The failure of the education system. What's wrong with school? What is taught in school

  • Опубліковано 3 вер 2018
  • Sabotage, because of which the modern school does not make literate does not teach to think
    Did you know that now in Finland and the United States are beginning to use the ancient methods of the Soviet Union? Why do they need them? And what teaching methods used by our school? Let's deal with it.
    Conceptual thinking. Why it is not in 80% of adults
    The Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky began to deal with the problem of conceptual thinking. He highlighted the concept of three main points: Ability to highlight the essence of an object or phenomenon, the Ability to see cause and to predict the consequences, Ability to organize information and build the whole picture.
    Let's solve a problem for children six or seven years, though it is not always cope adults. So, Tit, pigeon, bird, Sparrow, duck. What's unnecessary?
    Of course duck! Or is it not? Why a duck? Because it's the biggest? Yes and to the same waterfowl? In fact, of course, unnecessary in this series of birds, because it is a generalizing feature, but to understand it, you need to have conceptual thinking. Put a video like, if you decide the test is correct, and then we will see the numbers, what percentage of viewers has conceptual thinking. According to experts, today only 20% of people have a full conceptual thinking. First of all, these are those people who have studied technical or natural Sciences, who have learned to identify significant features, divide and combine into categories, establish cause-and-effect relationships.
    Conceptual thinking makes it possible to adequately assess the situation and make logically correct conclusions. But those who have not formed it are also able to do it. Then what's the difference? The fact that the latter have their idea of the situation is their own illusion and has nothing to do with reality. Their picture of the world crumble when faced with reality, plans are not realized, dreams and forecasts do not come true. And the perpetrators of this they think of other people or the circumstances. In itself, conceptual thinking is not formed in everyday life. It is possible to develop it only through the study of Sciences, as they themselves are built on the conceptual principle. The basis of scientific concepts are the basic concepts on which the pyramid of scientific knowledge is built. If the child is not laid down in school these principles, it goes into adulthood without conceptual thinking. This, in turn, leads to the fact that objectivity in his actions will be absent, and he will be guided only by emotions and subjective perception.
    How does school influence the formation of conceptual thinking?
    Previously, the basics of conceptual thinking began for kids with the subject of "natural Science". Now the subject changed to "the world". Who has ever seen this tutorial, he understands that this is some kind of meaningless okroshka, a set of disparate facts. In this mess logic seems to see only its drafters, which, apparently, themselves can not boast of the presence of conceptual thinking.
    The next subjects, which were designed to develop the conceptual apparatus of the child from the fifth grade, were "Botany" and "History". Now these objects are also replaced by stories in pictures without any logic: separate stories about nature or separate stories about primitive people or chivalrous times.
    Then in the sixth grade appeared "Zoology", in the seventh" Anatomy", in the eighth"General biology". In General, a logical picture emerged: flora, animals, people and General laws of development. Now it's all mixed up. All information is given on the principle of a kaleidoscope, where one picture replaces another. The developers call it a system-activity approach.
    With other objects the same picture. For example, at the lessons of physics and chemistry now do not solve problems, and make presentations. That is, retell the texts in the pictures. There are no tasks - there is no opportunity to develop conceptual thinking.