The Problem with Randoms in IDV

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @KaiserJinnai
    @KaiserJinnai 11 місяців тому +112

    My problem with randoms as former top s badge forward is that i want them to decode and let me do my job.
    Dont come healing just bc they are chasing me since i am there to harass and to waste as much time as possible.
    Always put a good mindset of putting urself in others POV as a survivor especially the ones who are supporting you because they want you to stay close to them instead of going into the open

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +17

      That is so true and such a good point. We need to be aware of the roles we’re supposed to take appropriately. There’s a time and place for everything and decoding is super important if Survs want to get to see the end game.

    • @exogen9428
      @exogen9428 11 місяців тому +5

      I have the same problem as cowboy, when they see me harassing, they leave their ciphers and come to help me while I'm literally trying to buy time for them to decode

  • @jaeheeyun2565
    @jaeheeyun2565 11 місяців тому +165

    Came for a quick video about randoms, left with a life lesson 😭

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +20

      Trying to lure in the people haha. XD

    • @gingerboy3208
      @gingerboy3208 11 місяців тому

      Lmao me fr 💀💀

  • @6BloodyRoad9
    @6BloodyRoad9 11 місяців тому +53

    I am a 'bad random'. And I'm sorry, I'm terribly sorry!!
    I want to do my best, I want to help the team. But sometimes it just doesn't happen. Sometimes Naiad makes an absurd sprint towards me, sometimes Luchino jumps toward me and I think I have the right distance to drop the pallet but I am wrong. I don't even see him, because I was focused on understanding where I was.
    Sometimes I accidentally choose a bad spawn, I don't do it on purpose. If I kite just 40 seconds, believe me, I feel bad. I feel terrible, I already hear the voices in my head before I even read them in postmatch (which I deactivated...).
    I tend not to get angry at my teammates, but at myself. If I'm wrong, I hate everything: me, the hunter, the moment I decided to turn on the game, my life. Because yes, playing after a morning or whole day of work where I get yelled at, makes me terribly anxious. It's a vicious cycle: I don't improve because I feel judged, and I feel judged because I don't improve.
    I am so sorry. I pray that everyone who had a horrible match because of me has forgotten about me. I'm working hard, I promise. Be patient, please.

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +14

      I can hardly imagine how you're dealing with all of this. :( You have a lot on your plate. It must be very distressing to try to play trying to avoid making mistakes after a hard day at work. It's also scary 'cus you never expect how people will treat you when that happens. It's very considerate of you that you think about your teammates, but I hope things will get easier for you soon. Thanks for trying your best! I hope they will be patient with you.

    • @violagulianna6692
      @violagulianna6692 10 місяців тому +4

      Its just a game no one will mind! :) there are some toxic players but dont mind them

  • @nuicity
    @nuicity 11 місяців тому +98

    this video was so good!! i definitely have games where i do really badly, and i have games where i get upset with my teammates as well. i really like how you considered both sides with empathy.

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +6

      Yeah, it’s really valid to feel like that. It’s frustrating when the performance isn’t good. I think it’s important to understand both sides, so thank you for your observation. ❤

  • @rokarege9058
    @rokarege9058 11 місяців тому +57

    Tbh I love playing with randoms, I think it gives the original experience of being locked in a death game with strangers and I can't know if they will help me or let me die for their own gain. And will I? : )

    • @okyes2661
      @okyes2661 10 місяців тому +3


    • @itzl2124
      @itzl2124 9 місяців тому +1

      Exactlyy i lovr your thought

    • @ro_orr
      @ro_orr 9 місяців тому +1

      Righttt??? Like that's the whole point I don't get the hate

  • @greezchum76
    @greezchum76 11 місяців тому +59

    I shall become the randoms in everyone’s matches

  • @myscabula
    @myscabula 11 місяців тому +97

    The whole thing is this: I don’t care if you make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes. If you get terror shocked or you fail the rescue or you have a bad kite, aye you just got outplayed, it happens. My issue is when your game sense isn’t on par with what tier you’re in. Like for example, if the survivor kites 30 seconds vs bonbon and the team is screaming “Forget about saving go for the tie” and you go in anyway; that’s what i get upset about. Or, when someone plays prisoner and immediately starts decoding a cipher in the worst area of the map KNOWING that its area select mode and the hunter will immediately chase you; that’s whats what’s frustrating. If you’re a mammoth I can understand if your game sense isn’t that good it’s not supposed to be at that tier. But after about griffin 3 something should start to click, you can’t make the same game sense failures over and over and over again. The common quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +15

      Yeah, it's really understandable to get frustrated when that happens, especially in the higher tiers where communication and strategy should be more developed. It's super annoying. u.u
      I also think it's natural to stumble upon Survivors with bad game sense, but they're still mostly different Survivors and not the same person again and again. I don't doubt there are Survivors who make the same mistake time and time again, because it's verrrrry likely that kind of people exist, and it feels unfair to us that we keep getting matched with them, but we can also be unfortunate enough to get Survivors on our team who are still learning what the meta strategies are, despite their rank. Maybe what helped them reach their rank helped them at the time, however they don't seem to understand what goes wrong and why they remain stuck in a rank tier that let's say, they're "undeserving" of. If I think about it, there is also the probability of getting boosted, yeah, but boosting can get you only so far. I think we could help them understand what not to do in post-match, but at the same time, it's not our job to do so because that means we're taking some time off our day to explain things that should be basic knowledge in that tier let's say. However, if there's no one to teach them, then it's also understandable that they won't get better game sense. Unless, if maybe they seem to get videos about improving their game sense recommended to them... If I don't have time I usually recommend Mellow Mistel's video about "Survivor Tips: Improving your game sense".

    • @rick30521
      @rick30521 11 місяців тому +8

      Being a PC player, you can AND WILL find the same survivor groups over and over once you hit griffin, unless you're a hunter main. I kept being paired into the same 2-3 people stack and they were NOT good, TS'd at the start of the match or getting hit twice in like 30 seconds. I had to block 2 of them bc they could not decode if I kited or rescue if someone else fell, I don't know how they made it that far if they've been playing together bc every game with them ended up on a draw or a loss over the same mistakes.

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +5

      It sounds like it really bothered you. :c I bet it's irritating having to get matched with a team whose skills are not on par with yours, especially if you keep meeting them again and again, so I can sympathise with that. u.u They were bad in those matches, but as I was mentioning in the video, everyone is advancing at their own pace. The point of my video was mostly about being patient with people and your own self and not insulting the players (I'm not saying you yourself said that it's ok to insult them, I'm just explaining what my video is mostly about). You are allowed to be bothered by their mistakes, but the truth is still that everyone is going on at their own pace and everyone has good points and bad points. There are also a lot of variables going on and there is definitely a chance they could be bad players, but there's a 50-50 chance they were unfortunate to not have good quick thinking as well, we cannot really know for sure. Maybe they are good at communication/coordination with each other and that's how they got that far. This is just theorising though. An argument against this would be they got boosted or they encountered bad Hunters, but that can only take you so far. The human mind has a preference for negative thinking so I think it's natural that the majority of the community prefers to believe some players are bad at everything instead of thinking about other things that might be at fault like the player having bad reflexes or being bad at kiting certain Hunters, but being a good team coordinator. I think out of them all, I bet that it's frustrating to go against players who make bad decisions, so I hope you'll get matched with players who are better at quick thinking. 🌻

    • @rick30521
      @rick30521 11 місяців тому +1

      @@MaybeMewlyn This was most likely a one-time-only, I never insulted them, I come from League, so I know that people being toxic *never* helps, I did get bothered but still tried to do some teamwork (Bc with no teamwork, even if you cipher rush, you'll mostly get ties unless your teammates can kite for over 100 seconds), I suck at working as a team, but I know how to kite and most of the time, when it's a good time to save (as solo player, this is kind of needed).
      With all that said, I took a break, and I think they should have too, falling early constantly might have been a secondary effect from not taking a break after a bad match (or matches). I had to block them though, since I didn't take a break at first and they didn't seem to want to stop either.

    • @aclearbluesky2003
      @aclearbluesky2003 11 місяців тому +5

      This is what I wanted to say regarding bad randoms, I don't mind bad kiters or bad rescuers, I admit that I also made mistakes sometimes, but what I hate is bad game sense like you said, I ping "Save when it's critical" only for some no Tide doctor to save immediately after I got chaired, I ping "Focus on decoding" when the last cipher was primed only for them to ignore me and the hunter teleported to them, and they ran away without priming the cipher, etc. These are what make me frustrated, and they happen in Griffin Rank for some unknown reason.

  • @rubenreojano
    @rubenreojano 11 місяців тому +42

    The problem with people in this day and age is that, people can't take criticism as a way of getting better for themselves, they view it as an insult and then lash out on you, so sometimes it's just better to mind one's business.

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +3

      Yeah, it's annoying when we encounter some people like that. :c Advice should be just advice... especially if it's delivered in a neutral or friendly way. It's understandable if they view it as an insult if someone says it negatively, but in this context, it's mostly advice written in text form, so it's unfortunate they read the text in such a negative way... It really reflects poorly on their ability to accept they have made mistakes. u.u

    • @robloxgamersaltandfish5503
      @robloxgamersaltandfish5503 11 місяців тому +4

      But sometimes the way they say is just like scolding and scary TWT I rmb when I first started out I didn’t know what to do then the person just scolded me and like so fierce that made me wanted to quit identity V at one point. (But then we matched up few months later and she apologised and I also apologised for my crap gameplay) I usually feel extremely bad if I mess up and when people points that out after match I want to dig a hole and bury myself (sad noises)

    • @dbarrett1539
      @dbarrett1539 10 місяців тому +3

      In my fourth ever game, I was doctor, and of course I had no idea TS existed so I got bonked and died instantly. In the aftergame chat, one of my team members told me to uninstall the app, call a taxi, throw my phone away and lie down on the road for the taxi to run over me because if I can't kite for over ten seconds, I clearly am unworthy of life. It was kinda harsh and demoralising ngl. I still remember it because of how it made me feel.
      The next survivor game I had a priestess friend who added me afterwards and showed me how to edit my skill tree, how to kite, avoid TS and pick out the best surv for me (Mind's Eye).
      Criticism can really add or detract!

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  10 місяців тому +3

      @@dbarrett1539 What the first person did is so disgusting. :( No one should receive death threats just for being unknowing of game mechanics. I'd dare say no one should receive death threats ever. Even if they were angry, that's no excuse for them to treat you like that... I hope you won't have to run into rude players like them.
      And thank you for telling us about both of your experiences, even though the first one is a vulnerable memory! I'm glad you eventually stumbled upon someone patient enough to teach you the way the game works and also find ways to put your best assets to use by choosing a Survivor that's suitable for you. :) It's so true, criticism, depending how it's done - can really add or detract as you are saying.

    • @robloxgamersaltandfish5503
      @robloxgamersaltandfish5503 10 місяців тому

      Bro that is so mean omg that first guy is crap why would they do that, the second person seems so nice and patient @@dbarrett1539

  • @Kayim_
    @Kayim_ 11 місяців тому +22

    I currently got my Vera badge back and since I got it, the matches have been much harder making me make more mistakes or die at 5 ciphers. I try not to put myself down, but it's hard when you used to kite for at least 2 to more ciphers to failing perfumes constantly. Especially now with the badge above my head, it gives me more pressure and once I don't do well, I fear of the hunter or the one random (I play in a team of 3 or 4) judging me. When I was new to Idv I was very patient and took nothing seriously. But over the time with teammates insulting and judging me, I have started doing the same. Although I have gotten much better at that after my 6 months break. I try not to get too angry and be more understanding, especially if they apologize in post match. But that always depends on the situation.
    That was a great video.

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +1

      Congrats on getting a badge on Vera!!! x) Yes, it’s hard to not put yourself down, especially when you remember all the times you played so well… I think something that is not talked about enough in the community is, the progress happens on both sides. So we as Survivors can end up playing more professionally, but that happens to Hunters, too, so the progress ends up looking like a zig-zag pattern as we become better and better at the game. And yes, it’s super annoying that once you get the badge, everything becomes scarier in a way, in the sense that both factions can end up judging you. :c I’m glad the break helped you relax a little. ❤ Thank you for making the effort, it is really hard to be understanding of others, and even if you are still angry, what matters is that you try to understand. I myself get angry at random cipher pops for example, but I try to think they had ping issues or lag or whatever if they don’t express the reason in post-match. Sometimes it helps to think about all the reasons something went wrong, even if it’s difficult. It mostly helps because you end up feeling less frustrated afterwards and can continue playing without feeling like you need to punch a wall or something. Thank you for watching my video and for sharing your experience!!! I’m glad when people share their experience because there’s a sense of solidarity when others read a comment that is relatable to their situation, too! ❤

  • @dragonsstars7734
    @dragonsstars7734 11 місяців тому +23

    I'm really glad you made this video, I feel like this topic isn't talked about enough or as openly as it should. Like, everybody recognises the problem but very few do something about it. It feels really bad to see the domino effect of one person rotting the post match chat and then instead of one angry person, you end up with 4 or 5 and then that anger just spreads like the plague.
    All in all, really good video, it seems well researched and you also gave a lot of helpful links 🙌

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +2

      Thank you kindly for your comment! :') It's true that this topic doesn't seem to be talked about a lot, and I admit I myself was scared of making this video because I was afraid of getting trolls in the comments (fortunately everyone was polite no matter their beliefs, which I'm grateful for

  • @KoroChan2022
    @KoroChan2022 11 місяців тому +26

    I like your mindset. It also gives me life lessons. Im already 31yrs old btw. Thank you for the realizations ❤

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +2

      Tysm for your comment and thank you for watching my video! ❤ Happy it could resonate with you. :)

  • @BubblyCandy
    @BubblyCandy 11 місяців тому +21

    I quit for years in Identity V and i'm only returning right now, ranking for me is hard and i'm scared of being what people in this community know as the "random", with a bunch of steriotypes to each character ans it's players that also discouraged me to play (I used to main doctor, so every single mistake i did made me feel like the steriotypes were right and i'll suck forever), i think of such mistakes i did in a match even when i go to sleep, also, most of Identity V youtubers almost never losing a single match i feel like it may make people think that they can play in the best way possible every single day and expect too much out of them and their team (Maybe thinking: 'oh, if they can do it, so do i'), or maybe this is just me, but most of the famous youtubers of Identity V always post winning matches, makes me think that i can do the same, even though i'm just putting expectations too high when i still wouldn't be able to have such performance because of ping, this video makes me feel better about all my failed rescues and makes me want to practice Journalist and Little girl more

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому

      I’m sorry you had a bad experience, no one deserves that. :( Yes, stereotypes are harmful because it spreads negativity in the community, especially when us ourselves start believing we are behaving just as those stereotypes. It’s unfair that it affected you so much you ended up remembering them even when you went to sleep. It’s true a lot of UA-camrs post wins, I think it’s mostly because people aren’t interested in seeing losses? But losses can be entertaining, too. Especially with commentary. We can learn a lot from losses, too. I’m thinking of making such videos in the future as well. :3 I think unrealistic expectations are harmful since players end up being hard on themselves when they make mistakes… thank you for watching my video and for sharing your experience, I’m sure it’ll make other people feel understood as well because they may have a similar experience to yours. ❤ I hope you have lots of fun playing as Journalist and Little Girl. I play them myself, too and I have a lot of fun. x)

  • @nwro2347
    @nwro2347 11 місяців тому +8

    I am currently doing my homework while watching this, your voice is so calming! Thank you in advance for speaking about this matter

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +2

      Thank you so much for watching! :D Haha, it’s so surreal to read your comment because I myself do this with other videos of people with calming voices. I thought my voice sounds a little angry because I struggled with anger for 6+ years… :’) But I’m happy to hear it doesn’t sound like I was thinking. Ty again! ❤

  • @ilovecorpseparty8930
    @ilovecorpseparty8930 11 місяців тому +13

    Ive realized to just go with the flow and if the match goes bad its not a big deal

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +4

      I'm glad you found a way to not let it affect you greatly.

    • @QuoteOnQuote.
      @QuoteOnQuote. 11 місяців тому +2

      it is tho

    • @eggybread7652
      @eggybread7652 11 місяців тому +4’s not though? bad matches r completely fine and it barely matters even an hour later

    • @ve_meve1718
      @ve_meve1718 10 місяців тому +2

      @@QuoteOnQuote. it isn’t because at the end of the day it is just a game it is not life or death situation. You’re going to have terrible matches and you’re going to deal with terrible teammates

  • @oyxim7201
    @oyxim7201 11 місяців тому +4

    bad randoms will watch this video thinking "ugh it's all bc of them"

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +2

      Then they’d need to rewatch the video. u.u My point was that bad quick-thinking and split-second decisions, as well as poor coordination and communication leads to making mistakes. They need to be aware of their own weak points in order to grow. But at the same time, it’d be good if we are patient with them and they’re also patient with themselves during the process.

  • @Heart_Stick
    @Heart_Stick 11 місяців тому +3

    TYSM FOR MAKING THIS!! ive been so scared to play surv rank just for this reason and i've been thinking that, if i become a hunter main, my losses will at least benefit others. But I feel that, how, working in a team is actually really fun. I love everyone using their abilities, skills, and everyone trying their best to win, and, even though you may get downed early, its ok, because I know that, since I was scared to be in that same position, I won't judge you at all.

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому

      That's very considerate of you.

  • @itstaliagaming
    @itstaliagaming 9 місяців тому

    This deserves more views! The choice of music plus your voice is so relaxing to listen to. ❤

  • @SakuraKaibaReturns
    @SakuraKaibaReturns 21 день тому

    Thanks I really needed this. I recently had a griffin five rank match where a perfumer and entomologist blamed me for the loss. To be fair, we all did badly and got outplayed by galatea. They used their statues pretty well during the chase/camping portions. Perf called me useless, to uninstall, and ento told me I should stop playing merc. Despite me trying to explain I was trying my best they didn't listen. Even though perfumer also made a mistake that caused her to get chaired instead of getting dungeon. She just kept spamming "you're on your own" at me. I've been playing for a long time and learned to accept mistakes happen no matter what. I just stay quiet and move on. I think the toxic duo I dealt with were very competitive and had a bad day or something.

  • @sailorenthusiast
    @sailorenthusiast 11 місяців тому +2

    I recall one match when I was playing Enchantress with a Merc, Prisoner and Composer. It was a prety nice match in my opinion, as even though I got stunned and knocked down by the hunter a couple times (hunter was a Hermit), I was satisfied because I was able to keep the hunter distracted enough to enable the decoders to pop all 5 ciphers before anyone could be eliminated. The hunter even surrendered near the end, which I'd consider further evidence of how smoothly the match went for us survivors. Cue me apologizing for a ping mistake I made in post chat, only to find that Composer claimed that I was being incompitent and that they hard carried the match (I assume because of taking on some damage via the Hermit's polarity, allowing me to get hit three times instead of two during the early part of my kite). It left me really mifted, as I was of the mind that I did my job to the best of my ability, and that getting knockd down is just part of being a kiter sometimes. Especially as this was a low tier match against a rather competent Hermit player.
    TLDR, I was the random that got insulted. Please don't insult people for not being perfect. We're all learning, and mistakes are bound to happen. Don't call someone incompetent just because they can't do a perfect kite or rescue. We're all just trying to have fun.

  • @zy9512
    @zy9512 10 місяців тому +1

    I'm struggling with Contamination OCD as it is wreaking havoc on my life and my relationship. Some of the points you mentioned hit hard for me because it felt relatable, especially the parts about being impatient with others and ourselves as well as how we handle our anger.

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much for sharing! Yeah, that's frustrating, especially since it's not like we can push a button and suddenly start being more patient. x( I hope you'll be able to find your own ways to cope with Contamination OCD soon. ❤

  • @Biajuuu
    @Biajuuu 11 місяців тому +4

    When random make mistake: 🤬🤬🤬
    When I make mistake:
    Oops, hehe, sorry 😅😅😅

    • @Hydroabyss
      @Hydroabyss 11 місяців тому +2

      I can relate that

  • @LoraSnail
    @LoraSnail 11 місяців тому +3

    Wow your content is so unique!!! It was just pleasing to listen to! Thanks for making it 😊

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed it! I’m happy it sounded good to you as well! x)

  • @spicynori8861
    @spicynori8861 11 місяців тому +3

    Wish more people watch this especially the toxic ones. A few weeks ago, I played rank and my ping went south to the point that I got disconnected. When I finally got back, we were already lost. The thing is, one player (who saw me lagging so bad) in the game sent me a friend request with a message: "not dead yet?" and somehow this kind of thing where people send FR with toxic messages happens a lot. It's just messed up how people become so mean/violent over a game

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому

      That's so rude........ I'm sorry you had to deal with a player like them. :c I often hear about people being told things like "k*ll yours3lf" or "die" over a match that went wrong. It's baffling to me that they treat strangers like that... when our unity should be the key to winning a match. It's also so unfair that they noticed you were lagging, but they still went ahead and wrote a gross message to you. I hope you won't have to meet a lot players like them in the future... it's messed up. x_x

  • @carrimasi7398
    @carrimasi7398 11 місяців тому +3

    I've had highs and lows in this game, and it's honestly one of the most unfulfilling things on this planet.
    You do a 5 cipher kite? A perfect rescue? Clutch a tie? You aren't going to get any praise for it.
    But the second you make one mistake, someone is going for your throat in post match.
    For all the people in this comment section trying to justify it, randoms are people. People make mistakes. People dont need you to yell and berate them because it doesn't help. You've only made them more anxious and probably worse at the game.
    Someone literally told me I made everyone lose because I missed a single calibration during the match. Not to mention that everytime I'm told off for my mistakes, it's by someone who made the exact same amount of mistakes before.
    They don't need your criticism, and they don't have to need it. All that is needed is for yall to stop taking a game so seriously. Imagine valuing a win over a real human.... just. Ouch

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +1

      That's so true. It's more often that people get yelled at or told off than get praised for their performance.

  • @ZeezVovGeeGaming
    @ZeezVovGeeGaming 11 місяців тому +1

    Amazing video! The psychology behind playing games is always super interesting to listen to. I enjoyed hearing your perspective these topics, especially since it's discussing the bigger picture of what goes on in people's minds during a game. Looking forward to future videos from you!

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much for your comment!

  • @freedomfighter105
    @freedomfighter105 11 місяців тому +3

    Came here for the randoms slander, Clicked off re-thinking about my IDV career.

  • @arandomcatheehee
    @arandomcatheehee 10 місяців тому +1

    Coming to identity v from dbd… the community has been so much kinder in my experience. I’m still very new, but I’ve had multiple experiences where I did badly and people were still helpful and reassuring, rather than calling me slurs or telling me to end my life. I know this community has its flaws, but so far I love it

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  10 місяців тому +1

      I've played DbD for a bit, too! :D And I do trust your words from your experience since I can count more times I got called slurs in DbD than in Identity V. I'm happy so far you're having a great experience with the Identity V community, hope it continues! :3

  • @Lilithia01
    @Lilithia01 11 місяців тому +6

    Idv's community is the most toxic, depravated and weird of all time, it's insane how they can wish death or worse to someone who only wanted to play a game for fun or boredom.

    • @lyl_es9421
      @lyl_es9421 10 місяців тому

      its not. wait until you see dbd or lol

  • @MYTUwU
    @MYTUwU 11 місяців тому +2

    As a top tier hunter with my surv rank currently being elk the unrealistic expectations one hits hard lmao. I expect my randoms to be pulling peak tier plays but yea I realize it’s not really possible.

    • @chapface
      @chapface 11 місяців тому

      Im not even a top tier hunter but I like never play survivor, and have never touched ranked as survivor. So I get that

  • @shinigamik3027
    @shinigamik3027 11 місяців тому +8

    This has turned into a therapy video lol

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +1

      😭 I have a weird way of expressing myself, but I see why it looks like a therapy videoooo.

  • @RosePhantoma
    @RosePhantoma 9 місяців тому

    i have definitely been in that situation where i'm yelling internally or over vc to my duo queue about a random, bc im frustrated and don't understand why theyre making the choices they are. but i am always the LAST person to call someone out in post match and the FIRST to apologize if i do something that screws up a match (even if it's loading in late). ive been in the situation where ive been flamed in post match, and i don't want anyone else to feel like they have to hurry to flee post match out of fear theyll be berated (or worse) for a mistake

  • @Nakure_
    @Nakure_ 11 місяців тому +1

    I wasn't expecting this kind of video when I first clicked on it, but I loved it!! It felt so heartwarming and gentle. (:
    I think it's sad that a big part of the IDV community has lots of negative behaviours (such as harassing with stickers in-game or harassing in chat, insulting and so on) and I would like to do my part to improve it. For example, when I see people arguing in post-chat, I try to calm things down by talking in a neutral way and reminiding them that: we all did our best and at the end of the day it's just a game, next match will be better. People usually calm down when they see another person being chill about it. It might be a little step, but it's still a step. ^^ At the same time, I get easily frustrated when playing (especially as a hunter, because I'm not that good) so this video definitely helped me understand my own emotions too! Thank you for this lovely video, I hope more and more players will start following your simple yet helpful tips.

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much for your heartfelt comment. :') I think it's cool how you're able to help people find the middle ground.

  • @marcoaledo7379
    @marcoaledo7379 11 місяців тому

    This is such an useful video. I've held this mentality for a long time since i still remember when i was new at the game.
    I also really like the research and explanations that you made through psychological and sociological phenomenons, as a psychology student some if the content from this discipline has been useful in my daily life in areas such as multiplayer videogames, and so Is believe it would also benefit other players as well if such knowledge was available to them as well as applied to the context of the game.
    I've played less and less survivor with time due to several reasons and I am mostly a hunter playee.
    However, one of the reasons why olaying survivor became less appealing to me is that some of the friends I played with were really impatient with randoms and themselves, which led to habitual negativity within matches or afterwards in the lobby that just made the game worse for everyone.
    I even prefer to play with random players who might be unskilled or have a bad day than to play with an overall more consistent friend that gets angry during and after most of the matches we have.
    Try to better control the frustrstion if you play with friends, you might be making them a favour as well

  • @mikkymaulenreyes6877
    @mikkymaulenreyes6877 11 місяців тому +2

    As somebody who mostly ranks alone or with people without VC . Randoms are not that bad, i just wish some had more patience as you say. I make mistakes and i often apologize for them in post match but i always get insults and hopes i would kms for 1 mistakes, so i imagine they play with this mindset of "perfect or nothing" which is honestly not nice.
    IDV is a lot about cooperation when you are playing survivors and people should remember that. Sometimes you can do everything by the book on your own but you still need tot ake account there is another 3 other people besides you and sometimes we got lag, sometimes we just make mistakes that doesn't define our skills. "shit happens" as they say. Sometimes you think the other is thinking a certain plan but your plans are not the same and that can happen, it's part of the nature of solo play.
    It's not the end of the world just be kinder or block for matching so you dont get them ever again you will be more happier.

  • @lovely_zombii
    @lovely_zombii 11 місяців тому +2

    Im literally the bad random😭 no matter how many kitings tips i watch on yt i still fail badly

  • @Bluin
    @Bluin 11 місяців тому +6

    Oh that one disciple hunter (I

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому

      OMG, hackers are so annoying........... I'm lucky enough that I didn't meet any so far, even if I play from 2019. 😭 It is super suspicious indeed if they were able to turn the camera towards everyone's position. And awww, sensitive in what sense? :c

    • @Bluin
      @Bluin 11 місяців тому

      @@MaybeMewlyn sensitive in 2 ways.
      Idv people sometimes really can’t take a joke calling Ann a giraffe been a run on joke since she came out idk why they were so mad.
      And the 2nd sensitive is complaining about dumb things I literally had people try to convince me that idv should ban emotes bc they hate them and people are toxic with them. I understand that people using emotes to be toxic is annoying but you’ll live, get over it and count to 10 if it triggers you that much but to have a band of people agree with banning emotes for something so trivial is honestly sad. 🤦‍♀️
      I’ve been playing since 2018 I remember when wu chang was added into the game Good memories 🥹

  • @SomeoneHeree
    @SomeoneHeree 11 місяців тому +2

    As your local wildling random who would reset attack recovery, push the hunter in you and never decode, i wanna say im sorry im trying my best :(

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому +1

      AW... thank you for being considerate! :') As I was saying earlier in the clip, this would fall into the category of having different strategies. I think you can try to ask the players if they're comfortable with you not decoding and harassing the Hunter/ assisting the kiter in pre-match chat if you tend to get a lot of insults from other players in post-match chat. The time is kinda short, but the least they can say is "yes" or "no".

  • @Gorpheus-identityv1466
    @Gorpheus-identityv1466 11 місяців тому +2

    Playing hunter just makes things so much easier. You can learn from your mistakes and win matches without People getting in your way

  • @vampiezz_
    @vampiezz_ 11 місяців тому +2

    I think idv in general needs more kindess both as a survivor and a hunter
    Im a hunter main i play night watch because i like him i even got his S tier but im always afraid to play because people are mean as a survivor im also scared to play especially with people i dont know i wish people were nicer or at least not say anything

  • @luca_salsa3793
    @luca_salsa3793 11 місяців тому +2

    I play a lot of solo rank and don't quite experience the negative few on 'randoms'. I think that if I end up being dissapointed about the way randoms in whichever tier seem to consistently suck, it is more likely that I'm the one being unreasonable.
    I would never assume that my random teammates know and understand what I want them to do. I don't control them, just like they don't control me. Communication helps, but even then we're all trying our best. No one (besides a troll ig) enters a game with the goal of screwing up and no one (even the troll) deserves to be treated badly just because the part that isn't under our control didn't do what we'd want it to do. As the video said; It's okay to feel bad, but to lash out to others just because of a frustrating match isn't it. All it does is create a cycle of insults that just get worse the longer it goes on.
    In my perspective, IDV is a game that involves a certain amount of luck. You need to be lucky to be on the same wavelength as your team, even if they're not even randoms. You need to have the luck that the hunter makes mistakes (it's an asymmetric game, the hunters are stronger and faster by default, which is the whole fun part!) and that the guess you make is correct. It's nice to be lucky, but that's not a given. It changes every game and if one match goes bad, you move on to the next. If one particular random doesn't vibe with you, you place them on your rank ban. It's a much nicer experience when you enjoy your blessings and don't stay stuck in the bad times.

  • @ky9018
    @ky9018 11 місяців тому

    really good video! this is pretty new genre in idv content creating, love it a lot! hope for more :D

  • @serene.serenity
    @serene.serenity 11 місяців тому +2

    The problematic randoms: me

  • @Yukaigis
    @Yukaigis 4 місяці тому

    I can say im one of those randoms, ive deactivated post-match because of that.
    I always feel guilty when im chaired at 5 ciphers or fail to rescue my teammates since im a harasser, but in the majority of matches, im the only one to carry tide-turner, and even the RESCUERS want me to do their job.
    Last week, i even tought abt deleting the game bc its weird seeing a MAMOOTH with 30% win rate.
    I get nervous really quickly, and need time to process things, like processing how to counter the hunter or when is the right moment to use my bees.
    Everyday i try to improve more and more, but i make a mistake and get all flustered, and since im flustered, i cant think well and get a losing streak.
    So with that, please be more patient, when i get chaired at 5 ciphers, i feel as frustrated as you, really.

  • @ae_reb
    @ae_reb 11 місяців тому +1

    that one doctor and perfumer that harassed me bcs i did a bad stick rescue in...quick match..
    should probably watch this video💀

  • @Marigold-st8lf
    @Marigold-st8lf 11 місяців тому

    I don’t play rank but I always welcome player’s mistakes with open arms because those moments are super funny.

  • @Gh0stly4ngels
    @Gh0stly4ngels 11 місяців тому

    One thing I will say, they are headless chickens. Playing as if they're not in a team, disregarding the team comp, not sticking to their roles, and not pinging.

  • @medpoclvr
    @medpoclvr 10 місяців тому

    3:33 high tiers players be like:
    in other words, chronically online 😭

  • @sikeyno.8797
    @sikeyno.8797 11 місяців тому +1

    Yea I come to realize people will complain about randoms and then do what they did the next match tho there are a certain group of people in peak tier that I just most definitely blacklist when I get them cause some people are heavily carried but most just have a bad day or game

  • @KateTusah
    @KateTusah 11 місяців тому


  • @pvppawzz
    @pvppawzz 9 місяців тому

    while i def do get frustrated w other ppl, i tend to actually get more upset w myself than randoms😭 even if i did gud in a match i cant help but feel as if my teammates carried me since i myself am NOT gud at kiting or saving or js idv in general

  • @namelesschannel4103
    @namelesschannel4103 10 місяців тому

    I wouldnt consider myself a toxic person because Im usually the first one chased and the one who makes mistakes, so why do I still feel so called out 😭😭😭

  • @user-sz1hv8zy6h
    @user-sz1hv8zy6h 9 місяців тому

    U notice the person is a v sauce fan when there is his music 0:10 in transitions lol

  • @lasool9378
    @lasool9378 11 місяців тому

    came back from a year break and randoms got worse for me😭 i can't even rank up because every match someone will get downed 5 ciphers in, ive only been playing hunter since the waiting time for survivor matches is not worth it anymore

  • @erina8295
    @erina8295 11 місяців тому

    i have A badge for annie, and i get so scared playing rank cus i have my bad days where i cant rescue, cant kite or even do a pop properly. but over time i just try not to think too deep in it, and just enjoy the game cus at the end of the day if a game is stressing u this much then just quit or simply don't look in post chat.

  • @qwertasdfgzxcvb7536
    @qwertasdfgzxcvb7536 9 місяців тому


  • @lester_hervieux
    @lester_hervieux 11 місяців тому

    It's fine. A mistake is a mistake
    - Reborn_JiaXin

  • @krinedanialle
    @krinedanialle 11 місяців тому

    Im a prisoner at mammoth but i feel like im not up to par with my tier 😭 I still cant kite for longer than 1 second and its so embarrassing.. but neither can my teammates so idk

  • @mysiebuns_
    @mysiebuns_ 11 місяців тому

    its crazy how when playing a solo match w randoms they can think that you're playing rlly shit 😨

  • @angelspiritfoxx
    @angelspiritfoxx 11 місяців тому +1

    The only thing i struggle with is the ping as i use the asia server. Im looking at vpns to use for that issue

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  11 місяців тому

      The ping....... the bane of our life....... OTL

  • @idontsm0ke
    @idontsm0ke 11 місяців тому

    I had a match with randoms where i was doing good kite without getting hit for 60sec and suddenly 2 perfumers come and ruin my kite without even finishing ANY CIPHER
    They lasted 10sec, wasted all of their perfumes
    And no i didn't even use my gun to rescue them cuz they brought it on themselves
    Going out of your way to come and ruin my kite to make hunter chase you, emoting, provoking them, AND THEN Lasting 10sec? AND spamming "you're on your own"????

  • @Bter
    @Bter 11 місяців тому

    Not Melly with evil face 😭😭💀💀

  • @YxngOni
    @YxngOni 9 місяців тому

    Esse jogo obrigatoriamente voce tem que formar um time e jogar em call ate voces sairem do low elo e poder jogar com gente mais experiente

  • @improvedstar3411
    @improvedstar3411 11 місяців тому +1

    Pretty sure the biggest reason is lag

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  10 місяців тому

      Yep! Ping issues are so annoying 'cus you can hardly move or time rescues perfectly... instead we get terrorshocked or cannot transition well. :C

  • @patchesforever3299
    @patchesforever3299 11 місяців тому

    Sometimes I go “I HATE randoms. How DARE they not have comms with me and how DARE they not read my mind”

  • @latenightchild8668
    @latenightchild8668 10 місяців тому

    I turn into a random every time i touch prospector

  • @ThatRandomGirlOnTheInternet
    @ThatRandomGirlOnTheInternet 10 місяців тому +1

    I actually had some guy go off at me yesterday after playing Prisoner in quick match because "Prisoners never use their skill"... In quick match...
    The reason I had not used my skill before he died was because I spawned too far away from ciphers and the first one I was going towards was too close to the hunter...
    Then we happened to match together again next match and he tried to get me killed, but then he died first😂

    • @MaybeMewlyn
      @MaybeMewlyn  10 місяців тому +1

      OMG... 😭 It didn't work in his favour.........................