I had a pice of toast and drank coffee for breakfast. Today I’m going to a part time job and go to cafe with my sister and then I’m going to go shopping.
Today I'm going to study English .The reasen is tht I hope speak English and communicate with a lot of people. 大学受験が終わったのでTOEICの勉強を頑張りたいと思いひなさんの動画見始めました!!継続して頑張ります!
Hello! ✨ 添削 -Today I’m going to dance class. (ダンスクラスに行く) -I will drink coffee and eat apple pie this morning. (朝はコーヒーを飲み、アップルパイを食べる)(過去形の場合は I drank coffee and ate apple pie this morning) Thanks for commenting ! See you soon:)
Good morning Hina 🥱 Today I'm going to use English on a deily basis and then I'm going to eat something sweets. I will watch Korean dramas. Have a nice day👍
thanks for writing!! 添削: - Today I am going to cook Christmas dishes ** cook for christmas dishes for =〜のために と言う意味なので、この文章ですと「クリスマス料理のために料理をする」となってしまいます!なので、「クリスマス料理を料理する」と表現するには I am going to cook Christmas dishesと書きます!
l'm going to take a nap. and then I'm going to have a snack. I ate a crispy shrimp cullet sandwich for breakfast today. 人気の出る英語系UA-camrだいたい一人芝居が上手い説🙄 本日も最高だった本動画の見所をおさらいしておきます🫡 1:39 WHAT?!で音割れ 7:59 ピー(自主規制Fワード) 8:25 ドアップ(肌きれい)
今回は毎朝5分トレーニングということで 英会話など教えてくださり ありがとうございます。 今回の動画で学んだことを今後、実践していきたいと思います。 また、前回の動画のコメント欄で質問されていた 質問の答えは In the future, I would like to travel in Italy.です。
ありがとうございます!ぜひ実践してください!! 前の質問の回答もありがとうございます☺️ I want to go to Italy too!! "I would like to travel TO Italy" travel in Italy より travel to Italyの方が移動の目的地を特定しているので綺麗な表現にはなります!in でも全然伝わります!
Hi Hina, Merry Christmas🎄this isわんこ🐶 Today, you know, is the special day once a year. While my brother made a promise to go to 御堂筋 with his friends, I didn’t have any plans. Then my brother talked to me, “ You’re free, right? Set my hair cool.” There was no reasons I accept his offer because he goes there with not a girlfriend but just friends who are in the same club as him. But actually I had enough time and I am very kind, so I set his hair very very cool. I was happy to see my brother satisfied with it. But this Christmas was only my brother’s hair set day🥲 See you tomorrow😊
Hello🐶 sorry for the late reply :( Merry (late) Christmas! 添削 -Give me a cool hairstyle. (髪をカッコよくスタイルして) -There were no reasons why I accepted〜(複数の理由なのでwere、過去形なのでacceptedです!) -But this Christmas all I did was set my brother’s hair. (今年のクリスマス、私がやった事は兄/弟のヘアセットだけでした) I’m glad your brother liked his hairstyle! Thanks for commenting everyday!! I’ll see you tomorrow :)
Hi Hina, this isわんこ🐶 Thank you for your helpful video! I just had dinner and then I’m gonna practice typing for 30 minutes. It is because mastering computer is important in my university life, but now I can’t. I want to master blind touch. Well, it’s time to practice typing. See you tomorrow😊
Hello わんこ! thanks for always watching and commenting on my videos! I hope your typing session went well! 添削です: - mastering computer is important for university (for university で大学のために〜と表現できます) - but I am currently not good at it (でも今は上手ではない)
I'm going to boil water and then I'm going to drink chamomile tea. I usually drink protein for breakfast! And I always watch your video enjoyably. Thank you so much!
Hello, thank you for watching my videos😭✨ 添削 -I always enjoy watching your videos. (いつも楽しく動画を見ている) Thanks for commenting! I hope you enjoyed your tea! I’ll see you soon :)
Hi Hina, this isわんこ🐶 Today you know there was M1グランプリ.I watched it with my family and enjoyed it. I have been a fan ofさや香 since last year, so I wantedさや香 to win the first prize, but they couldn’t. Actually I’m not sad very much because almost all groups are so fun and it’s not strange that which group wins the first prize. Congratulations 令和ロマン! If you don’t watch it, I have to say sorry for telling the result😅 See you tomorrow😊
Hello わんこ🐶💖Sorry for the late reply😢 添削 -Actually I’m not that sad (そんなに悲しくないは not that sadと表現します!very muchはとてもという意味になります!) -〜almost all groups were so funny and there was no telling which group will win the first prize. (誰が勝ってもおかしくないはno telling which group will win と表現します!) Thanks for commenting! Congratulations 令和ロマン! I’ll see you tomorrow 💖
今日も続いてます! いつも夜寝る前の時間でやるのをルーティン化してますが、朝もこれからやるように頑張ります!! I usually don’t eat breakfast. Tomorrow, I’m going to work. and then, I’m going to go to a year-end party with my company’s team members.
Today I had a Natto, Tamagoyaki and Miso soup for breakfast. And I'm going to work, after work I will go to Ginza for shopping. I want a suit because I will attend in my frined's wedding tomorrow. いつも動画で勉強させて頂いてます🙇
That sounds like a yummy breakfast 🥚 添削です: - I’m going work and then after work I will go to Ginza And で文書をはじめるのはできるだけ避けましょう! I hope you enjoyed your friends wedding !!
Hello,Hina! I studied English with myfriend at the library. I think to study English is exciting!(私は英語を勉強する事はワクワクすると思う) I'm washing myteeth now. good night.
Thanks for commenting😆 添削 -Then, I’m/I am going to study English. (andで文章を始めないようにしましょう!) -Next, I have to〜(thenをもう一度使っても良いですが、なるべく違う言葉を使うようにしましょう!) Thank you 😊 I’ll see you soon :)
添削です! - I was given a cookie by the bakery clerk (I was given - 「もらいました・与えられました」) - I felt very happy and it was delicious it was で「クッキーが」と示した方が丁寧です! 🍪 I love cookies 🍪
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶 Today there was a closing ceremony, I mean today was the last day to see my friends. I’m very sad and really miss them. But there is a good news. We decided to sometimes call at the group line in winter vacation. So certainly I’m sad that I can’t see my friends, but now I am excited a little bit. see you tomorrow😊
Hello, わんこ! Are you on winter break now? 添削です!: - We decided to call sometime on our group LINE during the winter vacation - So I'm certainly sad that I can't see my friends (英語は、主語→動詞 の順番で書くので、So certainly I'm ではなくSo I'm certainlyになります!) See you tomorrow!!☺️
通勤前の時間どうしてもダラケてしまっていたのでルーティンのナレーション挑戦してみようと思います…! Today, the overseas business trip I was supposed to go on is postponed lol. I felt a little relieved. But in my case, I might slack off training of English conversation if I have extra time until next business trip. I should be 根性焼き by Hina-sensei😂
Hi Hina, this isわんこ🐶 Today I ate out toスシロー with my family. There, we ordered えんがわワサビbut it’s so spicy that we shed tears. All sushi we ordered are so delicious but I have a thing I want to tell. It is that the prices are a little expensive. I miss the period when we could eat most sushi at 100 yen😢 See you tomorrow😊
添削です: - there, we ordered えんがわワサビ There → At Sushiro - but it was so spicy (過去形にする) - All the sushi we ordered WERE so delicious - it was that the prices were a little expensive I agree that eating out is getting expensive 😵🍣 but sushiro is pretty reasonable compared to other places !
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶 Today I went to karaoke with my friend and we sang there all day. Maybe we kept singing for about seven hours but I can still sing and so can he I guess😂 We also enjoyed talking about things we rarely talk so we were able to know each other more than before. After the dinner, we talked in a park for two hours. It was very cold outside but we had a great time. I can be happy to be with my friends. I love my friends!! See you tomorrow😊
Hello 🐶✨ 添削 -〜about things we rarely talk about (〜について話す→talk about と表現します!) -I am happy when I’m with my friends. (友達といる時は幸せ❤️) カラオケ好きなんですね🤣Thanks for commenting, I’ll see you soon :)
ありがとうございます! 1個目の文章は完璧です! become macho は伝わるっちゃ伝わるのですが、machoは形容詞で「雄の〜」みたいな感じで使われるので、 「筋肉もりもりになりたいから」と表現したい場合は I'm working hard everyday to become muscular もしくは become shredded の方が伝わりやすいです!
夜分遅くに失礼します。いつも楽しく拝見しております。 違いを教えてください。お客様をご案内する時、 I will show you to your room I’m gonna show you your room Willを使うことが本にもネットにも載っていますが、be gonnaでもokですか? be gonnaがダメな時は理由を教えていただけると嬉しいです! 何を見ても載っていないため質問させていただきました。よろしくお願い致します。
ありがとうございます! I'm gonna show you to your roomはダメっていうことはないのですが、 友達に話してる軽い感じに聞こえてしまいますね! なのでネットに載っていないとだと思います。 なので、お客様とかをご案内するときは I will show you to your roomと使ったほうがフォーマルです!
thanks for writing! 添削です! - and then を2回同じ文章で使うのは良くないので、1回までにしましょう! なのでI'm going to study English.で一度文章を終わって、 'Then I'm going to my part time job' もしくは 'Then after that I'm going to my part time job' で始めましょう!
December 22 Today we had closing ceremony.Winter vacation starts tomorrow !I took a nap for 4 hours so I’m not sleepy now.Tomorrow I will go to a basketball game but my ankle is injured and I will not be able to play in the match.There will be a official match.I want to recover until then.
December22 3days(作文を初めて3日目です) I went to parttime job for 4hour! I worked weekday first time.(普段は平日に入らないので、初めて平日に出勤しました) I cleaned myroom with mymother! My mother was ungry sometimes! (ぼーっとしてたら怒られました!笑) I have just clean myroom! Good night😸
thanks for writing!! 3日連続すごいです!! これからも書いてください! 添削: - I went to MY part time job for 4 hours! - I worked ON a weekday for the first time (for the first time =はじめて) - I spaced out so my mother got angry sometimes!! spaced out = ぼーとした - I have just cleaned my room (clean + ed で過去形にしましょう!)
Thank you for your advice! Today, I enjoyed talking about M-1 GrandPrix with my friend. Do you like M-1? If you are free in Dec.24, you should watch TV! 添削お願いしたいです! 明日からこの5分トレーニングやってみる!
I usually don't watch M-1 but I will check it out tomorrow! Although I don't have a TV at home LOL do you have a favorite comedian?? 添削です: - If you are free ON Dec.24th 特定な日付がある場合、onを使います! in は月や季節などの長期の単位を表すときに使うので、in December(12月に)やったらOKです! でも12月24日という明確な日付がある場合はon Dec.24th といいます!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher I usually don’t watch TV too, but I have a TV to watch M-1 every year. My favorite comedians are Gakutensoku and BKB. 特定の日付はon!勉強になりました😊✍️ありがとうございます~!!
Hi Hina!I'm Shin! Today I did household because of that my wife and younger sister catch a cold. ヒナさん、こんばんわ。 いつもありがとうございます😊 「今日は家事をしました。その理由は奥さんと下の子が風邪をひいたからです。」 と、言いたかったんですが、 なんか、表現も単語もおかしいですか?
hello shin! thank you for always commenting and sharing your day! Today I did household chores (household chores = 家事) because my wife and youngest daughter CAUGHT a cold (becauseで理由は〜と表現できているので、because of that と表現する必要はありません!) younger sister は妹になってしまうので、下の子といいたい場合は youngest childもしくはyoungest daughterと表現します!
Today, I'm going to visit grandparents' house. and then I'm going to meet my cousin. I'll eat the sandwich my grandmother made. and then the relatives will all drink together.
ヒナ姐さん! Here's my schedule. I'm going to buy some bacons this weekend because I heard English speakers "bring home the bacon" to feed their family, right? In my free time, I watch UA-cam, especially "Hina channel", worrying if I'm going to get 根性焼き from Princess Hina. It's scar....( ゚д゚)ハッ! I mean, it motivates me to study English! BTW, did you get a new camera? The image quality seems higher than before. Anyway, you look super cute as usual !
by 学び直しの、現39歳
I'm going to study English and Chinese
I had a pice of toast and drank coffee for breakfast.
Today I’m going to a part time job and go to cafe with my sister and then I’m going to go shopping.
Today I'm going to study English .The reasen is tht I hope speak English and communicate with a lot of people.
I'm going to study English.
and then I'm going to write a jurnal.
I'm gonna pick up my Christmas cake today.
ありがとうございます!笑 ぜひ見てください!
What kind of cake is it? Can you describe it?
Yes I can. It's a size 4 strawberry sponge cake. Fresh cream was delicious.
keep it up!
Today,I’m going to walk for an hour and then I’m going to cook for my sister.
I ate curry rice for breakfast.
Thank you!
today I'mgoing to go school and
I'm going to study English after school.
Today I’m going to dancing
I will have eat coffee and apple pie this morning
Hello! ✨
-Today I’m going to dance class. (ダンスクラスに行く)
-I will drink coffee and eat apple pie this morning. (朝はコーヒーを飲み、アップルパイを食べる)(過去形の場合は I drank coffee and ate apple pie this morning)
Thanks for commenting ! See you soon:)
押忍!!see you in the morning!
Good morning Hina 🥱
Today I'm going to use English on a deily basis and then I'm going to eat something sweets. I will watch Korean dramas.
Have a nice day👍
Today l’m going to go to tennis field , and play tennis with my friend!
Today I am going to cook for Christmas dishes and go to library,another so on.
thanks for writing!!
- Today I am going to cook Christmas dishes
** cook for christmas dishes
for =〜のために と言う意味なので、この文章ですと「クリスマス料理のために料理をする」となってしまいます!なので、「クリスマス料理を料理する」と表現するには I am going to cook Christmas dishesと書きます!
l'm going to take a nap.
and then I'm going to have a snack.
I ate a crispy shrimp cullet sandwich for breakfast today.
1:39 WHAT?!で音割れ
7:59 ピー(自主規制Fワード)
8:25 ドアップ(肌きれい)
Today I'm going to office and work, and then I’m going to eat dinner with friends.
Today I had ginger pork and rice and yogurt for breakfast.
I'm going to brush my teeth for now and then I'm going to try to paint a picture in 1 hour.
I usually have rice for breakfast!
- for now は「今のところ」という意味なので、「今歯を磨きにいく」はI’m going to brush my teeth now で十分です!
Today I am going to study English in the morning and then I am going to work partーtime for four hours
Hello✨ Thanks for commenting!
-going to work at my part-time job for four hours.
Sounds like you had a very productive day! See you soon:)
Today I'm going to study English and get ready to go out tomorrow.
In the future, I would like to travel in Italy.です。
I want to go to Italy too!!
"I would like to travel TO Italy"
travel in Italy より travel to Italyの方が移動の目的地を特定しているので綺麗な表現にはなります!in でも全然伝わります!
𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔︎ Hina!!!🥺
I ate bread.
I’m too lazy to do job.😢
This movie made me very happy!!😊
i'm going to make new year's card. チャンネル登録させて頂きました。動画ありがとうございます。
new year's card を複数形にして new year's cardsの方がいいですね!
Hi Hina, Merry Christmas🎄this isわんこ🐶
Today, you know, is the special day once a year. While my brother made a promise to go to 御堂筋 with his friends, I didn’t have any plans. Then my brother talked to me, “ You’re free, right? Set my hair cool.” There was no reasons I accept his offer because he goes there with not a girlfriend but just friends who are in the same club as him. But actually I had enough time and I am very kind, so I set his hair very very cool. I was happy to see my brother satisfied with it. But this Christmas was only my brother’s hair set day🥲
See you tomorrow😊
Hello🐶 sorry for the late reply :( Merry (late) Christmas!
-Give me a cool hairstyle. (髪をカッコよくスタイルして)
-There were no reasons why I accepted〜(複数の理由なのでwere、過去形なのでacceptedです!)
-But this Christmas all I did was set my brother’s hair. (今年のクリスマス、私がやった事は兄/弟のヘアセットだけでした)
I’m glad your brother liked his hairstyle! Thanks for commenting everyday!! I’ll see you tomorrow :)
Thank you for your correction!
I will wait for your reply even if it is late because I understand you’re so busy.
Thanks ❤😂 Today I'm going to make a resume! 😅and put it in post.😂
thanks for writing!!
resume for job hunting?
ポストに入れると言いたいなら、put it in THE post もしくは put it in the mailboxと表現した方が綺麗です!
Thank you for your very useful video. Today, I'm going to practice playing the piano and make oden for dinner.
Thanks for writing 😆
I hope your Oden tasted well!
Hi Hina, this isわんこ🐶
Thank you for your helpful video! I just had dinner and then I’m gonna practice typing for 30 minutes. It is because mastering computer is important in my university life, but now I can’t. I want to master blind touch. Well, it’s time to practice typing.
See you tomorrow😊
Hello わんこ!
thanks for always watching and commenting on my videos!
I hope your typing session went well!
- mastering computer is important for university
(for university で大学のために〜と表現できます)
- but I am currently not good at it (でも今は上手ではない)
Thank you for your correction!
I'm going to boil water and then I'm going to drink chamomile tea.
I usually drink protein for breakfast!
And I always watch your video enjoyably. Thank you so much!
Hello, thank you for watching my videos😭✨
-I always enjoy watching your videos. (いつも楽しく動画を見ている)
Thanks for commenting! I hope you enjoyed your tea! I’ll see you soon :)
Hi Hina, this isわんこ🐶
Today you know there was M1グランプリ.I watched it with my family and enjoyed it. I have been a fan ofさや香 since last year, so I wantedさや香 to win the first prize, but they couldn’t. Actually I’m not sad very much because almost all groups are so fun and it’s not strange that which group wins the first prize. Congratulations 令和ロマン! If you don’t watch it, I have to say sorry for telling the result😅
See you tomorrow😊
Hello わんこ🐶💖Sorry for the late reply😢
-Actually I’m not that sad (そんなに悲しくないは not that sadと表現します!very muchはとてもという意味になります!)
-〜almost all groups were so funny and there was no telling which group will win the first prize. (誰が勝ってもおかしくないはno telling which group will win と表現します!)
Thanks for commenting! Congratulations 令和ロマン! I’ll see you tomorrow 💖
Thank you for your correction!
I usually don’t eat breakfast. Tomorrow, I’m going to work. and then, I’m going to go to a year-end party with my company’s team members.
- with team members from my companyの方が綺麗で伝わりやすいです!
잘하네요/ 젊은 여자가. .
Today I’m going to go to bed at 10 pm and then I’m going to get up at 6 am because I want to study English with this video.
I hope you watch this every morning ☺️
I'm going to hang out with Hina tonight~
Today I had a Natto, Tamagoyaki and Miso soup for breakfast.
And I'm going to work, after work I will go to Ginza for shopping.
I want a suit because I will attend in my frined's wedding tomorrow.
That sounds like a yummy breakfast 🥚
- I’m going work and then after work I will go to Ginza
And で文書をはじめるのはできるだけ避けましょう!
I hope you enjoyed your friends wedding !!
I'm going to read some books.
I studied English with myfriend at the library. I think to study English is exciting!(私は英語を勉強する事はワクワクすると思う)
I'm washing myteeth now.
good night.
thanks for writing!!
- I thinking studying English is excitingの方が綺麗です!
- I'm washing my teethでも全然OKなのですが、ネイティブは brushing my teethと表現することが多いです!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher 添削ありがとうございます🫶🏼🫶🏼確かに自分の歯を磨く場合washではなくbrushの方ですね!勉強になりました!ありがとうございます。
Today,I'm going to work.
This morning I had 牛丼 at Matsuya.
Today I’m going to study English and then I’m going to work out at the gym 💪
excellent sentence!!
Today I'm going to bakely at 14:00 and I'm going to finish myhomework.
Good morning!!
Perfect sentence! Good luck on your homework!
I am going to clean my rooms.
And then, Iam going to study English. And I have to help my son to do his homework.
Thanks for commenting😆
-Then, I’m/I am going to study English. (andで文章を始めないようにしましょう!)
-Next, I have to〜(thenをもう一度使っても良いですが、なるべく違う言葉を使うようにしましょう!)
Thank you 😊 I’ll see you soon :)
December23 4days
I went to the bakery at 14:00.
I rode my bicycle .
I gave cookie by bakery clerk.
I felt very happy and delicious.
Good night 🍪
- I was given a cookie by the bakery clerk
(I was given - 「もらいました・与えられました」)
- I felt very happy and it was delicious
it was で「クッキーが」と示した方が丁寧です!
🍪 I love cookies 🍪
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶
Today there was a closing ceremony,
I mean today was the last day to see my friends. I’m very sad and really miss them. But there is a good news. We decided to sometimes call at the group line in winter vacation. So certainly I’m sad that I can’t see my friends, but now I am excited a little bit.
see you tomorrow😊
Hello, わんこ!
Are you on winter break now?
- We decided to call sometime on our group LINE during the winter vacation
- So I'm certainly sad that I can't see my friends
(英語は、主語→動詞 の順番で書くので、So certainly I'm ではなくSo I'm certainlyになります!)
See you tomorrow!!☺️
Thank you for your correction! I am enjoying winter break!
I am going to shopping with my husband.
Today going to lunch with my family, and I イヌノサンポ
犬の散歩 walked my dog
Today I’m going to visit a shrine.
Today, the overseas business trip I was supposed to go on is postponed lol.
I felt a little relieved. But in my case, I might slack off training of English conversation if I have extra time until next business trip.
I should be 根性焼き by Hina-sensei😂
That is 根性焼き案件!!
- … to go on GOT postponed
- slack off training in English conversation
- I should get 根性ヤキ
I’m going to work at my home and then I’m going to play video game.
I’m going to eat rice and white stew at breakfast.
Today I'm going to watch the last episode of a favorite TV drama after dinner.
Nice!! thanks for writing!
What drama is it called?
It’s "ichiban sukina hana". it means the most favorite flower in Japanese.
Thank you for your reply, Hina san.
Hi Hina, this isわんこ🐶
Today I ate out toスシロー with my family. There, we ordered えんがわワサビbut it’s so spicy that we shed tears. All sushi we ordered are so delicious but I have a thing I want to tell. It is that the prices are a little expensive. I miss the period when we could eat most sushi at 100 yen😢
See you tomorrow😊
- there, we ordered えんがわワサビ
There → At Sushiro
- but it was so spicy (過去形にする)
- All the sushi we ordered WERE so delicious
- it was that the prices were a little expensive
I agree that eating out is getting expensive 😵🍣 but sushiro is pretty reasonable compared to other places !
Thank you for your correction!
tomorrow i'm gonna go to Yayoiken by bicycle.and then I'm gonna study English at Starbucks.
today I had bananas for breakfast.
-gonna→going to (話し言葉としてはgonnaでも構いません!)
Hope you enjoyed your bicycle trip! See you tomorrow!
Hi Hina, this is わんこ🐶
Today I went to karaoke with my friend and we sang there all day. Maybe we kept singing for about seven hours but I can still sing and so can he I guess😂 We also enjoyed talking about things we rarely talk so we were able to know each other more than before. After the dinner, we talked in a park for two hours. It was very cold outside but we had a great time. I can be happy to be with my friends. I love my friends!!
See you tomorrow😊
Hello 🐶✨
-〜about things we rarely talk about (〜について話す→talk about と表現します!)
-I am happy when I’m with my friends. (友達といる時は幸せ❤️)
カラオケ好きなんですね🤣Thanks for commenting, I’ll see you soon :)
Thank you for your correction!
12:00 の発音早くて聞き取れなかったんですけど、なんて言ってますか?
Today I’m going to play tennis.
and then I’m going to eat lunch with my friends.
I had some toast and coffee for breakfast.
thanks for writing!!
Today I'm going to workout at the gym.I'm working hard every day to become macho!!
become macho は伝わるっちゃ伝わるのですが、machoは形容詞で「雄の〜」みたいな感じで使われるので、
I'm working hard everyday to become muscular
もしくは become shredded の方が伝わりやすいです!
I will show you to your room
I’m gonna show you your room
Willを使うことが本にもネットにも載っていますが、be gonnaでもokですか? be gonnaがダメな時は理由を教えていただけると嬉しいです!
I'm gonna show you to your roomはダメっていうことはないのですが、
なので、お客様とかをご案内するときは I will show you to your roomと使ったほうがフォーマルです!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher ありがとうございます。引き続き動画楽しみにしております!
I ate rice cake with soybeans flour for this breakfast.
thanks for writing!!
"soybean flour"が正しい言い方です!
Today, I'm going to go to school and then I'm going to study English and then I'm going to work park time jon.I'll do my best .
thanks for writing!
- and then を2回同じ文章で使うのは良くないので、1回までにしましょう!
なのでI'm going to study English.で一度文章を終わって、
'Then I'm going to my part time job'
もしくは 'Then after that I'm going to my part time job'
Today I'm going to change the driver's lisence.
- change MY driver's license.
December 22
Today we had closing ceremony.Winter vacation starts tomorrow !I took a nap for 4 hours so I’m not sleepy now.Tomorrow I will go to a basketball game but my ankle is injured and I will not be able to play in the match.There will be a official match.I want to recover until then.
Nice to hear that you are on winter vacation now⛄️
How is your ankle?
- It is an official match (公式戦です)
根性焼きはないのですが、cigarette burn
to burn someone with a cigaretteが1番近いですかね!笑
I'm going to go shopping the one hundred yen shop and I will buy cardboard.
December22 3days(作文を初めて3日目です)
I went to parttime job for 4hour!
I worked weekday first time.(普段は平日に入らないので、初めて平日に出勤しました)
I cleaned myroom with mymother!
My mother was ungry sometimes!
I have just clean myroom!
Good night😸
thanks for writing!! 3日連続すごいです!!
- I went to MY part time job for 4 hours!
- I worked ON a weekday for the first time (for the first time =はじめて)
- I spaced out so my mother got angry sometimes!!
spaced out = ぼーとした
- I have just cleaned my room (clean + ed で過去形にしましょう!)
Thank you for your advice! Today, I enjoyed talking about M-1 GrandPrix with my friend. Do you like M-1? If you are free in Dec.24, you should watch TV!
I usually don't watch M-1 but I will check it out tomorrow!
Although I don't have a TV at home LOL
do you have a favorite comedian??
- If you are free ON Dec.24th
in は月や季節などの長期の単位を表すときに使うので、in December(12月に)やったらOKです!
でも12月24日という明確な日付がある場合はon Dec.24th といいます!
I usually don’t watch TV too, but I have a TV to watch M-1 every year. My favorite comedians are Gakutensoku and BKB.
Today, I'm going to work hard at my office. AND then, I'm going to take dinner with my partner and to work out in sports jym.
To day I’m going to central Japan international airport!!!!
Nice!! Where are you head off to?
I'm going to work.I had just coffee.
Hi Hina!I'm Shin!
Today I did household because of that my wife and younger sister catch a cold.
hello shin! thank you for always commenting and sharing your day!
Today I did household chores
(household chores = 家事)
because my wife and youngest daughter CAUGHT a cold
(becauseで理由は〜と表現できているので、because of that と表現する必要はありません!)
younger sister は妹になってしまうので、下の子といいたい場合は
youngest childもしくはyoungest daughterと表現します!
Hello! Hina.
today I'm going to job and study English.
Hello! thanks for writing!
- I'm going to job は伝わりますが少し不自然な表現なので
仕事に行くは I'm going to work と表現した方がいいです!
I'm going to get up at 3 am and then I'm going to meditate at 5 minutes.
wow so early!!
meditate FOR 5 minutes.
atは特定の時刻を指すときに使うので at 3:30AM at 9:00AMみたいな感じで使います!
「5分間瞑想する」であったら for を使いましょう!for を使うことで瞑想セッションの期間を表現することができます!
@@HinaEnglishTeacher Thank you!
Today I'm going to watch a movie with friends. we will watch a Disney movie.
And then, we are going to eat Sapporo Miso ramen.
Hello, thanks for finding my channel!
-And で文章を始めないようにしましょう!
I hope you enjoyed the Disney movie and the ramen ! :)
Today I am going to work.and then I going to visit girlfriend house!
Thank you for uploading youtube!
Today i'm going to study English after dinner !
I hope you studied well !
Today, I'm going to visit grandparents' house. and then I'm going to meet my cousin.
I'll eat the sandwich my grandmother made. and then the relatives will all drink together.
Hello and happy new year!
- visit MY grandparents' house
I hope you had a wonderful time with your relatives!
happy new year!!❤
Thank you for correcting it.
I watch this video every moning. I've also started journaling. I'll do my best.
Here's my schedule.
I'm going to buy some bacons this weekend because I heard English speakers "bring home the bacon" to feed their family, right?
In my free time, I watch UA-cam, especially "Hina channel", worrying if I'm going to get 根性焼き from Princess Hina.
It's scar....( ゚д゚)ハッ!
I mean, it motivates me to study English!
BTW, did you get a new camera?
The image quality seems higher than before.
Anyway, you look super cute as usual !
うっす!thanks for always watching my channel!
I’m glad my 根性焼き motivates you LOL
No, this is Iphone haha
Today I'm going to plactice playing piano, and then I'm going to check your UA-cam video not to get konjjyo-yaki.
I want to be hina-kids.
てめえ って訳すのかよ😅
Today,I’m going to train skills of football.
thanks for writing!
Today I'm going to train and practice football
@@HinaEnglishTeacher Thank you for the advice!!
I’m going to cook dinner for my daughter.
thanks for commenting and happy new year🎍
perfect sentence!! もっと長い文章にぜひチャレンジしてください!
姉さん( ゜▽゜)/コンバンハ。。公園でのシャドーイング凄く発音がよかったです
Today I'm going to work.
H i Hina
Today i went to cafe three times.
I was fade up with coffee.
Why did you go to the cafe so many times?! LOL
I'm fed up with coffee ですね!
My routine is going around clients.
Sometimes it occurs vacant times.
So i must look for cafe.
hi hina 今日もばちイケ卍
btw dont say fxxk do u wanna be 根性焼き?卍
sorry for saying fXXX
おらおらおら!!マイクどこのメーカーですか?私も欲しいです❤ まじ卍卍卍ツッパリ卍卍
適当にAmazonでポチった卍 デコレーションはセルフやからオンリーワンです笑