Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers | Book Reading & Study | Chapter 4 | Short and Quick

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Let's Read and Study Srila Prabhupada's Small Books Systematically!
    Book: Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
    Chapter 4: The Three Modes of Nature
    From Book
    1. What are the three gunas ? What are their characteristics?
    2. Is helping someone in the mode of goodness? How?
    3. What are the 3 types of charity as per different modes?
    From Talk
    1. Which mode do the devotees operate in? How?
    2. What is the purpose of this human form of life? What is the great loss?
    Open Ended
    1. “Bhakti is beyond Paap and Punya.” What is the power of devotional service that it even transcends the modes even while we perform it in the material world! Why not take it seriously and realize the effects ourselves?
    2. “ You do whatever You like, but still You are my worshipable Lord.” Am I expecting anything from my sadhana or seva? Do I expect the ecstasy of the holy name to enjoy it or to offer it to the Lord? Do I expect recognition and glory for my services? Really, what is the intention and motivation behind my bhakti?
    3. “Out of sight, out of mind.” Isn’t it true things, people or places we were attached to once and no matter how beautiful or wonderful they may be, once they are out of sight, the mind is no longer contemplating it. Why not maintain safe distance from the things which distract my mind from devotional service?
    4. If non devotees can forget Krsna easily without effort being absorbed in fulfilling their desires , why not we as devotees become absorbed in fulfilling Krsna’s desires and easily forget unwanted desires/things/people,etc.
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  • @SahilGangwani-kn8xp
    @SahilGangwani-kn8xp 25 днів тому +1

    Powerful 1-liners :
    1. Cheating is mixed passion and ignorance.
    2. Human life is a great chance given to the living entity to get out of the entanglement of material existence.

  • @SahilGangwani-kn8xp
    @SahilGangwani-kn8xp 25 днів тому +1

    Key Analogies:
    1. In goodness you can understand things - knowledge. You can know that there is God, that this world was created by Him, and so many things, actual things - the sun is this, the moon is this - perfect knowledge. If one has some knowledge, even though it may not be perfect, that is goodness. And in passion one identifies with his material body and tries to gratify his senses. That is passion. And ignorance is animal life - in ignorance, one does not know what is God, how to become happy, why we are in this world. For example, if you take an animal to the slaughterhouse, it will go willingly. This is ignorance. But a man will protest. If a goat is to be killed after five minutes but you give it a morsel of grass, it is happy because it is eating. That is ignorance.