The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024


  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

    All Amazon had to do was follow this simple guideline - All 20 rings were meant to go to elves (300-500years of his infiltration & deception down the drain.) but Mairon of the Maiar(primordial angelic beings in simple terms as they are sort of beyond angels) disguised as a high elf named Annatar when he came to the elves pretending to be an emissary from Valinor on behalf of the Valar so it makes sense how alluring the ring is and how strong it’s pull on people is. (A bit too instant in the movies though) Galadriel soon saw right through him and especially when after speaking with him regarding not remembering him when in Valinor long ago where she learned from all the Valar thanks to being dominantly Vanyar/Teleri side over her Noldorin side where she gleaned from that encounter that she did not study under Aulë the Vala with any elf named Annatar ! But later named Sauron by the elves meaning deceiver! After all of this, The three elven rings were made in secret without Saurons touch upon them thanks to Celebrimbor! Remember Gandalf before he became Gandalf was the same species of entity Sauron used to be!! Wow hey?
    The Rings in this case, would have lost their powers eventually due to the lack of the One Ring and possibly because they were designed to defeat evil, & evil in the form of Sauron had been defeated twice already in the past.
    The Three Elven Rings served their purpose for a long time. Two out of three of them had several different bearers Unlike the other Rings, the main purpose of the Three is to "heal and preserve", as when Galadriel used Nenya to preserve her realm of Lothlórien over long periods. The Elves made the Three Rings to try to halt the passage of time, or as Tolkien had Elrond say, "to preserve all things unstained". I can expand upon this based on any further statements & questions you have for me as a reply to this comment ! ❤
    There is problem here with the Rings, the Three were supposed to be never touched by Sauron and that's why they were not corrupting…Sauron had not taken part in their making which made the Three more 'pure' unsullied by his dark power, unlike the Nine and Seven Rings! But Sauron in the show touched the very material they were made of!!! So technically he could have tainted them and corrupted!
    Even appendices of Lot tell us the order of making the rings, so they didn't even need the righs to more detailed writings in UT or Silmarillion:
    Sauron endeavours to seduce the Eldar. Gil-galad refuses to treat with him; but the smiths of Eregion are won over. The Númenoreans begin to make permanent havens.
    c. 1500
    The Elven-smiths instructed by
    Sauron reach the height of their skill.
    They begin the forging of the Rings of Power.
    c. 1590
    The Three Rings are completed in Eregion.
    c. 1600
    Sauron forges the One Ring in
    Orodruin. He completes the Barad-dûr. Celebrimbor perceives the designs of Sauron.
    War of the Elves & Sauron begins.
    The Three Rings are hidden."
    'Did you not hear me, Gloin?' said Elrond. 'The Three were not made by Sauron, nor did he ever touch them.
    But of them it is not permitted to speak. So much only in this hour of doubt I may now say. They are not idle. But they were not made as weapons of war or conquest: that is not their power. Those who made them did not desire strength or domination or hoarded wealth, but understanding, making, and healing, to preserve all things unstained.
    These things the Elves of Middle-earth have in some measure gained, though with sorrow. But all that has been wrought by those who wield the Three will turn to their undoing, and their minds and hearts will become revealed to Sauron, if he regains the One."
    The 3 Elven Rings are not susceptible to “The One Ring” in any direct way.. They’re only tied by fate to lose their power if Sauron is defeated completely & absolutely. As they were made by the elves and as always they make things for a purpose and pour their literal spirit into things they create. So if Sauron is defeated then the three rings power will fade and basically become almost useless or diminished versions of their original design since by this era magic has bled from the world by a huge degree thanks to Morgoth’s poisoning the world itself with his very essence that he poured into it. Called The Long Defeat By The Elves and The Men Of The West.

    • @Martin-bf3by
      @Martin-bf3by 2 місяці тому

      @@Makkaru112 how could Sauron not be involved with the elven rings if they are indeed copy and pasting the rings. This is a flaw in the lore not the series and as long as Sauron doesn't touch em then it's fine 👍. Another lore point from a fan destroyed.

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

    Amazon waited until Christopher Tolkien died early in the production of its DumpsterFire, his "demand" was that Amazon could use the Appendices to make the show, but they couldn't change the lore. As soon as Christopher died, Amazon delayed the show for reshoots, fired Tom Shippey who was the lead Tolkien scholar & friend of Tolkien himself; they wanted Jackson on the team.
    PeterJackson asked for the scripts then they ghosted him. Then later when asked about it he basically told them good luck..
    You can blame this garbage show on Simon Tolkien (who Amazon used to get around all the laws and protections set around the estate and JRR Tolkien’s legacy), its stink doesn't reach Christopher.
    Firstly: they merge events (from thousands of years of history & build up towards several events but puts them all into one moment as if it’s happening in the same few years without time jumps or anything.) Guyladriel the murderous one dimensional girlboss heroine version of Galadriel never met Miriel(one of Aragorn’s ancestors) because, as an elf, she would have been sacrificed to Morgoth by the King's Men.
    The hobbits and Gandalf never met in the 2nd Age because Gandalf was in Valinor till the 3rd Age.
    Miriel wasn’t even born yet. She was born 300 years before or after the rings of power era.
    Also Elendil would never say “forget the past and toss it aside.” That’s the whole thing about the Faithful Númenoreans!!!
    Faithfulness to what’s good. To their elf friends. To the Valar, to Eru Îlluvatar. The way Galadriel acts like Fëanor when he isn’t seeing straight such as how she threatened bloodshed in the highest court of Númenor! The way she isn’t tall, the way she fights rookies doesn’t make her look strong.
    Should have had her spar with Elendil who was greater than Miriel in many ways even as far as lineage goes too! (Canon has her as a grandson or son so…)
    Have her spar with those greater Numenoreans and let the rookies laugh at their masters being vested by an elf woman holding back from actually hurting them! Now that’d be cool.
    (Remember. Their whole mantra was to write the book Tolkien never wrote”. Also watch them fake super fans. And then watch their social media that had nothing Tolkien on it ever. Like…. It’s painfully obvious what’s going on here. Same formula towards other titles. They’re just trying to bank on the brand of which that’s the only reason they did this.
    Just watch Peter Jackson’s new movie coming out and the War of the Rohirim. You’ll see that Brian Cox is involved In it along with Philipa Boyens as well as Actor for Èowyn named Miranda Otto. Fran Walsh I also believe is Involved as well!
    Watch George The Giant Slayer’s first video regarding the war of the rohirrim. It was beautiful. And he has a wonderful soul too. When I say first video.
    I don’t mean very first uploaded video though lol. )
    There was also no Adar. No poppy. No Nori. No fake Gandalf who literally didn’t come the way he was supposed to which introduces Círdan. And since they screwed up the themes and lore so badly they have to dig in their heels. And they are also being sued by multiple people and groups and companies actually. The rings were forged last and not first. They were not in his sights or touch nor did he even know about them. And also guyladriel wasn’t a murderous Fëanorean either. But the note of the elven rings.
    They were made last and without the knowledge of Sauron. His touch never got to them. Made in secret so that whole story is thrown out the window as well. And making them first and having the obvious Sauron figure who wasn’t an elf to just be there when they’re making them and have his eye show up in the forge which wasn’t even the worst of it.
    The greatest of elven smiths still around which is Celebrimbor doesn’t even know what alloying is.
    Not to mention all their environmental scandals on top of bad CGI stuff. Full of copy past crowds and plagerisms up the wazoo. It’s also getting sued by several people and groups.
    I’ll also remind you that they just ran an old sick horse til it died of cardiac arrest and then only had a ten min coffee break to loosely honour this horse. Not to mention Tolkien loved animals in a deep way. They also have been causing environmental damage one of which being King Charles ancient forest to make a set. It’s scandal after scandal. And the fire in studio that took four hours to put out with firemen for yet another example.
    PS they don’t have the rights to the Silmarillion nor anything much of the second age let alone the first. Only the trilogy books and their appendices….
    Remember that they also plagiarized tonnes of films in nontasteful instead of true a homage way…
    “tempest in me” but when threatening Fëanorean level bloodshed in the court of Numenor was from Cate Blanchett’s Elizabeth role which was done with grace and poise of a veteran actress(which doesn’t even sound like anything those of the great chill house of Finarfin would even act like.
    Again it’d be best to put Elrond there due to Elros. But ooook let’s make girlboss do everything. Even if it continues to make zero sense. )😍
    ​​⁠ fact they downplayed Elendil who’d never say to “forget the past”, Gil-Galad and Finrod is beyond infuriating and not explaining Elwing, Elronds mother beyond just showing her as a swan was pure LOLism. Like. What’s worse is Grandpabimbor…. Let’s not forget good ol’ Guyladriel either. The LOTR version of Star Wars’ Rey! Guyladriel the Female Fëanor without any of his charms and subtleties and wit… just the bloody violent rages…
    ​​⁠nope. They lost alot of viewers after their bait and switch behaviour. Hundreds reported shenanigans on their app where it’d force you to watch and episode twice in variously described circumstances. Bribed people left and right with things like that screening. Even the official critics fell asleep. Many longtime film analysts along with actors and film students/professionals give basic criticism and in depth look at the editing and so forth which causes it to fall flat on its face. Abandons plot left and right. Full of member berries. Just because we got fake Tom Bombadil doesn’t mean we’ll flip onto our backs to play with the jingling keys. Balrog wasn’t awoken until thousands of tears later. They’re horridly depicted scenarios which often aren’t canon: were separated by hundreds of years. Some of them by thousands. Not cool. Amazon is known to be corrupt. Huge connection to BlackRock. Bezos bought a dying news paper so he could weasel his way into some form of power to control narratives. Bought his way into involvement with the CIA. Also. They were caught bribing people with their food deliveries etc to watch the show too. Then bragged they had big numbers in the beginning but several people dropped the show. Hundreds more continue to watch for analysis purposes for some of their videos.

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

    The timeline is all wrong. The 3 were forged by Celebrimbor AFTER the 1 Ring was made. Made in response to the threat of the One gaining dominion over the lesser rings and their bearers. We haven't got there yet. Elronds concerns over Sauron controlling the Three makes NO SENSE in this timeline. That particular threat has not materialised yet. The One Ring doesn't exist yet. This is CRUCIAL, it's not a minor oversight. Sauron is not even aware of the Three until he creates the One. They've wrote themselves into a corner and are hoping people don't notice. Please!
    Don't they understand Tolkien fans at all haha? Probably not because they certainly don't understand Tolkien.
    Many events from this show don’t ever reveal that they’re indeed separated by 500 to 1000 years a pop. It wasn’t happening all within the same 5 lol.

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому

    Just in case you didn’t know - Tolkien, (The OG of all Authors) was a veteran of the First World War and many other battles such as The Battle Of Somme etc. his works of art were to give back to the England as a form of restoring lost mythologies that he himself was a master of since he was a top professor of philology at Oxford.
    He did ALOT of his writing while in the trenches during WWI during small “breaks” while down in those trench forts built into the ground. And while he eldest son was in the Second World War; his Lord Of The Rings writings was strictly created above all else to give his eldest something to read while stationed wherever he was stationed.
    I forgot that part. They sent letters back and forth about it all the time. He was also the one and only son that actually protected his fathers legacy and work.
    A lot of his other work were put together BY his son after his father passed away.
    It’s well worth to react to the documentary behind the scenes film the director and crew and cast created together as well as the interview with the son Christopher Tolkien who you get to sort of enjoy a nice indoor and outdoor chat for like what came to about 1-2 hours of wonderful footage from an era that really must not be forgotten.
    His work shed a light on things like The Finnish Kalevala, Norwegian Elder Edda, The Welsh Mabinogion, The Norwegian Nibelungen, The Indian Bhagvagita & Several Irish Folklore + other Cultural things! The man also restored and translated ancient relics for the governments as one everyone trusted. Much of what’s in our dictionary come from his efforts as well.
    Anytime he spoke & even posted several comments into the paper as an editorial or response to certain issues as a very involved man for the world and the environment everyone turned their head to listen to him as everyone knew his worth and respected him greatly. His works show how NOT to glorify war; shows in the films if you pay close attention while watching the next films.
    Sharing what you know now via the after thoughts at the end of the second film! Remember. Extended edition. There is a lot missed out on especially in the second movie regarding Boromir backstory which there is much more in the books but the films WANTED to keep more but the cinemas and Harvey Weinstein literally harangued him into making a “theatrical cut” which is why you have two versions.
    The real version and the “theatrical cut”. It was all to make more money for the company that is the theatres/cinemas.
    To get more showings in per day during the year. And believe me. People were camping outside and travelling the country to watch it MORE THAN ONCE.
    His creations literally lead to inspiring the most currently famous books games & movies we all literally wouldn’t have enjoyed and be touched to our souls core without him and his spiritually connected brilliance. That and he was a philologist professor at Oxford first and foremost which covers so many things.
    Not just linguistic. The man was a true genius and Jack of all trades but ultimately LOVED the simple life.
    The inspiration for Lord of the Rings was not any war, but author J.R.R. Tolkien's love of language. Especially Welsh, Finnish and Old English.
    He lamented the loss of any true English folklore, that was wiped out after the Norman invasion of 1066, so Tolkien wrote many books on these new "legends" he came up with himself. Much of which is centered around three languages he fully developed himself. Two Elven languages and Dwarvish., Númenorean Adunaic, Black Speech(warped Numenorean and elvish)
    They all have syntax, vocabularies, and a whole writing system that can be learned as the Tengwar alphabet is moreso to match with the spoken elvish rather than one to one for other country’s alphabet. Hundreds of people worldwide speak elvish fluently. Tolkien did draw upon his personal experience in the trenches of World War ONE, not Two, as inspiration for some parts, most notably, the Dead Marshes that Frodo and Sam and Gollum pass through in The Two Towers. But war was not the inspiration for the entire series.
    World Of Warcraft. Elder Scrolls, Oblivion, Elden Ring, Skyrim, Harry Potter, Diablo, Zelda, D&D, especially Warhammer + DragonLance and so forth wouldn’t have. Existed without taking giant inspiration from and or completely ripping off from Tolkien. Many great documentaries to react to about him also more about him and AWESOME stuff from the hours & hours of behind the scenes documentaries from the DVDs of the movies which are also on UA-cam & I can send you a playlist to react to from top to bottom on the channel called Pajasek99, FlowState reactions is already posting stuff from the awesome documentaries/BTS content!
    Let’s explore Gandalf even deeper now. - Tolkien kept the Norse/Finnish/Welsh/Irish mythology alive. Magical rings, Gandalf (Staff elf in old norse and Rohan’s Rohirric Éotheod language.), Gandalfs outfit (Ødin), Gandalfs title 'the grey wanderer' (Ødin), Shadowfaxe (The horses of day and night Rhimfaxe and Skinfaxe), Trolls, elves, dwarves etc.
    * Ødin had a legendary horse, Sleipnir, who had eight legs and was said to be one of the greatest horses known to the gods. Gandalf had Shadowfax, who had no equal among horses in Middle-earth and could understand the speech of men.
    * Ødin’s legendary gear-the spear Gungnir and the ring Draupnir-could have influenced Gandalf’s legendary sword Glamdring or, more likely, the magic staff he carries, while the ring possibly influenced Gandalf’s possession of the ring Narya (Sturlson 145).
    * Gandalf & Ødin both receive new wisdom as a result of sacrifice, as Gandalf is reincarnated after his fight with the Balrog, and Ødin gains power and wisdom after hanging himself on the tree Yggdrasil for nine days (Sigfusson 80-85).
    * One of the most apparent ways in which Gandalf and Odin are alike is that they both take the shape of an old, grey beggar with a wide-brimmed hat and grey cloak when they wander the mortal world and deal with the inhabitants (Pitts 7).
    * Gandalf and Ødin are virtually reflections of each other, as can be observed through examining their gear and animal companions, the way they sacrificed themselves and were rewarded with wisdom, and the fact that they walk the earth as old men in tattered clothing.
    The Renowned Steeds of Gandalf and Ødin: both have renowned horses and staves with magical properties. Ø carries the legendary spear Gungnir, which is said never to miss its mark when thrown (Sturlson 145); however, he also carries it as his staff when he wanders the earth as an old man.
    In the Poetic Edda, the Valkyrie Sigrdrifa advises Sigurd about the magical application of runes and tells him that there are runes inscribed on the tip of Gungnir (Sigfusson 291). This spear could be a parallel to Glamdring, the sword that was forged for the Goblin wars but is most likely influential to the staff Gandalf carries on his journeys.
    Strikingly similar to Shadowfax, Odin possesses a legendary horse named Sleipnir, who has eight legs and can run on the ground and through the air at great speeds. This sounds very similar, in some ways, to Tolkien’s description of Shadowfax in The Two Towers, “Shadowfax tossed his head and cried aloud as if a trumpet had summoned him to battle. Then he sprang forward. Fire flew from his feet; night rushed over him” (Tolkien 228).
    The sword Gandalf wielded caused the Balrog’s primordial sword to burst into a rain of molten lava in an almost majestic way. It too belong to high elven king Turgon of the great hidden realm of Gondolin, surrounded by tallest mountains. Named Glamdring; meaning “Foe Hammer”. Gandalf broke the balrog’s unholy weapon. Epic right?
    His original staff broke when he let some of his true powers show to grant a miracle from his own life force. This is the same thing for how the elves do “magic” Galadriel herself tells Frodo and Sam that things elves do may seem like magic but they don’t really use such a word since they are one with the world, symbiotic with it if the world perished so would they.
    Just so you know; the balrog and Gandalf fought for 10 days straight. Then eldrich terrors(nameless things) assailed them both and they begrudgingly fought them off together and Gandalf resumed his chase of the balrog up the endless stairs of Dúrin’s Tower where they fought up at the top of ZirakZigil
    Gandalf was given the ring of fire (Narya) by one of the oldest remaining elves from the first clans to wake beneath the stars before the sun and moon ever existed; at the Cuiviènen river named Círdan. Its best attribute was it raises the spirits of those who wear it. Bolstering internal strength and so forth. He knew it would aid Gandalf in his quest from the Valar and Eru Îlluvatar (the one AllFather) themselves to bolster the spirits of the free peoples of middle earth and to sow seeds of hope within the hearts of Men, Elves and Dwarves alike.

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

    Remember, Amazon's version of the 2nd age is not Tolkien.
    It is a perverted vision of what should have been, if the show leaders and chief writers had stayed true to the original canon.
    but we both know, fellow Tolkien Lover, that this is an absolute violation of the vision and canon that the great Professor laid down. Really what our speculations
    Should be far from or how deep are they going to take their perversions and distortions. Amazons Rings of Power are a catastrophic failure. It's a bunch of mumbo jumbo BS that is meant for the uninitiated! It is eye candy at best........ at best! It is a tragedy what Bezos has done with this sacred work! Tolkien rolls over endlessly in his grave, and I weep endlessly as well. A sign of the times my friend, a sign of the times!
    The timeline presented in Amazon's Rings of Power series does not align with the original Second Age canon created by J.R.R. Tolkien. The series makes several changes and combines events that are separated by hundreds to thousands of years in the original source material, leading to inconsistencies and contradictions. Many Tolkien fans and purists have criticized the show for its departure from the original vision and disrespect for the lore created by the professor. The series is seen as a disappointment and a sign of the times, with some fans even claiming that it is a violation of the sacred works of Tolkien.
    Sacred because so many peoples lives were saved and transformed by all of his scholarly work. ❤

  • @Martin-bf3by
    @Martin-bf3by 2 місяці тому +2

    Love this show and these characters and this world too much, i look forward to sharing in this adventure with you. F the haters, they dont have a clue about the lore. Olorin (Gandalf) was in the second age and The Tolkien Scholars in the writing room know more than these haters

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      Nope. He was in the third age and only in the first age as one of the five guardians that accompanied Melian which lead to her meeting of Elu Thingol. No hate here. Especially on the trailer stream by ThePhilosopherGames. ❤

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      Nope. The writers only came form a single failed low tier movie and Kennedy gal is too big to do anything about ontop of the fact that folkloric revival by a top notch scholar of philology wasn’t even finished working on as it was meant to be written alongside his now fallen brethren who loved the sagas and folklore and myths. Restoring them tho there. Restoring the languages & cultures.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      Amazon waited until Christopher Tolkien died early in the production of its DumpsterFire, his "demand" was that Amazon could use the Appendices to make the show, but they couldn't change the lore. As soon as Christopher died, Amazon delayed the show for reshoots, fired Tom Shippey who was the lead Tolkien scholar & friend of Tolkien himself; they wanted Jackson on the team.
      PeterJackson asked for the scripts then they ghosted him. Then later when asked about it he basically told them good luck..
      You can blame this garbage show on Simon Tolkien (who Amazon used to get around all the laws and protections set around the estate and JRR Tolkien’s legacy), its stink doesn't reach Christopher.
      Firstly: they merge events (from thousands of years of history & build up towards several events but puts them all into one moment as if it’s happening in the same few years without time jumps or anything.) Guyladriel the murderous one dimensional girlboss heroine version of Galadriel never met Miriel(one of Aragorn’s ancestors) because, as an elf, she would have been sacrificed to Morgoth by the King's Men.
      The hobbits and Gandalf never met in the 2nd Age because Gandalf was in Valinor till the 3rd Age.
      Miriel wasn’t even born yet. She was born 300 years before or after the rings of power era.
      Also Elendil would never say “forget the past and toss it aside.” That’s the whole thing about the Faithful Númenoreans!!!
      Faithfulness to what’s good. To their elf friends. To the Valar, to Eru Îlluvatar. The way Galadriel acts like Fëanor when he isn’t seeing straight such as how she threatened bloodshed in the highest court of Númenor! The way she isn’t tall, the way she fights rookies doesn’t make her look strong.
      Should have had her spar with Elendil who was greater than Miriel in many ways even as far as lineage goes too! (Canon has her as a grandson or son so…)
      Have her spar with those greater Numenoreans and let the rookies laugh at their masters being vested by an elf woman holding back from actually hurting them! Now that’d be cool.
      (Remember. Their whole mantra was to write the book Tolkien never wrote”. Also watch them fake super fans. And then watch their social media that had nothing Tolkien on it ever. Like…. It’s painfully obvious what’s going on here. Same formula towards other titles. They’re just trying to bank on the brand of which that’s the only reason they did this.
      Just watch Peter Jackson’s new movie coming out and the War of the Rohirim. You’ll see that Brian Cox is involved In it along with Philipa Boyens as well as Actor for Èowyn named Miranda Otto. Fran Walsh I also believe is Involved as well!
      Watch George The Giant Slayer’s first video regarding the war of the rohirrim. It was beautiful. And he has a wonderful soul too. When I say first video.
      I don’t mean very first uploaded video though lol. )
      There was also no Adar. No poppy. No Nori. No fake Gandalf who literally didn’t come the way he was supposed to which introduces Círdan. And since they screwed up the themes and lore so badly they have to dig in their heels. And they are also being sued by multiple people and groups and companies actually. The rings were forged last and not first. They were not in his sights or touch nor did he even know about them. And also guyladriel wasn’t a murderous Fëanorean either. But the note of the elven rings.
      They were made last and without the knowledge of Sauron. His touch never got to them. Made in secret so that whole story is thrown out the window as well. And making them first and having the obvious Sauron figure who wasn’t an elf to just be there when they’re making them and have his eye show up in the forge which wasn’t even the worst of it.
      The greatest of elven smiths still around which is Celebrimbor doesn’t even know what alloying is.
      Not to mention all their environmental scandals on top of bad CGI stuff. Full of copy past crowds and plagerisms up the wazoo. It’s also getting sued by several people and groups.
      I’ll also remind you that they just ran an old sick horse til it died of cardiac arrest and then only had a ten min coffee break to loosely honour this horse. Not to mention Tolkien loved animals in a deep way. They also have been causing environmental damage one of which being King Charles ancient forest to make a set. It’s scandal after scandal. And the fire in studio that took four hours to put out with firemen for yet another example.
      PS they don’t have the rights to the Silmarillion nor anything much of the second age let alone the first. Only the trilogy books and their appendices….
      Remember that they also plagiarized tonnes of films in nontasteful instead of true a homage way…
      “tempest in me” but when threatening Fëanorean level bloodshed in the court of Numenor was from Cate Blanchett’s Elizabeth role which was done with grace and poise of a veteran actress(which doesn’t even sound like anything those of the great chill house of Finarfin would even act like.
      Again it’d be best to put Elrond there due to Elros. But ooook let’s make girlboss do everything. Even if it continues to make zero sense. )😍
      ​​⁠ fact they downplayed Elendil who’d never say to “forget the past”, Gil-Galad and Finrod is beyond infuriating and not explaining Elwing, Elronds mother beyond just showing her as a swan was pure LOLism. Like. What’s worse is Grandpabimbor…. Let’s not forget good ol’ Guyladriel either. The LOTR version of Star Wars’ Rey! Guyladriel the Female Fëanor without any of his charms and subtleties and wit… just the bloody violent rages…
      ​​⁠nope. They lost alot of viewers after their bait and switch behaviour. Hundreds reported shenanigans on their app where it’d force you to watch and episode twice in variously described circumstances. Bribed people left and right with things like that screening. Even the official critics fell asleep. Many longtime film analysts along with actors and film students/professionals give basic criticism and in depth look at the editing and so forth which causes it to fall flat on its face. Abandons plot left and right. Full of member berries. Just because we got fake Tom Bombadil doesn’t mean we’ll flip onto our backs to play with the jingling keys. Balrog wasn’t awoken until thousands of tears later. They’re horridly depicted scenarios which often aren’t canon: were separated by hundreds of years. Some of them by thousands. Not cool. Amazon is known to be corrupt. Huge connection to BlackRock. Bezos bought a dying news paper so he could weasel his way into some form of power to control narratives. Bought his way into involvement with the CIA. Also. They were caught bribing people with their food deliveries etc to watch the show too. Then bragged they had big numbers in the beginning but several people dropped the show. Hundreds more continue to watch for analysis purposes for some of their videos.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      ⁠Nothing beats the trilogy. It’s why Amazon articles & videos like to bash it and drag it down so as to mark itself look bigger than the trilogy when nothing about this show is anything Tolkien. It’s twisted everything. Removed the actual story. It’s nothing from the books besides some names. That’s it. The rest is pandering and leftist whacky messaging put into it is the truly insulting thing. It’s demeaning everyone. It’s not by accident. This is happening to all of our art over the last decade and a half by design. They thought they could be better than Tolkien. Stating they’ll write the book Tolkien never wrote. Saying he was a big racist and his works are too white.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому

      Real Amazon Worker Tallacus says: “As someone who works for Amazon and who is a lover of fantasy, I am grateful for the coverage of this abomination. I work my ass off at my local Amazon Fulfillment Center and I just weep at the fact Amazon cares not for the slave force that made them able to pay for this horror of television. The worse TV show since Kurtzman’s Star Trek Shows”

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

    ⁠Nothing beats the trilogy. It’s why Amazon articles & videos like to bash it and drag it down so as to mark itself look bigger than the trilogy when nothing about this show is anything Tolkien. It’s twisted everything. Removed the actual story. It’s nothing from the books besides some names. That’s it. The rest is pandering and leftist whacky messaging put into it is the truly insulting thing. It’s demeaning everyone. It’s not by accident. This is happening to all of our art over the last decade and a half by design. They thought they could be better than Tolkien. Stating they’ll write the book Tolkien never wrote. Saying he was a big racist and his works are too white.

  • @si_javad_hn
    @si_javad_hn 2 місяці тому +2

    You should react to season two

  • @michaelkang891
    @michaelkang891 2 місяці тому +1

    The city u r talking about at the end is eregion

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      He’s not a fan. Either a fake bribed one like we saw before who suddenly said they were cautiously optimistic after being invited to the gala screening that the critics themselves said they fell asleep!

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому

      Hey. Did you know - Amazon waited until Christopher Tolkien died early in the production of its DumpsterFire, his "demand" was that Amazon could use the Appendices to make the show, but they couldn't change the lore. As soon as Christopher died, Amazon delayed the show for reshoots, fired Tom Shippey who was the lead Tolkien scholar & friend of Tolkien himself; they wanted Jackson on the team.
      PeterJackson asked for the scripts then they ghosted him. Then later when asked about it he basically told them good luck..
      You can blame this garbage show on Simon Tolkien (who Amazon used to get around all the laws and protections set around the estate and JRR Tolkien’s legacy), its stink doesn't reach Christopher.
      Firstly: they merge events (from thousands of years of history & build up towards several events but puts them all into one moment as if it’s happening in the same few years without time jumps or anything.) Guyladriel the murderous one dimensional girlboss heroine version of Galadriel never met Miriel(one of Aragorn’s ancestors) because, as an elf, she would have been sacrificed to Morgoth by the King's Men.
      The hobbits and Gandalf never met in the 2nd Age because Gandalf was in Valinor till the 3rd Age.
      Miriel wasn’t even born yet. She was born 300 years before or after the rings of power era.
      Also Elendil would never say “forget the past and toss it aside.” That’s the whole thing about the Faithful Númenoreans!!!
      Faithfulness to what’s good. To their elf friends. To the Valar, to Eru Îlluvatar. The way Galadriel acts like Fëanor when he isn’t seeing straight such as how she threatened bloodshed in the highest court of Númenor! The way she isn’t tall, the way she fights rookies doesn’t make her look strong.
      Should have had her spar with Elendil who was greater than Miriel in many ways even as far as lineage goes too! (Canon has her as a grandson or son so…)
      Have her spar with those greater Numenoreans and let the rookies laugh at their masters being vested by an elf woman holding back from actually hurting them! Now that’d be cool.
      (Remember. Their whole mantra was to write the book Tolkien never wrote”. Also watch them fake super fans. And then watch their social media that had nothing Tolkien on it ever. Like…. It’s painfully obvious what’s going on here. Same formula towards other titles. They’re just trying to bank on the brand of which that’s the only reason they did this.
      Just watch Peter Jackson’s new movie coming out and the War of the Rohirim. You’ll see that Brian Cox is involved In it along with Philipa Boyens as well as Actor for Èowyn named Miranda Otto. Fran Walsh I also believe is Involved as well!
      Watch George The Giant Slayer’s first video regarding the war of the rohirrim. It was beautiful. And he has a wonderful soul too. When I say first video.
      I don’t mean very first uploaded video though lol. )
      There was also no Adar. No poppy. No Nori. No fake Gandalf who literally didn’t come the way he was supposed to which introduces Círdan. And since they screwed up the themes and lore so badly they have to dig in their heels. And they are also being sued by multiple people and groups and companies actually. The rings were forged last and not first. They were not in his sights or touch nor did he even know about them. And also guyladriel wasn’t a murderous Fëanorean either. But the note of the elven rings.
      They were made last and without the knowledge of Sauron. His touch never got to them. Made in secret so that whole story is thrown out the window as well. And making them first and having the obvious Sauron figure who wasn’t an elf to just be there when they’re making them and have his eye show up in the forge which wasn’t even the worst of it.
      The greatest of elven smiths still around which is Celebrimbor doesn’t even know what alloying is.
      Not to mention all their environmental scandals on top of bad CGI stuff. Full of copy past crowds and plagerisms up the wazoo. It’s also getting sued by several people and groups.
      I’ll also remind you that they just ran an old sick horse til it died of cardiac arrest and then only had a ten min coffee break to loosely honour this horse.
      Not to mention Tolkien loved animals in a deep way. They also have been causing environmental damage one of which being King Charles ancient forest to make a set. It’s scandal after scandal. And the fire in studio that took four hours to put out with firemen for yet another example.
      PS they don’t have the rights to the Silmarillion nor anything much of the second age let alone the first. Only the trilogy books and their appendices….
      Remember that they also plagiarized tonnes of films in nontasteful instead of true a homage way…
      “tempest in me” but when threatening Fëanorean level bloodshed in the court of Numenor was from Cate Blanchett’s Elizabeth role which was done with grace and poise of a veteran actress(which doesn’t even sound like anything those of the great chill house of Finarfin would even act like.
      Again it’d be best to put Elrond there due to Elros. But ooook let’s make girlboss do everything. Even if it continues to make zero sense. )😍
      ​​⁠ fact they downplayed Elendil who’d never say to “forget the past”, Gil-Galad and Finrod is beyond infuriating and not explaining Elwing, Elronds mother beyond just showing her as a swan was pure LOLism. Like. What’s worse is Grandpabimbor…. Let’s not forget good ol’ Guyladriel either. The LOTR version of Star Wars’ Rey! Guyladriel the Female Fëanor without any of his charms and subtleties and wit… just the bloody violent rages…
      ​​⁠nope. They lost alot of viewers after their bait and switch behaviour. Hundreds reported shenanigans on their app where it’d force you to watch and episode twice in variously described circumstances.
      Bribed people left and right with things like that screening. Even the official critics fell asleep. Many longtime film analysts along with actors and film students/professionals give basic criticism and in depth look at the editing and so forth which causes it to fall flat on its face.
      Abandons plot left and right. Full of member berries. Just because we got fake Tom Bombadil doesn’t mean we’ll flip onto our backs to play with the jingling keys. Balrog wasn’t awoken until thousands of tears later. They’re horridly depicted scenarios which often aren’t canon: were separated by hundreds of years. Some of them by thousands. Not cool. Amazon is known to be corrupt. Huge connection to BlackRock. Bezos bought a dying news paper so he could weasel his way into some form of power to control narratives. Bought his way into involvement with the CIA. Also. They were caught bribing people with their food deliveries etc to watch the show too. Then bragged they had big numbers in the beginning but several people dropped the show. Hundreds more continue to watch for analysis purposes for some of their videos.

    • @MarieS610
      @MarieS610 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Makkaru112”he’s not a fan”
      Dude shut up. Just because some people haven’t read every piece of Tolkiens books or can’t remember the names doesn’t mean they aren’t fans.
      Anyone can be a fan of anything. There are no rules or stipulations. 🙄

  • @MarieS610
    @MarieS610 2 місяці тому

    The Makkaru guy commenting the same copy and pasted comments on anything Rings of Power is hilarious to me 😂😂

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому

    Real Amazon Worker Tallacus says: “As someone who works for Amazon and who is a lover of fantasy, I am grateful for the coverage of this abomination. I work my ass off at my local Amazon Fulfillment Center and I just weep at the fact Amazon cares not for the slave force that made them able to pay for this horror of television. The worse TV show since Kurtzman’s Star Trek Shows”

  • @kweezy9517
    @kweezy9517 2 місяці тому

    Orcs are my fav

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      Especially when they’re all white and put random buzz cut don-lemonlas the only black elf in chains. Lmao. There is way too many alagories and plagerisms of films to take it seriously and the empty member berries that lead nowhere. Too many of the vaguely lore events are now happening in the same timeframe linked by a random meteor. These events were hundreds and thousands of years apart.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому

      ⁠Nothing beats the trilogy. It’s why Amazon articles & videos like to bash it and drag it down so as to mark itself look bigger than the trilogy when nothing about this show is anything Tolkien. It’s twisted everything. Removed the actual story. It’s nothing from the books besides some names. That’s it. The rest is pandering and leftist whacky messaging put into it is the truly insulting thing. It’s demeaning everyone. It’s not by accident. This is happening to all of our art over the last decade and a half by design. They thought they could be better than Tolkien. Stating they’ll write the book Tolkien never wrote. Saying he was a big racist and his works are too white. It’s easy to find. Stop giving money to this corrupt company that mistreats its workers as well as money launders.
      Tallacus - “As someone who works for Amazon and who is a lover of fantasy, I am grateful for the coverage of this abomination. I work my ass off at my local Amazon Fulfillment Center and I just weep at the fact Amazon cares not for the slave force that made them able to pay for this horror of television. The worse TV show since Kurtzman’s Star Trek Shows”

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому

    Just react to the full videos of the behind the scenes curated by Pajasek99 regarding the original trilogy. You’ll be amazed. I got FlowState Reacts to do it and she’s already so far in, loving every minute of it. Equally as much as the films touched her Heart & Soul. ❤

  • @AlexisLopez-pb8ms
    @AlexisLopez-pb8ms 2 місяці тому +5

    It’s not about the actors. It’s about how the story doesn’t make sense. You call yourself a fan of Tolkien’s works but you seem to have no idea of Tolkien’s works. Enjoy it I guess and I don’t mind Amazon changing some things but the writers have no idea of the lore.

    • @light_bringer_82
      @light_bringer_82 2 місяці тому +1

      Peter Jackson's movies followed less than 50% of the books. Books cannot be ported 100% - wake up

    • @AlexisLopez-pb8ms
      @AlexisLopez-pb8ms 2 місяці тому

      @@light_bringer_82 yeah well Amazon is probably following less than 10%.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому

      @@light_bringer_82nope. The lovely behind the scenes documentaries shown by the Pajasek99 playlist shows how much effort they put into this. Years in advance. Finding the right people involving we the people. Creating the best way to things on the fly. Creating new tech on the fly etc etc. getting the approval of all of Tolkiens living friends. Outing Tolkiens messages into it. Not their own

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому

      @@light_bringer_82nothing beats the trilogy. It’s why Amazon articles and videos like to bash it and drag it down so it looks bigger than the trilogy when nothing about this show is anything Tolkien. It’s twisted everything. Removed the actual story. It’s nothing from the books besides some names. That’s it. The rest is pandering and leftist whacky messaging put into it is the truly insulting thing. It’s demeaning everyone. It’s not by accident. This is happening to all of our art over the last decade and a half by design. They thought they could be better than Tolkien. Stating they’ll write the book Tolkien never wrote. Saying he was a big racist and his works are too white.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому

      Real Amazon Worker Tallacus says: “As someone who works for Amazon and who is a lover of fantasy, I am grateful for the coverage of this abomination. I work my ass off at my local Amazon Fulfillment Center and I just weep at the fact Amazon cares not for the slave force that made them able to pay for this horror of television. The worse TV show since Kurtzman’s Star Trek Shows”

  • @AlexisLopez-pb8ms
    @AlexisLopez-pb8ms 2 місяці тому +2

    You claim to know this IP but you don’t know the name of Feonor’s grandson who made the rings of power with the help of Anatar. I’m calling cap here. 🤨

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      Amazon failed to show the actual story - All 20 rings were meant to go to the elves (300-500years of his infiltration & deception down the drain.) but Mairon of the Maiar(primordial angelic beings in simple terms as they are sort of beyond angels) disguised as a high elf named Annatar when he came to the elves pretending to be an emissary from Valinor on behalf of the Valar so it makes sense how alluring the ring is and how strong it’s pull on people is. (A bit too instant in the movies though) Galadriel soon saw right through him and especially when after speaking with him regarding not remembering him when in Valinor long ago where she learned from all the Valar thanks to being dominantly Vanyar/Teleri side over her Noldorin side where she gleaned from that encounter that she did not study under Aulë the Vala with any elf named Annatar ! But later named Sauron by the elves meaning deceiver! After all of this, The three elven rings were made in secret without Saurons touch upon them thanks to Celebrimbor! Remember Gandalf before he became Gandalf was the same species of entity Sauron used to be!! Wow hey?
      The Rings in this case, would have lost their powers eventually due to the lack of the One Ring and possibly because they were designed to defeat evil, & evil in the form of Sauron had been defeated twice already in the past.
      The Three Elven Rings served their purpose for a long time. Two out of three of them had several different bearers Unlike the other Rings, the main purpose of the Three is to "heal and preserve", as when Galadriel used Nenya to preserve her realm of Lothlórien over long periods. The Elves made the Three Rings to try to halt the passage of time, or as Tolkien had Elrond say, "to preserve all things unstained". I can expand upon this based on any further statements & questions you have for me as a reply to this comment ! ❤
      There is problem here with the Rings, the Three were supposed to be never touched by Sauron and that's why they were not corrupting…Sauron had not taken part in their making which made the Three more 'pure' unsullied by his dark power, unlike the Nine and Seven Rings! But Sauron in the show touched the very material they were made of!!! So technically he could have tainted them and corrupted!
      Even appendices of Lot tell us the order of making the rings, so they didn't even need the righs to more detailed writings in UT or Silmarillion:
      Sauron endeavours to seduce the Eldar. Gil-galad refuses to treat with him; but the smiths of Eregion are won over. The Númenoreans begin to make permanent havens.
      c. 1500
      The Elven-smiths instructed by
      Sauron reach the height of their skill.
      They begin the forging of the Rings of Power.
      c. 1590
      The Three Rings are completed in Eregion.
      c. 1600
      Sauron forges the One Ring in
      Orodruin. He completes the Barad-dûr. Celebrimbor perceives the designs of Sauron.
      War of the Elves & Sauron begins.
      The Three Rings are hidden."
      'Did you not hear me, Gloin?' said Elrond. 'The Three were not made by Sauron, nor did he ever touch them.
      But of them it is not permitted to speak. So much only in this hour of doubt I may now say. They are not idle. But they were not made as weapons of war or conquest: that is not their power. Those who made them did not desire strength or domination or hoarded wealth, but understanding, making, and healing, to preserve all things unstained.
      These things the Elves of Middle-earth have in some measure gained, though with sorrow. But all that has been wrought by those who wield the Three will turn to their undoing, and their minds and hearts will become revealed to Sauron, if he regains the One."
      The 3 Elven Rings are not susceptible to “The One Ring” in any direct way.. They’re only tied by fate to lose their power if Sauron is defeated completely & absolutely. As they were made by the elves and as always they make things for a purpose and pour their literal spirit into things they create. So if Sauron is defeated then the three rings power will fade and basically become almost useless or diminished versions of their original design since by this era magic has bled from the world by a huge degree thanks to Morgoth’s poisoning the world itself with his very essence that he poured into it. Called The Long Defeat By The Elves and The Men Of The West.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      Yeah. Fëanor’s entire family are great and pivotal. They aren’t so easily black and white. The friendship of elves and men and their famous histories was due to the Noldor and Finrod himself befriending mankind as he discovered the three main houses that entered into the hitherlands (Endor) = Middle Earth. All 7 of his sons are awesome in their own way. Elronds adoptive fathers who raised him so very well happened to be Fëanor’s two eldest sons. Maglor and Maedhros. ❤

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      ⁠Nothing beats the trilogy. It’s why Amazon articles & videos like to bash it and drag it down so as to mark itself look bigger than the trilogy when nothing about this show is anything Tolkien. It’s twisted everything. Removed the actual story. It’s nothing from the books besides some names. That’s it. The rest is pandering and leftist whacky messaging put into it is the truly insulting thing. It’s demeaning everyone. It’s not by accident. This is happening to all of our art over the last decade and a half by design. They thought they could be better than Tolkien. Stating they’ll write the book Tolkien never wrote. Saying he was a big racist and his works are too white.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      Amazon waited until Christopher Tolkien died early in the production of its DumpsterFire, his "demand" was that Amazon could use the Appendices to make the show, but they couldn't change the lore. As soon as Christopher died, Amazon delayed the show for reshoots, fired Tom Shippey who was the lead Tolkien scholar & friend of Tolkien himself; they wanted Jackson on the team.
      PeterJackson asked for the scripts then they ghosted him. Then later when asked about it he basically told them good luck..
      You can blame this garbage show on Simon Tolkien (who Amazon used to get around all the laws and protections set around the estate and JRR Tolkien’s legacy), its stink doesn't reach Christopher.
      Firstly: they merge events (from thousands of years of history & build up towards several events but puts them all into one moment as if it’s happening in the same few years without time jumps or anything.) Guyladriel the murderous one dimensional girlboss heroine version of Galadriel never met Miriel(one of Aragorn’s ancestors) because, as an elf, she would have been sacrificed to Morgoth by the King's Men.
      The hobbits and Gandalf never met in the 2nd Age because Gandalf was in Valinor till the 3rd Age.
      Miriel wasn’t even born yet. She was born 300 years before or after the rings of power era.
      Also Elendil would never say “forget the past and toss it aside.” That’s the whole thing about the Faithful Númenoreans!!!
      Faithfulness to what’s good. To their elf friends. To the Valar, to Eru Îlluvatar. The way Galadriel acts like Fëanor when he isn’t seeing straight such as how she threatened bloodshed in the highest court of Númenor! The way she isn’t tall, the way she fights rookies doesn’t make her look strong.
      Should have had her spar with Elendil who was greater than Miriel in many ways even as far as lineage goes too! (Canon has her as a grandson or son so…)
      Have her spar with those greater Numenoreans and let the rookies laugh at their masters being vested by an elf woman holding back from actually hurting them! Now that’d be cool.
      (Remember. Their whole mantra was to write the book Tolkien never wrote”. Also watch them fake super fans. And then watch their social media that had nothing Tolkien on it ever. Like…. It’s painfully obvious what’s going on here. Same formula towards other titles. They’re just trying to bank on the brand of which that’s the only reason they did this.
      Just watch Peter Jackson’s new movie coming out and the War of the Rohirim. You’ll see that Brian Cox is involved In it along with Philipa Boyens as well as Actor for Èowyn named Miranda Otto. Fran Walsh I also believe is Involved as well!
      Watch George The Giant Slayer’s first video regarding the war of the rohirrim. It was beautiful. And he has a wonderful soul too. When I say first video.
      I don’t mean very first uploaded video though lol. )
      There was also no Adar. No poppy. No Nori. No fake Gandalf who literally didn’t come the way he was supposed to which introduces Círdan. And since they screwed up the themes and lore so badly they have to dig in their heels. And they are also being sued by multiple people and groups and companies actually. The rings were forged last and not first. They were not in his sights or touch nor did he even know about them. And also guyladriel wasn’t a murderous Fëanorean either. But the note of the elven rings.
      They were made last and without the knowledge of Sauron. His touch never got to them. Made in secret so that whole story is thrown out the window as well. And making them first and having the obvious Sauron figure who wasn’t an elf to just be there when they’re making them and have his eye show up in the forge which wasn’t even the worst of it.
      The greatest of elven smiths still around which is Celebrimbor doesn’t even know what alloying is.
      Not to mention all their environmental scandals on top of bad CGI stuff. Full of copy past crowds and plagerisms up the wazoo. It’s also getting sued by several people and groups.
      I’ll also remind you that they just ran an old sick horse til it died of cardiac arrest and then only had a ten min coffee break to loosely honour this horse. Not to mention Tolkien loved animals in a deep way. They also have been causing environmental damage one of which being King Charles ancient forest to make a set. It’s scandal after scandal. And the fire in studio that took four hours to put out with firemen for yet another example.
      PS they don’t have the rights to the Silmarillion nor anything much of the second age let alone the first. Only the trilogy books and their appendices….
      Remember that they also plagiarized tonnes of films in nontasteful instead of true a homage way…
      “tempest in me” but when threatening Fëanorean level bloodshed in the court of Numenor was from Cate Blanchett’s Elizabeth role which was done with grace and poise of a veteran actress(which doesn’t even sound like anything those of the great chill house of Finarfin would even act like.
      Again it’d be best to put Elrond there due to Elros. But ooook let’s make girlboss do everything. Even if it continues to make zero sense. )😍
      ​​⁠ fact they downplayed Elendil who’d never say to “forget the past”, Gil-Galad and Finrod is beyond infuriating and not explaining Elwing, Elronds mother beyond just showing her as a swan was pure LOLism. Like. What’s worse is Grandpabimbor…. Let’s not forget good ol’ Guyladriel either. The LOTR version of Star Wars’ Rey! Guyladriel the Female Fëanor without any of his charms and subtleties and wit… just the bloody violent rages…
      ​​⁠nope. They lost alot of viewers after their bait and switch behaviour. Hundreds reported shenanigans on their app where it’d force you to watch and episode twice in variously described circumstances. Bribed people left and right with things like that screening. Even the official critics fell asleep. Many longtime film analysts along with actors and film students/professionals give basic criticism and in depth look at the editing and so forth which causes it to fall flat on its face. Abandons plot left and right. Full of member berries. Just because we got fake Tom Bombadil doesn’t mean we’ll flip onto our backs to play with the jingling keys. Balrog wasn’t awoken until thousands of tears later. They’re horridly depicted scenarios which often aren’t canon: were separated by hundreds of years. Some of them by thousands. Not cool. Amazon is known to be corrupt. Huge connection to BlackRock. Bezos bought a dying news paper so he could weasel his way into some form of power to control narratives. Bought his way into involvement with the CIA. Also. They were caught bribing people with their food deliveries etc to watch the show too. Then bragged they had big numbers in the beginning but several people dropped the show. Hundreds more continue to watch for analysis purposes for some of their videos.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 місяці тому +1

      He’s a casual movie fan. That’s all. One who won’t defend and protect the professors work that revived ancient knowledge and provided people a way to better interact with and understand the things like Homer, Ílliad, Ring Of Nibelungen, as well as other things like Elder Edda and the various different things like the Finnish Kalevala and Welsh Mabinogion. ❤