Nice! ESP32 can track to 8 channels that way. Please consider doing a way to work and cache counting when wifi is offline - or please update me if this is not problem at all. I sill do similar projest but with S0+ from energy meter.
The X1 connector can be used to read up to 4 meters. There is no specific pinout for it as long as one wire of the meter goes to GND and another goes to one of the X1 pins (which are then routed to ESP32 pins 12, 14, 27 & 26).
Hey, I have been trying to read Pulse on ESP32 from 4 meters but due to electromagnetic interference, pulse on 1 GPIO pins causes Pulse Counter on others as well.
@@artemkalinchuk Yes I'm using CAT6. Since its a reed switch it, get multiple high-low when there is a pulse from meter. I have tried to stop that with counter and debounce, but unable to stop the reading on other GPIO pins. I'm using GPIO pins 35, 25, 26, 27 for Pulse reading. Could it be because of wrong GPIO pins?
Wemos D1 Mini who works on ESP8266 have a conflict when we use both PulseCounter + PulseMeter on the same PIN. PulseCounter not see impulses and I ignore it. We choose PC or PM and I select a Pulse_Meter who work OK. In your code you have the same value but you can discover that PulseMeter see strange additional digits after dot.
I'm not very familiar with Wemos D1 Mini. Maybe it's just an issue with that specific device. Is there a reason why you're using it instead of ESP32? Have you tried a different pin just in case the pin you're using is having interference?
@@artemkalinchuk It's small and be easy mount into 1module in electric box, it have modification know as LoLin who can be on battery easy... and I have 10 both of them :).
I have not thought of building an actual PCB because of it's simplicity but I might consider it if there is enough demand for it. How much are you willing to pay for an unstuffed board? Trying to gauge the viability of the proposal.
@@artemkalinchuk well let’s start at the base your time and effort are worth something obviously but the cost of goods are somewhat fixed. What would it cost you in materials? Say from pcb way or something. This way you wouldn’t have to solder stuff yourself
@@artemkalinchuk I always like to give credit where credit is due due! I know 0 about board design but have some ideas on how you could market this. I think if you could keep the overall cost low you could make some good $
Nice, Where did you get the enclosure box for din rail mount?
Amazon, I think.
Nice! ESP32 can track to 8 channels that way. Please consider doing a way to work and cache counting when wifi is offline - or please update me if this is not problem at all. I sill do similar projest but with S0+ from energy meter.
What happens now if the wifi is offline? I wonder if caching is something that can be configured with the pulse_counter plugin.
Thank you for the video. Could you please provide the pinout for X1 connector?
The X1 connector can be used to read up to 4 meters. There is no specific pinout for it as long as one wire of the meter goes to GND and another goes to one of the X1 pins (which are then routed to ESP32 pins 12, 14, 27 & 26).
@@artemkalinchuk Thank you.
Hey, I have been trying to read Pulse on ESP32 from 4 meters but due to electromagnetic interference, pulse on 1 GPIO pins causes Pulse Counter on others as well.
Have you tried using shielded wire for the meters?
@@artemkalinchuk Yes I'm using CAT6. Since its a reed switch it, get multiple high-low when there is a pulse from meter. I have tried to stop that with counter and debounce, but unable to stop the reading on other GPIO pins. I'm using GPIO pins 35, 25, 26, 27 for Pulse reading. Could it be because of wrong GPIO pins?
@@justdoingodswork Try using the pins that I was using in the video and see if that helps.
I am getting the following error when trying to run this code " Pin 26 is used in multiple places". Any ideas?
Hmm, not sure. What if you feed the meter into two separate pins and use those pins in your configuration?
@@artemkalinchuk was thinking the same thing! Thanks for the tutorial
use the setting "Allow other uses": - see example below.
number: GPIO26
allow_other_uses: true
Wemos D1 Mini who works on ESP8266 have a conflict when we use both PulseCounter + PulseMeter on the same PIN.
PulseCounter not see impulses and I ignore it. We choose PC or PM and I select a Pulse_Meter who work OK.
In your code you have the same value but you can discover that PulseMeter see strange additional digits after dot.
I'm not very familiar with Wemos D1 Mini. Maybe it's just an issue with that specific device. Is there a reason why you're using it instead of ESP32? Have you tried a different pin just in case the pin you're using is having interference?
@@artemkalinchuk It's small and be easy mount into 1module in electric box, it have modification know as LoLin who can be on battery easy... and I have 10 both of them :).
@@SiBex_ovh That makes sense. I have never used it but I'll be checking it out for sure.
Ever thought of selling one of these boards to the public? I am Interested in one
I have not thought of building an actual PCB because of it's simplicity but I might consider it if there is enough demand for it. How much are you willing to pay for an unstuffed board? Trying to gauge the viability of the proposal.
@@artemkalinchuk well let’s start at the base your time and effort are worth something obviously but the cost of goods are somewhat fixed. What would it cost you in materials? Say from pcb way or something. This way you wouldn’t have to solder stuff yourself
@@Dead_Aim556I think I could get it fabricated for under $10 a piece (plus shipping). Have you considered making a Gerber file for it yourself?
@@artemkalinchuk I always like to give credit where credit is due due! I know 0 about board design but have some ideas on how you could market this. I think if you could keep the overall cost low you could make some good $
I think this would be a good project to start learning about PCB design since it’s fairly simple. Check out KiCAD.