This is a fantastic video. You explained the situation with honesty and clarity for the benefit of other veterans who may be on the same journey. More importantly, you shared how you owned your errors and took positive steps to rectify the situation. This is the way to do this. Thank you for sharing.
Same thing happened to me, and I obtained an attorney and appealed within the one year and didn't just win my lost percentage, but also won the lost pay!!
I was medically discharged in 1991 and could not get help for over 30 years. I have always said they should can the VA and give the money to the county who has to deal with the problem.
You broke the general rule: "Don't poke the bear." I'm glad it worked out for you. Most veterans who are 55+ will never have their claim looked at ever again by the VBA....unless you file a new claim.
Thank you for sharing this. I use my decision letter and the references they use to make their decisions (CFR 38 Chapter 4 & M-21 manual). I definitely will never know everything. Your experience is very valuable. I am glad you got your rating back, and thank you so much for sharing your experience.
Go to the DAV. They helped me. I was clueless even buying my own medicine. Didn’t think I was eligible for the VA hospital. Had many uncles that were Korean War and 1 WW2 veterans but they didn’t go to the VA that I knew of. It was never discussed in my family VA stuff. Went to the County Veteran service to give them a copy of my DD214 to store in a safe place. He told me to go to the DAV. I thought the VA were all WW2, Korea, and Vietnam Veterans that were all amputates, or wheelchair bound. The DAV and the VA have done well for me. I’m very grateful. My kids grew up now and will be productive citizens. Been married for over 25 years to my Vietnamese wife that I met in St. Paul, MN. She has always stood by my side. I’m grateful as hell.
Older Vets were/are left out. It’s much harder to figure this complicated process out. If it weren’t for these videos, I would not know anything( ps I have a VSO).
Good pointers. Every Veteran (if possible and capable) has to... I say again.... has to! "own his or her own claim". You are your best advocate in the fight of supporting your claim. Education is key here. Meaning there are endless legit channels on you tube coming from viable sources (including yours Robert :)) that aid in spreading this useful knowledge. Unlike when I got out of active duty in 1994... TAPS taught us almost nothing back then. I self educated myself for months before I even put in a claim.
Oh when the VA indicated that I was going to have my mental rating reduced from 70 percent to 30 percent, I responded within the very same week with request for a hearing and to submit additional evidence and testimony. That maintained my existing rating until the conclusion of the hearing process. Meanwhile, I attacked the inaccuracies of the examination and rating board that came to the decision to recommend rating reduction (in short, both did not do their job). I submitted additional evidence within 2 weeks as I didn’t want to play around with the 60 day limit and 7 months later, I attended my hearing where another C&P exam was ordered and my original rating was restored a month later. So I never had my pay reduced.
So sorry to hear about your experience. It’s very courageous for you to share your experiences with the VA but also your transparency. I have a state representative that has helped me with all my claims. I started at 10% nearly 10 years ago and am now at 90% and going for TDIU. I live in Georgia and the VA system here sucks.
Thank you so much for 'see a veteran, help a veteran' because you have helped me. Glad you found an accredited attorney to get you back to where you belong :)
Stay away from TDIU bro!! Great video. Hopefully your accredited agent help you build your claim correctly to help you get scheduler 100%. In 2025 i think it’s wayyy easier to get to the hundo if you believe you deserve it…. Anyway great video!! Happy Holidays
I'm sorry to hear this, but thank you for sharing your story. Maybe this will help someone else. The same thing happened to me a few years ago. Until you're 100% P&T you have to continue to get treatment or they can reduce you. Praying for a great 2025 for you! 🙏🏾
Thanks for sharing your experience, hopefully someone out here, heard you and started getting treatment. This was a real truth bomb!!!! all conditions must be current. Bottom line get to the doctor. Glad to hear your rating was restored. Question; Any of your disabilities listed as static?
Thanks for your open and honest review. It’s not always the VA who is at fault. Glad you got back to 80% and what you stated serves as a lesson learned for us all.
Good video. I like your humbleness and honestly saying it was all on you. Too many people act like its the VA fault when its really something they did wrong. I'm 100% P/T and you can bet I will keep seeing my Psyche and taking my meds. It's not worth messing around with. I was like you just hoping to get TDIU because everything I read said it was the easiest way to get to 100. My DAV rep submitted for an increase in my PTSD which I was already rated at 70. I wondered why he did that and thought it was risky but glad he did because it worked out, they give me 100 for the one condition and said the TDIU was irrelevant.
Robert, glad ur situation worked out for u...what if the condition will not get better depsite the treatment ? I tried but it doesnt get better ? Thank u for any help
Glad you got rating back, most veterans submit claims that get denied or reduced because they fail to educate themselves before submitting a claim. I see a lot of veterans file for an increase, and haven’t been seen by a Dr in a very long time. Medical evidence is your best friend.
It's like pulling a lion's teeth to get an appointment with your care team. I requested an appointment in October, didn't get on the books until January, they (my team physician) CANCELED the appointment and rescheduled it for February. My foot issues had to be outsourced to a podiatry clinic through the community care clinic. So we shouldn't be penalized for not having continuous care when we can't even get on our physician's schedule!!
Am Not Sure What You Mean Penalized ,Remember Am A Vietnam veteran and Service Connected Benefits The VA Only Looks At Medical Conditions That Happened In Service , So and Unless These Medical Conditions Are Incurable Or Life Threatening The VA Reviews Most Veterans Especially Those That Are Still Employed and Medical Conditions Expected To Improve, So VA Rating’s Are Not Always Permanent , Unless Like Me Agent Orange Peripheral Neuropathy , My Appendix Removed W/Cancer and 6Weeks Later Part of My Large colon Removed Hip- Replacement , Amputation on My Big Toe ,Some Ratings Are Permanent But At What Cost 💲 👍🙏🇺🇸
@chrisnorcutt9060 I suggest that go back and read my comment SLOWLY this time. Veterans ARE penalized by raters for NOT HAVING CONTINUOUS CARE when they can't even get an appointment with their care team for months to years on end...and the recourse is to sit in an emergency room taking away resources from someone who is actually sick in the emergency room! By your logic, because a veteran is injured, unrated for said injury and not an amputee, they couldn't possibly be "penalized"....if they served, and they are injured, they deserve consideration based on the presumption of service related injuries, not how many times they clock out of work and make a mad dash to a doctor's office. Hell, some of us have seen doctors for the same crap so often that we know how to treat ourselves!!!
@ Am Sorry About How You Are Treated, But Not All VA Hospitals Treat Veterans The Same , Loma Linda Hospital in Ca , Is One Of The Worst and So , But My Wife and I Flat Out Moved Out Of Socialist California and Maybe You Don’t Understand Barack Hussein Obama Hated America and He Hated Our Veterans and The Phoenix VA Hospital AZ They Denied Healthcare For Up To Two Years and The 40 Veterans That Died All Denied Healthcare and Everyone Died , I Actually Talk To One Of The Wives , and On Was On That List That’s Why Loma Linda Never Did One MRI On My Big Toe Until I Went To Visit My Son In Mesa Az and He Took Me To Banner Hospital Az and They Amputated My Toe Because It Would Have Killed Me , Depends Where You Live , Am Treated Wonderful Here In Prescott Az , Remember Your Not Treated The Same At These Hospitals Ok 👌
Wishing the best. It happens that people don't read. SVO are free to help. Always try them first. The lawyers can help. I have Berry Law Firm for my Lejeune Claim
No such thing as 12 sessions. I've done hundreds of sessions. I'm P&T for Bipolar 1 + CPTSD, they've spent the majority of my "treatment" trying to convince me that bipolar isn't real, but this lithium doesn't believe them and I have the circadian rhythm of a rabid bat. What they have successfully done is tell me I'm "only making baby steps" that I was previously homeless "because it was my fault" tell me that all my problems are from "marijuana" - the same "marijuana" I stopped using 4-5 months ago. I wasn't even diagnosed by the VA, I was diagnosed inpatient during a psychotic episode on active duty by the DoD during the process of an MEB - no I didn't piss hot and I wasn't using marijuana back then. The facts are that the VA budget is roughly 50% providers and 50% compensation. They don't need to tell me that their aim is to increase their margins and reduce yours - is that paranoia? maybe, but it's what I've seen with my own eyes. I've been to both civilian BH providers and VA providers. Civilian providers have given me tools for my box, things that you can "activate" and actually "do" in those triggering moments, the VA just constantly asses "what job can you do now?" seriously. I started with a new BH therapist and even with me sitting right in front of him for around 6-10 sessions asking for "new tools" he just hands me a packet about social anxiety and every single follow-up question is about "so what job can you have now?" and not a single follow-up question when I'm discussing traumas or massive triggers. These things are issues for me, I've literally called the police - ON MY SELF, during a domestic dispute - WHO DOES THAT? A person who is aware they're out of control and have no tools to deal with - THAT - IS - HOW - MANIC - DEPRESSION - WORKS. It's unchained - it doesn't matter if the VA believes in it, it just IS. You cannot fake being maniac, it's not from drugs, it just is. Statistically speaking ~80% of people suffering with bipolar disorder are indeed unemployed, why? Because it's swing based, you will range from so depressed you can't get out of bed to so manic you touch schizophrenia spectrum symptoms. I'm not with trying to explain this stuff, the last time I was inpatient the VA psychologist told me "I always doubt bipolar in Veterans". So the writing is on the wall, as far as I'm concerned it's not a healthcare organization. Before you ask am I combat service connected? Yes I medically retired as an E7 after 36 months of GWOT served between 2005 -2018.
@@roberthalltheveteran I think I meant in your case. They rated you for it but since you weren’t going, they reduced you. Were you supposed to be in therapy permanently for that rating? I’m just confused on that part.
@@MaxDelorean9 i dont really understand va sometimes either. i have a mental health rating. and no matter what treatment i do, my head is not gonna get better.. i can get therapy every day and nothing is gonna happen.. va expects that as we get older and our brain deteriorates, somehow it gets better . once your havea mental health condition, nothing in the world will make it improve. most likely it will get worse in time.
Having a disability rating reduction can be depressing in itself, and if you are suffering from anxiety, depression, etc., already, it is understandable not to instantly respond "within 60 days". The VA machine uses blanket protocols, i.e. letters and rules, without consideration of the individual being addressed.
This Is Exactly What So Many Of Veterans Do Because They Are After The Money,and After They Get The Ratings They Are Long Gone My Daughter Worked At The Corona VA Ca She Said As Soon As They Got There Ratings She Never Seen Them Again, .and Am A Veteran Veteran Agent Orange With My Appendix. Removed W/ Cancer and Six Weeks Later Part of My Large Colon and Sugar Diabetes With Peripheral Neuropathy and Amputation Of My Big Toe , But My VA Medical Care Is All I Have and People You Don’t Walk Away , All Of Us Vietnam Veterans We Have Ratings But We Are All Dying From Agent Orange ( Cancer ) The VA Sure They Reduce Your Ratings If It’s Not Permanent , Be careful What You Wish For 👍🙏🇺🇸
Before the 60 day letter you had the opportunity to request a hearing which would have paused the 60 day letter. What you should have done during this period was to obtain a Nexus letter from a outside source.
Thanks for sharing this. I'm currently being re-evaled for my rating of Leukemia. Took almost 2 years to get. I swear I believe they were hoping I would die as I hear they generally approve those quickly because of expenses (2700.00 a month rent because of I had to stay near the treatment place...2.5hr from home) and dying. I'm in VACC. Anyway, they said when I got the letter I would be re-evaled in 6 months. I got re-eval letter in 3 months. I have not yet got the letter you describe. I am still being treated so I'm getting my evidence together... along with a personal statement to send before the mandated 30 day deadline. Hope I have better luck and don't get reduced. Cancer does not follow the age 55+ exemption rule mentioned by someone here. Do NOT feel bad about being you own worst enemy on this. I'm 66. I remember while active we generally did not go to the doctor. T'Was not encouraged. Your an X Marine, same as I... semper Fi. We were taught since boot camp to hack it. Most of us did, even post active... to my detriment. Didn't file for anything until I was diagnosed at 64. Cancer can bankrupt you. I still have to force myself to go to the doctor. I feel the comrades who came after us do a much better job of getting their illnesses service connected while active... they are aware. The ones before us prolly went to there graves without getting a dime of what they were deserved unless they were missing limbs.
My speech is so severe now. I was going to VA speech but its so out of hand now i dont even like to leave my hkme cause nost things u have to talk. The speech class was not helping my issue, my mouth and brain dont align
@roberthalltheveteran i was asking cause u said u weren't going to your appointments but speech therapy we tried it but the impediment is beyond therapy
Vets needs to figure out the VA does not want to help you. I luck up on my 100% but my mental state, isn’t the great. I was a combat medic in Nam. Got a Purple Heart 💜. How many days did I see guys getting killed.Draftee and didn’t want combat.
I instance message my mental health care team often and go to online va mental health once a week. All of this is evidence will help you if you get reduction letter.
@ only a few months I’ve never hear it like that. My bud see them 2 ever year no problems another fun fact the doctors there at the VA sometimes drive by your house my friend saw them sitting there watching his house no undercover guy his actual primary care doctor and his psych doctor yeah bro they try to get people from all angles, I’ve never heard of anyone going down only after a couple months to do a the evaluation, I’ve never heard of that. The math ain’t mathing on this end unless they already had it out for you. That’s always possible but good job on the recovery, bro.🕵️♂️
Its more how long you have had it, and after various ways they predetermined however they want to construe their own laws, they ignore you, get a VA approved attorney, as otherwise it's 20+ years and frankly I think if they want to, they will reduce it, getting it back is the bigger problem, and now that we have a new Administration in Washington...good luck.
You must pay attention to your VA letters and read the regulations for yourself to avoid these issues. If they reduce your not in accordance with FRE 5 year requirements for temporary connection then it's a violation of regulations. Yes go to VHA use the services they very helpful don't stop because you got a rating from VBA.
Had definitely poked the bear by reporting tampered with medication at VA Amarillo and when I reported that it was still apparently happening on open teleconference call, suddenly my medical records were unauthorized and disclosed to my private insurance. So, I reported it to a vet working at the hospital who apparently and subsequently blasted throughout this same hospital Patient Advocate. I spoke with VA Police, unknown vet status, and quoted to this ballsy and indifferent characters HIPAA and privacy act 1974 under US code and he failed to take any action. Veteran s be very wary of the VA Police, I have worked as a law enforcement officer, but they are not doing their jobs. The VA rating regional office in San Juan criticized me for submitting too much evidence on one claim and then denied other claims for lack of evidence. There are many contractors getting paid bonuses for denying your claims and lowering your rating. Go to the DAV, go to Congress, appeal everything, and you got hurt and deserve compensation and compensation not indifference from some bureaucrats. Take note when a VA video comes out comments are not allowed. Didn’t we fight and our buddies die for freedom???
It's not necessary to go to the VA at all. I go to civilian Doctors for my service connected disabilities, have plenty of medical evidence if the need ever arose but have never darkened the door of the VA for anything.
Look somebody be honest with me 100% Dav so I qualified for SMC, do you know anybody help with my Doctor with write Nexus letter do anything , I need to get SMC R1 and J. Thank You for service.
I strongly suggest that nobody try to negotiate with the VA. They listen to everything a veteran tells them. The VA will use everything a veterans states against the veteran. I strongly recommend using a professional legal team. They know how to communicate with the VA without hurting the veteran.
@@roberthalltheveteranyou should have mentioned that in your story. Many may go through the same process or something familiar and not know, they may be due back pay. Very important.
So what you are saying is all this decrease in benefits is your fault for not knowing what to do. My "caregiver" was unaware I was NOT collecting for any service connected disability (she thought I was). She became upset and set me up with clinics relating to all my other medical issues and now today I am rated at 100% P&T and I never asked for a dime ever, the VA just gave it to me as I deserved it all being in combat during the Vietnam war. It took me starting to collect 32 years after discharge and now I am 78 collecting for the rest of my life
The kicker to getting "new evidence" in reply to the 60-day notice is that it can be almost impossible to get into a doctor that quickly, especially if you're using the VA for health care. I'm dealing with that now. I received my decision letter to 100% P&T and a Notice to reduce in the mail on the same day.
When I started watching this video, I thought your situation had just happened. The numbers you gave was $1674 for an 80% rating when it's actually $1995 rating for 80% as of 2024 . And I thought you were at 100% rating since I've been watching your videos
Im actually a rater. You going to the doctor or not taking meds had nothing to do with your mental health reduction. You simply did not report or demonstrate symptoms that equate to 70% or 100%. Your narrative tells you what the requirements are. You have to be unable to attain or maintain gainful employment. You're self employed, so if you make over 13k a year you are typically seen as gainfully employed.
I have a friend who has been 100 percent for three years. He is 75. He does not regularly see any medical providers. I talked to him recently. I told him that if he didn't continually see his provider and the VA suggests a review/ reduction, it will occur. He thought I was joking. I advised him to talk to his VSO about possible reductions. He is totally dependent upon help from the VA.
This is a fantastic video. You explained the situation with honesty and clarity for the benefit of other veterans who may be on the same journey. More importantly, you shared how you owned your errors and took positive steps to rectify the situation. This is the way to do this. Thank you for sharing.
I appreciate you taking time out of your day to share your comment, thank you.
Same thing happened to me, and I obtained an attorney and appealed within the one year and didn't just win my lost percentage, but also won the lost pay!!
Thank you for sharing your story, I'm sure it will help a vet.
I was medically discharged in 1991 and could not get help for over 30 years. I have always said they should can the VA and give the money to the county who has to deal with the problem.
Thank you Sir for the heads up. I respect your honesty.
I appreciate you commenting, thank you.
You broke the general rule: "Don't poke the bear." I'm glad it worked out for you. Most veterans who are 55+ will never have their claim looked at ever again by the VBA....unless you file a new claim.
Thanks for your comment
Glad you back on track Marine!! Semper Fi
I appreciate your comment, thank you.
Thank you for sharing this. I use my decision letter and the references they use to make their decisions (CFR 38 Chapter 4 & M-21 manual). I definitely will never know everything. Your experience is very valuable. I am glad you got your rating back, and thank you so much for sharing your experience.
Thanks for your support, I appreciate it.
Go to the DAV. They helped me. I was clueless even buying my own medicine. Didn’t think I was eligible for the VA hospital. Had many uncles that were Korean War and 1 WW2 veterans but they didn’t go to the VA that I knew of. It was never discussed in my family VA stuff. Went to the County Veteran service to give them a copy of my DD214 to store in a safe place. He told me to go to the DAV. I thought the VA were all WW2, Korea, and Vietnam Veterans that were all amputates, or wheelchair bound. The DAV and the VA have done well for me. I’m very grateful. My kids grew up now and will be productive citizens. Been married for over 25 years to my Vietnamese wife that I met in St. Paul, MN. She has always stood by my side. I’m grateful as hell.
You are very humble, thanks for sharing your story.
Older Vets were/are left out. It’s much harder to figure this complicated process out. If it weren’t for these videos, I would not know anything( ps I have a VSO).
Good pointers. Every Veteran (if possible and capable) has to... I say again.... has to! "own his or her own claim". You are your best advocate in the fight of supporting your claim. Education is key here. Meaning there are endless legit channels on you tube coming from viable sources (including yours Robert :)) that aid in spreading this useful knowledge. Unlike when I got out of active duty in 1994... TAPS taught us almost nothing back then. I self educated myself for months before I even put in a claim.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
@@roberthalltheveteran Your Welcome and Happy Holidays
Oh when the VA indicated that I was going to have my mental rating reduced from 70 percent to 30 percent, I responded within the very same week with request for a hearing and to submit additional evidence and testimony. That maintained my existing rating until the conclusion of the hearing process. Meanwhile, I attacked the inaccuracies of the examination and rating board that came to the decision to recommend rating reduction (in short, both did not do their job). I submitted additional evidence within 2 weeks as I didn’t want to play around with the 60 day limit and 7 months later, I attended my hearing where another C&P exam was ordered and my original rating was restored a month later. So I never had my pay reduced.
This is a great story, I believe this will help a lot of veterans, thank you.
Thank you for your honesty....
I try to be as transparent as possible.
So sorry to hear about your experience. It’s very courageous for you to share your experiences with the VA but also your transparency. I have a state representative that has helped me with all my claims. I started at 10% nearly 10 years ago and am now at 90% and going for TDIU. I live in Georgia and the VA system here sucks.
Dave, I really appreciate you sharing this with me, thank you.
Yes I’m in Atlanta,Va sucks here.
Honest information. Thank you👍👍
Thanks for watching, I appreciate your comment
Thank you for sharing the experience... It might help me prevent a reduction! Eureka!
Steven, thanks for your comment.
Great informative video Devil Dog. Vets need to be informed and proactive about potential outcomes. Thanks
Carl, I appreciate your comment, thank you.
Thanks for sharing your Truth, your Story! You are helping other vets every time you put a video up. Keep up the great work my Friend.
I appreciate your support and your comment.
Thank you so much for 'see a veteran, help a veteran' because you have helped me. Glad you found an accredited attorney to get you back to where you belong :)
I really appreciate you commenting, thanks
Stay away from TDIU bro!! Great video. Hopefully your accredited agent help you build your claim correctly to help you get scheduler 100%. In 2025 i think it’s wayyy easier to get to the hundo if you believe you deserve it…. Anyway great video!! Happy Holidays
Thanks for your comment, and Happy Holidays to you too!
Thank you for sharing
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for watching!
I'm sorry to hear this, but thank you for sharing your story. Maybe this will help someone else. The same thing happened to me a few years ago. Until you're 100% P&T you have to continue to get treatment or they can reduce you. Praying for a great 2025 for you! 🙏🏾
Thanks for sharing your comment.
Glad you were able to get it done Marine.. I should work on mine
Don't give up, keep trying.
Thanks for sharing your experience, hopefully someone out here, heard you and started getting treatment. This was a real truth bomb!!!! all conditions must be current. Bottom line get to the doctor. Glad to hear your rating was restored. Question; Any of your disabilities listed as static?
Yes, they are static
Thanks for your open and honest review. It’s not always the VA who is at fault. Glad you got back to 80% and what you stated serves as a lesson learned for us all.
Thanks for watching, you are on point
Good video. I like your humbleness and honestly saying it was all on you. Too many people act like its the VA fault when its really something they did wrong. I'm 100% P/T and you can bet I will keep seeing my Psyche and taking my meds. It's not worth messing around with. I was like you just hoping to get TDIU because everything I read said it was the easiest way to get to 100. My DAV rep submitted for an increase in my PTSD which I was already rated at 70. I wondered why he did that and thought it was risky but glad he did because it worked out, they give me 100 for the one condition and said the TDIU was irrelevant.
Awesome story, thanks for sharing.
Robert, glad ur situation worked out for u...what if the condition will not get better depsite the treatment ? I tried but it doesnt get better ? Thank u for any help
Have you put in for a possible mental health claim?
@roberthalltheveteran yes I've been approved over 10 yrs
Thanks very much. Great video! Semper Fi.
I appreciate your comment, thank you.
Glad you got rating back, most veterans submit claims that get denied or reduced because they fail to educate themselves before submitting a claim. I see a lot of veterans file for an increase, and haven’t been seen by a Dr in a very long time. Medical evidence is your best friend.
I agree, it's important to have all your ducks in a row.
Robert, I like your posts. Thank you sir
Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it!
Will they count you going to your own physician as an appointment versus going to the VA? My VA if 40 / 50 miles away
I only use the VA, thanks for your comment
You can use a private doctor thats why they give you 60 days to present evidence.
Always go to those appointments. Are you close to getting your 100% TDIU?
I got 100% without the TDIU, I appreciate your comment
100% P&T is the only way to go.
Good stuff brother thanks for sharing
Thank you for commenting
It's like pulling a lion's teeth to get an appointment with your care team. I requested an appointment in October, didn't get on the books until January, they (my team physician) CANCELED the appointment and rescheduled it for February. My foot issues had to be outsourced to a podiatry clinic through the community care clinic. So we shouldn't be penalized for not having continuous care when we can't even get on our physician's schedule!!
Ray, I appreciate your comment, thank you.
Am Not Sure What You Mean Penalized ,Remember Am A Vietnam veteran and Service Connected Benefits The VA Only Looks At Medical Conditions That Happened In Service , So and Unless These Medical Conditions Are Incurable Or Life Threatening The VA Reviews Most Veterans Especially Those That Are Still Employed and Medical Conditions Expected To Improve, So VA Rating’s Are Not Always Permanent , Unless Like Me Agent Orange Peripheral Neuropathy , My Appendix Removed W/Cancer and 6Weeks Later Part of My Large colon Removed Hip- Replacement , Amputation on My Big Toe ,Some Ratings Are Permanent But At What Cost 💲 👍🙏🇺🇸
@chrisnorcutt9060 I suggest that go back and read my comment SLOWLY this time. Veterans ARE penalized by raters for NOT HAVING CONTINUOUS CARE when they can't even get an appointment with their care team for months to years on end...and the recourse is to sit in an emergency room taking away resources from someone who is actually sick in the emergency room! By your logic, because a veteran is injured, unrated for said injury and not an amputee, they couldn't possibly be "penalized"....if they served, and they are injured, they deserve consideration based on the presumption of service related injuries, not how many times they clock out of work and make a mad dash to a doctor's office. Hell, some of us have seen doctors for the same crap so often that we know how to treat ourselves!!!
@ Am Sorry About How You Are Treated, But Not All VA Hospitals Treat Veterans The Same , Loma Linda Hospital in Ca , Is One Of The Worst and So , But My Wife and I Flat Out Moved Out Of Socialist California and Maybe You Don’t Understand Barack Hussein Obama Hated America and He Hated Our Veterans and The Phoenix VA Hospital AZ They Denied Healthcare For Up To Two Years and The 40 Veterans That Died All Denied Healthcare and Everyone Died , I Actually Talk To One Of The Wives , and On Was On That List That’s Why Loma Linda Never Did One MRI On My Big Toe Until I Went To Visit My Son In Mesa Az and He Took Me To Banner Hospital Az and They Amputated My Toe Because It Would Have Killed Me , Depends Where You Live , Am Treated Wonderful Here In Prescott Az , Remember Your Not Treated The Same At These Hospitals Ok 👌
Yes help a veteran I will always Sir. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for commenting
Wishing the best. It happens that people don't read. SVO are free to help. Always try them first. The lawyers can help. I have Berry Law Firm for my Lejeune Claim
Thank you for commenting
How long can you see the Psychiatrist and/or Psychologist at the VA? Can it be permanent? Or do you do your 12 sessions and that’s it?
As long as you feel like it helps you, their is no time limit
No such thing as 12 sessions. I've done hundreds of sessions. I'm P&T for Bipolar 1 + CPTSD, they've spent the majority of my "treatment" trying to convince me that bipolar isn't real, but this lithium doesn't believe them and I have the circadian rhythm of a rabid bat. What they have successfully done is tell me I'm "only making baby steps" that I was previously homeless "because it was my fault" tell me that all my problems are from "marijuana" - the same "marijuana" I stopped using 4-5 months ago. I wasn't even diagnosed by the VA, I was diagnosed inpatient during a psychotic episode on active duty by the DoD during the process of an MEB - no I didn't piss hot and I wasn't using marijuana back then. The facts are that the VA budget is roughly 50% providers and 50% compensation. They don't need to tell me that their aim is to increase their margins and reduce yours - is that paranoia? maybe, but it's what I've seen with my own eyes.
I've been to both civilian BH providers and VA providers. Civilian providers have given me tools for my box, things that you can "activate" and actually "do" in those triggering moments, the VA just constantly asses "what job can you do now?" seriously. I started with a new BH therapist and even with me sitting right in front of him for around 6-10 sessions asking for "new tools" he just hands me a packet about social anxiety and every single follow-up question is about "so what job can you have now?" and not a single follow-up question when I'm discussing traumas or massive triggers. These things are issues for me, I've literally called the police - ON MY SELF, during a domestic dispute - WHO DOES THAT? A person who is aware they're out of control and have no tools to deal with - THAT - IS - HOW - MANIC - DEPRESSION - WORKS.
It's unchained - it doesn't matter if the VA believes in it, it just IS. You cannot fake being maniac, it's not from drugs, it just is. Statistically speaking ~80% of people suffering with bipolar disorder are indeed unemployed, why? Because it's swing based, you will range from so depressed you can't get out of bed to so manic you touch schizophrenia spectrum symptoms. I'm not with trying to explain this stuff, the last time I was inpatient the VA psychologist told me "I always doubt bipolar in Veterans". So the writing is on the wall, as far as I'm concerned it's not a healthcare organization.
Before you ask am I combat service connected? Yes I medically retired as an E7 after 36 months of GWOT served between 2005 -2018.
@@roberthalltheveteran I think I meant in your case. They rated you for it but since you weren’t going, they reduced you. Were you supposed to be in therapy permanently for that rating? I’m just confused on that part.
@@MaxDelorean9 i dont really understand va sometimes either. i have a mental health rating. and no matter what treatment i do, my head is not gonna get better.. i can get therapy every day and nothing is gonna happen.. va expects that as we get older and our brain deteriorates, somehow it gets better . once your havea mental health condition, nothing in the world will make it improve. most likely it will get worse in time.
VA makes your MH worse!😮
Having a disability rating reduction can be depressing in itself, and if you are suffering from anxiety, depression, etc., already, it is understandable not to instantly respond "within 60 days". The VA machine uses blanket protocols, i.e. letters and rules, without consideration of the individual being addressed.
Thank you for your comment. The VA can be a challenging system to navigate.
This Is Exactly What So Many Of Veterans Do Because They Are After The Money,and After They Get The Ratings They Are Long Gone My Daughter Worked At The Corona VA Ca She Said As Soon As They Got There Ratings She Never Seen Them Again, .and Am A Veteran Veteran Agent Orange With My Appendix. Removed W/ Cancer and Six Weeks Later Part of My Large Colon and Sugar Diabetes With Peripheral Neuropathy and Amputation Of My Big Toe , But My VA Medical Care Is All I Have and People You Don’t Walk Away , All Of Us Vietnam Veterans We Have Ratings But We Are All Dying From Agent Orange ( Cancer ) The VA Sure They Reduce Your Ratings If It’s Not Permanent , Be careful What You Wish For 👍🙏🇺🇸
Praise God that you got your rating back 🙏🏽
Thank you
Glad you got your rating back.
Ray, thanks for your comment.
Congratulations on getting your rating back... We have to maintain continuity of care...
Thank you Robert
When did you receive your letter?
Thanks for commenting Edward, it's been awhile since I received the letter
Before the 60 day letter you had the opportunity to request a hearing which would have paused the 60 day letter. What you should have done during this period was to obtain a Nexus letter from a outside source.
Thank you for your comment
Glad you got it back
I appreciate your comment, thanks
Thank You!!!
You're welcome, thank you for watching.
Use or lose it-employee,nailed it-not going to the doc you must be fine-cuts-save $
Thanks for your comment
Did you get a due process letter? Veterans you can’t be reduced without due processe and make sure you ask for a hearing..
I didn't ask for a hearing, thank you for your comment.
@ tell everyone.. You have a right to a hearing
I was in so much pain I kept going to a claim exams for2 years eventually I got 100 percent p and t
Congratulations on being persistent, that is awesome.
Thanks for sharing this. I'm currently being re-evaled for my rating of Leukemia. Took almost 2 years to get. I swear I believe they were hoping I would die as I hear they generally approve those quickly because of expenses (2700.00 a month rent because of I had to stay near the treatment place...2.5hr from home) and dying. I'm in VACC. Anyway, they said when I got the letter I would be re-evaled in 6 months. I got re-eval letter in 3 months. I have not yet got the letter you describe. I am still being treated so I'm getting my evidence together... along with a personal statement to send before the mandated 30 day deadline. Hope I have better luck and don't get reduced.
Cancer does not follow the age 55+ exemption rule mentioned by someone here.
Do NOT feel bad about being you own worst enemy on this. I'm 66. I remember while active we generally did not go to the doctor. T'Was not encouraged. Your an X Marine, same as I... semper Fi. We were taught since boot camp to hack it. Most of us did, even post active... to my detriment. Didn't file for anything until I was diagnosed at 64. Cancer can bankrupt you.
I still have to force myself to go to the doctor. I feel the comrades who came after us do a much better job of getting their illnesses service connected while active... they are aware. The ones before us prolly went to there graves without getting a dime of what they were deserved unless they were missing limbs.
Barron, I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to share your story, thank you.
Thanks for the video
I thank you for watching
Secondary claims help
Steve, I appreciate your comment, thank you.
Can you use Severe Depression than PSTD ,?
Thank You
My speech is so severe now. I was going to VA speech but its so out of hand now i dont even like to leave my hkme cause nost things u have to talk. The speech class was not helping my issue, my mouth and brain dont align
Do you have a mental health claim?
@roberthalltheveteran I'm already approved over 10 yrs? How long have u been approved?
@roberthalltheveteran i was asking cause u said u weren't going to your appointments but speech therapy we tried it but the impediment is beyond therapy
Vets needs to figure out the VA does not want to help you. I luck up on my 100% but my mental state, isn’t the great. I was a combat medic in Nam. Got a Purple Heart 💜. How many days did I see guys getting killed.Draftee and didn’t want combat.
Thanks for taking the time to comment
Well why did wait to go get 100%.
I instance message my mental health care team often and go to online va mental health once a week. All of this is evidence will help you if you get reduction letter.
Thanks For the info
How long of time you didn’t see the va doctors for you conditions man
Only a few months, I had just go the rating.
@ only a few months I’ve never hear it like that. My bud see them 2 ever year no problems another fun fact the doctors there at the VA sometimes drive by your house my friend saw them sitting there watching his house no undercover guy his actual primary care doctor and his psych doctor yeah bro they try to get people from all angles, I’ve never heard of anyone going down only after a couple months to do a the evaluation, I’ve never heard of that. The math ain’t mathing on this end unless they already had it out for you. That’s always possible but good job on the recovery, bro.🕵️♂️
Glad you got your rating back Semper FI
One of the worst feelings
Yes, always stay visiting your Dr, even if its a few 3 times a yr? Lawyers are a waist of time!
I appreciate your comment
Great video. thanks
Kevin, I appreciate your comment, thank you.
I hope the VA doesnt communicate with me by mail, because it takes about 3 months to receive a letter from the States to me in the Philippines!
Calvin, I appreciate you commenting, thanks.
Can they reduce your rating once you’re 55 years old or older? I was under the impression that once you hit 55 the VA can’t lower your rating.
They can reduce in a lot of different situations even at 55
Its more how long you have had it, and after various ways they predetermined however they want to construe their own laws, they ignore you, get a VA approved attorney, as otherwise it's 20+ years and frankly I think if they want to, they will reduce it, getting it back is the bigger problem, and now that we have a new Administration in Washington...good luck.
The key is was your rating in effect for at least 5yrs.
@ so it must have been at least in effect for at least five years before turning 55?
@@ericschrage9899Age is "not" the key factor. Your effective date of the claim starts the 5yr rule.
You must pay attention to your VA letters and read the regulations for yourself to avoid these issues. If they reduce your not in accordance with FRE 5 year requirements for temporary connection then it's a violation of regulations. Yes go to VHA use the services they very helpful don't stop because you got a rating from VBA.
Thank you for sharing your information.
More veterans need to see this video, thanks for sharing your experience!
Thanks for watching!
Dont Stop Marine Semper FI
I appreciate your comment, thank you.
Had definitely poked the bear by reporting tampered with medication at VA Amarillo and when I reported that it was still apparently happening on open teleconference call, suddenly my medical records were unauthorized and disclosed to my private insurance. So, I reported it to a vet working at the hospital who apparently and subsequently blasted throughout this same hospital Patient Advocate. I spoke with VA Police, unknown vet status, and quoted to this ballsy and indifferent characters HIPAA and privacy act 1974 under US code and he failed to take any action. Veteran s be very wary of the VA Police, I have worked as a law enforcement officer, but they are not doing their jobs. The VA rating regional office in San Juan criticized me for submitting too much evidence on one claim and then denied other claims for lack of evidence. There are many contractors getting paid bonuses for denying your claims and lowering your rating. Go to the DAV, go to Congress, appeal everything, and you got hurt and deserve compensation and compensation not indifference from some bureaucrats. Take note when a VA video comes out comments are not allowed. Didn’t we fight and our buddies die for freedom???
So sorry you had to endure that, thank you for sharing your story.
It's not necessary to go to the VA at all. I go to civilian Doctors for my service connected disabilities, have plenty of medical evidence if the need ever arose but have never darkened the door of the VA for anything.
I appreciate your comment, thank you.
Brother I know exactly what you’re going through. God bless you. I don’t know if you’re a member of the DAV. They can help you
Joseph, thanks for your comment.
I hope you can get TDIU.
Mike, thanks for your comment
@@roberthalltheveteran You're welcome and I mean it.
Sorry to hear this bro. Can you ever reapply?
I got the rating back, thanks for commenting
Look somebody be honest with me 100% Dav so I qualified for SMC, do you know anybody help with my Doctor with write Nexus letter do anything , I
need to get SMC R1 and J. Thank You for service.
I'm sorry I don't know anyone that's accredited to refer you to, thanks for your comment.
Thank You!
I strongly suggest that nobody try to negotiate with the VA. They listen to everything a veteran tells them. The VA will use everything a veterans states against the veteran. I strongly recommend using a professional legal team. They know how to communicate with the VA without hurting the veteran.
Thanks for your comment
When your rating was restored, did you get back pay?
@@roberthalltheveteranyou should have mentioned that in your story. Many may go through the same process or something familiar and not know, they may be due back pay. Very important.
So what you are saying is all this decrease in benefits is your fault for not knowing what to do. My "caregiver" was unaware I was NOT collecting for any service connected disability (she thought I was). She became upset and set me up with clinics relating to all my other medical issues and now today I am rated at 100% P&T and I never asked for a dime ever, the VA just gave it to me as I deserved it all being in combat during the Vietnam war. It took me starting to collect 32 years after discharge and now I am 78 collecting for the rest of my life
That’s a great story, I’m glad the VA is taking care of you, and thanks for sharing.
All combat vets should be at 100p&t! They have been through hell! This country owes it to everyone of you!❤
Try Greene And Marusak . You need real representation if you want TDIU.
Thank you for commenting
You got screwed dude.
That was a costly gaff on my part
Where you over 55 or over when this happened?
I believe I was 55
@ well there is a 55 year old rule no future exams look it up. Glad u got it back
The kicker to getting "new evidence" in reply to the 60-day notice is that it can be almost impossible to get into a doctor that quickly, especially if you're using the VA for health care. I'm dealing with that now. I received my decision letter to 100% P&T and a Notice to reduce in the mail on the same day.
Wow, that's crazy!
You filed an increase for both claims ?
Yes, I tried for an increase for both
@ Glad you got the percentage back. Thanks for the education.
Yes , please schedule a minimum of two appointments a year
Eric that is very helpful, thanks for your comment
I hope you are appealing the reduction.....
Lenny, I was able to get my rating back, thanks for commenting
He’s at 100% now
When I started watching this video, I thought your situation had just happened. The numbers you gave was $1674 for an 80% rating when it's actually $1995 rating for 80% as of 2024 . And I thought you were at 100% rating since I've been watching your videos
I am at 100%
Semper fi
Thank you Earl
Im actually a rater. You going to the doctor or not taking meds had nothing to do with your mental health reduction. You simply did not report or demonstrate symptoms that equate to 70% or 100%. Your narrative tells you what the requirements are.
You have to be unable to attain or maintain gainful employment. You're self employed, so if you make over 13k a year you are typically seen as gainfully employed.
Thanks for commenting
Well America the military and all us veterans voted against our own interest sad don't complain now
Thanks for your comment
Are you P and T?
Anthony, yes I'm P and T
Great info, congratulations on your rating increase!
Thank you!
I have a friend who has been 100 percent for three years. He is 75. He does not regularly see any medical providers. I talked to him recently. I told him that if he didn't continually see his provider and the VA suggests a review/ reduction, it will occur. He thought I was joking. I advised him to talk to his VSO about possible reductions. He is totally dependent upon help from the VA.
Thanks for sharing that, hopefully your friend will listen to your advice.