Ham radio moonbounce noise!

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024
  • Ham radio eme noise problems.This video demonstrates how a poorly designed flat-screen TV and power supply can affect our wonderful ham radio hobby.


  • @gibbonspider
    @gibbonspider  12 років тому +2

    No,I still suffer with this local noise source.I had a visit from our regulators "Offcom" who confirmed the source of the noise as coming from a flat screen TV in a neighbours kitchen.Now this tv has a seperate power supply but it is not the supply that is making the noise but it is the tv itself.We have used a second "quiet" supply to prove it.Offcom are powerless to force the owners to destroy it or even have it repaired/modified.
    So at the moment I can do no more to resolve the problem.

    • @zaperfan
      @zaperfan 7 років тому

      Ofcom has the power of enforcement but will never use it for Amature radio enthusiasts. I know this to be true i have had them out on five separate occasions and they will not ENFORCE my station is almost useless now with the growing QRM that is generated from supposedly compliant electrical apparatus!!.Ofcom even had the audacity to tell me to take up a different hobby.Ofcom is not fit for purpose and should be held accountable for their lack of enforcement with apparatus that is in breach of current EMC regulations.

  • @johngulliver6151
    @johngulliver6151 7 років тому +4

    Same here HF almost unusable increased noise floor .vhf now affected i have had Ofcom out but they will not enforce the regulations even though they have the powers to do so.Amateur radio in urban areas is only going to get worst than it already is.I'm sorry to say but it will be the end of radio in built up areas even though we are protected under the ITU.We don't have anyone fighting for our rights the RSGB is doing their best but it's not good enough, we need to take Ofcom to task even court to get them to do their job and stop letting non-compliant devices onto the market that causes horrendous QRM undue interference and we have to simply put up with it, or sell up and give in to the corporate bully boy tactics and they WIN .I believe that is the ultimate goal they want us out of the way.OFCOM have a duty to do and they simply refuse to do it WHY??

    • @ka2rwp
      @ka2rwp 5 років тому +1

      here in the u.s the fcc leaves it up to the person causing the interfering emission to remedy the problem, part 15 rules and the victim of the interference to both remedy the problem otherwise you must accept it.

  • @gibbonspider
    @gibbonspider  11 років тому

    OK2BCK. Hi thanks for your suggestion.I did offer to buy them a new TV with built-in freeview but for some unknow reason they refused.
    The problem still exists,but I can still work EME by selecting a few clear QRG's.
    It's just annoying when there happens to be a special station on a QRG full of birdies.
    But that's life I guess.

  • @AnotherFredBloggs
    @AnotherFredBloggs 5 років тому

    That noise sounded more like Ethernet via power line to me. However, you seem to know the exact device, and it's true that with switch mode power supplies it is not enough to turn off at the device because the PSU is left on. At wall is the only way.. For you to know, that must mean the neighbours are co-operating, so don't understand why they won't switch off at wall when not in use...>

  • @TheRobgee1965
    @TheRobgee1965 7 років тому +1

    freeview causes problems i put a tv - montior in shack and it was terrible it must be the local osc on the freeview tuner i may remove voltage to tuner as a test

  • @iw4blg
    @iw4blg 13 років тому

    I feel the same here, a lot of noise and doesn't matter too much where I beam the antenna.. very bad! Hard time for us, looking for weak signals...

  • @gibbonspider
    @gibbonspider  12 років тому

    Hi there,thsnks for looking.I still have the problem from one house.
    I offered them for free,a comparable flat screen tv with built in freeview decoder and photo veiwer but for some reason they refused my offer.
    I had Ofcom round to investigate the source and all he was empowered to do was to ask them to turn the tv off at the wall socket when finished veiwing, (noise is emitted even with the set switched off,built in power supply is bad)..But they dont want to do that?

  • @purplemutantas
    @purplemutantas 11 років тому

    I feel your pain. I am having some issues on HF with the external power supply in my parents TV. I am hoping the issue is the PS and not the TV it's self. I am thinking of making a Faraday cage for the PS. Hopefully that and some Ferrite chokes on the cable will do it.
    Perhaps there needs to be a rule that people get their TV licenses revoked if their TV causes interference with a licensed radio service. Of course a rule like that wouldn't help me since I live in the US :P

  • @loughkb
    @loughkb 8 років тому +1

    Power cord with several ferrite filters on it?

    • @TheRobgee1965
      @TheRobgee1965 7 років тому

      it not from mains i had this of my own monitor freeview causes problems

    • @skinnyflea2628
      @skinnyflea2628 5 років тому

      Kevin Loughin hey it’s Kevin!

  • @ka2rwp
    @ka2rwp 5 років тому

    fcc part 15 interference acceptance rules any electronic appliance here in the u.s either both cause and victim must remedy the interference or accept it. unless it interferes with government and commercial transmissions and reception. such as emergency services which are considered priority use.

  • @ka2rwp
    @ka2rwp 5 років тому

    because your radio isn't an emergency service priority thats probably why your fcc isnt aggressive enforcing the interference problem.

  • @gibbonspider
    @gibbonspider  12 років тому

    Ofcom,is run by our goverment.It will/can only act if the interference is causing or likely to cause a danger to the local "community".So the story goes if an aircraft radio was causing some ineterference to some local houses and it was considered not to be dangerous to those people then nothing would be done to stop the interference to those local people.
    But if it was one plug-in power supply causing interference to several aircraft then the interfrence would be removed.

  • @VK3CSJ
    @VK3CSJ 9 років тому +2

    Have you offered to buy a new TV for them, if the noise is really a problem for you. I know its at personal expense but sometimes one has to do what one has to do.....

    • @MickeyD2012
      @MickeyD2012 5 років тому

      Or maybe offer to install nose filters or ferrite chokes. Might be a little cheaper, and just as effective.

  • @sebaglock
    @sebaglock 5 років тому

    If they use air signal channels... A yagy antenna and full power in the same frequency will do the job 😁

  • @carldurrell9943
    @carldurrell9943 8 років тому

    I bet that if it was FCC in America they would do something instead of OFCOM or if it was the other way round Ham Radio effecting his Television I bet they would have acted, but I have to be nice to OFCOM as I want to Get a Ham Radio License someday if I ever pass the tests (as I don't think there is much help for people with Learning Disability's who want to get in to Hobby and who have knowledge but struggle to put pen to paper) also can't afford it, at moment but be nice to talk on Ham Radio instead of just Listening, although I have trouble listening with noise from Power Line networks.

    • @ka2rwp
      @ka2rwp 5 років тому

      fcc here in america interference by a tv or any appliance is under fcc part 15 rules that any interference you must accept and is up to the user of the interfering emission to remedy the problem at their own will but the victim of interference shall find also a remedy to prevent the interference too or they must accept the interference if there is nothing they can both do about it if any remedy cannot be achieved.

  • @TheTaylorhorton
    @TheTaylorhorton 8 років тому

    My Birthday!!!

  • @petchharrison
    @petchharrison 9 років тому

    ofcom,PLEBS.. i just get s9 plus of buzzing most days all bands every 40khz i was told if the noise is not on bbc radio then its not there problem,rang bbc no go back to ofcom,not bothered ofcom is a waste of tax payers money,why can they ban this horrible shit at customs so it is not sold like they do in sweeden plasma and plt noise it almost impossible to get rid of it not even the filters on my 450 yaesu can knock out this horrible racket .. tnx jeff m0prf ..

  • @OK2BCK
    @OK2BCK 11 років тому

    buy small tv, swap, sell old tv, tune in

  • @psycleen
    @psycleen 6 років тому

    sun bounce

  • @petchharrison
    @petchharrison 11 років тому

    ofcom are a waste of time and should be replaced with people that do there job
    jeff m0prf ..

  • @chakijzftw
    @chakijzftw 12 років тому
