Is protein best for satiety?

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @michaeldillon3113
    @michaeldillon3113 2 роки тому +54

    One thing's for sure - when I was eating a high wholegrain vegetarian diet I had no satiety whatsoever! Indeed certain foods recommended for satiety like whole oats just increased my appetite enormously!

    • @rachelbrondel5858
      @rachelbrondel5858 2 роки тому +5

      This is so true for me too and I felt like such a failure. Did potatoes live up to their high satiety per calorie reputation for you?

    • @nath7874
      @nath7874 2 роки тому +3

      True. The same with me

    • @michaeldillon3113
      @michaeldillon3113 2 роки тому +4

      @@rachelbrondel5858 Absolutely not ! In the last year I tried potatoes for the first time in years as I often saw them touted as giving satiety . Both with and without butter they kept away hunger for about 30 mins maximum . Oats baffled me until I looked on some diabetic forums ( I was probably pre diabetic then ) and I saw hundreds of comments by people saying how raw oats spiked their blood sugar. I would say that oats stimulated my hunger in the same way that alcohol does . Bread ( wholegrain) was the same . I could never eat a slice or two - inevitably it was the whole loaf . Obviously I had this extreme insulin response which explained why a high wholegrain vegetarian diet just made me fatter and sicker !

    • @rachelbrondel5858
      @rachelbrondel5858 2 роки тому +3

      @@michaeldillon3113 oats make me hungrier than not eating at all. What about beans and lentils?

    • @michaeldillon3113
      @michaeldillon3113 2 роки тому +1

      @@rachelbrondel5858 None of them helped with satiety . I don't know if you know Dr Ken Berry but I probably share the same sensitivity to carbs as him but for various reasons I find it difficult to be carnivore . So I have tried to get as low carb as I can . Just doing that has helped me with Time Restricted Eating . Just doing that has helped because it brings your insulin down which helps with satiety . Insulin and leptin resistance go hand in hand .

  • @hardassevents
    @hardassevents 2 роки тому +3

    Brett, I really appreciate that you repeat the importance of protein intake over and over. Seeing reports of athletes and knowing athletes having mid-life bone breaks is just heartbreaking. The fear of protein has significant impact on their lives

  • @brettmasonmedia
    @brettmasonmedia 2 роки тому +26

    I’ve tested this hypothesis. I had remarkable weight loss eating high fat moderate protein. I had multiple deaths in my family. Depression came. So did the weight. After getting better I started back and decided to adopt this higher protein approach. And I have lost weight. I committed to it for the first 6 months of this year. There was some satiety. I lost some weight. But it was a struggle. July 1 I went back to high fat moderate protein and satiety through the roof and weight loss accelerated.
    You can quote studies. I rely on what works in my life.

    • @cherylh4688
      @cherylh4688 2 роки тому +1

      When you say "moderate protein," Brett, could you please put some numbers on that? Are you saying, for instance, maybe 1 gm per ideal body weight? Or maybe you could give your height & weight & a typical day's food intake, to clarify what YOU mean by "high fat" & "moderate protein." Any clarification would be greatly appreciated!
      And deepest sympathy on your many losses. That's really rough. But congratulations on pulling yourself out of your depression and achieving such admirable success!

    • @brettmasonmedia
      @brettmasonmedia 2 роки тому +4

      @@cherylh4688 moderate protein as a 6 foot male for me was about 80g per day on average. 20g to 30g total carbs. The rest fat.
      High protein was 120g to 150g protein per day. 20g to 30g total carbs. The rest fat.
      I for sure experience satiety with both. But the high fat version of keto/low carb makes eating the right amount of food so much easier. It’s remarkable the difference.

    • @carnivore-muscle
      @carnivore-muscle 2 роки тому +1

      @@brettmasonmedia Hi Brett, thanks for sharing your experience. I've experienced the same thing, when flipping between high and lower fat ratios, it seems like the metabolic process is upregulated when increasing fat, before it settles down, then using protein to leverage when fat lowers then increases results. It suggests to me, which would make anthropological theories, that cycling these amounts through season may be beneficial for maintaining body composition

    • @CarbageMan
      @CarbageMan 2 роки тому +2

      Just remember: "lost weight" is often lost lean mass, particularly if you're not using it (weight-bearing exercise) and not consuming enough protein. When I started, I'm quite sure I wasn't doing enough of either, and I lost more lean mass than I would have liked.
      PS: I'm of the opinion that the "moderate protein" is at best over-emphasized, and protein may need to be moderated IF the weight loss does not come. This could be particularly true in the context of fasting or time-restricted eating.

    • @cherylh4688
      @cherylh4688 2 роки тому +1

      @@brettmasonmedia Thank you so much, Brett. I, myself, had observed that my daughter, w a focus on higher fat (eating a half pack of bacon a day), was losing weight steadily, whereas I, w a greater focus on protein & more limited fat, was not! Yet when I added a couple of high fat days, my weight loss suddenly increased! Seemed very counterintuitive, but it was hard to argue with the results, lol!
      I'm thinking maybe at the high protein levels, any excess protein may be converting to glucose & spiking insulin, thus slowing the burning of body fat, whereas with moderate protein, the higher fat may be continuously encouraging the body to look to fat, incl body fat, for it's fuel.
      Whatever the reason, however, I will probably lean (pun unintended) towards a more moderate protein approach now and increase my fat, and see how that works for me in the near future. Thank you so much again for sharing your experience and confirming my own perplexing observations!

  • @jobrown8146
    @jobrown8146 2 роки тому +5

    When I started eating low carb I was only having chia seeds and nuts for breakfast and would start getting truly hungry about 3 hours later. Then I started adding an egg, and that was the only difference, and now I don't start getting hungry (just a slight "niggle") until at least 4 hours later and have no problems waiting until 6 hours after breakfast to have my lunch.

  • @Lee.b190
    @Lee.b190 2 роки тому +4

    My usual diet consists of between 170-200g of protein daily (2100 calories total) and when I stick to this my hunger is minimal throughout the day and night however when I have high carb weeks I do tend to find I become way more hungry and In turn means I tend to over eat,this strategy has helped me get from obese to a normal weight and has helped me maintain this weight

  • @fuq1nutube
    @fuq1nutube 2 роки тому +9

    Ive been on high protein meal plans in the past. When the protein was lean it made me full but not satiated. Physically I was stuffed but my body was still constantly craving something. When i went down on protein and added fat, i would be full and satiated for nearly 12 hours. After that my hunger was like a gentle suggestion instead of a blaring alarm.

    • @sabby123456789
      @sabby123456789 2 роки тому +3

      I cannot feel satiated on a high protein low fat diet as well.

    • @richardmiddleton7770
      @richardmiddleton7770 2 роки тому +1

      I try to stick to 'proper' protein like whole eggs, salmon, mackerel, sardines, beef, lamb, pork, full fat Greek yoghurt, nuts and seeds, cheese and recently Ox heart! Although the Ox heart does seem really lean and tender like Venison so not sure on the fat content.

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому +4

      We are not recommending a low fat diet. When carbs are 5-10% of the daily calories and protein is 20-25%, that still has the majority of your daily calories coming from fat.

    • @SkyKing171717
      @SkyKing171717 2 роки тому +2

      Eat natural foods like meat, dairy, eggs, and fish and you've taken care of both the protein and fat requirements. No need to add fat to the above unless one is underweight. Protein is very satiating but only if one eats the fat that comes with it. This is why whey shakes are not as satiating as say, a rib eye steak. If one were to go on a rabbit meat or chicken breast diet exclusively, which are extremely lean choices of meat, one wouldn't get satiated and could actually get sick and die because of the lack of fat in the meat diet.

  • @AzaleaBee
    @AzaleaBee 2 роки тому +4

    Hedonic hunger vs homeostatic hunger.. something to chew on this week. Thank you.

  • @shiplesp
    @shiplesp 2 роки тому +31

    It makes me sad that with surging prices that so many are cutting back on protein and shifting to lower cost carbohydrates especiallypasta and rice. Many people, in an effort to balance a family budget are eliminating meat/animal protein or limiting it to once a week. This has nothing to do with wanting to adopt a plant based diet, but simply what they can afford. In light of the economic realities, maybe you could do a video suggesting lower cost options to those meals, with specific foods? Smoked salmon, Canadian bacon, steak and even eggs and chicken are getting out of reach of many. We don't want good health to be limited to those who can afford the groceries.

    • @stephwessel7346
      @stephwessel7346 2 роки тому +8

      Sardines need a better marketing team as they are incredibly nutrient dense and shelf stable. I like them and keep them in my office drawer at work. If I choose to eat lunch, there I go! 😂

    • @AzaleaBee
      @AzaleaBee 2 роки тому

      @@stephwessel7346 Yup. I often have a can of sardines in my purse.. just in case. Another economical source is to buy milk by the gallon and ferment it with kefir grains for a longer shelf life in the frig with the added benefit of probiotics. The kefir bacteria/yeast/fungi culture eats the lactose.

    • @markotrieste
      @markotrieste 2 роки тому

      Allow me to wear my tin-foil hat for a moment and let me say this: I don't think it's a coincidence the establishment is pushing for more carbs and plant based proteins. Guess what would happen if a wide majority of people realized that the best food is actually the most expensive and environmentally heavy and there is no way to get enough of it for seven billion people...

    • @AzaleaBee
      @AzaleaBee 2 роки тому +1

      Also, seaweed is an economical source of protein.. and the variety that can be found in markets (particularly Asian grocery stores), makes it very versatile.

    • @shiplesp
      @shiplesp 2 роки тому

      How much does it cost? Is it something a struggling family can afford in 5he quantities needed to give sufficient complete protein.

  • @7swordmary567
    @7swordmary567 2 роки тому +7

    Always got longer lasting muscle strength AND satiety from Protein v. Carbs.

  • @donnabronner4837
    @donnabronner4837 2 роки тому +9

    The most helpful is SEEING what 30 or 60 gms of protein (actual food) looks like in a meal.

    • @CarbageMan
      @CarbageMan 2 роки тому +1

      My rule of thumb for meat is weigh and divide by five. I came up with this by analyzing the amount of protein in various meats (including fish and poultry.)
      PS: If you search it, you'll find the average (which varies greatly) is around 22%.

  • @SuzanneU
    @SuzanneU 2 роки тому +6

    It would be interesting to see how the genome of the Okinawans compares to that of other population groups. In multigenerational situations of low food availability, those who are fittest will be those who have the lowest nutritional requirements.

    • @prevengeix8551
      @prevengeix8551 2 роки тому

      I would like to see how much gut bacteria diversity they have compared to the other blue zones.

  • @ny10980
    @ny10980 Рік тому

    I am glad you referenced what amount of food you have to eat to reach 1.6 grams per kilo. After the hefty breakfast that you described, with a cup of coffee (you never mentioned), I am stuffed and ready for a nap. Then to eat a 30 gram protein lunch, as boring chicken breast on top of a salad, I just might be done eating for the rest of the day. I am about 95 kilos (after converting) which means I need A TON OF PROTEIN. You also mentioned the affect that protein has on hunger which in turn means you aren't necessarily the eating machine you used to be. I have adapted by eating the whole pound of bacon for breakfast with maybe a little dish of high fat cottage cheese (or ricotta). Then for mid day I eat a can of sardines with some chopped onions and almonds. Liverwurst or boiled eggs are also a very effective lunch protein and you don't smell as bad when you get back from lunch. Then for dinner (if I must) it is some slab of meat such as a big rib eye or a humongous hamburger with "real" cheese on top or maybe consume half of that fatty pork loin cooking in the oven. For now, you are trying hard to finish the protein goal for the day...early enough so you aren't sleeping on it! You virtually become "carnivore" and maybe haven't even reached that magical protein goal. On my menu I probably barely reach the RDA .8 gram/protein per kilo. And you certainly can't consider including many carbs, or you will also be in the bathroom often. When I talk to friends who have no idea, I tell them to reach for as many grams of meat protein and as few of grams of carbs as possible at every meal. AND NEVER EAT GRAINS UNLESS STARVING!! But you MUST look at the numbers and consider the protein mark to hit for every meal above all else. If you don't count the numbers, you will never shoot for anything. Sometimes I eat ZERO carbs for the day and still ate like a horse. 100+ grams of protein everyday, is virtually impossible for any normal functioning person not into trying to be a body builder. And it's hard to lose a lot of weight when your stomach is that stuffed. Although the protein burns in your body differently and you can still drop small increments eating that much protein. All that protein and you still might drop a pound overnight.

  • @Elexyr
    @Elexyr 2 роки тому +3

    An interesting study would be to answer the hypothesis: For 10 dollars, you are more sated on meat from animal sources, than carbs from plant sources (Both having a budget of 10 dollars each, if any confusion occured).
    In essence, check if one is more sated on 10 dollars worth of pasta/rice/vegetables versus 10 dollars worth of meat from animal sources. Add on to that, how long are you sated.
    Do this over time, and see how it affects the budget. Perhaps you end up spending less, but having more nutrients?
    Just example numbers, but hope you get it.

    • @markotrieste
      @markotrieste 2 роки тому

      You end up having too much calories. The problem is not satiety on its own, but how to get satiated with fewer calories.

  • @pointshealthcoaching8474
    @pointshealthcoaching8474 2 роки тому +1

    In the context of animal based very low to zero carbs diet, this relative relationship between protein and fat happens naturally, you can tweak it either way depending on your body's signals... no need to count calories... in my humble opinion .

    • @SkyKing171717
      @SkyKing171717 2 роки тому

      Eat natural foods like meat, dairy, eggs, and fish and you've taken care of both the protein and fat requirements. No need to add fat to the above unless one is underweight. Protein is very satiating but only if one eats the fat that comes with it. This is why whey shakes are not as satiating as say, a rib eye steak. If one were to go on a rabbit meat or chicken breast diet exclusively, which are extremely lean choices of meat, one wouldn't get satiated and could actually get sick and die because of the lack of fat in the meat diet.

  • @Straightdeal
    @Straightdeal Рік тому

    I'm pretty much around there, LCHF 65/25/10, weight 68kg and stable, and roughly 2000 cal per day. I eat twice a day, occasionally once.

  • @PeopleHealthTec
    @PeopleHealthTec Рік тому

    2:25 Protein minimum RDA is 0.8g per kg body weight. Best is 20-25% of calories is 1.6g per kg.

  • @fredsmit3481
    @fredsmit3481 2 роки тому +1

    I definitely feel satiated with protein. I'm in ketosis and only eat one big meal a day. I first eat meat and some fat (avocados) and I feel satiated. I can totally stop eating and I feel no hunger. In order to increase my calories and vary my diet, I then eat some healthy carbs like blueberries, kimchi, pecans or yogurt, and I can keep eating more carbs! I initially feel satiated with protein and fat, but when I start eating carbs, I can just keep eating them non-stop. In order to control my calories and hunger, once I eat the carbs and feel hungry again, I switch back to protein such as ham and my cravings for carbs go down. It's amazing to me how I can feel satiated and stop eating after I eat protein and fat but when I start eating the carbs as part of the same meal, my satiety goes out the window! For me the interesting part is not so much that protein and fat create satiety, it's that carbs completely remove the feeling of satiety.

    • @rachelbrondel5858
      @rachelbrondel5858 Рік тому

      That's a really interesting observation. Do vegetables do this too? What is your favorite protein source to feel satiated? I'm not doing well on chicken breast they leave me totally unsatisfied

    • @fredsmit3481
      @fredsmit3481 Рік тому +1

      @rachel yes, vegetable carbs also make me lose my satiety. For example after I eat protein and fat and I feel full, if I eat some kimchi, I can keep eating kimchi with no problem. I eat beef, pork and chicken and they all work. Maybe add some olive oil to your chicken?

  • @carnivore-muscle
    @carnivore-muscle 2 роки тому +1

    High protein for me is around 350g and moderate around 275g

  • @Philly1958
    @Philly1958 2 роки тому +1

    What about MTOR stimulation and longevity

  • @cassieoz1702
    @cassieoz1702 2 роки тому

    Almost all studies publish averaged data which loses the detail showing the folks it didn't work for. It's absolutely individual so test it for yourself. Protein gives me immediate satiety but it doesn't last. Fat gives me "stop eating" signals at the same time but lasts longer and limits my total calorie intake. I can't stomach breakfast, never have. For me 70-85g (out of 1600Cal diet) seems to suit me and is do-able in my TMAD regimen

  • @heidiyamami3884
    @heidiyamami3884 2 роки тому

    Thank you!

  • @roxanne2977
    @roxanne2977 2 роки тому

    Helpful thank you!

  • @johnsonpaul1914
    @johnsonpaul1914 2 роки тому +3

    High natural (animal) fat medium protein is what is the bes for me. My protein limit at my 160 lb weight is 80 grams per day for bg control. I never look at calories or the amount of fat that I eat

    • @CarbageMan
      @CarbageMan 2 роки тому +1

      I'd say that's true, and I'd make sure it's a variety of types of fat. Some people eat all grain fed steak or poorly raised chicken and could benefit from some meats higher mono-unsatureated fats-not to demonize saturated fat, but to include the benefits of other fats.

  • @Mondaycat7
    @Mondaycat7 2 роки тому +1

    My scale weight is in pounds not kilos so I wish when you quote how much protein I should eat you world also give me gram amount for pounds of “reference” body weight. I believe that a large portion of your audience is in the United States and we use pounds not kilos in weight

  • @markiangooley
    @markiangooley 2 роки тому +1

    At the suggestion of my doctor I once tried several days a week of high-protein-low-fat eating instead of my usual moderate-protein-high-fat. I was especially satiated on those days - sometimes I couldn’t finish a meal - but otherwise miserable.

    • @sabby123456789
      @sabby123456789 2 роки тому +2

      I felt weak and lethargic on a high protein low fat diet.

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому +3

      Just to clarify, we are not recommending a low fat diet. A diet that is 5-10% carbs and 20-25% protein is still also a high fat diet.

  • @paltek149
    @paltek149 Рік тому

    when we say that 25% should come from protein, what is the source of other 75%? Carbs and fats? That would be a lot of carbs and fats.

  • @arifaahamed7239
    @arifaahamed7239 2 роки тому +1

    I added more protein to my low carb diet and ended up to weight gain

  • @123FishFood
    @123FishFood 2 роки тому

    Thanks for all your vids, you are my fav! I am 59F and only need to lose 10 lbs and always recomp in favor of muscle! I have been keto/carnivore for 8 months and love my woe. But! I have to count calories or I will not be in a deficit and scale does not move, girl can eat! Please discuss food journaling and calorie counting from a keto perspective, thank you! :)

  • @DonnaLHaney
    @DonnaLHaney 2 роки тому

    Protein, fats, & fiber in balance. Read the old ZoneDiet books.

  • @FYProduction
    @FYProduction 2 роки тому

    My spouse doesn’t understand that the weight of raw chicken meat isn’t the same with the resulting protein from it after cooking. Please do a video explaining this topic? Thanks!

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому

      Our team is interested in creating a video about this! Can you explain a bit further? Are you wanting to explain why 100 grams of chicken is not the same as 100 grams of protein? Or why 100 grams of raw chicken doesn't equal the same amount of of protein as cooked chicken? Thanks!

  • @sld1776
    @sld1776 2 роки тому

    How come sometimes nothing satisfies like beef? Is it psychological? Needing a nutrient found ob beef?

  • @markotrieste
    @markotrieste 2 роки тому

    Just finished my OMADinner, huge salad with olives, cheese, nuts and a beef hamburger. If I manage to stop now, I'm fine for the next 23 hours. If I fall prey to biscuits and cakes lurking in the pantry, I'll eat other 500/1000 calories and tomorrow I'll be hungrier than if I hadn't that supplement. It's almost like I have two stomachs, the second one always ready for further carbs and sweets.

    • @TerriblePerfection
      @TerriblePerfection 2 роки тому

      Why bring biscuits and cake into the house?

    • @markotrieste
      @markotrieste 2 роки тому +1

      @@TerriblePerfection Because I don't live alone.

    • @TerriblePerfection
      @TerriblePerfection 2 роки тому

      @@markotrieste Oh, you mean other adults are buying them. I hadn't considered that. Good discipline practice, I guess!

    • @AzaleaBee
      @AzaleaBee 2 роки тому

      Any junk food brought into our house is stored in the liquor cabinet. (No minors live here.)
      Any "food-like" product containing high fructose corn syrup or partially hydrogenated oils goes straight into the garbage. (The only exception is if a guest brings it over.. but they they leave with any leftovers or it gets tossed out later.)

  • @MikeBrady68
    @MikeBrady68 2 роки тому

    If I eat something that's high protein but lower in fat, chicken breasts for example, a few hours later I have this terribly full feeling like I swallowed a brick while simultaneously feeling like I want to eat something else. Chicken thighs don't have the same effect.

  • @finagill
    @finagill 2 роки тому

    I must be an outliner as I fat seems to be the most satiating for me. I eat a minimum of 1g of protein per lean body weight and the leaner the meat I eat, the more calories I can eat. Carbs are definitely the least satiating.

  • @sabby123456789
    @sabby123456789 2 роки тому

    A high protein low fat diet only made me feel lethargic and weak to the point I would eat a bunch of walnuts and macadamia nuts.

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому

      We are not recommending a low fat diet. When carbs are 5-10% of the daily calories and protein is 20-25%, that still has the majority of your daily calories coming from fat.

  • @davidhenry6273
    @davidhenry6273 2 роки тому

    Very frustrating: My store sells meat by the pound, not grams. My scale weighs me in pounds, not kilograms. You seem to be out of touch with what most of us in the US actually think and work with.

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому +1

      Regardless of where the meat is purchased, protein is always given in grams. Protein as a macro, is different from the weight of the meat by volume. You may find this helpful.

  • @petterdassjr.6978
    @petterdassjr.6978 2 роки тому +2

    1800 calories for a male is not to be recommended.

  • @CarbageMan
    @CarbageMan 2 роки тому

    I'm wondering if there is an ideal time to get more protein, morning, noon or evening. I've noticed if I get ample protein at night in warm weather, I get "feverish." This can make it harder to sleep. There may be other effects of protein timing. For example, gluconeogenesis can be a byproduct of protein, so maybe it's good to get the higher protein when you're going to burn more calories than you consume. Just spitballing here.

    • @CarbageMan
      @CarbageMan 2 роки тому +1

      @Alex Freedom Oh, definitely, dinner should be smaller than lunch, and early. 👍
      I try to do it by 6:30pm (I rarely eat before noon.)

  • @helenmerton6993
    @helenmerton6993 2 роки тому

    I’m confused,if I’m 90 kilos, and working out that weight, at 1.6 per kilo of protein, that’s 144 gms of protein per day?
    For my dinner, the steak alone is 200 gms, then add on 40gms of cheese to finish the meal, lunch would have been something like 2 eggs, piece of smoked fish or a couple of rashers of bacon,and half an avocado. That amount of protein is perfect for me, but going on what’s been mentioned, it’s way higher. Or have I missed something here!

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому

      The recommended amount of protein is based on lean body mass or reference body weight. Since most people don't know theirs, we have a much easier chart on our website that will give a good recommendation based on your height.

  • @homedogtwo8820
    @homedogtwo8820 2 роки тому +2

    wow, i totally understand protein keeping you full longer....but the constant use of the words satiety and satiation over and over and over haha.....good grief, all that repitition to say keep you full longer....i watch the channel , this is very good info but come on

  • @cherylh4688
    @cherylh4688 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much, Doc. This was a very interesting video and I feel I learned a lot from it. But could you please clarify what you mean when you say "kilos of body weight " Do you mean to multiply by total weight or ideal weight or ...? This is one thing that continues to confuse me, as I am still significantly overweight (235lbs), so if using that measure in kilos would result in something very different from using my ideal weight.

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому

      It's based on lean body mass or reference body weight. We know most people don't know those, so in the guide on our website, we give protein recommended amounts based on height instead.

  • @Marta_is_here
    @Marta_is_here 2 роки тому +1

    Tofu, tempeh, poached eggs and Salmon, along with good quality fiber, homemade sourdough bread, and tons of veg make me full for hours.
    I prefer not to eat beef, pork or poultry. ( diet this way since the 80’s)
    Everyone is different, genetics matters. 😉
    I’m 59yrs old, I lift do yoga and jog and am a personal trainer with no metabolic issues.
    Bottom line *people are different

  • @petterdassjr.6978
    @petterdassjr.6978 2 роки тому

    Okinawans physichally active most of the day on 1200-1400 calories? Very, very weird.
    Extremely low energy density foods, sounds like sleuths to me. They're outside all day long too, so you may be correct.

  • @peterfaber7124
    @peterfaber7124 2 роки тому +1

    I tried very lean meat for a couple of days. Very high protein as a percentage of total calories.
    That is confusing.
    You constantly feel like you have to eat more. But you're not hungry in the normal sense. It just feels like something is missing and you want to eat more. But eating more lean meat, changes nothing. One potatoe and you're immedietly good.
    I think this is called rabbit starvation.
    Protein is partially used constructively. What's used constructively, can not be used for energy. So if you eat 400 calories of protein, you're not getting 400 calories of energy.
    On top of that, more protein means more energy needed for digesting it and using the amino acids for protein synthesis. So your Energy Expenditure goes up.
    I don't know but simple logic says that increasing protein while maintaining the same amount of calories, means you're getting less calories that you can use for energy and you need more energy to digest and use it. So yeah, it's not that strange that more protein promotes weightloss.
    But this logic doesn't seem to be very popular in the nutrition world. Not even in the low carb and carnivore worlds.

    • @MikeBrady68
      @MikeBrady68 2 роки тому

      Eating chicken breasts has this effect on me. Chicken thighs do not.

    • @rachelbrondel5858
      @rachelbrondel5858 Рік тому

      @@MikeBrady68 I keep trying and failing to reduce my desire to eat eating mostly protein. But I am not satisfied at all. Is it because I mainly stick to chicken breast? I need a low energy density protein and I thought chicken breast was the cleanest so less calories

  • @alexandrasmith7682
    @alexandrasmith7682 2 роки тому

    The biggest action which will improve your satiety is portion control and secondly, your eating methods. Eat without the television on, at a table, knife and fork .... And take your time.

  • @Santu2409
    @Santu2409 2 роки тому

    The Okinawans are shorter and weighless than mainland Japanese. Max 5ft, 100lb.

  • @tmcche7881
    @tmcche7881 2 роки тому

    Nope. Need the fat. My experience is, when I eat a salad & green veggies, with 1 split chicken breast vs 2 chicken thighs (approx. equal weight), with the chickenbreast, I find myself to be hungry later in the evening. When having chicken thighs, not hungry. Go figure.
    ps,... while low carb has taught me how to eat to live and not vice-versa, all of my food is prepared to be enjoyed and therefore hedonic. lol

  • @Susan.Lewis.
    @Susan.Lewis. 2 роки тому +1

    In their meal plan, they use a lot of avocados. I hate avocados.

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому

      You can certainly omit avocados! There are no required foods. :)

  • @simev500
    @simev500 2 роки тому

    (8:30) How do you get only 56 grams of protein in an 8 ounce steak?
    An ounce is equivalent to 28.35 grams.

    • @AzaleaBee
      @AzaleaBee 2 роки тому +2

      How much protein is in an 8 oz steak will vary a bit depending upon the cut of meat, fat content from marbeling etc.. but I think it is generally accepted that 8 oz of beef steak has approximately 50 grams of protein.

    • @AB-nf4xp
      @AB-nf4xp 2 роки тому

      25 to 27 percent protein

    • @johnsonpaul1914
      @johnsonpaul1914 2 роки тому

      A trimmed T Bone to 1/4 inch fat is 40% fat and 60% protein. to me the beef in most stores does not even look inviting because of the trimming of the fat.

    • @CarbageMan
      @CarbageMan 2 роки тому +1

      It's (average steak) is around 25% protein, and we tend to eat the fattier (less protein by percentage) cuts. That would be about 56 grams (I round to 28g/oz.)

    • @jobrown8146
      @jobrown8146 2 роки тому

      @@AzaleaBee You are as "bad" as I am. I combine inches and cms!

  • @boxerfencer
    @boxerfencer 2 роки тому

    Whats an ounce?

  • @carloshenriquez694
    @carloshenriquez694 2 роки тому +2

    I think that vegetables is by far the most satiating food, not a macronutrient though.

  • @petrapiciacchia2456
    @petrapiciacchia2456 2 роки тому

    For me fat is more filling then when I eat lean meats. I’m a carnivore and need my fatty meats to keep me full.

    • @CarbageMan
      @CarbageMan 2 роки тому

      I think you're right that it's very important to eat meats with a high fat content, especially if carnivore. It's both more satiating and required to avoid something akin to rabbit starvation. You need to avoid driving calories way down, and the effective calories are lower with protein. I believe the rule of thumb for carnivore is 2-to-1. Dr Ben Bikman discussed this on Low Carb MD Podcast, IIRC.

  • @chrisbarnes10
    @chrisbarnes10 2 роки тому +1

    Could you please use pounds stead of kilograms please? 🙏

    • @CarbageMan
      @CarbageMan 2 роки тому +4

      Multiply by 2.2. You're welcome.
      PS: Americans aren't the only people who watch this content, but few others measure mass in pounds. Further, science uses SI units.

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 роки тому


  • @jackwardrop4994
    @jackwardrop4994 Рік тому

    This just seems like an incredibly small amount of meat per day.

  • @alphacause
    @alphacause 2 роки тому +1

    There is a reason, when bodybuilders are trying to induce extreme caloric deficits to cut body fat for a competition, they eat lots of skinless chicken breast, plain tuna (with maybe mustard) and skinless turkey breast. The protein to calorie ratio is tremendous, and while this does not eliminate the hunger these bodybuilders experience while undergoing extreme caloric deprivation, it does mitigate it to the extent that they will stay compliant.

    • @wesleygaitan
      @wesleygaitan 2 роки тому

      They on steriods, a balance diet with healthy whole foods is best for satisfaction

  • @michaelcariello6233
    @michaelcariello6233 2 роки тому

    1200-1400 calories a day is a semi starvation diet. Sounds like your confusing a diet of a most likely a poverty stricken people with a healthy diet.

  • @alysononoahu8702
    @alysononoahu8702 Рік тому

    My food doesn't scream 😒
    Plants, whole foods plenty of protein

  • @gman77gas
    @gman77gas 2 роки тому +2

    Talk pounds !

    • @nancykowalczyk2070
      @nancykowalczyk2070 2 роки тому

      Amen….Or at least use both ! 👍😂

    • @CarbageMan
      @CarbageMan 2 роки тому +1

      Multiply by 2.2. You're welcome! Americans aren't the only people who watch this content, but few others measure mass in pounds. Further, science uses SI units.

    • @gman77gas
      @gman77gas 2 роки тому

      @@CarbageMan not a scientist

    • @suz5373
      @suz5373 2 роки тому +2

      Use a unit converter 🙂 Most of the world uses SI.

    • @CarbageMan
      @CarbageMan 2 роки тому

      @@gman77gas It's effing arithmetic! How lame do you have to be?

  • @dgg2452
    @dgg2452 2 роки тому +1

    Answer: No, fat is.

    • @rachelbrondel5858
      @rachelbrondel5858 2 роки тому

      What specific foods do you think are best for satiety? I am trying to lose weight on 1200 calories high protein and I am staaaarving and always go over my calories

    • @dgg2452
      @dgg2452 2 роки тому

      @@rachelbrondel5858 Don't do calorie restriction. Switch to keto/carnivore. Eat fatty meat. Add butter to your ground beef/steak or get beef fat from the butcher and add it. Watch Dr. Ken Berry's videos on what to eat on keto/carnivore: BBBE bacon butter beef and eggs. You'll feel fuller and lose weight. Strange but true. xo

    • @Marta_is_here
      @Marta_is_here 2 роки тому


    • @rachelbrondel5858
      @rachelbrondel5858 2 роки тому

      @@dgg2452 I have watched so many of his videos. I just can't believe it would work for me because I know how much I can eat. I would go well over my calories

  • @robyn3349
    @robyn3349 2 роки тому

    Thank you!

  • @valeriyGennadyevich
    @valeriyGennadyevich Рік тому

    I wish studies were made on a professional bodybuilders. Who eat 300-400-500 grams of protein a day. Since bodybuilders a the one who can show maximum limits of the body when it comes to muscle development, protein needs, lowest bodyfat percent and bodybuilders are the most who like no others dadecated to be strict on a diets
    Personaly i transform more than 2000 clients with significantly improving their helth markers and im practicing non less than 40-45% of their calories coming from protein. Sometimes even 50% moderate carb/low fat diets. Like 45%p 40%c 15%f.
    It helps to keep calorie high due to high thermic effect of the protein+ that amounts helps with aherrance better. Carbs and fats dont has less thermic effect. Thats why my clients can loae weight on 2800 calories where 50% of calories are protein. While if the would do 2800 calories with 25% protein (rest are carbs and fats) their weight loss would stall so if 25% protein i wouod drop their caloies to 2650 call. And they will be more hungrier with same fat loss rate as on 2800 cal where 50% is orotein

  • @CarbageMan
    @CarbageMan 2 роки тому +1

    I think this helps, not only for satiety, but for prioritizing protein. I think many people doing keto will find they're getting a shockingly low amount of protein-particularly if doing any form of fasting. If fasting, you probably want to average out your protein intake to make sure you're not shorting yourself. If you do time-restricted eating, this means even more per meal, and if you're doing other forms of fasting, you may want to average it over the week and NOT do aggressive time-restricted eating (because it's harder to get the protein in.)

  • @jerrihammer666
    @jerrihammer666 2 роки тому

    LOL it's like you are talking a different language then me LOL i need lbs and oz but still working on i have been on a low carb diet for 5 yrs in Dec. lost 85 lbs and like protein but not sure how much, you may be too smart for me! but keep listening LOL

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому

      You may find this helpful. It's an upload on our website.

  • @robinbeers6689
    @robinbeers6689 2 роки тому

    Bret, when you say "reference" body weight, does that mean ideal target weight or lean body mass or what?

    • @dietdoctor
      @dietdoctor  2 роки тому +1

      It's basically the same as lean body mass. To simplify matters, on our guide on the website, we use height because even if people don't know their lean body mass or reference body weight, they know how tall they are.