Pantheon Hoku Wheels First Impression Comparison and Specs

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @LDPizza
    @LDPizza 6 місяців тому +7

    Nice review! I'm still experimenting Karmas vs my previous training wheels, the Boas 90 and 100mm, needed in my crappy roaded park. The Karmas are lighter, have a little less outher lip "squeeze" wheen pumping but they are succeding in outperforming the boas, and I pump 50% of the time, so I'm hooked with them 😁

  • @eBoard3R
    @eBoard3R 6 місяців тому +3

    *Nice review!*
    Jeff is makin amazin wheels at Pantheon 👌🏽

  • @tanukistrider6541
    @tanukistrider6541 6 місяців тому +3

    Nice side-by-side. Thank you. I got the Karmas upon release, they're definitely my fav wheel of that size.
    Funny thing is, with all these excellent big wheels coming out, I still find myself going for the classic 85mm Speed Vent. I actually just switched my Supersonic back to them!
    Keep in mind use case is so personal and specific. I end up doing quite a bit of stop-start, up-down, picking the board up for a minute, so I feel diminishing returns above ~80-85mm.

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому

      yea same here. the SpeedVents are just comfort wheels!

  • @nickamarit
    @nickamarit 6 місяців тому +3

    Karma is already freaking huge. lol
    Those other 2 are monsters.

  • @kaiplaygame6808
    @kaiplaygame6808 6 місяців тому +2

    Have u ever tried the Cal 7 longboard wheels? They come in 97, 90, and 83 millimeters diameter and 52 mm width at 78a durometer. I have a set of 97s and i find them to be a more cost friendly alternative version of these premium wheels.

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому +1

      Phew, they look good! Too bad Shipping is more than the cost of the wheels. Are they nice

    • @kaiplaygame6808
      @kaiplaygame6808 6 місяців тому +2

      @@skate-horizons in my opinion yes they are nice, i use them for LDP and with some strip shock absorbers all bad vibrations are kept at a minimum. I use the cal 7s on my prism tropicalia sled, great combo.

  • @GermanBadGuy
    @GermanBadGuy 6 місяців тому +1

    Nice one!
    What's your state of the art pick for (bigger) pumping wheels?
    I'm still running old big zigs - and was thinking to go orangatang - kegels or cagumas.
    But as you're saying - they're expensive in Europe - and potentially not that up to date anymore?

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому

      Heyhey, to be honst I prefer smaller wheels for pumping. on my dedicated top mount pumper I run 70-75mm and that seems like a good spot for me. I mihgt try 80s with some wedging. Maybe not the fastest, but fun and playful!

  • @emblems4life726
    @emblems4life726 6 місяців тому +1

    Found the Karmas fit my Supersonic with Bennett 129mm Spherical up front using 3/8' riser, and a 130mm Bear Gen 6 rear using an angled riser in the rear mounting position (Wedge is 1/4 towards the front and 5/8" towards the rear) with no wheel bite.
    I purchased several flat and angled risers that I plan to experiment with for both the Karma's and Hoku's so I am very much looking forward to your Supersonic based video regarding setups with these wheel options. Cheers from Texas although I was born in Straubing! Nice videos and interviews on your channel.

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому +1

      Glad you like em!
      I'll have to experiment myself as well, so we will see ;)

  • @RobVespa
    @RobVespa 6 місяців тому +1

    Yet another great video. Thanks!

  • @havefunbesafe
    @havefunbesafe 6 місяців тому +1

    Hmmm , could I put these Hoku’s on my pantheon trip ? Currently have the stock karmas

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому

      It willl be very close. I wouldnt do it.

  • @cgmarch2359
    @cgmarch2359 6 місяців тому +1

    Pls try the 92mm wheels on your tropicallia board :)

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому +1


    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому +1

      Actually sounds like a good IDea to have small Videos on Gear Compability!

  • @Mikovv
    @Mikovv 6 місяців тому +1

    Hi Michael, thanks for making such content. Could you please make a video about good recommended shoes for LDP?

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому

      Hey not really. I simply use my trainers. Just go for what is comfortable for you!

  • @LDPizza
    @LDPizza 6 місяців тому +1

    Comfort question! Between the Hokus and Dad Bods, do you feel a big difference in vibration and damping in the Dad bods?

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому +1

      Yes, the Dadbods are more comfortable!
      Might be the added mass, but im not sure. I think also the wider contact patch plays a big role!

  • @eloitsreno
    @eloitsreno 6 місяців тому +2

    If I'm currently using McFly's, do you think a jump to the Hokus would make pushing sluggish? or should I go with karma's instead?

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому +2

      Nah, you are most likely gonna be fine, but what Setup do have and whats your usual path like?

    • @suntoryjim
      @suntoryjim 6 місяців тому +3

      I have both McFlys and Hokus. It takes a little more effort to get the board up to speed with the Hokus, but you will benefit from a longer roll distance before needing to put your foot down for the next push. Also, road imperfections have less slowing effect on the larger wheels. In terms of energy expenditure, I think it's a wash. My only negative is since they carry more momentum, they also require more effort to slow down/foot brake. As for Hokus vs Karma, it depends on your board and setup.

    • @eloitsreno
      @eloitsreno 6 місяців тому +1

      @@skate-horizons Pranayama, paris 149mm, mcflys, riptide short barrel 95a (i think thats the red one) APS on all 4 and zealous ofc. My path is wild. Some parts are recently paved and others look like they've been unattended for decades💀

    • @LDPizza
      @LDPizza 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@eloitsreno I did a comparrison between karmas and mcflys with a friend last week: the smaller mcflys still have more urethane than karmas and feel softer, so if your path has wild sections, I would say go with the bigger hokus! Karmas are however faster than mcflys, the hokus are probably faster than both 😁

    • @eloitsreno
      @eloitsreno 6 місяців тому +2

      @@LDPizza Time to get hokus and stylus it seems! Thanks a lot man🤙

  • @theoriginalrabbithole
    @theoriginalrabbithole 6 місяців тому +1

    Awesome wheels, I'm sure. That narrower patch is gonna roll easier for sure but my old knees still can't handle much over 85mm for any distance. Maybe if I used TKP trucks like a Bennett in the front and a bracket in the rear to lower everything as much as possible but that would be the only way for me, so I'll stick with my SpeedVents for now.

    • @LDPizza
      @LDPizza 6 місяців тому

      Even with a drop down board like a Supersonic, or a bracket setup?

  • @linpaul
    @linpaul 6 місяців тому +2

    Ooooooh jealous I wanna try these soon

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому +1

      Go for it they are definitively fun!

  • @insanogeddon
    @insanogeddon 5 місяців тому +1

    The backing has a measure and you don't line up to it, do inexact measurements (defeats the purpose of measuring) and discount them for narrative reasons alone, compare wheels of different sizes when there are more equivalent options.
    It makes it look like the wheels are worse than they are and you're misdirecting to some.
    Prob. most as the type to look at comparison / spec content that purchase a lot are likely to be pretty obsessive

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  5 місяців тому

      @@insanogeddon Hey, I can see what you mean. The measurements are not 100÷ accurate, they are going to be off a couple of mm. The background however is not fine enough for distinctions.
      And yes when it comes to performance on the road for distance pushing purposes, from my experience there are clear winners!
      These wheels were designed in a certain way and it shows at what they are good at.
      I can see why it might look misdirecting to some, but I can't stop people to have assumptions from a video. They have to go out and try to build their own opinions!
      I can see that there might be better options to present in a comparison, when someone wants to buy a ~100mm wheel. But people don't usually want a certain sized wheel, they want a performant one.
      That's why you don't see a lot of super large wheels but mostly 85-95mm wheels. And that's why you see the ones in here. They are popular.
      But thanks for the feedback, I still have a lot to improve!

  • @krishnansrinivasan830
    @krishnansrinivasan830 6 місяців тому +1

    Awesome & Thanks :)

  • @AhmedOkby
    @AhmedOkby 6 місяців тому +2

    I can run my pranayama with hokus and have almost 0 wheelbite but I'm 150lbs

    • @bbaker6212
      @bbaker6212 6 місяців тому +1

      *almost* ? that sounds painful.

    • @AhmedOkby
      @AhmedOkby 6 місяців тому +1

      @@bbaker6212 It doesn't bite when skating, but if I'm stationary and lean with all my weight really hard on one side, it starts rubbing.

  • @sonnyrico
    @sonnyrico 6 місяців тому +2

    I think that's what I'm going to replace my dad bod wheels with

    • @skate-horizons
      @skate-horizons  6 місяців тому +1

      For more Pushing efficiency, this sounds liek a smart move!
      But if you want a tank go for the dadbods ;D