  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
  • (20 Sep 2000) Natural Sound
    Peace talks for Burundi, organised by Nelson Mandela, and hosted by Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi started on Wednesday in Nairobi.
    The talks inspired optimism for a long awaited peace accord between the various fighting factions within Burundi.
    But a key Burundi rebel leader failed to turn up for the talks, sending an aide instead, scuttling hopes of achieving a ceasefire in the central African nation any time soon.
    Nevertheless Mandela was able to secure the signatures of the three Tutsi parties who had refused to sign the power sharing agreement forged last month.
    Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi opened Burundi peace talks on Wednesday in Nairobi.
    At the start of the talks, attended by his counterparts from Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, President arap Moi made an initial plea to the delegates gathered to stop the killing in Africa.
    SOUNDBITE: (English)
    "Let not, Europeans from Europe, to think we Africans don't care about life. A responsible person who would like to be a leader should never think of murdering another person, particularly an innocent one."
    SUPER CAPTION: President Daniel arap Moi, President of Kenya
    Mandela had summoned the rebel groups to Nairobi in hopes of finalizing a power-sharing agreement reached last month and establishing a ceasefire.
    The former president of South Africa had brokered the deal last month between Burundi President, Pierre Buyoya's government, the army, seven Hutu political parties and seven of 10 Tutsi parties.
    The groups agreed to an ethnically balanced military and legislature as well as a transitional government until elections can be held in three years.
    In recent weeks fighting in Burundi has intensified.
    On Wednesday Mandela was able to secure the signatures of the remaining three Tutsi parties who had refused to sign the power sharing agreement on August 28.
    But, in spite of pressure from Mandela, Buyoya and the rebels made it clear that they are not ready to sign a ceasefire, considered to be the most difficult issue in the peace process.
    Burundi's civil war began in 1993 when paratroopers from the Tutsi-dominated army assassinated the country's first democratically elected president, a Hutu.
    More than 200 thousand people, mostly civilians, have been killed in attacks by the army and the rebels.
    Mandela had hoped the talks would bring at least an informal agreement to stop fighting but the absence of Jean-Bosco Ndayigenkurukiye, the leader of the main rebel group, the Front for the Defense of Democracy, seriously dented any chances of achieving this.
    Irritated by the Ndayigenkurukiye's absence and fed up with the failure of the government and the rebels to end their seven-year civil war, the regional hosts of the summit gave the parties 30 days to sign a ceasefire or face international sanctions.
    Nations in eastern African imposed regional economic sanctions on Burundi five days after Major Pierre Buyoya staged a bloodless coup in 1996.
    Judged largely ineffective, the sanctions were lifted less than three years later.
    The leader of the National Liberation Front, another hardline Tutsi party, Kabura Cossan, did attend Wednesday's talks, but rejected the key provisions of the Arusha agreement and said a ceasefire was only possible if the terms were renegotiated.
    But Mandela, happy to have secured the signatures of the remaining three Tutsi parties on the power sharing agreement remained optimistic that this could lead to further solutions.
    SOUNDBITE: (English)
    "And I'm confident that that will solve the problems arising today as well."
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  • @ControlRighh
    @ControlRighh Місяць тому

    En wanneer jy uit jou familie geword het, sal die gelowiges geassosieer word En die gelowiges aan jou toevertrou, en ons sal jou help 'n Duisende eienaars Gabriel, Magiel, Esraville en Azrael is twee jaar As jy geduldig en gevrees is, en hulle sal van hul voete af na jou toe kom En jou harte is gerus daaroor, en die oorwinning is net van God, die dierbare, die wyse Na hartseer 'n Sekuriteit is 'n slaperigheid wat 'n sekte van jou en 'n groep wat dalk hul siele het, mislei. God is in hulleself verborge wat hulle nie aan jou sien nie, sou hulle sê as ons niks met ons te doen gehad het nie wat in julle harte is En God is Alwetend van wat in julle borste is.
    15. Elke siel sal die dood smaak, maar jy sal ten volle beloon word op die Dag van Opstanding. So wie ook al van die Vuur opgeneem word, het sukses behaal, en wat is die lewe van niks anders nie. Ek het aan die einde van toespraak, opheldering en oordeel gekom met waarheid, geregtigheid en regverdigheid tussen mense en U regverdige dienaars wat verenig is in U goddelikheid en hierdie Heerskappy. Mag God se seëninge en vrede op ons Meester Mohammed en sy familie wees en metgeselle Ons almal en diegene wat Hom in geregtigheid volg tot op die Dag van Oordeel☝️☝️🤲🤲☝️☝️

  • @bnkundwa
    @bnkundwa 4 роки тому +1

    1492 is an important date in the history of Burundi with the end of the reign of King Kilima.