Haha! That actually comes as a surprise because I'm a fairly new fan. I started liking them earlier this year. I guess I just wanted to learn more about them and I feel like I still have a lot to learn. Thanks though, truly means a lot!
Oh my goodness! That's when I started too! Around February, maybe March (but my friends says it was earlier, but I have no memory of it). I started by listening to Glad You Came and branched off from there.
Haha! That actually comes as a surprise because I'm a fairly new fan. I started liking them earlier this year. I guess I just wanted to learn more about them and I feel like I still have a lot to learn. Thanks though, truly means a lot!
Oh my goodness! That's when I started too! Around February, maybe March (but my friends says it was earlier, but I have no memory of it). I started by listening to Glad You Came and branched off from there.
7:53 Nathan's face, priceless, in all truth they all are priceless
When Nathan shouts "Morgan Freeman yeah" at 4:36 in his accent = *le dead*!:')
I love how Tom's biggest concern is that the cinema didn't have hot dogs..
From 4:25 - 4:55 I DIED OF LAUGHTER! Ohmigosh.... Tom makes me LOL!
omg when Siva's like 'focus focus!' hahahahahaha
June 18th they sang at Dallas tx I was there
That's awesome i think their so down to earth guys i haven't met them yet may be a couple years In your opinion who do you think is the cutest?
3:57 I thought Siva said Pokemon. (Instead of popcorn.)
Siva's scarred for life!
AWWWWW,I LOVE TOM SO MUCH! he said my name and said hed marry me awwwwww.
Your welcome i am kinda like you because i didn't really hear about them until last Feb but i didn't know much about them so i'm doing the same thing.
Where was Max in this livechat anyway??
what was the question at 0:57 ?
Harry Potter woowooo
I swear i have seen you comment on all of the videos of the wanted true fan OreoBunny123 right hear *high five*
I hate sushi!! My brother and me tried it once and I puked.. It's fish center with sticky rise and some sea weed and stuff with weird sauce..
tom is so hoooooot :)