Hi xFirebird925x, I like and agree with your comment here. "这个时代连团结都不会,还能干什么呢?从来就没看见过老美上别的国家网站上跟自己人对骂的,学学人家吧". Don't just quarrel with each other. Stand up, plan and do real good things. That is the top priority now.
@Acedscy Accuracy is highly debatable in a history book. For example, William of Tyre was the official historian of the Kingdom of Jerusalem during the 12th century. However, his book is touted as being biased towards a certain faction. As a historian, one must use one's mind to analyze information and decide whether it's correct or not. You might agree with a certain historian, but that doesn't make your opinion any more valid than someone else who disagrees with that historian.
@Acedscy (cont) There was very little change in the three and a half centuries that the Ming ruled, whereas the Islamic world and Europe blossomed, and the latter in particular. That's because the Europeans did not shut off the outside world. They sought to explore it and learn about it. The Chinese didn't learn from their neighbours. That, in part might have been because their neighbours were too busy with surviving in harsh climates to develop high culture.
@Acedscy (cont) If you compare the philosophy and technology of the Manchus right after they conquered China, you will find they adopted Ming philosophy and culture. They were not a highly cultured people with a lot of philosphies of their own. When you look at the later Qing, you will find the Manchurians adopted the habits and language of the earlier Ming aristocrats and forgot their own warrior culture (which might have saved China if they hadn't lost it).
@ Acedscy The Mongols adopted Islam/buddhism/the culture of wherever they conquered. The Manchurians did the same in China. That's why some Mongols ended up as Christians and others as Muslims and still others as buddhists. And that's also why the Manchurians ended up with Confucian philosophy.
@Acedscy Both the European nations and the Ottoman Turks were much further behind the Chinese in the 14th century, which is when the Ming began. By the end of the Ming, China still had the same political systems, more or less the same technology, and the same philosophies. By contrast, England had established a new political system, new weapons had been developed all over the continent and a plethora of new philosophies had blossomed.
@papertiger7 The way I see it, they continued on a bad path set down by the Ming. That's not to say they didn't make their own mistakes, especially the Empress Tsi Xi (spelling?) but the Ming is the main culprit because they established the cultural stagnation which made China fall behind the rest of the world.
@TelcontarRulz Those 2 aren't normal books, those are official history books that tells the history of Ming Dynasty. Just that 明史 is less accurate while 明史稿 is the other way round.
@papertiger7 (cont'd) The Manchurians didn't know any better because the Han culture was the most dominant in the region, and they believed they had to be like the Ming, so they took up that culture when they conquered China. They just get blamed for China's downfall because they're not Han, but in reality, the stage for downfall was set when the country started stagnating in the Ming.
@papertiger7 No, I mean Ming. They took over China in the 14th century and cut off all ties with the outside world because they thought they were so brilliant, stopping trade with Central Asia and the Middle East, causing China to stagnate whilst in the west, Europe was having a blooming rennaissance. It was during the Ming when footbinding was introduced, and there was a new interpretation of Confucian values which made people very obedient, thus stalling development.
@Acedscy I have not read either of those books. I base my understanding and opinion on empirical facts, not on what one historian says. The Ming shut off contact with the outside world. This is a fact. If you compare the technology and philosophy that existed at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty to those that existed at the end of the Ming, you will find not very much has changed while the rest of the world has moved on, leaving China behind.
@Acedscy The lack of change is why I say the Ming caused China to stagnate and sowed the seeds for its defeat. You are free to disagree, of course, but I still don't think it's right to blame the Manchurians for all the woe China has suffered. And, to be quite honest, for me, the recent Confucian revival is a symptom that modern China is still making the same mistakes the Ming made.
@TelcontarRulz Ming Dynasty didn't shut off themselves to the world, if that is the case, what is Zheng He 7 voyages to the western sea is all about? Even after official seafaring has been terminated after Zheng He, private and commercial seafaring still continue. If you want to talk about technology please read through 武備志 and 天工開物 first. Philosophy wise, go read about those books written by 王守仁 first. His Confucius philosophy until now still has an influence in Japan and Korea.
@Acedscy (cont) China's geography didn't do it any favours. In the north and north west, it was separated from Russia and Central Asia by desert. In the west and southwest it was separated from India by the Himalayas. However, the Ming was the period where the Silk Road pretty much ceased because one emperor decided China was too good for the rest of the world. Therefore, it could not benefit from the the Renaissance in Europe or the Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire.
@Acedscy Massacres are common in the past. Everyone did it. I don't approve of it but it doesn't make the Manchus or the Mongols any worse than anyone else of their era. Have you ever heard of the Massacre of Jerusalem? Or perhaps the great number of Chinese killed by other Chinese in various ways? The thing is the Manchus and the Mongols adopted the culture of the conquered. The fact that they massacred those people had little to do with it.
@TelcontarRulz It seems you read too much Qing version of Ming Dynasty history. Go read 明史稿 instead of 明史 . Historian acknowledged 明史稿 as the most accurate in reflecting Ming Dynasty history. 明史 produced by the Manchu Qing court has been edited to many times and its accuracy is highly doubted but it will be a good book to compare with 明史稿
it's regretful that few individuals are trying to seek stupid independence in southwestern and southeastern, I am so confused what benefits can you get!Is there anything wrong about a unified China!!! 哎,要等到哪年啊, tears...
Why do so many people fight on youtube! It really isn't a place to talk about politics and to also to speak derogatorily about each other. It's so futile and stupid. Lets just enjoy the music and keep our unpleasant opinions civil or to ourselves. Peace.
难得一个蒙古族这么歌颂汉族 哈哈
韓磊唱歌真好聽!!很適合唱歷史劇!非常棒!! 氣勢磅礡!!!
這個歌手是蒙古族 這麼 歌頌 漢族 真是丟蒙古人臉
@@妙瓦底终结者-无精 不要破坏民族团结,匈奴不等于蒙古。
@rundstedt7305 尔小人之心
@@妙瓦底终结者-无精 煞笔日本杂种,懂大中华吗?金日磾、哥舒翰、高仙芝...,为中华传承做出贡献的非汉族人多了去了,就你个劣等倭奴,想加入中华大家庭都没门,恶心。
@@妙瓦底终结者-无精 匈奴人又不是蒙古人,不是汉人赶跑了匈奴人,后来就没有什么蒙古人了
Great Song ... Love from Pakistan
会的 一定会的每个华夏儿女奋斗的目标
Seriously, awesome music and a very majestic voice. Nice!
华夏民族和汉民族一直讲究的都是文化的认同,而并不一定要求是纯正的血缘关系。只要是认同汉民族的衣冠礼仪与为人道德,都可以称得上是汉族的继承人 :)
就是一首歌而已,没必要太上纲上线。这首看起来充满了大汉族主义的歌曲,词作者蒙古族,曲作者朝鲜族,演唱者 韩磊也是蒙古族。是英雄各民族都喜欢
Beautiful song.
Hi xFirebird925x,
I like and agree with your comment here. "这个时代连团结都不会,还能干什么呢?从来就没看见过老美上别的国家网站上跟自己人对骂的,学学人家吧".
Don't just quarrel with each other. Stand up, plan and do real good things. That is the top priority now.
陈瞻 你错了,老外喜欢搞Propaganda(宣传),来拉拢人心。中国人就是不会这个。老外真正比中国人好的是宣传,而不是什么武器军队。
xFirebird925x 中国人不会propaganda? 开什么玩笑。不过只是现在似乎中国甘当依附(政治上)。想当年太祖在世多威风。美国人权运动,太祖说我支持;小兄弟被揍了直接送军火甚至派军,虚个锤子;弄得后来日本有毛派,印度有毛派,以至于至今美国一些人抗议时还举个毛主席像。这都不单是舆论宣传搞得好,同时中国能言行一致,说什么就是什么。而现在,呵呵呵。 中国当然不能走争霸的路线;但是我们在政治意识形态上必须独立。ps。 陈瞻的说法其实也有道理的;美国的作风其实很像笑傲江湖里的左冷禅:说你是勾结魔教便弄死你;武力是他们宣传的后盾,宣传有时不过是内裤罢了,其实穿不穿都无所谓。
FOX LIGHTMAN 对,“甘当依附”,于是就让别人抢先占领了道德高地,这种落后不是一年两年就能逆转的。
民族国家这玩意这是欧洲带来的, 中国自古以来就没有这概念, 你认同中华文明, 大家都是一家人, 你不认同, 就算你黑头发黄皮肤, 你也不是一家人
+苏徽 说得好
+苏徽 你见过官方的言论或行为里什么时候倾向汉族,或提过汉族?一律都是中华民族的好吗?
+苏徽 你完全搞不清中共的民族政策--56的民族同属中华民族,汉族在大陆没有任何被强调的动作,我们也不能说含有太强汉民族主义的话,一切都是中华民族这个前提。少数民族受到各方面优待,在很多非边境地区,不少维吾尔族搞盗窃,藏族卖假药,地方政府都不敢管,因为牵涉民族团结,这个问题会上纲上线。
Long live China
Cheers! ... For China, and for being Chinese!
光我神州, 耀我中華~
@Acedscy Accuracy is highly debatable in a history book. For example, William of Tyre was the official historian of the Kingdom of Jerusalem during the 12th century. However, his book is touted as being biased towards a certain faction. As a historian, one must use one's mind to analyze information and decide whether it's correct or not. You might agree with a certain historian, but that doesn't make your opinion any more valid than someone else who disagrees with that historian.
@Acedscy (cont) There was very little change in the three and a half centuries that the Ming ruled, whereas the Islamic world and Europe blossomed, and the latter in particular. That's because the Europeans did not shut off the outside world. They sought to explore it and learn about it. The Chinese didn't learn from their neighbours. That, in part might have been because their neighbours were too busy with surviving in harsh climates to develop high culture.
1 [0:46/0:54/1:02/1:10]
2 [1:19/1:27/1:33/1:42/1:49/1:57]
@Acedscy (cont) If you compare the philosophy and technology of the Manchus right after they conquered China, you will find they adopted Ming philosophy and culture. They were not a highly cultured people with a lot of philosphies of their own. When you look at the later Qing, you will find the Manchurians adopted the habits and language of the earlier Ming aristocrats and forgot their own warrior culture (which might have saved China if they hadn't lost it).
@ Acedscy The Mongols adopted Islam/buddhism/the culture of wherever they conquered. The Manchurians did the same in China. That's why some Mongols ended up as Christians and others as Muslims and still others as buddhists. And that's also why the Manchurians ended up with Confucian philosophy.
@Acedscy Both the European nations and the Ottoman Turks were much further behind the Chinese in the 14th century, which is when the Ming began. By the end of the Ming, China still had the same political systems, more or less the same technology, and the same philosophies. By contrast, England had established a new political system, new weapons had been developed all over the continent and a plethora of new philosophies had blossomed.
@papertiger7 The way I see it, they continued on a bad path set down by the Ming. That's not to say they didn't make their own mistakes, especially the Empress Tsi Xi (spelling?) but the Ming is the main culprit because they established the cultural stagnation which made China fall behind the rest of the world.
兩千多年過去了,1949幸好出了(十大元帥 ---- 十大內戰英雄,抗戰狗熊)中華民族真幸運!難怪他們年老時都不得好死......哈哈哈!
@TelcontarRulz Those 2 aren't normal books, those are official history books that tells the history of Ming Dynasty. Just that 明史 is less accurate while 明史稿 is the other way round.
@papertiger7 (cont'd) The Manchurians didn't know any better because the Han culture was the most dominant in the region, and they believed they had to be like the Ming, so they took up that culture when they conquered China. They just get blamed for China's downfall because they're not Han, but in reality, the stage for downfall was set when the country started stagnating in the Ming.
@papertiger7 No, I mean Ming. They took over China in the 14th century and cut off all ties with the outside world because they thought they were so brilliant, stopping trade with Central Asia and the Middle East, causing China to stagnate whilst in the west, Europe was having a blooming rennaissance. It was during the Ming when footbinding was introduced, and there was a new interpretation of Confucian values which made people very obedient, thus stalling development.
@Acedscy I have not read either of those books. I base my understanding and opinion on empirical facts, not on what one historian says. The Ming shut off contact with the outside world. This is a fact. If you compare the technology and philosophy that existed at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty to those that existed at the end of the Ming, you will find not very much has changed while the rest of the world has moved on, leaving China behind.
fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my blood pressure is going up!!
@Acedscy The lack of change is why I say the Ming caused China to stagnate and sowed the seeds for its defeat. You are free to disagree, of course, but I still don't think it's right to blame the Manchurians for all the woe China has suffered.
And, to be quite honest, for me, the recent Confucian revival is a symptom that modern China is still making the same mistakes the Ming made.
@TelcontarRulz Ming Dynasty didn't shut off themselves to the world, if that is the case, what is Zheng He 7 voyages to the western sea is all about? Even after official seafaring has been terminated after Zheng He, private and commercial seafaring still continue.
If you want to talk about technology please read through 武備志 and 天工開物 first. Philosophy wise, go read about those books written by 王守仁 first. His Confucius philosophy until now still has an influence in Japan and Korea.
振奮神經 絕對耐聽
@Acedscy (cont) China's geography didn't do it any favours. In the north and north west, it was separated from Russia and Central Asia by desert. In the west and southwest it was separated from India by the Himalayas. However, the Ming was the period where the Silk Road pretty much ceased because one emperor decided China was too good for the rest of the world. Therefore, it could not benefit from the the Renaissance in Europe or the Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire.
@TelcontarRulz You mean the Qing right? Please elaborate.
谈笑渴饮匈奴血 壮志饥餐胡虏肉
Lei Deng 壮志饥餐民工肉 谈笑渴饮百姓血
@@alikalik4032 这哪跟那啊,胡扯瞎扯,你是愤青嘛?
@@宁静致远-o5f 去学历史。
@@alikalik4032 愤青。
@@宁静致远-o5f 无力讲理,直接扣帽子,就是你这类人的特色。
汉武雄魂 长存
杨阳 没办法,民族主义是经济发展人民生活水平提高的必然结果,随着人们物质条件不断改善,普通民众尤其是平民知识分子们寻根倾向越来越严重,什么汉服运动,《明朝那些事儿》走红都是对其具体反应和表现。还有就是中国西藏,新疆地区常年不稳这一现实原因也有一定推波助澜的作用。最根本的原因还是自苏东剧变其意识形态全球瓦解后中国当局为维护统治,转移人民视线纵容默许中国民族主义蓬勃发展已作为“新”意识形态,结果没想到引申出如此问题。
@so0o0n 你写了几十版了,说得好
@Acedscy Massacres are common in the past. Everyone did it. I don't approve of it but it doesn't make the Manchus or the Mongols any worse than anyone else of their era. Have you ever heard of the Massacre of Jerusalem? Or perhaps the great number of Chinese killed by other Chinese in various ways? The thing is the Manchus and the Mongols adopted the culture of the conquered. The fact that they massacred those people had little to do with it.
@so0o0n well said!
這首可以重新上傳嗎? 太小聲了, 有點可惜
@TelcontarRulz So..what about the Qing?
不知台湾港澳如何想的,个人和大陆多数人都认为在今天的西方主流世界,华夏人依然有很长的路要走。突然有点明白当年日本人为什么会用:大东亚共荣圈这个我之前不理解的口号了。 西方人的主流就是扼杀黄种人,无论是中国强,台湾强,日本强,还是韩国强。哪一个的崛起绝对会被美欧为首的西方所压制。这里面很多历史达人,而历史和政治也是不分家的。大家肯定都明白当年罗斯福与杜鲁门在中日韩三国之间以争议岛屿组成的战略部署。
外国人, 别造谣了
豬兄,我亦言盡於此. 后會有期
@TelcontarRulz It seems you read too much Qing version of Ming Dynasty history. Go read 明史稿 instead of 明史 . Historian acknowledged 明史稿 as the most accurate in reflecting Ming Dynasty history. 明史 produced by the Manchu Qing court has been edited to many times and its accuracy is highly doubted but it will be a good book to compare with 明史稿
Wo zuihode qingsu,shi:wei wo weiide jiezi bao chou!semir/Hong Bao/Krasznij Barsz/
it's regretful that few individuals are trying to seek stupid independence in southwestern and southeastern, I am so confused what benefits can you get!Is there anything wrong about a unified China!!! 哎,要等到哪年啊, tears...
one world, one china~
一個世界, 一個中國~
Why do so many people fight on youtube! It really isn't a place to talk about politics and to also to speak derogatorily about each other. It's so futile and stupid. Lets just enjoy the music and keep our unpleasant opinions civil or to ourselves. Peace.