I love watching long videos because they're so interesting to see how clever these constructors are! But I also love shorter videos because I know I can give those puzzles a fair attempt!
Right? I will absolutely watch Simon melt his brain on this but me firing up my own attempt. I don't have 6 hours to try. 30 minute video? "Oh hey let's gooo this one looks cute and elegant" and 2 hours later I can confirm.
I like how long video no longer means "above 30 minutes." Personally, the longer the video the more interesting it is to me. But a selection for everyone's preference is always nice.
It's quaint, but it really makes me slightly miffed when I want to solve a short interesting puzzle before bedtime, especially when both Simon and Mark release long videos in the same day.
Thank you, Simon, for being so attentive to eventually turn the green cells into blue, even in the midst of doing so much logic! Throughout the video various colours were tried, and I kept hoping that we would end up with red, yellow and blue eventually, as for a colorblind person like me, green+red = horror and purple+blue=horror ;-)
Whatever the length, the thing I most like about your videos, Simon, is your enjoyment of the logical beauty in the puzzles. Oh, I also love the birthdays and other greetings. And the occasional poetry and guitar playing......... Actually I love the daily reliability of your and Mark's videos. That's it, that's what I love. (And the vocabulary, I almost forgot ...)
Amazing. And you know what? In a year or two, we will look at this as an "approachable" sudoku. The state of sudoku is evolving into a higher life form.
Not Simon at 1:45:00 ish still not having noticed that the "all sections must be contiguous" rule requires "red and yellow cannot touch anywhere except at the two corners".
The longer the video the more I like to watch it. And I'm referring to this video, not the 3.5 hour one although I would probably like that one as well.
1:42:00 I saw that earlier but that’s just a marvel of setting. That triple line to say that 1 can’t go in r2c1 and then everything flows rapidly. So so so clever and the whole puzzles great.
Oh boy. I'm going to have to hold off a few weeks before I watch this one. I haven't managed to solve (or even start, really) the last IcyFruit puzzle on this channel. It's one of those puzzles I come back to every few days and stare at for ten minutes before I switch over to an easier one. I've added this to my list though. I'll probably come back and watch in a month or so once I manage to solve it. Edit: Managed to solve it in 98:05, which is about as long as I've spent getting absolutely nowhere in "The Zip that Zips the Zips". Somehow I find regions a bit easier than region sums, I guess.
I absolutely love the longer videos as well, although I often need to find a proper moment (much) later on to watch them in full. Evenings are full of business! And I definitely admire Simon and Mark for making such long videos for all of us, time after time, in the midst of all other business of life... 🙂
Wow, what an excellent solve of a genius puzzle. Thank you Icyfruit and Simon. I love these long videos; it might take me a couple of sessions or more to watch but it usually signals (as in this case) a puzzle that completely baffles me so it is all the more rewarding and entertaining to see how Simon will work it out!
"I've chosen a particularly obtuse example..." Geometry majors yelling over their cereal: "It's called convex, you filthy casual! Does that look like a triangle to you?" In all seriousness, I was just reflecting again how patient you are Simon, going over these concepts every time they come up with the right balance of creativity and cheeky memes, with a mischievous sparkle in your eye every time! Never change Simon. We love you! XD
River of numbers, Must you keep rolling Summing into the night?.. The colours are crazy, Make me feel dizzy Pencilmarks shine so bright But I don't need no clues As long as I gaze on Simon's consctruing I am in paradise
Icyfruit's symbol is a Twoctus - a two-shaped plant with cactus-like growths. Unlike the more common cactus, the twoctus grows only in cold deserts and bears a delicious refreshing fruit from its branches.
Fantastic puzzle! Brilliant rule of "yin-yan...yon?" ;) with a smooth but challenging flow. Took me a couple of hours (over three days) like Simon. Thank you Simon for showcasing such a puzzle.
45:41 This was beguiling. The initial logic was reasonably straightforward but incredibly well put together, and then the section sums were beautiful and intricate and absolutely mind-boggling. An absolute piece of art. Thank you!
Simon, you're a hero. I love your videos, I love you and I like both long and short ones! I'd watch a 5 hour solve! 8 hours even! I watched you play the entirety of The Witness, so why not?
I got 240 minutes. At 136 minutes, I had everything mostly colored. I made some major errors, forgetting that 117 was a possibility for 9 on one of the section-sum lines. I made an even bigger mistake by trying to make all section-sum lines have the same number, instead of isolating them to their own section-sum. I was about to give up there, but checked later in the video to see how far off my work was and realized that I completely bungled how section-sums work. I suppose I won't be making that mistake again. I'm really proud I found the break-in. It was very satisfying visualizing the pathways in my mind that restricted 6s from being in the grid as well as limiting the pathway the 2s took. I did not think I could do this puzzle. I'm very glad I tried it and was more surprised when I completed it. Excellent puzzle!
Based on the rules as written, why does Simon assume that the sum of say, the yellow segment of a line have to equal the green segment of the same line? The rules seem to say that only the yellow portions have to equal any other line segments in yellow.
Having shown that red and yellow were different I though Simon was just going to start coloring the 4-5 circles, since its obvious that there must be both red and yellow in box 8.
I feel like there should also be a count of "bobbins" and "bother" and other assorted Simon-swears 😂 (edit: What I mean is: Thank for for this compilation, it gave me a chuckle!)
OMG - That was amazing. It took me the best part of 4 hours but I’m really glad I was able to finish it unaided. I was really chuffed with how quickly I got a lot of the colouring sorted out with the great circles logic but struggled to spot the moves after that. Still anytime I finish a 5D puzzle I’m happy!
146m17s. Wow!!! It took me way longer than I wish it had to work out the topology of how three contiguous sets could intersect, and that, for instance, the fact that there are two corners at which all three sets intersect implies that one of the sets doesn't touch the boundary of the grid
When watching the solve, either because I solved it myself and found it interesting, or because I think I will have no chance, I always watch at 1.5x speed, because Simon has near-perfect diction, and doesn't rush (unless he's going NORINORINORINORI). This cuts the actual video play time by 1/3. The longer the video, the better chance of it being interesting, and now, for me, the interesting curve is steeper than the do I really have time to watch a long video curve, so the video would have to be 50% longer than the screen time I have left before I die to deter me ;)
The break in for this is much simpler if you don’t prematurely colour the clusters of three circles. Once you’ve established the border circle in box 3 and the ones in 4 and 7 are in different regions, and got the 45 pairs all over the place, colouring those reveals how the clusters of circles needs to work pretty damn quickly. 68:02 for me
53:00 I don't get, why r7c8 has to be ALWAYS GREEN (in this setup, it has to be!). What if r8c7 is GREEN? r8c8 RED. r7c8 YELLOW connected to r2c2. r2c3 GREEN. r3c2 RED. GREEN connects from r8c7, below the YELLOW 4, between YELLOW 4 and RED 5 in the middle, top of the red 5, eventually to r2c3. That should work, shouldn't it?
The section-sum line rule wording is quite obtuse. Saying "section borders divide lines into segments of the same sum" would be far more straightforward.
I had to come check comments to make sure I was interpreting it right. Turns out I wasn't. Doesn't the rule as written allow for different valued sums as long as the line is in another section? (e.g., if the line goes green-blue-green-blue then there doesn't seem to be any rule stopping the sum from being 6, 7, 6, 7) Edit: I managed to figure out why I was reading it wrong. When it says "part of the same section" it doesn't mean one of the 3 sections referenced at the start of the rules.
@@SirJefferE I think you're still not quite reading it the intended way, although I can see how it would easily happen. Either reading is grammatically valid. You've read it as referring to "groups of digits", where the _groups_ "are part of the same section". The intended reading was that the _digits_ are part of the same section. So it's more like "all adjacent groups of (digits along the line which are part of the same section)". "Section" definitely does mean one of the 3 sections referenced at the start of the rules, since those sections are what divide the digits into groups. Having said that, though, I now realize that it shouldn't really say "adjacent groups of digits", but rather "groups of adjacent digits". It goes without saying that the groups are adjacent to each other. So there are a few ways the wording could be improved.
I think the wording reads that way because there are diagonal lines that can sort of skip past orthogonally connected squares, so the wording focuses you on watching the line rather than watching the section segments. I think that's particularly important for the (very tricky, I broke it) diagonal line in the top left.
Simon identified the parity constraint in box 1 but then failed to make further use of the restriction when combined with the equal sums on the line the remaining 2 cells were forced to be either both even (6 and 8) or both odd and limited to 1 and 3. That lead to 9 being fixed as Simon discovered
Really good stuff from Simon. I managed to solve but for the most part not as efficiently as him. However, one spot he could’ve got a little easier: The late disambiguation of colors in the bottom left is a lot easier if you first show that R6C3 can’t be red or yellow, and must be blue. It then follows that the line segment in row 7 goes red/red/blue or blue/yellow/yellow which then makes figuring out the sums much easier with the available digits.
I was secretly hoping the three colors would be rotationally symmetrical! I was a bit disappointed at the end 😅. Regardless, such a clever puzzle, and a clever solve as well!
It's interesting how at 35:30 it was already possible to work out that yellow had to be 5 and red had to be 4, giving five entire digits that do absolutely nothing.
Someone help me out here please, I'm at 48:10....I feel as though Simon made a leap here that was not warranted. His examples assumed that blue must be the one to follow the border but what if blue didn't follow? He didn't seem to prove those cases where only green or only purple followed. Am I missing something that makes those impossible?
That seem to be a good one. I wonder how it ends. As someone who doesn't solve these but just watches your videos I m proud i got the first hour of the video on my own almost instantly. When you start the problem with "how can the 2-circle in box1 connect to the 2-circle in box9" almost all the fundamental constraints you thought about forever fall into place instantly. I think you approached it with only 2 colours in mind focussing on the perimeter, somewhat forgetting the biggest constraint that was the biggest help. But in the second hour it became clear why you are the player and i am the spectator.
This is one hell of a puzzle. Sometimes I wonder what setters are trying to achieve with puzzles like this, but there's no doubt they demonstrate a very particular sort of intelligence.
What an elegant puzzle and solve, didn't complete it myself as the length of the video was quite intimidating, but once you noticed the two middle circles must be different colors I was able to infer the general shapes the colors must take very quickly because of some geometry puzzles I've done that use similar logic. You've definitely inspired me to try more yin yang puzzles for myself :-).
Really cool puzzle. Made good progress on the shapes by reasoning outside-in, and then spent a long time looking for how to go anywhere from there. :) 89:35, all in all, including some early missteps.
You could have made quicker progress at the start if you'd realised that blue (which later became red) was 5 and red (which later became yellow) was 4. The overall structure becomes clear - a Z which doesn't touch the edge for the 2-region, and two long boundary colours. The arrangement of the 4s and 5s mean that the 2 region cannot reach the boundary, so a lot of the thinking about that could have been avoided. That is, the 5 has to connect to R2C2, and the 4 cannot connect to R3C2 without blocking in the 2 region, so it connects to R2C3. The same happens in box 9 but with the 4 & 5 swapping roles. Once you worked out the circles were 2, 4, and 5, you could have worked out the digit in R7C7. The line in box 9 must sum to an even number. From the available digits, we have to leave out an even digit, which is 6 or 8. However, leaving out 6 makes it impossible to divide the rest evenly. @ 56:19 - "We don't know what the corner is" - Yes we do. The lowest available digits are 136 so it's impossible to split the line into a 3 & 1 segment. The corner must therefore be yellow. Once you realised 2 had to loop over the top of the 5 in box 2, you could have made R3C3 green. This is because R2C8 is a single digit, so R2C4 cannot also be a single digit on the same line. @ 1:11:04 - "This is either 126 or 135" - How can it be 126? You've got an unmarked 67 in box 9. Even without it being marked, it's easy to see if you look. @ 1:42:40 - "1, 3, and 8 into these squares" - Come on Simon, how many times do you have to forget that 1 in box 2 is on the line in R1? You also placed the 1 in box 1, which should have resolved the 13 pair in box 3, which would have placed 1 in R2. Even much later, when you put the 12 pair in R1, you still didn't remove the 1s from the 138. Stop making things unnecessarily difficult. You also put 69 on the line in box 1, but failed to make the yellow segment 78, with 3 in R1C3. I really enjoyed this. The addition of a third region to yin-yang added a lot, and the interaction with the region sum lines was a brilliant concept. I particularly liked the way that R4-6C5 had to be R/B/Y, and the way that forced a lot of the colouring. As usual for this type of puzzle, you wasted a lot of time considering obviously impossible situations. I don't know whether this is because you are not looking at what makes them obviously impossible, or whether you doubt your ability to rule something out without going through it long-hand. I don't think it's the latter though, because in that case you would just point out the obvious contradiction and move on, but you don't. I suspect it's your common problem of only focussing on one rule at a time and not seeing that your situation breaks one of the other rules. You could help yourself here. For instance, if you are trying to colour the grid, and you determine that one of the colours cannot be in a cell, mark the cell with the remaining two colours. Don't just leave the cell blank and keep trying to force the third colour into that cell. For instance the three cells R7C2-4 could have been coloured RB, RY, BY.
@@Raven-Creations A bullet point would serve as a bullet point. What you are doing is using a symbol inappropriately. When you type timestamp, you already mean you are going to talk about that exact timestamp. So, adding another symbol to mean "at" is just funny and very uneducated. Here's how it looks: At at 3:02 ... At 3:02... You did the former. Now ask yourself: Why no one on earth puts @ before the timestamp but I do?
@@agustinbarquero8898 How very rude to call me uneducated. You have no idea about my education. "3:02" does not mean "at 3:02", it could just as easily refer to a duration where the implicit preposition might be "for". Many people post their solving times by just saying something like "32:43 for me". They are not saying "at 32:43 for me". "@ 3:02" certainly does not mean "at at 3:02", that's just a ridiculous assertion. You have to ask yourself why someone's commenting style gets you so uptight that you feel compelled to complain and then be rude backing up your baseless assertion.
Im here to watch sudokus be solved! If it takes 20 minutes or 5 hours thats not what matters! I just enjoy throwing these videos on in the background as i complete other tasks, length hardly matters!
41:0051:0056:0058:30 proving the same thing over and over again. And i feel like it happens every video. I wonder whats the maximum times it happened in a single puzzle.
I think it got extremely hard at that point because of fatigue. As a software dev I know that a huge part of problem solving is knowing when to stretch your legs and think about something else for 5 minutes! But you pressed in and got there regardless! Well done.
This looks so interesting: I started it last night, but it would have taken me way past bedtime to finish it. Absolutely no problem with super-long videos, though -- but not on a school night! 😺
It seems like "all adjacent groups of digits along the line which are part of the same section have the same sum" has ambiguity. I take that as meaning every separate adjacent sequence that is in a given region will total the same, regardlesss of which line it is on. Simon's interp seems more likely but based on the wording it's tough to be sure. Edit: Actually he's saying even for different sections the total would be the same. Surely it only implies that blue total matches blue total, green matches green, etc? (Maybe he changes approach further along and I'll see)
It doesn't make sense at all. Adjacent groups of digits in the same section is the same as one larger group of digits in that section. If you have a group of 3 digits adjacent to a group of 2 digits in the same section, then you have a group of 5 digits in that section. I have no idea what that rule means. If it had said "adjacent digits" instead of "adjacent groups of digits" that would make more sense.
1. I propose that we refer to IcyFruit’s symbol as a “barred two” - it looks like a 2 with a stroke through it. 2. I can’t remember the name for the type of symmetry the red and yellow sections have, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
I’m struggling with “shares an edge” in the instructions. One and only one edge? At least one edge? This directly impacts whether one of the colors is able to skip the border entirely.
I couldn't even begin to approach this one, but I did find one deduction in a much more simple way to how you found it. There are only 6 boxes with circles, so if there were a 6 in a circle, it would have to be in each box. But 2 of the boxes only have 1 circle each that see each other. So they can't be 6. Hene the non-2 circles must be a 4-5 pair.
@@Sam_on_UA-cam Since you can't put 6 in both circles in Column Five, the "6" Region would have to pick up all of the circles on the perimeter. To do that, it would be forced to subsume an entire corner line. It feels like that's where Simon was headed but then he veered off into a different deduction.
You can silence a call on most phones by hitting the "Lower Volume" button on the side once. Note that it doesn't entirely decline the call, just silence it.
56:30 nope, and I might have helped you determine the coloring of the edge earlier. If it were red, you would have three reds with a minimum of 1-3-6 - which is 10 - having to balance out a single-digit total in yellow, which can't be. So it must be 2-2 and that would've told you about thirty minutes earlier that the bottom left must connect via red. Update at 1:08:37 he finally figured it out
Simon, I was wondering if your developer could add some code to highlight (maybe a .) above or below digits to help you and me with sudoko. I get frustrated when in row 3 you put in a 1 but don't see the 13 in column 9. If the 1 showed a . above or below then maybe we would both spot it easier. 😊😊
I think there's already a setting for what you're after. "Check pencilmarks: on/off". Simon's not going to use it since, like me, he wants to feel like he's doing all the solving and not being told where to look by the software. Missing pencilmarks is just part of the game
when you were doing the green two you said, ignore that digit for a moment :P but if you just tried to walk a green path on either side of it you would see it would never work.
Reading the instructions, I got very stuck, because it sounded to me like the sum restriction *only* held for the same region. I.E. if a line is split into red/blue/red/blue the sums would have to be x/y/x/y respectively... but x *does not have to* equal y. So if a line was split into red/blue only then it tells us nothing. Now I clearly prefer the greater restriction that Simon interprets... but it just doesn't read that way to me.
In the Line Sudoku app Sumset (#45) the Hints are wrong. Hint 2 is missing the possibility of (145) which is in the solution. And Hint 3 is missing the possibility of (58 or 67) of which (58) is in the solution
Absolutely lovely puzzle! I misinterpreted the final rule in the ruleset which held me up a lot, but otherwise I got there pretty much on my own. Only 4 hours :)
Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing, wouldn't connecting yellow in r5c9 to the rest of yellow in c1 form a barrier between red and blue? Red and blue have to share a boundary by the rules, so they cannot be kept apart by yellow.
This one is so weird... It took me over 2 hours, but in the end it didn't feel like a particularly difficult puzzle. Not easy, but nothing truly mindbreaking compared to crazier ones featured on the channel. It almost didn't feel like a 5*. But if that's the case then where did my 2hours go?
Ah, excellent! I did this one when it came out and it really was lovely. It felt more like 4 stars to me, but i did allow myself to "feel" my way through several steps of the 3-colour yin yang rather than fully prove
I also did this one when it came out and loved it. I did make a couple mistakes and needed the "you've solved the puzzle correctly so far" check to help me figure out where they were. Didn't make me love it any less, though, brilliant puzzle.
Oh the struggles of a colorblind person. I was glad when Simon moved on from using the blue/purple pair, as that is hard to differentiate for me. But then he started to use the green/red which is even more difficult for my eyes 😂 Just looks like a very slightly difference in saturation to me. Edit: and then he changed one of them to blue. Yay 🎉
Is this the same IcyFruit who creates brilliantly difficult Mario levels and hacks? I mean, probably not but also I would not be surprised at all if it is the same genius mind.
1:25:00 Simon switches the river to be blue instead of green and I can relax again. Thank you.
I love watching long videos because they're so interesting to see how clever these constructors are! But I also love shorter videos because I know I can give those puzzles a fair attempt!
Right? I will absolutely watch Simon melt his brain on this but me firing up my own attempt. I don't have 6 hours to try.
30 minute video? "Oh hey let's gooo this one looks cute and elegant" and 2 hours later I can confirm.
I like how long video no longer means "above 30 minutes." Personally, the longer the video the more interesting it is to me. But a selection for everyone's preference is always nice.
It's quaint, but it really makes me slightly miffed when I want to solve a short interesting puzzle before bedtime, especially when both Simon and Mark release long videos in the same day.
Thank you, Simon, for being so attentive to eventually turn the green cells into blue, even in the midst of doing so much logic! Throughout the video various colours were tried, and I kept hoping that we would end up with red, yellow and blue eventually, as for a colorblind person like me, green+red = horror and purple+blue=horror ;-)
Whatever the length, the thing I most like about your videos, Simon, is your enjoyment of the logical beauty in the puzzles. Oh, I also love the birthdays and other greetings. And the occasional poetry and guitar playing......... Actually I love the daily reliability of your and Mark's videos. That's it, that's what I love. (And the vocabulary, I almost forgot ...)
Amazing. And you know what? In a year or two, we will look at this as an "approachable" sudoku. The state of sudoku is evolving into a higher life form.
Not Simon at 1:45:00 ish still not having noticed that the "all sections must be contiguous" rule requires "red and yellow cannot touch anywhere except at the two corners".
Awesome sauce! I love longer vids! Can’t wait to wind down and watch you at work, Simon 😊
The longer the video the more I like to watch it. And I'm referring to this video, not the 3.5 hour one although I would probably like that one as well.
1:42:00 I saw that earlier but that’s just a marvel of setting. That triple line to say that 1 can’t go in r2c1 and then everything flows rapidly. So so so clever and the whole puzzles great.
Oh boy. I'm going to have to hold off a few weeks before I watch this one. I haven't managed to solve (or even start, really) the last IcyFruit puzzle on this channel. It's one of those puzzles I come back to every few days and stare at for ten minutes before I switch over to an easier one.
I've added this to my list though. I'll probably come back and watch in a month or so once I manage to solve it.
Edit: Managed to solve it in 98:05, which is about as long as I've spent getting absolutely nowhere in "The Zip that Zips the Zips". Somehow I find regions a bit easier than region sums, I guess.
I absolutely love the longer videos as well, although I often need to find a proper moment (much) later on to watch them in full. Evenings are full of business! And I definitely admire Simon and Mark for making such long videos for all of us, time after time, in the midst of all other business of life... 🙂
oh yes, a 2 hour video on a Monday night 🤩
Wow, what an excellent solve of a genius puzzle. Thank you Icyfruit and Simon. I love these long videos; it might take me a couple of sessions or more to watch but it usually signals (as in this case) a puzzle that completely baffles me so it is all the more rewarding and entertaining to see how Simon will work it out!
This is a GOLD MEDAL sudoku ..... Again, I'm 100% sure Icy is a programmer and a very good one ;) ...... Hats off
"I've chosen a particularly obtuse example..."
Geometry majors yelling over their cereal: "It's called convex, you filthy casual! Does that look like a triangle to you?"
In all seriousness, I was just reflecting again how patient you are Simon, going over these concepts every time they come up with the right balance of creativity and cheeky memes, with a mischievous sparkle in your eye every time! Never change Simon. We love you!
River of numbers,
Must you keep rolling
Summing into the night?..
The colours are crazy,
Make me feel dizzy
Pencilmarks shine so bright
But I don't need no clues
As long as I gaze on
Simon's consctruing
I am in paradise
Very excited to learn the host team next summer!
Probably just me but at 1:14:08 Simon's "which" sounds like 我操 in Chinese which is a benign curse word; had me and my girlfriend laughing hard.
Isn't he saying 'what'?
Icyfruit's symbol is a Twoctus - a two-shaped plant with cactus-like growths. Unlike the more common cactus, the twoctus grows only in cold deserts and bears a delicious refreshing fruit from its branches.
Fantastic puzzle! Brilliant rule of "yin-yan...yon?" ;) with a smooth but challenging flow. Took me a couple of hours (over three days) like Simon. Thank you Simon for showcasing such a puzzle.
This was beguiling. The initial logic was reasonably straightforward but incredibly well put together, and then the section sums were beautiful and intricate and absolutely mind-boggling.
An absolute piece of art. Thank you!
Simon, you're a hero. I love your videos, I love you and I like both long and short ones! I'd watch a 5 hour solve! 8 hours even! I watched you play the entirety of The Witness, so why not?
i love that you can just immediately know what the numbers of circles in sections are, just from the fact that 6 circles in a section is impossible.
Do people not know about the video speed function? This is only a one hour video for me!
I got 240 minutes. At 136 minutes, I had everything mostly colored. I made some major errors, forgetting that 117 was a possibility for 9 on one of the section-sum lines. I made an even bigger mistake by trying to make all section-sum lines have the same number, instead of isolating them to their own section-sum. I was about to give up there, but checked later in the video to see how far off my work was and realized that I completely bungled how section-sums work. I suppose I won't be making that mistake again. I'm really proud I found the break-in. It was very satisfying visualizing the pathways in my mind that restricted 6s from being in the grid as well as limiting the pathway the 2s took. I did not think I could do this puzzle. I'm very glad I tried it and was more surprised when I completed it. Excellent puzzle!
Based on the rules as written, why does Simon assume that the sum of say, the yellow segment of a line have to equal the green segment of the same line? The rules seem to say that only the yellow portions have to equal any other line segments in yellow.
Having shown that red and yellow were different I though Simon was just going to start coloring the 4-5 circles, since its obvious that there must be both red and yellow in box 8.
Rules: 05:18
What about this video's Top Tier Simarkisms?!
Three In the Corner: 3x (1:06:49, 1:10:50, 1:58:03)
The Secret: 3x (1:00:30, 1:00:37, 1:20:29)
Phistomefel: 2x (01:40, 01:47)
And how about this video's Simarkisms?!
Ah: 25x (15:01, 28:20, 48:36, 54:24, 59:05, 59:43, 1:04:40, 1:04:44, 1:07:05, 1:08:26, 1:11:54, 1:11:54, 1:12:06, 1:13:16, 1:16:30, 1:17:42, 1:19:21, 1:20:13, 1:28:59, 1:37:01, 1:38:04, 1:39:06, 1:48:16, 1:50:48, 1:51:04)
Hang On: 19x (09:34, 29:38, 38:20, 38:20, 1:08:15, 1:14:23, 1:20:13, 1:20:13, 1:20:24, 1:33:35, 1:37:01, 1:41:48, 1:46:07, 1:46:57, 1:46:57, 1:53:03, 1:58:08)
Sorry: 12x (36:28, 36:28, 38:46, 44:59, 1:28:23, 1:29:30, 1:36:05, 1:44:48, 1:56:49, 1:57:04, 1:57:34, 2:02:33)
Checkerboard: 12x (09:23, 09:30, 09:45, 10:09, 10:33, 10:41, 14:03, 30:56, 44:17, 53:59, 1:23:21, 1:23:52)
Nonsense: 8x (07:48, 48:24, 57:17, 1:10:54, 1:10:56, 1:42:20, 1:47:03, 1:56:28)
By Sudoku: 7x (56:59, 57:19, 59:43, 1:12:30, 1:32:27, 1:51:02, 1:55:59)
Brilliant: 6x (01:05, 02:00, 02:04, 04:57, 1:24:08, 2:03:15)
Obviously: 6x (01:31, 06:03, 24:35, 28:48, 41:51, 1:07:02)
Wow: 6x (36:01, 47:18, 57:40, 1:33:25, 1:39:16, 1:53:22)
What on Earth: 5x (55:49, 1:22:41, 1:25:07, 1:32:46, 1:56:27)
The Answer is: 5x (09:45, 09:55, 46:58, 55:06)
In Fact: 5x (06:19, 1:04:35, 1:22:50, 1:26:16, 1:28:13)
Beautiful: 4x (1:13:21, 1:17:28, 1:17:28, 2:01:53)
Good Grief: 3x (47:14, 1:34:47, 2:01:41)
What Does This Mean?: 3x (58:15, 1:18:02, 1:47:29)
Pencil Mark/mark: 3x (1:34:13, 1:36:36, 1:37:18)
Cake!: 3x (03:27, 04:59, 05:04)
Weird: 3x (1:12:57, 1:28:13, 1:56:35)
Goodness: 2x (07:05, 1:28:59)
Bother: 1x (1:36:33)
Clever: 1x (2:02:51)
Stuck: 1x (1:29:03)
Lovely: 1x (1:31:44)
Incredible: 1x (04:55)
Elegant: 1x (47:24)
Going Mad: 1x (2:00:45)
Take a Bow: 1x (2:03:15)
Masterpiece: 1x (01:07)
Magnificent: 1x (2:02:41)
Surely: 1x (1:47:00)
Think Harder: 1x (1:39:16)
Full stop: 1x (40:53)
We Can Do Better Than That: 1x (1:32:40)
Have a Think: 1x (1:48:45)
Symmetry: 1x (32:10)
Most popular number(>9), digit and colour this video:
Eleven (12 mentions)
One (123 mentions)
Red (137 mentions)
Antithesis Battles:
Even (15) - Odd (5)
Row (17) - Column (3)
Q1: You missed something!
A1: That could very well be the case! Human speech can be hard to understand for computers like me! Point out the ones that I missed and maybe I'll learn!
Q2: Can you do this for another channel?
A2: I've been thinking about that and wrote some code to make that possible. Let me know which channel you think would be a good fit!
I feel like there should also be a count of "bobbins" and "bother" and other assorted Simon-swears 😂
(edit: What I mean is: Thank for for this compilation, it gave me a chuckle!)
Somehow you missed when we Got Cracking?
OMG - That was amazing. It took me the best part of 4 hours but I’m really glad I was able to finish it unaided. I was really chuffed with how quickly I got a lot of the colouring sorted out with the great circles logic but struggled to spot the moves after that. Still anytime I finish a 5D puzzle I’m happy!
146m17s. Wow!!! It took me way longer than I wish it had to work out the topology of how three contiguous sets could intersect, and that, for instance, the fact that there are two corners at which all three sets intersect implies that one of the sets doesn't touch the boundary of the grid
When watching the solve, either because I solved it myself and found it interesting, or because I think I will have no chance, I always watch at 1.5x speed, because Simon has near-perfect diction, and doesn't rush (unless he's going NORINORINORINORI). This cuts the actual video play time by 1/3. The longer the video, the better chance of it being interesting, and now, for me, the interesting curve is steeper than the do I really have time to watch a long video curve, so the video would have to be 50% longer than the screen time I have left before I die to deter me ;)
The break in for this is much simpler if you don’t prematurely colour the clusters of three circles. Once you’ve established the border circle in box 3 and the ones in 4 and 7 are in different regions, and got the 45 pairs all over the place, colouring those reveals how the clusters of circles needs to work pretty damn quickly. 68:02 for me
I love the idea that IcyFruit now has a symbol which looks like a 2 with extra lines coming out of it.
53:00 I don't get, why r7c8 has to be ALWAYS GREEN (in this setup, it has to be!). What if r8c7 is GREEN? r8c8 RED. r7c8 YELLOW connected to r2c2. r2c3 GREEN. r3c2 RED. GREEN connects from r8c7, below the YELLOW 4, between YELLOW 4 and RED 5 in the middle, top of the red 5, eventually to r2c3. That should work, shouldn't it?
r7c8 can't be yellow because then it's a 4 (due to the circle rule) and we already have a 4 in r7c5
@@randomusername6Great point! Thank you!
The color of these lines is not working well with the blue color of the central pencil marks..
The section-sum line rule wording is quite obtuse. Saying "section borders divide lines into segments of the same sum" would be far more straightforward.
I had to come check comments to make sure I was interpreting it right. Turns out I wasn't. Doesn't the rule as written allow for different valued sums as long as the line is in another section? (e.g., if the line goes green-blue-green-blue then there doesn't seem to be any rule stopping the sum from being 6, 7, 6, 7)
Edit: I managed to figure out why I was reading it wrong. When it says "part of the same section" it doesn't mean one of the 3 sections referenced at the start of the rules.
I read it at least 10 times, and still was leaning towards the other meaning
@@SirJefferE I think you're still not quite reading it the intended way, although I can see how it would easily happen. Either reading is grammatically valid. You've read it as referring to "groups of digits", where the _groups_ "are part of the same section". The intended reading was that the _digits_ are part of the same section. So it's more like "all adjacent groups of (digits along the line which are part of the same section)". "Section" definitely does mean one of the 3 sections referenced at the start of the rules, since those sections are what divide the digits into groups.
Having said that, though, I now realize that it shouldn't really say "adjacent groups of digits", but rather "groups of adjacent digits". It goes without saying that the groups are adjacent to each other. So there are a few ways the wording could be improved.
I think the wording reads that way because there are diagonal lines that can sort of skip past orthogonally connected squares, so the wording focuses you on watching the line rather than watching the section segments. I think that's particularly important for the (very tricky, I broke it) diagonal line in the top left.
"There's always a nine in this pair
and now we get it
it's there!"
Need a redemption run of this, that was just a bunch of guessing at the end
Simon identified the parity constraint in box 1 but then failed to make further use of the restriction when combined with the equal sums on the line the remaining 2 cells were forced to be either both even (6 and 8) or both odd and limited to 1 and 3. That lead to 9 being fixed as Simon discovered
Really good stuff from Simon. I managed to solve but for the most part not as efficiently as him. However, one spot he could’ve got a little easier:
The late disambiguation of colors in the bottom left is a lot easier if you first show that R6C3 can’t be red or yellow, and must be blue. It then follows that the line segment in row 7 goes red/red/blue or blue/yellow/yellow which then makes figuring out the sums much easier with the available digits.
I loved every minute of this video. Thanks to Icy Fruit, Thanks to Simon.
I was secretly hoping the three colors would be rotationally symmetrical! I was a bit disappointed at the end 😅. Regardless, such a clever puzzle, and a clever solve as well!
It's interesting how at 35:30 it was already possible to work out that yellow had to be 5 and red had to be 4, giving five entire digits that do absolutely nothing.
Ooh. 2 hours. I think this is a nod along.
Depending on when you start watching, it could be a nod off.
If you easily move your cursor above the timeline, you can se that the action starts about 0:50:00
Love the long videos!!
Thank you Simon for eventually using the three primary colours 👍
Switching the red and yellow corner colours after the roundabout deduction was something.
Wonderful! Congratulations on this excellent solve!
Someone help me out here please, I'm at 48:10....I feel as though Simon made a leap here that was not warranted. His examples assumed that blue must be the one to follow the border but what if blue didn't follow? He didn't seem to prove those cases where only green or only purple followed. Am I missing something that makes those impossible?
The blue was much better than the green, thank you!
That seem to be a good one. I wonder how it ends. As someone who doesn't solve these but just watches your videos I m proud i got the first hour of the video on my own almost instantly. When you start the problem with "how can the 2-circle in box1 connect to the 2-circle in box9" almost all the fundamental constraints you thought about forever fall into place instantly. I think you approached it with only 2 colours in mind focussing on the perimeter, somewhat forgetting the biggest constraint that was the biggest help. But in the second hour it became clear why you are the player and i am the spectator.
1:05:17 Serpenty-two sounds like something Abe Simpson would say in his grandpa stories
This is one hell of a puzzle. Sometimes I wonder what setters are trying to achieve with puzzles like this, but there's no doubt they demonstrate a very particular sort of intelligence.
What an elegant puzzle and solve, didn't complete it myself as the length of the video was quite intimidating, but once you noticed the two middle circles must be different colors I was able to infer the general shapes the colors must take very quickly because of some geometry puzzles I've done that use similar logic. You've definitely inspired me to try more yin yang puzzles for myself :-).
Really cool puzzle. Made good progress on the shapes by reasoning outside-in, and then spent a long time looking for how to go anywhere from there. :) 89:35, all in all, including some early missteps.
You could have made quicker progress at the start if you'd realised that blue (which later became red) was 5 and red (which later became yellow) was 4. The overall structure becomes clear - a Z which doesn't touch the edge for the 2-region, and two long boundary colours. The arrangement of the 4s and 5s mean that the 2 region cannot reach the boundary, so a lot of the thinking about that could have been avoided. That is, the 5 has to connect to R2C2, and the 4 cannot connect to R3C2 without blocking in the 2 region, so it connects to R2C3. The same happens in box 9 but with the 4 & 5 swapping roles.
Once you worked out the circles were 2, 4, and 5, you could have worked out the digit in R7C7. The line in box 9 must sum to an even number. From the available digits, we have to leave out an even digit, which is 6 or 8. However, leaving out 6 makes it impossible to divide the rest evenly.
@ 56:19 - "We don't know what the corner is" - Yes we do. The lowest available digits are 136 so it's impossible to split the line into a 3 & 1 segment. The corner must therefore be yellow.
Once you realised 2 had to loop over the top of the 5 in box 2, you could have made R3C3 green. This is because R2C8 is a single digit, so R2C4 cannot also be a single digit on the same line.
@ 1:11:04 - "This is either 126 or 135" - How can it be 126? You've got an unmarked 67 in box 9. Even without it being marked, it's easy to see if you look.
@ 1:42:40 - "1, 3, and 8 into these squares" - Come on Simon, how many times do you have to forget that 1 in box 2 is on the line in R1? You also placed the 1 in box 1, which should have resolved the 13 pair in box 3, which would have placed 1 in R2. Even much later, when you put the 12 pair in R1, you still didn't remove the 1s from the 138. Stop making things unnecessarily difficult. You also put 69 on the line in box 1, but failed to make the yellow segment 78, with 3 in R1C3.
I really enjoyed this. The addition of a third region to yin-yang added a lot, and the interaction with the region sum lines was a brilliant concept. I particularly liked the way that R4-6C5 had to be R/B/Y, and the way that forced a lot of the colouring.
As usual for this type of puzzle, you wasted a lot of time considering obviously impossible situations. I don't know whether this is because you are not looking at what makes them obviously impossible, or whether you doubt your ability to rule something out without going through it long-hand. I don't think it's the latter though, because in that case you would just point out the obvious contradiction and move on, but you don't. I suspect it's your common problem of only focussing on one rule at a time and not seeing that your situation breaks one of the other rules. You could help yourself here. For instance, if you are trying to colour the grid, and you determine that one of the colours cannot be in a cell, mark the cell with the remaining two colours. Don't just leave the cell blank and keep trying to force the third colour into that cell. For instance the three cells R7C2-4 could have been coloured RB, RY, BY.
Stop typing @ before the timestamps, thank you.
@@agustinbarquero8898 Why? I'm saying "at this timestamp". The @ is perfectly appropriate and also serves as a bullet point.
@@Raven-Creations A bullet point would serve as a bullet point. What you are doing is using a symbol inappropriately. When you type timestamp, you already mean you are going to talk about that exact timestamp. So, adding another symbol to mean "at" is just funny and very uneducated. Here's how it looks:
At at 3:02 ...
At 3:02...
You did the former.
Now ask yourself: Why no one on earth puts @ before the timestamp but I do?
@@agustinbarquero8898 How very rude to call me uneducated. You have no idea about my education.
"3:02" does not mean "at 3:02", it could just as easily refer to a duration where the implicit preposition might be "for". Many people post their solving times by just saying something like "32:43 for me". They are not saying "at 32:43 for me".
"@ 3:02" certainly does not mean "at at 3:02", that's just a ridiculous assertion.
You have to ask yourself why someone's commenting style gets you so uptight that you feel compelled to complain and then be rude backing up your baseless assertion.
Im here to watch sudokus be solved! If it takes 20 minutes or 5 hours thats not what matters! I just enjoy throwing these videos on in the background as i complete other tasks, length hardly matters!
41:00 51:00 56:00 58:30 proving the same thing over and over again. And i feel like it happens every video. I wonder whats the maximum times it happened in a single puzzle.
1:34:32 for me. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but still pretty hard and enjoyable.
I think it got extremely hard at that point because of fatigue. As a software dev I know that a huge part of problem solving is knowing when to stretch your legs and think about something else for 5 minutes! But you pressed in and got there regardless! Well done.
Simon, Give us more long videos. They are the best!
Two hours?!? I love you man. But if you want me to invest 2 hours playing sudoku with you, you're going to have to buy me dinner.
Or perhaps you should approach him at a party 🤔
2x speed is your friend
The long ones are my favorite!
The longer the better!
@@Babinzo2x speed is the minimum I could ever do
This looks so interesting: I started it last night, but it would have taken me way past bedtime to finish it. Absolutely no problem with super-long videos, though -- but not on a school night! 😺
It seems like "all adjacent groups of digits along the line which are part of the same section have the same sum" has ambiguity. I take that as meaning every separate adjacent sequence that is in a given region will total the same, regardlesss of which line it is on. Simon's interp seems more likely but based on the wording it's tough to be sure.
Edit: Actually he's saying even for different sections the total would be the same. Surely it only implies that blue total matches blue total, green matches green, etc? (Maybe he changes approach further along and I'll see)
It doesn't make sense at all. Adjacent groups of digits in the same section is the same as one larger group of digits in that section. If you have a group of 3 digits adjacent to a group of 2 digits in the same section, then you have a group of 5 digits in that section. I have no idea what that rule means. If it had said "adjacent digits" instead of "adjacent groups of digits" that would make more sense.
Why didn't they just use either of the more familiar region-sum lines wording?
@@Manigo1743They're region sum lines, except the regions are each colored section instead of the boxes.
@@LavenderGooms The wording is pretty bad then.
Absolutely magnificent! Didn't we have a 4 coloured yy sudoku a while ago or am I going mad? I do vividly remember a 4 coloured perimeter...
That is an impressive puzzle, my god. Also an impressive solve, well done Simon and IcyFruit!
Simon kinda lost 30 minutes by not seeing sudoku for some 37 times...
1. I propose that we refer to IcyFruit’s symbol as a “barred two” - it looks like a 2 with a stroke through it.
2. I can’t remember the name for the type of symmetry the red and yellow sections have, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
I’m struggling with “shares an edge” in the instructions. One and only one edge? At least one edge? This directly impacts whether one of the colors is able to skip the border entirely.
Outstandingly good! IcyFruit, whoever you are, I'm a big fan
Having demonstrated early on that blue goes around either top or bottom edges, doesn't this makes it immediately not the 2?
Thanks so much!
I couldn't even begin to approach this one, but I did find one deduction in a much more simple way to how you found it. There are only 6 boxes with circles, so if there were a 6 in a circle, it would have to be in each box. But 2 of the boxes only have 1 circle each that see each other. So they can't be 6. Hene the non-2 circles must be a 4-5 pair.
None of the one-circle boxes have circles that see each other. If you're talking about boxes 2 and 8 then you might have missed the circle in R9C4.
Ah, so I did. Thanks for the correction.
@@Sam_on_UA-cam Since you can't put 6 in both circles in Column Five, the "6" Region would have to pick up all of the circles on the perimeter. To do that, it would be forced to subsume an entire corner line. It feels like that's where Simon was headed but then he veered off into a different deduction.
I liked the bit where Simon didn't seem to know what to do next - that's how I normally feel
Great work Simon and IcyFruit.
You can silence a call on most phones by hitting the "Lower Volume" button on the side once. Note that it doesn't entirely decline the call, just silence it.
The most satisfying part for me was when I figured out the top right line was made up of pairs making 9 and adjusting the colors to work.
56:30 nope, and I might have helped you determine the coloring of the edge earlier. If it were red, you would have three reds with a minimum of 1-3-6 - which is 10 - having to balance out a single-digit total in yellow, which can't be. So it must be 2-2 and that would've told you about thirty minutes earlier that the bottom left must connect via red. Update at 1:08:37 he finally figured it out
That was a really fun puzzle. I managed it a fair bit quicker than Simon, but I think I got lucky with looking at the right place to start.
I think box 3 was a much easier place to look than box 7. Row 4 column 7 has to be a single cell total (9) and (27) pair in yellow above
Simon, I was wondering if your developer could add some code to highlight (maybe a .) above or below digits to help you and me with sudoko. I get frustrated when in row 3 you put in a 1 but don't see the 13 in column 9. If the 1 showed a . above or below then maybe we would both spot it easier. 😊😊
I think there's already a setting for what you're after. "Check pencilmarks: on/off".
Simon's not going to use it since, like me, he wants to feel like he's doing all the solving and not being told where to look by the software. Missing pencilmarks is just part of the game
when you were doing the green two you said, ignore that digit for a moment :P but if you just tried to walk a green path on either side of it you would see it would never work.
Reading the instructions, I got very stuck, because it sounded to me like the sum restriction *only* held for the same region. I.E. if a line is split into red/blue/red/blue the sums would have to be x/y/x/y respectively... but x *does not have to* equal y. So if a line was split into red/blue only then it tells us nothing. Now I clearly prefer the greater restriction that Simon interprets... but it just doesn't read that way to me.
In the Line Sudoku app Sumset (#45) the Hints are wrong.
Hint 2 is missing the possibility of (145) which is in the solution. And Hint 3 is missing the possibility of (58 or 67) of which (58) is in the solution
1:28:52 - surprised Wario noise :D
Absolutely lovely puzzle! I misinterpreted the final rule in the ruleset which held me up a lot, but otherwise I got there pretty much on my own. Only 4 hours :)
I saw that eight at the exact time that simon. was quite funny how good a solver we both are.
What a genius maddening puzzle. How does someone come up something like this?
At the 13 minute mark when Simon is talking about the edge of the board. You can put yellow and only yellow in row 5 column 9.
Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing, wouldn't connecting yellow in r5c9 to the rest of yellow in c1 form a barrier between red and blue? Red and blue have to share a boundary by the rules, so they cannot be kept apart by yellow.
@RichSmith77 when I was reading the instructions, I took share an edge to mean share a edge of the board.
2:10:10 I think Simon misses the possibility that 279 in r7 are same color, which also works. It sums to 18 so daes the remaining part 6+3+6+3.
This one is so weird... It took me over 2 hours, but in the end it didn't feel like a particularly difficult puzzle. Not easy, but nothing truly mindbreaking compared to crazier ones featured on the channel. It almost didn't feel like a 5*.
But if that's the case then where did my 2hours go?
Three colour Yin Yang should be called Yin Yang Yong in honour of Spike Milligan's nonsense poem. Like if you approve, commenters.
Ah, excellent! I did this one when it came out and it really was lovely. It felt more like 4 stars to me, but i did allow myself to "feel" my way through several steps of the 3-colour yin yang rather than fully prove
I also did this one when it came out and loved it. I did make a couple mistakes and needed the "you've solved the puzzle correctly so far" check to help me figure out where they were. Didn't make me love it any less, though, brilliant puzzle.
Nothing better than CtC & chill
The Exploded Checkerboard Problem is the name of my band.
Ten hours and 20 minutes and more than a few re-starts.
Oh the struggles of a colorblind person. I was glad when Simon moved on from using the blue/purple pair, as that is hard to differentiate for me. But then he started to use the green/red which is even more difficult for my eyes 😂 Just looks like a very slightly difference in saturation to me.
Edit: and then he changed one of them to blue. Yay 🎉
Is this the same IcyFruit who creates brilliantly difficult Mario levels and hacks? I mean, probably not but also I would not be surprised at all if it is the same genius mind.