I got my butterfly in a minute after watching this video. Thank you for breaking down the movement with the flamingo/ backwards bicycle. That's what helped me!!!!!!!
Also kipping pull ups (gymnastics kip) are a lot easier which is why they are generally the first kip CrossFitters learn after they can do dead hang pull ups.
Saying that kipping is cheating when doing a pullup is like saying that popping your hips during a snatch is cheating. In CrossFit,its about one thing and one thing only, getting the fucking weight up. They teach you how to do that in the most EFFICIENT way possible. Sure, you do the strict versions for strength, but in competition its about speed and quantity, that's where these are helpful.
Love your comment on efficiency mate. A lot of people just blindly judge CrossFit without actually having tried it themselves. Believe us haters, it's hard work! And it definitely makes you stronger, fitter and more explosive. And that's from a former powerlifter and "only strict" pull ups guy ;)
Thanks for the post. Trying to learn techniques so that I may be able to do pull-ups. I'm working on building strength and this is something I want to be able to do. Thanks, it's going to help
No I train using weighted dead hang pull ups all the time,10kg vest, 20kg vest or attach a belt around my waist and hang the weights of that. Butterfly pull ups are very technical, do them wrong and you can cause damage to your shoulders so you need to know what you're doing and have the strength already there to do it correctly. At the end of the day like I originally said butterfly pull ups are just a weapon in the arsenal of CrossFitters to help get through comps faster.
A good CrossFit coach will encourage you to learn the strict pull up at all costs. As Mr. Khalipa says, the only time you go butterfly is when you have to do "something fast in a short duration of time." If you're not part of the sport, while you're certainly entitled to your own opinion, please take the time to question what we learn and practice before you define that opinion. Thanks.
when climbing up a wall in parkour. there is a pulling motion in the climb up. so that the climb up is fast and efficient. you use less energy but the motion is faster.
Man, this guy is quality at explaining. I won't try these at my gym tho' since they don't have a proper set-up where things won't fall over if I try these :P Thanks for the video tho'!
@fallingfeathers69 in crossfit the idea is to do a prescribed workout as fast as you can, take "Fran" for instance which is 21-15-9 of thrusters and pullups, so u do 21 thrusters then 21 pullups then 15 and 15 etc. If i can do 21 unbroken pullups faster then the other guy then my time is going to be better. The idea isn't to build muscle they are to be used as part of the WOD inorder to improve your overall time.
For fast reps and keepingthat heart rateup I usually do heavy squats on my tippy toes with a really round back, then I run over and do dead lifts with a jerking motion, and take my legs out of it entirely, think lower back,jerking motion and round back people! Keep that heart rate up!
Butterfly pullups are never used as a single exercise. It's always in a combination of other exercises for the full workout. When you are working out say for example doing FRAN which is Thrusters + pullups, trust me it gets taxing to do. Keep in mind also that this is not the ONLY type of pull up you find in Crossfit. People do strict, butterfly and normal kip. So, they do them all. Usually when your time matters more is when you chose the one that gets the job done the fastest.
Cheaah, Nick - I can do 15 strict pull-ups just fine, but kipping or butterfly kill me after 5! The integration of upper-body muscle required is totally wild.
What's the point of doing all this fancy, potentially dangerous stuff, when regular old squats, dead-lifts, bench press, shoulder press, and pullups will get you anywhere you need to go fitness-wise?
wtfarockfish So, all gymnasts are idiots, because they don't do the things YOU like to do? All Sprinters are idiots, because they don't train like YOU use to? EVERYONE in the world except Bodybuilders with Bodybuilding training or powerlifting training are idiots, right? Because JUST THEY train right. everyone else must be stupid, because it's not your view of the world, right? It's so funny. Just because you've never seen a gymnast at the gym, you simply think, that doesn't exist. simply fuck off, not everyone fits in your view of the world. Some people want to do something different. Not everyone has the same targets. If pull ups are used for metabolic training, then you simply can't do them strict. Not everyone has in every part of his training a maximization of his muscle gain as a target.
just did this for 2 months. literally. 2 f####king months. 4 days a week. spent about 2 to 5 minutes swooping the s##t out of my legs. and now i can sortof use it in a wod. just saying this was a very slow tedious frustrating skill to learn. and the progression works.
its true that once you have the technique down its a lot easier than doing hanging pull ups, but you compensate by doing higher reps and it works more of your entire body. These people don't only do kipping pull ups, but you'll work more muscles if you do it as well as doing regular pull ups.
If you don't like it, nobody's forcing you to do it. No one ever claimed it was a strict pull up, it's clear that it's not. It's not supposed to work the same muscles as strict pull ups, you're supposed to keep your whole body in motion during a workout..kind of like a form of cardio. Lastly, don't bash it until you try it tough guys.
i think both r important. u wouldnt want to limit urself to one that would be to static of a workout. the kip conserves energy. so like i said in the fran workout if ur goin from thrusters to pullups it wont make sense to do strict pullups, ur arm would be to fatigued.i think u should workout both, continue to build strenght and work on using that strenght to maintain momentum and fly through a workout with kips/butteflys
Its not all about increasing strength, when CrossFitters train they will do all types of pull ups (dead hang, hand release, chest to bar, kipping, butterfly). These pull ups are used to do high reps in short time. This is done so to keep the heart rate up, not to build muscle. Think of them as tools in a toolbox, you choose the one that will get the job done the best of the situation your in.
Then you have never trained with CrossFit, from the outside looking in and only seeing CrossFit showcased in competitions then I can see how you think that CrossFitters only do butterfly pull ups (which by the way are rather hard and technical, I can do 20 dead hang pull ups but only manage 5-10 butterfly pull ups due to stress placed on the entire body). When I train I will use every variant of the move possible. One day I will do dead hangs another day I will do gymnastics kip and so on.
The butterfly kip is only to get your chin over the bar the most times in the shortest time. That's it. The case for functionality is very weak. But this dude is doing them pretty much as well as they can be done, beautiful circular form anf minimal shoulder slack on the way downand, and I feel like he probably can and does do strict work on the bar all the time. So, respect where it's due.
learning how to do muscle ups i suppose. Or whenever you're in need of pulling yourself up quickly. Not all exercises are necessarily for muscles. Some plyometric exercises are needed as well
when ur competing and u need to get a certain number of pullups for a faster time...for instance fran is 21-15-9 reps of thrusters and pullups...gluck doin 45 strict pullups in the whole workout
How does that not put a shitload of pressure on your shoulders? Not hating or anything im just curious, like if you added 20kg's to that how would you not injure yourself?
I realize crossfit is about doing movements as efficiently as possible.....but the butterfly kip (to me) crosses the line between efficiency and just being plain cheap.
Ahhhh god people with the "this is cheating" "this won't work ur back as well as strict" "what muscles does this work"..........IT DOESN'T MATTER ABOUT THOSE THINGS. Butterfly pullups and kipping pullups are designed to get ur chin above the bar as fast as possible with as little energy used as possible. Not to work your muscles or show off at how many pullups u can do.
If people think that this is stupid why are they even watching these videos. Crossfitters ,like me are here to learn how to actually learn this kind of pull-up. It's not cheating at all unless you are specifically suppose to be doing strict pull-ups, it's called being efficient.
Stop responding to the people who say "do a real pull up its harder." They already aren't doing pull ups (why they are googling pull ups) and have no concept of full body control or cross fit training.
Why butterfly or kip? Efficiency. We do what is most EFFICIENT in everyday life, hence the invention of calculators and computers, so this is an efficient way to do pull-ups. All crossfitters also do strict pull-ups for strength. I am not going to deadlift, high-pull, strict press seperately to do a clean and jerk, I am also not going to think about doing any strict motion if I am hanging for my life off a cliff
well like i said ur competing for time...so the time it takes u to get 21 strict as opposed to kip or butterfly is much slower...u should still practice the strict pullups...that should def come first to build up the muscles in ur back and shoulder to be able to kip
rahhh!! rahhh!! im going to post a negative comment about crossfit because i can't do it and dont want to learn how rahhh!! rahhhh!! all i do is curls and bench rahhh!! nice vid man
Im not bad mouthing the people doing these pull-ups because at least they are exercising, but with all do respect what are the purpose of these pull-ups? You say your doing these because they allow you to get your head over the bar faster and easier for timed workouts. If your goal is to increase strength then I think it would be better to lower the amount that is needed to be done and do straight up and down pull-ups. These kipping variations are just using momentum to carry you over the bar.
So why don't you just do less to start then work up to it so your doing a full pull-up? I don't get why you need to use momentum to help you. Just build enough muscle.
This isn't meant to do SOLELY the back, as in a strict, back of hand facing you, pullup. This is meant to be a full-bodied pullup. You get a crap-ton of AB workout as well, as chest and back. You should try these before you go talking trash. There are alot of crossfit haters out there, but until you go and do one of these workouts, try not to hate on it! Any of the crossfit affiliates offer a free class. Go in, get your ass kicked, and get hooked!
The point of doing crossfit is not to be able to squat 900 but overall fitness. I bet no one in the strongest man competitions could swim 5 miles or run 3 miles in 15 min. Its more about being healthy than just strong as shit.
People dont understand that some Crossfit workouts have you doing well over 100 pull ups. There is NOOOOO WAY you are going to do 100 perfect form pull ups, especially if you are racing against a clock. These are designed to get the pull up done as fast as possible while keeping your full body activated.
Actually these are gymnastics moves, they've been around a lot longer than CrossFit. Kipping and Butterfly pull-ups actually develop your strict pull-up ability a hell of a lot better than using the lame pull-up assistance machine in the gym. Also its a totally different work out with different goals. 3-5 fast sets of 20 or 30 butterfly pull-ups is much different workout than 3 sets of 5 slow strict pull-ups. Its all about what your trying to get out of that workout on tha day.
It sounds like you're missing the point...the reason to do this is so that you can crank out reps quickly...but obviously it won't require as much strength as an equivalent number of strict pull ups. If you're not going for time (as in a competition), and you just want to get a good workout, I don't see any reason to learn this technique.
I guess i just don't get the appeal. I would just enter a contest or competition that does strict pull ups for time. Its more impressive to me to do 10 strict dead stop pull ups than 40 of these.
It's not cheating. It's a crossfit movement. Saying it's cheating is like saying eating an apple by cutting it first is cheating. No it's not, it's another way of eating a frickin apple. These are different version of pullups for speed purpose.
Love theJohnsons Is impossible to let some of these haters know that these modified movements are actually more technical than they seem. I've been trying to learn the butterfly pullups for some time now and not because I can't do strict pull-ups but for the purposes of efficiency. There's a reason why there's numerous videos about this movement and other crossfit/Olympic movements because of the technicality of the movements. Instead of some of these people hating on something they've never tried, they should take the time to give it a go. I do regular body building as well as crossfit because I believe they both have their benefits.
Love theJohnsons lol except some(most) people dont eat apples just for the sake of eating the apple. just like people dont do pull ups just for the sake of doing pull ups. its only cheating if your purpose for doing the pull up is building muscle. if you just wanna get from point a to point b then its not cheating imo
What? That doesn't make sense. Eating an apple just for the sake of eating an apple? There's more than one way to eat an apple. Slice it, eat it whole, apple sauce, etc. You are still getting the nutrients of eating the apple. Doing strict pull-ups vs kipping pull-ups is just another way to do them and you are benefiting from both if you choose. I've never cheated myself by doing kipping/butterfly pull-ups vs regular pull-ups. Embrace different ways to do a workout.
Jason made me piss my pants lmaooo but yeah all you people saying its cheating.. Well it's not, yeah it's designed to conserve energy but at the same time if I put one if you whining schmucks on there for 30 sec your abs will wanna explode it's a great core work out dont kid your self ,
then if you aren't trying to get stronger why do them? you have to get stronger to become faster and create that power to generate momentum. I am not talking about showing off muscles -- just being strong and not adapting one of the best strength training exercises into some quick fad (crossfit) to burn some calories and not use proper technique
it is cheating. what hw calls the "swoop" is using kinetic energy. he is not lifting his full weight because of the constant motion, which is CHEATING.
i do not get your technique on the legs? too much range of motion? and your shoulders and elbows are in big risk of injuries due to the over extended back? I know you're a strong athlete Jason, but the dude you are training is not?
You can only do "5-10" butterfly pull ups (which are functionally the same as kipping pull ups, let's not kid ourselves)? The guy in the video just did 9, and that was after swinging around for a while. I've seen chicks do more than 20. What happens if there is ever a situation where you NEED to pull up more than your body weight? "Hold on, let me start swinging the shit out of my legs..."
3:51 "He's swooping the shit out of his legs" LMFAO
This helped me get the kipping pull-up down pat. Thanks
Excited to scroll down and read all the comments.
I got my butterfly in a minute after watching this video. Thank you for breaking down the movement with the flamingo/ backwards bicycle. That's what helped me!!!!!!!
great tips and great video. I'm saving this on my phone to watch tomorrow in the box. Great explanation fellas!!!!
Great language and progression. Thanks Jason.
Also kipping pull ups (gymnastics kip) are a lot easier which is why they are generally the first kip CrossFitters learn after they can do dead hang pull ups.
Saying that kipping is cheating when doing a pullup is like saying that popping your hips during a snatch is cheating. In CrossFit,its about one thing and one thing only, getting the fucking weight up. They teach you how to do that in the most EFFICIENT way possible. Sure, you do the strict versions for strength, but in competition its about speed and quantity, that's where these are helpful.
Hahahaha yeah and fucking your shoulders up
whether you think kipping is cheating or not deadhang pullups are more difficult!
Love your comment on efficiency mate. A lot of people just blindly judge CrossFit without actually having tried it themselves. Believe us haters, it's hard work! And it definitely makes you stronger, fitter and more explosive. And that's from a former powerlifter and "only strict" pull ups guy ;)
lol yea man sure. whatever helps you sleep at night
I'd be embarrassed to participate in any competition where people do something that ridiculous. hell, I'd be embarrassed to win that competition.
Thanks for the post. Trying to learn techniques so that I may be able to do pull-ups. I'm working on building strength and this is something I want to be able to do. Thanks, it's going to help
Great video, your excitement got me excited
No I train using weighted dead hang pull ups all the time,10kg vest, 20kg vest or attach a belt around my waist and hang the weights of that. Butterfly pull ups are very technical, do them wrong and you can cause damage to your shoulders so you need to know what you're doing and have the strength already there to do it correctly. At the end of the day like I originally said butterfly pull ups are just a weapon in the arsenal of CrossFitters to help get through comps faster.
Thanks guys, good clip. Some great teaching points. Keep up the good work!
A good CrossFit coach will encourage you to learn the strict pull up at all costs. As Mr. Khalipa says, the only time you go butterfly is when you have to do "something fast in a short duration of time." If you're not part of the sport, while you're certainly entitled to your own opinion, please take the time to question what we learn and practice before you define that opinion. Thanks.
And what muscle does this develop? The swoop muscle?
when climbing up a wall in parkour. there is a pulling motion in the climb up. so that the climb up is fast and efficient. you use less energy but the motion is faster.
"...he's swooping the SHIT out of his legs!" Favorite quote so far from Mr. Khalipa.
swoop swoop swoop cant wait to see you at the games, jason!
You about to get all sorts of snap action going on in there!
its all about CUE words, an this was spot on!!!! still have your stnding backflip?/? thanks for posting
Man, this guy is quality at explaining. I won't try these at my gym tho' since they don't have a proper set-up where things won't fall over if I try these :P
Thanks for the video tho'!
@fallingfeathers69 in crossfit the idea is to do a prescribed workout as fast as you can, take "Fran" for instance which is 21-15-9 of thrusters and pullups, so u do 21 thrusters then 21 pullups then 15 and 15 etc. If i can do 21 unbroken pullups faster then the other guy then my time is going to be better. The idea isn't to build muscle they are to be used as part of the WOD inorder to improve your overall time.
For fast reps and keepingthat heart rateup I usually do heavy squats on my tippy toes with a really round back, then I run over and do dead lifts with a jerking motion, and take my legs out of it entirely, think lower back,jerking motion and round back people! Keep that heart rate up!
Butterfly pullups are never used as a single exercise. It's always in a combination of other exercises for the full workout. When you are working out say for example doing FRAN which is Thrusters + pullups, trust me it gets taxing to do. Keep in mind also that this is not the ONLY type of pull up you find in Crossfit. People do strict, butterfly and normal kip. So, they do them all. Usually when your time matters more is when you chose the one that gets the job done the fastest.
Very cool! Thanks!
Cheaah, Nick - I can do 15 strict pull-ups just fine, but kipping or butterfly kill me after 5! The integration of upper-body muscle required is totally wild.
"He's swooping the shit out of his legs!" Loved the video! thanks!
What's the point of doing all this fancy, potentially dangerous stuff, when regular old squats, dead-lifts, bench press, shoulder press, and pullups will get you anywhere you need to go fitness-wise?
um. because then it wouldn't be CrossFit?
Well, becouse that's the nature of CrossFit.
Making original, functional and muscle training moves easier and useless.
Because we're not all powerlifters? t-nation.com/training/finding-your-big-3-lifts
Lennart Nilsen Then do more reps at less weight and shorten your rest times? You don't need all the gimmicks.
wtfarockfish So, all gymnasts are idiots, because they don't do the things YOU like to do?
All Sprinters are idiots, because they don't train like YOU use to?
EVERYONE in the world except Bodybuilders with Bodybuilding training or powerlifting training are idiots, right? Because JUST THEY train right. everyone else must be stupid, because it's not your view of the world, right?
It's so funny. Just because you've never seen a gymnast at the gym, you simply think, that doesn't exist.
simply fuck off, not everyone fits in your view of the world. Some people want to do something different. Not everyone has the same targets.
If pull ups are used for metabolic training, then you simply can't do them strict. Not everyone has in every part of his training a maximization of his muscle gain as a target.
just did this for 2 months. literally. 2 f####king months. 4 days a week. spent about 2 to 5 minutes swooping the s##t out of my legs. and now i can sortof use it in a wod. just saying this was a very slow tedious frustrating skill to learn. and the progression works.
its true that once you have the technique down its a lot easier than doing hanging pull ups, but you compensate by doing higher reps and it works more of your entire body. These people don't only do kipping pull ups, but you'll work more muscles if you do it as well as doing regular pull ups.
This video is awesome. thanks
If you don't like it, nobody's forcing you to do it. No one ever claimed it was a strict pull up, it's clear that it's not. It's not supposed to work the same muscles as strict pull ups, you're supposed to keep your whole body in motion during a workout..kind of like a form of cardio. Lastly, don't bash it until you try it tough guys.
This is one of those movements you just have to keep trying till you hit the notes that make it.
It´s functional, you are using your hips, legs, your abs, your back, coordination, agility
This is the shit!
Went to my gym a learned them the next day. Watch your shoulders guys! :)
i think both r important. u wouldnt want to limit urself to one that would be to static of a workout. the kip conserves energy. so like i said in the fran workout if ur goin from thrusters to pullups it wont make sense to do strict pullups, ur arm would be to fatigued.i think u should workout both, continue to build strenght and work on using that strenght to maintain momentum and fly through a workout with kips/butteflys
Very helpful thanks.
Its not all about increasing strength, when CrossFitters train they will do all types of pull ups (dead hang, hand release, chest to bar, kipping, butterfly).
These pull ups are used to do high reps in short time. This is done so to keep the heart rate up, not to build muscle. Think of them as tools in a toolbox, you choose the one that will get the job done the best of the situation your in.
Then you have never trained with CrossFit, from the outside looking in and only seeing CrossFit showcased in competitions then I can see how you think that CrossFitters only do butterfly pull ups (which by the way are rather hard and technical, I can do 20 dead hang pull ups but only manage 5-10 butterfly pull ups due to stress placed on the entire body). When I train I will use every variant of the move possible. One day I will do dead hangs another day I will do gymnastics kip and so on.
he gets louder and louder by the moment.
@Jaikano out of honest curiosity then, whats the point of just seeing how fast you can get your chin over the bar with as little energy as possible?
The butterfly kip is only to get your chin over the bar the most times in the shortest time. That's it. The case for functionality is very weak.
But this dude is doing them pretty much as well as they can be done, beautiful circular form anf minimal shoulder slack on the way downand, and I feel like he probably can and does do strict work on the bar all the time. So, respect where it's due.
piece of cake!
Swoop, there it is!
@Jaikano ic, crossfitters always talking about functional movement but this is only good at getting you better at the cross fit wod?
@Jaikano Then what is the point? Just doing them for the sake of it?
flamingos knees bend the opposite way of humans......haha
just kidding, great vid Jason, thanks for being my hero.
@bigwhat62 yes they are the 230s, same shoes i wear
Holy spastic muscle contractions, Batman! Is that bar electrified or are you guys on the best drugs ever?
random question, but are those blue inov8's you are wearing?
learning how to do muscle ups i suppose. Or whenever you're in need of pulling yourself up quickly. Not all exercises are necessarily for muscles. Some plyometric exercises are needed as well
Hook these babies up with some Fran = best work out ever in the span if like 3 minutes lmaooo
You normally wouldn't do that style of pull-up with weight on. It's designed for speed and making it easier when you are doing lots of repetitions.
when ur competing and u need to get a certain number of pullups for a faster time...for instance fran is 21-15-9 reps of thrusters and pullups...gluck doin 45 strict pullups in the whole workout
How does that not put a shitload of pressure on your shoulders? Not hating or anything im just curious, like if you added 20kg's to that how would you not injure yourself?
Preach it.
@Jaikano So how would it help you gain muscle if you're just cheating and NOT using muscles then?
what size shoe do you wear?
he's swooping the shit outta his legs!
I realize crossfit is about doing movements as efficiently as possible.....but the butterfly kip (to me) crosses the line between efficiency and just being plain cheap.
Ahhhh god people with the "this is cheating" "this won't work ur back as well as strict" "what muscles does this work"..........IT DOESN'T MATTER ABOUT THOSE THINGS. Butterfly pullups and kipping pullups are designed to get ur chin above the bar as fast as possible with as little energy used as possible. Not to work your muscles or show off at how many pullups u can do.
"Not to work your muscles [...]" Excuse me for asking, but whats the purpose of the exercise then?
going to do the flamingo
can anyone tell me wt muscle will Butterfly Pull-Up train?
If people think that this is stupid why are they even watching these videos. Crossfitters ,like me are here to learn how to actually learn this kind of pull-up. It's not cheating at all unless you are specifically suppose to be doing strict pull-ups, it's called being efficient.
Sure, you're efficiently performing a pull-up incorrectly, well done.
Stop responding to the people who say "do a real pull up its harder." They already aren't doing pull ups (why they are googling pull ups) and have no concept of full body control or cross fit training.
This shit is fucking hilarious
Dethklok...my homie
Why butterfly or kip? Efficiency. We do what is most EFFICIENT in everyday life, hence the invention of calculators and computers, so this is an efficient way to do pull-ups. All crossfitters also do strict pull-ups for strength. I am not going to deadlift, high-pull, strict press seperately to do a clean and jerk, I am also not going to think about doing any strict motion if I am hanging for my life off a cliff
awsome! :D
well like i said ur competing for time...so the time it takes u to get 21 strict as opposed to kip or butterfly is much slower...u should still practice the strict pullups...that should def come first to build up the muscles in ur back and shoulder to be able to kip
feel like this exercise doesn't too much for the muscle. seems like all momentum
Did he say to keep that con"chin"uous motion"? lol
+Mike Hamilton Yes! he totally did.
he is swoopng the shit out of his legs!
Oh okay, thanks.
If you are just working out on strength that particular day, then it's your choice to do a strict pull up for the day. You have a choice...just fyi.
so swoop? or don't swoop? ;)
rahhh!! rahhh!! im going to post a negative comment about crossfit because i can't do it and dont want to learn how rahhh!! rahhhh!! all i do is curls and bench rahhh!! nice vid man
Im not bad mouthing the people doing these pull-ups because at least they are exercising, but with all do respect what are the purpose of these pull-ups? You say your doing these because they allow you to get your head over the bar faster and easier for timed workouts. If your goal is to increase strength then I think it would be better to lower the amount that is needed to be done and do straight up and down pull-ups. These kipping variations are just using momentum to carry you over the bar.
he is swooping the SHIT ouuta his knees!!!! haha
So why don't you just do less to start then work up to it so your doing a full pull-up? I don't get why you need to use momentum to help you. Just build enough muscle.
This isn't meant to do SOLELY the back, as in a strict, back of hand facing you, pullup. This is meant to be a full-bodied pullup. You get a crap-ton of AB workout as well, as chest and back. You should try these before you go talking trash.
There are alot of crossfit haters out there, but until you go and do one of these workouts, try not to hate on it!
Any of the crossfit affiliates offer a free class. Go in, get your ass kicked, and get hooked!
The point of doing crossfit is not to be able to squat 900 but overall fitness. I bet no one in the strongest man competitions could swim 5 miles or run 3 miles in 15 min. Its more about being healthy than just strong as shit.
@oooooSzewczykooooo LOL agreed
People dont understand that some Crossfit workouts have you doing well over 100 pull ups. There is NOOOOO WAY you are going to do 100 perfect form pull ups, especially if you are racing against a clock. These are designed to get the pull up done as fast as possible while keeping your full body activated.
Actually these are gymnastics moves, they've been around a lot longer than CrossFit. Kipping and Butterfly pull-ups actually develop your strict pull-up ability a hell of a lot better than using the lame pull-up assistance machine in the gym. Also its a totally different work out with different goals. 3-5 fast sets of 20 or 30 butterfly pull-ups is much different workout than 3 sets of 5 slow strict pull-ups. Its all about what your trying to get out of that workout on tha day.
It sounds like you're missing the point...the reason to do this is so that you can crank out reps quickly...but obviously it won't require as much strength as an equivalent number of strict pull ups. If you're not going for time (as in a competition), and you just want to get a good workout, I don't see any reason to learn this technique.
answered your own question
I guess i just don't get the appeal. I would just enter a contest or competition that does strict pull ups for time. Its more impressive to me to do 10 strict dead stop pull ups than 40 of these.
And what is the point of that?
the point of the pull-up is to pull your body weight up...not "swoop" up. Using kinetic motion is cheating. using brute strength is not.
It's not cheating. It's a crossfit movement. Saying it's cheating is like saying eating an apple by cutting it first is cheating. No it's not, it's another way of eating a frickin apple. These are different version of pullups for speed purpose.
Also, in crossfit we do static pullups all the time. Maybe try it before commenting on a pullup.
Love theJohnsons Is impossible to let some of these haters know that these modified movements are actually more technical than they seem. I've been trying to learn the butterfly pullups for some time now and not because I can't do strict pull-ups but for the purposes of efficiency. There's a reason why there's numerous videos about this movement and other crossfit/Olympic movements because of the technicality of the movements. Instead of some of these people hating on something they've never tried, they should take the time to give it a go. I do regular body building as well as crossfit because I believe they both have their benefits.
Love theJohnsons lol except some(most) people dont eat apples just for the sake of eating the apple. just like people dont do pull ups just for the sake of doing pull ups. its only cheating if your purpose for doing the pull up is building muscle. if you just wanna get from point a to point b then its not cheating imo
What? That doesn't make sense. Eating an apple just for the sake of eating an apple? There's more than one way to eat an apple. Slice it, eat it whole, apple sauce, etc. You are still getting the nutrients of eating the apple. Doing strict pull-ups vs kipping pull-ups is just another way to do them and you are benefiting from both if you choose. I've never cheated myself by doing kipping/butterfly pull-ups vs regular pull-ups. Embrace different ways to do a workout.
Jason made me piss my pants lmaooo but yeah all you people saying its cheating.. Well it's not, yeah it's designed to conserve energy but at the same time if I put one if you whining schmucks on there for 30 sec your abs will wanna explode it's a great core work out dont kid your self ,
Sooooo whats the point?
Go to 1:53 to check out some good ole' hoe down action!!!
should be called the fish out of water pull up
then if you aren't trying to get stronger why do them? you have to get stronger to become faster and create that power to generate momentum. I am not talking about showing off muscles -- just being strong and not adapting one of the best strength training exercises into some quick fad (crossfit) to burn some calories and not use proper technique
Why would you want to learn how to cheat at pull ups?
This is insane. Well from an actual trainers perspective.
Casey Bodden this is not cheating. it's just a different movement.
it is cheating. what hw calls the "swoop" is using kinetic energy. he is not lifting his full weight because of the constant motion, which is CHEATING.
I doubt anyone cares if they're "cheating" at the Casey Bodden's Rules for Pull Ups Competition or the Heath Lindsay-Hayden's Dead Hang Pull-Up Game.
Heath Lindsay-Hayden It's only cheating if you're in a competition where you are supposed to be doing strict pull ups.
i do not get your technique on the legs? too much range of motion? and your shoulders and elbows are in big risk of injuries due to the over extended back? I know you're a strong athlete Jason, but the dude you are training is not?
You can only do "5-10" butterfly pull ups (which are functionally the same as kipping pull ups, let's not kid ourselves)? The guy in the video just did 9, and that was after swinging around for a while. I've seen chicks do more than 20. What happens if there is ever a situation where you NEED to pull up more than your body weight? "Hold on, let me start swinging the shit out of my legs..."
exactly, down with crossfit! Get some real strength and do a dead hang muscle up