V2. Escape from Hell (2021) P-39 Airacobra dogfight scene in HD

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @walterswarhistoryarchive
    @walterswarhistoryarchive  3 роки тому +13

    More War movie clips: ua-cam.com/play/PLdD9loa1za3_sEK5CJiQ40_0aF50d7Kh5.html
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    Everything World War 2: ua-cam.com/play/PLdD9loa1za3-Pm-snyYiI-zruXIV0sp2C.html

    • @greggv8
      @greggv8 2 роки тому

      So, when will any of Saburo Sakai's battles get this kind of treatment? One that would be interesting is the chase a Chinese biplane gave him. Time and again Sakai got the biplane in his sights, only to see it roll away before he could pull his trigger. But finally, the Chinese pilot screwed up, possibly from fatigue. He didn't turn fast enough, leaving the bottom of his plane presented. Sakai barely touched his trigger, firing just two rounds from each of his plane's guns. All four hit the Chinese plane beneath its cockpit and it went down. Another good one to see would be Sakai's first victory. He used all his ammunition but shot down one Chinese plane. His commanding officer was so furious he just turned his back on Sakai. The order was to *never use all your ammunition* because you might get jumped by the enemy on the way back to base. A third one would be when Sakai was attacked by a squadron of inexperienced American pilots in (IIRC) Corsairs. They kept wheeling around, taking turns lining up and shooting at Sakai. Every time he'd roll away, the same way every time. All it would've taken was for one of the Americans to aim just to the side where Sakai would roll and he'd have flown right into the bullets. Eventually the Americans broke off their attack. Was it boredom? Lack of ammunition? Low on fuel? Or were they just toying with a lone Japanese Zero-Sen they'd come across, not knowing they had the chance to shoot down one of Japan's few remaining top pilots?

  • @MichaelCasanovaMusic
    @MichaelCasanovaMusic 2 роки тому +133

    I've always loved the look of the P-39. Underappreciated, but a great fighter at low altitude.

    • @kxng_xf_sxrrxw5222
      @kxng_xf_sxrrxw5222 2 роки тому +4


    • @jummyran
      @jummyran 2 роки тому +3

      Ya and p40

    • @lunseren
      @lunseren 2 роки тому +5

      Yeah that 37mm slaps hard af

    • @throttleblipsntwistedgrips1992
      @throttleblipsntwistedgrips1992 Рік тому +4

      One of the few aircraft that could outturn a BF-109 in a low-spees low altitude dogfight. Even the P-51 couldn't pull that one off.

  • @KoobLis100
    @KoobLis100 2 роки тому +114

    Highly doubt the p-39 had altitude warning alarms... also, first thing the Russians did when they received the 39, was removing the wing .30 cals. Other than that, not bad of a scene. Better than red tails having the a P-51 turning like they have thrust vectoring.

    • @srcreeper02550
      @srcreeper02550 2 роки тому +12

      this is indeed possible and was used by a real tuskegge pilot.

    • @timothynguyen6244
      @timothynguyen6244 10 місяців тому +3

      they used War Thunder for this brother lmao

    • @-Zevin-
      @-Zevin- 9 місяців тому

      @@srcreeper02550 I'm assuming that's sarcasm, but I don't even know anymore with people these days...

    • @JanHenk-k1b
      @JanHenk-k1b 9 місяців тому +1

      @@timothynguyen6244 hell naw

    • @srcreeper02550
      @srcreeper02550 9 місяців тому

      @@-Zevin- research redtails for 5 minutes and you will stop saying this nonsense

  • @emilymcfadden4360
    @emilymcfadden4360 3 роки тому +71

    Best simulated air combat video with the P -39 ever. Bravo to the editor and xf people.

  • @davegeisler7802
    @davegeisler7802 3 роки тому +54

    The P39 could kick ass on the deck , the bad rap was only for high altitude. Down low she could hold her own.

    • @calebrambis1775
      @calebrambis1775 2 роки тому +7

      Very few aircraft, allied or axis, could hope to reign in a Allison Airacobra or Mustang scared and wide open on the deck. The Allison was a wicked low altitude performer.

    • @davegeisler7802
      @davegeisler7802 2 роки тому +2

      @@calebrambis1775 yes she was ! 👍

  • @jamisonmaguire4398
    @jamisonmaguire4398 3 роки тому +84

    American pilots hated the P39 and gave it nicknames like the "iron dog" but from what I understand its problems came from the fact that during its acceptance trials the air force brass forced many performance destroying modifications on it. And the reason the company didn't fight back (which would have been normal) was because it was so close to bankruptcy just before the war. I suspect however that many of the fighters the Soviets used were sub par but in an existential war like the eastern front you do the best you can with what you've got.

    • @EllDub
      @EllDub 3 роки тому +43

      And another factor is the Russians didn't fight at high altitude, the P39 was an excellent performing aircraft at low altitude

    • @andrewcarlson3486
      @andrewcarlson3486 3 роки тому +15

      🇷🇺: Shut up and take my rubles

    • @walterswarhistoryarchive
      @walterswarhistoryarchive  3 роки тому +37

      The P-39 was not a bad aircraft by any means, it was utilized improperly early in the Pacific Theater. The P-63 was quite a monster and had one of the fastest climb rates of all piston fighters during WW2. The Russians utilized both with great success.

    • @Zetler
      @Zetler 3 роки тому +6

      @@walterswarhistoryarchive The P39 was a piece of shit. All the Japanese had to do is fly above it at 15,000 feet and wait for it to run out of fuel then dive down and blow it away. Unlike the Russians, the Americans did not fight the Germans outside their front door and can't shake off 109s by flying under bridges. Instead, they were intercepting Japanese bomber formations at high altitudes over an ocean filled with hungry sharks or mosquitos infested jungles. So considering the P39 lack of a super charger and a gas tank a size of a coffee cup, every time an American pilot jumps into a P39 his time and life was wasted.

    • @EllDub
      @EllDub 3 роки тому +18

      @@Zetler their misuse doesn't really make it a POS though, that's like saying the spitfire was crap as a whole because the seafire didn't work. The P39 has done well enough for itself on other fronts to gain its place.

  • @stephenmeier4658
    @stephenmeier4658 3 роки тому +95

    Damn the Russians are making some kick ass action movies

    • @Седьмой-77
      @Седьмой-77 3 роки тому +3

      White Tiger.film

    • @dmitriydd_9824
      @dmitriydd_9824 3 роки тому +7

      Я сам удивился, это мой любимый фильм!

    • @carlosalcazar8651
      @carlosalcazar8651 2 роки тому +6

      T34 film

    • @PavelAVasilevich
      @PavelAVasilevich Рік тому +3

      Watch "Brest Fortress", when Hitler launches his attack on Soviet Union, Soilders hold on to a fortress for 3 months untill the last defenders gets killed except one.

  • @cesarst3720
    @cesarst3720 2 роки тому +19

    The P-39 was so underrated

  • @ivanthemadvandal8435
    @ivanthemadvandal8435 3 роки тому +45

    Strange how they're blazing away with 50's but didn't show off more unique 37mm cannon in the spinner

    • @SmedleyDouwright
      @SmedleyDouwright 3 роки тому +9

      Ya, I was waiting for the pilot to use the cannon, and then a big boom!

    • @ivanthemadvandal8435
      @ivanthemadvandal8435 3 роки тому +3

      @@SmedleyDouwright I also thought that the P39 had 2 of its 50's in the wings and 2 firing through the prop, this looks like they're firing all 4 from wing mounts

    • @simple_2313
      @simple_2313 3 роки тому +1

      @@ivanthemadvandal8435 didnt it had 6 mgs

    • @simple_2313
      @simple_2313 3 роки тому +2

      @@ivanthemadvandal8435 yeaha its cause it is the p39n variant if i recall or maybe k the thing is that onoly 2 on the side of the wings are 7.62mm and the 4 are 12.7 or 50 cals plus the 37mm

    • @simple_2313
      @simple_2313 3 роки тому +1

      @@ivanthemadvandal8435 and also im not sure but i think the 37mm was used for ground targets maybe infantry or convoys or maybe other im not sure if it was used in dogfights but yeah

  • @zemlidrakona2915
    @zemlidrakona2915 3 роки тому +16

    At least someone figured out how to make good use of P-39s.

    • @Heatherder
      @Heatherder 9 місяців тому +2

      As a maneuvering fighter, it is superior to many of its other american contemporaries. For the eastern front conditions, I would have it over a P-51

  • @Lane8492
    @Lane8492 3 місяці тому +3

    Some of the best Soviet aces in the P-39 Airacobra were Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, Grigoriy Andreevich Rechkalov, Nikolai Dmitriivich Gulayev, and even Alexander Fyodorovich Klubov.

  • @Gruntlife-no3kg
    @Gruntlife-no3kg 3 роки тому +58

    Best dogfight I’ve seen makes redtails look like a joke

    • @walterswarhistoryarchive
      @walterswarhistoryarchive  3 роки тому +12

      Sure does! Most of the more recent hollywood WW2 movies have been disappointing.

    • @Gruntlife-no3kg
      @Gruntlife-no3kg 3 роки тому +2

      @@walterswarhistoryarchive yes that’s true there not as good as they use to be

    • @walterswarhistoryarchive
      @walterswarhistoryarchive  3 роки тому +6

      I’m looking forward to Masters of the Air. Currently, it’s set to be released in November.

    • @Gruntlife-no3kg
      @Gruntlife-no3kg 3 роки тому +1

      @@walterswarhistoryarchive I wanna see that too man check out my UA-cam page I got some cool dogfight videos I made and replaced all sounds effects I need feedback I wanna see what people think

    • @walterswarhistoryarchive
      @walterswarhistoryarchive  3 роки тому +4

      Just posted a new P-39 clip from the movie.

  • @walterswarhistoryarchive
    @walterswarhistoryarchive  3 роки тому +31

    We like P-39’s!

  • @elanthys
    @elanthys 2 роки тому +12

    This is stunning, excellent choreography all around, superb work!

  • @the23rdradiotower41
    @the23rdradiotower41 2 роки тому +9

    Finally this underrated warbird getting some love!

    • @ZOV1995
      @ZOV1995 2 роки тому +1

      Раньше союзниками были, а щас русским пакости делаете,причем чужими руками..

  • @Daemon_venator
    @Daemon_venator 3 роки тому +10

    Well that was ...AWESOME

  • @Lane8492
    @Lane8492 2 роки тому +9

    The P-39 Airacobra wasn't very popular with the United States during WWII so the United States gave 5000 to 6000 P-39 Airacobras to the Soviet Union.

    • @MaxGogleMogle
      @MaxGogleMogle Рік тому +2

      The popularity of P-39 among Soviet pilots was somewhat unexpected for US leaders. However, after the Soviet Union began to purposefully demand continued deliveries of P-39 in ever-increasing quantities, the production of more and more new models of this fighter began specifically for the needs of the Eastern Front.

  • @michaelforsythe4335
    @michaelforsythe4335 Рік тому +3

    Great special effects. The thought of a P39 dogfighting a 190 and not getting slaughtered is pure sci-fi but there you are. When the 190 appeared over the Channel the RAF considered grounding their Spit Mk V's because they were so outclassed.

    • @ZackSavage
      @ZackSavage Рік тому +2

      I mean it did and came out on top quite often. Up high fw190 almost always wins, but that's not where the fighting was taking place. At lower altitudes the p39 has better turn, speed, climb, and energy retention.

    • @michaelforsythe4335
      @michaelforsythe4335 Рік тому +1

      @@ZackSavage At high altitudes the FW 190's performance also tailed off. It's why BF109's were specifically employed for high-altitudes in an attempt to take on Allied fighter escorts while the 190's went straight for the bombers. At lower altitudes few planes in the west could out-turn it until '43. The fact that the P-39 could turn with it at lower altitudes is amazing to me (I had to look it up). I had no idea !

    • @ZackSavage
      @ZackSavage Рік тому +3

      @@michaelforsythe4335 The 39 was unpopular with the Americans because of the altitude and fuel issues. those are massive factors over the ocean. the Russians didnt have those concerns, so the strengths of the 39 really came through for them.

    • @shaggygabe728
      @shaggygabe728 Рік тому +3

      Uhh.. what? This scene clearly shows the P39 superiour low altitude handling. There's a reason why the P39 was so liked by Soviet pilots and why they were using it even in 1945. Also, you can litteraly see P39's getting shot down in this scene, so what are you on about? Also, many soviet aircraft could easily outturn the Fw 190. Every single Yak fighter had a better turning rate.
      Fw 190 A-8 (1944) - Turning rate of 24.2 s at sea level
      Yak-9 (1944) - Turning rate of 17.5 s at sea level
      P39-N0 (Aircraft shown in the video) - Turning rate of 18 s at sea level
      Both the Yak and the P39 can easily outturn the 190, as could be seen in this scene.
      Fw 190 A-8 max speed: 653 km/h
      Yak-9 max speed: 698 km/h
      P39-N0 max speed: 641 km/h
      The 190 was faster than the P39, but the Yak-9 is faster than the 190. As you saw in the scene, the 190 went faster than the P39. The P39 and 190 still had similair speeds however and the superiour turning performance of the 39 meant it still had an edge in dogfights.
      P39-N0 - 1x 37mm cannon in the nose, 2x 50. cal machine guns in the nose + 4x 30. cal machine guns in the wings (Soviet pilots would often remove these)
      Yak-9 - Every variant had big differences in armament (with some having 3x 20mm or a 37mm gun along with a 50. cal). We'll go with the basic armament of 1x 23mm cannon and 2x 12.7mm machine guns which was mainly used in earlier Yak-9 variants.
      Fw-190 A-8 - 4x 20mm cannons and 2x 13mm machine guns.
      While the Fw 190 wins in this category, the additional armament meant worse flight performance. You can't use your guns if you can't get on the enemies six. Still, it's armament is quite devastating.
      The P39 could definitely stand up against the Focke Wulf 190, with similair top speed and a better turning performance the P39 had a huge edge in dogfights.

  • @kaletovhangar
    @kaletovhangar 3 роки тому +8

    Almost feels like someone made cinematic montage of IL-2 great battles gameplay in some scenes.

  • @jakobc.2558
    @jakobc.2558 3 роки тому +4

    Strange scene. On one hand there are alot of things they got right but on the other hand there are alot more things that they got wrong.

  • @StarflightProductions
    @StarflightProductions 2 роки тому +6

    Gotta love the P-39

  • @MaxGogleMogle
    @MaxGogleMogle 2 роки тому +3

    3:25 Маневр "верхний йо-йо" - классика для подлова на вираже...... FW-190 пытался выполнить именно этот маневр - слишком предсказуемо, и именно поэтому первый самолет встал в вираж - причем предупредил заранее о том, что будет выполнять вираж, чтобы второй самолет мог подловить FW -190 именно на выполнении маневра "верхний йо-йо" - перехват на вираже.

    • @steveparadis2978
      @steveparadis2978 2 роки тому +1

      "The "upper yo-yo" maneuver is a classic for catching on a turn ...... The FW-190 tried to perform exactly this maneuver - too predictably, and that is why the first plane went into a turn - and warned in advance that it would perform a turn , so that the second aircraft could catch the FW -190 precisely while performing the "upper yo-yo" maneuver - interception on a turn."

  • @VenkatRagav
    @VenkatRagav 2 роки тому +1

    Any links where I can download the full movie?

  • @BillPurkayastha
    @BillPurkayastha 2 місяці тому +1

    Soviet P-39s had no wing guns. The Soviet ground crew always removeed the wing guns to improve manoeuvrability first thing.

  • @Welther47
    @Welther47 3 роки тому +8

    1:36 What is that blipping? :D Sounds suspiciously modern haha

    • @ZackSavage
      @ZackSavage Рік тому

      The 39 was suprisingly modern. it even had IFF equipment in it. granted the Russians being Russians removed it for weight reasons.

    • @Aiwendill
      @Aiwendill 2 місяці тому

      @@ZackSavage it had IFF equipment with early self-destruction unit in it. It was unusable for soviets, it was secret, so they didnt wanted germans to put their hands on it in the case of downing the plane and it was a dead weight, so its totally understandable that soviets removed it...

  • @rijnvanessen7359
    @rijnvanessen7359 2 роки тому +3

    Damn now I want to play some ll2 sturmovik games

  • @blackadder3570
    @blackadder3570 3 роки тому +2

    Think the movie is called 'Escape from Hell'. on release in April next year...

  • @PavelAVasilevich
    @PavelAVasilevich Рік тому +2

    This movie is based on a true story, during nazi captivity in concentration camp, a downed Soviet pow fighter pilot manages to steals a (Hienkel-111) a German Bomber with 5 other pow inmates and flies back east....

  • @Ahres108
    @Ahres108 3 роки тому +1

    What's the name of this movie please

  • @robbybee70
    @robbybee70 3 роки тому +6

    I'd like too see it if it ever has an English dubbed release but why put the P39 in and not show it using the 37mm?

    • @zachboyd4749
      @zachboyd4749 3 роки тому +2

      Because the 37 had very few shots compared to the 50s and 30s and was better used against bigger targets like bombers or ground targets. Frankly using the 37 on a fighter is not only overkill if it hits, but the shots could also be more difficult to hit due to the cannon’s slow rate of fire and limited ammunition, especially against a fast and nimble target. Better to use the much faster firing MGs that have way more ammo against fast, maneuvering fighters and reserve the cannon for when it’s actually needed.

    • @robbybee70
      @robbybee70 3 роки тому +2

      @@zachboyd4749 surely you know how movies work right?

    • @zachboyd4749
      @zachboyd4749 3 роки тому +1

      It’s a movie based on history. They have to portray those people and planes as they would’ve behaved back then.

    • @robbybee70
      @robbybee70 3 роки тому +2

      @@zachboyd4749 again, you do not know how movies work, look up what a documentary is then realize that things that are not documentaries work differently

  • @eddy_malouempereur_du_cong6536
    @eddy_malouempereur_du_cong6536 2 роки тому +4

    Soviet pilotes quite loved the P 39

    • @calebrambis1775
      @calebrambis1775 2 роки тому +3

      It was one of their favorites

    • @flankerpraha
      @flankerpraha Місяць тому +1

      As with many planes, there were pilots who lůoved P-39 but also such who hated it.

  • @kobac5282
    @kobac5282 2 роки тому

    Where can I download the full movie with english subtitles? I have tried to find it for a long time and still nothing.

    • @walterswarhistoryarchive
      @walterswarhistoryarchive  2 роки тому

      I have a copy, but youtube wouldn’t let me post it.

    • @kobac5282
      @kobac5282 2 роки тому

      @@walterswarhistoryarchive From where did you download it?

    • @_TheUpsetGerman
      @_TheUpsetGerman 10 місяців тому

      @@kobac5282 If you managed to find it, please post a link, Ive been searching for ages!

  • @bananarama5216
    @bananarama5216 2 місяці тому +1

    There's no wing guns in the Soviet Airacobras

  • @moskal.69
    @moskal.69 2 роки тому +1

    Name of the movie ?

  • @freelancer9955
    @freelancer9955 Рік тому

    Показан с некоторыми художествеными "украшательствами" бой звена с двумя Аэрокобрами в своём составе. Другие машины - советские истребители собственного производства. Теперь всё то же самое без радиосвязи и вертикальной маневрености Аэрокобры ? Поэтому быстрый перехват верхнего горизонта над тремя километрами был желателен и обязателен. Немцы, видя потери боестолкновения, быстро уходили вверх и атаковали практически беспригрышно из под Солнца. Этажерка учитывала этот приём двумя верхними горизонтами собственного построения. Так же Мессершмитты воевали даже с Мустангами, даже в конце войны. Но, из-за способности двигателей Мустангов не терять небходимую тягу даже при потере высоты и скорости, Мустанги "прижимались" к земле и "медленно" делали горизонтальные виражи на низкой высоте, что крайне затрудняло борьбу с ними. Этого не позволял делать с собой Гром P-47, из-за другой инженерии, сверхмощного вооружения и применения, столь низкую потерю высоты он бы не выдержал. Поэтому они действовали ниже Мустангов группами, которые их прикрывали непосредственно с верхних горизонтов, занимаясь штурмовкой и встречая потерявшего высоту или снизившегося пртотивника. P-47 и сам мог быть сверхманевренным средневысотным и высотным истребителем, просто в таких построениях важнее были его функции как штурмовика в группах с бомбардировщиками. Не стиль Этажерки, но принцип построения аналогичный.

  • @romulodecastrodasilva5863
    @romulodecastrodasilva5863 2 роки тому +1

    Full movie please!

  • @Eccho3
    @Eccho3 2 роки тому +4

    The visuals are very well done and its a good film overall, but I think something more realistic would be greater

  • @karlkraus9609
    @karlkraus9609 2 роки тому +2

    There's only small mistake in the movie. The Soviets removed the wing-mounted .50cals and only relied on the nose-mounted guns, especially the 37mm cannon. Soviet pilots disliked wing-mounted stuff.

    • @srcreeper02550
      @srcreeper02550 2 роки тому +1

      that explains a lot

    • @calebrambis1775
      @calebrambis1775 2 роки тому +1

      That's right, they usually yanked the wing guns to reduce rotational inertia and increase roll rate. Stripped Soviet Airacobras with just the dual .50's and the 37mm were some of the best of their breed.

    • @MiG-31893
      @MiG-31893 Рік тому

      @@calebrambis1775 yes, some kept them though. One of the Russian aces didn’t mind the .30cals

    • @shaggygabe728
      @shaggygabe728 Рік тому

      Correction: the P39 shown here had .30 cal machine guns in the wings. The P39 never had 4 50. cals in the wings, but later variants did have 2 50. cals in the wings.

  • @jhonatantimoncapera5360
    @jhonatantimoncapera5360 11 місяців тому

    Всегда хотел посмотреть этот фильм, но не получается получить доступ

  • @Elkabong53708
    @Elkabong53708 9 місяців тому

    What movie is this from?

  • @Darth_Raven
    @Darth_Raven Рік тому

    The problem was,that,because engine,located behind pilot's cockpit,P-39 had displaced center of weight,it affected P-39's maneuverability,and made "Airacobra" very unusual to handle for american pilots,that had no experience with such airplanes.Soviet pilots,on the other hand, didn't have such problems,because a lots of them had the experience of handling Polikarpov I-16,that,as much,as P-39,also had displaced center of weight,so,for soviet pilots,handling P-39 was like coming back to I-16,in its faster,and better armed version.

  • @AkramDJalalov
    @AkramDJalalov 2 місяці тому

    Как называется это фильм

  • @jimjenkins2319
    @jimjenkins2319 Рік тому

    Nicely done. 👍

  • @jhonatantimoncapera5360
    @jhonatantimoncapera5360 3 роки тому +1

    Не могли бы вы прислать мне ссылку на фильм

  • @vondantalingting
    @vondantalingting Рік тому +1

    How many times have I ended up in this situation in warthunder in a Bf109E3. Except I die 80% of the time like they knew exactly how I move my throttle.

    • @ZackSavage
      @ZackSavage Рік тому

      If it was to a p39 then that checks out. p39 had a better turn rate the the 109

  • @Lane8492
    @Lane8492 Рік тому

    Of course my most favorite WWII fighter plane was the P-40 Warhawk

  • @Perrywinkle3750
    @Perrywinkle3750 Рік тому +4

    The one time we can actually thank Russia for their war efforts

    • @urdnotwrex6969
      @urdnotwrex6969 Рік тому +1

      there were many more but you probably never heard of them since you are saying what you are saying.

    • @Perrywinkle3750
      @Perrywinkle3750 Рік тому

      @@urdnotwrex6969 you’re probably right

  • @Happy-we7gi
    @Happy-we7gi 3 роки тому +1

    Does any one have the english subtitles for the full movie?

  • @Lane8492
    @Lane8492 Рік тому

    Some of the best Soviet aces in the P-39 Airacobra were Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, Nikolai Dmitriievich Gulayev, and Grigoriy Andreevich Rechkalov. Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin and La-7 Ace Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub we’re the only Soviet aces to be awarded Hero of the Soviet Union three times.

    • @rankoorovic7904
      @rankoorovic7904 Рік тому

      There are 29 Soviet pilots with 15 or more victories on the Cobra

  • @justinweckler1
    @justinweckler1 2 роки тому +2

    I'm pretty sure the p 39 had like a 37mm cannon in the nose didn't it? I wonder why it's not shown here?

    • @srcreeper02550
      @srcreeper02550 2 роки тому

      was only used for ground attack

    • @shaggygabe728
      @shaggygabe728 Рік тому +1

      ​​@@srcreeper02550 soviets pilots used 37mm, 23mm, 20mm etc on their Yak's against other aircraft, not just ground attack (although that was the reason the 37mm was mounted on Yak's) so it would make sense for the pilot in this scene to make use of the 37mm

    • @ZackSavage
      @ZackSavage Рік тому

      @@srcreeper02550 p-39 didnt use it the 37 for ground attack. it was used for bomber (mostly stuka) swatting.

  • @martijn9568
    @martijn9568 2 роки тому +1

    At 1:29 the aeroplane model looks very much like one you'd find in Il-2 Battle of Kuban.
    Maybe the people that made the model for that video game got approached by the people that made this movie. Doesn't seem that odd considering they're probably both Russian.

  • @alpacaofthemountain8760
    @alpacaofthemountain8760 Рік тому

    Interesting svene

  • @alexisreyes6746
    @alexisreyes6746 2 роки тому +1

    i almost thought this is war thunder trailer for Russian p-39 airacobra

  • @eddy_malouempereur_du_cong6536

    Soviet pilot : I dont understand why americans hate this plane

    • @MaxGogleMogle
      @MaxGogleMogle Рік тому +1

      The P-39 had an "aerodynamically unstable design" with a rearward center of gravity, which provided excellent maneuverability. But this same property of the aircraft - aerodynamic instability, led to a great tendency to spin. Accordingly, such aircraft were preferred only by real air aces.

  • @SPFLDAngler
    @SPFLDAngler Рік тому

    scenes from a blockbuster movie are not "historic" and can't be protected due to "historical significance" trying that to get away with copyright is not going to work. It amazes me how many people think that writing "fair use" or "for entertainment purpose" is going to magically keep them from getting a copyright strike.

    • @ZackSavage
      @ZackSavage Рік тому

      Not sure the Russians are going to be claiming this copyright anytime soon tho.

  • @grapeview61
    @grapeview61 Рік тому

    That was totally decent

  • @tolik5929
    @tolik5929 Рік тому

    Fantastic !!!!!!

  • @mohosni5120
    @mohosni5120 3 місяці тому

    Eric Hartman says hello 👋

  • @anhkhoanguyentran5130
    @anhkhoanguyentran5130 Рік тому

    i tried combine this scene with Anime ost and it's perfect

  • @Skers91
    @Skers91 3 місяці тому +1

    War thunder footage is wild

  • @pdog109
    @pdog109 3 роки тому +4

    english subs, spasiba?

  • @marcoribeiro8911
    @marcoribeiro8911 2 роки тому +1

    Marmelada. Porém interessante. O p-39 é o fino da goiaba !!

  • @jramonlavin3485
    @jramonlavin3485 Рік тому

    El P39 a baja altitud era mejor que los messerchmit y fue un avión apreciado por la cantidad de cosas que innovó y por su cañón de 37 que tanto admiraban los soviéticos. Stalin le pidió a Rooselvelt, que sólo quería Airacobras, hasta tal punto que Bell abrió una factoría en Moscú, y mejoró el avión a criterio de los pilotos soviéticos. El P 51, copió su forma.

  • @eveciencia
    @eveciencia Рік тому

    Now this is how you do a reallistic dogfight... since Enein Zero i did not watch such a beautiful and brutal dogfight.. fuk the battle of midway movie

  • @jdhart111
    @jdhart111 3 роки тому +5


  • @demben9335
    @demben9335 2 роки тому +4

    Ah yes the p 39 definitely the best turn fighter of ww2

    • @airshark2764
      @airshark2764 2 роки тому +1

      thats not what they said

    • @ZackSavage
      @ZackSavage Рік тому

      I mean I wouldn't call it the best. It was a better turn fighter than anything Germany had though.

    • @shaggygabe728
      @shaggygabe728 Рік тому

      Turn rate P39-N0 at sea level: 18 s
      Turn rate Fw 190 A-8 at sea level: 24.2 s

  • @RootDrive
    @RootDrive 22 дні тому

    READ BOOK written by him about Uznam escape

  • @stevenspilly
    @stevenspilly 3 роки тому +1

    They had digital HUD's in WW2??

    • @pppppffffffmmmmmmmnn
      @pppppffffffmmmmmmmnn 3 роки тому +5

      Yeah, they were called reflector sights. Later war ones were even fancier. They made a trail effect in the HUD that calculated and visually displayed bullet leading position and gravity. They were called gryo sights

    • @briangoldy8784
      @briangoldy8784 3 роки тому +3

      Audio Beeps.......? In 1942.,,,,, LMAO.. Assume for Cinema Effect.

    • @Errorcutive
      @Errorcutive 2 роки тому +2

      @@pppppffffffmmmmmmmnn i think gyro sight dont calculate. They just react on to g force and direction of gravity... moreless like the virtual horizon instrument.

  • @pppppffffffmmmmmmmnn
    @pppppffffffmmmmmmmnn 3 роки тому +1

    If the Germs were using their autocannons then the few hits they made would have been more impactful

    • @NexTex-h6c
      @NexTex-h6c Рік тому +1

      *If a grandma had balls, she would be a grandpa, then.*

    • @shaggygabe728
      @shaggygabe728 Рік тому

      2 P39's were litteraly shot down in this scene.

  • @vimana6226
    @vimana6226 3 роки тому +2

    War Thunder ?

  • @AngelMartinez-em1kx
    @AngelMartinez-em1kx 3 роки тому +1

    War thunder direct hit update will be so good 🥵🥵

  • @jrpc453
    @jrpc453 Рік тому

    Pokryshkin took off the wing guns for better roll.

  • @zachpeterson4519
    @zachpeterson4519 2 роки тому +2

    Russians make some pretty good war movies.

  • @lonzo61
    @lonzo61 7 днів тому

    These effing WW2 movies always get these air combat scenes wrong. The planes always perform as though they are modern jet fighters. They are moving way to fast. That's what happens when you rely solely on CGI. It gets old.

  • @ThePlecoPal
    @ThePlecoPal 2 місяці тому

    Do most russian ww2 movies use the same CGI company they all look so similar.

  • @umuttunayali
    @umuttunayali 7 місяців тому

    Eric Hartmann laughed at this 😅😅

  • @JohnnyRocker2162
    @JohnnyRocker2162 Рік тому

    If the P 39 flew as its presented here the U.S. would've made it their premier fighter.

    • @MichaelCasanovaMusic
      @MichaelCasanovaMusic Рік тому

      US had a totally different fighter doctrine than the Soviets. Most Dogfighting over the eastern front was at low altitude, in which the P-39 excelled with the Allison engine.

  • @Salguine
    @Salguine Рік тому

    Video games have ruined filmmakers.

    • @walterswarhistoryarchive
      @walterswarhistoryarchive  Рік тому +1

      I agree. Filmmakers don’t always do the best job of rendering realism, but at least they are getting younger generations interested in important historical events.

  • @rcpilot9963
    @rcpilot9963 Рік тому

    Star Wars on the Eastern Front.

  • @JustinGolloso-pk2ki
    @JustinGolloso-pk2ki 10 місяців тому

    Average rank 3 plane fight

  • @Wonderwhoopin
    @Wonderwhoopin 2 роки тому

    Let’s just not talk about how Russia has fallen horribly short of the forefathers of past wars…..

  • @stevemccraine3772
    @stevemccraine3772 Рік тому


  • @Седьмой-77
    @Седьмой-77 3 роки тому +2

    Hollo from Russia

  • @lyliasartiaq573
    @lyliasartiaq573 Рік тому


  • @moxxiloquita2048
    @moxxiloquita2048 3 роки тому +2

    Lmao...a p39 winning a dogfight from a FW-190???? Only in Russian videos...

    • @walterswarhistoryarchive
      @walterswarhistoryarchive  3 роки тому +8

      Based on what we’ve heard from American pilots at the outset of World War 2, one would think the P-39 is a complete deathtrap. The P-39 N and Q’s were actually on par with or better than 109’s and 190’s at low altitudes. The Russians removed the wing guns and some of the radio equipment to improve their performance. The P-39 also earned the distinction of having the highest kill count of all American allied fighters in World War 2.

    • @greggv8
      @greggv8 2 роки тому +1

      @@walterswarhistoryarchive Looks like they'd be hard to bail out of, with the car style doors that hinge forwards and only one door having an inside latch handle. IIRC the car style doors had something to do with Nash building the cockpit sections.

    • @martijn9568
      @martijn9568 2 роки тому +1

      The moment Allison (The P-39's engine manufacturer) sent out a note explaining that they could run the engines at around 60" of manifold pressure for the same fuel really changed all that.
      The Airacobra went from 1200 hp to 1600 hp with just that change.

    • @issacfoster1113
      @issacfoster1113 2 роки тому +2

      Soviet aces , Mostly Flew Airacrobras. History Education is essential.

    • @tomryannova
      @tomryannova 2 роки тому +1

      @@issacfoster1113 Some of those aces had some extremely high kill rates. Highest in any American made plane.

  • @tonyde6423
    @tonyde6423 2 роки тому +2

    A little bit of bull shit but entertaining cheers

    • @NexTex-h6c
      @NexTex-h6c Рік тому +3

      *Bullshit now happens in Ukraine where Russian missile destroyed 5 Patriots.😎🤘 And that is a proof, that this movie is more than realistic, I'd say, it resembles a documentary.🤘*

    • @MiG-31893
      @MiG-31893 Рік тому

      @@NexTex-h6cno, ok

    • @MiG-31893
      @MiG-31893 8 місяців тому

      @@NexTex-h6cwhere is proof

  • @moisesbravo8344
    @moisesbravo8344 Рік тому

    Sorry, but why russians were flying an american fighther?

    • @ZackSavage
      @ZackSavage Рік тому

      Google "ww2 lend-lease) we gave the russians thousands of P-39s. They loved them.

  • @davy1458
    @davy1458 2 роки тому +1

    id rather enter a dog fight in a p47 with a cylinder shot out and a shot up rudder than enter a dog fight in a brand new p39

    • @tomryannova
      @tomryannova 2 роки тому

      Russians didn't really have that choice. They certainly made the best of what they were given.

    • @MiG-31893
      @MiG-31893 Рік тому +1

      P-39 is actually more maneuverable than P-47 plus it has a 37mm cannon

    • @davy1458
      @davy1458 Рік тому

      @@MiG-31893 I'd still rather fly the p47. I prefer the rugged design and survivability ...better dive rate and higher altitude performance as well as the 8 .50's over the canon and the p39

    • @MiG-31893
      @MiG-31893 Рік тому +1

      @@davy1458 yes but just being survivable isn’t everything, I mean who are you fighting? Zeros and FW190s? They have 20mm that would shred the p-47. I would prefer to destroy what I hit in one shot and be maneuverable to evade shots. P-47 was also primarily ground attack remember

    • @davy1458
      @davy1458 Рік тому

      @@MiG-31893 yeah they say that but the p47 bore the brunt of the war in Eastern Europe until higher numbers of p51s made it to the European theater and there are plenty of p47 pilots from ww2 who say they wouldn't have wanted to fly any other plane....I think it just comes down to personal preferences and the talent and skills of a particular pilot. I think it comes down to being more about the pilot than the plane.

  • @СергейПроценко-о6ь

    На P-39 воевал ЛУЧШИЙ АС СССР - Александр Иванович Покрышкин, ТРИЖДЫ Герой Советского Союза, лучший методист и теоретик воздушного боя! "Аэрокобра" - ПРЕКРАСНАЯ МАШИНА, благодарность ИНЖЕНЕРАМ США

  • @TheRandyWanker
    @TheRandyWanker Рік тому +3

    If I remember correctly Soviet WW2 fighter pilot, an Ace, Pokryshkin was flying a P-39 air cobra. I think he was 2nd highest ace in the Soviet Union.

    • @rankoorovic7904
      @rankoorovic7904 Рік тому +1

      There were 29 soviet pilots that had 15 or more victories that flew the Cobra

  • @fransliszt
    @fransliszt 5 місяців тому

    Funny seeing people actually praise this movie. Utter slop.