  • Опубліковано 24 жов 2024


  • @vivianzems8406
    @vivianzems8406 7 днів тому +35

    My Notes :
    1. Scripture Focus: Romans 5:17
    "For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ."
    Apostle Arome begins by introducing the theme of righteousness, emphasising that righteousness is a gift from God, received by grace. This gift of righteousness comes through Jesus Christ, and it allows us to stand before God accepted. By this gift, we are enabled to live victorious lives, reigning over sin, the flesh, and the challenges of this world.
    Key Point: The gift of righteousness is a positional advantage that places believers in a state of acceptance before God, allowing us to approach Him without condemnation.
    2. The Gift of Righteousness: Christ in Us
    Scripture Focus: 1 John 3:2-7
    "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure."
    "Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous."
    Apostle Arome points out that righteousness is both a gift and a walk. While Christ’s righteousness is imputed to us, we are also called to live righteously. The passage from 1 John warns believers not to be deceived into thinking that receiving the gift of righteousness exempts them from living righteously.
    Key Point: Righteousness is not only a positional gift but also a practical reality that must be demonstrated through righteous living. Believers are called to purify themselves and walk in righteousness as Christ is righteous.
    3. Righteousness: Walking in Purpose and Godliness
    Scripture Focus: 1 Corinthians 15:9-10
    "For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me."
    Apostle highlights that grace is not just a passive gift; it empowers us to labour in God’s purpose. Paul testifies that he worked harder than other apostles, but it was not through his own strength-it was through the grace of God.
    Key Point: Grace is the divine empowerment that enables believers to fulfil their purpose in God. It gives us the ability to labour and produce good works that glorify God and fulfil His will.
    4. The Works of Righteousness: Labour Empowered by Grace
    **Righteousness is more than a gift; it is also a work. Apostle Arome stresses that the works we perform in our Christian life-driven by the grace of God-are key to fulfilling our purpose and manifesting God's will on earth.
    The works of righteousness are the visible evidence of the grace we have received. These works are not just religious activities but the labour that flows from a life aligned with God's purpose.
    Key Point: The works of righteousness include our labour in God’s Kingdom, and they will be evaluated at the Judgment Seat of Christ. The quality of our works will determine our reward in eternity.
    5. The Role of Discipline in Achieving Righteousness
    Scripture Focus: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
    "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway."
    Apostle Arome explains that achieving righteousness in practice requires discipline. Just as athletes discipline their bodies to win a race, believers must discipline their bodies and subdue their fleshly desires to pursue righteous living. Apostle Paul’s example shows that even after preaching to others, he disciplined himself to ensure he would not be disqualified.
    Key Point: Righteousness involves self-discipline and controlling the flesh. We must intentionally subject our bodies and desires to the will of God in order to receive the eternal reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
    6. The Choices We Make: Righteousness or Worldliness
    Scripture Focus: Hebrews 11:24-26
    "By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward."
    Apostle uses Moses as an example of choosing righteousness over the pleasures of sin. Moses deliberately chose to suffer with God’s people rather than enjoy the temporary pleasures of the world because he was focused on the eternal reward.
    Key Point: Living righteously often requires making hard choices, such as rejecting the fleeting pleasures of sin in favour of suffering for Christ. The decisions we make today will have eternal consequences, and we must keep our eyes on the reward.
    7. Running the Race with Eternity in View
    Scripture Focus: Matthew 7:21-23
    "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
    Apostle Arome warns that it is possible to be deceived into thinking we are doing God’s will, only to be rejected at the Judgment Seat of Christ. It is not enough to perform religious acts or appear righteous outwardly; true righteousness involves doing the will of the Father.
    Key Point: Religious activities without submission to God’s will are meaningless. Only those who truly do the will of God will receive a favourable judgment. We must be careful not to fall into self-deception, thinking that works done for personal gain or recognition will count in eternity.
    8. Conclusion:
    Apostle concludes by reminding believers that righteousness is both a gift and a walk. While we have received righteousness through Christ, we are called to live in a way that reflects that righteousness through our works and labour in the Kingdom of God.
    Final Thought: We must pursue a life of righteousness, make hard choices, discipline ourselves, and keep our eyes on the eternal reward. At the Judgment Seat of Christ, our works will be evaluated, and only those who have lived according to God’s will will receive the reward.

  • @Just4JesusGospel
    @Just4JesusGospel 7 днів тому +30

    I encourage you not to simply watch the video and pass by; instead, take the time to jot down notes and carefully review the scriptures presented actively. I personally find that I watch this 4 to 5 times, and with each viewing, I discover new insights that resonate deeply with me. Being a dedicated student of the Spirit is essential so you can truly benefit from these teachings. As challenging times lie ahead, nourishing your spirit and mind is crucial to navigate the coming difficult days effectively. Engaging with this content regularly will prepare you to withstand periods of spiritual famine. Eat now, for the journey is far. Eat again.

  • @ProsperOnyemauche
    @ProsperOnyemauche 7 днів тому +49

    Daddy arome keep discipling us from a far I tell you your children are many daddy, and the will mount up with wings like valians flinging the banner of righteousness

    • @ngoziokeya569
      @ngoziokeya569 7 днів тому +2

      Yes oooo. We are more than many. Pastor Ng watching from Abuja

    • @JonathanDivineTapisha-v6j
      @JonathanDivineTapisha-v6j 7 днів тому +1

      We are many

    • @rachaelnkwagala9824
      @rachaelnkwagala9824 5 днів тому

      I'm Watching from uganda

    • @joshuakibirige2268
      @joshuakibirige2268 4 дні тому

      🇺🇬 🇺🇬 🇺🇬

    • @EjehJoseph-z7c
      @EjehJoseph-z7c 2 дні тому +2

      My life is for Jesus. Thank you for being a blessing to the body of Christ. Today zeal my zeal towards God has rise again. I thank God for you sir. Indeed the kingdom of God can never be moved.

  • @IreritemDavidOfere
    @IreritemDavidOfere 7 днів тому +16

    The rise of an African Apostle Paul ❤❤❤

  • @S.Naohmie
    @S.Naohmie 7 днів тому +13

    Many will not like this message because they are comfortable and happy to live in sin, this word carries weight

  • @AmandaRentzYeshuasaves
    @AmandaRentzYeshuasaves 7 днів тому +7

    Bless you Arome, my husband and I are greatly appreciative of your teachings

  • @godsown8624
    @godsown8624 7 днів тому +32

    Brethren please let's go over the message as many times as possible. Open the scriptures Apostle shared and read yourselves.
    1 John 3:3-4 GW
    [3] So all people who have this confidence in Christ KEEP themselves pure, as Christ is pure. [4] Those who live sinful lives are disobeying God. Sin is disobedience.
    May God help us all.

  • @ngandwegabriella7586
    @ngandwegabriella7586 7 днів тому +10

    Watching from Zambia. So blessed and addicted to Apostle's lectures.

  • @vascodausse8880
    @vascodausse8880 7 днів тому +10

    Words are not emough to express my gratitude to God for these series. Apostle you're a blessing to me. watching from Mozambique

  • @ProgressDevangelist
    @ProgressDevangelist 7 днів тому +7

    I bless the day I clicked on your video for the first time and I’ve stayed all this while, I am glad to be privileged by God to be a participant of this series. It was really made for such a time as this.

  • @elishayarig1061
    @elishayarig1061 7 днів тому +5

    Glory to God 🙏
    I'm being nourished in the Spirit and Blessed. God bless you Apostle!

  • @sidumisilensimango9446
    @sidumisilensimango9446 7 днів тому +7

    Apostle I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have woken me up from a deep sleep. May God bless you and your family.

  • @femiadepitan4860
    @femiadepitan4860 7 днів тому +6

    Watching from USA - The State of Ohio. God Bless Apostle Arome Osayi - amen.

  • @RevivalFlames_Global
    @RevivalFlames_Global 7 днів тому +7

    🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷 Liberia.... God Preserve and Multiple you, your labours and Your Horn for this generation sir. I Love You

  • @sonofGod12348
    @sonofGod12348 7 днів тому +6


  • @mariemudenda9095
    @mariemudenda9095 7 днів тому +8

    Watching from Zambia. So much blessed information has been shared from part 1, I am learning a lot. May God be glorified forever.

  • @prosperbuzugbe8838
    @prosperbuzugbe8838 7 днів тому +6

    Thank you our beloved Apostle... our prayers are with you.. we are strengthened by your ministry

  • @alpacino1447
    @alpacino1447 7 днів тому +5

    Watching from Turkey. God bless you Sir for your time and effort you are investing to ensure we hear the truth

  • @LovethSimon-o6u
    @LovethSimon-o6u 7 днів тому +5

    My heart burns while watching this series.

  • @mobalance4736
    @mobalance4736 7 днів тому +5

    Courage to choose God's way.. hard but he sees us through.South Africa

  • @MavisChinungwe
    @MavisChinungwe 7 днів тому +4

    Thank you to father for this mandate that you've given to your servant apostle osayi, we honour the grace upon your life sir, 🙏🙏🙏

  • @penielgc
    @penielgc 7 днів тому +6

    A man that has a reward in view will make choices 🙏

  • @florafaithnuli2841
    @florafaithnuli2841 7 днів тому +4

    Thank God for apostle Arome! Watching from Poland 🇵🇱

  • @goodluckonyia2212
    @goodluckonyia2212 6 днів тому +4

    Amen and amen Apostle
    The Lord bless you for all you do for the kingdom
    You have been a great blessing to me beyond what words could describe and to many the world over.
    We follow you as you follow Jesus Christ.
    Looking forward to meeting you in person some day.
    Great grace Apostle!

  • @romeodavis3068
    @romeodavis3068 7 днів тому +8

    Watching from Uganda may God bless you

  • @marykatushabe7205
    @marykatushabe7205 6 днів тому +2

    Following from Uganda... Thank you sir for the great teaching

  • @newdimensiondisciples
    @newdimensiondisciples 7 днів тому +5

    Americans need to wake up and hear .. so privileged to connect ..

  • @engracemusic
    @engracemusic 7 днів тому +4

    Watching from Lagos Nigeria🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  • @bennieEjims
    @bennieEjims 2 дні тому

    As apostle Paul later became a true disciple of Gamaliel, may the Lord raise many of us whose lives will manifest glory of investment to our Father-God... And may the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. Amen.

  • @IamYakira
    @IamYakira 4 дні тому

    Being blessed greatly by these lectures, can't wait for more. Thank you, Apostle Arome Osayi.

  • @Kin_tvofficial
    @Kin_tvofficial 7 днів тому +3

    Thank you so much Daddy, may God keep you till the end.🙏

  • @penielgc
    @penielgc 7 днів тому +4

    Grace empowers us to labour🔥🔥🔥

  • @merym64
    @merym64 7 днів тому +4

    This format is really good 😊, thank you Apostle for taking the time and commitment to disciple us
    Blessings, watching from Perú, South America

  • @rehabmobilept
    @rehabmobilept 7 днів тому +5

    Watching from USA. God bless you

  • @YomiSowumi
    @YomiSowumi 7 днів тому +2

    God bless you Apostle.
    Please keep discipling
    the Church and deliver us from ignorance.
    Thank you.🙏

    @MINENHLEMASEKO-u2o 7 днів тому +3

    Watching from South Africa, may God bless you.

  • @pascalamanga3457
    @pascalamanga3457 7 днів тому +2

    Watching from Congo 🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩

  • @dannyboynyarko7403
    @dannyboynyarko7403 7 днів тому +2

    God continue to increase His grace upon you as you give yourself for the body of Christ

  • @penielgc
    @penielgc 7 днів тому +3

    Reward is according to labour not platform 🔥

  • @laizkyro7592
    @laizkyro7592 7 днів тому +2

    Love you, daddy

  • @tetteykobena90
    @tetteykobena90 7 днів тому +2

    Oh Lord Jesus thank you for this great platform

  • @samuelatadegbe9335
    @samuelatadegbe9335 7 днів тому +2


  • @almondjoshua
    @almondjoshua 7 днів тому +2

    I choose to work in Righteousness

  • @97dr97
    @97dr97 7 днів тому +2

    This answers the question of once saved always saved. Therefore should we even refer to ourselves as saved? We are in the process of being saved as we walk in righteousness.

    • @stephenoyejide8091
      @stephenoyejide8091 7 днів тому

      Just as everyone who has this hope in himself purifies himself AS he is pure, so we are saved, we are being saved and we shall be saved at the coming of the Lord

  • @abwaojohn5724
    @abwaojohn5724 6 днів тому

    Thank you man of God for your dedication to teach the gospel. God bless you. Watching from funyula Kenya

  • @queenesther9817
    @queenesther9817 4 дні тому

    Thank you so much for this teaching series because it releases us from being stuck and going round in circles. It opens up the pathways for us to make progress in our work and service to The Lord. Thank you so much Apostle; God bless you and your household mightily indeed.

    @THE-SERAPH-TIME 7 днів тому +2

    God bless you sir, thank you sir ❤

  • @pamelashivambo5204
    @pamelashivambo5204 7 днів тому +2

    Am soo blessed connecting to the Teachings of agreat servant of God,you bring us fresh food in time ❤

  • @gbengaolabode8409
    @gbengaolabode8409 День тому

    God bless you with more grace sir

  • @ilemonaobaka2122
    @ilemonaobaka2122 6 днів тому

    Thank you apostle,this teaching is making me have a new sense of responsibility,a sense of duty to live godly in fear and awe of the Lord and meet him as my savior

  • @betikaable
    @betikaable 6 днів тому +1


  • @ndzialphosecortcort9151
    @ndzialphosecortcort9151 7 днів тому +2

    I will keep my eyes fixed on the reward.

  • @mulengachirambo7415
    @mulengachirambo7415 6 днів тому

    Amen. I'm looking forward to Tuesday

  • @evancetabu1041
    @evancetabu1041 7 днів тому +2

    Amen 🙏🏿 though late but I am watching the video now🇰🇪

  • @Salome-19
    @Salome-19 6 днів тому

    God bless you sir more of God's grace sir 🙏🙏🙏

  • @florencemakena2268
    @florencemakena2268 2 дні тому

    Following from Kenya 🇰🇪

  • @ojiabocomfort5378
    @ojiabocomfort5378 7 днів тому +1

    God help me to live right to the end

  • @memorymwanyenyeka3132
    @memorymwanyenyeka3132 7 днів тому +1

    Thank you so much your teacheing is amazing powerful thank you

  • @somtojoel2583
    @somtojoel2583 7 днів тому +2

    Thank you sir...🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬

  • @grace-filledmissionintl1947
    @grace-filledmissionintl1947 5 днів тому

    Thank You Daddy

  • @CaptainPhilipMusic
    @CaptainPhilipMusic 7 днів тому +1

    AMEN and AMEN.
    I believe there is no better time for us to realize that we are at the very tail end of the Last Days and thus this teaching on the Word, Walk and Works of Righteousness can not be overemphasized.
    Thank you so very much Apostle for always yielding to the Holy Spirit. These teachings so far has been a great enlightenment for me as it relates to understanding the Bible especially the parables of Jesus which connotes there is a DAY of Reckoning and Accountability.
    I must add too that the background music is highly spirited as it creates the same atmosphere of God's Presence everywhere.
    The LORD JESUS Who has called you, Whose you are and Whom you serve continue to keep you strong and empower you with His Grace. Amen.

    • @manonfire7675
      @manonfire7675 6 днів тому

      Totally agree with you brother. Amen!

  • @penielgc
    @penielgc 7 днів тому +1

    The blessing of the LORD be upon you: we bless you in the name of the LORD.

  • @mulengachirambo7415
    @mulengachirambo7415 6 днів тому

    Tuned in from Lusaka Zambia 🇿🇲

  • @lazarusnnaji9796
    @lazarusnnaji9796 7 днів тому +1

    Thank you, sir

  • @GenelleFowler
    @GenelleFowler 6 днів тому

    Excellent! Thank you

  • @peterglory4490
    @peterglory4490 6 днів тому

    Thank you Daddy.

  • @mulengachirambo7415
    @mulengachirambo7415 6 днів тому

    Desiring Godliness is the proof of the receipt of the gift of righteousness

  • @catherinewairimu4420
    @catherinewairimu4420 7 днів тому +2

    Amen 🙏🙏

  • @leynajacob1874
    @leynajacob1874 7 днів тому +2

    Watching from Mozambique....

  • @S.Naohmie
    @S.Naohmie 7 днів тому +1

    10:46 I am so Glad that this is in the Bible

  • @CharlesKorie-c6c
    @CharlesKorie-c6c 7 днів тому +1

    God bless you sir

  • @olabisidurojaiye
    @olabisidurojaiye 6 днів тому

    Godsown well said. God bless you

  • @Martha-bg3ny
    @Martha-bg3ny 7 днів тому

    Amen. Thank you very Apostle Arome. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself keep you and Reverend Dinah. Happy marriage anniversary 🎉

  • @mulengachirambo7415
    @mulengachirambo7415 6 днів тому

    I hear you sir.

  • @victoronodjacha3642
    @victoronodjacha3642 7 днів тому

    Great teaching! So much needed! God bless you, sir!

  • @tresorkitalungandwe5152
    @tresorkitalungandwe5152 6 днів тому

    Amen,thank u apostle arome for the powerful teachings

  • @wisdomdarko7036
    @wisdomdarko7036 6 днів тому

    Make I choice!

  • @thomasmwangi3666
    @thomasmwangi3666 7 днів тому +1

    Amen Apostle

  • @S.Naohmie
    @S.Naohmie 7 днів тому +1

    35:07 amen I receive Grace to serve his will 🙏🏽🔥

  • @hellenmoshiya450
    @hellenmoshiya450 7 днів тому +1

    Amen 🙌🏾

  • @Solutionworld2
    @Solutionworld2 7 днів тому

    I thank God for your life Daddy

  • @amplifiedvoiceofrevivalmin9521
    @amplifiedvoiceofrevivalmin9521 7 днів тому +1

    This is Timely

  • @dattiayelevi7370
    @dattiayelevi7370 6 днів тому

    I love Apostle Osayi ❤❤❤

  • @wisdomdarko7036
    @wisdomdarko7036 6 днів тому

    Amen God bless you richly Papa

  • @wisdomdarko7036
    @wisdomdarko7036 6 днів тому

    I have my eyes on the reward

  • @mm9342
    @mm9342 5 днів тому

    Please come to Jamaica

  • @menorahcloud
    @menorahcloud 7 днів тому

    God bless you Father

  • @mawesmo
    @mawesmo 7 днів тому

    Thank you Jesus

  • @dedo8161
    @dedo8161 7 днів тому +2


  • @Just4JesusGospel
    @Just4JesusGospel 7 днів тому +2

    Don't forget to Like and share

  • @mulengachirambo7415
    @mulengachirambo7415 6 днів тому


  • @YvettePhilip
    @YvettePhilip 7 днів тому +1

    Amen 🙏🇹🇹

  • @OduniyiGbenga
    @OduniyiGbenga 7 днів тому

    Thank you sir for exposing us to this profound truth of God's word. Can't wait for the next line of teaching.
    I have a question sir. What will now be the fate of those Jesus said should depart from him, the workers of iniquity. Am really curious sir🙏

  • @innodinsomadubuike9927
    @innodinsomadubuike9927 7 днів тому

    I do enjoy this deliberate effort to lift up this so much trampled upon, and neglected issue of RIGHTEOUSNESS among Christianity professors of the present day.
    But, I have issue with the presentation from Matthew 7:22-23.
    My question is -- will workers of iniquity still have access to heaven/kingdom of God since someone was once born again?
    "I never know you"
    "Depart from me"
    "You workers of iniquity"
    The above highlights were from the very lips of the Lord Jesus.
    Apostle Arome should clarify.

    • @godsown8624
      @godsown8624 7 днів тому +1

      Keep your question close by. He said that there would be opportunities for question and answer.

  • @S.Naohmie
    @S.Naohmie 7 днів тому +1

    7:06 🔥

  • @elnyandoro
    @elnyandoro 7 днів тому +2

    Retake from UK

  • @AmandaRentzYeshuasaves
    @AmandaRentzYeshuasaves 7 днів тому

    No one should be calling him daddy or father only call the Lord our father - our heavenly Father! God bless, shalom !

  • @S.Naohmie
    @S.Naohmie 7 днів тому +2

    21:37 this is not lazy Christianity 😭

  • @samboarnold611
    @samboarnold611 4 дні тому


  • @S.Naohmie
    @S.Naohmie 7 днів тому +2

    20:51 📌