Where Have I Been - Diabetes Straight Talk

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • An honest update on where I’ve been and how I’m doing with my diabetes.


  • @victoriac5709
    @victoriac5709 5 років тому +1

    I appreciate your channel. I am type 1 diabetes and pregnant currently. I think you are still an inspiration even if your control isn’t as good as it was. I am still in awe of how well you manage your blood sugars because you are so much closer to “perfect” than I am.

  • @amandaentringer6108
    @amandaentringer6108 6 років тому +1

    Just so you know, this is one of my favorite videos you’ve done. I got passionate about low carb when I started watching your videos and brought my A1C down from an 8.8 to a 5.8. I gained confidence. Then I got pregnant. Pregnancy has murdered my control and I was left with only perfection to compare to (from UA-cam sources and doctors). My control is not as good as I would like for my baby girl but she is safe and healthy still at 25 Weeks. That being said, the most valuable input about diabetes I’ve received from anybody has been from those who failed. Diabetes sucks. I feel like a failure daily and also get panicky around doctors. But it’s nice to see that all diabetics get brought down like this. Don’t keep making videos if you’re not passionate about it. But also don’t think that your diabetic fatigue makes you lose your worth to the diabetic community. :)
    If anything it makes you more human. The fact that you are pulling off parenting in any capacity with diabetes is awesome :P I sure as hell don’t want to keep to Bernstein’s rabbit food lifestyle once kiddo is out of me! It’s okay to not achieve perfection all the time. Have some ice cream and enjoy it

    • @amandaentringer6108
      @amandaentringer6108 6 років тому

      Also I saw you mention binge eating as a result of the strict diet. Girl, that is my life!!! My doctors told me I had to reintroduce carbs for a healthy pregnancy and I went a little crazy 😳 like Gained 30 ponds at 24 Weeks crazy. Oops. :)

  • @katiem5725
    @katiem5725 6 років тому +6

    I think that you should make more 'Diabetes Real Talk' videos and talk openly about your struggles because all diabetics will relate. It is harder to relate to the perfect ideal. Everyone will fall short of that. Maybe you could make What I Eat In A Day videos of both good days and normal days. And getting back to making videos might make it easier to have more good days because you have more of a "reason" to be good, like when you were pregnant.
    Also I have an eating disorder (binge eating & emotional eating) and just started therapy to help me fix my relationship with food. A lot of what you are saying here rings very true to me even though I am not diabetic and I think it could help you, too. I am using Talk Space so I don't have to get a babysitter or make going to appointments into a chore. I get to leave audio files for my therapist whenever I want to and she checks in with me twice a day M-F. It has been wonderful and way more effective than 1 hour a week ever could be for me. I am justifying the cost because of how often I get to seek her help (I am currently leaving messages as a food diary about each meal) and because my physical and mental health are worth it.
    Thanks for checking in! I have missed your videos

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому +1

      Thank you so much for the comment! I have also struggled with my relationship with food. When you try to do such an extreme diet (in my case for controlling my blood sugars), one of the consequences is binge eating. I sometimes wonder if I could benefit from talking to someone about my unhealthy relationship with food.

  • @MissAndenbarton
    @MissAndenbarton 6 років тому +4

    A couple weeks ago I looked into pregnancy with diabetes. You are the reason that now I'm working my tail off and making sure that my sugars are controlled... I'm losing the weight in order to get pregnant and I'm super excited for it.... you gave me hope when the world was trying to discourage me ....thank you

    • @sarahi4681
      @sarahi4681 6 років тому

      Vixen_Lux same here! 😃

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      Wow, good luck!!!! If I can help in any way, my email address is on the "About" section on my channel.

  • @terikachandler5407
    @terikachandler5407 6 років тому

    Hello dear, right now I will have had diabetes 26 years and 3 mos of my 27 year life and I love your videos, and the honesty...I'm the only type 1 diabetic I know and sometimes it feels like no one understands how hard this is and I appreciate the videos. Keep going, I'm watching and praying for you!

  • @graceleeny
    @graceleeny 6 років тому

    Hi Kasia, I have been a Type 1 for 20 years and read Bernstein's book before. But after watching your videos which were clear and to the point, I was able to go back to the book and start implementing some of his tips. I can't thank you enough.
    I would love to see more meals in a day on what you prepare to eat to maintain a healthy A1C level. Your veggie soup was a hit with my family and It has become a staple for my diet.
    Please continue with your Diabetes Straight Talks and any diabetes/motherhood videos. I have missed your videos and have listened to your "How I Control my Blood Sugar" numerous times. As of now, I am trying after all these years to take control of my diabetes because of rising complications.
    Thank you so much for being "real"! Again, would love to see the meals that you prepare for you and your family that are carb conscious.

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому +1

      Wow, that's so nice to hear! I'm glad that my videos gave you some motivation. I want to make some more meal type videos, just not sure when it'll happen... but it's on my radar! Thank you for the nice words.

    • @graceleeny
      @graceleeny 6 років тому

      By the way, your tip for boiling eggs was awesome! I always had a tough time getting the shell off and taking apart the whole egg in the process. Also, my family loves your veggie soup. I'm so glad that you had a great pregnancy and it gives me such hope for type 1 future moms.

  • @vanessaschwirtz9690
    @vanessaschwirtz9690 6 років тому

    You are an inspiration Type1mama! I am a T1D and Ive been following the Dr. Bernstein method for 1 year now.... all because I found your videos 1 year ago! I can completely resonate with everything you’ve just described 😢 The method works but it is a huge daily and moment by moment commitment to stick to it. Even when I do I don’t always have perfect sugars and I end up feeling super frustrated and depressed.
    Remember that imperfect blood sugars are not your fault. Ultimately they are diabetes’ fault. No one can be a pancreas but a pancreas! All that matters is that we get back up (eventually) when we feel crushed. You are a very
    Strong woman and it’s clear that you’re dedicated to doing the best you
    Can. Some days, the best we can do is cheat and be angry! And that’s okay.
    Forgive yourself and start again.
    Thank you for who you are and all that you do (with such beautiful honesty) on your channel! And PLEASE keep making videos ❤️

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      Thank you for the reminder. You're right, it IS the diabetes, not me. Bernstein's method is a mixed blessing because while it truly does give you a method that works for controlling blood sugar, it also kind of sets you up to feel like a failure when you're not doing it 100%. Diabetes is such a mind game. I don't think I've met a diabetic who has figured out how to detach themselves from their diabetes, but it's always the goal. One day I want to be able to be happy with myself no matter what the meter says!

  • @mayhaley1
    @mayhaley1 6 років тому

    You are not a failure! We all struggle with diabetes and our blood sugars. It’s a constant battle. Honestly I love watching day in the life videos because it shows the struggles we all deal with on a day to day basis. It’s not necessarily teaching us something but rather the feeling that we’re not alone. This disease can feel very isolating sometimes. Hang in there. We’re all here for you! Lots of love!

  • @barbaramartinscorreamarque3494
    @barbaramartinscorreamarque3494 4 роки тому

    Thank you for this video, it's so honest. Brazilian Type 1! We are never examples, each one of us is unique and our bodies too. Diabetes shows it everyday, right? We are unique and we change sometimes just as our crazy bloodsugar and insulin resistance. I just wanted to say thank you for your channel. I had been searching for information for type1 moms and I couldn't find much in Portuguese, so I looked for it in English and I found you a while ago this year. Since then I feel happy and grateful for that and just wanted to say thank you for being so dedicated and for bringing this amazing channel with such great content. Thank you for sharing with the best intentions you could your life and experiences. It's helpful and it's humane. ;) Carinho do Brasil!

  • @paigehu1341
    @paigehu1341 6 років тому

    Thank you so much for your integrity, and courage. We love and support you, no matter what.

  • @user-mu1zy2yg3r
    @user-mu1zy2yg3r 6 років тому

    I am not diabetic, but my husband is. But I think videos like this show exactly what it's like, the struggles. It shows it's not easy, and that we are all human. I'm pregnant and overweight. I have been for a long time but I gained sooooooo much weight with my first. I've been struggling to stick to eating a healthy diet. I'm not commenting to give you answers, but do what feels right. Do what makes you happy. Whether you help anyone else or not as long as it is something that makes you happy it's the right thing. ❤️ Hang in there.

  • @Violetlightpriestess
    @Violetlightpriestess 6 років тому +1

    imagine getting a group of people together on a reality tv show and giving them type 1 diabetes for a month only. I wonder how many would cope. Us diabetics with type 1 we have learned to be strong on so many levels. We shiuld be proud of ourselves and not berate ourselves for the slip ups. I also have a fear of doctors. Ive never been perfect. I also have a gorgepus baby girl bit due to uncpntrolled bms prior to pregnancy and not getting an eye check up for several months i developed macula oedema. Im currently undersgping treatment. My vision is ok bit not great, luckily i can still drive atm. You are doing great and i know you did so well in pregnancy. Well done.

  • @AnikoVargaMakeup
    @AnikoVargaMakeup 6 років тому +4

    Most doctors have no idea what we’re going through all our lives. I’ve never had perfect blood sugar but I am currently trying to fix that to be able to have a child, but at the end of the day it’s extremely hard and no doctor (or anyone) will ever have the right to yell at you, unless they have to deal with the same and do it all perfect. Don’t feel like a fraud, no one is perfect ❤️ It’s still good for us to watch you talk about your problems in life as a type 1 diabetic

  • @clancyj9
    @clancyj9 6 років тому +1

    I loved this. As a t1d, this is real life. It’s so incredibly nice to know that you’re not alone.. even though there are THOUSANDS of us out there, it’s so easy to feel shut off.. like you’re the only t1d that is struggling with not only the physical side of diabetes, but the mental as well. I’ve been T1 for nearly 20 years, and I’ve never felt “on track”. The reason I started watching you videos is because I aspire to have a child one day, and that has inspired me to one day try. But this has inspired me, too. I love seeing not just the ups, but the downs, too.
    Of course, post whatever you like and what you feel comfortable with, but I would love just some real life diabetes. Tell us how your month went numbers wise and mentally. Show that it’s not easy. Show that it’s VERY hard to live like this. It makes us feel mechanical and sterile. And it’s okay to feel like that sometimes. But we need to pick each other up and remind us that we ARE human. Every little thing changes our blood sugars, whether stress, anxiety, caffeine, timing, etc. ..
    just do it so we know we’re not alone 🤗
    I love your videos and hope you still continue to make them. Much love to you!

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому +1

      Wow, this comment made a big impact on me. Thank you so much for leaving it! It's an incredible feeling to experience kindness and empathy from strangers. I feel like you know me! I guess going through this diabetes journey connects all of us in a unique way. I'm also really glad to know that you have found something positive from my videos. If and when you want to get pregnant in the future, definitely check out Dr. Bernstein's book. Low carb allowed me to have almost normal blood sugars during pregnancy. It was a life saver! I can't believe that more endos don't advocate for low carb! Anyway, I'll take your video suggestions into account. You made some good points! Thank you!

  • @laurengray7767
    @laurengray7767 6 років тому +1

    Thanks for being so honest! On the contrary, I think it’s refreshing to hear perspectives from folks who are frank about diabetes challenges. Exactly like you said, no one is perfect 100% of the time, but I think social media makes us feel like we have to be the most ideal versions of ourselves all the time. And diabetes puts a lot of pressure on us anyway, so be kind to yourself! As a viewer I think content about diabetes and mental health, diabetes and day to day mom struggles, etc. is great. But mainly I just wanted to say take care of yourself first!

  • @sidehustlemama7175
    @sidehustlemama7175 6 років тому

    I think a lot of people watched your videos because of the pregnancy, but we keep watching because we like YOU :) we are right there with you, type 1 sucks and is crazy hard to manage. i know exactly how it feels to avoid going to the doctor because you feel so bad about your control. we get ya, sweetheart. maybe you could just do weekly updates like how things are going, what the baby's up to, etc. just watching videos of another type 1 out there who goes through the same things, it makes ya feel less alone in this stupid disease. meal ideas, day in the life, or do a dr b challenge. oh and maybe a makeup tutorial, your eye makeup looks so good lol.

  • @aprillee5643
    @aprillee5643 6 років тому

    You hit the nail on the head, diabeaties is HARD ( almost want to say impossible but it isnt because we are making it possible we are living. Back in the day it was fatal impossible now its possible )and its ok to be burnt out. It is very helpful to see people being honest you are helpful in showing your honesty. The constant trying and not seeing results is very hard to receive. But thats what make us diabeatic's Amazing people. Somtimes we dont feel that way but truly it make us the greatest people. We enjoy the days we feel good and really soak up the healthy moments in life. I used to get very burnt out. From trying so hard and not getting any results. Its ok to feel this way we are not robots like you said the levels of sugar are not staright lines and the emotions are not straight lines. And i wouldnt want life to be straight because i wouldnt get the highs in life and thats the most amazing thing about life. All the best your Brilliant remember that. You are reaching that goal every day you are here alive walking talking looking after ur little one enjoying life.

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому +1

      Thank you so much for this. You totally get it, and it's nice for me to hear encouragement like this. YOU hit the nail on the head ;-)

    • @aprillee5643
      @aprillee5643 6 років тому

      We are amazing people. My dad even said you sounded like me xx

  • @stephanietroupe843
    @stephanietroupe843 6 років тому

    Hey yea so Diabetes sucks..hard..but we will all pull through it the downs and over the years there will be many of them.Your pregnancy videos were great and showed me what was possible, and although i am not there yet, I took am hoping the next time i conceive i can achieve what you did while pregnant with your little one. I too am a T1D , I have had it since i was 6 years old and I will be 31 yrs old in Dec so yup 26 years. Its always a struggle at least for me it always has been, and coming across your channel and reading the comments i see i am not alone with those struggles.. I recently started on a CGM system, which has helped my AC1 drop from 7.8 to 6.8 in a few months & God willing my goal is to get to a 6.0 or better. I do not know if anyone else is using both in comb as well and found them useful. But maybe trying one or both can help you feel a little more in control. As a T1D , food as always been my enemy and my friend..so to my its my double edge sword...but i like the comments of others that mention doing daily food vlogs...breakfast is my worst meal...i never know what to get my day started with that is low carb and that can keep me going. But enough of me talking..Thanks for sharing your pregnancy journey, do not get discouraged by where you are now, keep working towards your goal, we all can get through this.. :)

  • @craftclutter
    @craftclutter 6 років тому

    Hugs,I frequently get diabetic burnout. Take care x

  • @dublingirl6945
    @dublingirl6945 5 років тому

    I rather these videos because it shows the struggle that we are not alone. I love your pregnancy videos but I felt it impossible to get that much control

  • @aprillee5643
    @aprillee5643 6 років тому

    Ground braking things that helped my diabeaties was doing the
    5.2 by micheal mosley biggest change in my diabeaties/body/health for the better.
    Type of birth control made a big impact on my diabeaties/body/health
    The way i think about diabeaties i started to thank and embrace diabeaties and how it has shaped me for the better. It has made me super strong and very greatful for the life i have.
    Being kind to my self not beating my self up about the levels. Not making my main focus on the levels. Insted looking at what i did in life and if it was good for me. Changes like the kind of clothes wash i use or not drinking diet drinks or the type of products i put on or in my body. Just looking at things that are better for me not fussing over everything but things i feel i wanted to change.
    Not saying to never look back. Looking back is required to see what went wrong but as my saying gose.
    Dont be disappointed. because you made the best desion you could at the time so be proud of it even if it didnt work you did your best.
    Just a few things that has helped and changed me for the better.

  • @AllyRoseBryant
    @AllyRoseBryant 6 років тому

    Isn’t it amazing how we look after our blood sugars so meticulously when we are pregnant? But once our babies are safely in this world, our management is no longer such a priority? I’m working hard to get my hba1c back down but it’s definitely not there yet. Wishing you all the best, do try and find a doctor that is understanding and right for you x

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому +1

      Yes! Absolutely! And, even if you WANT to focus on your blood sugars, you just can't when you have a baby because all of your energy is dedicated to their well being. Another thing, having a toddler in the house means that there are more carby foods (for her) so it's just too easy for me to snack on them!

    • @AllyRoseBryant
      @AllyRoseBryant 6 років тому

      Type1Mama oh yes! Just know you are not alone in all of this xxx

  • @dublingirl6945
    @dublingirl6945 5 років тому

    I think you should make more diabetes videos I feel like such a failure with mine. I'm type 1 25 years now x

  • @GritCDE
    @GritCDE 6 років тому

    There is no reason to feel like a fraud. Everyone stumbles. Just dust yourself off and jump back on the wagon. Dr B's way saved my life and I feel so much better than before. I know you did too! You can do this.

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      Thank you so much for the kind kind words! I'm so happy that Dr. B's method "saved" you. I feel exactly the same way. It's the only thing I've experienced that works and gives you hope that you can have normal blood sugars.. It's just soooo hard! But I guess diabetes is just hard. It's all hard. It helps to know that there are other people out there who can relate!

  • @emilydeacon3966
    @emilydeacon3966 6 років тому +2

    Hi I am type 1 diabetic and really struggling with my sugars at the moment. I watch your videos and it gives me more confidence to control mine a lot better! I would be so so grateful if I could message you or speak through here as I have so many questions that I’m sure you can help me with!! X :)

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому +2

      The struggle is real! Coming from a person who has experienced what it's like to have blood sugars of 80 around the clock, I can tell you that even then it's soooo easy to fall back into the roller coaster of highs and lows! Even when you are well controlled, it's a constant battle. I feel for you. This is why diabetes is a terrible disease! If you have questions for me you can always use the email link that's on my channel's "about" page. Thanks so much for your comment! It means a lot to me to be connected with other diabetics!

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      You can absolutely email me. My email address is on the "About" section of my UA-cam channel. I'm happy to help if I can!

  • @Growingwildthings
    @Growingwildthings 6 років тому +1

    I love your videos and it's okay and normal not to be perfect maybe sharing some meals will help you stay on track and help others find some ways to stay on track to...

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      Thanks! It means a lot to hear that...

  • @martyc7097
    @martyc7097 6 років тому

    Hang in there! Diabetes is cruel and HARD. Your channel can just be as your name suggests- being a type 1 mama, the up and downs and in betweens.

  • @MesseKopp
    @MesseKopp 6 років тому

    I appreciate your honesty Kasia! I enjoyed this update, Its great to 'see' you again. I think its about time to give in and start making belly button videos ;)

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      haha! Wow.. that comment went from warm and supportive to creepy really fast... ;-) Thanks, J.

  • @bryonyflear6198
    @bryonyflear6198 6 років тому

    Hey, I feel your struggle. I have a one year told daughter and I watched all your videos while I was pregnant. You were amazing all through your pregnancy. I too managed to control my blood sugars through out my pregnancy and had the best hba1c of my 21 year history living with diabetes. I dare not even go and have my bloods done now I dread to think what my hba1c will be now. I ride the rollercoaster every day and I am starting to feel frustrated with it all too xxx

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому +1

      Oh man, I totally feel ya. I have been avoiding my doctor just because I dread having an A1C done.. Silly, but the reality of being diabetic. I don't think I've met a diabetic who doesn't dread the A1C....

  • @ceich78
    @ceich78 6 років тому +1

    I think we all feel the same about endos! They act like we are children and have bad sugars on purpose. I had my daughter in June and I haven't been to my Dr since. It's too stressful. Just give me my insulin and leave me alone..

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      Oh wow, it's amazing how so many people out there, including me, share this experience! Whenever I feel alone in my diabetes experience, I have to remind myself that it's likely that most diabetics feel the way I do ;-) You just took the words right out of my mouth!

  • @Sarsks
    @Sarsks 6 років тому

    This info is extremely relatable. I’ve never had a good endo, and it comes down to that they really don’t know the disease and how unmanageable it is- because we aren’t robots, and more so, they aren’t diabetic, so they don’t know/feel. I’ve had many get emotional because of highish a1cs and then I’ve had some doctors who are impressed that my a1c is around 6. Like, don’t they know 6 is high if you level it out? I don’t know. This is life and this is diabetes. It’s truly an experiment everyday. Nonetheless, video ideas you could do are if you’re planning on having another baby, or if you’ve figured an exercise routine with baby at home. I’m planning on working out with my son but then again some days I don’t eat til 3pm. Being a diabetic mom is x100 tougher than being a non diabetic/any disease one but at the same time, we get some wisdom and micromanagement skills. Ah. Best of luck, and again, thanks for your pregnancy videos and for whatever you do come up with later. We feel you! Lol. Cheers.

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      Yes, AND endos seem to think that all of the blame for high A1Cs is on the patient! Instead of sharing some of the blame due to bad medical advice. I had always wanted to find an endo who was also a type 1 because I thought that would help them understand. That's one reason I became Dr. Bernstein's (the guy who wrote the book I follow) patient. He's type 1 and was definitely the first who wasn't like the rest, but my problem with him is that he's in a completely different state, so all our appointments are over the phone which means that insurance doesn't pay!! It's crazy expensive and just not realistic to keep up with him on a regular basis. Thanks so much for your comment. It's amazing how I can feel completely understood by someone I've never met. It just goes to show how much we have in common. I think it's easy to feel like what you're going through is totally unique and therefore feel isolated (I'm guilty of that!), but the truth is that there are many people who understand! Thanks also for the video recommendations. I'll keep them in mind!

  • @aprillee5643
    @aprillee5643 6 років тому

    Just showed my mum this video and she and relate since me her daughter is type 1 diabetic and she said your beautiful and you remind her of me. All the best

  • @ashanty223
    @ashanty223 6 років тому

    Share the daily struggles! You don’t have to be the example all the time! Pregnancy gives us super strength. No one can be perfect all the time! You can post what you actually eat even if it isn’t good. We all struggle!

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому +1

      You've convinced me! It's a good idea. I definitely want to move in that direction with my videos. Thanks for the nice comment!

  • @mer1tiki
    @mer1tiki 6 років тому

    +Type1Mama. Look into the Carnivore diet... I've always had a hard time staying on low carb long term, but with the carnivore diet (AKA Zero Carb) I have almost no carb cravings or cravings for foods other than meats and almost no hunger between meals... Mind you it took about 3 weeks for my body to adapt and it can take longer for others, so it was not all roses in the beginning... For a good start check out: ua-cam.com/video/Te90SWRZJkE/v-deo.html

  • @kathya1956
    @kathya1956 4 роки тому

    Did using artificial sweeteners cause you to want to snack?
    Your videos are great btw.

  • @melissacreel6158
    @melissacreel6158 6 років тому

    You have to take care of yourself so you can watch your little angel grow up. ♡

  • @zaichee
    @zaichee 6 років тому +2

    Oh how I've missed that face of yours! When I first saw your video it gave me so much hope. Not only did I not know about Bernstein but you showed how possible it is to have a non diabetic a1c. With that being said, numbers are not what define us T1. It's easy to feel like a failure because we wake-up with a number set in our head and the first thing we do is get disappointed. The struggle is hourly, to accept what the mete ris showing and move on. You're by no means a failure, you're an example especially in your low moments.
    For the channel, you could show how you try to manage your diabetes from day to day (with all the ups and downs that come along). Make more vlogs, everyone loves à vlog ! ;)
    Regarding a doc - what a worthless piece of shit that woman was/is! We all struggle with our doctors. I've yet to find one who actually takes time and tries to help. Mine have always been passive and never informative or up to date. It's difficult to find a good doctor but not all of them will bring you down. Maybe look for one, if it's possible, who is rated high on listening and compassion. It's like a job interview when you go to a new doc, it had to work got both. You could share your experience looking for a doc? This is getting long. There's so much you offer to the UA-cam community. You're amazing. Xx

    • @zaichee
      @zaichee 6 років тому

      Has to work for both *

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      Thanks, Lena. I've always valued your support and friendship. You were the first friend I made here! Hope you're doing well.

  • @Desica7
    @Desica7 6 років тому

    Can you get the 670G pump?

    • @Desica7
      @Desica7 6 років тому

      Also.. read The Plant Paradox. That book might help you, it helped me.

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому +1

      It's something I could look into. I haven't worn a pump since 2011, so I'm sure the technology has changed a lot since then.

  • @melisaroberson2209
    @melisaroberson2209 6 років тому

    💔 I am so sorry your struggling. It took me 10 years to find a decent endo and I’m still not 100% thrilled about him. Can we be friends I’m not a creep, just lonely? I’m 23 my son is 4 months old and I can totally relate to everything your saying. I worked my ass off, just like you and kept my A1c under 6 my entire pregnancy. We cloth diaper too😊 I am also seeing bad habits creep back in. Your not a failure, your not a fraud. Your human. You deserve grace. What’s your set up? Forgive me for not remembering. Pump? CGM?

    • @type1mama814
      @type1mama814  6 років тому

      Thank you so much for the really nice comment. It's such a great reminder for me that there are many other people experiencing what I experience on a daily basis. I wish we could be friends, yes! It would be so cool to have a group of type 1 diabetic mom friends. We would have a unique understanding of the struggles. It's one thing I like about UA-cam, being able to meet others like me. I'm on shots. I do long acting (Levemir) in the morning and night, and short acting for meals. I was on a pump for 10 years and used to have a CGM, but my blood sugars are better than ever since switching back to shots.