Shakira Jasmine & Nuca - Meant 2 Be | TikTok Live
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- Shakira Jasmine & Nuca - Meant 2 Be | TikTok Live
Official music video Meant 2 Be : • Shakira Jasmine & Nuca...
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CP : 0877 7533 8383 (Ofis)
#Meant2Be #ShakiraJasmine #Nuca
bahkan dari pertama lagu ini rilis sampai sekarang pun msih jadi my fav song, healing song setiap aku denger lagu ini tuh adem bgt smpe kadang nangis sndiri
Nah kalo ini nuca dan shakira dapet banget chemistry nya , warna suara kalian juga sama ... cocok buat duet satu dgn lainnya , klop enak banget ditelinga suara kalian ... sukses selalu
Berkali-kali denger meant 2 be tp tetep merinding, balik lagi trus bilang gue secinta itu sama meant 2 be,
gatau knp tiap mulai part "tell me that u're happy now.." kek auto nangis
Nucakira tetap jd anak baik menginspirasi banyak org
So sweet beud si... kalian 😍😍😍
Gapernah gagal emang Nuca sama Kira. Didengerin pake earphone merinding bangett
Entah kenapa suka bgt sama shakira
laguuuu jagoan gueee , dari awal rilis udah kena bgt lirik"nyaaa
Huwaa gw tiap hari ini lagu mean 2 be gk pernah bosen
Semanagt bekarya ya Nuca and Syakira
Tiap denger lagu ini bawaannya sedih terus :(
Shakinuc,kalian luar biasa keren ❤
Love bejibun buat kalian berdua huaaaaa
Shakira wajah sampai suara adem banget 😍🥰😘 love you ❤️
Selamat 2 bulan meant 2 be ..
Nuca diduetin sama siapapun tetep nyatu
Setuju bgt...
Raja 'duet' giannuca😁👍🏻
Sukses terus NUCA and Sakhira....
Kirain bakal full Sm percakapan di tiktok heheee, seru liat mereka saling lempar gombalan wkwkw. Kalo nyanyi nya mah selalu bagossss
Dik Shakira Tangames Buat Menyanyi Bareng Dik Nuca Yaaaaaaa Luuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr......
Sukses selalu Shakinuc
Sukses selalu Shakira,,, tetap rendah hati hambel
sukses terus ya kalian,jgn sampai ada yg menceraikan persahabatan kalian, makasih Nuca & Shakira yg bikin lagu seindah ini ,kalian the best 💕💕
Neng shaki edun pisan...
Ayo vote mereka di sctv music award
Amin ya Allah, pasti ku vote bgt
gass yuk vote vote
Meant 2 be semakin didengarkan oleh banyak orang, listener sportify signifikan naik terus. Semangat guys untuk selalu mengudara lagu nuca dan shakira
Alhamdulillah masih setia dan sllu setia dengerin meant 2 be, vibesnya positif bgt..
do'a terbaik untuk Nuca Shakira. Amin ya Allah
Kita sama
Pgi siang malam "mean2be"
Tk terasa uda 2blan saja
Kenapa enak bgt ya ni lagu
Udah Sering banget denger lagu meant2Be tapi tiap denger pasti merinding terosss
Good luck kiraa and nuca
Sukses selaluu
Ditunggu karya² selanjutnya
Ya bener banget
Keep Support dan do'ain Nucakira trus ya ka
Let's go.. semangat berkarya terus Shakinuc 😀
Nonton yg bening2
Masya Allah
Masih jadi lagu fav sampe sekarang ❤️❤️
Semangat kak ❤️❤️
Udh cantik pintar nyanyi pula, smpurnahnya jodohh orangg:(
Bagus banget lagunya,suaranyaaa 🥺kenapa baru denger sekarang yaampun
Gak pernah bosen dengerin ni laguu, aslii baguuss bangeet🤍
Mantap kak
Ditunggu projek bareng selanjutnya y nuca n shakira
sumph bagus bgttttt suaranya si😭😭😭😭😭
Ngak perna bosen dengerin meant 2 be, setiap hari harus wajib dengerin meant 2 be
Qna / challenge bareng nuca dong shakira ..
jadi lagu kesukaan dari tahun lalu😍
Teruslah berkarya dengan hati jangan berhenti... Goes....go... internasional ✊✊✊ NUCKASHA 😊😊😊
Selalu enak didenger😍😍❤️
Klw diiringi orkestra pasti tambah merinding bngt
Suka banget lagunya.. :>
Lagu yg cocok buat sedang nyantai di kamar. Tenang banget suaranya
Suka banget dengan lirik nya nyentuh banget
tim gerceppp
Uu bagusss
Nuca ganteng bangetsiiih😢
Finding a way to recover
From the bad things happened last month, oh
When you finally let go of anything in your dreams, mmm
And you feel like you've tried but you can't reach your journey again
Give up today is not the way
Givin' this up is not the path you need to know
It feels like you and me are the same
But we're meant to be and we're happy
With all of these creatures inside as we try not to cry
I think we're the same
We are meant to be
Inside my heart there's a letter
A letter to comeback home for the mess that I've made
Dear my body, forgive me for that pain that you've felt
Give up today is not the way
Givin' this up is not the path you need to see
It feels like you and me are the same
But we're meant to be and we're happy
With all of these creatures inside as we try not to cry
It feels like you and me are the same
But we're meant to be and we're happy
With all of these creatures inside as we try not to cry
I think we're the same
We were meant to be
How long did you take to believe in yourself this time?
I still remember how bad I was back then before I met you
(It feels like you and me are the same)
Cheers to the story of our life, our life
Tell me that you're happy now
Promise that you'll never ever feel alone
I will fix the broken pieces of you, dear
The world is cruel but I know you'll be fine tonight
'Cause now I'm around
I think we're the same
We are meant to be
I think we're the same
We are meant to be
Lagunya Bagus Guys.
Duhhh suaranyaa duo yg cocokkk bgt
Love this song so much. Kir, maen ke UA-cam nuca yok, coba bikin sing off kali2 lah
Se7 bangeeett
Udah aku sampein ke nuca, katanya insya Allah ya
@@SN.random Yeay, makasih sn... kita doain terus tu 2 anak semangat berkarya nya
@@SN.random alhamdulillah....
Klo kira mah klo ada waktu insyaalloh ya siap2 aja
Tadinya mau koment Pertama,karna udah keduluan Orang jadi maaf saya gak jadi Koment heheheh 🙏😁
13 menit yg lalu
Aku suka bngt .bersama terus duetnya cocok BKN pacaran y tp KL cocok Ndak pp.butuh musisi bukan cri pamor jd artist tp emang bakat jadi artis atau musisi semoga go internasional
Amin ya Allah ya robalalamin....
Cover lagu Noah dong "satu hati"
Hello Jasmine, this is an awesome duet. Your voice and Nuca's intertwine so beautifully ❤️
Finding a way to recover
From the bad things happened last month ohh
When you finally let go of anything in your dreams ohh
And you feel like you've tried but you can't reach your journey again
Give up today is not the way
Givin' this up is not the path you need to know
It feels like you and me are the same
But we're meant to be and we're happy
With all of these creatures inside as we try not to cry
I think we're the same
We are meant to be
Inside my heart there's a letter
A letter to comeback home from the mess that I've made
Dear my body, forgive me for that pain that you've felt
Give up today is not the way
Givin' this up is not the path you need to see
It feels like you and me are the same
But we're meant to be and we're happy
With all of these creatures inside as we try not to cry
It feels like you and me are the same
But we're meant to be and we're happy
With all of these creatures inside as we try not to cry
I think we're the same
We were meant to be
How long did you take to believe in yourself this time
I still remember how bad I was back then before I met you
Cheers to the story of our life. our life
Tell me that you're happy now
Promise that you'll never ever feel alone
I will fix the broken pieces of you dear
The world is cruel but I know you'll be fine tonight
Cause now I'm around
I think we're the same
We are meant to be
I think we're the same
We are meant to be
keren banget
Lagunya kek sihir 😁
cover kak sisa rasa maharani
Cover "Be My Mistake "( ala nucakira) dong
My fav song
Shakira skrng gak pernah ketemu Kesya lagi ya 😭
Wah di video ini kamu kelihatan sungguh cantik sekali & menggoda di mataku nih
Aamiinin dah
Bikin versi koplo asik kali, yaaa. 🤭
Sabi kali ya ni versi koplo trs di uploadnya di youtube nuca🤣
@@dessf Wkwkkwk jarang upload konten, sekalinya upload Meant 2 Be versi koplo. 😂
Mirip suaranya audrey mika
Lip product nya apa plisss😭 selalu salfok sama kira
Love u kira :')
finding a way to recover
from the bad things happened last month ohh
when you finally let go of anything in your dreams ohh
and you feel like you’ve tried but you can’t reach your journey again
give up today is not the way
givin’ this up is not the path you need to know
[Shakira & Nuca]
it feels like you and me are the same
but we’re meant to be and we’re ha.. ppy
with all of these creatures inside as we try not to cry
i think we’re the same
we are meant to be
Suara vicalnya terlalu besar sih kayanya ini
sukses terus ya kalian,jgn sampai ada yg menceraikan persahabatan kalian, makasih Nuca & Shakira yg bikin lagu seindah ini ,kalian the best 💕💕