Credit to them for the selection and effort. People need to realize this is a bonus to the setlist and adding a cover while on tour is no easy task, let alone a song like Zoo Station. Bravo, Pumpkins.
Love Jimmy’s drumming but Larry’s industrial metallic sounding drums on this particular song are what make it great. Billy what are you doing at all though? Best cover SP did was Depeche Mode’s “Never Let Me Down Again” but this is wankery!
Achtung Baby is an incredible album
Credit to them for the selection and effort. People need to realize this is a bonus to the setlist and adding a cover while on tour is no easy task, let alone a song like Zoo Station. Bravo, Pumpkins.
Saw U2 at the Sphere and my love for the song was reignited. Love Billy's spin on it! Thanks for the video!
How to convert a so peculiar and unique U2's song into a hard rock song like many others. Thanks god for U2!!!!
This is awesome. I love how it is uncompromisingly Pumpkins.
They gotta record this! So great
Thanks for posting. They really made it their own. It's up there with Nine Inch Nails' version.
U2 cover very fitting.
Sounds nothing like the opening rif to zoo station
Love Jimmy’s drumming but Larry’s industrial metallic sounding drums on this particular song are what make it great. Billy what are you doing at all though? Best cover SP did was Depeche Mode’s “Never Let Me Down Again” but this is wankery!
This is a good cover.
Not a bad cover, as they shouldn’t be identical to the original.
Billy Vocals Horrible
Well that was terrible.
Well, that's fucking terrible.