You make it look easy but when I do it, it’s very difficult. Takes several hours to do one blind. Cause need to align make sure the blind is horizontal and not tilted one side. And when you hang three blinds side by side, it becomes even more difficult
There's an installation video in my video, so it's not that difficult. It's true that it's a little difficult to install the concrete, But everyone has a first time! Watch the video and follow it slowly :)
도움 완전됐어요 감사합니다^^!
저랑 같은 드릴을 쓰시는군요!
힘 좋죠.ㅎㅎ
창틀 주변에 시공하실 땐 넉넉하게
50mm 정도는 벗어나야 합니다.
조적벽 같은 경우는 너무 가까이 똟으면
폭삭 깨지는 사태가....ㄷㄷ
그리고 칼브록은 요즘 피스와 플라스틱이 일체화 된
6mm가 가장 많이 쓰입니다.
좋은말씀 감사합니다!^^ 전 개인적으로 6mm는 칼부럭이 너무 작아서 6.5를 더 선호합니다!! 역시 콘크리트공구는 힐티!!^^ㅋㅋ
You make it look easy but when I do it, it’s very difficult. Takes several hours to do one blind. Cause need to align make sure the blind is horizontal and not tilted one side. And when you hang three blinds side by side, it becomes even more difficult
There's an installation video in my video, so it's not that difficult. It's true that it's a little difficult to install the concrete, But everyone has a first time! Watch the video and follow it slowly :)
인형 귀엽네여 ㅋㅋ
저희 집 천장이 콘크리트인데 이 방법을 사용해서 거실 창문에 이중커튼레일 설치해서 커튼 달아도 될까요?
아니면 봉으로 설치하는게 더 안전 할까요?
콘크리트로 하실거면 최대한 구멍을 적게 뚫으시는게 이득입니다^^;; 이중레일로 설치하셔도되고, 아니면 샷시에 고정하는 못없이커튼봉(안뚫어고리)로 설치하셔도됩니다~!!
@@blindmaster4641 그렇군요~ 알려주셔서 감사합니다!