Just got my RST X3 plugged and redrilled with a pin down layout. The layout was too over under even though my first game out of box was a 279 with a wobbly seven on an off hit. But, like my original X1 it was really all or nothing. With pin down, it has become a bit more versatile and moves through the pins really well. Makes me like it all over again.
All the signs have been pointing to a Rst solid being the next ball and that is my favorite line of bowling ball and I am upset that they haven’t brought a solid especially one that good looking to the US
the best colors for a pour and I love the motion!!! Time to start tracking one down on the web!!!!
Very nice!
Love it. Get it over here asap storm/roto! Please!?
I love the RST line. they’re all amazing
Best line of bowling balls other then Phaze series! Just shot a 300 with the Rstx4 Squad! This ball is amazing
Just got my RST X3 plugged and redrilled with a pin down layout. The layout was too over under even though my first game out of box was a 279 with a wobbly seven on an off hit. But, like my original X1 it was really all or nothing. With pin down, it has become a bit more versatile and moves through the pins really well. Makes me like it all over again.
All the signs have been pointing to a Rst solid being the next ball and that is my favorite line of bowling ball and I am upset that they haven’t brought a solid especially one that good looking to the US
Wasn't the X-1 a solid?
Rstx-3 squad is also a solid
Cool video talk tech bowling bowling ball
This ball looks great but I feel like the clone handles this ball motion already
Honestly the motion is nothing new… these 2 bowlers got lots of hand on their ball they can make basically anything shape like that on the backend