Sermons - Matt Chandler - Our First Love

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @deion312
    @deion312 5 років тому +19

    The village church body are a blessing the rest of the body of Christ. Thank you guys.

    • @pastormattchadler9542
      @pastormattchadler9542 3 роки тому

      Child of God Keep your dreams alive and let what God has in stock for you to materialize. God ministered to me when I was in your profile to see things around I saw God's favor, success, joy, breakthrough. Behind that I saw more spiritual attacks, setbacks, labouring in vain and accident from the enemies Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. (2cor.9v6) you have to connect with the Lord in the realm of spirit by sowing a seed of faith to this ophanage (homeofgraceorphanage) within the space of three days and you will witness your portion In Jesus name amen......a supernatural turn around and finacial freedom. Contact or WhatsApp the M: D of the foundation, on (+2348114253841) or email them @ God has raised, healed and BLESSED many through these children (luk 6v38) As you believe and do so I pray that ALMIGHTY GOD will mutiply your income and cast away all the attacks in your life and I pray for divine Grace,,favor, protection AND Blessings shall be your portion in Jesus name Amen....................................................

    • @mikeyvangelism
      @mikeyvangelism 3 роки тому +1

      @@pastormattchadler9542 you should be ashamed of yourself.

    • @ivamichie9951
      @ivamichie9951 3 роки тому

      @@mikeyvangelism )

  • @mattfredericks5855
    @mattfredericks5855 5 років тому +16

    The part of Matt's sermon where he was talking about how sin sometimes will nibble at us reminds me of a song written by a band called Wolves at the Gate. The song is called "The Bird and the Snake" and is about a bird trading feathers to a snake for worms so that it can eat and stay alive, but the snake keeps wanting more and more feathers until eventually the bird has no feathers and the snake eats the bird because the bird cannot fly since it has no feathers. The song was written to describe how sin can act in our lives. Thanks TVC for preaching faithfully, may you continue to be filled with the Spirit.

    • @youngjedi5599
      @youngjedi5599 5 років тому

      Matt Fredericks awesome analogy!

  • @kevinvanderveen8178
    @kevinvanderveen8178 5 років тому +2

    Powerful message and penetrating truth about love and the church.

    • @pastormattchadler9542
      @pastormattchadler9542 3 роки тому

      Child of God Keep your dreams alive and let what God has in stock for you to materialize. God ministered to me when I was in your profile to see things around I saw God's favor, success, joy, breakthrough. Behind that I saw more spiritual attacks, setbacks, labouring in vain and accident from the enemies Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. (2cor.9v6) you have to connect with the Lord in the realm of spirit by sowing a seed of faith to this ophanage (homeofgraceorphanage) within the space of three days and you will witness your portion In Jesus name amen......a supernatural turn around and finacial freedom. Contact or WhatsApp the M: D of the foundation, on (+2348114253841) or email them @ God has raised, healed and BLESSED many through these children (luk 6v38) As you believe and do so I pray that ALMIGHTY GOD will mutiply your income and cast away all the attacks in your life and I pray for divine Grace,,favor, protection AND Blessings shall be your portion in Jesus name Amen....................................................

  • @mallorycarter8101
    @mallorycarter8101 5 років тому

    Incredible word! Amen!

  • @dRBAR
    @dRBAR 5 років тому +1

    33:10 difference between confessing and divulging...
    Remember the “unspoken prayer request” of the 90s??? The epitome of anti-divulging.
    38:14 “when you love Jesus you don’t have to be awesome.”

  • @kys9388
    @kys9388 5 років тому +5

    i have 2 of pastor matts books.

  • @krystle8287
    @krystle8287 5 років тому +1

    Amen! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @drewpick08
    @drewpick08 5 років тому +12

    22:15 -22:53 would be an awesome clip to have and share with others. "If you get God's passionate love you, you can actually love other people but as long as you think you have to fix something in you before he cares for you, you are in a world of trouble. You can't love others if you feel unloved."

  • @JorethaPhotos
    @JorethaPhotos 4 роки тому

    Do you have a transcript of this message, would like to share this with my father but he is hard of hearing.

  • @VupzyPlays
    @VupzyPlays 5 років тому

    FIREEE !!!!