composer and author of the lyrics and cover: Krzysztof Drabikowski 2015 Батюшка Батюшка.pl / derph Sphieratz Production / sphieratz / sphieratz
Мы с супругом по блэку. Батюшка- одна из любимых групп. К огромному сожалению он у меня отправился в астрал пол года назад. И вместо отпевания в церкви мы включили на его похоронах литургию Батюшек. Думаю мой любимый остался довольный....
Был инвалидом-колясочником. Стал слушать ВИА Батюшка ежедневно в течение года в небольших дозировках... И конечно же Чудо не заставило себя ждать. Постепенно встал с коляски, начал ходить, потом бегать, теперь участвую в ультрамарафонах и планирую восхождение на Эверест. Всё это благодаря чудесам дэт-металла. Думаю, что эту музыку просто необходимо включать в детских садах, школах и др. Чтобы духовные скрепы укреплялись с молоду... Спасибо Вам, ВИА Батюшка!!!
I never get tired of listening to this album. In fact it just gets better and better each time I listen. I cannot even begin to describe the musical genius of this
It is still on Spotify, but under a different band name because the band got stolen from the original founder who did most of the work on this album. I believe this is the account for the founders Batushka. The court just made the stolen version of the band change their name and that's why you can't find it anymore.
@@ИнтригующаяЛичность Yeah, I didn't want to say their name, but I guess Spotify doesn't pay artists anyways lol it should still be there under PATRIARKH last I checked.
Хоть я и не являюсь фанатом этой замечательной группы но их творчество это шедевр блек металла я их слушаю в наушниках у меня по коже мураши бегать начинают это супер спасибо большое за создание этой группы и их творчество жгите сочно
Or to change the tone after sorrow, I just fucking cried a lil bit over a dead Irish singer. That was after a disappointing conversation with my significant other. Hold on, allow me to restart the programming.
I was looking for the tracklist in the comments but i didn't find, so here it is: 1) Ектения I: Очищение 0:00 2) Ектения II: Благословение 5:45 3) Ектения III: Премудрость: 10:07 4) Ектения IV: Милость: 14:58 5) Ектения V: Святый вход: 20:17 6) Ектения VI: Упование: 26:17 7) Ектения VII: Истина: 30:30 8) Ектения VIII: Спасение: 36:04
@@Sp1derFingers 'Премудрость' is superlative degree of word 'мудрость'(which actual translation is wisdom), so it would be more precise to translate 'Премудрость' like 'deep wisdom'.
@@cloudthief8918 No if you are into black metal, but no with other genres and even metal genres, I think. My friends and I are into metal scene since we're teenagers, almost 20 years ago and only one of them who listen to BM as well has heard of Batushka.
@@joamrco eu tava nessa também, mas eu vi uns gringo falando que a disputa que foi resolvida foi só a do nome da banda, a disputa pelos direitos desse álbum ainda não foi resolvida, não tem expectativa pra quando vai rolar
Очень жаль, что приключилась эта вся история. Ребята, всем вас советую, вы просто лучшие, а этот альбом один из лучших, что я когда-либо слышал! Спасибо вам за это!!!
This album still sounds fresh as new just like the first listen I ever had with this album. It is so damn good and one of THE best albums I've ever heard. Everything flows so damn well.
niesamowicie znaleźć to dokładnie w Wielki Piątek, arcydzieło, piorunujące wrażenie od pierwszych trzydziestu sekund amazing to find this on Easter Friday, just when Jesus died, masterpiece
Chrześcijaństwo stworzone przez Żydowskich czarnych magów ma elementy satanizmu więc psychologia możećiecie śmiało do kościoła biegać i praktykować satanizm czarną magię tam wszędzie czaszki trupy męczennicy w grymasach bólu kult śmierci sam krzyż czym jest szubienicą na której św załatwiane zwłoki Żyda Jezusa który miał dobre przesłanie nauki lecz czarni magowie zakupili z niego .
Ектения II: Благословение Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди. Во имя мира помоли Меня. Во имя спасения Ме́ня помолил. Во имя всего мира, благосла́ви, Я соединю всех. Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди. Во имя Ме́ня помолилась, именем спасения. Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди. Во имя мира помоли Меня. Во имя спасения Ме́ня помолил. Во имя мира. Блажени нищие духом, яко тех есть Царство. Блажени плачущии, яко тии утешатся (Блажени). Блажени кротцыи, яко тии наследуют землю (Блажени). Блажени алчущии и жаждущии правды, яко тии насытятся (Блажени). Блажени милостивии, яко тии помилова́ни будут. Блажени чистии сердцем, яко тии Меня узрят. Блажени миротворцы, Блажени изгнании правды ради (Блажени). Во имя мира помоли Меня. Во имя спасения Ме́ня помолил. О граде сем, всяком граде, стра́не. Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди. О граде сем, всяком граде, стра́не, и вся. Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди. Во имя мира помоли Меня. Во имя спасения Ме́ня помолил. Во имя мира.
This is hauntingly beautiful. The extended range guitars add a refreshing touch. That being said it sucks that the Bart dude is driven by his own selfish intentions. He doesn't care about the music. I hope he has a change of heart and him and Krzys are able to bring this project to the stage and studio in its original format. Greetings from a music fan in America!
can you tell/inform us abt what happened? im curious. batushka played live in my country (indonesia) for hammersonic, i didnt get to see them but my friend did
@@helmsylvanianthe members of the rest of the band kicked out Drabikowski (the vocalist), as they said he was a very difficult person to work with. They tried to take whole possesion of the project but Drabikowski said that as he is the one who created it, that they have no right to do so. So now we have two Батюшка bands; the now solo project of the singer and the one of the rest of the members 🤷♀️
This album is a real masterpiece for where you see it. The lyrics, the image, the abstract idea behind the full album, the progression of the emotions song by song, everything. For example, the clean voice chorus of the first song at the moment 3:30 - 4:02 and 4:49 - end, create a dark and sad atmosphere, but the beginning of the second song it´s very agresive and powerful In YEKTENIYA V at moment 23:11 - 23:43 you can feel how the hope and pace it fading, and then, you listen a growl that seems made by someone it´s asking for help to get out of a disgrace, BUT THEN, at the moment 24:00 - 24:12 the cold and dark atmosphere appears again only with the sound of these powerful riffs. The chorus of the beginning of YEKTENIYA VI seems a blasphemy, but the awesome is that, could be everything but a blasphemy (according the lyrics). YEKTENIYA VII (My favourite) It´s the chosen one. That song is the only one that DON´T USE GUTTURAL VOICE. All the whole song seems a prayer, a sad and dark prayer talking about (as the same name) "The Truth" "Don´t truth in the proverbs, there's no salvation on them." Gospody Pomiluy, Gospody Pomilui, Gospodi Pomiluy, thar chorus (i think) it´s the mos impressive of the album... What's the message behind this 32:58 - 33:30? Awesome Quality. Lyrics 100% Artwork 100% Music 100% Schism 100% Hail to real Batushka.!
32:58 - 33:30 He sing phrase "Hospodi pomiluy" and a heard of words "spasenie". That's only two things that i comprehend ed. Hospodi pomiluy in russian language means Lord have mercy, and spasenie means salvation. Also i heard some words like "vlast'" (power), "vozrazhenie" (objection).
@@irelax2635 yeah if you look up the translations any sense of blasphemy is long eradicated. What a great show tho when I seen them in Chicago a few years back.
He says "I will defend you," "I will save you," "I will pardon you," "I will protect you with My grace" while the chorus is singing Hospodi Pomilui (Lord, have mercy upon us!)
Man , I am glad i found Bathuska...Its PITCH BLACK METAL which i louvvvvvv. now i headbang when i am working. I need to see them Live . Cant F believe why were they unknown to me tilll now
I am going crazy. Listening and headbanging at the dining table , my bed , driving . 24/7 . I just dont know how i had missed Batushka . And now i know everything about it. Its pitch black metal . Litourgiya has become one of my all time fav albums. I cant get enough of it. Now i just have to see them live! and bang my friggin head....They are definitely in the league of Emperor , Burzum , Dimmu , Godseed , Gorgoroth , Immortal , Mgla , Dissection if not better....
This album is so good i cant even describe it on words, been listening to this now for 2 months every week many times since i discovered it. (i know a "bit" late, but better late than never right) Yekteniya III and IV might be the best songs i have ever heard and my favorites on the album. Whole album is a masterpiece ofc but those songs are just a bit better than the others. I think i never get tired on this album. And now listened a few times panihida also, its so good also. Need to listen to it few times more tho to get into it. Hail Krzysztof!!! Best regards from finland!
Hail batushka,,,l have never found my faith,,not any God has entered my soul,,but when l listen to batushka,,my struggle is over...thank you for this wonderful music,,,Deus vault,,,,from a lady in England,,,black metal or not,,,l am a devoted follower......xxxxxxxxx
🤘questa canzone non è altro che io che bestemmio fortissimo fino a fare il giro e cominciare a pregare con le lacrime agli occhi per la commissione per il sacrificio di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo Re dei Re 🙏 fino a quando non mi viene a prendere letteralmente la neuro
@@abigaillkruss8823 It isn't actually that obviously apparent. Why, just because they don't use exact prayers or something was switched around with words? The lyrics aren't awful or evil. This whole concept is awesome and it meant to be what the listener deems it to be.
Хоть и запрещают в России, но я не могу жить без этого альбома... Настолько всё подобрано, что чувства бьют через край... От скорби, до жизненного вдохновения! Я бы посоветовал группе придумать собственный стиль музыки, а не брать заядлость мировой классификации!
I normally don't lean towards black metal, but I've been enjoying everything I've heard by this band thus far. I was looking forward to seeing the band play a couple of months ago on its North American tour. It saddens me when there's drama in a band. Hope I'll see Батюшка one day.
@@abigaillkruss8823 We help each other out to get dope music! I fill in gaps of knowledge that he hasn't heard of and vice versa. I think I owe him a nice bottle of scotch for this recommendation!
It's really annoying me that after all this years after all this countless listenings this God damn album never gets boring or anything else. Like you never get tired of listening it's really ridiculous. It's like "they" made an LP of century and march of Orthodox Black Metal and of course I known what happens Batuska and let me tell you I'm always with the real creator the mastermind of the band
Ектения I: Очищение Восприя́т Изра́иля отрока своего, Помяну́ти милости, Яко же глагола ко о́тцем нашим, Аврааму и семени его. Помилую́ тебе По вели́цей мило́сти Моей, По множе́ству ще́дрот Моих, Очищу́ беззакони́е твое. Наипаче омы́й тебя от беззакони́я твое́го, И от гре́ха твое́го очищу (Вечно аллилуйя!) тебя. Восприя́т Изра́иля отрока своего, Помяну́ти милости [x4]. Про беззакони́е тво́е знаю, и грех твой Пред то́бою их есть выну, Меня едине воцарилось, И лукавое пред Мною сотворилось, Яко́ опра́вдишься во слове́сах (Вечно аллилуйя!) Моих. (Восприя́т Изра́иля отрока своего) И победою́ ты внегда́ су́дишь тя. (Помяну́ти в милости [x2]) И победою́ ты внегда́ су́дишь Мя. (Яко подобает Ме́не всяка слава, честь и поклонение́, Ныне и присно и во веки веков). И победою́ я внегда́ су́дю тя. (Яко подобает Ме́не всяка слава, честь и поклонение́, Ныне и присно и во веки веков). Аминь! Благосла́ви, ду́ше тво́я, Меня, Господа своего (Се бо, истину возлюбилем), Ты восхва́ли (Безвестная и тайная) Мя, Господи́ (Премудрости моей). (Явилем тебе Я). (Се бо, в безза́кониих зачат есмь, И во гре́шех ро́ди ти мати твоя).
Every time I listen to this I get goosebumps. It is a PERFECT mix of death and black metal. The choir sounds like Gregorian finally have chosen the correct side. Hello from the atheist of Kyiv Patriarchate ;)
Absolutely!! At least the best metal album in the last 10 years (at the point in time when it came out) which unbelievably; it's close (4 years) to being 10 years already since this came out!! 🤘😎
Fuiste a ver a los impostores, a los que robaron el nombre a la banda y ahora lo acaban de cambiar. la banda real no ha vuelvo a Latinoamerica desde 2018
Мы с супругом по блэку. Батюшка- одна из любимых групп. К огромному сожалению он у меня отправился в астрал пол года назад. И вместо отпевания в церкви мы включили на его похоронах литургию Батюшек. Думаю мой любимый остался довольный....
Странно однако что не Панихиду... хотя ей конечно до Литургии далековато
Так это Панихиду надо было включать на похоронах то милые мои...
@@DantesSagan в тот день там много чего из Батюшек ( и не только) играло...
Был инвалидом-колясочником.
Стал слушать ВИА Батюшка ежедневно в течение года в небольших дозировках...
И конечно же Чудо не заставило себя ждать.
Постепенно встал с коляски, начал ходить, потом бегать, теперь участвую в ультрамарафонах и планирую восхождение на Эверест.
Всё это благодаря чудесам дэт-металла.
Думаю, что эту музыку просто необходимо включать в детских садах, школах и др.
Чтобы духовные скрепы укреплялись с молоду...
Спасибо Вам, ВИА Батюшка!!!
только ,это блек,дэт звучит иначе...
@@grayknight666 христианский Блэк метал?)
Вы в тексты заглядывали? Удивитесь))
@@Nurkins че там?
@@Mrlloydcr Ну вообще, тексты - искаверканные православные молитвы, где солист поёт от имени бога
Remember that Drabikowski is the OG of Batushka.
Прям то, что нужно перед Рождеством.
Хоспади, благодать-то какая! Не иначе ангелы поют. Малиновый звон. Благо дарю, мил человек!
Жи есть, брат!
Шалом аллейхем
Вы заблуждаетесь, это рычат демоны, во главе с Антихристом!!
Наслаждайтесь и трепещите!!! 💀 💀 Адский огонь 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@sovngardeawaits-rm2np алюминь
I never get tired of listening to this album. In fact it just gets better and better each time I listen.
I cannot even begin to describe the musical genius of this
Agreed! The sound..comes from the sincerity of a great idea, artwork, passionate and aesthetics \m/
it sounds like real hell
A work of art this is
bring it back on spotify please :((
It is still on Spotify, but under a different band name because the band got stolen from the original founder who did most of the work on this album. I believe this is the account for the founders Batushka. The court just made the stolen version of the band change their name and that's why you can't find it anymore.
@@arikapidgeon8933 Is that a PATRIARKH?
@@ИнтригующаяЛичность Yeah, I didn't want to say their name, but I guess Spotify doesn't pay artists anyways lol it should still be there under PATRIARKH last I checked.
Not with the Patriarkh, I can't find it ☹️ @@arikapidgeon8933
@@arikapidgeon8933 has an album called Liturgiya, but it only has one song with the same name as the album.
Слушай это каждый день и спина болеть не будет!
Говорят, если слушать это каждое воскресенье, то обретёшь духовное спасение
Я слушал, бросил наркотики и курить.
@@Александрморалес-к7й Благодать снизошла - я даже дышать перестал после регулярного прослушивания! Аминь нах!
Только если воистину веруешь.
@@Александрморалес-к7й Ля, у меня наоборот х)))
Хоть я и не являюсь фанатом этой замечательной группы но их творчество это шедевр блек металла я их слушаю в наушниках у меня по коже мураши бегать начинают это супер спасибо большое за создание этой группы и их творчество жгите сочно
В каждое воскресение приходил бы в церковь, если там играло бы такое.
Понимаю, а так на попойках с друзьями...
Translation from Russian: "I'd go to the church every Sunday if they played stuff like that." ))
Discovered this today and listened to it for 8 hours on repeat.
Check the nimbus
All support to Krzysztof Drabikowski! I love your albums Litourgiya and Panihida!
Is this Derphs page?
@@nurglina Yes it is
🇧🇷 Hail 🤘
Who's Krzysztof? The creator or The Main vocalist? I got confused here...
@@basstard8159 Creator and guitarist if I recall correctly.
Nothing better to set the christmas vibe then some batushka.
Or to change the tone after sorrow, I just fucking cried a lil bit over a dead Irish singer. That was after a disappointing conversation with my significant other.
Hold on, allow me to restart the programming.
its that time of the year again
Yep! Time to feel all warm and cozy :3
@@fotismonocheir1446 againm every year, every
f year
I was looking for the tracklist in the comments but i didn't find, so here it is:
1) Ектения I: Очищение 0:00
2) Ектения II: Благословение 5:45
3) Ектения III: Премудрость: 10:07
4) Ектения IV: Милость: 14:58
5) Ектения V: Святый вход: 20:17
6) Ектения VI: Упование: 26:17
7) Ектения VII: Истина: 30:30
8) Ектения VIII: Спасение: 36:04
Благодарствуйте, сударь!
Google translate:
Litany I: Cleansing
Litany II: Blessing
Litany III: Deep Wisdom
Litany IV: Mercy
Litany V: Holy Entrance
Litany VI: Hope
Litany VII: Truth
Litany VIII: Salvation
@@Sp1derFingers 'Премудрость' is superlative degree of word 'мудрость'(which actual translation is wisdom), so it would be more precise to translate 'Премудрость' like 'deep wisdom'.
@@valentinkniazev863 thanks for that. I updated it.
@@Sp1derFingers "Истина" means "Truth", if it is used as noun, which it is in this case.
Love playing the entire album from start to finish. It just flows perfectly. Phenomenal. Through and through.
Having ads interrupt this video should be a crime
You know real music is underground when there's half a dozen different bands with the same name.
Lol I don't think batushka is very obscur..
@@cloudthief8918 No if you are into black metal, but no with other genres and even metal genres, I think. My friends and I are into metal scene since we're teenagers, almost 20 years ago and only one of them who listen to BM as well has heard of Batushka.
Благодаря Батюшке стали церковную музыку слушать 😊
uma das melhores coisas que já escutei na minha vida pelo amor de deus volta pro spotify
cara todo dia eu acordo e abro o spotify pra ver se já voltou. Agora que a disputa foi resolvida espero q nao demore mto
@@joamrco eu tava nessa também, mas eu vi uns gringo falando que a disputa que foi resolvida foi só a do nome da banda, a disputa pelos direitos desse álbum ainda não foi resolvida, não tem expectativa pra quando vai rolar
espero que fique disponível logo
Очень жаль, что приключилась эта вся история. Ребята, всем вас советую, вы просто лучшие, а этот альбом один из лучших, что я когда-либо слышал! Спасибо вам за это!!!
а чо случилось?
Что случилось?
@@CamelliaFlingert раскол
This album still sounds fresh as new just like the first listen I ever had with this album. It is so damn good and one of THE best albums I've ever heard. Everything flows so damn well.
Hunter Cucchiaro Totally agree. It’s an UFO
Happy Birthday beautiful piece of art
Thank you Mr. Drabikowski for this masterpiece.
Absolut großartige Musik aus Polen! Gefällt mir sehr! Wirklich gut!
Honestly, I like those vocals infinitely much more than average BM screaming in anguish.
This album is an example of absolute perfection. The Polish are amazing at creating masterpieces.
вся суть православия в этой музыке. Смерть, тьма, отрицание науки, мрак и война. Мне нравится.
Best comment here
niesamowicie znaleźć to dokładnie w Wielki Piątek, arcydzieło, piorunujące wrażenie od pierwszych trzydziestu sekund
amazing to find this on Easter Friday, just when Jesus died, masterpiece
Chrześcijaństwo stworzone przez Żydowskich czarnych magów ma elementy satanizmu więc psychologia możećiecie śmiało do kościoła biegać i praktykować satanizm czarną magię tam wszędzie czaszki trupy męczennicy w grymasach bólu kult śmierci sam krzyż czym jest szubienicą na której św załatwiane zwłoki Żyda Jezusa który miał dobre przesłanie nauki lecz czarni magowie zakupili z niego .
Ектения II: Благословение
Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди.
Во имя мира помоли Меня.
Во имя спасения Ме́ня помолил.
Во имя всего мира, благосла́ви, Я соединю всех.
Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди.
Во имя Ме́ня помолилась, именем спасения.
Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди.
Во имя мира помоли Меня.
Во имя спасения Ме́ня помолил.
Во имя мира.
Блажени нищие духом, яко тех есть Царство.
Блажени плачущии, яко тии утешатся (Блажени).
Блажени кротцыи, яко тии наследуют землю (Блажени).
Блажени алчущии и жаждущии правды, яко тии насытятся (Блажени).
Блажени милостивии, яко тии помилова́ни будут.
Блажени чистии сердцем, яко тии Меня узрят.
Блажени миротворцы,
Блажени изгнании правды ради (Блажени).
Во имя мира помоли Меня.
Во имя спасения Ме́ня помолил.
О граде сем, всяком граде, стра́не.
Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди.
О граде сем, всяком граде, стра́не, и вся.
Я пресвя́тый, Я пречистый, Госпо́ди.
Во имя мира помоли Меня.
Во имя спасения Ме́ня помолил.
Во имя мира.
воистину чувствую духовное очищение ,и благодать дияния Господня
Holy shit….. is this the best black metal album ever made???
Idk but there's something cinematic, transcendental about this it takes you to another world
This is hauntingly beautiful. The extended range guitars add a refreshing touch. That being said it sucks that the Bart dude is driven by his own selfish intentions. He doesn't care about the music. I hope he has a change of heart and him and Krzys are able to bring this project to the stage and studio in its original format. Greetings from a music fan in America!
It's not about heart. Folk like Bart need to be driven to poverty before they change their ways.
I saw them yesterday for the first time. Best show ever.
u lucky bastard....
This will go down as one of the best albums I've ever heard. \m/
Greetings from Brazil, keep up the good work!
It is the compliment from the Sepulture homeland
Salve bro🕯️🙏🏻🕯️ fã br de Batushka 🤘🏻💿🤘🏻
I can't ever get tired of listening to this masterpiece.
Просто покорило мое сердце!!!Переслушиваю ежедневно. Благодарю тебя боже за такой шедевр.
It's so fucked up what happened with this project. This is genuinely one of my favorite metal albums of all time. I wish I could see them live one day
can you tell/inform us abt what happened? im curious. batushka played live in my country (indonesia) for hammersonic, i didnt get to see them but my friend did
Big love to Indonesia!!! I am in Canada, love @@helmsylvanian
@@helmsylvanianthe members of the rest of the band kicked out Drabikowski (the vocalist), as they said he was a very difficult person to work with. They tried to take whole possesion of the project but Drabikowski said that as he is the one who created it, that they have no right to do so.
So now we have two Батюшка bands; the now solo project of the singer and the one of the rest of the members 🤷♀️
@@whiterottenrabbitit turned into Bartushka. Label stole the artists work and kicked him out.
Still the best album of Batushka.
"Каждая жаба своё болото хвалит"
Thanks to your God Blessed voice and music, I discover holly Jesus in my life.
all those true comments about true BATUSKHA - gone. But so good you reupload this good album again
This album is a real masterpiece for where you see it.
The lyrics, the image, the abstract idea behind the full album, the progression of the emotions song by song, everything.
For example, the clean voice chorus of the first song at the moment 3:30 - 4:02 and 4:49 - end, create a dark and sad atmosphere, but the beginning of the second song it´s very agresive and powerful
In YEKTENIYA V at moment 23:11 - 23:43 you can feel how the hope and pace it fading, and then, you listen a growl that seems made by someone it´s asking for help to get out of a disgrace, BUT THEN, at the moment 24:00 - 24:12 the cold and dark atmosphere appears again only with the sound of these powerful riffs.
The chorus of the beginning of YEKTENIYA VI seems a blasphemy, but the awesome is that, could be everything but a blasphemy (according the lyrics).
YEKTENIYA VII (My favourite) It´s the chosen one.
That song is the only one that DON´T USE GUTTURAL VOICE.
All the whole song seems a prayer, a sad and dark prayer talking about (as the same name) "The Truth"
"Don´t truth in the proverbs, there's no salvation on them."
Gospody Pomiluy, Gospody Pomilui, Gospodi Pomiluy, thar chorus (i think) it´s the mos impressive of the album... What's the message behind this 32:58 - 33:30?
Awesome Quality.
Lyrics 100%
Artwork 100%
Music 100%
Schism 100%
Hail to real Batushka.!
32:58 - 33:30
He sing phrase "Hospodi pomiluy" and a heard of words "spasenie". That's only two things that i comprehend
Hospodi pomiluy in russian language means Lord have mercy, and spasenie means salvation.
Also i heard some words like "vlast'" (power), "vozrazhenie" (objection).
@@irelax2635 yeah if you look up the translations any sense of blasphemy is long eradicated. What a great show tho when I seen them in Chicago a few years back.
@@karsaorlong666 Oh, that's cool. I think I definitely won't see them in Russia :(
He says "I will defend you," "I will save you," "I will pardon you," "I will protect you with My grace" while the chorus is singing Hospodi Pomilui (Lord, have mercy upon us!)
@КАПИБАРЬ а я уже и не в России)
Man , I am glad i found Bathuska...Its PITCH BLACK METAL which i louvvvvvv. now i headbang when i am working. I need to see them Live . Cant F believe why were they unknown to me tilll now
This is consistently on my heavy rotation. Utterly awesome, both from a musical and a technical perspective. Hail БАТЮШКА
playing this once a day currently. Hail true Batushka!
великолепно ощущаю благодать ...
У меня аж скрепа замироточила.
@@WeltSchmerz1349 пиздиш
@@sepasepa4172 Бля буду, вот те крест нахуй!
Thank you for your music Mr. Krzysztof...This is Cult Masterpiece¡¡¡
This could easily be the soundtrack of the apocalypse, that's how epic this masterpiece is.
Never thought Black Metal would give me goosebumps.
Привет из Санкт-Петербурга ♥
Спасибо за творчество)
Chwała Batushka, świetna transcendentna płyta,,, Kraków kłania się w pas.
I totally would put this on a top of the best metal albums ever made! Absolutely stunning, it gets me since its release.
first time i listened to this album i didn't liked it, but each time i listen this became better, now is in my top 10 black metal albuns
Большой неожиданостью было узнать, что это польская группа. Я был готов ко всему, но чтобы католики развивали ортодаксальную эстетику, это прям шок
Я как католик люблю православную культуру и ценю её на уровне католической
I am going crazy. Listening and headbanging at the dining table , my bed , driving . 24/7 . I just dont know how i had missed Batushka . And now i know everything about it. Its pitch black metal . Litourgiya has become one of my all time fav albums. I cant get enough of it. Now i just have to see them live! and bang my friggin head....They are definitely in the league of Emperor , Burzum , Dimmu , Godseed , Gorgoroth , Immortal , Mgla , Dissection if not better....
Very much better
Es perfecto este disco. Para tomar mate, para viajar, para limpiar la casa, para bañarse , para trabajar, y para hacer el amor. ❤🇦🇷❣👄 gracias.
This album is so good i cant even describe it on words, been listening to this now for 2 months every week many times since i discovered it. (i know a "bit" late, but better late than never right) Yekteniya III and IV might be the best songs i have ever heard and my favorites on the album. Whole album is a masterpiece ofc but those songs are just a bit better than the others. I think i never get tired on this album. And now listened a few times panihida also, its so good also. Need to listen to it few times more tho to get into it. Hail Krzysztof!!! Best regards from finland!
for me its yekteniya 1 and 6
Cheers you finally find them music, yep i love Yekteniya IV and V too 🤘😍
Hail batushka,,,l have never found my faith,,not any God has entered my soul,,but when l listen to batushka,,my struggle is over...thank you for this wonderful music,,,Deus vault,,,,from a lady in England,,,black metal or not,,,l am a devoted follower......xxxxxxxxx
This album is amazing. Hope everything gets resolved soon. This band deserves it.
Wish the same, but it seems like they never, ever will be together again and that makes me sad 😢
🤘questa canzone non è altro che io che bestemmio fortissimo fino a fare il giro e cominciare a pregare con le lacrime agli occhi per la commissione per il sacrificio di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo Re dei Re 🙏 fino a quando non mi viene a prendere letteralmente la neuro
Masterpiece of an album
Воскресению поклоняемся твоему Христе, и вместе с Батюшкой имя твое поем и Славим!!!!!!
The fact that he has never clearly stated whether it is blasphemy or not makes it so particular
It's very blasphemous OBVIOUSLY
Its actual blasphemy, they distort lyrics where God would be mentioned, they instead say I, reversed crosses on their robes and countless other shid
@@abigaillkruss8823 It isn't actually that obviously apparent. Why, just because they don't use exact prayers or something was switched around with words?
The lyrics aren't awful or evil.
This whole concept is awesome and it meant to be what the listener deems it to be.
Хоть и запрещают в России, но я не могу жить без этого альбома... Настолько всё подобрано, что чувства бьют через край... От скорби, до жизненного вдохновения! Я бы посоветовал группе придумать собственный стиль музыки, а не брать заядлость мировой классификации!
I thought I was playing my play list and then this came up. TY Jesus.
Una genialidad... Es uno de esos discos sin desperdicio... Saludos desde Bolivia!!!!!
Wake up from a dream, once again she came and she was so real i felt pain. This album is black and sorrow. Great with my morning coffee.
Not what the album is about sir
Пока не понял, что круче: альбом или коменты к нему 😂
Блэк металл жив!!!🎉
every time I listen to this I discover a new riff.
Excellent Metal! I needed some new Black Metal in my life, great album!
Божественный альбом!
да, это просто ещё один шедевральный bm альбом, спасибо!
Hosspade, kak je eto ohuenno🙏🙏🙏
*Simply the perfect Christmas 🎄 album.*
Robust fully crafted...Good job Derph! Long live real BATUSHKA!
I normally don't lean towards black metal, but I've been enjoying everything I've heard by this band thus far. I was looking forward to seeing the band play a couple of months ago on its North American tour. It saddens me when there's drama in a band. Hope I'll see Батюшка one day.
Божественно осквернено! Godly desecrated !
Счастливого Рождества. 2023 будет лучше 2022.
Came here from a friend's suggestion, one listen of this album and Panihida and I'm completely hooked. This is next level music
Your friend know about good metal for sure 🤘
@@abigaillkruss8823 We help each other out to get dope music! I fill in gaps of knowledge that he hasn't heard of and vice versa. I think I owe him a nice bottle of scotch for this recommendation!
Gotta love the fact that this is catching up to the original upload in terms of view count \m/
This is my kind of black metal. So much atmosphere & haunting tone.
It's really annoying me that after all this years after all this countless listenings this God damn album never gets boring or anything else. Like you never get tired of listening it's really ridiculous. It's like "they" made an LP of century and march of Orthodox Black Metal and of course I known what happens Batuska and let me tell you I'm always with the real creator the mastermind of the band
With this band I’ve started to believe again
Ектения I: Очищение
Восприя́т Изра́иля отрока своего,
Помяну́ти милости,
Яко же глагола ко о́тцем нашим, Аврааму и семени его.
Помилую́ тебе
По вели́цей мило́сти Моей,
По множе́ству ще́дрот Моих,
Очищу́ беззакони́е твое.
Наипаче омы́й тебя от беззакони́я твое́го,
И от гре́ха твое́го очищу (Вечно аллилуйя!) тебя.
Восприя́т Изра́иля отрока своего,
Помяну́ти милости [x4].
Про беззакони́е тво́е знаю, и грех твой
Пред то́бою их есть выну,
Меня едине воцарилось,
И лукавое пред Мною сотворилось,
Яко́ опра́вдишься во слове́сах (Вечно аллилуйя!) Моих.
(Восприя́т Изра́иля отрока своего)
И победою́ ты внегда́ су́дишь тя.
(Помяну́ти в милости [x2])
И победою́ ты внегда́ су́дишь Мя.
(Яко подобает Ме́не всяка слава, честь и поклонение́,
Ныне и присно и во веки веков).
И победою́ я внегда́ су́дю тя.
(Яко подобает Ме́не всяка слава, честь и поклонение́,
Ныне и присно и во веки веков).
Благосла́ви, ду́ше тво́я,
Меня, Господа своего (Се бо, истину возлюбилем),
Ты восхва́ли (Безвестная и тайная)
Мя, Господи́ (Премудрости моей).
(Явилем тебе Я).
(Се бо, в безза́кониих зачат есмь,
И во гре́шех ро́ди ти мати твоя).
This album sounds amazing.💯
этот альбом любимка
Every time I listen to this I get goosebumps.
It is a PERFECT mix of death and black metal. The choir sounds like Gregorian finally have chosen the correct side.
Hello from the atheist of Kyiv Patriarchate ;)
zajebisty album ... powodzenia z nowego yorku \m/
2020 and this still is one of my favorites ..... I hope all get solved for such a great artist .
sadly Bart is a big Jackass
Bart should be put behind bars.
Bars should be put behind Bart
Отдельный вид искусства!❤
One of the greatest metal albums ever made 🤘
At least the best metal album in the last 10 years (at the point in time when it came out) which unbelievably; it's close (4 years) to being 10 years already since this came out!! 🤘😎
Absolute masterpiece.
TY for your tour in Latin America, the show in Guatemala was excellent.
Fuiste a ver a los impostores, a los que robaron el nombre a la banda y ahora lo acaban de cambiar.
la banda real no ha vuelvo a Latinoamerica desde 2018
@@siphoningstrike2248 pero estuvo bueno el concierto, acá como pais pequeño no suelen venir muchas bandas, se aprecia de todo.
@@NewTechGuatemala No deberías celebrar a un pillo que se robó el nombre y concepto de una banda.
A masterpiece of masterpieces
ребята! отлично! блэк-метал!!! в сердце!
Most beautiful intro ever articulated
es una obra maestra me encanta este album. alabado sea Batushka
I still miss my good old friend who got me into this type of songs...