OMMO - Scrisoare
- Опубліковано 28 гру 2024
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Tags: #ommo #verzilapremiere2017
There’s nothing as mesmerising as Romanian dub techno in this world
Many thanks guys!
great track!!
Thank yooou !
OMMO wait i thought you were the other ommo
Ruuupi tatiii,bravooss!👏🏼👌🥳
Sfarsitul a venit fara de veste.
Esti fericita? Vad ca porti inel.
Am inteles. Voi trage dunga peste
Nadejdea inutila. Fa la fel.
Nici un cuvant. Nu-mi spune ca-i o forma,
Cunosc insemnatatea ei deplin.
Stiu, voi aveti in viata alta norma,
Eu insa-n fata normei nu ma-nchin.
Nu te mai cant in versuri niciodata,
In drumul tau mai mult nu am sa ies,
Nu-ti fac reprosuri, nu esti vinovata
Si n-am sa spun ca nu m-ai inteles.
A fost desigur numai o greseala,
Putea sa fie mult, nimic n-a fost.
In vesnicia mea de plictiseala
Tot nu-mi inchipui ca puneai un rost.
Si totusi, totusi, cateva atingeri
Au fost de-ajuns sa-mi deie ameteli,
Vadeam vazduhul fluturand de ingeri,
Lumina-n seara mea de indoieli.
Cand degete de Midas am pus magic
Pe frageda fiinta ta de lut,
Suna in mine murmurul pelagic
Al sfintelor creatii de-nceput.
Vedeam cum peste vremuri se inalta
Statuia ta de aur greu, masiv,
Cum serioase veacuri se descalta
Si-ngenuncheate randuri submisiv
La soclul tau dumnezeisc asteapta
Sa le intinzi un zambet linistit
Spre sarutare adorata dreapta,
‘Nainte de-a se sterge-n infinit.
O, de-am fi stat alaturi doar o ora,
Ai fi ramas in auriul vis
Ca o eterna, roza, aurora
De ne-nteles, de nedescris.
Ireversibil s-a-ncheiat povestea
Si nici nu stiu de ai sa mai citesti
Din intamplare randurile-acestea
In care-as vrea sa fii ce nu mai esti.
N-am sa strivesc eu visul sub picioare,
N-am sa patez cu vorbe ce mi-i drag.
As fi putut sa spun : « Esti ca oricare” ...
Dar nu vreau in noroaie sa ma bag.
De-ar fi mocirla-n jurul tau cat haul,
Tu vei ramane nufarul de nea
Ce-l oglindeste beat de pofte taul,
Ce-l tine candid amintirea mea.
Vei fi acolo vesnic ne-ntinata,
Te voi iubi mereu fara cuvant,
Si lumea n-o sa stie niciodata
De ce nu pot mai mult femei sa cant.
Acolo, sub lumina de mister,
Scaldata-n apa visurilor lina,
Vei sta iubita ca-ntr-un colt de cer
O stea de seara blanda si senina.
Si cand viata va fi rea cu tine,
Cand au sa te improaste cu noroi,
Tu fugi in lumea visului la mine,
Vom fi atuncea singuri amandoi.
Cu lacrimi voi spala eu orice pata,
Cu versuri nemai scrise te magai.
In dulcea lor cadenta leganata,
Te vei simti ca-n visul cel dintai.
Iar de va fi (cum simt mereu de-o vreme)
Sa plec de-aicea de la voi curand,
Cand glasul tau vreodat-o sa ma cheme,
Voi reveni la tine din mormant.
Si dac-ar fi sa nu se poata trece
Pe veci pecetluitele hotare
M-as zbate-ngrozitor in tarna rece,
Plangand in noaptea mare, tot mai mare.
MANY MANY THANKS FOR COMENT i recomend for you
@@SantiagoObscure you're welcome, the voice is from here
the poem is called " ultima scrisoare" written by Mihai Beniuc
I have never heard such a strong emotions! big respect from Croatia :)
Thanks mate! Peace and love !
Respect from Macedonia!!! Fire track bravo....
incredible visual
THOMAS MACKENZIE do you know the style of it?
fara cuvinte..😯
What a track!!!! Insane..................
Bravo Tibii!
As deep as it gets
misto misto misto misto misto
Thx bro ! :D
Prea bună!
This is purely fantastic!
more liek LSDOPE !
Statuie de aur în vis ^__^
too good bro !
could you please post the link of the video or gif?? thanx alot!!
Wuuu :))
I think this is a minimal tecno high quality track.
good this song :D for me
Holy mother of God!
Can't sit stilllljfjaknfnjns
No vinyl, unfortunetly. Available only on my bandcamp. Peace and Love!
Is it only digital? No chance to get it on vinyl? :)
Just digital, on OMMO's Soundcloud:
Tot tragem dunga……
bai ce fac romanii astia..........keep in touch with twem
Does someone have the lyrics or a translation or something? Thanks :)
The end has come without a notice
Are you happy? I see you’re wearing a ring
I understood. I’llget over it
Hope is useless. Do the same thing
No word. Don’t tell me that’s a formality
I completely know its meaning
I know, you have other standards
But in front of the standards I won’t take a bow
I won’t sing about you in my lyrics anymore
In your way I won’t appear anymore
I don’t blame you , you’re not guilty
And I won’t tell you have not understand me
It was indeed just a mistake
It could have been more than this, but it wasn”t
In my eternity of boredom
I still don’t imagine you would’ve put any sense
And yet, yet some puny touches
They were enough to make me dizzy
I saw the air flattering of angels
The light in my evening of doubts
When fingers of Midas I’ve put magically
On your delicate clay being
The pelagian whisper echoed deep inside me
Thw whisper of the beginning’s holy creations
I had seen how over the centuries raises
Your statue of heavy gold
How serious centuries take off their shoes
And knelt down rows
Are waiting submissively at your holy pedestal
To give them a peaceful smile
Your worshipped right hand to kiss it
Before it erased in infinity
Oh, if we had stayed together just an hour
You would have remained in the golden dream
Like an eternal rose,
Incomprehensible, undescribable dawn
The story has ended irreversible
And I don’t even know if you will still read
This lines by chance
In which I would like you to be what you aren’t anymore
I won’t be the one that destroys the dream under his feet
I won’t hurt with words the things that I’m fond of
I could have said : “You’re like anyone else”
But I don’t want to bring shame upon myself
And if it were a huge swamp around you
You woud be the white water lilly
That the lake, drunk of lust, reflects it
That my memory keeps so delicate
You will be there, eternally pure
And I will always love you without a word
And the world will never know
Why I can’t sing about women anymore
There, under the light of mistery
Soaked in the serene water of dreams
You will be loved , like in a little bit of paradise
An evening star, meek and bright
And when the life will be mean with you
When they will bring shame upon you
Run at me into the world of dream
Then we will be alone, just the two of us
With tears I will wash every stain
With lyrics that were never writted I will caress you
In their sweet swinging cadence
You will feel like in the first dream
And what if (as I have always felt lately)
I leave that place, I leave you soon
When your voice will call me sometimes
I will come back to you from the grave
And if it is to never cross
The endless boundaries
I will struggle in the cold ground
Crying in the more and more endless night
Romanian poem "Last letter" by Mihai Beniuc. translation is not mine
stiti ce misto e sa faci un sos de ciuperci sub melodia asta? te lingi pe degete !
Can someone translate the lyrics to English please
It is quite difficult to do that. I mean my english are not that good to translate everything and google translate sucks. :))
The end has come without a notice
Are you happy? I see you’re wearing a ring
I understood. I’ll get over it
Hope is useless. Do the same thing
No word. Don’t tell me that’s a formality
I completely know its meaning
I know, you have other standards
But in front of the standards I won’t take a bow
I won’t sing about you in my lyrics anymore
In your way I won’t appear anymore
I don’t blame you , you’re not guilty
And I won’t tell you have not understand me
It was indeed just a mistake
It could have been more than this, but it wasn’t
In my eternity of boredom
I still don’t imagine you would’ve put any sense
And yet, yet some puny touches
They were enough to make me dizzy
I saw the air flattering of angels
The light in my evening of doubts
When fingers of Midas I’ve put magically
On your delicate clay being
The pelagian whisper echoed deep inside me
Thw whisper of the beginning’s holy creations
I had seen how over the centuries raises
Your statue of heavy gold
How serious centuries take off their shoes
And knelt down rows
Are waiting submissively at your holy pedestal
To give them a peaceful smile
Your worshipped right hand to kiss it
Before it erased in infinity
Oh, if we had stayed together just an hour
You would have remained in the golden dream
Like an eternal rose,
Incomprehensible, undescribable dawn
The story has ended irreversible
And I don’t even know if you will still read
This lines by chance
In which I would like you to be what you aren’t anymore
I won’t be the one that destroys the dream under his feet
I won’t hurt with words the things that I’m fond of
I could have said : “You’re like anyone else”
But I don’t want to bring shame upon myself
And if it were a huge swamp around you
You woud be the white water lilly
That the lake, drunk of lust, reflects it
That my memory keeps so delicate
You will be there, eternally pure
And I will always love you without a word
And the world will never know
Why I can’t sing about women anymore
There, under the light of mistery
Soaked in the serene water of dreams
You will be loved , like in a little bit of paradise
An evening star, meek and bright
And when the life will be mean with you
When they will bring shame upon you
Run at me into the world of dream
Then we will be alone, just the two of us
With tears I will wash every stain
With lyrics that were never writted I will caress you
In their sweet swinging cadence
You will feel like in the first dream
And what if (as I have always felt lately)
I leave that place, I leave you soon
When your voice will call me sometimes
I will come back to you from the grave
And if it is to never cross
The endless boundaries
I will struggle in the cold ground
Crying in the more and more endless night.
Thank you for the effort OMMO!!!
Always a pleasure ! One love !
Flowing mid