It's nice work interesting technique my only suggestion would be to offset your laser cutting by the width of the curve of the laser will make a perfect fit in your parts I have been using a laser for inlay for almost 5 years it really makes a big difference many software programs have an automatic offset you pick the line and tell it how much to move it to the right or to the left it is typically known in the CNC world is cutter compensation
Yay! 🌟 very cool 🌟 Thanks so much for making this video & sharing your magic 🌟✨✨✨
Gorgeous! Bravo 👏
Wow this is incredible! What beautiful artwork!
Vero very good! Thank by Marco
Incredible ❤
WOW, amazing work. You just earned a new subscriber. GREAT job.
Wonderful. What are you using to affix the background to the steel and why does the wast parts not stick. Again I love the look.
Beautiful work Ben!
What paper do you use to hold the veneer?
Hi, what is this masking/ transferring paper you use ?
It's nice work interesting technique my only suggestion would be to offset your laser cutting by the width of the curve of the laser will make a perfect fit in your parts I have been using a laser for inlay for almost 5 years it really makes a big difference many software programs have an automatic offset you pick the line and tell it how much to move it to the right or to the left it is typically known in the CNC world is cutter compensation
I have to say that I like the look of there kerf when placed on the steel as one of the design elements.
No handmade