend told me of this movie and I watched this one scene of a lady singing on a beautiful lighthouse that I later found out was built only for this movie. I am in my forties now and I never heard of this movie. If I did, I was too busy playing outside as a child of the 70s. I don't know how I missed this one. The lady singing on a lighthouse and the lyrics have a special meaning for me. There are special people in my life and I know when this song was sung, my mother was living and doing what mother's did back then. She was my candle on the water and still is. Someday we will meet again.
I loved this movie as a kid. Watched it again on Disney+ for the first time in ages a few months ago. Helen Reddy played Nora perfectly...made her into that cool mother-like figure who always felt like a protector. And she could sing too! RIP Helen.
Funny, I’ve never actually seen Pete’s Dragon but I had this song on my Disney cassette as a kid and I actually thought the lyrics sounded more like the kind of thing a mother would sing to her child rather than a love song.
One of my favourite Disney songs ever. Very sad to hear of the passing of this talented lady. So talented and one of the most beautiful voices we ever had in the industry.
This song made me cry when I was a kid, and here come the tears again, even my nose is running, jeeesh i love this woman. I'll be your candle on the water My love for you will always burn I know you're lost and drifting But the clouds are lifting Don't give up you have somewhere to turn I'll be your candle on the water 'Till ev'ry wave is warm and bright My soul is there beside you Let this candle guide you Soon you'll see a golden stream of light A cold and friendless tide has found you Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down I'll paint a ray of hope around you Circling in the air Lighted by a prayer I'll be your candle on the water This flame inside of me will grow Keep holding on you'll make it Here's my hand so take it Look for me reaching out to show As sure as rivers flow I'll never let you go I'll never let you go I'll never let you go...
I used to have a cassette with disney songs. I literally remember as a 4/5 year old, I adored this song. Her voice is so comforting. We are all living in such strange times right now and this song and her beautiful voice is just what we need to remember everthing will be okay x
I've held this song in my heart for at least 20 years (I'm 22 BTW), and I'm never letting go of it. "Pete's Dragon" will always be one of my childhood favorites. :'-)
I'll be your candle on the water My love for you will always burn I know you're lost and drifting But the clouds are lifting Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn I'll be your candle on the water 'Till every wave is warm and bright My soul is there beside you Let this candle guide you Soon you'll see a golden stream of light A cold and friendless tide has found you Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down I'll paint a ray of hope around you Circling in the air, lighted by a prayer I'll be your candle on the water This flame inside of me will grow Keep holding on, you'll make it Here's my hand, so take it Look for me reaching out to show As sure as rivers flow I'll never let you go I'll never let you go I'll never let you go What a beautiful song, absolute classic film and what a beautiful voice Nora has 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
My mom loved this song as well and would often sing it to me as a lullaby too coincidentally; tears are streaming down my face after multiple listening to this song
my nieces, brother in law, and I were listening to this on Sunday, it was my sister and brother in laws' 45th wedding anniversary and my beautiful sister passed away in March from Covid,, my nieces had never heard this beautiful song before, we were all in tears because we knew my sister was here with us, smiling down at us,, it was a beautiful day
This is so amazing and sweet. She waits for him even though everyone tells her she's crazy and he's gone. They don't make movies like this anymore, every "romance" movie now is like cheating... constant problems... they hate each other.
Exactly. Even her own father Lampie was telling her that she was crazy to wait for Paul to come back. Right before this scene he said "Here you are waiting for somebody to come back, they're aint just going to come back."
My 6th grade music teacher picked me out of both classes to represent our school @ our towns Spring Sing. Nervous? For an 11 year old that was trying to make it in life? Yeah just a little, especially looking up to a packed gymnasium full of parents, but, one parent in particular was my own, my Dad. I’ll never ever ever forget the pleased look on his face. I’ll never forget having to maintain my composure and not cry. I was raised to be tough, but, still allowed to cry. I love this song and I love my Dad.
RIP Helen. I fell in love with you the year this movie came out. I lost my mom and saw this and it touched my heart in ways you can't imagine. Rest well.
This song is far to deep and emotional for any normal kids film. Thats what makes Disney different. Theres something so beautiful and magical in every note of this song.
I saw Pete’s Dragon for numerous childhood birthday parties in 1977. I was 10 at the time and although the song in the film stopped the mayhem and crazy storyline of the rest of the movie, even at 10 years old we knew the song was special. It still holds up. RIP Helen Reddy.
wow what a powerful metaphor this song is. I believe this song fits with the idea that a woman can clear a beautiful and concise plan in life for any man. my grandfather was a savage drunk untill he met his wife., and this song reminds me of his path. Amen and Rest in Peace Helen
Helen Reddy had a beautiful voice. I grew up in the 70's listening to her music. I always enjoyed "Pete's Dragon" as a kid however as an adult this song has much more meaning to me. Rest in Peace Helen.
Such a beautiful song. I first heard it on a cassette mix tape of Disney songs I had as a kid in the '90s. Had no idea what the context was or what film it was from, but even without those things, I could hear the deep love and devotion the character had for her beloved. Helen had an amazing voice. Rest in peace.
Just upon hearing of Helen Reddy’s recent passing, it sadly reminded me of my cousin’s own passing back in 2012. It was my cousin who introduced me to this movie when we were little kids in the early 90s. I never owned Pete’s Dragon, so she had a VHS copy of her own and used to play it at her house whenever I came to visit. Miss you, Kristine. And respect to you, Helen Reddy. Rest well, wonderful talent...
I'm listening to this after learning of Helen's passing. She had such an angelic voice, rest in peace Helen.
She's in Heaven right now.
She’s the candle on the water for the world right now 😢🕯
RIP Helen.
"Bill N" She and Mac Davis died only hours apart.
Really sad. I liked her so much.
This is such a beautiful song, and I feel like it's one of those Disney songs that is under appreciated.
It is because many others who have no heart of no understanding and nothing human inside them are just full of ignorance to all the good that's in this world the same as the good of this beautiful song. You see because in the real world thees those who's love did not turn out as they thought. And it was a very bad love. So they belive because it did not work out for them it won't for everyone else. I always like to believe there's a candle that does shine for those who do need it. Many of us are the candle on the water that will shine always in the storms. And we shine out to who does really need our Light.
I totally agree
Such a good song
One of my favorite from Helen Reddy.
RIP Helen Reddy. This might indeed be my favorite Disney song ever. My mother used to sing this to her children when we were little. Prayers from one musician to another.
I saw this movie when I was a kid and have loved it for this song, ever since. I have her "Ruby Red Dress" as my ringtone. She's missed. A definite icon.
Beautiful song, reminding us all that when things seem darkest, there will be a better time ahead. RIP Ms. Reddy.
Agreed. It's such a beautiful song. It's a shame that it's not a higher profile in Disney's catalog.
you read my mind
I’ve been listening to this all through 2020 and even said a few days ago that this was one of my favorite Disney songs. I used to sing it constantly as a child. This has been my 2020 anthem to my friends struggling during the pandemic. I noticed any time I sing or hum it, my son will kick inside of me. Her passing was a shock and filled me with sadness, but then this song comes on and a flame of remembrance flickers and makes me smile.
All these years later, this song is still a banger.
This is my favorite Disney movie. I can watch it over and over again. And this is one of my favorite songs.
Rest in peace Helen. Our love for you will always burn. We'll never let you go.
My soul is there beside you. :)
This is arguably the best song from the film. It works on two levels: on the surface, Nora is singing to Paul that she still believes he's out there, and that she'll never give up on him. However, she is also singing to Pete that he doesn't have to keep running forever. Hence the lyric "Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn."
@billnumber3324 I know i grew up this movie is my childhood favorite movie with my favorite childhood song candle on the water by Helen Reddy is been my favorite singer when sings this song Candle on the Water. And I love it thank you.
Ngl this song always felt more like platonic love than romantic love to me
I like Every Little Piece best!
It's 2024 and this song still hits the heart.... ❤
Hearing Helen Reddy sing ‘Candle on the Water’ is like Chicken Soup for the Soul, especially at times like these.
You are so right
hugs & heal, woman!
Ironic, that's on one of their CDs.
Ethan Nielsen , CHICKEN SOUP? , 😂😂😂😂 obviously not a Vegetarian ? Maybe Vegetable , Leek or even Mushroom Soup ? , everything has to be correct or you will be pissing people off 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I had to listen to this. I heard Helen Reddy just passed away which truly saddens me. I loved her music and I loved her singing in Pete's Dragon especially this one!
Even though we never see Paul until the end of the film, you can tell by this song that they had a pretty strong relationship. That's the beauty of good storytelling.
I remember saying to my parents the first time we watched it "I bet Paul will come back!" and they all thought he wouldn't. I just knew they wouldn't leave Nora all alone at the end!
@@janeray8742 I felt the same way too when I first saw this movie with my family years ago. I knew Paul would come back.
I have the DVD and Paul does appear in the middle, with amnesia, until his bed falls apart and he gets his memory back.
I enjoyed this movie in the TV edit, where they moved this song to the opening credits and cut this scene. It brings the whole film to a screeching halt. The DVD version was pretty bad by comparison.
RIP Helen Reddy
One of the most underrated Disney songs ever
Agreed. Same can be said for the movie itself.
It should have been an Academy Award Winning Song.
Patrick E Totally agree. One of my favorites!
I saw this movie in the theater as a VERY young kid. I don't remember much about the movie, but I remember this song and the image of the lighthouse as a candle on the water. It was years later that I learned it was Helen Reddy singing it.
Patrick E agreed.
Never apreciated how amazing these songs are as a kid. Now as an adult I can't help but admired how much quality went into each song that made each of them so memorable. I feel like no one brings up this movie anymore and that's a real shame. Such a classic.
One of the most underrated songs in all of Disney and by far the best song in the movie.
Irwin Kostal did the music in the film. Jerry Goldsmith was another composer!. From Joe. X
RIP to an amazing singer and more importantly, a wholesome, talented and beautiful woman. May your candle always burn bright, in our hearts
Well said. 👏
The BEST song in Pete's Dragon IMHO!!!!! Totally moving and uplifting!!!!!!! The music is filled with tenderness!!!!
thks for the hearts!
This was one a favorite movie of my sister and I when we were kids. RIP Sissy, someday you'll be my candle. 😪😪
Beautiful comment
Sorry for your loss Nate
Aaaww Nate that's beautiful I'm sorry for your loss too.
Nate Burger sad
I actually sang this song as an audition song for the school musical once. I got the lead role. I love the emotion in this song.
This woman is probably the most underrated female pop singer of all time! The Queen of 70s Pop at her best!
This song is not pop
Oh, Helen Reddy was a terrific singer; pretty good actress too, I hear. Most of her acting work was done on Australian television.
She wasn't back then I assure you. She lives a simple life now.
You are so right, has a such a great voice!
She is singing to Paul. This song is about not giving up hope, undying love, and faith. This song is made perfect by the flawless voice of Ms. Reddy. Can you tell I love this song!
It got an Oscar nomination too.
Should have won
It should have, but it was up against the horribly effusive "You Light Up My Life." In its time,, "You Light Up My Life" was THE song. Nowadays, people would be embarrassed to admit they ever liked that song, and rightly so. "Candle on the Water" might have lost to "You Light Up My Life," but I think it would win a popularity contest against "You Light Up My Life" TODAY, hands down.
I was kind of on the fence about the character of Nora in Pete's Dragon. Paul had been lost for over a year, yet she was still carrying the torch for him. There's being optimistic and then there's being "unrealistic," as her father Lampey put it in a horribly cruel moment. If you're going to still hold out for someone who vanished without a trace over a year ago, I'm going to start questioning your sanity. But then again, her father's a certifiable loon, much like Belle's dad in Beauty and the Beast. So, it wouldn't be hard to see where she gets it from.
But then again, Paul came back, so I guess she was right. Perhaps some intuition told her that he would come back.
Really? Lol How strange. I don't think a year would be long at all if someone just vanished. It's not like you know they're dead.. plus travel and communication time wasn't like it is now. I do know someone who's friend disappeared 6 years ago and they're still looking.. which yes I might agree is unrealistic.. but when they don't know what happened they just don't get that sense of closure or finality that you would with proof of death or something.
RIP Helen Reddy... You were so fantastic... Thank You for sharing your gifts with the World...
Listening to this song with tears streaming down my face. A rare and beautiful soul.
Who’s listening in 2020? Beautiful song!
😱WHAT, THERES A REMAKE???? I never even seen the original 🤯🤯🤯
I think I relate to this song more than I did when I was a child.
in this song Nora was singing about her lost lover who had vanished a year before in a storm and had not been heard from since. she is singing about not giving up hope that the man she loves will return to her.
I think I relate to this song because I have hopes that this pandemic will end
I remember I was absolutely drawn to this song the first time I saw the movie on VHS with my family. I remember hoping that somehow wherever he was Paul heard Nora's prayers and would return to her at the end.
although toward the end Nora was beginning to give up hope that Paul would return to her it all turned out right in the end.
My voice lessons teacher has told me to see if I like this song
I also recommend checking out the Miracle Musical version... it has a more electric tone but it is also really good
This song is so beautiful. I never heard it till last year. Her voice is so pure and smooth. It’s like the best voice to represent an encouraging parent.
❣️❣️❣️ I missed u as soon as I heard u weren't on this Earth anymore Helen. I want to thank you for sharing your angelic voice with us, and I thank God that You were living in the Same Era as me.. because you made it that much More Special.. RIP Helen~ ❣️
just got the news. I never knew much about this woman or her career as a whole, but this was always a special song from one of my first favorite Disney movies. rest easy, Helen Reddy.
Exact same!
She had a long career as a pop singer, being a superstar in the 70s. She had many hits.
I knew about Helen Reddy, but I actually had no idea this was Helen Reddy in the movie. It never clicked for me until I came back to it much later in my life.
Recommend checking out the movie “I am Woman”
I'd recommend that you watch "I Am Woman." It's her life story and it's on Netflix. Definitely worth watching!⭐⭐⭐⭐
I heard this song for the first time a few days ago and it’s been stuck in my head ever since. Her voice is so beautiful and exudes such a sense of peace
Rest well, sweet songbird. Thank you for all you gave us.
My grandmother was a great pianist, but she stopped playing as much as she got older. one day, she randomly played this song for my father before she died unexpectedly a few days later. This was my dad's favorite movie as a kid, and this final moment with his mother really meant a lot to him. 13 years later, my father passed away, and my sister played this song on the harp at his funeral. Listening to this helps me remember him ❤️
This movie is such a gem and full of great performances and lovely songs. Passamaquatty!
That beautiful rare singing voice of Helen Reddy that inspired a whole generation with it's honest and unique delivery of song!!🌟
Always loved this song, watched Pete's Dragon many times with our kids when they were growing up. RIP Helen Reddy, you have been an impressive influence on many.
So glad I grew up in the 70s. Seeing this in the movie theater. Listening to Helen on the am radio. Her voice so effortlessly perfect. Great iconic lady. I'm sure she is still singin everyday in heaven.
I love Helen Reddy! She has one of the best voices I've ever heard, so comforting and heartfelt.
I have many of her records and a CD.
I adore lighthouses. A friend told me of this movie and I watched this one scene of a lady singing on a beautiful lighthouse that I later found out was built only for this movie. I am in my forties now and I never heard of this movie. If I did, I was too busy playing outside as a child of the 70s. I don't know how I missed this one. The lady singing on a lighthouse and the lyrics have a special meaning for me. There are special people in my life and I know when this song was sung, my mother was living and doing what mother's did back then. She was my candle on the water and still is. Someday we will meet again.
+Lee Trichell That's beautiful. :'-)
You sound like a good man.
The best scene in the movie. It takes my breath away. Such a beautiful voice. Rest in piece Hellen.
I loved this movie as a kid. Watched it again on Disney+ for the first time in ages a few months ago. Helen Reddy played Nora perfectly...made her into that cool mother-like figure who always felt like a protector. And she could sing too! RIP Helen.
Funny, I’ve never actually seen Pete’s Dragon but I had this song on my Disney cassette as a kid and I actually thought the lyrics sounded more like the kind of thing a mother would sing to her child rather than a love song.
I’ll admit I really didn’t know much about Helen Reddy but this has always been one of my favourite songs. RIP Helen
Rest well Ms. Reddy. Thank you for this amazingly incredible gift. :(
R.I.P. Mrs. Reddy, thanks for blessing us with your talents and sincerity.
One of my favourite Disney songs ever. Very sad to hear of the passing of this talented lady. So talented and one of the most beautiful voices we ever had in the industry.
This song made me cry when I was a kid, and here come the tears again, even my nose is running, jeeesh i love this woman.
I'll be your candle on the water
My love for you will always burn
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting
Don't give up you have somewhere to turn
I'll be your candle on the water
'Till ev'ry wave is warm and bright
My soul is there beside you
Let this candle guide you
Soon you'll see a golden stream of light
A cold and friendless tide has found you
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down
I'll paint a ray of hope around you
Circling in the air
Lighted by a prayer
I'll be your candle on the water
This flame inside of me will grow
Keep holding on you'll make it
Here's my hand so take it
Look for me reaching out to show
As sure as rivers flow
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go...
I love this song and I forget how much I love it. I think everyone at some point in their lives has needed someone to say this to them.
The song just made me cry too. I remember that song when I used to have a cassette tape that would play various Disney songs.
Same here
This made me fell in love with Helen Reddy! I just love her voice!
I used to have a cassette with disney songs. I literally remember as a 4/5 year old, I adored this song. Her voice is so comforting. We are all living in such strange times right now and this song and her beautiful voice is just what we need to remember everthing will be okay x
A reminder that Disney used to know how to touch our hearts.
I've held this song in my heart for at least 20 years (I'm 22 BTW), and I'm never letting go of it. "Pete's Dragon" will always be one of my childhood favorites. :'-)
My fav movie as a kid (I'm 28)
@@sharnamosk I'm 39, and I still love it. I always loved Dr. Terminus and Hoagy.
I'll be your candle on the water
My love for you will always burn
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting
Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn
I'll be your candle on the water
'Till every wave is warm and bright
My soul is there beside you
Let this candle guide you
Soon you'll see a golden stream of light
A cold and friendless tide has found you
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down
I'll paint a ray of hope around you
Circling in the air, lighted by a prayer
I'll be your candle on the water
This flame inside of me will grow
Keep holding on, you'll make it
Here's my hand, so take it
Look for me reaching out to show
As sure as rivers flow
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
What a beautiful song, absolute classic film and what a beautiful voice Nora has 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Thank you for the lyrics. Bless you. ❤
My mom sang this as a lullaby to me as a baby.
kuteasabutton56 same
Mine too :)
So sweet! My mom plays “You and Me Against the World” for me every birthday. Still brings me to tears.
My mom loved this song as well and would often sing it to me as a lullaby too coincidentally; tears are streaming down my face after multiple listening to this song
RIP dear Helen. Thank you for the beautiful music.
This just happens to be one of my favorite songs of hers. A beautiful song of hope. 🦋 carol
Talent and movies like this don’t exist anymore…RIP Ms. Reddy…
100% agree.
RIP Helen Reddy, right now this song hurts more because you’re gone
Thank you for all the music, Miss Reddy.
RIP Helen Reddy (October 25, 1941 - September 29, 2020), aged 78
You will always be remembered as a legend.
RIP Helen. ☹️ Thank you for this beautiful song and all the others. ❤️
my nieces, brother in law, and I were listening to this on Sunday, it was my sister and brother in laws' 45th wedding anniversary and my beautiful sister passed away in March from Covid,, my nieces had never heard this beautiful song before, we were all in tears because we knew my sister was here with us, smiling down at us,, it was a beautiful day
this song was nominated for an academy award,much deserved,sadly it didn't win
It was up against Nobody Does it Better and You Light Up My Life (winner). That was a tough category that year.
Still, robbed
Sorry, this song should have won
My grandma loves this song. And this movie. If this doesn’t play at my wedding I’m not going.
This is so amazing and sweet. She waits for him even though everyone tells her she's crazy and he's gone. They don't make movies like this anymore, every "romance" movie now is like cheating... constant problems... they hate each other.
Even her own father Lampie was telling her that she was crazy to wait for Paul to come back.
Right before this scene he said "Here you are waiting for somebody to come back, they're aint just going to come back."
My 6th grade music teacher picked me out of both classes to represent our school @ our towns Spring Sing. Nervous? For an 11 year old that was trying to make it in life? Yeah just a little, especially looking up to a packed gymnasium full of parents, but, one parent in particular was my own, my Dad.
I’ll never ever ever forget the pleased look on his face. I’ll never forget having to maintain my composure and not cry. I was raised to be tough, but, still allowed to cry.
I love this song and I love my Dad.
What a pretty ballad. Perfectly sung by the Late Great Helen Reddy. Thank you HR for such a wonderful song…
RIP Helen. I fell in love with you the year this movie came out. I lost my mom and saw this and it touched my heart in ways you can't imagine. Rest well.
This song is far to deep and emotional for any normal kids film. Thats what makes Disney different. Theres something so beautiful and magical in every note of this song.
Yeah. It kind of reminds me of The Age of Not Believing in Bed Knobs and Broomsticks.
Just saw she passed away today. Please keep singing for us on the other side!
I saw Pete’s Dragon for numerous childhood birthday parties in 1977. I was 10 at the time and although the song in the film stopped the mayhem and crazy storyline of the rest of the movie, even at 10 years old we knew the song was special. It still holds up. RIP Helen Reddy.
Thank you sweet lady! God will give you a great big hug! Thank you for the light! Rest in peace my sweet Helen Reddy!
wow what a powerful metaphor this song is. I believe this song fits with the idea that a woman can clear a beautiful and concise plan in life for any man. my grandfather was a savage drunk untill he met his wife., and this song reminds me of his path. Amen and Rest in Peace Helen
Is this a miracle musical reference?
Nice to see that I’m not the only one who came from miracle musical.
I think it is... 🙏💜🌻
RIP Helen Reddy (1941-2020). This song makes me more sad. Her voice was beautiful
RIP Helen Reddy. Your voice will live on in our hearts 💕
Oh, Helen. Good night, beautiful. My favorite song.
Greatest Disney movie of all time!!
My dad did not like musicals, but he loved this movie. He died in 2019. I keep coming back to Pete’s Dragon.
One of the most beautiful songs of all time and one of my top two favorite Disney songs, RIP Helen Reddy
RIP Helen- thank you for the music
This song means so much to me I can’t even put it into words
To me too. I guess that's the power of beautiful music - the universality.
God i love her ! Love this movie !! Saw her in Glens Falls back in the 70's R.I.P. Helen !! ❤❤
We will miss you Helen Reddy. Thank you for all of the beautiful music. Such a class act.
RIP to a classy of the most memorable Disney songs period!!!! She’s eternally Nora, she’s Disney fans Candle on the water 🕯
Helen Reddy had a beautiful voice. I grew up in the 70's listening to her music. I always enjoyed "Pete's Dragon" as a kid however as an adult this song has much more meaning to me. Rest in Peace Helen.
Sad to hear of Helen's passing! She was an amazing woman and had such a beautiful voice!
miracle musical did an amazing cover of this song
Yessss :333
That's just such a beautiful song. I had forgotten how lovely. She really touches the heart.
Such a beautiful song. I first heard it on a cassette mix tape of Disney songs I had as a kid in the '90s. Had no idea what the context was or what film it was from, but even without those things, I could hear the deep love and devotion the character had for her beloved. Helen had an amazing voice. Rest in peace.
This was played at my nieces funeral, every time I hear it I cry, crying as I write this tribute to her fly with the angles xxx
R.I.P. Helen.
There will always be a candle on the water for you
Ok, I had my Pete's Dargaon fix..I loved it..I watched last night, I really enjoyed it..I miss these classes Disney movies & was great
been listening to this ever since I found out the news, what a light, rest in peace ❤️
I found my Pete's Dargaon DVD 📀 I'm going to watch this movie tonight!! :) 🐲-I can't wait!! R.I.P Helen Reddy..
RIP Helen Reddy,I grew up on Pete’s Dragon and even at 3 I thought your voice was beautiful 😕.
Never watch the 1970s Pete's dragon before but I really want to I only watched the remake of it
Just upon hearing of Helen Reddy’s recent passing, it sadly reminded me of my cousin’s own passing back in 2012. It was my cousin who introduced me to this movie when we were little kids in the early 90s. I never owned Pete’s Dragon, so she had a VHS copy of her own and used to play it at her house whenever I came to visit. Miss you, Kristine.
And respect to you, Helen Reddy. Rest well, wonderful talent...
I agree...the BEST Disney song.
Thank you for bringing beauty into the world with your phenomenal voice. Your songs will always be golden. Rest in Peace.
Saddened to hear of the passing of Helen Reddy. I love this song, one of her best in my opinion
Thank you, Helen, for your wonderful gifts of acting and music. ❤️❤️❤️
beautiful song, used to hear this one on a beautiful music station in late 70s and early 80s
Rest in Peace! Thank you for sharing your wonderful voice.
I swear it was seeing this film as a young boy that made me fall in love with lighthouses.
You and me both.
That is such a pretty song...first time hearing in peace sweet lady and THANKS for all those years sharing your amazing voice❤👍