I cant imagine knowing somebody well enough to make a big commitment in two freaking months, but couples did it back then. I think my parents had only been dating a few months when they got engaged. They stayed married too and after dad died Mom was not interested in ever dating anyone else.
yootuba, My dad was handsome ,charming, charismatic and hung like a mule . Why on earth my mom felt I needed to know that last 1 ? I have no idea .they didn't know eachother very long when they ran off to get married having to lie about mom's age because she wasn't legal. They stayed married till he died 15 years later . He was fun to be around . Gamma was pissed when he ran off with my mom & tried to have dad arrested . He had a thing for underage girls , 3 Statutory warrants over 3 different, willing underage girls at the time of his death . Had been described as the kind of man who could " Fall into a pile of Sh*t and come out smelling like a rose " When i was 18 I laughed when I saw their marriage license for the 1st time because I knew that neither of them were as old as it said they were .I'm not even convinced that dad was legally divorced from his 1st wife when he married my mom I know he left that woman while she was pregnant with his 3rd child & he was only 15 when he married her Heck he was only 19 when he married my 16 year old mom. I'm the youngest of his 6 kids, he had by age 25 .
when these two agreed they weren’t ready for the attachment and still managed to plan for their next date, i guess it was a sign of maturity. A good step for mature love
John Rex Calunsag I don’t think it’s mature to be submissive and only being with someone with the exact same background; Why don’t you marry your siblings? wanting unconditional love is not immature Especially when you’ve had it on a mutual level. As a Venus in Scorpio in the tenth house I think I could never forget AIK or RLS
There are films like this. They’re dumb and inaccurate to our actual lives and when school tries to push them down our throat we laugh and joke about them. These were inaccurate to Actual 50s teens lives too.
I just really love how she realized she doesn't feel mature love for her boyfriend, so she told him and they came to the conclusion that they nonetheless have a lot of fun together and they can keep being a couple. So it's not always "I don't really love you, I quit", sometimes it's "I love you in a different way and that's okay" this video taught me a lot :)
Mature love wouldn't be anything like the mother describes here. It's spontaneous and individual. The idea of like-minded people making a good match is a very silly myth. Very often the best unions are between people who complemented each other with very different interests and ways of looking at the world. Certainly disagreement about children would be bad, and likewise about money. But about everything else, it is almost better to have different perspectives. Otherwise your marriage has nothing to enliven it. The same holds for friendships. Look at Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda. Or Godel and Einstein. Of course if two people are too much unlike, they would never get together in the first place. But if they cannot surprise and challenge each other at all, the marriage itself becomes something like a child's relationship with its teddy bear - viscerally satisfying perhaps, but not something that helps you grow, indeed something you need to grow out of for your own good.
Man what gets me at the ending was that both took the admission of not being ready for a "mature" kind of love so well. No hurt feelings or angry fighting, just the acceptance of the fact and willingness to spend more time together.
If only what i would say was the love of my life, when we were both young had this apporach, maybe we could have grown together and had real love as we matured, I do believe we could have. But it was supposedly unfair that i wasn't ready for real love and 100% verbal commitment, i was scared to verbally make rhat commitment, .but i was basically committed in my actions, i was loyal, obsessed, adored her, homest, everything, just was afraid to commit at such a young age, is it my fault or was it unfair of her to give me an ultimatum like that? Supposedly i had "committed issues", i think its deeper than that. Any one relate? And now, she has been through hell with relationships for the last 10/15 years, ended up taking drugs all the time, she still beautifull in all ways, but she's trapped in a lifestyle, i want to try and help her and she also wants that, but she might fuck my life up now, everythimg i have worked for 😂 Its risky as fu#k, what does anyone think? Please help 😂
Dayum, are you ever correct! I remember back in 1994 when I was 26 raising some eyebrows at my fourth attempt at a committed relationship.. A male friend who had known m since I was 18 said “On the surface it may seem like opposites attracting and two people on the rebound but underneath they have a lot in common. This’ll work.” I wish I hadn’t lost touch with him so I could tell him he was right.
Electric Sutando My parents weren't very helpful, I went to a concert with 80,000 fans at 10 years old, bye the way my first music was Partridge Family, they let a babysitter through a party at our house. We were 1 big Irish Family 6 kids. I loved going to Concerts Stones, Zeppelin, Allman Brothers, Lynyrd Skynyrd before plane crash, I nicknamed Mick Jagger ( A ROOSTER ON ACID ) cause of his energy on stage. I also was a big Nascar fan, crazy those drivers go 2 miles in 48 seconds. I am proud knew my limits with Alcohol. Always loved that Quote ( FRIENDS ARE THE SIBLINGS GOD FORGOT TO GIVE US ) ERIN GO BRAGH means IRELAND FOREVER
"Are we really interested in the same things? Do we feel at ease with each other? Are we proud of each other? Do we agree on the basic things like; religion, marriage, children, money?" Well done, mama.
"You young punks go to the movies a couple of times, do a little necking, and you think you're in love". Seems teens haven't changed much since the 50s 💀
This is actually... pretty good. I was expecting some stupid stereotypes or something but it does help you understand infatuation from actual caring for each other.
back then that’s how it was. you could date multiple people at a time, and it was okay because it was only getting to know the people without commitment. once they went steady, that’s when there was commitment and you realize you really like the person. plus, teens went on dates like every weekend.
AJBeetle1 maybe camera film and photos were expensive and the mother didn’t want her daughter’s carelessness to be a total waste. Or they’re just weirdos xD
A thing they didn't really mention is that mature love requires compromise and communication. You don't have to like all the same things. You can be complete opposites but find harmony with each other. Compromise isn't about sacrificing your own ideals, it's about finding a middle ground and respecting each other's differences without belittling. Not every relationship will work out no matter how hard you try so it's important to take your time getting to know each other before committing. Also, a form of love is learning to let go and wish for the other person's happiness without being jealous or vindictive.
Time helps because most put on good behavior at 1st. Observe how they handle isappointment, failure, money, how they treat others, what their parents are like. Know at least a year before marriage
Honestly, this is a lovely short film. The mom in this gave wonderful advice. I really like how she pointed out that temporary relationships and crushes are important for self discovery and experience. That's really valuable information, especially for someone that's young and has just started dating or broken up with someone.
Parents were like moral dictionaries back then, damn I miss that. Look at the girl’s mom who gave her daughter the perfect answer on the complex aspect of love and the different types of love.
I like how despite their realisation that they're not in love/don't share real love, they still go out again. Maybe it'll take longer, not for them to compromise on anything, but to grow into each other. Love takes effort too
This is so cute. The wholesomeness is refreshing and makes you feel good inside and optimistic. The relationships in these videos are phenomenal, especially between the parent and child. I wish had that with my parents or someone who will listen and give me sound advice. I didn't even get these kinds of lessons in school. I've learned so much more from TV, books, and music than ever from people I know or have met. Fortunately, I turned out to be a decent, right-minded person.
+Veronica Walton See? It's the message of the story that matters and people complain about too much CGI and that the acting was cheesy and another deserved the Oscar and don't focus on the bigger picture. A lot of people are so spoiled and have so much short attention span, all they want is explosions and don't care about the human connection. This film is a work of art.
How are the questions this girl's mom tells her to ask herself still so relevant 70 years later? Man I wish someone would have told me to ask myself this when I was in high school!
@@BlackCover95 Well weren't they racist,sexist and homophobic? Ofcourse they knew things and they didn't deny them,instead looking them head on and providing solutions
I was expecting another crockpot old-timey video about virginity, but this actually had some really good points. Don't marry someone unless you agree on the fundamental things like religion, children and money.
Children and money are definitely things that should be agreed upon. If one wants children and the other doesn’t attitudes concerning that rarely change. Even if the latter agrees to having children eventually they usually make for a terrible, hesitant parent anyway. Most people get divorced over differences in financial decisions. Spenders rarely become savers and vice versa. Religion, on the other hand, is highly subjective... Some people change their religion 20 years down the road, don’t have one anymore, or didn’t have one and then pick one up. Some people require church attendance with their spouse while others are ok practicing their religion on their own. It’s all about finding someone that’s compatible with you. Some differing religious or non-religious people work better together than others. I would know, I’ve been in a relationship with my husband for four years and been married to him for two. We agree on children and money but I’m a Christian and he’s non-religious. The fact that we don’t agree on religion has no negative impact on our marriage. Rather, we view religion as a VERY personal choice and respect each other’s opinions. Just as it will be our son’s personal choice when he’s old enough to understand things like that (he’s currently 14 months old). So, I guess you could say that although we don’t agree *on* religion we agree *concerning* religion... And that’s what makes us compatible.
@CBS 70sfan no, just that you threw reptiles in there. Seriously, what was it about the reptiles that was a red flag? I am sorry you lost those years; I was in a relationship way too long myself and should have ended it much sooner.
Man, Bob had good hair. And good advice. But really good hair. He is 35 years old and sleeping in a twin bed next to his 16 year old brother. So, nothing weird there.
This instructional video taught me more than life ever has. I felt like I was learning something from my mother during the snapshots scene and I got a little emotional. It was so informative and gracious. This generation lacks this type of knowledge. They thrive on immature love. I’m showing my future kids these instructional videos.
I thought they were good questions to ask yourself: - are we really interested in the same things - do we feel at ease together - are we proud of each other - do we agree on the basic things ie religion, children, marriage, money
Morwenna16 My parents weren't very helpful, they let me go to a Led Zeppelin concert with 80,000 fans at 10 years old, my first music was Partridge Family, My parents were crazy having 8 kids, we were cute with Irish Freckels on our face. Because we were Irish our Neighbors paid us with Beer to cut there lawns. Im not lying mom side us kids had 16 first cousins. ERIN GO BRAGH means IRELAND FOREVER
This girl's mom is very wise and loving with her teaching. She doesn't accuse or demean her daughter's feelings. When most people ask 'How do you know it's love"' of their parent, the only answer they get is: "Oh you'll know." Not much help at ALL. I would have liked to have heard this. No wonder people have such problems with relationships nowdays.
When she said she wasn't familiar with the Brahms Violin Concerto I knew that would be a problem. That violin concerto is one of the greatest pieces of music ever written.
@@hopelessviolin4690 Well your comment is dripping with sarcasm but I invite you to take 40 minutes out of your life to listen to it. It will change your life forever and your problems will melt away. And BTW it's Brahms not brahms.
... Look at my username. I'm a college-level violinist. My comment was half joking but I regularly listen to the Brahms violin concerto especially the recording by Ginette Neveu. @@Bob31415
Lol. Same. The universe brings to us what we need. I am hooked to the charisma videos that were being recommended to me. It's helped me improve how I relate to people and eye contact... (3 seconds with each person in the group)
I'm actually very impressed by how open these parents seemed to be with their children - I don't feel like now-a-days parents are nearly this candid with their kids, which surprises me.
When parents actually cared about their kids and spent time with them instead of being self-involved and trying to look and act like teenagers themselves.
It actually wasn't too far off in describing characteristics of love that current relationship research has shown to correlate well with successful and satisfying relationships. However, it was a little off in calling love to be mature versus developing. They're simply different types of love that exist throughout your life, but may be more or less dominant depending on your stage of life.
Thanks, this really helped me understand love. Now I've just broken up with my girlfriend and I'm off to buy a teddy bear which I intend to have a more mature love with.
+Joe Yes, me too, now i know what i already suspected...love is a choice of responsibility, admiring each other and helping each other out. To say someone is sexy or you like her kisses is not enough, we have to know who we are in the overall mature personality, dreams, interests, and responsibility. Love is not forced it's relaxed. There is no sexual tension, cause love is peace with one another. Love is not one sided or mystery. Love is to be ourselves. Don't marry someone unless you agree on the fundamental things.
TheMightyWill honestly, I found this reply just scrolling through and your little reply really helped me right now and that is exactly what I needed thank you so much ^-^
I am eighty two and the advice is good. Was surprised to see being proud of the person you love. It is true, I never thought of that! Btw. Never heard anyone say swell. People spoke then like they do now
Her mother is really wise and a good teacher. I liked how closely Nora listened to her mother as she was teaching her. She understood her mother had knowledge and experience that Nora didn't have yet, and she wanted to learn from her mom because she respected her. Rate today.
she basically speaks of the types of loves that ancient greeks spoke of 😌 1. “Eros” or Erotic Love 2. “Philia” or Affectionate Love or the love we have for friends 3. “Storge” or Familiar Love 4. “Ludus” or Playful Love 5. “Mania” or Obsessive Love 6. “Pragma” or Enduring Love 7. “Philautia” or Self Love 8. “Agape” or Selfless Love
I love how the advice in these videos are given as a kind suggestion. Like if you aren't sure, maybe think about this or try that. Our culture acts like the 1950's were all about rigid conformity, but these videos show a true understanding and acceptance of the differences, imperfections, and struggles of regular people as they try to figure out life.
I love these videos, partly for their content which is mostly pretty cool, but also for the stilted acting and phrasing. Gives me the giggles. ^_^ We should all stop and realize that these short videos ran before feature films and were created because there were a lot of teenagers who didn't feel they could ask their parents questions like this and a lot of parents who weren't comfortable answering if the teens did ask. The 50s were a far from idyllic time in some ways, these videos were aspirational, they show idealized relationships between parents and young adults, and ideal reactions between people, unless they are showcasing what not to do, or how not to be. I like the videos because they show a lot of calm, non-judgemental interactions and reactions on the part of parents. Too many parents, in all eras, tend to react harshly even to sincere questions, or tend to judge harshly when asked for help or guidance.
Not so much stilted acting but that that was how oeople actually spoke & acted back then. I remember. Language & styles change with the decades. Young people nowdays talk like Valley girls in the movies. Watch moviesfrom the 1930s vs movies from 2020s & notice how inflections are different
Did people really start their sentences with "Say...." and use the word "swell" so much back then? Or is that just how they spoke in movies? Sorry random question but I always wondered about that.
80's kids watched films to avoid molestation and saved me quite a few times. I wish this was shown. Could have helped avoid alot of wasted time in relationships
Being in love is like reliving childhood together. In order to stay at it you both must endure growing up together. You learn to deal with mutual codependency traits that you both possess. Mutual understanding and continued conversation keep the union lively.
It's 1am and here I am watching this video once again. I first came across it after being heartbroken when I was 16. I was so sure I was in love with her. Now, I watch this when I find myself thinking seriously about a new girl, or if I'm feeling down about someone from days gone by. How strongly I can now relate to the stages of puppy and physical love. But mature love? Someone I'm proud of? At ease with? Cooperative with? Agree on the topics of religion, money, children? Those boxes are a whole lot harder to get ticked off. After having watched this almost too many times to count now, I always realise the same thing. I've never really been in love. 2023 update: Funny how I keep on coming back to this video, almost 10 years after I first found it. So much life has been lived, I've had 3 big heartbreaks that have left their scars and important lessons learnt. Ive found, let go of, and lost love. C'est la vie.
"Is he at ease with you?" "No" "does he agree about the important things with you?" "No" "is he proud of you?" "No.... fuck.. excuse me while I reevaluate my life 🤣😭"
I’ve been in love with my husband since we were sixteen years old and that was 41 years ago. We have been married 36 of those years with four children and two grandchildren. I knew I was really in love when I couldn’t imagine anyone I would rather grow old with. All I know is when you really love someone, their happiness and well being is more important to you than your own and they feel the same way. I would lay my life down for my husband and family and he would too
Bingo! That's the answer to "how do you know it's real love?" When you can't imagine growing old with anyone else, when their happiness and well being is more important than your own and they feel the same way about you, when you protect each other by not taking advantage of each other's weaknesses, when you forgive each other's shortcomings, when you realize that you're not just marrying your spouse, but their family too ... yes, these are the signs of mature love.
Questions: Are we really interested in the same thing? Do we feel at ease together? Are we proud of eachother? Are we agreed on basic things? Like Religion, Money and children?
Because you needed to experience first hand. I even received some advice regarding friendship and spiritual teachers and love, and I still had the urge to crash and burn. Then you remember and store the memory for lifetimes.
Just cause it’s old doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Love hasn’t changed since the 50’s, so the advice is still rock solid. Sad that so many people have to learn this on their own and their parents never tell them. What happened to parents being moral guidance?
This is kind of a thing to make us get our minds off all the troubles in 2020 and remember simpler times keep up the videos I think they're fantastic when things were a lot more simpler than they are now and families respected each other loved each other they listened Etc
That was so nice for her mother to speak with her about this very important topic...and most of all that she felt comfortable enough to go to her mother.. Nice video..
It's 2023 ...and I can't tell the feelings of watching this 🎥 video... It's feel so pure and simple and attractive at the Same time... Oh my gawddd...im 23 year old girl... But still I feel so young and old at the same time... 1950 is my grandmother days... When she was in her 20s.... Ohhhh gawwddd.... 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I wish these type of Era come back soon... 💜💜💜
Wow... I think I'm born on the wrong age... These days sure do have lots of opinions.. with no information about what, when, how, why, who. Just do this and do that with no explanation. This is amazing! Really wish I was born in these times... Very substantial. Unlike in this day and age, too many punks, babies, and some people who expect that love and care all their lives they never grow up types. Nobody says anything substantial, objective, wise, nor knowledgeable.
I'm genuinely kind of upset that this type of way of going out on dates wasn't around our generation growing up as much as it was during the time of this film. I learned a lot from this. Overall quality video
Basic agreements, being at ease with each other...only a few of the things to consider about a "serious" relationship. Love can be so multi-faceted, yet all it takes is a dose of common sense to figure out "mature love" from infatuation. It was easy to notice for others' situations, but so difficult to notice for my own relationship. At 8 months into mine, I've never gone through so many cycles of intense sureness and then questioning about if I truly love the person I'm with. And this is my first relationship, so it's not like I've had experience in the field. I say time will tell, but I also think that the future scares the crap out of me because you don't know what will happen. If only it can be as simple to see as it was in this little film, which at this point is 64 years old...
I got married almost 22 years ago. Our church made every couple take a pre-marriage training, and the whole first day was just talks and written exercises to make sure you've talked about all the things mentioned by the mom in this film. We thought it was kind of silly since we'd been dating for 10 years and were on the same page with almost everything, but some of the couples got in arguments and one guy walked out. I guess they hadn't talked about things enough to know if they were really in love.
The guys I know disrespect me. They never want to get to know me as a person. When I'm trying to talk about something I like, they don't seem interested. They really just want to get in my pants. They say they like me, but I never hear from them They make promises and break them. I don't feel like I can be myself around them. I just feel used. They only call me when they're horny. It just sucks. Relationships look hard anyways, and I'm kinda content of being alone.
I'm sorry to hear about your mistreatment. Don't give up hope in finding a virtuous man as mature as you. Think about what you would like out of life, the kind of man that can help you, how you might help him, and likely places where you might meet him.
"I love you, you're the only girl I've dated in... in two months!" LMAO!
+Amilie Dechanelle They took "going steady" very seriously back then. You dated a lot of people and then settled on one only.
I cant imagine knowing somebody well enough to make a big commitment in two freaking months, but couples did it back then. I think my parents had only been dating a few months when they got engaged. They stayed married too and after dad died Mom was not interested in ever dating anyone else.
yootuba, My dad was handsome ,charming, charismatic and hung like a mule .
Why on earth my mom felt I needed to know that last 1 ? I have no idea .they didn't know eachother very long when they ran off to get married having to lie about mom's age because she wasn't legal. They stayed married till he died 15 years later . He was fun to be around .
Gamma was pissed when he ran off with my mom & tried to have dad arrested . He had a thing for underage girls , 3 Statutory warrants over 3 different,
willing underage girls at the time of his death .
Had been described as the kind of man who could
" Fall into a pile of Sh*t and come out smelling like a rose "
When i was 18 I laughed when I saw their marriage license for the 1st time because I knew that neither of them were as old as it said they were .I'm not even convinced that dad was legally divorced from his 1st wife when he married my mom I know he left that woman while she was pregnant with his 3rd child & he was only 15 when he married her Heck he was only 19 when he married my 16 year old mom.
I'm the youngest of his 6 kids, he had by age 25 .
That makes you a Christian by dipstick.
All the more so because he accepted this role.
when these two agreed they weren’t ready for the attachment and still managed to plan for their next date, i guess it was a sign of maturity. A good step for mature love
I agree. They became more compatible and mindful of each other. They’re not in love yet but they can be in time.
John Rex Calunsag
I don’t think it’s mature to be submissive and only being with someone with the exact same background;
Why don’t you marry your siblings?
wanting unconditional love is not immature
Especially when you’ve had it on a mutual level.
As a Venus in Scorpio in the tenth house I think I could never forget AIK or RLS
@@nadiashireensiddiqi I believe you have yet to reach a point of knowing true, mature love if that is your takeaway....
Yup. Stop this culture of hating someone or talking shit, being shady about them bc they rejected you or was your ex.
Yes, I agree.
We need to remake these films for modern teenagers.
Matthew Luttrell your really fuckin right especially before you get married. it could save a lot of heart ache.
Na. Watching a video about "what's ___" is like being programmed to do something. I rather things happen naturally and develope and people
We need to teach lots of stuff more explicitly... Relationship skills, finance, cooking, housekeeping, child-rearing...
There are films like this. They’re dumb and inaccurate to our actual lives and when school tries to push them down our throat we laugh and joke about them. These were inaccurate to Actual 50s teens lives too.
I just really love how she realized she doesn't feel mature love for her boyfriend, so she told him and they came to the conclusion that they nonetheless have a lot of fun together and they can keep being a couple. So it's not always "I don't really love you, I quit", sometimes it's "I love you in a different way and that's okay" this video taught me a lot :)
I wish I would have known this, before breaking up with my girlfriend lol
That's...not a lol.
Mature love wouldn't be anything like the mother describes here. It's spontaneous and individual. The idea of like-minded people making a good match is a very silly myth. Very often the best unions are between people who complemented each other with very different interests and ways of looking at the world. Certainly disagreement about children would be bad, and likewise about money. But about everything else, it is almost better to have different perspectives. Otherwise your marriage has nothing to enliven it. The same holds for friendships. Look at Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda. Or Godel and Einstein. Of course if two people are too much unlike, they would never get together in the first place. But if they cannot surprise and challenge each other at all, the marriage itself becomes something like a child's relationship with its teddy bear - viscerally satisfying perhaps, but not something that helps you grow, indeed something you need to grow out of for your own good.
Man what gets me at the ending was that both took the admission of not being ready for a "mature" kind of love so well. No hurt feelings or angry fighting, just the acceptance of the fact and willingness to spend more time together.
And you were really in love with Mary, and Betty, and Dallas... I hope he didn't get any tattoos.
Aka have fun and figure out the rest lmao
If only what i would say was the love of my life, when we were both young had this apporach, maybe we could have grown together and had real love as we matured,
I do believe we could have.
But it was supposedly unfair that i wasn't ready for real love and 100% verbal commitment, i was scared to verbally make rhat commitment, .but i was basically committed in my actions, i was
loyal, obsessed, adored her, homest, everything, just was afraid to commit at such a young age, is it my fault or was it unfair of her to give me an ultimatum like that?
Supposedly i had "committed issues", i think its deeper than that.
Any one relate?
And now, she has been through hell with relationships for the last 10/15 years, ended up taking drugs all the time, she still beautifull in all ways, but she's trapped in a lifestyle, i want to try and help her and she also wants that, but she might fuck my life up now, everythimg i have worked for 😂
Its risky as fu#k, what does anyone think? Please help 😂
It can turn into love as the times goes by.
One doesn't fall in love...you grow to be in love...there is a difference between being in love and being in love with the idea of being in love.
Dayum, are you ever correct! I remember back in 1994 when I was 26 raising some eyebrows at my fourth attempt at a committed relationship.. A male friend who had known m since I was 18 said “On the surface it may seem like opposites attracting and two people on the rebound but underneath they have a lot in common. This’ll work.” I wish I hadn’t lost touch with him so I could tell him he was right.
Kat g FACTS 💯 like a boss 💪
there is a difference between being IN love and being someone WITH love
Or being in lust
"Love takes time, and love takes work." - Garnet
This girl's mom has just given me more advice in 3 minutes than what my mom has given me in a life time.
Electric Sutando My parents weren't very helpful, I went to a concert with 80,000 fans at 10 years old, bye the way my first music was Partridge Family, they let a babysitter through a party at our house. We were 1 big Irish Family 6 kids. I loved going to Concerts Stones, Zeppelin, Allman Brothers, Lynyrd Skynyrd before plane crash, I nicknamed Mick Jagger ( A ROOSTER ON ACID ) cause of his energy on stage. I also was a big Nascar fan, crazy those drivers go 2 miles in 48 seconds. I am proud knew my limits with Alcohol. Always loved that Quote ( FRIENDS ARE THE SIBLINGS GOD FORGOT TO GIVE US ) ERIN GO BRAGH means IRELAND FOREVER
It confused me so much
Electric Sutando I’m your 1000th like and I’m proud of it
That's how the script was written.
I guess your mom has been working like a real slave and there is no time to talk about good advices. Yes, that is in general.
Love that the girl holds her opinion. Doesn't just agree under pressure. Great way to get respect.
Where the comments at?
@@jaqu56 idk, weird
Its pretty quiet in here. . . .
If women express their opinion, they are seen as forceful and domineering. A lot of men these days have no self esteem and can’t handle that.
I like that they portrayed the girl as the thoughtful and reflective one, not the clingy/hasty one.
"Are we really interested in the same things? Do we feel at ease with each other? Are we proud of each other? Do we agree on the basic things like; religion, marriage, children, money?" Well done, mama.
"You young punks go to the movies a couple of times, do a little necking, and you think you're in love". Seems teens haven't changed much since the 50s 💀
Virtual ViVi People are always people, no matter the time. Society thinks it’s better as times advance but people stay the same.
Sirama it’s only gonna get worse
August Humphrey oh please
This is actually... pretty good. I was expecting some stupid stereotypes or something but it does help you understand infatuation from actual caring for each other.
wise words from Biggie Cheese
Beekah I
They had a lot of emotional sophistication we don't value or nurture as much now
Beekah in the end though, doesn’t all love start from infatuation, and either ends there or develops into love
Yeah how do my parents turn out to be such idiotic fucktards along with the rest of the boomers
"You love me, don't you?"
"I don't know. . .I'll have to think about it."
Where is this part ?
That boy just got swiped left in the 1950s!
Clearly, she says "I think so."
"I don't know. . .I'll have to think about it." is woman speak for "How fat is your wallet"
AHappy Goth that’s my bf
I love how they used to talk back then it was so charming and elegant
Imagine someone caring so much about giving you a proper answer that they're willing to think about it for a whole day
"How can you tell if its mature love?"
"You soak your dentures in the same glass."
poetcomic1 👄👄👄👄👄 😄😄😄😄😄
Oh wow lol
when u get burried in the same grave....... or get cremated together
poetcomic1 yuck no
"you the only girl i've dated, in two months"
Olive B. that's really fucked up on the girls part
back then that’s how it was. you could date multiple people at a time, and it was okay because it was only getting to know the people without commitment. once they went steady, that’s when there was commitment and you realize you really like the person. plus, teens went on dates like every weekend.
@@l3xsterz298 That sounds better than what we have today. People don't take the time to know each other.
As long as they didnt sleep with each other it's all kushti
No explanation for why they took a photo of strangers kissing in their car and put it into a photo album...
AJBeetle1 maybe camera film and photos were expensive and the mother didn’t want her daughter’s carelessness to be a total waste. Or they’re just weirdos xD
People take photos of people without them knowing it, then post it online now a days. So maybe this isn't as weird as it looks for the time.
I think they were her friends. Mug shot.
Plot device 😉
The parents are pervy. Plot twist.
A thing they didn't really mention is that mature love requires compromise and communication. You don't have to like all the same things. You can be complete opposites but find harmony with each other. Compromise isn't about sacrificing your own ideals, it's about finding a middle ground and respecting each other's differences without belittling. Not every relationship will work out no matter how hard you try so it's important to take your time getting to know each other before committing. Also, a form of love is learning to let go and wish for the other person's happiness without being jealous or vindictive.
This is what real love means🩷
was looking for this...
This! ❤❤❤
Time helps because most put on good behavior at 1st. Observe how they handle isappointment, failure, money, how they treat others, what their parents are like. Know at least a year before marriage
Honestly, this is a lovely short film. The mom in this gave wonderful advice. I really like how she pointed out that temporary relationships and crushes are important for self discovery and experience. That's really valuable information, especially for someone that's young and has just started dating or broken up with someone.
I teach healthy relationship classes to teens and I am going to show these videos! I am curious to see what todays teens think about these.
DrHPotter ... what did they think of them?
DrHPotter what a cool class
That’s a wonderful idea! What did they think of them?
You should make UA-cam videos and show us how and what teens think of these videos today please!
Good common sense, kindness, cleanliness, organization, respect are always a good way to live.
That comment about possessive love is really powerful and could easily be missed
Deb Carsey Even bad parents have nothing but possessive love, sadly...
you are beautiful and unique i admire you for that.
Ie: controlling "love" , not good
This movie is 71 years old now.
1950 - 2021.
Parents were like moral dictionaries back then, damn I miss that. Look at the girl’s mom who gave her daughter the perfect answer on the complex aspect of love and the different types of love.
I like how the mother didn't answer straight away and said that she needed to think about it. Good advice for parents.
Well it was acting, TV doesn’t reflect reality, even back then
This was not how people where
This is how they are acting
She's lucky to have a mature mother.
Warren Cotton indeed.
I like how despite their realisation that they're not in love/don't share real love, they still go out again. Maybe it'll take longer, not for them to compromise on anything, but to grow into each other. Love takes effort too
This is so cute. The wholesomeness is refreshing and makes you feel good inside and optimistic. The relationships in these videos are phenomenal, especially between the parent and child. I wish had that with my parents or someone who will listen and give me sound advice. I didn't even get these kinds of lessons in school. I've learned so much more from TV, books, and music than ever from people I know or have met. Fortunately, I turned out to be a decent, right-minded person.
Pass it on! ❤
Yes! That’s so true! And isn’t it so nice to read a great book and feel like somebody so wise, thoughtful and mature is talking to you?
Bob and Jean are SO cute together. They are about 86 years old now and still talking about the same stuff.
+poetcomic1 So cute, I saw them at Bob Evans the other day.
at Bob Evans...ordering the faux Chinese entree
Where do they live?
cryslala03 lol
cryslala03 oh my goodness, i’m crying. that’s so sweet, i want that one day :(
Despite the mediocre acting, this is actually a really meaningful and enlightening video
+Veronica Walton See? It's the message of the story that matters and people complain about too much CGI and that the acting was cheesy and another deserved the Oscar and don't focus on the bigger picture. A lot of people are so spoiled and have so much short attention span, all they want is explosions and don't care about the human connection. This film is a work of art.
William Faulkner fell on hard times in the 1950s and had to write the scripts for these films for drinking money. It's true.
The mom actually did pretty good
Lol....Well you do know she's going to dump him right? She came to that conclusion at dinner. Just want to get a few dates out of him while she looks.
Older sibling's said sorry to their younger siblings?
MariChe MMIV times have changed lol
It's still a movie ... acting.
me: a middle child
*cant relate*
I've never done that
Why are all of their voices so comforting sounding? 😭
How are the questions this girl's mom tells her to ask herself still so relevant 70 years later? Man I wish someone would have told me to ask myself this when I was in high school!
We all knew the '50s were racist, sexist, homophobic.
Who‘d’ve thought they also _knew_ things?
@@BlackCover95 Well weren't they racist,sexist and homophobic? Ofcourse they knew things and they didn't deny them,instead looking them head on and providing solutions
Well, people communication basics haven't changed, no matter what media tells you
Human nature doesnt change
I was expecting another crockpot old-timey video about virginity, but this actually had some really good points. Don't marry someone unless you agree on the fundamental things like religion, children and money.
+Lola B and don't get married unless you haven't been with anyone else in 2 months lol
Children and money are definitely things that should be agreed upon. If one wants children and the other doesn’t attitudes concerning that rarely change. Even if the latter agrees to having children eventually they usually make for a terrible, hesitant parent anyway. Most people get divorced over differences in financial decisions. Spenders rarely become savers and vice versa. Religion, on the other hand, is highly subjective...
Some people change their religion 20 years down the road, don’t have one anymore, or didn’t have one and then pick one up. Some people require church attendance with their spouse while others are ok practicing their religion on their own. It’s all about finding someone that’s compatible with you. Some differing religious or non-religious people work better together than others. I would know, I’ve been in a relationship with my husband for four years and been married to him for two. We agree on children and money but I’m a Christian and he’s non-religious. The fact that we don’t agree on religion has no negative impact on our marriage. Rather, we view religion as a VERY personal choice and respect each other’s opinions. Just as it will be our son’s personal choice when he’s old enough to understand things like that (he’s currently 14 months old). So, I guess you could say that although we don’t agree *on* religion we agree *concerning* religion...
And that’s what makes us compatible.
@CBS 70sfan I am sorry, but the reptile thing in the middle of responsibility and morality had me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Agreed. Also there is major difference between loving someone and being in love.
@CBS 70sfan no, just that you threw reptiles in there. Seriously, what was it about the reptiles that was a red flag?
I am sorry you lost those years; I was in a relationship way too long myself and should have ended it much sooner.
All the women sound like Snow White,
Back when pollution and climate change didn't exist
Meanwhile most of the women today sound like brats 😅
Yeah why is that? Why did all the women back then speak so strangely.
That's just course if that Hollywood accent that was really popular then:)
Man, Bob had good hair. And good advice. But really good hair. He is 35 years old and sleeping in a twin bed next to his 16 year old brother. So, nothing weird there.
Well when you are cool and have great hair, you have to make some sacrifices. You can't just put your cool out there all over the place.
Bob is proposed to a woman he doesn't live with...
@@Tzara86 this is the 50s you did not live with your fiancee then, duh
@@Tzara86 also it's engaged not proposed, speak english much?
Back then there was nothing weird there.
Kids really need to watch these old clips. Kids are really lost these days with ghosting etc. Complete disrespect for others.
This instructional video taught me more than life ever has. I felt like I was learning something from my mother during the snapshots scene and I got a little emotional. It was so informative and gracious. This generation lacks this type of knowledge. They thrive on immature love. I’m showing my future kids these instructional videos.
. k. I did meth in inner city crack houses for a few years.
I learned less than you'll ever remember.
I have a playlist saved in UA-cam full of them. Timeless advice from the 40s & 50s
Though a bit corny, this bit is actually impressively insightful.
Dirk Diggler i don’t think it’s corny they just used to speak more mature and acting is still kinda like this they lowkey exaggerate
I thought they were good questions to ask yourself:
- are we really interested in the same things
- do we feel at ease together
- are we proud of each other
- do we agree on the basic things ie religion, children, marriage, money
Do we both enjoy.....well, you know....
@@PutDownTheBunny eating food? 😆 yes bc some ppl only have protein shakes and water so this is important.
These are actually good advices. I wish my mother would talk to me this way!
hhhhh same! my ma would never talk 2 me like this..... hahaah :D
Morwenna16 My parents weren't very helpful, they let me go to a Led Zeppelin concert with 80,000 fans at 10 years old, my first music was Partridge Family, My parents were crazy having 8 kids, we were cute with Irish Freckels on our face. Because we were Irish our Neighbors paid us with Beer to cut there lawns. Im not lying mom side us kids had 16 first cousins. ERIN GO BRAGH means IRELAND FOREVER
The phrase "I'll say" needs to be used again. "did you have a good day" "well I'll say". It's so classy
This girl's mom is very wise and loving with her teaching. She doesn't accuse or demean her daughter's feelings. When most people ask 'How do you know it's love"' of their parent, the only answer they get is: "Oh you'll know." Not much help at ALL. I would have liked to have heard this. No wonder people have such problems with relationships nowdays.
I loved “are you proud of each other”
I like how the mother didn't answer straight away and said that she needed to think about it. Good advice for parents.
It's really creepy to me that she took photos of random people, then her mother put those photos in the family album.
PontiCat72 Her mom was like, “Oh how nice dear. You took a picture of your friends getting busy in a car. Dear memories for our family album.”
Oh right...like the stuff people record for UA-cam is better.
@@lw1343 yes so right!.
@@zirko23 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She had it all planned out hahaha
When she said she wasn't familiar with the Brahms Violin Concerto I knew that would be a problem. That violin concerto is one of the greatest pieces of music ever written.
Exactly what I was thinking. How can one spend their entire teenage life without listening to the brahms violin concerto
@@hopelessviolin4690 Well your comment is dripping with sarcasm but I invite you to take 40 minutes out of your life to listen to it. It will change your life forever and your problems will melt away. And BTW it's Brahms not brahms.
... Look at my username. I'm a college-level violinist. My comment was half joking but I regularly listen to the Brahms violin concerto especially the recording by Ginette Neveu. @@Bob31415
This video greatly affected my life as a new adult 18 years old. Thank you so much
No one:
Absolutely zero souls:
My recommendations: hOw dO yOu kNoW iT’s LoVe??
Purity culture on UA-cam 😑
Maybe you need it. Maybe we all do.
It was enlightening
Lol. Same. The universe brings to us what we need. I am hooked to the charisma videos that were being recommended to me. It's helped me improve how I relate to people and eye contact... (3 seconds with each person in the group)
I'm actually very impressed by how open these parents seemed to be with their children - I don't feel like now-a-days parents are nearly this candid with their kids, which surprises me.
The Pregnant Doula . Joei Gowing this wasnt real
Gruffin Waldrom But it might have been!
It's fake.
When parents actually cared about their kids and spent time with them instead of being self-involved and trying to look and act like teenagers themselves.
I agree. I don't even talk to my parents at all anymore, and I'm 13.
Literally found this helpful
It actually wasn't too far off in describing characteristics of love that current relationship research has shown to correlate well with successful and satisfying relationships. However, it was a little off in calling love to be mature versus developing. They're simply different types of love that exist throughout your life, but may be more or less dominant depending on your stage of life.
littlery will find this helpful
Beanyhead shockingly I have to admit it did in a much bigger way than I expected
Who else is on a marathon of these old short films
I love how back in the day the main thing people admired in the other was them being a good dancer. So sweet.
Thanks, this really helped me understand love. Now I've just broken up with my girlfriend and I'm off to buy a teddy bear which I intend to have a more mature love with.
I'm picturing "Ted" from the movie
+Joe Yes, me too, now i know what i already suspected...love is a choice of responsibility, admiring each other and helping each other out. To say someone is sexy or you like her kisses is not enough, we have to know who we are in the overall mature personality, dreams, interests, and responsibility. Love is not forced it's relaxed. There is no sexual tension, cause love is peace with one another. Love is not one sided or mystery. Love is to be ourselves.
Don't marry someone unless you agree on the fundamental things.
man of the year xD
Then you'll have to wash it; it won't wash itself
Gotta be the 667th commentor
Pure wisdom! I wish I had this advice before I ruined my life.
It's never to late to just start over. :) One baby step at a time.
Unless you're currently on death row after committing first degree, your life isn't over and can easily get better :)
TheMightyWill honestly, I found this reply just scrolling through and your little reply really helped me right now and that is exactly what I needed thank you so much ^-^
Chin up, princess
Yep, me too.
"I've never seen a chinese doorman in my life" -- Best line
I am eighty two and the advice is good. Was surprised to see being proud of the person you love. It is true, I never thought of that! Btw. Never heard anyone say swell. People spoke then like they do now
This is really sweet. It's about mutual respect and nurturing people. No wonder society was so much more peaceful in the 1950s.
Her mother is really wise and a good teacher. I liked how closely Nora listened to her mother as she was teaching her. She understood her mother had knowledge and experience that Nora didn't have yet, and she wanted to learn from her mom because she respected her. Rate today.
Her mum follows the script
she basically speaks of the types of loves that ancient greeks spoke of 😌
1. “Eros” or Erotic Love
2. “Philia” or Affectionate Love or the love we have for friends
3. “Storge” or Familiar Love
4. “Ludus” or Playful Love
5. “Mania” or Obsessive Love
6. “Pragma” or Enduring Love
7. “Philautia” or Self Love
8. “Agape” or Selfless Love
Best comment ever, thanks for sharing your knowledge!
I would like an agape type of love
Agape is the highest love.
This comment is the best one I've seen.!
Agape is the greatest love of in my opinion. Jesus' love is Agape.
I feel this girl on a spiritual level
I love how the advice in these videos are given as a kind suggestion. Like if you aren't sure, maybe think about this or try that. Our culture acts like the 1950's were all about rigid conformity, but these videos show a true understanding and acceptance of the differences, imperfections, and struggles of regular people as they try to figure out life.
I love these videos, partly for their content which is mostly pretty cool, but also for the stilted acting and phrasing. Gives me the giggles. ^_^ We should all stop and realize that these short videos ran before feature films and were created because there were a lot of teenagers who didn't feel they could ask their parents questions like this and a lot of parents who weren't comfortable answering if the teens did ask. The 50s were a far from idyllic time in some ways, these videos were aspirational, they show idealized relationships between parents and young adults, and ideal reactions between people, unless they are showcasing what not to do, or how not to be. I like the videos because they show a lot of calm, non-judgemental interactions and reactions on the part of parents. Too many parents, in all eras, tend to react harshly even to sincere questions, or tend to judge harshly when asked for help or guidance.
Not so much stilted acting but that that was how oeople actually spoke & acted back then. I remember. Language & styles change with the decades. Young people nowdays talk like Valley girls in the movies. Watch moviesfrom the 1930s vs movies from 2020s & notice how inflections are different
Did people really start their sentences with "Say...." and use the word "swell" so much back then? Or is that just how they spoke in movies? Sorry random question but I always wondered about that.
My grandparents use those words
I mean, we say “like” and “so yeah”.... so yeah...
The truth is in the middle. Older people talk like that somewhat, but it was definitely exaggerated for dramatic effect.
It's a word whisker.
@@janinedear-barlow what a cute phrase 😊
I'm grateful this video exists online, for our generation where many of us come from broken homes and no one to teach us this very important lesson.
80's kids watched films to avoid molestation and saved me quite a few times. I wish this was shown. Could have helped avoid alot of wasted time in relationships
Being in love is like reliving childhood together. In order to stay at it you both must endure growing up together. You learn to deal with mutual codependency traits that you both possess. Mutual understanding and continued conversation keep the union lively.
Bob and Jean have more chemistry than the other couple.
It's 1am and here I am watching this video once again. I first came across it after being heartbroken when I was 16. I was so sure I was in love with her. Now, I watch this when I find myself thinking seriously about a new girl, or if I'm feeling down about someone from days gone by. How strongly I can now relate to the stages of puppy and physical love. But mature love? Someone I'm proud of? At ease with? Cooperative with? Agree on the topics of religion, money, children? Those boxes are a whole lot harder to get ticked off. After having watched this almost too many times to count now, I always realise the same thing. I've never really been in love.
2023 update: Funny how I keep on coming back to this video, almost 10 years after I first found it. So much life has been lived, I've had 3 big heartbreaks that have left their scars and important lessons learnt. Ive found, let go of, and lost love.
C'est la vie.
You'll get there, man. All things worthwhile takes time.
"Is he at ease with you?" "No" "does he agree about the important things with you?" "No" "is he proud of you?" "No.... fuck.. excuse me while I reevaluate my life 🤣😭"
what's to say you werent in love with her? maybe you were
It's an old saying, son:
"You live and learn.".
And you are.
Don't give up.
Yearly updates kindly
I’ve been in love with my husband since we were sixteen years old and that was 41 years ago. We have been married 36 of those years with four children and two grandchildren. I knew I was really in love when I couldn’t imagine anyone I would rather grow old with. All I know is when you really love someone, their happiness and well being is more important to you than your own and they feel the same way. I would lay my life down for my husband and family and he would too
Bingo! That's the answer to "how do you know it's real love?" When you can't imagine growing old with anyone else, when their happiness and well being is more important than your own and they feel the same way about you, when you protect each other by not taking advantage of each other's weaknesses, when you forgive each other's shortcomings, when you realize that you're not just marrying your spouse, but their family too ... yes, these are the signs of mature love.
Are we really interested in the same thing?
Do we feel at ease together?
Are we proud of eachother?
Are we agreed on basic things? Like Religion, Money and children?
I love how she lightly explains mature love.
Why didn't I see this as a teenager?!
I think if your a mom/dad now you should talk to your kids about this.
Because you needed to experience first hand. I even received some advice regarding friendship and spiritual teachers and love, and I still had the urge to crash and burn. Then you remember and store the memory for lifetimes.
Lol this was 5 years ago
Love is like taking a risk on a Lobster Cantonese...I finally figured it out. Thank you.
I'm taking love advice from a show that came out in 1950 am I really that desperate.
Yo, me too m8 💀💀
Sometimes the old wisdom is right
Just cause it’s old doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Love hasn’t changed since the 50’s, so the advice is still rock solid. Sad that so many people have to learn this on their own and their parents never tell them. What happened to parents being moral guidance?
Good advice is ageless.
This is kind of a thing to make us get our minds off all the troubles in 2020 and remember simpler times keep up the videos I think they're fantastic when things were a lot more simpler than they are now and families respected each other loved each other they listened Etc
It’s amazing how relatable this video still is today!
That was so nice for her mother to speak with her about this very important topic...and most of all that she felt comfortable enough to go to her mother.. Nice video..
I ADORE every character in this film. Kudos to the people that wrote the script.. it literally made me cry, the beauty of it.
Me too.
I've just turned 30 and this is really useful to me :'D
I love watching old movie scenes. It’s way better than the movies we have now. This teaches us a valuable lesson using only black and white
It's 2023 ...and I can't tell the feelings of watching this 🎥 video... It's feel so pure and simple and attractive at the Same time... Oh my gawddd...im 23 year old girl... But still I feel so young and old at the same time... 1950 is my grandmother days... When she was in her 20s.... Ohhhh gawwddd.... 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I wish these type of Era come back soon... 💜💜💜
Did he follow her on Instagram?
Instagram didn't exist in the early 1950s.
Armory Brunot,Jr. That was a joke haha
Why instagram tho? To be updated to that person?
@@armorybrunotjr.3204 r/wooshhh
I genuinely found that helpful.
Me too. *sits and ponders her own existence* lol
"You're the only girl I've dated in two months." Damn, she must be real special then... 😂
14 year old children's psychology
How're you doing?
I wish things was still like this. I definitely have a great appreciation for things like this.
These are actually really good! The acting isn’t cheesy and the music adds a nice touch.
That fine waiter was gentleman enough to get her chair and her own date forgot! 😅
I noticed that too!!!
My husband opens doors and the car door for me.
Janine Dear Barlow ok
It's part of his job profile
Janine Dear Barlow wierd flex but ok
I wish she talked about rekindling and keeping love as well. Damn this was so good. I want to cry
Would not apply to the daughters situation but yes
@@gracehaven5459 Sure it would. It's just another stage of love.
I love how that boy can manage and take care of rejection more mature and very great compared to boys nowdays
Wow... I think I'm born on the wrong age...
These days sure do have lots of opinions.. with no information about what, when, how, why, who. Just do this and do that with no explanation.
This is amazing!
Really wish I was born in these times... Very substantial.
Unlike in this day and age, too many punks, babies, and some people who expect that love and care all their lives they never grow up types.
Nobody says anything substantial, objective, wise, nor knowledgeable.
I'm genuinely kind of upset that this type of way of going out on dates wasn't around our generation growing up as much as it was during the time of this film. I learned a lot from this. Overall quality video
Basic agreements, being at ease with each other...only a few of the things to consider about a "serious" relationship. Love can be so multi-faceted, yet all it takes is a dose of common sense to figure out "mature love" from infatuation. It was easy to notice for others' situations, but so difficult to notice for my own relationship. At 8 months into mine, I've never gone through so many cycles of intense sureness and then questioning about if I truly love the person I'm with. And this is my first relationship, so it's not like I've had experience in the field. I say time will tell, but I also think that the future scares the crap out of me because you don't know what will happen. If only it can be as simple to see as it was in this little film, which at this point is 64 years old...
Watching this in 2016.... found this very helpful.
I got married almost 22 years ago. Our church made every couple take a pre-marriage training, and the whole first day was just talks and written exercises to make sure you've talked about all the things mentioned by the mom in this film. We thought it was kind of silly since we'd been dating for 10 years and were on the same page with almost everything, but some of the couples got in arguments and one guy walked out. I guess they hadn't talked about things enough to know if they were really in love.
Its 2018 now
Also in 2019....
I cannot get enough of these knowledgeable videos 😍
It's been 70 years. Just imagining my grandma would be about 25 years at the time this was shot.
My grandma would be in her late teens.
My grandma is beautifull tooo like snow white. Dem lucky grampa
I wish this was explained to me when I was a kid. Following this advice would have saved me from a whole heck of a lot of pain and hurt.
The guys I know disrespect me. They never want to get to know me as a person. When I'm trying to talk about something I like, they don't seem interested. They really just want to get in my pants. They say they like me, but I never hear from them They make promises and break them. I don't feel like I can be myself around them. I just feel used. They only call me when they're horny. It just sucks. Relationships look hard anyways, and I'm kinda content of being alone.
Depends what crowd you are hanging with...
I'm sorry to hear about your mistreatment. Don't give up hope in finding a virtuous man as mature as you. Think about what you would like out of life, the kind of man that can help you, how you might help him, and likely places where you might meet him.
Same 😢
I here for u bby
Don't settle for boys like that and watch out for ones that only say what they think you want to hear. Make them answer first.
I gotta agree, this is some good advice.
This kind of parenting videos you need both as a child and as a parent.
its a dream to stay friends with someone who said they dont love you
I’m really glad I came across this video today! I’m 15 and I’ve feel like a lot of people now need to know this
After watching about 20 of these Old TV Time Shows, I feel so happy. It's just so honest and feel good. Refreshing.