This video gives answers to some of my questions regarding submarines. I like the idea of giving aircraft carriers an actual combat role rather than spotting and damaging whatever they can. And I really never thought of destroyers giving up parts of cap control and chilling a bit back. Nice. Still, ASW is still pretty boring as it has no aim feature like shells, torpedoes or aircrafts. DD just go to the position click G And we can not expect the whole playerbase to actually recognize the relation of submarines with other classes as people already can't play the existing ships properly
well, actually I prefer pushing up and just nose around an island. too far back and the likes of Thundere or Yoshino would most likely kill me before I can do anything...
@@isnogood- Camping unrealistic? Man im sure you never heard something like an ambush tatics while Germans Subs were forming a Wolf packs and could be undetected for long or short amount of time it depends what kinda strategy takes capitan. It might be boring if the same strategy is like in every battle so i would change a strategy like every match to the game to make it more satysfing.
Are you sure about that? Unless they are surfaced subs are immune to most carrier weapons. The soon to be implemented KM carriers will probably suffer the most since they have AP rockets and bombers.
from my point of view, the submarine implementation is going great, unlike the CV rework where WG rushed everything and slowly balanced it out on the live servers. The thing is, submarines will completely change the game. DDs will no longer be the ones to do the capping. they will become support ships for cruisers (as they were historically). this will also reduce the impact of radar cruisers and CVs on the outcome of the game because you will have a much harder time scaring subs away with radar and rockets. This REDUCES the BURDEN on destroyers. and as for BBs, they should implement a mechanic which will ensure that BBs can no longer be citadeled from the bow or stern with double pings. this will allow BBs to mitigate the incoming damage as they already do against AP shells
Thing is, unless the sub goes really deep and really close, the torpedoes seem to hit the torpedo protection, which means the "Torpedoes will ignore protection" thing makes no sense to me. The torpedoes also have a really big alpha damage
What you said about DDs is true. They support the fleet. But I guess many DD players don't like changes, they want to be the Ninjas. Though those players just could play Submarines then. Maybe the DD becomes really a new role for more going with the fleet Which would be good for the gun-DDs
Yep. I always play CV as traditional DD role making sure my plane always go back and fort over our BB spotting enemy DD. Anyway this may make thing a bit boring since BB will surely group with DD which will force CV to target only CV and inevitable force CC to stick with CV adding more AA power. Suddenly the whole thing turn really rigid?
Battleships should be able to fire high caliber HE shells against submerged submarines. The extreme pressure change caused by the HE shell impact on the water will cause the submarine’s pressure hull to be damaged. Moreover, HE shells don’t have to hit directly, just close to the target to do substantial damage
Only the yamato class had historical under water detonating shells and note that those were AP shells meant for big and armoured targets. Surface detonations don't work that way you described it
Mobius Aereos check out this demonstration by fluid dynamics, and imagine it at a larger scale caused by a high caliber HE shell: As long as the submarine is close to the surface of the water, it will be damaged if close to the impact radius
@@ghostone5345 So thats not how this all...this is assuming the shells fuse is sensitive enough to be moving at lower velocity and detonating on impact (this is not their purpose) HE Shells are too heavy and too slow AND too aerodynamic to detonate on a water surface reliably unless it has a timed fuse and TTI is known.
What I think after having seen a couple of these videos is that subs need 3 permanent levels, surface, periscope, sun-mode, in the first 2 you can engage enemy ships, contest caps (only in surface), spot enemy ships and in the sub-mode you can't engage surface ships, only other subs. The double ping for magnetic detonator must be removed as well, that would make torpedo belts usable for BBs and the sub will have torpedoes with damage similar to that of CVs, I also would like a longer armament time for sub torpedoes (like CV torps) since Notser managed to pop up at 1 km and shotgun multiple battleships in his video on the subject.
It's great that subs are largely invisible, underwater DDs. I'd simply remove their ability to capture points and/or make any kind of cheesy, conning-tower-inch-above-water surfacing as lethal as fully surfacing.
I have tested the submarines, and I also think the U-69 is the best of those 3 subs, range is optimal for hunting ships. CV 1 on 1? I tested it with Ark Royal and found myself against 3 submarines chasing me. They managed to hit me with 1 torpedo, but I soon left them in my wake and they where forced to the surface to try keeping pace. My bombers did nasty damage on them, forcing them to dive, running slower. I think CVs still have a chance because of speed. BBs in real life could outpace subs if the got a headrun, but in game this is hard. Tried a game with Warspite against submarines, and fittingly enought, my first surface ship kill was with Warspite. Spotted plane detects subs, about 10 meters down, which is all right. in a BB, the only choice you have is to run the other way. I found no way to effectively engage subs at close range. Secondaries don't hit shit. Main gun HE might to some damage, but subs can go to 5,9 m and be VERY hard to hit. I think BBs and heavy cruisers will have the hardest times against submarines as they are now. Some kind of interaction should be available. What if spotter planes could depth-charge submarines? Warspite did that in real life, so why not? DDs are very hard to hit. The thing that worked best, but is very risky, is closing in the shallow depth, rising to the surface, and torp DD when at 3-2 km away, Took down a human driven VERY maneuverable DD (Icarus) that way. They "might " not outright kill you, since launchers are in the back of the ship and might not directly impact you. you also stress the captain, making him dodge your torps.
Right now, it is possible to incapacitate a ship’s engines or steering gear. What if on subs, it was possible to incapable the ballast pumps in a similar fashion, with a possibility to go below “crush depth” due to one malfunction or another and die to an implosion
ALRIGHT TOPTEIR... A CHALLENGE! You must play a submarine, ANY submarine of ur choice, and when the match starts dive all the way down and avoid the enemy team. Your main goal is to cv snipe and ur first kill should only be the cv :) Tbh I can’t play subs cuz I got wows on steam, I just mainly wanna see how it turns out...
My opinion for sub is: If they want the ping ping mechanic, remove the cit torp hit. Because that is just stupid damage and too ez to do. If they want to keep both, better add something, re-add Oxygen to limit the time the sub can dive, also made them run like turtle under water. The dodge depth charge mechanic is fine, but it need a delay before having effect.
If the stars align, subs being added will give the DD's a small nudge back to what they were built for, escort ships. NOW their AA will benefit the fleet if they are staying close to capital ships, they can then fend off other subs and spot incoming torpedoes, and CV's will ignore them mostly because who would want to drop on a DD when it's sitting next to a cruiser and an AA battleship like a Montana? In the past, I've actually liked the ASW play in other games. It's a game of chess. "Where was he? Oh he's there, now where would he go? 'CV fly your planes here.' Hmmm....not there, he must have gone North." That mental game is what excites me about ASW. HOWEVER, this can EASILY go down the tubes if the subs can't fill the role of cap contesters and scouts or if the subs become TOO overpowered.
Excellent. Far from disrupting it in my opinion enhances game balance; makes things interesting too. A sense of tactical acumen is REQUIRED to correctly play these U-Boats. You have to think, plan, anticipate and strategize. I like it.
Its refreshing to see a different description about the upcoming subs, since most reaction i've seen is overall negative about how this ruins the whole game. And yes, it definitely changes the whole usual gameplay, since its been only surface-surface combat. And the addition of sub is kinda completing the whole "naval warfare". I can see how DD would be the teamplayer in this and would be more effective in late game. So in every aspect, is an obligation for DD players to stay alive until all subs have sunk. Probably tweak a bit on the spotting ability on subs cus i saw that they can perma spot ships (ignoring smokes) after you ping them for quite a time, and the damage could be lessen a bit. CVs in other hand? Not a lot say but probably some adjustment and definitely add an depth charge ability, the damage maybe lesser than DDs. Either way i still can't imagine for high-tier gameplay though
I'm only playing WoT and wasn't interested in WoW because subs weren't a thing. Not sure how spotting ships works in this game and how stealthy a sub is, but I believe aircraft carriers should be able to spot them with their planes. Also, mines and depth charges could be a thing since it is historically accurate. Nice to see HE damages the sub without hitting it. Looks very interesting for someone who has never played like me.
I find fighting subs with CVs like it is with DDs, drop a fighter above and try drivebombing/ carpet bomb/ rocket or torp them. I was up against a CV player who constantly denies me capping the base, forcing me to submerge so we actually lost the game. I tricket him twice to drop his load and third time he hit me, but the deterrence factor for the CV was definitely there. I definitely see a great place for subs in operations, but I'm sceptical of introducing them to randoms, atleast as they are today. In a situation where they are up against BBs and heavy cruisers, I feel they have little to deal with subs at the moment. The main battery explosions could perhaps reach down to 10m? I find that subs pose a far lesser threat at deeper depths, and even keeping enemy ships spotted is a challenge. At depths greater than 10ms, you won't hit anything unless your torps has a solid ping lock on. This is just fine. Sub vs sub. Very challenging and rewarding when you hit.
Yeah, 10m seems reasonable for high caliber shells to hit. And honestly, CA and BB should also have the G key for depth charges. Most probably they won´t use it too much, but the option should be there... In a BB, the only counterplay I´ve found for SS is to place your ship on top of him, and follow him everywhere. He won´t be able to strike you, nor emerge to the surface because he would die by ramming, and the BB takes almost no damage from that.
8:12 I say, today I played my first submarine game with u69, my torpedo hits the enemy 5 times, 4 times were enemy submarines, and the 2 kills I got were all submarines lol
Hello Mr Toptier, amazing vídeo as always. Looks like subs r a fun ship to play and hopefully they will balance the game properly. Keep up the good work and greetings from México :)
@@xyz-uf6vf Do keep in mind that there are plenty of other CCs besides Flamu. If you don't enjoy his chat or his content, you can always look elsewhere.
This will essentially turn CVs useless. BBs, CCs and DDs will all stay together making them immune to planes approaching and the roaming Subs will just dive when you're above them.
@@ttier I meant like when the submarines would go completely live outside test servers with their own tech trees etc. Would there be enough players of all classes per each match or does it spread it too thin?
The damage is too high, they should either lower it or do something like a torpedo belt for submarines...20k and homing? i know you cant fire anyway and they wont it, but for bb is insane. They should do a damage similar to torpedo bombers i think
The damage is insane but just for german Uboot. But they have to be in less than 6km to actually hit a target. Cachalot and S-1 have more range, but their torps aren´t as deadly. Also, to hit with the full dmg the torps have to citadel and in my experience it isn´t that easy to citadel with SS torps.
My concern about this ship 1) Submarine Capability ~ remove spotting ability of SS if she submerge below 8km, or decrease the spotting radius up to 2 or 3 km, or make it only the SS who can see the ship above, or just show the ship above SS on minimap only like what happen if cyclone occur. (if not, it could be more worse for DD rather than having an Aircraft flying above their head) ~ make the damage from flooding twice bigger the deepest SS submerge ~ give the SS chance to flooding from overpen shoot (I think it would be more racional remembering the overpen shoot mean the sheel is pierce trough the hull) ~ some SS may carry a gun, is it gonna work like secondary and AA? ~ give more notification when the SS is under atack or more animation. TBH for some player who lack of caution can get himself dead without knowing what happen. the sound of exploding deep charge is too small. the exploding animation to is almost can't be seen when diving unles you look upward ~ the aiming system underwater is too complicated TBH. for my concern why just mix the ping and torp system at once? or make it more simple like launching torpedo using right mouse click and pinging using spacebar while the aim itself use the same periscope. ~ make tracking camera for tracking target for easy aiming. it's so hard to aim underwater without that camera function ~ easy aim for torpedo please. it's easy for aiming torpedo on the surface but so hard when aiming underwater coz you need to aim with your ship instead using your mouse periscope. my suggestion is to add fixed aiming area on front and rear SS when diving where the torp aiming can be adjust inside that area for easy aim using mouse ~ ping range (wider and smaller) it's kinda useless because almost no different. why don't mix it with torp like what I said above, and make it a special characteristic for certain of Submarine. like some of them have wider ping area but the wave speed is slow, and other have more narower ping area with fast wave speed ~ the pinging trail wasn't appear while submerge but I think it just some of bug problem occur please fix ~ give an audio option to remove underwater sound effect
2) Diving Submarine an Option for submarine so they can't stay underwater forever or it'll always be SS vs SS in the end with length of every game can up to 25 minutes. also this gonna give the chance for surface ship who doesn't have ASW to kill SS in end game. ~ give an Oxygen lvl to the sub so they need to resurface, if not the sub gonna take dmg per minutes ~ or don't add Oxy lvl but make a penalty instead if the SS energy is 0 like decrease the speed of SS underwater
3) Ship vs Submarine - the ship who get pinged by SS should have a notification but no need to reveal the SS location if it out of range of SS detectability range - detection for surface ship is really important, remembering that SS can point blank torp almost every ship in the game DD & CL vs Submarine ~ If it possible to give some "Underwater Mine" for this class of ship who can stay for some period of time to prevent the submarine spotting the entire fleet forever also to protect the BB since BB are the most vulnurable class to SS and to block free movement of submarine. ~ the way this class vs SS little bit hard to understand specialy for braindead player BB vs Submarine ~ it's kinda hard for this class fight against SS. at least give them another catapult aircraft who can detect submarine Carrier vs Submarine ~ give CV the ability to detect submarine, give them another aircraft consumable focused only for detecting SS. or make the squadron have a skill to detect the SS who works like sonar who can pinged every 5 or 10 sec ~ give CV another option to carry deep charge on DB SS vs SS ~ TBH it's little bit hard to strike another submarine with torp ~ give SS ability to ram enemy SS or surface ship. the damage is calculated by SS speed while the highest speed inflict more damage and the slower speed inflict small damage.
4:31 that only happend because he didnt turn fast enough because he wasnt focusing on torps that are coming at him Once the torpedoes go past you, they dont turn around
Interesting video on submarines... Now that you've mentioned that Ships themselves can finally work like how they used to back in WW2... Wouldn't it also mean that CV's will be barely even as effective or that great at dealing with enemy fleets since all ships would stick even more whilst Subs are capping? **More combined AA in a sense.
At least someone is positive towards Subs. They are too beautiful not to be added. My only pet peeve is, that they are yet another class that farms BBs. Maybe WG should emphasize the bulges more and design subs towards countering cruisers.
11:40 Well kinda disagree a German U boots fleet changed that 2 or 3 submarines sometimes was attacking a protected by destroyer's transport's ships so not quite alone. I forgot what it was called but i remember that Americans submarines also used this strategy against Japanes fleets.
Adding new consumable like the torp shape-like that spinning underwater, so it will disturp the torp, idk what its called lmao like flare from airplane
I know some CCs were against Sub because of that WG promising thing as well. Personally I don't think WG should have made any promises on what not to add in game as it only restricts potential. But again a lot stuff is till not balanced in game right now like T4 CV gameplays (the AA is soooo much different than T10), GZ dive bombers, russian ships etc... so I don't know if they have the capacity to balance subs now and in the future...
For me there are two sides of submarines. The negative side is that as a bb player it even more promotes the passive laid back gameplay and further enhances the bs I already have to deal with such as he spamming etc The positive side is that after trying i enjoy playing a sub and i also found my bb playable in the sub matches. All o had to do was play with my team like I am supposed to and no sun would even dare to come close to our dd. In the end off it all I think people are truly overdoing the OPness of these subs and should realize that there are way more annoying threats such as a smolensk hiding behind a mountain. I'd take a homing dolphin over denial of the entire map any day
Lol imagine one submarine on a rookie hands, 0 support to team or finish battle one submarine vs one BB, no chance for him, and like u say I saw so much strongers against BBs. And that guided torps like a missiles changing the history for their benefit.
Great video! I think you make a really good point about redefining the DD to be an escort (its historic purpose) and the submarine to be a lone wolf and scout (again, its historic purpose). Have you tried APDB bombs against subs? Do they have the same splash damage effect as HE bombs?
A lot of comments against subs is how they would operate in the current meta. Subs are gonna change the meta, very much. If there are subs in the game, they will be the cappers. Destroyers wouldn't have to worry about capping early game, so they wouldnt get outspotted by subs in a cap point and then destroyed. And yea battleships will be mostly helpless against subs. But you can make the argument that they are useless against torpedo DD's as well. 1v1 end of the game, torp boat DD vs. BB. This happens fairly often, and is never in the BB's favor. Unless the DD fucks up tremendously, the DD wins 9 times out of 10.
@hobocadet they said that most of the subs have guns with really small calibers (smaller than any other ship) so FOR NOW they won't be a thing, but in the future they might be (that goes for AA too)
U69. Laughing Cow. It sunk my grandads ship on 27th June 1941. Fred Wild Wood survived, he s better than that!! Awesome book about the boat though, write by iCapt Jost Metzler. RIP Them all. Lest We Forget.
So far the only primary weapon for submarines are torpedo which is quite boring. For ship, you can switch between HE and AP rounds and torpedo. For aircraft carrier, you can choose between dive bomb, rocket, or torpedo. They need to make the turret on submarine as secondary weapon or give it sea mines as weapon or else it will be very boring. There are Japanese submarine that can carry scout plane and French submarine with big gun like the Surcouf or the British M-class submarine.
submarines are very different, first of all you are playing the game in 3D. surface ships are played in two dimensions on a completely flat surface. Of course, not everyone likes it but I think it is very fun.
@@ttier I didn't talk about how submarine play out. I talk about how submarine got a very limited weapon options. They need to add more like the turret on it.
@@brobamathegreat7527 there's no turret on the tier 8 and tier 9 submarines... The mines are a good idea however, but that would be broken for subs Actually torps are the only weapon for submarines, yes, but you can use them in couple of ways : the shotgun, the magnetic, the long range from surface,... I think that's pretty cool already!
I think subs could be great. I would change their spotting system when they go deep underwater and I think a when a sub goes underwater there should be a limit how much time it could spend there. Also they need to add something to battleships to fight them.
Umbrella With no videos or content?!?! well you can recharge the battery if you slow down, but i think this system is way better in terms of realism. what sub couldn’t stay longer than a minute under water
*destroyer exist
BB driver : "this is fine"
*CV rework exist
BB driver : "god not again"
*Submarine will implemented
BB driver : "are u serious?"
It's called a captain not a driver you peasant.
and then BB player will be like : "Oe cruiser give me AA support, oe DD take care that submarine, oe carrier spot enemy so i can shoot" XD
Lynizie - LMAO who knows though
@@masqueradis6925 i call them driver bcs they to busy playing Azur Lane on their phone while waiting for their gun to load up
And this is why BBs are not produced anymore kekw.
U-69: does nothing
Me: -read the submarine name-
Also me: *nice*
I nicknamed it the U-Giggity
This video gives answers to some of my questions regarding submarines. I like the idea of giving aircraft carriers an actual combat role rather than spotting and damaging whatever they can. And I really never thought of destroyers giving up parts of cap control and chilling a bit back. Nice.
Still, ASW is still pretty boring as it has no aim feature like shells, torpedoes or aircrafts. DD just go to the position click G
And we can not expect the whole playerbase to actually recognize the relation of submarines with other classes as people already can't play the existing ships properly
I was thinking limited range DC launchers, say 4-5km...
IRL you could ping, set depth, release charges (hedgehog launchers in conjunction with sonar = killed a sh*tton of subs)
And now, BB’s are going to hang even further back on the map. Fantastic.
well, actually I prefer pushing up and just nose around an island. too far back and the likes of Thundere or Yoshino would most likely kill me before I can do anything...
@@dreadlord1824 the problem with this game. camping and boring unrealistic battles
@@isnogood- Camping unrealistic?
Man im sure you never heard something like an ambush tatics while Germans Subs were forming a Wolf packs and could be undetected for long or short amount of time it depends what kinda strategy takes capitan.
It might be boring if the same strategy is like in every battle so i would change a strategy like every match to the game to make it more satysfing.
Unless the DD's start hanging back more and start doing what they were built for, escorting larger ships.
Watch battleships disappear from all severs
After the submarines will be Added DD can Finally rest from being target by CV..
Are you sure about that?
Unless they are surfaced subs are immune to most carrier weapons.
The soon to be implemented KM carriers will probably suffer the most since they have AP rockets and bombers.
Sonlirain I’m guessing that ASW aircraft will be a thing
Carrier pilots will attack dds to protect their subs (if they are teamplayer)
Imagine Japanese I-400 class submarine in game
Yea i know it will be op like ise
deadly like a submarine and annoying like a carrier and a submarine
wait, how will you control the subs while you’re in the air?
@@berzec RTS? not again..
@@u-bum I was thinking maybe an autopilot where you choose your destination with a level bar to the side to dive or float
Probably gonna hear that "absolutely ridiculous" line again from CC's
from my point of view, the submarine implementation is going great, unlike the CV rework where WG rushed everything and slowly balanced it out on the live servers. The thing is, submarines will completely change the game. DDs will no longer be the ones to do the capping. they will become support ships for cruisers (as they were historically). this will also reduce the impact of radar cruisers and CVs on the outcome of the game because you will have a much harder time scaring subs away with radar and rockets. This REDUCES the BURDEN on destroyers. and as for BBs, they should implement a mechanic which will ensure that BBs can no longer be citadeled from the bow or stern with double pings. this will allow BBs to mitigate the incoming damage as they already do against AP shells
Thing is, unless the sub goes really deep and really close, the torpedoes seem to hit the torpedo protection, which means the "Torpedoes will ignore protection" thing makes no sense to me. The torpedoes also have a really big alpha damage
What you said about DDs is true. They support the fleet. But I guess many DD players don't like changes, they want to be the Ninjas. Though those players just could play Submarines then. Maybe the DD becomes really a new role for more going with the fleet
Which would be good for the gun-DDs
Yep. I always play CV as traditional DD role making sure my plane always go back and fort over our BB spotting enemy DD. Anyway this may make thing a bit boring since BB will surely group with DD which will force CV to target only CV and inevitable force CC to stick with CV adding more AA power. Suddenly the whole thing turn really rigid?
I'm just glad that people who incessantly complain about CVs will finally have something new to occupy their negative attentions.
I just want my old CVs platform back.
@@keryang9834 same i really liked the old CV's
Nope i will continue complain about CVs untill WG really nerfs them
Battleships should be able to fire high caliber HE shells against submerged submarines. The extreme pressure change caused by the HE shell impact on the water will cause the submarine’s pressure hull to be damaged. Moreover, HE shells don’t have to hit directly, just close to the target to do substantial damage
Only the yamato class had historical under water detonating shells and note that those were AP shells meant for big and armoured targets.
Surface detonations don't work that way you described it
I like that.
Mobius Aereos check out this demonstration by fluid dynamics, and imagine it at a larger scale caused by a high caliber HE shell: As long as the submarine is close to the surface of the water, it will be damaged if close to the impact radius
@@ghostone5345 So thats not how this all...this is assuming the shells fuse is sensitive enough to be moving at lower velocity and detonating on impact (this is not their purpose) HE Shells are too heavy and too slow AND too aerodynamic to detonate on a water surface reliably unless it has a timed fuse and TTI is known.
Because BB apparently needs to oneshot everything in the game....
What I think after having seen a couple of these videos is that subs need 3 permanent levels, surface, periscope, sun-mode, in the first 2 you can engage enemy ships, contest caps (only in surface), spot enemy ships and in the sub-mode you can't engage surface ships, only other subs. The double ping for magnetic detonator must be removed as well, that would make torpedo belts usable for BBs and the sub will have torpedoes with damage similar to that of CVs, I also would like a longer armament time for sub torpedoes (like CV torps) since Notser managed to pop up at 1 km and shotgun multiple battleships in his video on the subject.
Torpedo damage must be high because submarines are not torp spamming like CVs. The magnetic detonator is a little too much for the BBs though.
That is so cool first you fight Submarines with the Aircraft carrier now you are in a Submarine
It's great that subs are largely invisible, underwater DDs. I'd simply remove their ability to capture points and/or make any kind of cheesy, conning-tower-inch-above-water surfacing as lethal as fully surfacing.
I have tested the submarines, and I also think the U-69 is the best of those 3 subs, range is optimal for hunting ships. CV 1 on 1? I tested it with Ark Royal and found myself against 3 submarines chasing me. They managed to hit me with 1 torpedo, but I soon left them in my wake and they where forced to the surface to try keeping pace. My bombers did nasty damage on them, forcing them to dive, running slower.
I think CVs still have a chance because of speed. BBs in real life could outpace subs if the got a headrun, but in game this is hard. Tried a game with Warspite against submarines, and fittingly enought, my first surface ship kill was with Warspite. Spotted plane detects subs, about 10 meters down, which is all right. in a BB, the only choice you have is to run the other way. I found no way to effectively engage subs at close range. Secondaries don't hit shit. Main gun HE might to some damage, but subs can go to 5,9 m and be VERY hard to hit.
I think BBs and heavy cruisers will have the hardest times against submarines as they are now. Some kind of interaction should be available. What if spotter planes could depth-charge submarines? Warspite did that in real life, so why not?
DDs are very hard to hit. The thing that worked best, but is very risky, is closing in the shallow depth, rising to the surface, and torp DD when at 3-2 km away, Took down a human driven VERY maneuverable DD (Icarus) that way. They "might " not outright kill you, since launchers are in the back of the ship and might not directly impact you. you also stress the captain, making him dodge your torps.
Right now, it is possible to incapacitate a ship’s engines or steering gear. What if on subs, it was possible to incapable the ballast pumps in a similar fashion, with a possibility to go below “crush depth” due to one malfunction or another and die to an implosion
Totally agree. Or at least they can only go down to scope depth after being hit.
You must play a submarine, ANY submarine of ur choice, and when the match starts dive all the way down and avoid the enemy team.
Your main goal is to cv snipe and ur first kill should only be the cv :)
Tbh I can’t play subs cuz I got wows on steam, I just mainly wanna see how it turns out...
I tried this, but the game is over before I can reach the enemy aircraft carrier. submarines are very slow under water.
@@ttier Well but did you tried diving when it's only neccesery?:D
yea but its hard to pass middle of the map especially in the game with the aircraft carrier
My opinion for sub is:
If they want the ping ping mechanic, remove the cit torp hit. Because that is just stupid damage and too ez to do.
If they want to keep both, better add something, re-add Oxygen to limit the time the sub can dive, also made them run like turtle under water.
The dodge depth charge mechanic is fine, but it need a delay before having effect.
If the stars align, subs being added will give the DD's a small nudge back to what they were built for, escort ships. NOW their AA will benefit the fleet if they are staying close to capital ships, they can then fend off other subs and spot incoming torpedoes, and CV's will ignore them mostly because who would want to drop on a DD when it's sitting next to a cruiser and an AA battleship like a Montana? In the past, I've actually liked the ASW play in other games. It's a game of chess. "Where was he? Oh he's there, now where would he go? 'CV fly your planes here.' Hmmm....not there, he must have gone North." That mental game is what excites me about ASW. HOWEVER, this can EASILY go down the tubes if the subs can't fill the role of cap contesters and scouts or if the subs become TOO overpowered.
Excellent. Far from disrupting it in my opinion enhances game balance; makes things interesting too. A sense of tactical acumen is REQUIRED to correctly play these U-Boats. You have to think, plan, anticipate and strategize. I like it.
Its refreshing to see a different description about the upcoming subs, since most reaction i've seen is overall negative about how this ruins the
whole game.
And yes, it definitely changes the whole usual gameplay, since its been only surface-surface combat. And the addition of sub is kinda completing the whole "naval warfare". I can see how DD would be the teamplayer in this and would be more effective in late game. So in every aspect, is an obligation for DD players to stay alive until all subs have sunk.
Probably tweak a bit on the spotting ability on subs cus i saw that they can perma spot ships (ignoring smokes) after you ping them for quite a time, and the damage could be lessen a bit. CVs in other hand? Not a lot say but probably some adjustment and definitely add an depth charge ability, the damage maybe lesser than DDs.
Either way i still can't imagine for high-tier gameplay though
0:59 well now Toptier is my favorite WoWs youtuber! Just discovered your content man love it keep it up!
Jesus the surface running speed! The real VII's barely got half that on a good day!
We need aircraft capable of throwing deep chages.
This looks like so much fun, cant wait
I have a feeling German and British dds will be the bane of subs with their hydro
The British T boats will be a hell of torp soup machine
I'm only playing WoT and wasn't interested in WoW because subs weren't a thing. Not sure how spotting ships works in this game and how stealthy a sub is, but I believe aircraft carriers should be able to spot them with their planes. Also, mines and depth charges could be a thing since it is historically accurate. Nice to see HE damages the sub without hitting it. Looks very interesting for someone who has never played like me.
I find fighting subs with CVs like it is with DDs, drop a fighter above and try drivebombing/ carpet bomb/ rocket or torp them. I was up against a CV player who constantly denies me capping the base, forcing me to submerge so we actually lost the game. I tricket him twice to drop his load and third time he hit me, but the deterrence factor for the CV was definitely there.
I definitely see a great place for subs in operations, but I'm sceptical of introducing them to randoms, atleast as they are today. In a situation where they are up against BBs and heavy cruisers, I feel they have little to deal with subs at the moment. The main battery explosions could perhaps reach down to 10m?
I find that subs pose a far lesser threat at deeper depths, and even keeping enemy ships spotted is a challenge. At depths greater than 10ms, you won't hit anything unless your torps has a solid ping lock on. This is just fine.
Sub vs sub. Very challenging and rewarding when you hit.
Yeah, 10m seems reasonable for high caliber shells to hit. And honestly, CA and BB should also have the G key for depth charges. Most probably they won´t use it too much, but the option should be there...
In a BB, the only counterplay I´ve found for SS is to place your ship on top of him, and follow him everywhere. He won´t be able to strike you, nor emerge to the surface because he would die by ramming, and the BB takes almost no damage from that.
8:12 I say, today I played my first submarine game with u69, my torpedo hits the enemy 5 times, 4 times were enemy submarines, and the 2 kills I got were all submarines
Hello Mr Toptier, amazing vídeo as always. Looks like subs r a fun ship to play and hopefully they will balance the game properly. Keep up the good work and greetings from México :)
I hope so too!
How do you feel about DDs being able to be spotted by Subs they themselves cannot spot?
Plikky Dee Submarine warfare in a nutshell irl.
Poetic justice
Cant they use their hydrophone
Nice vid. Could u do a light cruiser in one of your next vids plz. Keep up the awesome videos.
There was a reason why WG denied any form of SS implementation in this game for the first years. Now we can see why! This will be fun! ALAS!
WG should just end the CC program.
@@xyz-uf6vf Do keep in mind that there are plenty of other CCs besides Flamu. If you don't enjoy his chat or his content, you can always look elsewhere.
Finally, a U-boat video of World of Warships.
Фильм: подводная лодка (das boot)
Очень классный, идет 5 часов!
Wow 3:14 that submarine tower is really strong :-)
This will essentially turn CVs useless. BBs, CCs and DDs will all stay together making them immune to planes approaching and the roaming Subs will just dive when you're above them.
You're totally right about everything you just said and showed, especially about the crying baby/whining CCs :)
This submarine is so NICE.
u-69, nice
is there a limit how much subs per team? and how long can stay it underwater?
This awesome you rock😎👍
I have one question, should not they increase the player amount per match if they include now subs too? Like add one or two more players per side?
there are only submarines in queue, very few players play with other ships
@@ttier I meant like when the submarines would go completely live outside test servers with their own tech trees etc. Would there be enough players of all classes per each match or does it spread it too thin?
The damage is too high, they should either lower it or do something like a torpedo belt for submarines...20k and homing? i know you cant fire anyway and they wont it, but for bb is insane. They should do a damage similar to torpedo bombers i think
The damage is insane but just for german Uboot. But they have to be in less than 6km to actually hit a target.
Cachalot and S-1 have more range, but their torps aren´t as deadly. Also, to hit with the full dmg the torps have to citadel and in my experience it isn´t that easy to citadel with SS torps.
My concern about this ship
1) Submarine Capability
~ remove spotting ability of SS if she submerge below 8km, or decrease the spotting radius up to 2 or 3 km, or make it only the SS who can see the ship above, or just show the ship above SS on minimap only like what happen if cyclone occur. (if not, it could be more worse for DD rather than having an Aircraft flying above their head)
~ make the damage from flooding twice bigger the deepest SS submerge
~ give the SS chance to flooding from overpen shoot (I think it would be more racional remembering the overpen shoot mean the sheel is pierce trough the hull)
~ some SS may carry a gun, is it gonna work like secondary and AA?
~ give more notification when the SS is under atack or more animation. TBH for some player who lack of caution can get himself dead without knowing what happen. the sound of exploding deep charge is too small. the exploding animation to is almost can't be seen when diving unles you look upward
~ the aiming system underwater is too complicated TBH. for my concern why just mix the ping and torp system at once? or make it more simple like launching torpedo using right mouse click and pinging using spacebar while the aim itself use the same periscope.
~ make tracking camera for tracking target for easy aiming. it's so hard to aim underwater without that camera function
~ easy aim for torpedo please. it's easy for aiming torpedo on the surface but so hard when aiming underwater coz you need to aim with your ship instead using your mouse periscope. my suggestion is to add fixed aiming area on front and rear SS when diving where the torp aiming can be adjust inside that area for easy aim using mouse
~ ping range (wider and smaller) it's kinda useless because almost no different. why don't mix it with torp like what I said above, and make it a special characteristic for certain of Submarine. like some of them have wider ping area but the wave speed is slow, and other have more narower ping area with fast wave speed
~ the pinging trail wasn't appear while submerge but I think it just some of bug problem occur please fix
~ give an audio option to remove underwater sound effect
2) Diving Submarine
an Option for submarine so they can't stay underwater forever or it'll always be SS vs SS in the end with length of every game can up to 25 minutes. also this gonna give the chance for surface ship who doesn't have ASW to kill SS in end game.
~ give an Oxygen lvl to the sub so they need to resurface, if not the sub gonna take dmg per minutes
~ or don't add Oxy lvl but make a penalty instead if the SS energy is 0 like decrease the speed of SS underwater
3) Ship vs Submarine
- the ship who get pinged by SS should have a notification but no need to reveal the SS location if it out of range of SS detectability range
- detection for surface ship is really important, remembering that SS can point blank torp almost every ship in the game
DD & CL vs Submarine
~ If it possible to give some "Underwater Mine" for this class of ship who can stay for some period of time to prevent the submarine spotting the entire fleet forever also to protect the BB since BB are the most vulnurable class to SS and to block free movement of submarine.
~ the way this class vs SS little bit hard to understand specialy for braindead player
BB vs Submarine
~ it's kinda hard for this class fight against SS. at least give them another catapult aircraft who can detect submarine
Carrier vs Submarine
~ give CV the ability to detect submarine, give them another aircraft consumable focused only for detecting SS. or make the squadron have a skill to detect the SS who works like sonar who can pinged every 5 or 10 sec
~ give CV another option to carry deep charge on DB
SS vs SS
~ TBH it's little bit hard to strike another submarine with torp
~ give SS ability to ram enemy SS or surface ship. the damage is calculated by SS speed while the highest speed inflict more damage and the slower speed inflict small damage.
4:31 that only happend because he didnt turn fast enough because he wasnt focusing on torps that are coming at him
Once the torpedoes go past you, they dont turn around
Interesting video on submarines... Now that you've mentioned that Ships themselves can finally work like how they used to back in WW2... Wouldn't it also mean that CV's will be barely even as effective or that great at dealing with enemy fleets since all ships would stick even more whilst Subs are capping? **More combined AA in a sense.
I hope they add remaining CVs as ASW carriers at some point
Do you think they will give CVs the ability to drop depth charges from planes? Like, adding a new squadron of planes equipped with depth charges?
No, if aircraft carriers have ASW tools, they can destroy submarines in the first minute of the game.
great video, TopTier. your brutal honesty makes you such an fascinating youtuber. a shame you aren't a CC
At least someone is positive towards Subs. They are too beautiful not to be added. My only pet peeve is, that they are yet another class that farms BBs. Maybe WG should emphasize the bulges more and design subs towards countering cruisers.
11:40 Well kinda disagree a German U boots fleet changed that 2 or 3 submarines sometimes was attacking a protected by destroyer's transport's ships so not quite alone.
I forgot what it was called but i remember that Americans submarines also used this strategy against Japanes fleets.
this was called wolfpack. In general, the ubots served alone, when they found a convoy they would form a wolf pack.
@@ttier In general yes but still it's kinda a support but underwater against destroyers :p
Adding new consumable like the torp shape-like that spinning underwater, so it will disturp the torp, idk what its called lmao like flare from airplane
I agree with you about CCs
You should try the Gaede, I used it and sunk 3 subs with it in one battle, maybe the German DDs will be a thing again
Every single thing you said, true.
I know some CCs were against Sub because of that WG promising thing as well. Personally I don't think WG should have made any promises on what not to add in game as it only restricts potential. But again a lot stuff is till not balanced in game right now like T4 CV gameplays (the AA is soooo much different than T10), GZ dive bombers, russian ships etc... so I don't know if they have the capacity to balance subs now and in the future...
Should definitely be a better Death explosion for Subs....... they almost dissapear into a void on being destroyed
I'm all for submarines. 😁👍 Next up, radar and missiles.
war thubder did not loose their shit when they implemented ships and all the other stuff
War Thunder naval battle actually looks really cool. Last I checked they were adding heavy cruisers I think.
@@mrtencza they would if tanks had to fight the ships
Matthew Tencza Yep, heavy cruisers
@@mrtencza but it's ass lmao
@@mrtencza they already have CAs there planing on adding BCs soon.
For me there are two sides of submarines. The negative side is that as a bb player it even more promotes the passive laid back gameplay and further enhances the bs I already have to deal with such as he spamming etc
The positive side is that after trying i enjoy playing a sub and i also found my bb playable in the sub matches. All o had to do was play with my team like I am supposed to and no sun would even dare to come close to our dd.
In the end off it all I think people are truly overdoing the OPness of these subs and should realize that there are way more annoying threats such as a smolensk hiding behind a mountain. I'd take a homing dolphin over denial of the entire map any day
Lol imagine one submarine on a rookie hands, 0 support to team or finish battle one submarine vs one BB, no chance for him, and like u say I saw so much strongers against BBs. And that guided torps like a missiles changing the history for their benefit.
11:42 subs did hunt in groups "wolfpacks"
I think you haven't read the link you shared
Kinda wish you could use the deck gun, would be useful for finishing off low health enemies
what will the japan submarine be ?
Submarine with same torpedo as their Torpedo DD or something else ?
Oxygen torp with a lower detection range?
wow that would be kinda op XD
Great video! I think you make a really good point about redefining the DD to be an escort (its historic purpose) and the submarine to be a lone wolf and scout (again, its historic purpose). Have you tried APDB bombs against subs? Do they have the same splash damage effect as HE bombs?
Does it have an operational deck gun?
Why do I get the feeling that WoWS would be a much better game if toptier was in charge
Submarine mechanics are raw af need alot of things changed or added, as they are now its even stupid to make separate mode for them.
A lot of comments against subs is how they would operate in the current meta.
Subs are gonna change the meta, very much.
If there are subs in the game, they will be the cappers. Destroyers wouldn't have to worry about capping early game, so they wouldnt get outspotted by subs in a cap point and then destroyed.
And yea battleships will be mostly helpless against subs. But you can make the argument that they are useless against torpedo DD's as well. 1v1 end of the game, torp boat DD vs. BB. This happens fairly often, and is never in the BB's favor. Unless the DD fucks up tremendously, the DD wins 9 times out of 10.
Weeb Magic the current matter is ge spam, he can damage subs, thus nothing will realy change
I think the Japanese type B1 and B2 submarines will have sea planes as their gimmick.
Where is the deck gun on the U69 ? I would had though it would have one to use to finish off low health ships 🤔
They said deck guns and the aa if they have it will be just for decoration so that means we won't see that french sub with the 8 inch guns :(
@hobocadet they said that most of the subs have guns with really small calibers (smaller than any other ship) so FOR NOW they won't be a thing, but in the future they might be (that goes for AA too)
Implementing this class is a controversial idea in general. But taking under consideration current "balans komrade", it's just idiotic.
how long does the homing timer lasts?
When are they coming out like how come I can’t get one
they sux pass
U69. Laughing Cow. It sunk my grandads ship on 27th June 1941. Fred Wild Wood survived, he s better than that!! Awesome book about the boat though, write by iCapt Jost Metzler. RIP Them all. Lest We Forget.
Are the submarines still in closed beta or already available to players?
i know what would be nice Mines in the sea
from what i've seen of the pts it feels like Subs should need to surface more
Adding something like "Fire" or "Flood" which force them to surface more than regular?
Is there any Information about the releas date on the Live Servers?
When are they coming in the game ?
Good game bro nice
That's a long loundry list of things DD's have to care about... I wanna see new DD captain taking all this in.
Now that it is live let's see who says the same thing. Just off of these videos a Sub is reliant upon a Cruiser for protection.
I hope we will have plane like catalyna or stuff like that to drop deth charge. It could be soo epic !
or a mechanic to switch between normal bombs and depth charges
@@obamaprism1277 Nahh adding catalyna is better idea :p
im not so sure about the "ping" affect for the torps
nice video
U-69 huh? *N I C E*
If submarines are to powerful maybe they should add PT boats with depth charges
3:10 nice deutschland technology
So far the only primary weapon for submarines are torpedo which is quite boring. For ship, you can switch between HE and AP rounds and torpedo. For aircraft carrier, you can choose between dive bomb, rocket, or torpedo. They need to make the turret on submarine as secondary weapon or give it sea mines as weapon or else it will be very boring. There are Japanese submarine that can carry scout plane and French submarine with big gun like the Surcouf or the British M-class submarine.
submarines are very different, first of all you are playing the game in 3D. surface ships are played in two dimensions on a completely flat surface. Of course, not everyone likes it but I think it is very fun.
@@ttier I didn't talk about how submarine play out. I talk about how submarine got a very limited weapon options. They need to add more like the turret on it.
@@brobamathegreat7527 there's no turret on the tier 8 and tier 9 submarines... The mines are a good idea however, but that would be broken for subs
Actually torps are the only weapon for submarines, yes, but you can use them in couple of ways : the shotgun, the magnetic, the long range from surface,... I think that's pretty cool already!
WHy i didnt see sub in my game how should i get it?
What can I say except *nice*
I think subs could be great. I would change their spotting system when they go deep underwater and I think a when a sub goes underwater there should be a limit how much time it could spend there. Also they need to add something to battleships to fight them.
Umbrella With no videos or content?!?! well you can recharge the battery if you slow down, but i think this system is way better in terms of realism. what sub couldn’t stay longer than a minute under water
If subs get released, cv Will not be the most hated ship type anymore.
U-Nice 👌
U 69 is my favourite sumbares