Herminamező árnyai - Tisza István miniszterelnök meggyilkolásáról

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024


  • @katalinungvari595
    @katalinungvari595 3 роки тому +4

    Köszönöm a sorsnak, h, megérhettem ezt a lehetöséget, melyben nemcsak beszélni lehet ezekröl az aljasságokról, hanem filmet is készitenek egy olyan ember meggyilkolásáról, aki ha életben maradt volna, talán országunk sorsa is másképpen alakul, fejet hajtok Tisza István mártiromsága elött.

    • @hv303
      @hv303 Рік тому

      Pogány, eredetileg schwartz....

  • @martonjuhasz1544
    @martonjuhasz1544 6 років тому +8

    ő volt az utolsó valamire való magyar politikus

  • @ZenHarmonics718
    @ZenHarmonics718 Рік тому +1

    Büszke vagyok,hogy Bertényi István volt a történelem tanárom.

  • @arenavisuals2203
    @arenavisuals2203 5 років тому +3

    Mindenki olvassa el a - Vörös Könyv - c. diplomáciai levelezés kordokumentumot. A neten is fent van pdf-ben. Iszonyatos érdekes olvasni, és egyértelműen kiderül belőle kik a bűnösök.

  • @ive0804
    @ive0804 2 роки тому

    Este, chiar așa o mare problemă să prezentați o subtitrare într-o limbă de mare circulație ? Odată postat pe yt se înțelege că documentarul nu este de uz intern.

    • @attilanagy9690
      @attilanagy9690 8 місяців тому

      Inkább beszélj emberi nyelven!És főként tisztelettel!!!!

  • @laistvan2
    @laistvan2 4 місяці тому

    It is about assassination of ex-minister president, Istvan Tisza in 31/10/1918 in Budapest, (today XIV district, Palma street, Roheim villa). He was an old style liberal who supported by Franz Joseph and small group not by mass population. During the WW1 this world collapsed and some angry soldiers(? we don't know) broke in to his mansion, after some hours his body guards(professional grendarmies) was ordered to leave him. He was one of the most blamed person by Entente powers because of the war(even he hesitated in the beggining).
    USA intervened by the side of Entente in 1917 and sent 3 million soldier to Europe permanently so Central Powers losing was question of time. 700 000 French(and Serbian etc.) troops mached through the Balkan and Austria-Hungary enforced to made a ceasefire in Padova.
    Tisza resigned earlier and he was one of the most hated man in Hungary as well in late 1918. He saw the government is too weak and revolutionaries were ready to took over like they did in Russia last year. This time Czech kingdom separated from Austria-Hungary and became so called "Czechoslovak republic" so demanded territories from Hungary (28-10-1918). In Austria a revolution started so started the same in Hungary in 31-10-1918. A plenty of soldiers marched to home, kept their rifles
    and planned to revenge their suffers via force. Ernő Raffai thinks "dark powers" wanted to took over and they had to liquidate their potential enemies(like Witte and Stolipin in Russia before or the Austrian prime minister Count Karl von Stürgkh who killed in 1916 , his killer, Friedrich Wolfgang "Fritz" Adler made also a carrier).
    Before a day of 31-10-1918 Gertner Marcell and some another soldiers spied Tiszta's manison with reasining looking for Mr. Rusicka, who was a hiding military judge but Tisza sent them off showing his own firearms. His neighbour (an aristocrat) sent him a letter to leave Budapest quickly or he will be attacked soon but Tisza didn't care about it. Someone cut their phone lines and a noname man came in to hand over some new telephone code(for secret communication).
    The later investigations(Nov 1919) discovered that 2 van with full of soldiers(+late sailors, newly joined criminal figures) went from the Hotel Astoria (the new president, Karolyi's(who was Tisza's archenemy) headquarters, in 1944 was the Gestapo headquarter). They were dropped off by the hospital Bethesda and went towards Tisza's mansion. They surrounded the area so they planned properly their action earlier. Pál Kéri was their leader, but one of the soldier-comitte's leader, Imre Csernyák, came with them as well. They unarmed the grendarmies firearms.
    Dobo István, Horváth Sanovics Sándor, Pogány József journalist, Hüttner Sándor, Sztankovszky Tibor, Gertner Sándor, Láng Lajos, Kundekker József. 2 went to the downstairs and unarmed the grendarmies and they ringed the bell. The servant told Tiszta to jump out of the window and ran but Tisza refused it. The servant let them in and they started searching Tisza. Tisza, his wife and his nice went to them. The soldiers tried to sent off the women but started a fight and they shot Tisza's stomach. The soldiers ran out because scared from their own crime. The phone connection immediately recovered and they called a doctor. Police and journalists came as well. Bela Linder's(a famous traitor of Hungary) man came to check is Tisza really death or not. Dr. Sandor Lux made the death report about Istvan Tisza.
    He got two shot:one to his left chest, another in his belly.
    A police committee came (leader was Béla Szentkirályi). They started investigating and collected the unarmed and scattered grendarmies. They did not find any witness until September 1919(in August 1919 the Romanian troops finished the Communist rule in Hungary) because the scared from Karolyi or later the Communists.
    17 people arrested until late November of 1919.
    Jozsef Pogány became a people's comissar(minister) during the Communist rule. There were no firm evidence against Karolyi after the investigation in November 1919.
    Tisza's son and daughter in law died in Spanish flu some in November 1918.
    In the case of the Tisza murder, a verdict was reached in 1920-21, under the Teleki and Bethlen governments, in a trial that took place two years after the events. Some of the defendants were acquitted or the charges against them were dropped, the sentences of others were reduced, and the extradition request against them was terminated. In the opinion of Ferenc Pölöskei, the verdicts and their execution were ultimately inflicted on those who based the accusation on the influence of violent interrogations or with their confessions in the hope of a lighter punishment.

  • @gergoszel7382
    @gergoszel7382 6 років тому +1

    Sajnos Trianon kódolva volt a 18. századi betelpítésekkel. Ki lehetett ezt húzni még a Kiegyezéssel néhány évtizedig.

    • @kaldijozef5562
      @kaldijozef5562 4 роки тому

      Bizony, igaz..! Kossuth még csak nem is fogadta a tót diákok, pozsonyi küldöttségét, s lám a tótok államalkotás nélkül is megőrizték ezer éven át a nyelvüket, kultúrájukat... És éppen mi álltunk az útjukba. Ezt is meggondolhatnánk, a nagy pofánkkal...és lenézésünkkel.

    • @hv303
      @hv303 Рік тому

      Ezer éven átXDXDXD aha, jó vicc@@kaldijozef5562

  • @richardzayas2285
    @richardzayas2285 Рік тому +1

    I am a direct descendant of istvan and I live in America. I can’t speak Hungarian so I have no idea what this is about

    • @laistvan2
      @laistvan2 4 місяці тому

      It is about assassination of ex-minister president, Istvan Tisza in 31/10/1918 in Budapest, (today XIV district, Palma street, Roheim villa). He was an old style liberal who supported by Franz Joseph and small group not by mass population. During the WW1 this world collapsed and some angry soldiers(? we don't know) broke in to his mansion, after some hours his body guards(professional grendarmies) was ordered to leave him. He was one of the most blamed person by Entente powers because of the war(even he hesitated in the beggining).

  • @LivlandiaOfficial
    @LivlandiaOfficial 9 місяців тому

    Csak a megbízókkal nem foglalkozik az anyag. Nem egyszerű gyűlölet bosszú volt, hanem azok az erők szervezték meg a gyilkosságot, akik magát a háborút is kirobbantották.

  • @laszloandrovics1405
    @laszloandrovics1405 4 роки тому +1

    A pénz mint adósság

  • @LivlandiaOfficial
    @LivlandiaOfficial 9 місяців тому

    Tisza nem volt háborúpárti. Az anyag ezen állítása teljesen hamis.

  • @ferencpavelka1484
    @ferencpavelka1484 2 роки тому +1

    Megérdemelte a sorsàt nyilvánosan föl kelet volna akasztani. Ez nem gyilkosság csak igazság tétel. Tisza nem érdemel szanalmat.

  • @kaldijozef5562
    @kaldijozef5562 4 роки тому +1

    Tisza István eleinte ellenezte a háborút, de azután mellé állt. A katonák őt tartották felelősnek, a háborúért, amelyben Magyarország érdekeit máig kutatják. Azt kapta amit megérdemelt a négy év lövészárokbeli életért a katonák százezrei halálért, a megnyomorított életért a hadifogságért..

    • @hajnalkazatrok4606
      @hajnalkazatrok4606 3 роки тому +4

      Itt mindenki ennyire alulinfomált????? Ember! Tájékozódj, mert buta maradsz!

    • @BorsosGabor2023
      @BorsosGabor2023 3 роки тому +2

      Józsi,Józsi! Ezt a demagóg marhaságot már annak idején is csak a csőcselék hitte el!