is this for a class?? ive stumbled upon looking up mr moholy-nagy and his work. ive seen web du bois' early graphics but id never considered its existence prior to bauhaus and if i can extrapolate from this lecture, that it may have served to inspire some of the graphic languagr that bauhaus implemented. is there material related to if/how web du bois/american visual understandings, at the time, inspired europeans?
very good
is this for a class?? ive stumbled upon looking up mr moholy-nagy and his work. ive seen web du bois' early graphics but id never considered its existence prior to bauhaus and if i can extrapolate from this lecture, that it may have served to inspire some of the graphic languagr that bauhaus implemented. is there material related to if/how web du bois/american visual understandings, at the time, inspired europeans?