The "setting" number on the portable oxygen concentrators do not equal Liters Per Minute! Don't be deceived. For instance, the Inogen G3 states in their manual that the maximum oxygen on a "setting" of 5 = 1.12 liters.
This is useless all specs on the batteries no mention of the oxygen specs the most important specs you need to know, the term oxygen doesn't mention the concentration of the oxygen you recieve.
A link to each of these units would be usefull
Excellent information thanks so much
Are there filters to replace?
The "setting" number on the portable oxygen concentrators do not equal Liters Per Minute! Don't be deceived. For instance, the Inogen G3 states in their manual that the maximum oxygen on a "setting" of 5 = 1.12 liters.
How much is the
G4 Inogen One
Priced $150 more than most other places.
Where can I bye it Dhaka and how cost it if can information give it please
Best portable oxygen price
Sunama Praveen google you will find prices. Inogen being most costly
This is useless all specs on the batteries no mention of the oxygen specs the most important specs you need to know, the term oxygen doesn't mention the concentration of the oxygen you recieve.
بالغه العربية
Imogene one commercials say Medicare will pay for it don’t believe them bunch of liars😜
tu esplicacion es solo para gringo.