If you are interested in looking at the model in full growth, I will leave a link. [www.deviantart.com/gonecrazy00/art/MMD-Eren-devil-774345281?ga_submit_new=10%3A1543336190&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1 ] I am happy that my crazy idea pleases not only me. )
This is your coolest version of Eren yet! ❤He looks soooooo creepy fabulous as a devil! I also like what you did with his eyes too😍😍😍😍
If you are interested in looking at the model in full growth, I will leave a link.
[www.deviantart.com/gonecrazy00/art/MMD-Eren-devil-774345281?ga_submit_new=10%3A1543336190&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1 ]
I am happy that my crazy idea pleases not only me. )
GoneCrazy thanks! I'll take a look at it 😌 and heh crazy ideas like yours are definitley needed more❤
@@sissysovereign1294 You're embarrassing me.
Пересматриваю 20 раз уже. Очень нравится 😊😍
Whoaa!! This is really amazing! Model fits so good, I love it! >
Ой, то есть "очень круто вышло, мне правда понравилось" xD реально атмосферная работа~
@@KerryOZ Мне показался этот моушен прекрасным, который вдохновил меня на такую безумную идею. :D
I love it 🤩🤩🤩 it’s really too cool 😎
I am very pleased thank you
The evil eren
I wonder how Levi would react to this?
This is fucking awesome 😂😂👏👏👍👍
Где можно скачать эту песню? Клип мне очень понравился, шикарно! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ уже тысячу раз пересмотрела.😍😍😍😍😍
what's the music?
Gak seram