𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲, 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐲, 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐝: 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦?

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • We considered this statement of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Are you sure you are not part of this crowd?
    May the Lord Jesus Christ use this little work to help someone escape hell.


  • @chukwukeereagoha7024
    @chukwukeereagoha7024 Місяць тому +2

    Many,many shall be deceived... and many shall be offended... If it were possible the very elect shall be deceived. God is all knowing, He created man a free moral agent, He has finished His work of salvation in Christ. At this idea time He rest true teacher of the Gospel like this platform which those who are not part of the body of Christ will be offended and be decieved, but the elect who are sheep of the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be deceived because they will believe the true Gospel can not be deceived. At first some will get stocked with them but after encounter with the truth, must be draw to it. I for one never wanted to, but the manipulations of the so called fathers, I found myself in scoan, at discovering certain things I ran away, again in going to various mountains of K&S, CAC etc, but my desire for the truth kept me sharing until storm into this platform gradually studying along I am following. Today I know what the true Gospel 1cor15V1-4, in effect if you are truly elect in Jesus Christ you can not decieved.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Місяць тому

    The book of Malachi was God's final individual indictment of 1) the PEOPLE , 2) The PRINCES, 3) the PRIESTS and 4) the PROPHETS to make it easier for each to correct their ways and collectively experience once again, His blessings and promises. In 2:15, he explained and showed them what they were doing wrong and how to correct it and why they- the real people of God must hold sacred their marriage vows in between themselves because no one knows through which of their tribes or a particular family, the Messiah would come, which may not be possible if they divorced their wives or married strangers from the covenant. The 3rd chapter was about the neglecting of the Priests and Levites- who solely depended on all the tithes of the first fruits of their fields Numb. 3-18, since they were not given inheritance among their brethren in order to keep the charge of God on behalf of the people, but with no sustenance, they began to wonder about to fend for themselves and the work of the temple was neglected and their was no blood sacrifice to placate God towards the people as they must shoulder the sins of the people, they could no longer maintain their sanctification and holiness towards God, and consequently, the temple doors were shut and enemy was able to come in to destroy the temple because the presence of God had departed already. Before they became wholly rejected, God gave them a final plea and threatened should they refuse, He would have to usher in a new dispensation- He would no longer deal with them as before, but He would send Elijah to finish the work he left uncompleted on the mount- he was supposed to bring Israel back to God, instead he killed all the 850 prophets of baal and asherah and became a fugitive begging for God to take his life- God took him up to send him back for God's commission can never be left uncompleted (the same for Moses). Elijah will return to complete his mission and his body will pay for it's act (2 Corinthians 5:10), and then the way would be paved for the ultimate sacrifice of the Lamb of God- prepared from the foundation of the world to become the propitiation for the sins of the world- not just of Israel, whom God has concluded as fallen short of His glory-just like the world around them. Then His glory and presence left the temple and rested on the mount of Olives- where the glory of God rested in Ezekiel 8-11:23 and where Jesus also ended His earthly ministry Matthew 24:3, and to where He will return Zechariah 14:4. The garden of gethsemane was just across from the mount, which gave Him a glimpse of the glory that awaits Him, so He could bare the cross to the end. That is the same mount where He was transformed before His disciples and before his death, so He could as well be encouraged of Who He really IS. God stopped manifesting His presence despite the fact that the sacrifices continued- in utter and blatant disrespect and disregard to His will, so they became just motions- Amos 5. In due time He sent His angel to Zechariah- the great, great etc. grandson of Samuel from the tribe of Judah as the precursor for the Messiah (the Aaronic priesthood ended with Eli, but Zadoc found grace before God and he will also be a millennial high priest. 1Chron. 6:4-8, Ezek. 44) Luke 1:5, 1 Chronicles 6:27-28, 1 Samuel 1:1. He took off where He left of with Israel- and would begin to work on humanity once again in and through Jesus Christ, after getting up from His sabbath rest to kill the animal to keep man till the Lamb would be presented John 5:17, 2 Corinthians 5:19, Heb. 1:1-31, 4:1-16 - the Perfect, unblemished Sacrifice and the Holy and Santified, Priest, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who finished it John 19:30, and then sent the Holy Spirit to infill those who would believe in Him and finish the rest of the work through them- the work that Israel was supposed to do, but they dropped the ball - Exod. 19:6, 1 pet. 2:9. They will pick it up again like Noah, in the Millennium, then the end will really come.
    Zechariah chapter 3.
    Joshua the high priest- the son of Jehozadak and great grandson of ZADOK, of the sons of Kohath who have the sole charge of bearing the Ark of the covenant ( Cf Obededom 1 chronic. 15:21, Numbs. 4:15 2 Sam. 6: 3-10), who found grace before God because of the faith and faithfulness of his fathers before God - Eleazar and Phinehas and would take over the role at the end of days.1 Chronic. 6: 4-15. Since the priest must bear the sins of the people and atone for them yearly, it wasn't possible because they were in exile for 69 week years and all the filth of the sins remained, so Satan had the right to accuse him before God as having no right to be in Hid presence let alone minister. So God gave His angel the order- He wasn't personally communing with His people for His presence had left the temple and it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, but He imputed righteousness by Grace to him, so he could minister for the people before God until the perfect sacrifice came- the change of raiment: Jesus' righteousness Hebrews 7 &8, Jeremiah 31:31-34, after he had dealt with the 4 horns that He had permitted to scatter them - depicted in the image in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar -Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia and Roman Empires.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Місяць тому

    That was why Jesus Christ sent His Holy Spirit, to enable Believers in Him live in this "sinful life ". Jesus Christ already dealt with sin by His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection from the dead.
    Only those who reject this worry about "sin", and end up living under the scrutiny of the law. That's not why He shed His blood.
    Receive His work of salvation of your soul, and ask for daily infilling and leading of His Holy Spirit, so you can live life and that more abundantly until He returns as promised, to redeem His purchased possession.
    John 14:26; Romans 8:9,14; Acts 1:5,8; Luke 11:13.
    No Holy Spirit, no Christ, no God!

  • @rachelnwabuisi8412
    @rachelnwabuisi8412 Місяць тому

    Please what is the different between The GOD heaven has done it for me, and the GOD of my pastor or the GOD of my church. Or ministry, which GOD is the foundation of that organization!

    • @olukayodeladapo1702
      @olukayodeladapo1702 29 днів тому +2

      Thank you for that question. This is a major error in the Church today due to a lack of understanding of Scripture. Please note that in the OT, God was known as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Elisha called upon the God of Elijah. But all these where Types of Christ. Christ is the One they all represented, as such He is the substance. That's why in the NT, God is known as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 1:3, 1Pet 1:3). That's who we pray to and give all the credit. We are never told to pray to the God of Peter or Paul or any of the Apostles in the NT. Never!!! Paul said, "MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED...". He never encouraged them to pray to, or call upon the God of Paul. Never!!! So praying to, or calling upon the God of your Pastor or G.O, or Papa, or MOG, or Commission, or Ministry is not supported by the Bible because it's not taught in the NT, neither is there any example of it there. The Brethren never called upon, or gave credit to the God of any Ministry or Commission or Minister. It's only people that are not born again, and as such have no relationship with God, that think that if they call upon the god of their Pastor, or G.O, or Papa, or MOG, or Commission, or Ministry it would guarantee quick and immediate result, as though it were a lucky charm. That's Pagan Mentality!!! The only record of such a thing in the NT was in Acts 19:13, done by the 7 Sons of Sceva who were unbelievers. So anyone involved in such Practices is in rebellion against God, and any so called MOG encouraging such things is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, and is trying to draw attention to himself as a form of Christ or Saviour or Messiah figure. That Person is an Antichrist, and as such should be marked and avoided according to Romans 16:17!!!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Місяць тому

    Daniel 9, God promised a brief dispensation of Grace through the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, He shut up the covenant in Dan. 12:4. He revealed to the Apostle John that no one in heaven or earth was worthy to even take that covenant from God, let alone make God change His mind - it was an everlasting covenant, so Jesus Christ, who has already given His life - for the life of the flesh is in the blood, and grace can only come by shedding of blood. He was found worthy in Rev. 5. Jesus Christ has to be like the man He came to Redeem or buy back from the hand if he that was to excute God's judgment according to the covenant. So He became sin for them being born as a human being. He opened the book in Luke 4: 18. He then proceeded to walk according to all that had been written in the scriptures. But they failed to recognize Him as He that has come to seek and save the lost sheep, Luke 19:10 as it is written in Ezekiel 34, and was to become their King, the next in line for the throne of David, as is also written. He did not have to die if they had only fulfilled their promises to God in Exodus 19 -24 to obey all His commandments. They would have become His chosen generation, a royal priesthood, etc. Exodus 19:6, and God would have continued with them as His people from then on. But they rejected Him Matthew 21-23, and He left the house that was His, to them, and spoke against it concerning its impending destruction, which signified His rejection of Israel as a people for a time. Instead of transitioning into kingdom rule as He had preached kingdom gospel, the door was shut, and another door to the gospel of Grace was opened - also by the shedding of His blood. Now only those wgo would believe and accept His payment for their hitherto unpardonable sins, will receive redemption of their soul and subsequent salvation - if they will believe till the end, both among the Jews and Gentiles as all were concluded under sin, all would need a Savior. Romans 3. So He raised up the Apostle Paul and revealed all the hidden mystery from the beginning of the world till Judgment so he can let thosr who would care enough, to see and get to who God is and how to get reconciled with Him- simply by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, no more no less. No law, no legalism. All who practice any portion of the laws will have to continue in them until they are destroyed. That is the end of the law! Deut. 29:29; Romans 16:25; Ephesians 3; Colosians 2; 1 Corinthians. 15 etc. Galatians 3 let us know that all these curses have been dealt with by His death, burial, and resurrection. That was the reason for which He came - Luke 1:67-72.
    In conclusion, anyone who despises this sacrifice will only have himself to blame. The window of salvation has been open for the past 2000 + years. Romans 2. is the reason He is tarrying so that He can be just and righteous when He judges and condemns with an eternal punishment for those who blatantly reject this GRACE! He will return with 10,000 of His saints - Jude 14; Rev. 7, as the Head, then those that have died in faith, finally those who will still be alive, who will complete Him and go with Him to sit with God at the right hand of His throne.
    Then, God will turn to Israel to empty His long time wrath by gathering all the world against them. Some will pay for their salvation during the time of tribulation - they are those that will be without number, but not part of the body.
    Then, the 1000-year rule will begin where everything will return to where it was before the devil appeared in Eden. The devil will be locked away in the bottomless pit, and after 1000 years expires, he will be loosed once again as at the beginning, then will be judged and thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone prepared for him, death and hell! They will be the amusement for all people. Those who live outside the city will then have to make pilgrimage to Israel and furnish them with all they need. Otherwise, they will be plagued! Isaiah 66. Zechariah 14.
    So please, do not just ignore this, but go check and see if it's true or false, and then do what seems good in your eyes! But remember, God has proven throughout history that He does what He says! Peace!

    @HENRYOLUSANYA-f2q Місяць тому

    They didn't respond because of fear the of men

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Місяць тому

    What exactly makes Christianity a religion and not a way of living a life of the Spirit with Christ Jesus, in God, is simply because a religion is observed with many different sets of rules and rituals. Whereas, being just a Believer makes fellowship easy and accessible with God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ the Son, by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. Not in or of works of any kind by you, but by simply standing on His finished work of salvation on the cross of Calvary.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Місяць тому

    If the foundation be destroyed, what can the Righteous do? Psalm 11:3.
    These destroyed the foundation of God in Christ Jesus, and built on it different denominations and doctrines, using names of saints and great men and women, to replace the ONLY NAME GIVEN AMONG MEN WHEREBY WE MUST BE SAVED! Acts 4:12; 12:43; Philippians 2:8-9; John 3:18; 5:24; 6:44-47; 20:31.
    You do not to be taught in the seminary 1 John 2:27, unless you do not have His Holy Spirit, and do not speak in tongues as the evidence of His presence in you. Mark 16:17.
    Every book known or unknown will be opened on that day, and the book of life will be opened as well, get your name written in the book of life by simply believing on the One God has anointed and sent, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Revelation 20:11-15.

  • @AnietieTimothy-md6fw
    @AnietieTimothy-md6fw Місяць тому

    2Th 2:9-11
    The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because
    they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
    And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie
    All answers are in the Bible. Anything else is man's opinion (which may actually be deception)
    You have been ⚠️

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Місяць тому

    The "Church ", isn't the building where people congregate to worship who or what they like, it is the New Creation of God, made up of believers in the sacrificial death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, from all over the world, no matter their background. They're daily infilled with and led by the Holy Spirit, kept in His fold until He returns to redeem His purchased possession, as promised, and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father.
    The Holy Spirit has left these buildings, thus they can do as they please. They didn't say they wanted to be saved or seek eternal life with Christ Jesus in God, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, so, let them be.
    Nebuchadnezzar and the Romans could only enter the temple to destroy it only after the presence and glory of GOD left Ezekiel chapters 8-11; Matthew 24:1. The restraining power had left! This power instantly killed even the high priest who came with the tiniest of sin, how much more the heathen or unbelievers.
    The end justifies the means.
    They're doing what feels best for them, knowing that this world is programmed to fail- everything is geared toward vanity. Esau had his bowl of porridge, he lived to regret it.
    Most of these preachers already got fat from the offerings and tithes of gullible, unsuspecting congregants, and they're blinded by the five senses, which only ends in death and destruction. Life only comes in abiding in Christ Jesus till the end. John 8:21; Matthew 24:13.
    They're feeling good, so let them enjoy their fleeting time.
    They didn’t know the Way, the Truth and the Life, but they're putting together their own truth, to sell to those who would buy it.
    The five foolish virgins are already lining up to "buy" oil for their dead lamp, because they didn't bring enough. Both they and the sellers will be outside of the shut gate...but, there's still time this day, for any of them who would turn back to the fold. If they can bear to leave their temporal comfort zones, and seek for the eternal. 1 John 2:19; Hebrews chapters 6 and 10.
    No excuses on that day! @Corey4Jesus
    No denominations. Whatever is not in the scriptures will not be part of being judged.
    There's nothing about that in the Bible.
    The Apostle Paul was only taking responsibility for all those who put their faith in the Lord through his preaching. There's nothing about the other 11 Apostles doing exactly that but if you do see it, please let me me know.
    John 4:24; Matthew 28:19-20.
    If you find yourself alone, the presence of the Holy Spirit makes you two- If you're infilled and led by Him, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Mark 16:26-18.
    None of His word shall ever return to Him void, despite our traditions and extra-biblical beliefs. Matthew 15:3; Isaiah 55:11!

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Місяць тому

    Christianity is not a religion because it comprises of works and more sets of works of do this and do that when Jesus said it is finished and that we should rest in Him.
    Christianity is replacing Christ with a different Christ to please their own ways of life without any conviction.
    Christians think that having the name “Christian” is enough to be saved and going to church and listening to their pastors who doesn’t even know better than them.

  • @ronkebarber6238
    @ronkebarber6238 Місяць тому

    Cease ye from men. Isaiah 2:22; Deuteronomy 29:29; Psalm 25:14; Romans 16:25-26; Colossians 1:25-27.
    Whose report will you believe.
    I guess rains don't fall, the sun doesn't shine, and those things in the sky at night, uh-uh, they're not stars either!
    It's a curse to put your trust in the flesh, and without faith, it is important to please God because you can not even go to Him Hebrews 6:11.
    Good luck with trusting, man!
    Do you at least believe that you exist? Unless you're manufactured! Then you're expressing the opinion that was imputed into your system. Understandable!
    God doesn't explain Himself, not to man, not to mention machines!