Where you 've being? where are you going to? - I sang to LOri on the machine when I saw her with a guitar in the Red hostel Marrakesh.. And Lori began to tell me i- where she was and where she was going .. She did not understand - that this is lyrix from the song .. Then we were joint evenings with the guitar and hitchhiking to Casablanca and Agadir in Morocco. I miss You sometimes dear Lori ahaha..
Where you 've being? where are you going to? - I sang to LOri on the machine when I saw her with a guitar in the Red hostel Marrakesh.. And Lori began to tell me i- where she was and where she was going .. She did not understand - that this is lyrix from the song .. Then we were joint evenings with the guitar and hitchhiking to Casablanca and Agadir in Morocco. I miss You sometimes dear Lori ahaha..
祝贺你,最有才华的好人! 愿舒适、美丽、幸福的旋律常在你的生活中响起! 感谢您分享您的才华,给您的作品带来极大的乐趣! 愿灵感和缪斯永远不会离开你。 祝你快乐和爱,这将带你在梦想的音符上取得理想的胜利!
Do not! I repeat do not only do vibrato with your hand! Use your whole arm in a calm relaxed way.
That's wrist vibrato she is doing.
@@michaeltse321 Yeah that sounds great