I’m from Lafayette, La I owned 2 Gatortail’s still own 1 till this day everything you preaching brother is right on that’s exactly how u work them things
Something you might want to try doing is cut your throttle in 1/2 when you take off and gradually increase throttle as your speed increases. You will get up on plane much faster and your props will last longer. When you just hammer down like that your actually losing traction bc your blowing out around your prop.
I always noticed that a lot, especially when trying to push heavy loads but never really thought about it much till now. Definitely something to add to the list. Thanks bub. 🤘🏻
I know this is an older video but it just popped up for me and I wanted to see what you had to say. My tip is the tiller should have little to no pressure when its on plane. If the the tiller is pulling away and the boat wants to steer to the right you're too deep. And if its pushing towards you and steering left then its too shallow. I manhandled it for too long before I figured that out. It the tiller shouldn't pull either way when you're on plane. Spend some time on open water watching the speed on a gps and you can really learn how to get a feel for adjusting the trim and getting the best performance. Also reverse is kind of a suggestion. It doesn't pull very hard so its difficult to back up in the thick stuff. I stand in front of the tiller looking backwards so I'm not in the way if it hits something and swings.
Some great tips! Only thing I’d add to that would be when attempting sharper turns like on narrow rivers or timber trails you might have to trim down just a hair from the optimum spot for speed to get the prop to grab hard enough. Trim too high and you’ll blow through the turn. Thanks for watching man!
Excellent video, I’ve got a MudBuddy on my Excel F86 and this would have been great info to have when I started out. While not related to operating the motor, worth noting to bring a good push pole/2x4 etc to help push off here and there.
A gator tail is an essential tool for hunting and fishing applications in the southern Louisiana marshes. They really can handle some mud and vegetation.
Have yall messed with dropping the rear tilt pin down and putting a mere quick rear tilt pin in where you want it to change the trim and motor angle on the fly? just curious.
im from ohio and was wondering how the gatortail would handle logs and rocky river bottoms but after watching this im pretty confident it will be just fine
Oh yeah. I have no doubt that it'll handle everything just fine, always keep an eye out for rocks though. They aint too great on props or the bottom of a boat.
Mud motors don't like rocks. Jets can run on 4" of water, but can't do vegetation and mud. Rocks and logs is the name of the river I live on. Nobody has surface drives for more than a year before they sell it for a jet
We don't have many rocks in Louisiana, I think jets handle rocks the best. But mud, stumps, dense vegetation, the surface drive outboards are likely the best option.
@@johnpaulk994 was trying to pull a buddies boat off a mud flat in some deep mud and sand. Hasn’t been the same since then. Still my original prop though, so it’s held up good I feel like.
Yeah no problem, I just try to make sure the load is evenly distributed side to side so the boat isn’t trying to lean and pull. Front to back weight distribution is the same but you may want to experiment with your boat. They’re all different. Usually in really tough places to get up and out of you’ll want to start a little heavier in the back to keep the nose up and the prop pushing as much water/mud as possible. Once you start picking up speed and start trimming the motor up one of your buddies can start easing forward till the weight is centered.
@@TheQuackAddicts thanks for the reply. I only have a 23hp go devil on a 1556. Does pretty good just with a few guys and all our gear its really working. Not sure if I should have my motor lower or higher in the water. Seems it runs faster with the prop almost fully submerged under water. But keep hearing u barely want it in the water
Every time the motor jumped up it was a log or stick up that I was hitting because there's no way to avoid em in this hole. Even though it looks like open water its still less than a foot deep in most places.
This video should’ve been titled how to ruin your new mud motor. Anyone that runs their motor on the rev limiter like that need their head examined. Hopefully nobody nobody actually thinks this is the correct way to operate an engine.
I’m from Lafayette, La I owned 2 Gatortail’s still own 1 till this day everything you preaching brother is right on that’s exactly how u work them things
Yessir, just a few things that have taken a couple years of running it to really figure out. Thanks for the support bub!
Hey Neighbor, I'm Rayne
We have spots in MN we hunt and the mud will be 20 feet down. Can't get out of the boat if you get stuck. Now that's when the real fun happens.
Heard that! That mud down in southern Louisiana ain't no joke either. I'm glad that this is about the worst we see around here.
Something you might want to try doing is cut your throttle in 1/2 when you take off and gradually increase throttle as your speed increases. You will get up on plane much faster and your props will last longer. When you just hammer down like that your actually losing traction bc your blowing out around your prop.
I always noticed that a lot, especially when trying to push heavy loads but never really thought about it much till now. Definitely something to add to the list. Thanks bub. 🤘🏻
I know this is an older video but it just popped up for me and I wanted to see what you had to say. My tip is the tiller should have little to no pressure when its on plane. If the the tiller is pulling away and the boat wants to steer to the right you're too deep. And if its pushing towards you and steering left then its too shallow. I manhandled it for too long before I figured that out. It the tiller shouldn't pull either way when you're on plane. Spend some time on open water watching the speed on a gps and you can really learn how to get a feel for adjusting the trim and getting the best performance.
Also reverse is kind of a suggestion. It doesn't pull very hard so its difficult to back up in the thick stuff. I stand in front of the tiller looking backwards so I'm not in the way if it hits something and swings.
Glad I read this, Have been fighting my gtr for as long as ive had it because I did not know this. Appreciate the advice
Some great tips! Only thing I’d add to that would be when attempting sharper turns like on narrow rivers or timber trails you might have to trim down just a hair from the optimum spot for speed to get the prop to grab hard enough. Trim too high and you’ll blow through the turn. Thanks for watching man!
U is striaght bossing that BEAST....amd YES i didnt know that...but now i do....thanks
🤘🏻 Yessir always in the throttle. Thanks for watching man!
I've laughed so much editing this video. Hope y'all enjoyed it and learned a thing or two at the same time!
I was laughing so hard watching y’all having a good time!!
I love to see the product make it out of Louisiana and all over the country! Good job gator tail!
From grand lake Louisiana 1854 with 40 HD maxed out long as you have mud it will get you out of it. No water needed. Ole boys at GT is like family
Lol im from Breaux Bridge Louisiana about 20 min from where they make em and these things RIP. never switching back to an outboard
Best decision I've ever made too man.
Hello from cankton Louisiana
I'm in "Da Parish" and my wife's family uses these and homemade mud boats.
If this is the hole I think it is, it is ROUGH! Hate the hole, love the boat! Haha! Great video as always boys!
Yessir, same place you and me did that wading tips video before I tripped and fell in the water. I hate that hole. 😂
@@TheQuackAddicts it’s a tough one! Was my first time ever wading. And I got to learn in that hole. Hahaha!
@@cotrav92 broke you in right son. 😂
Excellent video, I’ve got a MudBuddy on my Excel F86 and this would have been great info to have when I started out.
While not related to operating the motor, worth noting to bring a good push pole/2x4 etc to help push off here and there.
Appreciate it! And yeah that ain’t too bad of an idea at all.
A gator tail is an essential tool for hunting and fishing applications in the southern Louisiana marshes. They really can handle some mud and vegetation.
Yes sir
Love the footage
Hello from iota Louisiana
Great video! I run a small shallow rocky river so load management and getting up on plane is extremely important as well.
Thanks bub!
jét outbsrd brst
Didnt you play the tornado hunter who got sucked up in the old twister movie?
Crazy good stuff rite there
Banging video 👑👑👑
Have yall messed with dropping the rear tilt pin down and putting a mere quick rear tilt pin in where you want it to change the trim and motor angle on the fly? just curious.
🔥 as always!
Thanks man!
Hell of a video! That boat scares me to death lol 😂.
You can also,if there's no stumps dig a ditch with reverse.take a minute but better then pushing
Is that a damn hf predator motor?
Good tip 👍
I’m looking for a good duck/fishing boat, how does this compare to mudmotors and prodrives
im from ohio and was wondering how the gatortail would handle logs and rocky river bottoms but after watching this im pretty confident it will be just fine
jet druves beßt
Oh yeah. I have no doubt that it'll handle everything just fine, always keep an eye out for rocks though. They aint too great on props or the bottom of a boat.
bíy interphaß soñat firwar scan sonar
Mud motors don't like rocks. Jets can run on 4" of water, but can't do vegetation and mud. Rocks and logs is the name of the river I live on. Nobody has surface drives for more than a year before they sell it for a jet
We don't have many rocks in Louisiana, I think jets handle rocks the best. But mud, stumps, dense vegetation, the surface drive outboards are likely the best option.
3 steps to getting unstuck.
1. Give yer lid some soul
2. Dig you a hole
3. And rock n roll
You still running the stock 2 blade CA57 prop? If so how is it holding up
Yeah sure am. Our trip to Louisiana ruined it this weekend though. Bout to order a new one.
@@TheQuackAddicts what happened in Louisiana that tore it up?
@@johnpaulk994 was trying to pull a buddies boat off a mud flat in some deep mud and sand. Hasn’t been the same since then. Still my original prop though, so it’s held up good I feel like.
Omg that hurt to watch lol
Call a wrecker, Cole is bogged down!
Can u explain how to distribute the weight correctly
Yeah no problem, I just try to make sure the load is evenly distributed side to side so the boat isn’t trying to lean and pull. Front to back weight distribution is the same but you may want to experiment with your boat. They’re all different. Usually in really tough places to get up and out of you’ll want to start a little heavier in the back to keep the nose up and the prop pushing as much water/mud as possible. Once you start picking up speed and start trimming the motor up one of your buddies can start easing forward till the weight is centered.
@@TheQuackAddicts thanks for the reply. I only have a 23hp go devil on a 1556. Does pretty good just with a few guys and all our gear its really working. Not sure if I should have my motor lower or higher in the water. Seems it runs faster with the prop almost fully submerged under water. But keep hearing u barely want it in the water
What speeds are you getting
It’ll run 33 with only me in the boat.
6 inches of water? I could get on pad with an outboard in there
Tip #6 when in doubt trim down and throttle up
You should show a vid on how to get unstuck
shallow eñg showest wattrr túlt up sater pep judt iñbwatterr tkíl up
Why on open water was the engine jumping so harshly ?
inboard iñbortd jets beßt
Every time the motor jumped up it was a log or stick up that I was hitting because there's no way to avoid em in this hole. Even though it looks like open water its still less than a foot deep in most places.
@@TheQuackAddicts yes yii doñ run shàwater keßs tyen a foot
the rev limiter in that motor must hate you lol
😂😂😂 yeah I’ve learned a little more since making this video. Best to start out slow and ease into the higher rpms.
I thought he was exaggerating how bad the spot was until I saw the part where he leaves out.
Tip#7 this shit ain’t even bad lol
Cole looks scared for his life 😂😂
I think he actually was. 😂😂😂
This video should’ve been titled how to ruin your new mud motor. Anyone that runs their motor on the rev limiter like that need their head examined. Hopefully nobody nobody actually thinks this is the correct way to operate an engine.
Any engine it’s terrible for them to hit rev limiter .
Extreme series…
You forgot your buddy