I’m a preacher’s kid and I still go to the church I was born and raised in. It’s an Apostolic (Holliness) church. I’ve had the internal battles but it didn’t stop me from living my Truth. I’m comfortable in my skin
Comfortable in your skin doing what? Living in sin? Living a lie? Matthew 22:14 says "for many are called but few are chosen". Will you be chosen Char Lyn? The Word says in Romans 1:26-27 “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature, likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." You could go to church till you are blue in the face but eternity is Heaven or hell, which will you chose?
This was very eye opening for me. I felt alone for years regarding my sexuality and the black church. Thank you for sharing and creating this docuseries.
Thank you for this... it really resonated with me. I myself am a preachers daughter. My father has been preaching the apostolic faith for 25 years... As i have grown and am entering into my 25th year in this life, i am breaking away from the faith of my parents and coming into my own spirituality, down the middle path that is buddhism and enlightenment... So yes. This is a great project and i do hope you continue. I'd love to be a part of something like this. It's a beautifully raw thing. Peace + blessings to you.
Resha Good morning!...Thanks so much for watching!...I'm glad that you enjoyed it!...I am planning more documentaries in the near future. I've had others expressing interest in participating in a project regarding other religious beliefs as well...the next project will be concerning lesbians and parenting. Please send me your contact info at herstoryseries@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in any future projects.
I needed to hear this in my life right now. I was raised that me being gay was me going to hell, I love God and can preach the word of God like no other. God has a calling on my life. I needed something that countered that narrative. Thank you!
Thank you for stepping forward and taking on this project. I think it is extremely important to both the LGBT community and the church. I identify as a dominant aka Stud. I am also a mother of three, grandmother. I work in mental health and substance abuse. My experience was so complicated in so many ways especially spiritually in my walk with God. I struggled so much with it growing up, even with my Catholic household, that I did not actually come out the closet until I began to seek God for myself in my mid 20's. I could definitely write a bestseller. I think that this documentary is a great start for a lot of us to begin reconciling our trauma and differences with the church as well as gaining more understanding about ourselves and God's purpose in our lives. I would love to be apart of your next project if you do a follow up. Keep up the great work!
Angela Banks thanks so much for watching!....please send me your contact info to herstoryseries@gmail.com. Would love to have you to participate in the next documentary....PS...write that bestseller!!!
It is important Angela because the church is too passive in telling the truth and they will be punished for it! Romans 1:26-27 “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature, likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." Bottom line is, you cannot be a homosexual and be a Christian! That's one of the biggest oxymoron that exist in this world today because people want to have their cake and eat it too. You cannot be a sinner (liar, murderer, fornicator, idolater etc.) and call yourself a Christian, 2 Corinthians 5:17 says "old things are passed away and behold all things have become new" Christians are Christ like and since He was without sin so should we. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and all the people in it for homosexual reasons Gen 19:1-38, so yes Angela, the true bible believing church hasn't done enough!
Black ppl are too invested in Christianity for my liking, but we all have to choose what we are willing to believe in. I left Christianity in the 11th grade of high school and tried to find another religion. It just took me through a history lesson on religion. I’m happy that I took the steps to educate my self. It doesn’t really provide a definite answer to all of your questions. Neither does religion, really. However, it feels better than being trapped using the same method to solve issues that aren’t black and white.
Thank you for this...I can't put in words how I felt like so many of the ladies in the documentary. I just started back going to church it's a gay friendly church. Its been a long road.. I believe in god and I never stopped. Just don't like the hateful messages that some preach.
Don't know how I stumbled on this page, but great outlook. I really was feeling the whole video until it got to the end with the girl in the pink. She really showed her age with her ending comments. I don't think I could listen to too much of her.
I grew up in the Church so when I was outed my mom was like 'I didn't raise you this way'. That was age 20. She had a Damn Pastor come to the house to Pray The Damn Gay away and sent me to a Christian Therapist. None of my family accepted me and that Shit was humiliating. Now I'm 37 still gay Agnostic and I resent my family.🤷
Thank you for this,yes it's most of Lesbian's experiences,I would have liked to have heard the experience of those masculine looking Lesbians experience,it was the same but really different at least for me because I AM more masculine in how I look and dress,I remember when I went to go to the bathroom and was told that's I was going to the wrong one,and when I did like come out stall get all kinds of nasty strange looks,and still today experience this when I use the bathroom.
Hi, Valerie! I tried to get a few more participants who are more masculine but schedules didn't really permit....I really did want more of their perspectives as well. I believe their experiences are a little more frequent than those who are feminine and can fly under the radar.
Thank you so much for such a project I know people seem to be looking us as sinners bt the truth of the matter is I do commit sin but being a lesbian is not a sin for me as it is who I am and how I feel on the inside
Well, I have to say, that was interesting. So many are hurting over this issue and it all boils down to interpretation and understanding. It is better to love than hate and judge.
Wow i wish we have this right as people now have, i pray one day will be our time. I mean we lesbian in Africa, i am from Liberia but can tell people that are am a lesbian and this has made me to have two children but not been with my baby daddy life
Carter stated, “Well I have to admit, Dr. Mohler, that I’m kind of selective on that point of view. I really turn almost exclusively to the teachings of Jesus Christ, who never mentioned homosexuality at all as a sin. He never condemned homosexuals and so I don’t condemn homosexuals. "Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born and Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things-he never said that gay people should be condemned."
Ari Onassis- Sugen is an atheist who believes god condems homosexuality. This is the type of conversation believers have with non believers. I also like to say that pediophiles can be hetrosexual. Now it disturbes people when some one has sex with a same sex child but not a opposite sex child? Hatred is often based in irrational illogical summations about some one.
This was very enlightening. The two ladies, one who says black churches are supportive but you shouldn't throw your "gayness" in its face and the other who kept saying to her former partner that that's just the way it it, those two threw me off because those are things you expect to hear from straight people. From someone in a same sex relationship you expect a lil push back, but then I realize we don't deal with things the same. Overall loved the documentary, the McDaniels were my favorites 😍
This conversation was REALLY real!! Especially when that ex couple started arguing about 1 not standing up for the other in church 💒. But that's good to show real situations & the turmoil this issue of homosexuality in the church causes. I also loved that 1 couple where the 1 lady checked her partner & was like --- "Y. ou're being intellectually dishonest saying that the problem isn't with how the church views homosexuality in general, buy trying to place the blame on guys who the church may deem as flamboyant & allegedy ✌🏾flaunting✌🏾 their sexuality in people's faces when they can't help the fact they stand out & they are just being who they are 🤨👇🏿!!" And she was right. Her partner was operating from the perspective of someone who has straight "passing 👄💄👠" privilege. I LOVED 💗🤗this documentary 📹!! VERY needed..
thanks for sharing your views, I'm 48, Afro residing in a caucasian world, and i missed my Afro's lesbians , yet i don't care to be myself nomatter what
Truth is, God loves humanity but he hates sin. God is holy and He requires His people to be holy. Sin separated us from God. Jesus came into the world for this reason and died for us, rose the 3rd day and is seated on the right hand of the Father, with all power in His hand. Jesus who knew no sin, gave His life for us, while we were yet in sin. We all have knowledge of God and what’s right and wrong for the most part. He has also given us the will to choose His way or our way of life. Life outside of the will of God is eternal damnation. Read your bible folks, God is clear on what he calls sin and its consequences.
I would like to know what seminary the lady at end who said her dean was a queen female. She was a part of the couple. This was very informative. Thank you!
Sensitive Topic! Same Sex relationships is not a Traditional lifestyle....The Black Church is very Traditional......let the old folks Keep their Tradition....I love alot of the old Traditions....As we Evolve and learn more about sexuality let us not attack The Black Church for its Tradition. Attend a Gay church lol they support the same sex Doctrine....i personally wanna go where Grandma and Grandaddy went personally lol.....Let ur Same Sex relationships be Private IN the Traditional Black church ......AND ENJOY the OLD TIME RELIGION....i like it and respect it still even as i EVOLVE
If one follows the King James bible the way that it is written, the homosexual/gay lifestyle is not accepted. Why is it necessary worship a deity that does not accept you? Think about that.
LadyJ Badgurlzceo......so basically go bk into the closet right......NOT......we aint going bk no whr and plz dont tell us wht church to go to and how to behave.....wake up and stop the ignorance....God loves me just as much as He loves u.....ive seen people hurt severely from people that speak like u.....thank God thrs more people that love than hate
Stop trying to go to a Traditional church and make them change! Go to a Gay church.....im not saying stay in the closet....if u dont wanna be private let it all hang out on the Gay church.....dont get mad bc Traditional ole folks dont accept same sex let them do them and u do u......u sound very angry.....u mad u gay?.....love urself be your Authentic self respect Grandmas tradition.....while u carry out ur own divine path.....
... the thing about religion is that if you are a christian and you follow the bible, "as is" ... you can't change the "Words" that are written. You can't adapt a religion to "fit" your lifestyle. There are tenets and commandments in the christian faith that are guidelines to be followed. If one does not want to follow those guidelines and instead wants "do their own thing & be who they are"... than what's the point in following that religion? It is complex.
“LOVE the sinner! HATE the sin!” Don't confuse the mess of Church to the biblical love of God!! If God, the Creator of heaven and earth and everything in between, says “Thou shalt not commit adultery” He spoke clearly: no sex outside marriage, no stepping out of your spouse (adultery) no separation or divorce, no remarriage, no same sex unions (not called marriage, because that is between a male & female only) no incest, no transgenderism, no paedophilia and no bestiality. This warning goes out to both heterosexuals and homosexuals and every one of the fringe of this. When the Bible calls something an “Abomination!” It will be exactly that, till the end of this sin-soaked world. Racists have always had their excuses for their hate, using Scripture, but it's just HATE! As will anyone who wants to use the Bible to support their erroneous beliefs. Money is not a sin. But the love of money is. The act of homosexuality and all things LGBTi is the sin that the Bible calls an abomination. You will have unbiblical churches that support that lifestyle choice, but it's not God's choice. The Bible says “we are all sinners,” whose “hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked” As a Christian, I'm not better than someone caught up in homosexuality. We both need to repent and believe the gospel message with the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.
did you know john of the bible is a best friend to jesus and is gay :)...do you know of the story in the bible where a man goes to jesus and says my beloved (male) is sick will you heal him and jesus goes happily...also, you can not have a father god without a mother god, yes?! so where is all the conversation about our mother god? did you know that the bible was changed alot by the hand of men who used the bible to compete with other books to have dominace...the bible is a tool to discern truth from fiction yes...as it says do not use the book literally........from me to you; your using the bible as a tool of revenge so my question is: what is your wound? how did it happen? ..... as i feel you are not in a place of patience and in a place of condemnation...therefore you are seeking justice yes! but not of your own wounds? and instead attacking others...are you scared to confront the person(s) who hurt you?...indiviually we are all hurting...jesus taught us to turn the other cheek and that means do not do revenge...be patient and aspire to be loving by experiencing the truth instead of controlling and disconnection from the heart of flesh :) may you learn all about humility and love on~ ......... :)
This is very sad! Romans 1:26-27 “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature, likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." Homosexuality of any kind is not condoned by God that is why He destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah, so why should the church encourage such a union? They could talk about black, white, multi-color churches and talk about Jesus' love all they want but they will not make it into Heaven!
No matter the religion, we are in Gods image so we inherit God within ourselves.. the Bible has be altered and y’all don’t know how to decode it so in reality you’re a lost soul 🤷🏽♀️
how many hands have changed the bible over time? did you know they changed it to compete with other books to have dominance? you are aware they removed all the women parts im sure...for example: you can not have a father without a mother, yes? where does it talk of our mother god? .... i recommend patience as your first place of progress :) ... because without patience we become controlling...a heart of flesh is required...instead of going with expectations as those are not required...truth is truth and truly true truth requires patience to process all the details...you are not yet aware of all the details...its better to be a student then a fake master/naieve master/false master - revenge is not an act of God (ever) as God is perfected in love and revenge is an act of anger/fear/lies...proof: hell as we call it is a place for people to continue to grow in love via experience, they are not stuck there as a God is loving and wants all her children to be in love together...satan is a charater of delusion to describe lies/expecations/wounded...actually its called the hills not hell as the condition of love we are in will bring us to a location that reflects our condition of love that we may learn from and aspire to progress in truth and love from and with or without God we progress...as you know with God is the greatest experience however God gave us free will and that is because God does not have expections of us :) God desires we learn and grow and experience love and a retionship with God not by force by desire :) .... patience my dear sibling in Gods great family :)
If Christianity is "the white man's religion", why does she have the title 'pastor'? No man can steel another's religion because religion is man made. And if the Christianity to which she is referring belongs to Africans, how is it not a part of African culture? How could Africans have forgotten when just a fraction of Africans were carried away from Africa? Suspicion is what rules Africans and wherever they reside it's that way. Now, if one person made humans, how is there a Black church? Does that make any sense? I don't see a Church of a skin colour in God's Word. If you want to do what you want to do, go ahead but don't try to drag the Creator into them to ease your conscience. Because the conscience is what it is about. And someone said the operative word- choice, showing it is not "I was born this way". No human built the Biblical church so no one's grandfather did such a thing. There is only one sin that is above all and that is "blasphemy against the holy spirit" because it will never be forgiven so people should not be made to feel one person's way of life is worse than another's or others' if none is living the way the Creator states. It is very stupid to get angry with God if he is so powerful to choose not to love you. I saw things I was not agreeable with but it was not about me. It was about my Creator and where he wanted me to be. You have to get it right. Who ever was saying what, will not be answerable for anyone else but himself. He is not going to be asked why he said things others did not like. But the offended ones will be asked why they did not seek out the truth rather than making their truth to be God's. And how could you be part of the very thing you are so heated up about? The scriptures are not open to interpretation. Would that make any sense? Two parents have written down a set of rules but there is nothing but chaos in the home. Why? Each child is interpreting the rules his and her own way. Does it seem reasonable that parents wanting their children to return home each day would put rules that are subject to interpretation? So why would the One who is going to hold humans to account, even for every idle word they speak, do such a thing? The reality is that all the places named as church and these two and all others like them are and were in Babylon the Great. No confusion lies in the arrangement of the Creator because he is in charge and he chooses those on the same plane as he, like his Son Jesus. "Let this mind which was in Christ be in you." And what kind of mind did Christ have? "My food is to do the will of him that sent me." Does that sound like these two? Is their goal to do the will of him that sent Jesus? Did Jesus ever had a power argument with his disciples like this? The Devil himself can quote the scriptures. That's the bottom line.
oliviairving114 You know exactly why it’s called the white man’s religion. The world is in chaos because humans have a hard time respecting and cherishing each other.
the bible is like land...and can be manipulated...that is why God created life :) and living is like reading...and when we misinterpret life gives us an experience to guide us into experiencing the truth and development of our will :) ... humbly may it be so*
Them bisexuals clearly Souled Out! This was there Introduction into the industry.The way this came out it was strategically planned out,I mean the shaderoom literally interviewed them the same day this all dropped,he even dropped a song the same day,the funny thing about the one that had the kid she didn’t even want that experience,the brown skin one was suppose to carry all the kids,when they announce that chick was pregnant it shocked people because it was something she made clear that wasn’t something she wanted to experience for self,but it all makes sense now she really let a whole dude inside her woman now they out here living they whole life in the open with this nxxga smh
I agree a lot of people are...some people dont know if they want one person...if they wanna stay married or be single...do folks right when they with them...all kinds of confusion. People wanna make babies dont know if they should properly care for the child they made...smh just all kinds of confusion def agree
While I understand many of your points may be valid as far as history of the black church. it would have been much better to have ex homosexuals be a part of the video to counter your points and make this less biased. I also did not agree with you stating that my friend who appears in your video was not a real homosexual. Your judgement of her makes you no better than those who judge you. This could have been a good documentary with points validating both sides. Instead it is one sided.
Colin Andrew it would have been great if the ex homosexuals that I reached out to would have actually responded after many attempts for them to be a part of the documentary. Check the Instagram page and Facebook page. They were asked to be a part of the documentary and that either read the messages I sent and simply did NOT respond or they gave the run around of "I'm on vacation and will get back to you"..."I've been busy"..."let me pray about it"...That sir is a problem!...Those who scream a good game of being delivered on UA-cam and Facebook but when given an opportunity and platform to speak on it with those who are not and they are silent...perhaps your issue shouldn't be with the "valid points and why it could have been better" and be with the ex homosexuals who didn't respond and ask them for their reasons.
🙄. Clearly, no brain 🧠 cells were lost cuz you had none to begin with. You obviously have no reading comprehension skills when the title of the video Cuh-LEARLY ☝🏾 states the topic of the video 🤦🏾♂️.
life is Gods creation yes...better to experience the truth of life then to tunnel vision on the book that was changed by many hands of men, in order to compete with other books to have dominance...for example: you can not have a father god without a mother god yes! well, men hating on women would remove all that yes! therefore how much trust can you have in men of revenge? ...... the proverbs are Gods laws of love...best to know those :) and leave the drama to rest...unless you want to feed your ego still (facade self)...patience is the fruit of humility~
I’m a preacher’s kid and I still go to the church I was born and raised in. It’s an Apostolic (Holliness) church. I’ve had the internal battles but it didn’t stop me from living my Truth. I’m comfortable in my skin
Comfortable in your skin doing what? Living in sin? Living a lie? Matthew 22:14 says "for many are called but few are chosen". Will you be chosen Char Lyn? The Word says in Romans 1:26-27 “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature, likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." You could go to church till you are blue in the face but eternity is Heaven or hell, which will you chose?
Very great documentary! 😃Thank you so much for sharing these perspectives with the world.
This was very eye opening for me. I felt alone for years regarding my sexuality and the black church. Thank you for sharing and creating this docuseries.
I am so thankful to have found this!
Thank you for this... it really resonated with me. I myself am a preachers daughter. My father has been preaching the apostolic faith for 25 years... As i have grown and am entering into my 25th year in this life, i am breaking away from the faith of my parents and coming into my own spirituality, down the middle path that is buddhism and enlightenment... So yes. This is a great project and i do hope you continue. I'd love to be a part of something like this. It's a beautifully raw thing. Peace + blessings to you.
Resha Good morning!...Thanks so much for watching!...I'm glad that you enjoyed it!...I am planning more documentaries in the near future. I've had others expressing interest in participating in a project regarding other religious beliefs as well...the next project will be concerning lesbians and parenting. Please send me your contact info at herstoryseries@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in any future projects.
Pegasus Black Desiree. M. Howell. Love. See. Saxe. 28🚬💏🍻🏠🍫😇😎😍😜😘🤑🔑👼💃👩❤️👩
I have sat with so many of these stories as my own. Thank you for putting this together. thoroughly enjoyed.
kesha lightfoot thanks so much for watching!...glad you enjoyed!
I needed to hear this in my life right now. I was raised that me being gay was me going to hell, I love God and can preach the word of God like no other. God has a calling on my life. I needed something that countered that narrative. Thank you!
Sin will lead you to HELL! It's a simple concept!
Thank you for stepping forward and taking on this project. I think it is extremely important to both the LGBT community and the church. I identify as a dominant aka Stud. I am also a mother of three, grandmother. I work in mental health and substance abuse. My experience was so complicated in so many ways especially spiritually in my walk with God. I struggled so much with it growing up, even with my Catholic household, that I did not actually come out the closet until I began to seek God for myself in my mid 20's. I could definitely write a bestseller. I think that this documentary is a great start for a lot of us to begin reconciling our trauma and differences with the church as well as gaining more understanding about ourselves and God's purpose in our lives. I would love to be apart of your next project if you do a follow up. Keep up the great work!
Angela Banks thanks so much for watching!....please send me your contact info to herstoryseries@gmail.com. Would love to have you to participate in the next documentary....PS...write that bestseller!!!
It is important Angela because the church is too passive in telling the truth and they will be punished for it! Romans 1:26-27 “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature, likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." Bottom line is, you cannot be a homosexual and be a Christian! That's one of the biggest oxymoron that exist in this world today because people want to have their cake and eat it too. You cannot be a sinner (liar, murderer, fornicator, idolater etc.) and call yourself a Christian, 2 Corinthians 5:17 says "old things are passed away and behold all things have become new" Christians are Christ like and since He was without sin so should we. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and all the people in it for homosexual reasons Gen 19:1-38, so yes Angela, the true bible believing church hasn't done enough!
Black ppl are too invested in Christianity for my liking, but we all have to choose what we are willing to believe in. I left Christianity in the 11th grade of high school and tried to find another religion. It just took me through a history lesson on religion. I’m happy that I took the steps to educate my self. It doesn’t really provide a definite answer to all of your questions. Neither does religion, really. However, it feels better than being trapped using the same method to solve issues that aren’t black and white.
Thank you for this...I can't put in words how I felt like so many of the ladies in the documentary. I just started back going to church it's a gay friendly church. Its been a long road.. I believe in god and I never stopped. Just don't like the hateful messages that some preach.
Thanks for watching, Mignon!!!
The couple who divorced because of the church made me sad. I hope Danielle is able to fully embrace who she is and the love God has for her.
Spoiler alert! Lol
Dang they divorced?!
I think that Danielle based other's experience on her own. I could see their divorce coming...
Amazing! I absolutely love it
Wonderful documentary!
Don't know how I stumbled on this page, but great outlook. I really was feeling the whole video until it got to the end with the girl in the pink. She really showed her age with her ending comments. I don't think I could listen to too much of her.
I grew up in the Church so when I was outed my mom was like 'I didn't raise you this way'. That was age 20. She had a Damn Pastor come to the house to Pray The Damn Gay away and sent me to a Christian Therapist. None of my family accepted me and that Shit was humiliating. Now I'm 37 still gay Agnostic and I resent my family.🤷
sucks...may all be healed within
This is so beautiful.😢
Damn,,,I like how she just dropped some truth as soon as this documentary came on.
Very nice!!! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for this,yes it's most of Lesbian's experiences,I would have liked to have heard the experience of those masculine looking Lesbians experience,it was the same but really different at least for me because I AM more masculine in how I look and dress,I remember when I went to go to the bathroom and was told that's I was going to the wrong one,and when I did like come out stall get all kinds of nasty strange looks,and still today experience this when I use the bathroom.
Hi, Valerie! I tried to get a few more participants who are more masculine but schedules didn't really permit....I really did want more of their perspectives as well. I believe their experiences are a little more frequent than those who are feminine and can fly under the radar.
Thank you so much for such a project
I know people seem to be looking us as sinners bt the truth of the matter is I do commit sin but being a lesbian is not a sin for me as it is who I am and how I feel on the inside
Well, I have to say, that was interesting. So many are hurting over this issue and it all boils down to interpretation and understanding. It is better to love than hate and judge.
thank you for this :)
Wow i wish we have this right as people now have, i pray one day will be our time. I mean we lesbian in Africa, i am from Liberia but can tell people that are am a lesbian and this has made me to have two children but not been with my baby daddy life
Tupee Togba You should make a video on what's it like being Lesbian in Africa
Carter stated, “Well I have to admit, Dr. Mohler, that I’m kind of selective on that point of view. I really turn almost exclusively to the teachings of Jesus Christ, who never mentioned homosexuality at all as a sin. He never condemned homosexuals and so I don’t condemn homosexuals.
"Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born and Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things-he never said that gay people should be condemned."
Ari Onassis- Sugen is an atheist who believes god condems homosexuality. This is the type of conversation believers have with non believers. I also like to say that pediophiles can be hetrosexual. Now it disturbes people when some one has sex with a same sex child but not a opposite sex child? Hatred is often based in irrational illogical summations about some one.
depends of the wound of the soul and the revenge :)....jesus taught us to turn the other cheek and i aspire too*
This was very enlightening. The two ladies, one who says black churches are supportive but you shouldn't throw your "gayness" in its face and the other who kept saying to her former partner that that's just the way it it, those two threw me off because those are things you expect to hear from straight people. From someone in a same sex relationship you expect a lil push back, but then I realize we don't deal with things the same. Overall loved the documentary, the McDaniels were my favorites 😍
This conversation was REALLY real!! Especially when that ex couple started arguing about 1 not standing up for the other in church 💒. But that's good to show real situations & the turmoil this issue of homosexuality in the church causes.
I also loved that 1 couple where the 1 lady checked her partner & was like --- "Y. ou're being intellectually dishonest saying that the problem isn't with how the church views homosexuality in general, buy trying to place the blame on guys who the church may deem as flamboyant & allegedy ✌🏾flaunting✌🏾 their sexuality in people's faces when they can't help the fact they stand out & they are just being who they are 🤨👇🏿!!" And she was right. Her partner was operating from the perspective of someone who has straight "passing 👄💄👠" privilege. I LOVED 💗🤗this documentary 📹!! VERY needed..
“Judge not yet ye be judged.” Period. 🙏🏿
we are suppose judge rightously ....these relationship are abomination and hell bound
thank u
*We NEED more black lesbians. Yau* 🎉
Thank you
thanks for sharing your views, I'm 48, Afro residing in a caucasian world, and i missed my Afro's lesbians , yet i don't care to be myself nomatter what
what if the matter becomes loving? will you be yourself then :)
Birdy its ok to live in your truth. 😊🙏❤
Truth is, God loves humanity but he hates sin. God is holy and He requires His people to be holy. Sin separated us from God. Jesus came into the world for this reason and died for us, rose the 3rd day and is seated on the right hand of the Father, with all power in His hand. Jesus who knew no sin, gave His life for us, while we were yet in sin.
We all have knowledge of God and what’s right and wrong for the most part. He has also given us the will to choose His way or our way of life. Life outside of the will of God is eternal damnation. Read your bible folks, God is clear on what he calls sin and its consequences.
It's always good to run into people who knows what the gospel says..... unfortunately we live in a world where people love their sins
I would like to know what seminary the lady at end who said her dean was a queen female. She was a part of the couple. This was very informative. Thank you!
Sensitive Topic! Same Sex relationships is not a Traditional lifestyle....The Black Church is very Traditional......let the old folks Keep their Tradition....I love alot of the old Traditions....As we Evolve and learn more about sexuality let us not attack The Black Church for its Tradition. Attend a Gay church lol they support the same sex Doctrine....i personally wanna go where Grandma and Grandaddy went personally lol.....Let ur Same Sex relationships be Private IN the Traditional Black church ......AND ENJOY the OLD TIME RELIGION....i like it and respect it still even as i EVOLVE
If one follows the King James bible the way that it is written, the homosexual/gay lifestyle is not accepted. Why is it necessary worship a deity that does not accept you? Think about that.
LadyJ Badgurlzceo......so basically go bk into the closet right......NOT......we aint going bk no whr and plz dont tell us wht church to go to and how to behave.....wake up and stop the ignorance....God loves me just as much as He loves u.....ive seen people hurt severely from people that speak like u.....thank God thrs more people that love than hate
Stop trying to go to a Traditional church and make them change! Go to a Gay church.....im not saying stay in the closet....if u dont wanna be private let it all hang out on the Gay church.....dont get mad bc Traditional ole folks dont accept same sex let them do them and u do u......u sound very angry.....u mad u gay?.....love urself be your Authentic self respect Grandmas tradition.....while u carry out ur own divine path.....
@@jazthing1 Big debate im not getting into that....we will all know what is the Truth when we Die.....Until then Be ur Authentic self
... the thing about religion is that if you are a christian and you follow the bible, "as is" ... you can't change the "Words" that are written. You can't adapt a religion to "fit" your lifestyle. There are tenets and commandments in the christian faith that are guidelines to be followed. If one does not want to follow those guidelines and instead wants "do their own thing & be who they are"... than what's the point in following that religion? It is complex.
“LOVE the sinner! HATE the sin!” Don't confuse the mess of Church to the biblical love of God!!
If God, the Creator of heaven and earth and everything in between, says “Thou shalt not commit adultery” He spoke clearly: no sex outside marriage, no stepping out of your spouse (adultery) no separation or divorce, no remarriage, no same sex unions (not called marriage, because that is between a male & female only) no incest, no transgenderism, no paedophilia and no bestiality.
This warning goes out to both heterosexuals and homosexuals and every one of the fringe of this.
When the Bible calls something an “Abomination!” It will be exactly that, till the end of this sin-soaked world.
Racists have always had their excuses for their hate, using Scripture, but it's just HATE! As will anyone who wants to use the Bible to support their erroneous beliefs.
Money is not a sin. But the love of money is. The act of homosexuality and all things LGBTi is the sin that the Bible calls an abomination. You will have unbiblical churches that support that lifestyle choice, but it's not God's choice. The Bible says “we are all sinners,” whose “hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked”
As a Christian, I'm not better than someone caught up in homosexuality. We both need to repent and believe the gospel message with the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.
God will have such a big shock when he comes back to earth lol
did you know john of the bible is a best friend to jesus and is gay :)...do you know of the story in the bible where a man goes to jesus and says my beloved (male) is sick will you heal him and jesus goes happily...also, you can not have a father god without a mother god, yes?! so where is all the conversation about our mother god? did you know that the bible was changed alot by the hand of men who used the bible to compete with other books to have dominace...the bible is a tool to discern truth from fiction yes...as it says do not use the book literally........from me to you; your using the bible as a tool of revenge so my question is: what is your wound? how did it happen? ..... as i feel you are not in a place of patience and in a place of condemnation...therefore you are seeking justice yes! but not of your own wounds? and instead attacking others...are you scared to confront the person(s) who hurt you?...indiviually we are all hurting...jesus taught us to turn the other cheek and that means do not do revenge...be patient and aspire to be loving by experiencing the truth instead of controlling and disconnection from the heart of flesh :) may you learn all about humility and love on~ ......... :)
This is very sad! Romans 1:26-27 “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature, likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." Homosexuality of any kind is not condoned by God that is why He destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah, so why should the church encourage such a union? They could talk about black, white, multi-color churches and talk about Jesus' love all they want but they will not make it into Heaven!
Ruth Anne she was scared when pastor preached because she was being convicted of her sin..
@@dreday4christ Amen sister! Preach it now! That's exactly what was happening! I agree with you 100%!
You are a slave to religion
No matter the religion, we are in Gods image so we inherit God within ourselves.. the Bible has be altered and y’all don’t know how to decode it so in reality you’re a lost soul 🤷🏽♀️
how many hands have changed the bible over time? did you know they changed it to compete with other books to have dominance? you are aware they removed all the women parts im sure...for example: you can not have a father without a mother, yes? where does it talk of our mother god? .... i recommend patience as your first place of progress :) ... because without patience we become controlling...a heart of flesh is required...instead of going with expectations as those are not required...truth is truth and truly true truth requires patience to process all the details...you are not yet aware of all the details...its better to be a student then a fake master/naieve master/false master - revenge is not an act of God (ever) as God is perfected in love and revenge is an act of anger/fear/lies...proof: hell as we call it is a place for people to continue to grow in love via experience, they are not stuck there as a God is loving and wants all her children to be in love together...satan is a charater of delusion to describe lies/expecations/wounded...actually its called the hills not hell as the condition of love we are in will bring us to a location that reflects our condition of love that we may learn from and aspire to progress in truth and love from and with or without God we progress...as you know with God is the greatest experience however God gave us free will and that is because God does not have expections of us :) God desires we learn and grow and experience love and a retionship with God not by force by desire :) .... patience my dear sibling in Gods great family :)
If Christianity is "the white man's religion", why does she have the title 'pastor'? No man can steel another's religion because religion is man made. And if the Christianity to which she is referring belongs to Africans, how is it not a part of African culture? How could Africans have forgotten when just a fraction of Africans were carried away from Africa? Suspicion is what rules Africans and wherever they reside it's that way.
Now, if one person made humans, how is there a Black church? Does that make any sense? I don't see a Church of a skin colour in God's Word. If you want to do what you want to do, go ahead but don't try to drag the Creator into them to ease your conscience. Because the conscience is what it is about. And someone said the operative word- choice, showing it is not "I was born this way".
No human built the Biblical church so no one's grandfather did such a thing. There is only one sin that is above all and that is "blasphemy against the holy spirit" because it will never be forgiven so people should not be made to feel one person's way of life is worse than another's or others' if none is living the way the Creator states.
It is very stupid to get angry with God if he is so powerful to choose not to love you. I saw things I was not agreeable with but it was not about me. It was about my Creator and where he wanted me to be. You have to get it right. Who ever was saying what, will not be answerable for anyone else but himself. He is not going to be asked why he said things others did not like. But the offended ones will be asked why they did not seek out the truth rather than making their truth to be God's. And how could you be part of the very thing you are so heated up about?
The scriptures are not open to interpretation. Would that make any sense? Two parents have written down a set of rules but there is nothing but chaos in the home. Why? Each child is interpreting the rules his and her own way. Does it seem reasonable that parents wanting their children to return home each day would put rules that are subject to interpretation? So why would the One who is going to hold humans to account, even for every idle word they speak, do such a thing?
The reality is that all the places named as church and these two and all others like them are and were in Babylon the Great. No confusion lies in the arrangement of the Creator because he is in charge and he chooses those on the same plane as he, like his Son Jesus. "Let this mind which was in Christ be in you." And what kind of mind did Christ have? "My food is to do the will of him that sent me." Does that sound like these two? Is their goal to do the will of him that sent Jesus? Did Jesus ever had a power argument with his disciples like this?
The Devil himself can quote the scriptures. That's the bottom line.
oliviairving114 You know exactly why it’s called the white man’s religion. The world is in chaos because humans have a hard time respecting and cherishing each other.
the bible is like land...and can be manipulated...that is why God created life :) and living is like reading...and when we misinterpret life gives us an experience to guide us into experiencing the truth and development of our will :) ... humbly may it be so*
Them bisexuals clearly Souled Out! This was there Introduction into the industry.The way this came out it was strategically planned out,I mean the shaderoom literally interviewed them the same day this all dropped,he even dropped a song the same day,the funny thing about the one that had the kid she didn’t even want that experience,the brown skin one was suppose to carry all the kids,when they announce that chick was pregnant it shocked people because it was something she made clear that wasn’t something she wanted to experience for self,but it all makes sense now she really let a whole dude inside her woman now they out here living they whole life in the open with this nxxga smh
So is being GAY/ lesbian not a sin ?
🤔Being who you "REALLY " are is a Sin?
Nah, but not being true to yourself is.
According to the Book written by men who were “inspired by God”.
TheIntrovert83 what book of the Bible did you read that? I would like too see and read it.
Beautiful Diva no it’s not
These people are confused.
I agree a lot of people are...some people dont know if they want one person...if they wanna stay married or be single...do folks right when they with them...all kinds of confusion. People wanna make babies dont know if they should properly care for the child they made...smh just all kinds of confusion def agree
They ain't confused they living in their truth!
confusion to the highest order
@o0the the only truth is in Gods word which is in Jesus Christ alone R3stless0o
You WILL find another black lesbian. 🙏
While I understand many of your points may be valid as far as history of the black church. it would have been much better to have ex homosexuals be a part of the video to counter your points and make this less biased. I also did not agree with you stating that my friend who appears in your video was not a real homosexual. Your judgement of her makes you no better than those who judge you. This could have been a good documentary with points validating both sides. Instead it is one sided.
Colin Andrew it would have been great if the ex homosexuals that I reached out to would have actually responded after many attempts for them to be a part of the documentary. Check the Instagram page and Facebook page. They were asked to be a part of the documentary and that either read the messages I sent and simply did NOT respond or they gave the run around of "I'm on vacation and will get back to you"..."I've been busy"..."let me pray about it"...That sir is a problem!...Those who scream a good game of being delivered on UA-cam and Facebook but when given an opportunity and platform to speak on it with those who are not and they are silent...perhaps your issue shouldn't be with the "valid points and why it could have been better" and be with the ex homosexuals who didn't respond and ask them for their reasons.
Colin Andrew but thanks for watching though!
Total at the wrong place, I lost 40 minute of my life watching this and I didn't come close to what are they talking about.
are you ...stooopid ? lol
what did you think it was :)
🙄. Clearly, no brain 🧠 cells were lost cuz you had none to begin with. You obviously have no reading comprehension skills when the title of the video Cuh-LEARLY ☝🏾 states the topic of the video 🤦🏾♂️.
They do not know the Bible.
And you do?
life is Gods creation yes...better to experience the truth of life then to tunnel vision on the book that was changed by many hands of men, in order to compete with other books to have dominance...for example: you can not have a father god without a mother god yes! well, men hating on women would remove all that yes! therefore how much trust can you have in men of revenge? ...... the proverbs are Gods laws of love...best to know those :) and leave the drama to rest...unless you want to feed your ego still (facade self)...patience is the fruit of humility~
please read the Bible again
Danielle is WAY off.