Hello, I don't understand your question very well. Could you please provide a bit more explanation? If you have more in-depth issues with ECS, feel free to contact us via: www.stormit.cloud/contact/
Hi I need your help in setup it like lambda where i don't know how much traffic I can receive at which time. Please give me your email so I can connect with you Thank you
Is desired number of tasks should always between the min & max number of tasks?
Hello, I don't understand your question very well. Could you please provide a bit more explanation? If you have more in-depth issues with ECS, feel free to contact us via: www.stormit.cloud/contact/
If your looking to use autoscaling with ECS. Desired tasks should be the same as min.
Hi I need your help in setup it like lambda where i don't know how much traffic I can receive at which time. Please give me your email so I can connect with you
Thank you
Hello, you can contact us via the form here: www.stormit.cloud/contact/ or write to info@stormit.cloud.