I didn't spend any got all trees completed except the one last node that needed 100 advance crystals had 65 of the 100, and I missed a few days due to work. So should had completely finished it without spending. The only reason I see to spend money was if you wanted a good reward since its first there gets the highest spot not all tied players get the rewards so even completely finished you still may not get any of the good rewards.since you may be tied with everyone else.
Awesome info, thanks for letting us know. It was looking like we would be able to complete it without spending but I didnt know for sure. Good point on tying for rewards too, I noticed its leader board is small and everyone was tied, we still have a while to go but Im sure it will look the same way at the end. Thanks again for the info
I am stuck at 140 immunity and i don't know how to increase it i can't able to upgrade my tree because it requires 200+ immunity to activate new buff help me what to do
I think the bottom tree opens first and you can level that one up once you "donate" enough resources to it. Then just max that one out as much as possible. Hopefully that is the case, otherwise im not sure.
Don't forget to collect your first kill for each level from your mail , not kill reports the far left where receive rewards at.
Good call, I typically just hit collect all on every page because I hate the red dot lol
Thanks,finally i know..this new dimensión is very diffrent
Any time, im happy to help
I didn't spend any got all trees completed except the one last node that needed 100 advance crystals had 65 of the 100, and I missed a few days due to work. So should had completely finished it without spending.
The only reason I see to spend money was if you wanted a good reward since its first there gets the highest spot not all tied players get the rewards so even completely finished you still may not get any of the good rewards.since you may be tied with everyone else.
Awesome info, thanks for letting us know. It was looking like we would be able to complete it without spending but I didnt know for sure. Good point on tying for rewards too, I noticed its leader board is small and everyone was tied, we still have a while to go but Im sure it will look the same way at the end. Thanks again for the info
dont think theres a limit, and each helicopter takes away 2 layers of poison
@@gambo88 Awesome, thank you!
Nova mutants only go to level 50
Good info to know, thank you!
Is still possible to sub alliances for the shop?
I believe they put a weekly cap on it so we can only make a certain amount of points then were cut off from the rewards, its super lame.
I am stuck at 140 immunity and i don't know how to increase it i can't able to upgrade my tree because it requires 200+ immunity to activate new buff help me what to do
I think the bottom tree opens first and you can level that one up once you "donate" enough resources to it. Then just max that one out as much as possible. Hopefully that is the case, otherwise im not sure.
You need to do you camp routines to get crystals and donate them once you reach certain points in book of revelation