To assign specific position to specific points, deconstruct the point and reconstruct them with Z value at +6m. Then connect these reconstructed points to the target input of the anchor goal. Refer the 'Vaulted Pavilion' video in our playlist for similar operation using target input of anchor goal.
Hello, firstly thank you for the video. And there is no squares on my model, do you know why? My model is just shaded..
Mesh edges must be disabled. Enable it under display settings
Great video, one question. how do I limit or adjust the height in the Z direction for the mesh?
hello, how can i keep some edges in a specific volume? lets say in +
To assign specific position to specific points, deconstruct the point and reconstruct them with Z value at +6m. Then connect these reconstructed points to the target input of the anchor goal.
Refer the 'Vaulted Pavilion' video in our playlist for similar operation using target input of anchor goal.