They really need a setting/option to increase render distance for those who can handle it. The render distance right now feels very low, especially for some of the more open maps.
NexusMods has a mod to increase render distance to 750m, so there must be something that can be tweaked in the game files. It shouldn't be impossible for them to put a setting in the options menu for people who don't want to mess around with mods.
I would love to see trail cams and feeders especially trail cams for grinds so you could check your exterior zones and that the animal would get bigger as time went on
I would like the Map to have a drop-down menu to filter markers by species. Silencers/Suppressors would also be cool. A bit faster walking speed would also be nice. Small Game Great Ones! xD
Greater Kudu, Hyena, Eland, Rooibok (All current species abundant in Africa) | Class 9 only .50 Cal modern rifle | Resting rods, cushions or tri/bi-pods for more stability on long-range shots | Callers for more species such as Goats | More time related information on trailing an animal like "approx 5 min ago", .etc |
I would really like it if they'd add some more species on the Africa map. Like: Impala, Greater Kudu, Eland, Zebra, Nile Crocs, Leopard just to name a few
Elephants, duiker, klipspringer, steenbok, giraffe and wild dogs would be very cool. Especially the wild dogs because they are in packs and they will most likely try to attack you which will give you a bit of a challenge.
I would rather have one higher quality map, chokes for shotguns, more small game….. DOVES,squirrels, opossums, amrmadillos, snakes, prairie dogs, gophers, groundhogs,beavers,….. Akins with that add trapping. Haven’t seen trapping that I’m aware of set some traps as your scouting water for zones would be cool, have to come back and check your traps this would be a good reason to use trail cameras
I would love another source of transportation other than the ATVs. I think horses would be an awesome addition, they could be quieter than the ATVs but still faster than on-foot travel. The ATVs always spook everything before you can even render them in! I bet you could even use the horses on any map. Awesome video lady!
The main thing I want are pointers. I have hunted with pointers multiple times in real life and they are amazing for upland birds. They can flush birds, point at birds, finish off wounded birds and retrive them. I know of some that can also even track big game like deer. I think a lot of people would like them and they would make hunting upland game a lot more fun.
I think seasonal trophies would be absolutely amazing to see in game! Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Werewolves, Easter Bunnies, Unicorns, etc. Something they can add for a few weeks and if you don’t get them, better luck next year! It would be silly but fun.
5 years ago there was the Halloween Mission on three Maps. They are also Steam achievments! and suddenly they we're removed from the Game. I asked EW how to get those achievments now, but they answered only that those Halloween Missions have been removed years ago. So I think they do Not want to have such temporary Missions or animals in the Game due to several reasons.
I think a Norwegian Elkhound would be a better addition. They’re lesser known but there are some properly _insane_ videos online of them drawing out monster Moose. They go into the brush & annoy them until they charge & then they bring the Moose to you.
More dogs, more air rifles, more muzzle loaders, and more bows. There are so many varieties of tools out there that i would love to see more details. And a spotting scope with longer range.
Lady what the game needs is more spawns, prices for Rifles etc to be made a bit or quite a bit cheaper, all of the Animals added to the Digital Game Caller, and Deer Feeders and Predator Baiting. That's all the Gripes I currently have with this game. After I got the Game Caller, Portable Stand, and the .308 AR, things got quite a bit easier for me.
For suggestion is a little unorthodox but I've been saying it for years now. I think a prehistoric mammal map be a game changer. So many perks to do this. 1. It would bring a lot of players back. 2. It would allow them to put in animals they don't seem comfortable putting in normal maps. Wooly rhinos, mammoths etc. Also things like Irish elk, Saber tooth cats, dire wolves, American lions and so on. Up the aggression on most species and let fun begin! Easy mission scenario where scientist are asking the hunter to try out the viability of the map. One other perk, it possible brings in a while new crowd the game. People who enjoy ark and other prehistoric games. Anyway just something I always wanted. Great video!
I think this should be a totally different game. Don't get me wrong, I would love a prehistoric hunting simulator, but it would destroy the quite realistic feel of the game. (Also in my mind I imagined us playing as a prehistoric human with bows, clubs, spears, slings and such. Maybe add more of a survival element to it as well.)
Its a cool Idea, but for a DLC like. Some cientist was working whit clones and a Saber Cat escaped so you Hunt they Like the New Zeland Mission to Hunt the last moose of the park
More realism in the game would help: Realistic arrow builds and customization Realistic ballistics that truly match the guns we use and so the bullet actually goes through the animal like in real life Ducks and geese actually decoy based on your spread layout Thermal scopes and reworking the nightvision mechanics More weather and season mechanics A career mode per se where you could manage a property and grow a herd of deer like in real life Aging mechanics for animals More tents or at least more outposts to cover the map quicker
I like customizing arrows but i think its supposed to be, compared to real life, very fast paced and i think it would spook a lot of new players when having to deal with bullet ballistics and aging animals. I also feel like people would abuse the aging mechanics
@@Thatkoolgamer1 It could be as easy as a toggle on the gameplay settings to turn on and off to modify their experience to how they want to play the game?
Good points. But I think that arrow builds is for the very few. I do believe that the ballistics are quite realistic - I have tested a number of guns at the range at Hirchfeldden. I would be nice if the bullet went through and could take the animal behind. But I am afraid that that would be VERY complicated to program.
OMG yes, a ballistic re-work would be awesome, we currently have a .44 mag lever gun that levels stuff a 300 yds and a 7mm bolt that lacks penetration at 100 yds LOL.
@@cmibm6022 I don't even think you have to worry about that high level of a 30-06 shooting through 3 deer or whatever. I just think it's ridiculous that actual calibers like the 270 and such can barely get 1 or maybe 2 lungs when in real life it blows through them and can easily drop them on the spot
Great video Lady. I would love it if EW could add a species filter to the map and put discovered rabbit burrows on the map. For DLC think an electric ATV would be awesome.
I would love to see a tracking dog for instance image your tracking a potential max weight then the tracks go in circles and you loose the max weight, I would love a dog that can track footprints of the animal by order of them made so the first one you pick up from then on your hunting dog will track from that footprint forward it would be really helpful for things like turkey that will randomly just fly and you will loose the bird and your time. The dog would be a blue lacy or german shepherd
I really hope that next year 2024 there will be new animals such as (elephants, giraffes, hippos, tigers) because my audience always mentions these animals continuously, because my audience is a minority of children.
I think it would be a bit weird to hunt Elephants it just seems strange they are so big and beautiful I don't think they would fall in to the category of huntable
An Africa 2.0 with zebra, kudu, giraffe, croc, wildebeest, elephant, hippo, and more deer species would be awesome because it would feel like the old Cabela’s games from the 2000s. I personally want bipods to be brought in. A slot carried item that can be deployed for any rifle and immediately eliminate weapon sway. Many hunters use those in real life
Nice video - as usual! I would like two very simple things: 1: The posibility to place more Way Points - red-green-yellow-blue. 2: Better binoculars - say 6-12 magnification - along with longer rendering. To your suggestions: Feeders NO - it will be way too easy. More dogs - very low priority. Longer rendering - would be nice (plus 100 - 200m as you said). Non-typicals - would be very nice. More species - always nice. Trophy pictures - a gimmic of little value. More maps - may be, but I would rather like to see the existing ones improved Customizable lodges - may be - but that is pobably only for a few of us.
What I would love to see is Be able to Use multiple dogs at once and like have the lab to pick up birds and the Hound to track!. And maybe have both dogs work together and drag back 1-3 class animals!!!!
My top three is: 1. New Texas style map with oryx, fallow, whitetail, red deer, cattle, and some birds, maybe something else like axis or a completely new animal 2. New G1, saltwater crocodile G1 would be so cool especially if it had some really cool like scar or fur type with really big teeth to make it special 3. More tents on each map, (Preferably 32 like the stands) it would just make grinding so much easier
I think the Trail Cams would be a great idea. You could have them work like spotting an animal. You set up your cams, then click a button on your huntermate or whatever to view a list of all animals that were spotted in the last timeframe (idk 12 hours maybe) by the trail cam. It gives you the same spotting info and a timestamp beside each listing, and could even include a screenshot to up the realism.
imagine great one would be randomly moving on the map. And to find him you would get msgs from NPC and from ur Trail cams. In huntermate you could filter certain species or their levels, so you wouldnt get milions of pictures daily. It could be a bit annoying to browse pictures on huntermate in game instead of shooting stuff. If Trailcams were added to map. And if they take picture of certain animal u filtered you would just get notification on the huntermate and if u open map you would see it where it was taken and if you had very density network of trail cams thats how you would find great ones. The game would just forced us to walk in the forest instead of teleporting between tents.
The render distance is definitely my top “must-have”! It would require a rework of every animal in the game and how the game handles animals not in your render. But, I think that’s why EW slowed down the map creation. It’s hard to completely alter the game and focus on a new map and focus on a new great one and focus on seasonal content and focus on bugs! Hopefully they can figure something out. Games have completely altered the code in the past. Just look at what CD Projekt Red was able to do with Cyberpunk 2077!
The things I would like, in no particular order: -Better inventory system when adding things to your pack. It is a real pain to have to go threw all your weapons when you want a gun that is on the bottom of the list. And then go threw all the ammo to get to the one that is for that gun. Why is buying the weapons/ammo so much easier to navigate then putting the stuff in your inventory? -A better crossbow scope. The current scope is awful. The red dots are way to large and it only has 3 pins. Most scopes for crossbows have 4 or more lines on it. It doesn't make sense for a "legendary" hunter to use the worse scope he could find. -A first focal plane (ffp) scope. I highly doubt this will ever get in the game, most hunters wouldn't bother with one (or even know what it is). But it would be nice to have. If not a ffp scope at least a scope with mil marks on it, like most modern scopes have. -More air rifles. Would be really cool to have an assortment of air rifles to cover more classes. Maybe even an airbow that would use the new crossbow scope. -Better buckshot. Right now there is very little reason to use buckshot. The range is very short, the spread is too large, and the penetration is crap. It is way to risky to use it on any trophy animal because you have a high chance to hit the head even at close ranges. Maybe introduce a new flight controlled version of buckshot. If not that then add the ability to use chokes on shotguns. -A .410 shotgun along with slug/buckshot ammo for it. -Make shotguns better in general. Why is the recoil and accuracy the same on every shotgun? I'm pretty sure the recoil is not the same on a 20G as it is a 10G. Why is the double barrel perk on a timer and not a toggle? Think about how this would work irl. You got a gun that has a timer to use one of it's functions. And if you do use the function you have to wait for the timer to finish before using it again. What? What shotguns use what scope is really strange. The driller has its own, some use the red dot, some use the reflex, and some use the shotgun scope. If a shotgun can use a scope then it should use the same scopes as other ones. Rifles don't have this problem, with the exceptions of some specialty rifles, they all use the same scopes. I really feel like they put very little effort into shotguns. Like they knew people used shotguns to hunt so they put them in the game but no one on staff really liked them so they had an intern do it. -Increase or give the option to increase view distance. Maybe limiting the distance made sense when this game was released. But now all but the worse of computers can take the view distance much farther then they are limiting it too. I modded my game to make it 750m and have had no problem with the game running, although I have a powerful rig. The only problem I have run across is hearing animal calls 700m away (which is annoying), this is a small price to pay for being able to see them across a lake. Why have a shooting range for 400m+ if you can't see anything at that range?
@LadyLegendXO I have been trying to herd manage whitetail on layton lakes, how many drink zones do they have? I thought it was 40 but I'm up to 46 and idk what to do
More Varmits to hunt. The Calibers I'd like to see added are 6mm, all the 6.5's, 300 Legend, 350 Legend, 400 Legend, 280 Ackley Improved, the classic 30-06 (don't know why that wasn't in the game from the get go), 22-250, 7.62x39 (AK round), and the European Hunting Standard 9.3 mm Rifle Cartridge.
Now that the game is getting older, what i'd personally like is either an engine upgrade to better handle fx the increased render distance, and some of the features in the angler. OR maybe a COTW 2? ;)
i think the trail cam would work in a way where the game would send out some sort of notification-it’ll be like a pop-up on the players hud. it would show the level of the animal, species, fur type, etc. would also work best where a certain species of animal would most likely eat, drink, or travel through. Would also like to add that it would put a little blip on the map where the animal was seen.
To Medved Taiga or to another New reserve, they could add more bears (Polar, Eurasian Black Bear, etc...), Arctic Fox, Seals, Elk, Wolverines, Saiga Antelope, Wild Goats, Bison, Tufted Puffins, Swans, Siberian Tiger, and Leopards. All of these animals including of the other comments are real and live in this countries.
Definitely none typicals for whitetail and mule and elk but more then one on the map and bigger rakes and able to see animals at farther distances for definite 100 100
I’d like to see more bullet types (hollow points, etc.), more variety of vehicles to travel, and honestly more small game rifles. There are (in my opinion) too many 4-8 rifles but not enough 1-3 range rifles.
1) updated spawning system - stop the need zone grind. need zones are a great idea and id like to see a feeder or similar. but spawning should be random, not based on gaming the system. people can still camp waterholes all day if they want. but it should not be possible/necessary to manipulate spawn rates. i want to see rare animals in the wild. unexpectedly. 2) better/more map markers. let me draw on the map. put down markers that show a viewing direction. let me mark tracks so i can follow them later. make it a premium item if you want. like a tablet with a hiking app. 3) shot playback function. basically every time you take a shot a short clip is saved including a few seconds before and after, as well as the x-ray of that shot if it hits. make it easier to review what went wrong with missed shots. bonus points for some basic information like bullet drop and wind deflection for that shot. 4) we definitely need more non-DLC weapons and equipment. i dont mind them being introduced in tandem with a DLC pack. but it sucks inviting friends for a chill hunting hangout and being so limited by them having no access to so much stuff. 5) show possible class ratings in the weapon selection, please. if someone looks at a weapon they should be able to see "depending on the ammo you load this is the classes this caliber is good for". its not an issue to long time players that know this by heart. but its really unintuitive for newer players. 6) add ribcage to the damage model and x-ray. you dont need to model anatomy in detail, but this specifically should be part of the model. would also make for some more variety in the kinds of shots you make. 7) arrows shouldnt just stop midair. 8) maybe controversial: grounded birds should still give a rating. dont shoehorn people into one specific gameplay pattern without reason. there can still be quests asking for non-grounded shots specifically. 9) this one may be REALLY far out there. but at some point before this game stops service id like to see a fantasy style map. not high priority or anything. We got plenty of stuff we still want to see. Africa 2 with large animals. maybe more aquatic animals like seals or penguins. etc etc. but - just for shits and giggles. Id like to see a fantasy map. wolves the size of deer? big flying beasts? Kelpies? As long as its fun and poses unique challenges thats cool. A big turtle or dragon type thing where you first need to shoot loose some scale before you can pierce it? Unless you want to go for the one in a million eye or brain shot as it bears down on you. Let us see what modern weaponry can do. I know its never gonna happen and its probably better that way. But i cant say that i woudnt throw money at this just to see it. And its not like you gotta play the map if its not your cup of tea. Just take a free new crossbow.
Just watched a trivia video that mentioned that Washington state(Layton) is actually home to all 3 turkey types we have in the game(Rio, Merriam, Eastern). Turkey are not native to the Pacific Northwest and all three have been introduced. New Zealand has so many invasive Canadian geese that it is legal to hunt them with a rifle, like we do COTW. Just a couple backfill ideas.
Its a bit controversial, but the number 1 thing i would love to have is a higher render distance, with the addition of new scopes and binos. Great job on the video lady, keeping and eye out for more!
I'd love to add pointers to the game because I have them irl, but adding them would kind of take away the point of using bloodhounds or retrievers because as you mentioned they do everything. I think for EW to add them they need to find a balance that would make retrievers better at their main function (retrieving) and bloodhounds better at theirs (tracking) while the pointer could do both, jut scaled down a bit.
I would love to be able to take a selfie with our trophies and being able to pic a frame and hang it in our Lodge. I also think having squirrels would be a fun challenge. Albinos and Melas.
I’d like a bunch of great ones. A black lion, great one giant nontypical elk of both kinds, great one reindeer, great one nontypical mule deer and Blacktail, a crowned roe buck. They could do a British Columbia map with blacktail, a great one Roosevelt, moose, grizzly bears, mountain goats, dall sheep, mountain lion and a bunch of bird species
I think we need suppressors, imagine a suppressed 22 or one of the ARs or just any gun… it would be awesome! Also extended magazines, and DEFINITELY more semiautomatic shotguns
I agree with this so much! Imagine a caribou GO with more foresty antlers like the red deer GO and the reindeer being the same except it has snowy antlers
Personally they really need to add 10 animals to COTW. 1. Leopards🐆 2. Hippos🦛 3. Black rhinos🦏 4. African bush and forest Elephants🐘 5. Great one Water buffalo🐃 6. Great one Roosevelt and Elk 7. Great one Banteng 8. Great one wild hogs🐷 9. Barbary sheep 10. Great one caribou
1st For me as beginner, I would love to have some option to "travel back to town" out of wilderness to use some sort of virtual shooting range (where you could simulate all sort of animals/distance/weapons so new players would understand game better. For me it was really nightmare to shoot animals. I do play FPS games so aiming wasnt the issue, hitbox was. X-ray on kills helped a lot. With adjusting range on weapons via skill was probably reason why (or I just got better in game at same time. Dunno) and also DLC weapons. 2nd I would add some randomness into animal behavior. From what I have seen how to get The Great One you have to teleport between tents, killing specific animals. I prefer to just wander on the map, having fun with doggie. So lets just put The Great One somewhere on the map. So you would be able to find him somewhere (from NPC you could get updates on places where it was seen) and after some stuff done, he would respawn again randomly somewhere in the map. - I understand that someone really enjoys teleporting between tents and just shoot same targets on same places over and over again so it doesnt have to be either, it can be both! 3rd yes dogs, Pointer would be epic. And if u could take all three or at least two dogs at the same time. It would be epic. To be fair Labrador retriever is reason why I play this game - my friend has this breed and she actually started to train him for this purpose (not hunting just as sport). Sadly I hate shooting ducks so I havent bought him yet :) but tracker is amazing. Wish there were more breeds to choose from even within same class. And I have to say dogs behave very realistic in game (not talking about their perks). It is very nice ! 4th yes more maps, new species 5th knife for defending urself against animals 6th rendering of nature would be lovely to be higher. But I am afraid of my GPU :( - not the new one 7th regarding cams. You could have some sort of "diary" or lexicon or how ever you call it. And you could make notes about animal movement. BTW today was my first day hunting crocs in Aussie. And I saw my first ever animal with maximum level. It was croc lvl9 and because I forget to check range on crossbow I hit sand and he run into sea :(((
Since it is Christmas and we are able to send a list of demands to Santa, Pointers, new scopes, a class 3-7 6.5mm, a G1 elk, and oh yes Lady a trophy warehouse.
I just want a great one in this game. Trying to get a grind set up is just a lot of work to have such a low chance of getting a great one. I also wish they would allow more customization with the lodges. In RDR2 they have a hunting decor for a moonshine business and it’s not customizable per say, but they have pelts on the ground, they have a gator holding up a rifle with its arms and it’s head above the gun on a mount, they have birds hanging from the ceiling, there’s lots of cool things they could do. Instead there’s like 100-200 gun mounts or whatever and there’s only a handful of guns in the game even with all the DLC.
Maybe what they could do for the trail cams is could add a trans miter that sends you a notification when it spots an animal but it should cost like 10k for one
1) Trophy manager rework with more sorting options. 2) Great One Mule Deer or a GO Water Buffalo. 3) Asian Map Tigers and Silver Pheasants. Great video Lady! 👌👍👍🤘
would be nice to have more scopes, at least customizable cross hairs because it could at least make the ones we have a little different because we all use the same scope, mostly the Hyperion
Single shot shotgun, semi auto 12 gauge, realistic bullet physics (penetration), realistic cartridges strength(buff some) and a new animal class system( delete the class system and just tell what caliber we can use on this particular animal) Add a truck with 4 places ( for multiplayer and you could place weapons and items in the bed so you can grab them later) suppressors and muzzle brakes, new scopes(stronger magnification shotgun scope) dog customization( orange vests, vests) more realistic dead animation when the animals drop instantly, a modern 10 gauge shotgun, actual .410 shotgun( not pistols) *i will modify this comment if I think of other stuff later* Choke system for shotguns, fix some weapon skins gun parts that don’t paint, boat for Mississippi River for gator hunting, when we are knocked down in the water spawn us at the other side, add realistic ammo capacity(ex: more than 4 in the 30-30 and 3 in the 45-70 more than 3 in the 10 gauge 1891 etc) add more realistic shotgun pellet pattern, add the spine as a vital organ
A India map could give a rainforest plus Bangle Tigers which could be given a lighter coloration and added to medved as a siberian tiger. 3 birds one stone
Lady, once again you lead the way for the entire community! 🏆 1) Seasons for existing maps. Forget new maps - too repetitive. Think SRP in winter! 2) Great One elk, both Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain (body models are the same?)! 3) Mule Deer Great One will be the most popular ever for IRL deer hunters!!! Allow DLC map Great Ones! We want it all!
Great one elk would be siiiiick. IDK about RME tho just because theyre already massive when theyre diamond. Roosie would be sick tho. Speaking of that, we need another map with roosie lol
Gun Tripod and suppressor , thermal scope , great for predator control paired with the e caller dlc . Piggs and coyote hunting. Night hunting improved the night vision is ok more options be better
New reserves, scopes, animals and weapons would all be very cool, but what I'd like most of all, is a higher render distance... I'm not just talking about the animals, but more about the surroundings, like grass and bushes. Right now, when walking down a path, I see grass popping into existence like 10 metres in front of me, which is totally killing my immersion. And when travelling in larger open areas, everything nearby looks great, while everything in the distance just looks pretty bad. Take Yukon, which is an amazing map, but the red bushes just look horrible in the distance, which is such a shame, because everything else is just awesome. It would be great if we could have a few sliders to set the render distance of several different types of objects. Like one for animals, one for trees, one for grass/bushes and so on. So we could play around with those and see what it does to our FPS.
I think a way to "game-ify" the idea of trail cams would be to give them a cone of vision on the map, and then the following day the amount of animals and type that passed through that cone would be shown on the map. Or for a more realistic approach, you plant the cam, and they cone doesn't show up on the map until you come back and pick up the cam the following day.
I would really like to see the render distance increased. I also think while in multiplayer you should be able to drop a way point for them to visually see on screen and in the map. Especially if you're playing with a couple of friends. It would help when their kill happens to expire by you, and then you can mark it for them to save a little time. It also would help to point a spot out for them that you're trying to explain or even an animal's location they can't see.
I JUST FIGURED THIS OUT TODAY... press esc to go to the menu screen and you click on multiplayer, then click the players name and click show waypoints. was a game changer for me and my friends, hopefully you and yours too! happy holidays:}
We need a new Africa map that host the “Big 5” , we need bi pods tripods for steadier shots, add suppressors and muzzle breaks for more accurate shooting , overall more weapon customization, and they need to add more great ones like caribou & axis & other popular species. They should maybe fix spawns to it gets boring having to kill hundreds of animals just to spawn diamonds and great ones. Great one elk both species would be amazing to
I would like to be able to make notes and leave them on the map for myself. Info like how many animals in a zone or perhaps a sighting of an animal in an area that may of been spooked or you werent equipped for.
More species (especially African species). A coyote, fox, and wolf call you set up and watch (makes distressed fawn and rabbit sounds). Full body mounts for walls and better mount stands (like way of the hunter. Like a ram standing on a snowy rock or a puma laying on a tree branch. And more multi mounts like moose duking it out). Different vehicles (side by sides). Wider range of guns (non dlc). Realistic shot reactions (deer jump strait up when it’s a heart shot etc). Two man tree stands and blinds that can hold 2-3 people. A jungle biome (preferably with a story based story and no more “find the poop of 3 different animals in this area”😂😂. Customizable weapons (suppressors, shot gun chokes, etc) and that’s about all I can think of off the top of my head I would absolutely love to see in the game I’ve enjoyed since 2017😂😂
Things I personally would like to see : They really need to get the times right on multiplayer not 00:00. So you can join at a time that suits your needs. 2, get rid of 'a beaver fell on your tent. That doesn't make the game fun. It's just a waste of everyone's time putting tents back. 3, Put some more livestock on Layton 😄 4, a drone would be amazing!
For the lodges I think them making presets of maps like the ones they have but making it customizable that way they don’t have to worry about the people that had already bought the lodges
longer range shooting non dlc and dlc guns dogs that tree bears squirrels and igunans new and new maps i'd also love render distance and new scopes to go with
I've asked them multiple times to change the exit mechanic from the ATV. When you jump off, you automatically face North, no matter which direction you were going. Same stupid behavior with stands and tents. So when you're tracking something, you're guaranteed to lose it while you do a 360° turn to reorient yourself.
I feel like having the trail cameras and the feeders but the thing is is not everyone CAN use trail cameras by law, but I suppose having them in call of the wild, since it’s just a video game, would be pretty dang cool, I also love the idea of being able to take pictures with your kill because I’ve seen one pose a turkey can die in is with its fan and wings displayed before to confirm it.
I would love to see a bigger trophy lodge too. Hope that happens soon. Lady, I have a question about my fallow grind. I have a boatload of single zones with lvl 3 males in them. I have left them up because they will move if I do. Should I leave them alone? I have about 25-30 shooters without them. Thank you Lady for all your videos.
They really need a setting/option to increase render distance for those who can handle it. The render distance right now feels very low, especially for some of the more open maps.
I 100% agree im playing on a ps5 and the render distance is one of my biggest complaints.
Definitely sucks only being able to take shots at around 420 m
Imagine a 700-800 m render distance and the amount of drop and velocity on the bullet for a long shot like that! Would be amazing content also
NexusMods has a mod to increase render distance to 750m, so there must be something that can be tweaked in the game files. It shouldn't be impossible for them to put a setting in the options menu for people who don't want to mess around with mods.
I would love to see trail cams and feeders especially trail cams for grinds so you could check your exterior zones and that the animal would get bigger as time went on
Yeppers right there.
Exept thats not how cow works and it would honestly be a waste of time..
Maybe in the next game cotw2
I would like the Map to have a drop-down menu to filter markers by species. Silencers/Suppressors would also be cool. A bit faster walking speed would also be nice.
Small Game Great Ones! xD
Greater Kudu, Hyena, Eland, Rooibok (All current species abundant in Africa) | Class 9 only .50 Cal modern rifle | Resting rods, cushions or tri/bi-pods for more stability on long-range shots | Callers for more species such as Goats | More time related information on trailing an animal like "approx 5 min ago", .etc |
I would really like it if they'd add some more species on the Africa map.
Like: Impala, Greater Kudu, Eland, Zebra, Nile Crocs, Leopard just to name a few
Hyenas and baboons would be awesome too
And Nyalas too
They could make 2-3 Africa maps with the amount of animals there. So many species to hunt
Elephants, duiker, klipspringer, steenbok, giraffe and wild dogs would be very cool. Especially the wild dogs because they are in packs and they will most likely try to attack you which will give you a bit of a challenge.
@@joemaimaron2701i definitely want monkey trophies
I would rather have one higher quality map, chokes for shotguns, more small game….. DOVES,squirrels, opossums, amrmadillos, snakes, prairie dogs, gophers, groundhogs,beavers,….. Akins with that add trapping. Haven’t seen trapping that I’m aware of set some traps as your scouting water for zones would be cool, have to come back and check your traps this would be a good reason to use trail cameras
I would love another source of transportation other than the ATVs. I think horses would be an awesome addition, they could be quieter than the ATVs but still faster than on-foot travel. The ATVs always spook everything before you can even render them in! I bet you could even use the horses on any map. Awesome video lady!
That would be awesome Pumpkin! Thanks!
Saddle bags for the horse also. More storage.
@@dennispotts6499 Yes! I love that idea!
Electric quad! Slightly quieter than the petrol version and would be more useful.
Horses would be awesome
The main thing I want are pointers. I have hunted with pointers multiple times in real life and they are amazing for upland birds. They can flush birds, point at birds, finish off wounded birds and retrive them. I know of some that can also even track big game like deer. I think a lot of people would like them and they would make hunting upland game a lot more fun.
I think seasonal trophies would be absolutely amazing to see in game! Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Werewolves, Easter Bunnies, Unicorns, etc. Something they can add for a few weeks and if you don’t get them, better luck next year! It would be silly but fun.
5 years ago there was the Halloween Mission on three Maps.
They are also Steam achievments! and suddenly they we're removed from the Game.
I asked EW how to get those achievments now, but they answered only that those Halloween Missions have been removed years ago.
So I think they do Not want to have such temporary Missions or animals in the Game due to several reasons.
All of those sound terrifying 😳
I think a Norwegian Elkhound would be a better addition. They’re lesser known but there are some properly _insane_ videos online of them drawing out monster Moose. They go into the brush & annoy them until they charge & then they bring the Moose to you.
More dogs, more air rifles, more muzzle loaders, and more bows. There are so many varieties of tools out there that i would love to see more details. And a spotting scope with longer range.
I feel like we already have a ton of great ones with antlers, I'd like to see one of other species types.
Lady what the game needs is more spawns, prices for Rifles etc to be made a bit or quite a bit cheaper, all of the Animals added to the Digital Game Caller, and Deer Feeders and Predator Baiting. That's all the Gripes I currently have with this game. After I got the Game Caller, Portable Stand, and the .308 AR, things got quite a bit easier for me.
For suggestion is a little unorthodox but I've been saying it for years now. I think a prehistoric mammal map be a game changer. So many perks to do this. 1. It would bring a lot of players back. 2. It would allow them to put in animals they don't seem comfortable putting in normal maps. Wooly rhinos, mammoths etc. Also things like Irish elk, Saber tooth cats, dire wolves, American lions and so on. Up the aggression on most species and let fun begin! Easy mission scenario where scientist are asking the hunter to try out the viability of the map. One other perk, it possible brings in a while new crowd the game. People who enjoy ark and other prehistoric games. Anyway just something I always wanted. Great video!
I think this should be a totally different game. Don't get me wrong, I would love a prehistoric hunting simulator, but it would destroy the quite realistic feel of the game. (Also in my mind I imagined us playing as a prehistoric human with bows, clubs, spears, slings and such. Maybe add more of a survival element to it as well.)
@@lorinctoth9402Google TheHunter: Primal. They already made it lol.
Its a cool Idea, but for a DLC like. Some cientist was working whit clones and a Saber Cat escaped so you Hunt they
Like the New Zeland Mission to Hunt the last moose of the park
More realism in the game would help:
Realistic arrow builds and customization
Realistic ballistics that truly match the guns we use and so the bullet actually goes through the animal like in real life
Ducks and geese actually decoy based on your spread layout
Thermal scopes and reworking the nightvision mechanics
More weather and season mechanics
A career mode per se where you could manage a property and grow a herd of deer like in real life
Aging mechanics for animals
More tents or at least more outposts to cover the map quicker
I like customizing arrows but i think its supposed to be, compared to real life, very fast paced and i think it would spook a lot of new players when having to deal with bullet ballistics and aging animals. I also feel like people would abuse the aging mechanics
@@Thatkoolgamer1 It could be as easy as a toggle on the gameplay settings to turn on and off to modify their experience to how they want to play the game?
Good points.
But I think that arrow builds is for the very few. I do believe that the ballistics are quite realistic - I have tested a number of guns at the range at Hirchfeldden. I would be nice if the bullet went through and could take the animal behind. But I am afraid that that would be VERY complicated to program.
OMG yes, a ballistic re-work would be awesome, we currently have a .44 mag lever gun that levels stuff a 300 yds and a 7mm bolt that lacks penetration at 100 yds LOL.
@@cmibm6022 I don't even think you have to worry about that high level of a 30-06 shooting through 3 deer or whatever. I just think it's ridiculous that actual calibers like the 270 and such can barely get 1 or maybe 2 lungs when in real life it blows through them and can easily drop them on the spot
Great video Lady. I would love it if EW could add a species filter to the map and put discovered rabbit burrows on the map. For DLC think an electric ATV would be awesome.
I would love to see a tracking dog for instance image your tracking a potential max weight then the tracks go in circles and you loose the max weight, I would love a dog that can track footprints of the animal by order of them made so the first one you pick up from then on your hunting dog will track from that footprint forward it would be really helpful for things like turkey that will randomly just fly and you will loose the bird and your time. The dog would be a blue lacy or german shepherd
I really hope that next year 2024 there will be new animals such as (elephants, giraffes, hippos, tigers) because my audience always mentions these animals continuously, because my audience is a minority of children.
There saving that for last it’s like the final thing in the game
I think it would be a bit weird to hunt Elephants it just seems strange they are so big and beautiful I don't think they would fall in to the category of huntable
@@Blue_pikmin11 agreed
Idk abt anyone else but i think some of those are an endangered species so idk if it would be good to hunt endangered species
They’d need to add another trophy lodge as well then. Any of those larger animals won’t fit on any existing mounts
An Africa 2.0 with zebra, kudu, giraffe, croc, wildebeest, elephant, hippo, and more deer species would be awesome because it would feel like the old Cabela’s games from the 2000s. I personally want bipods to be brought in. A slot carried item that can be deployed for any rifle and immediately eliminate weapon sway. Many hunters use those in real life
deer? good one mate
Nice video - as usual! I would like two very simple things: 1: The posibility to place more Way Points - red-green-yellow-blue. 2: Better binoculars - say 6-12 magnification - along with longer rendering.
To your suggestions:
Feeders NO - it will be way too easy.
More dogs - very low priority.
Longer rendering - would be nice (plus 100 - 200m as you said).
Non-typicals - would be very nice.
More species - always nice.
Trophy pictures - a gimmic of little value.
More maps - may be, but I would rather like to see the existing ones improved
Customizable lodges - may be - but that is pobably only for a few of us.
Spot on. I agree with all of these points. Rendering distance and better binos are the two at the top of my list.
Yes I need to remember that for when I do this video next year! We do need more way points! And it wouldn't be that hard to do!
Agree with these except trophy pictures, we NEED those lol
What I would love to see is Be able to Use multiple dogs at once and like have the lab to pick up birds and the Hound to track!. And maybe have both dogs work together and drag back 1-3 class animals!!!!
My top three is:
1. New Texas style map with oryx, fallow, whitetail, red deer, cattle, and some birds, maybe something else like axis or a completely new animal
2. New G1, saltwater crocodile G1 would be so cool especially if it had some really cool like scar or fur type with really big teeth to make it special
3. More tents on each map, (Preferably 32 like the stands) it would just make grinding so much easier
I think the Trail Cams would be a great idea. You could have them work like spotting an animal. You set up your cams, then click a button on your huntermate or whatever to view a list of all animals that were spotted in the last timeframe (idk 12 hours maybe) by the trail cam. It gives you the same spotting info and a timestamp beside each listing, and could even include a screenshot to up the realism.
imagine great one would be randomly moving on the map. And to find him you would get msgs from NPC and from ur Trail cams. In huntermate you could filter certain species or their levels, so you wouldnt get milions of pictures daily. It could be a bit annoying to browse pictures on huntermate in game instead of shooting stuff. If Trailcams were added to map. And if they take picture of certain animal u filtered you would just get notification on the huntermate and if u open map you would see it where it was taken and if you had very density network of trail cams thats how you would find great ones. The game would just forced us to walk in the forest instead of teleporting between tents.
The render distance is definitely my top “must-have”! It would require a rework of every animal in the game and how the game handles animals not in your render. But, I think that’s why EW slowed down the map creation. It’s hard to completely alter the game and focus on a new map and focus on a new great one and focus on seasonal content and focus on bugs!
Hopefully they can figure something out. Games have completely altered the code in the past. Just look at what CD Projekt Red was able to do with Cyberpunk 2077!
Something i would 100% want from EW is a florida map. Green iguana, whitetail deer, wild chickens, otters, American crocs, American gators, and etc.
American crocs are a protected species. They wlnt put em in.
The things I would like, in no particular order:
-Better inventory system when adding things to your pack. It is a real pain to have to go threw all your weapons when you want a gun that is on the bottom of the list. And then go threw all the ammo to get to the one that is for that gun. Why is buying the weapons/ammo so much easier to navigate then putting the stuff in your inventory?
-A better crossbow scope. The current scope is awful. The red dots are way to large and it only has 3 pins. Most scopes for crossbows have 4 or more lines on it. It doesn't make sense for a "legendary" hunter to use the worse scope he could find.
-A first focal plane (ffp) scope. I highly doubt this will ever get in the game, most hunters wouldn't bother with one (or even know what it is). But it would be nice to have. If not a ffp scope at least a scope with mil marks on it, like most modern scopes have.
-More air rifles. Would be really cool to have an assortment of air rifles to cover more classes. Maybe even an airbow that would use the new crossbow scope.
-Better buckshot. Right now there is very little reason to use buckshot. The range is very short, the spread is too large, and the penetration is crap. It is way to risky to use it on any trophy animal because you have a high chance to hit the head even at close ranges. Maybe introduce a new flight controlled version of buckshot. If not that then add the ability to use chokes on shotguns.
-A .410 shotgun along with slug/buckshot ammo for it.
-Make shotguns better in general. Why is the recoil and accuracy the same on every shotgun? I'm pretty sure the recoil is not the same on a 20G as it is a 10G.
Why is the double barrel perk on a timer and not a toggle? Think about how this would work irl. You got a gun that has a timer to use one of it's functions. And if you do use the function you have to wait for the timer to finish before using it again. What?
What shotguns use what scope is really strange. The driller has its own, some use the red dot, some use the reflex, and some use the shotgun scope. If a shotgun can use a scope then it should use the same scopes as other ones. Rifles don't have this problem, with the exceptions of some specialty rifles, they all use the same scopes.
I really feel like they put very little effort into shotguns. Like they knew people used shotguns to hunt so they put them in the game but no one on staff really liked them so they had an intern do it.
-Increase or give the option to increase view distance. Maybe limiting the distance made sense when this game was released. But now all but the worse of computers can take the view distance much farther then they are limiting it too. I modded my game to make it 750m and have had no problem with the game running, although I have a powerful rig. The only problem I have run across is hearing animal calls 700m away (which is annoying), this is a small price to pay for being able to see them across a lake.
Why have a shooting range for 400m+ if you can't see anything at that range?
I think it would be cool to add a species of dog to assist in hunting wolves
For sure!
Or catch dogs for pigs!!! Bird dogs that kick up birds coon hounds! They could go so many different routes with dogs
@LadyLegendXO I have been trying to herd manage whitetail on layton lakes, how many drink zones do they have? I thought it was 40 but I'm up to 46 and idk what to do
More Varmits to hunt. The Calibers I'd like to see added are 6mm, all the 6.5's, 300 Legend, 350 Legend, 400 Legend, 280 Ackley Improved, the classic 30-06 (don't know why that wasn't in the game from the get go), 22-250, 7.62x39 (AK round), and the European Hunting Standard 9.3 mm Rifle Cartridge.
I think they should add skeet shooting and a range for practicing with zeroing and different weapons.
Now that the game is getting older, what i'd personally like is either an engine upgrade to better handle fx the increased render distance, and some of the features in the angler. OR maybe a COTW 2? ;)
i think the trail cam would work in a way where the game would send out some sort of notification-it’ll be like a pop-up on the players hud. it would show the level of the animal, species, fur type, etc. would also work best where a certain species of animal would most likely eat, drink, or travel through.
Would also like to add that it would put a little blip on the map where the animal was seen.
To Medved Taiga or to another New reserve, they could add more bears (Polar, Eurasian Black Bear, etc...), Arctic Fox, Seals, Elk, Wolverines, Saiga Antelope, Wild Goats, Bison, Tufted Puffins, Swans, Siberian Tiger, and Leopards. All of these animals including of the other comments are real and live in this countries.
They are all great but I would like the ability to add a silencer/suppresser
I would love a bipod for better stability.
Definitely none typicals for whitetail and mule and elk but more then one on the map and bigger rakes and able to see animals at farther distances for definite 100 100
I’d like to see more bullet types (hollow points, etc.), more variety of vehicles to travel, and honestly more small game rifles. There are (in my opinion) too many 4-8 rifles but not enough 1-3 range rifles.
Hollow points (I think) are unethical. It’s a worse fmj
I would like to see feeders,food plots,and trail cameras.
Yeah the food plots became feed zones and they get marked on the map
1) updated spawning system - stop the need zone grind. need zones are a great idea and id like to see a feeder or similar. but spawning should be random, not based on gaming the system. people can still camp waterholes all day if they want. but it should not be possible/necessary to manipulate spawn rates. i want to see rare animals in the wild. unexpectedly.
2) better/more map markers. let me draw on the map. put down markers that show a viewing direction. let me mark tracks so i can follow them later. make it a premium item if you want. like a tablet with a hiking app.
3) shot playback function. basically every time you take a shot a short clip is saved including a few seconds before and after, as well as the x-ray of that shot if it hits. make it easier to review what went wrong with missed shots. bonus points for some basic information like bullet drop and wind deflection for that shot.
4) we definitely need more non-DLC weapons and equipment. i dont mind them being introduced in tandem with a DLC pack. but it sucks inviting friends for a chill hunting hangout and being so limited by them having no access to so much stuff.
5) show possible class ratings in the weapon selection, please. if someone looks at a weapon they should be able to see "depending on the ammo you load this is the classes this caliber is good for". its not an issue to long time players that know this by heart. but its really unintuitive for newer players.
6) add ribcage to the damage model and x-ray. you dont need to model anatomy in detail, but this specifically should be part of the model. would also make for some more variety in the kinds of shots you make.
7) arrows shouldnt just stop midair.
8) maybe controversial: grounded birds should still give a rating. dont shoehorn people into one specific gameplay pattern without reason. there can still be quests asking for non-grounded shots specifically.
9) this one may be REALLY far out there. but at some point before this game stops service id like to see a fantasy style map. not high priority or anything. We got plenty of stuff we still want to see. Africa 2 with large animals. maybe more aquatic animals like seals or penguins. etc etc. but - just for shits and giggles. Id like to see a fantasy map. wolves the size of deer? big flying beasts? Kelpies? As long as its fun and poses unique challenges thats cool. A big turtle or dragon type thing where you first need to shoot loose some scale before you can pierce it? Unless you want to go for the one in a million eye or brain shot as it bears down on you. Let us see what modern weaponry can do.
I know its never gonna happen and its probably better that way. But i cant say that i woudnt throw money at this just to see it. And its not like you gotta play the map if its not your cup of tea. Just take a free new crossbow.
I think the feeders would be cool. Also a dog species like a pointer or a dog for like raccoons in trees would also be great. We want it all!!
they should add dog customization so your dog can have a collar, and more customization for your avatars (glasses, hairstyles etc)
I would love to see more multi mounts and euro mounts added to the trophy lodge system
Just watched a trivia video that mentioned that Washington state(Layton) is actually home to all 3 turkey types we have in the game(Rio, Merriam, Eastern). Turkey are not native to the Pacific Northwest and all three have been introduced. New Zealand has so many invasive Canadian geese that it is legal to hunt them with a rifle, like we do COTW. Just a couple backfill ideas.
I would love everything you mentioned in the video but in my opinion a supressor/surpressed weapon dlc would be also awesome
Yes it would!
And a rifle bipod for better stability.
It would be cool also to add Mule deer, Sikta Deer, Polar/Black Bear, Muskox, Sea Lion, Seals, and Walruses to Yukon Valley.
Its a bit controversial, but the number 1 thing i would love to have is a higher render distance, with the addition of new scopes and binos.
Great job on the video lady, keeping and eye out for more!
yeah i would like more open scopes in the games with white points and more range on them and another night vision binos and you to customaized them
I'd love to add pointers to the game because I have them irl, but adding them would kind of take away the point of using bloodhounds or retrievers because as you mentioned they do everything. I think for EW to add them they need to find a balance that would make retrievers better at their main function (retrieving) and bloodhounds better at theirs (tracking) while the pointer could do both, jut scaled down a bit.
I would love to be able to take a selfie with our trophies and being able to pic a frame and hang it in our Lodge. I also think having squirrels would be a fun challenge. Albinos and Melas.
I’d like a bunch of great ones. A black lion, great one giant nontypical elk of both kinds, great one reindeer, great one nontypical mule deer and Blacktail, a crowned roe buck. They could do a British Columbia map with blacktail, a great one Roosevelt, moose, grizzly bears, mountain goats, dall sheep, mountain lion and a bunch of bird species
I love all the things you said to add I think they would be great to have and like you said "WE WANT IT ALL"
I would love trail cameras feeders and a way to make your own field
I think we need suppressors, imagine a suppressed 22 or one of the ARs or just any gun… it would be awesome!
Also extended magazines, and DEFINITELY more semiautomatic shotguns
I hope we get feed,cameras,high fence ranches,non typical small deer,deer in velvet,more maps etc Like this that way we can get the word out!!!
Tbh I would love to have zebra's added to the savannah
My top 3 list from this video:
3) Customizable trophy lodges
2) Being able to take custom photos
1) Non typical deer
I agree with this so much! Imagine a caribou GO with more foresty antlers like the red deer GO and the reindeer being the same except it has snowy antlers
Personally they really need to add 10 animals to COTW.
1. Leopards🐆
2. Hippos🦛
3. Black rhinos🦏
4. African bush and forest Elephants🐘
5. Great one Water buffalo🐃
6. Great one Roosevelt and Elk
7. Great one Banteng
8. Great one wild hogs🐷
9. Barbary sheep
10. Great one caribou
silencers would be great to add to the game but make them cost 36000
It would be incredible if EW added Sea Lions, Wombats, Black Swans, Emus, Dingos, and Cassowary to Emerald Coast Australia.
1st For me as beginner, I would love to have some option to "travel back to town" out of wilderness to use some sort of virtual shooting range (where you could simulate all sort of animals/distance/weapons so new players would understand game better. For me it was really nightmare to shoot animals. I do play FPS games so aiming wasnt the issue, hitbox was. X-ray on kills helped a lot. With adjusting range on weapons via skill was probably reason why (or I just got better in game at same time. Dunno) and also DLC weapons.
2nd I would add some randomness into animal behavior. From what I have seen how to get The Great One you have to teleport between tents, killing specific animals. I prefer to just wander on the map, having fun with doggie. So lets just put The Great One somewhere on the map. So you would be able to find him somewhere (from NPC you could get updates on places where it was seen) and after some stuff done, he would respawn again randomly somewhere in the map. - I understand that someone really enjoys teleporting between tents and just shoot same targets on same places over and over again so it doesnt have to be either, it can be both!
3rd yes dogs, Pointer would be epic. And if u could take all three or at least two dogs at the same time. It would be epic. To be fair Labrador retriever is reason why I play this game - my friend has this breed and she actually started to train him for this purpose (not hunting just as sport). Sadly I hate shooting ducks so I havent bought him yet :) but tracker is amazing. Wish there were more breeds to choose from even within same class. And I have to say dogs behave very realistic in game (not talking about their perks). It is very nice !
4th yes more maps, new species
5th knife for defending urself against animals
6th rendering of nature would be lovely to be higher. But I am afraid of my GPU :( - not the new one
7th regarding cams. You could have some sort of "diary" or lexicon or how ever you call it. And you could make notes about animal movement.
BTW today was my first day hunting crocs in Aussie. And I saw my first ever animal with maximum level. It was croc lvl9 and because I forget to check range on crossbow I hit sand and he run into sea :(((
Labs can flush as well IRL. The new DLC needs to be updated to reflect that.
We use labs to hunt pheasants and they run through the grass and kick up birds for us and then they also retrieve them
I don’t know if it would be allowed but a Yellowstone map would be amazing
Since it is Christmas and we are able to send a list of demands to Santa, Pointers, new scopes, a class 3-7 6.5mm, a G1 elk, and oh yes Lady a trophy warehouse.
Our next Great One should be a Lesser Kudu, they should also do Africa 2.0 with a lot more animals.
I want a dlc where we can have multiple Labrador retrievers so we can get higher class stuff out of water like crocs
I just want a great one in this game. Trying to get a grind set up is just a lot of work to have such a low chance of getting a great one. I also wish they would allow more customization with the lodges. In RDR2 they have a hunting decor for a moonshine business and it’s not customizable per say, but they have pelts on the ground, they have a gator holding up a rifle with its arms and it’s head above the gun on a mount, they have birds hanging from the ceiling, there’s lots of cool things they could do. Instead there’s like 100-200 gun mounts or whatever and there’s only a handful of guns in the game even with all the DLC.
Maybe what they could do for the trail cams is could add a trans miter that sends you a notification when it spots an animal but it should cost like 10k for one
To add like zebra , redbuck , eland , garraffe on the savanna map
1) Trophy manager rework with more sorting options.
2) Great One Mule Deer or a GO Water Buffalo.
3) Asian Map Tigers and Silver Pheasants.
Great video Lady! 👌👍👍🤘
I would love to see more muzzelloaders, and fixing that .50 muzzelloader is legit for big game (tier 9)
I would like a Martini Henry. A small game black powder. Flush. And pointer dogs
would be nice to have more scopes, at least customizable cross hairs because it could at least make the ones we have a little different because we all use the same scope, mostly the Hyperion
Single shot shotgun, semi auto 12 gauge, realistic bullet physics (penetration), realistic cartridges strength(buff some) and a new animal class system( delete the class system and just tell what caliber we can use on this particular animal) Add a truck with 4 places ( for multiplayer and you could place weapons and items in the bed so you can grab them later) suppressors and muzzle brakes, new scopes(stronger magnification shotgun scope) dog customization( orange vests, vests) more realistic dead animation when the animals drop instantly, a modern 10 gauge shotgun, actual .410 shotgun( not pistols) *i will modify this comment if I think of other stuff later*
Choke system for shotguns, fix some weapon skins gun parts that don’t paint, boat for Mississippi River for gator hunting, when we are knocked down in the water spawn us at the other side, add realistic ammo capacity(ex: more than 4 in the 30-30 and 3 in the 45-70 more than 3 in the 10 gauge 1891 etc) add more realistic shotgun pellet pattern, add the spine as a vital organ
A India map could give a rainforest plus Bangle Tigers which could be given a lighter coloration and added to medved as a siberian tiger. 3 birds one stone
Lady, once again you lead the way for the entire community! 🏆
1) Seasons for existing maps. Forget new maps - too repetitive. Think SRP in winter!
2) Great One elk, both Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain (body models are the same?)!
3) Mule Deer Great One will be the most popular ever for IRL deer hunters!!!
Allow DLC map Great Ones! We want it all!
Great one elk would be siiiiick. IDK about RME tho just because theyre already massive when theyre diamond. Roosie would be sick tho. Speaking of that, we need another map with roosie lol
Gun Tripod and suppressor , thermal scope , great for predator control paired with the e caller dlc . Piggs and coyote hunting. Night hunting improved the night vision is ok more options be better
New reserves, scopes, animals and weapons would all be very cool, but what I'd like most of all, is a higher render distance... I'm not just talking about the animals, but more about the surroundings, like grass and bushes. Right now, when walking down a path, I see grass popping into existence like 10 metres in front of me, which is totally killing my immersion. And when travelling in larger open areas, everything nearby looks great, while everything in the distance just looks pretty bad. Take Yukon, which is an amazing map, but the red bushes just look horrible in the distance, which is such a shame, because everything else is just awesome.
It would be great if we could have a few sliders to set the render distance of several different types of objects. Like one for animals, one for trees, one for grass/bushes and so on. So we could play around with those and see what it does to our FPS.
I wouldn’t mind a beagle or Walker hound so we could run the animals and have them run towards our direction
I think a way to "game-ify" the idea of trail cams would be to give them a cone of vision on the map, and then the following day the amount of animals and type that passed through that cone would be shown on the map. Or for a more realistic approach, you plant the cam, and they cone doesn't show up on the map until you come back and pick up the cam the following day.
I would really like to see the render distance increased. I also think while in multiplayer you should be able to drop a way point for them to visually see on screen and in the map. Especially if you're playing with a couple of friends. It would help when their kill happens to expire by you, and then you can mark it for them to save a little time. It also would help to point a spot out for them that you're trying to explain or even an animal's location they can't see.
I JUST FIGURED THIS OUT TODAY... press esc to go to the menu screen and you click on multiplayer, then click the players name and click show waypoints. was a game changer for me and my friends, hopefully you and yours too! happy holidays:}
more rapid travel points such as lookout towers and platforms or your vehicle
I really want a great one caribou to And I think that we should get an all North America map
Suppressors and John boats.
We need a new Africa map that host the “Big 5” , we need bi pods tripods for steadier shots, add suppressors and muzzle breaks for more accurate shooting , overall more weapon customization, and they need to add more great ones like caribou & axis & other popular species. They should maybe fix spawns to it gets boring having to kill hundreds of animals just to spawn diamonds and great ones. Great one elk both species would be amazing to
I feel like West Virginia mountains would be sick with black bears mountain lions bobcats whitetail and more
I really want an indian map especially for black buck, water buffalo and of course tigers
That would be amazing!
I would like to be able to make notes and leave them on the map for myself. Info like how many animals in a zone or perhaps a sighting of an animal in an area that may of been spooked or you werent equipped for.
Great idea!
More species (especially African species). A coyote, fox, and wolf call you set up and watch (makes distressed fawn and rabbit sounds). Full body mounts for walls and better mount stands (like way of the hunter. Like a ram standing on a snowy rock or a puma laying on a tree branch. And more multi mounts like moose duking it out). Different vehicles (side by sides). Wider range of guns (non dlc). Realistic shot reactions (deer jump strait up when it’s a heart shot etc). Two man tree stands and blinds that can hold 2-3 people. A jungle biome (preferably with a story based story and no more “find the poop of 3 different animals in this area”😂😂. Customizable weapons (suppressors, shot gun chokes, etc) and that’s about all I can think of off the top of my head I would absolutely love to see in the game I’ve enjoyed since 2017😂😂
Oh and buildable stands made out of natural material like old school “flannel and blue Jean” hunters used to make😂💀
I really hope they add the trail Cameras and feeders
Things I personally would like to see :
They really need to get the times right on multiplayer not 00:00. So you can join at a time that suits your needs.
2, get rid of 'a beaver fell on your tent. That doesn't make the game fun. It's just a waste of everyone's time putting tents back.
3, Put some more livestock on Layton 😄
4, a drone would be amazing!
For the lodges I think them making presets of maps like the ones they have but making it customizable that way they don’t have to worry about the people that had already bought the lodges
great one wild boar and great one roe deer, and african map with the big fives, hippos, crocs, impala, eland, bushbuck, antelope sable and more
Sounds amazing! 😍
longer range shooting non dlc and dlc guns dogs that tree bears squirrels and igunans new and new maps i'd also love render distance and new scopes to go with
faster float time for floaters would be nice. It sucks having to wait a long time for floating crocs.😂
I think they should add a rut for deer species and when you are hunting during the rut diamonds are twice as likely to spawn
That would be awesome!
eh idk about diamonds spawning more but they could make them a little i guess dumber. easier to get close too
I've asked them multiple times to change the exit mechanic from the ATV. When you jump off, you automatically face North, no matter which direction you were going. Same stupid behavior with stands and tents. So when you're tracking something, you're guaranteed to lose it while you do a 360° turn to reorient yourself.
I hope they do a cryptid map like Sasquatch, chupacabra, jackalope, giant birds,
I want bait piles like corn piles for whitetail and suppresors
I think the trail cams should come in handy to let you know that a great one or a diamond has been spotted in the area
That would be sweet!
Trail cams can be useful even that I need great one gray wolf and plains bison and noise aggressive indicator
I feel like having the trail cameras and the feeders but the thing is is not everyone CAN use trail cameras by law, but I suppose having them in call of the wild, since it’s just a video game, would be pretty dang cool, I also love the idea of being able to take pictures with your kill because I’ve seen one pose a turkey can die in is with its fan and wings displayed before to confirm it.
I would love to see a bigger trophy lodge too. Hope that happens soon. Lady, I have a question about my fallow grind. I have a boatload of single zones with lvl 3 males in them. I have left them up because they will move if I do. Should I leave them alone? I have about 25-30 shooters without them. Thank you Lady for all your videos.