You can spam wrath as a filler for mana with master shapeshifter, especially now that you don't need to shapeshift in to Moonkin anymore. I don't see mana being an issue ever if you play well.
@@Pokerit we will see how it iwll work in TWW but in DF it was not so goood as you end on spaming wrath.... and other healers hel so you stay way behind....
I like resto druid in 5 man content, it feels great but raid playstyle is so different and more difficult. I also like druid for being the prime "hot healer" and the treants deviate from that for more instant throughput. It's not like the treants ever have been a choice since it was implemented even when it sits on a choice node just because it's so strong.
Question. If you have rampant regrowth would that also give you the 8% damage reduction
Yep! if you have lifebloom on yourself and regrowth someone else,. the one that applies to yourself gives you DR
mana is always issue for ride for dudu... that is main problem
You can spam wrath as a filler for mana with master shapeshifter, especially now that you don't need to shapeshift in to Moonkin anymore. I don't see mana being an issue ever if you play well.
@@Pokerit we will see how it iwll work in TWW but in DF it was not so goood as you end on spaming wrath.... and other healers hel so you stay way behind....
I like resto druid in 5 man content, it feels great but raid playstyle is so different and more difficult. I also like druid for being the prime "hot healer" and the treants deviate from that for more instant throughput. It's not like the treants ever have been a choice since it was implemented even when it sits on a choice node just because it's so strong.
yee they are growing on me but Im just not a huge fan really
I’m so sad now I love RDruid 😢
I’ll be testing it in raid tomorrow and getting some footage hopefully I was dead wrong!
stupid video, dont be sad.. dudu wil be good!