Now the last of your uploads my dear Henkie !!!!!!! Such a beautiful accordeon melody !!!!!! I love it !!!!!!! I think, I feel a bit better today. I think I am recovering !!!!! I long to get out of my flat for just a little walk !!!!!!! Today Emma,Nick, Carina and Sune drive towards Italy, and they don`t come back until 3 weeks from now !!!!!!!! That is a long holiday !!!!!!!!! My sweet friend, I`ll listen again later !!!!!! In the meantime, I`ll be thinking of you !!!! I miss you a lot !!!!! Yours always faithful Jytte
I'm am happy that you feel yourself alreddy a little bith betther and I wish you a soon recovery !!!!!! And I thank you for listening to my record !!!!! Carina, Sune and the youngsters are gone for a long vacation , I think you gonna miss them !!!! I wish them a magnifficent time !!!! I think on you Jytte !!!!! Yours forever, Henk !!!!!
Und wieder ein toller Song vom Akkordeonemil. V.Grüße
Danke mein freund !!!!!
Bedankt, Henk, voor de mooie uploads. Lieve groet voor jou en Elly., en graag tot morgen. Hugd,Tonya
Dankjewel voor je lieve woorden en voor het luisteren naar mijn plaatjes !!!!! groetjes van Henkie Maas, Houdoe !!!!!!!! XXX
Now the last of your uploads my dear Henkie !!!!!!! Such a beautiful accordeon melody !!!!!! I love it !!!!!!! I think, I feel a bit better today. I think I am recovering !!!!! I long to get out of my flat for just a little walk !!!!!!! Today Emma,Nick, Carina and Sune drive towards Italy, and they don`t come back until 3 weeks from now !!!!!!!! That is a long holiday !!!!!!!!! My sweet friend, I`ll listen again later !!!!!! In the meantime, I`ll be thinking of you !!!! I miss you a lot !!!!! Yours always faithful Jytte
I'm am happy that you feel yourself alreddy a little bith betther and I wish you a soon recovery !!!!!! And I thank you for listening to my record !!!!! Carina, Sune and the youngsters are gone for a long vacation , I think you gonna miss them !!!! I wish them a magnifficent time !!!! I think on you Jytte !!!!! Yours forever, Henk !!!!!