Kumlachew said that it took him three weeks by foot, mule and other transport to escape from Ethiopia and that he reached United States Aug. 21, 1989. - Source: Washington Post, Oct. 8, 1989 (~መስከረም 28, 1981 E.C.) Mickey Leland died on Aug. 7, 1989 in Gambela. So, it’s more likely that Kumlachew went with the plane that took the remains of Mickey Leland, for him to get to the United States that fast. If he went to Kenya, he would’ve spent a couple of years there, waiting for an asylum.
ደረጃዉን የጠበቀ ፕሮግራም አዘጋጆች የደራዉ ጨዋታ ደሬ እና አዚ እናመሰግናለን
ሰላም የደራው ጨዋታ አዘጋጆች ደሬ እና አዜብ ጠፋችሁብኝ የትኛው ጣቢያ ላይ ነው አየሰራቹ ያላችሁት
ያለፈ ታሪክን ጎልጉላችሁ ትውልዱን የምታሳውቁ ደረጀ ኃይሌ እና አዜብ ከልብ አመሰግናለሁ ።። ረጅም እድሜ እና ጤናን እመኝላችኋለሁ ።።። ብዙ ታሪኮችን ከናንተ እንጠብቃለንና በርቱ ።።❤
Bakachihu Yehe Foto ye Qey shibir foto new...be 1969/70 yetenesa new..enji ye 81 ayidelem.
Kumlachew said that it took him three weeks by foot, mule and other transport to escape from Ethiopia and that he reached United States Aug. 21, 1989. - Source: Washington Post, Oct. 8, 1989 (~መስከረም 28, 1981 E.C.) Mickey Leland died on Aug. 7, 1989 in Gambela. So, it’s more likely that Kumlachew went with the plane that took the remains of Mickey Leland, for him to get to the United States that fast. If he went to Kenya, he would’ve spent a couple of years there, waiting for an asylum.
ጠቁሮ አይኑ አብጦ ስራ በዝቶበት ምናምን እያልሽ ትክቢዋለሽ ግን እንደምናየው እና እንደምንሰማው የሰው መፅሐፍ ነው የሚያነበው ።