How US Companies Get Away with Fueling Russia’s Military

  • Опубліковано 21 лис 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 5 тис.

  • @johnnyharris
    @johnnyharris  9 місяців тому +193

    Use code JOHNNYHARRIS at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan:

    • @bonteski2997
      @bonteski2997 9 місяців тому +11

      you can just ship the parts to Bulgaria or Serbia or Hungary and they will resell to Russia. Its not a big deal , and of all people you should know better, its trade and economy . It has noting to do with " Fueling Russia’s Military'

    • @howIsee1t
      @howIsee1t 9 місяців тому +6

      You need to make next video about how to open shell company and way to enter in to the business😂, love the detail analysis.

    • @glass8289
      @glass8289 9 місяців тому

      Why USA and EU Sanctioned russian oil but not Russian diesel and Nuclear supplies? Hypocrisy is a way of life in west.

    • @makisekurisu4674
      @makisekurisu4674 9 місяців тому +1

      It's insane how technologically advanced the Us really is.
      If you discount the us, people in the rest of the world would be living 30+years in the past.

    • @virentovoshe6773
      @virentovoshe6773 9 місяців тому

      Aren't you afraid they're going to come after you now, after making this video?

  • @TylerOrchowski
    @TylerOrchowski 9 місяців тому +2813

    I work in this industry and would like to add some detail and context to Johnny's video. First off, this was an accurate explanation of how parts get where they aren't supposed to go. Kudos there. What is important to understand though is that these aren't military or space grade chips. Those can handle heat and vibration and radiation and are pretty well controlled by our government, with an extreme price tag accompanying them. The trick is, consumer electronics are advanced enough now that you can fly a missile with the same parts in your car, or washing machine, or phone. The parts Russia is getting are used everywhere, and as a result it's nearly impossible to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands. This phenomenon is the same one that has enabled cheap consumer drones to be modified to deliver explosives in the conflict. This level of performance is commonplace and cheap now.

    • @ronblack7870
      @ronblack7870 9 місяців тому +51

      so lets impose a tax on all these chips and use it to build weapons for ukrae

    • @IgorKravchenko_
      @IgorKravchenko_ 9 місяців тому +154

      As far as I know, the choice of using western consumer grade electronics in military hardware in Russia was made exactly to easily source these components when the sanctions are implemented. It seems this strategy worked quite well.
      I remember that several years ago in Russia one of military jets crashed and they were disassembling some black-box related stuff live on TV, and people noticed right away that it was made of off-the-shelf parts you could buy in a shop next door and there was an outrage inside the country about it presuming that it is obviously a flaw. May be it wasn't indeed.

    • @p382742937423y4
      @p382742937423y4 9 місяців тому +11

      Yes, that is true. Still.... shit

    • @certainperson9869
      @certainperson9869 9 місяців тому +73

      Thanks for adding the context. This is an important point to this video.

    • @isaacvelazco2111
      @isaacvelazco2111 9 місяців тому +41

      The food industry has traceability, lot numbers, batches, so you can draw a line of a product to even take it out of the shelves at the store. I bet that for chips is not that different. However, I think that sales managers in this US companies are going to get a big bonuses at the end of every year (and accionist their part) while the war is in process.
      If you have a record of your clients from the last five years, you could easily tell which new clients (whevever they are or there name is) are at the end of the day, Russia, there is a economic benefit and interest to sell this by companies in the US that is not considered in the video.

  • @marloyt7786
    @marloyt7786 9 місяців тому +1275

    These companies are the lords of war. The only people who don't lose in conflicts.

    • @onnnn111
      @onnnn111 9 місяців тому +37

      Great Nicholas Cage film

    • @Gigusx
      @Gigusx 9 місяців тому +19

      ​@@onnnn111 Makes me wanna watch it again. There was another one (War Dogs) about dealing arms with Jonah Hill that also was good.

    • @СергейВампир-л6в
      @СергейВампир-л6в 9 місяців тому

      Преподавание в палестинских школах, находящихся под управлением Агентства Организации Объединенных Наций для помощи и организации работ (БАПОР), тем, пронизанных антисемитизмом и насилием, а также наем учителей, связанных с террористическими организациями, способствовали экстремизму, который лег в основу резни, устроенной ХАМАСом на юге Израиля 7 октября, заявили эксперты 30 января подкомитету Конгресса США, пишет журналист "The Algemeiner" Дион Дж. Пьер.
      Израильская организация по надзору за образованием "Impact-se" предоставила свои показания на фоне новостей о том, что США и десять других стран приостановили финансирование БАПОР из-за обвинений в том, что дюжина его сотрудников участвовала в зверствах ХАМАСа и что около 12000 из них связаны с террористами. "Мы знаем, что сотрудники БАПОР принимали участие в этой бойне, но это были не несколько паршивых парней, скорее, у учреждения прогнили все внутренности", - заявил генеральный директор "Impact-se" Маркус Шефф Комитету по надзору и подотчетности Палаты представителей США по иностранным делам. "Откуда мы знаем? Мы знаем это, исследуя образовательную инфраструктуру БАПОР. Тамошние учебники учат, что евреи - лжецы и мошенники, распространяющие коррупцию, которая приведет к их уничтожению. Школьников учат, как перерезать шеи врагу, а сожжение евреев в автобусе празднуют как вечеринку с барбекю".
      По данным Госдепартамента, американская помощь БАПОР была приостановлена, поскольку правительственные чиновники готовят "тщательное и быстрое расследование" причастности агентства к терроризму. США являются самым щедрым благотворителем агентства, предоставив ему 340 миллионов долларов в 2022 году. "БАПОР играет решающую роль в предоставлении жизненно важной помощи палестинцам, включая необходимое питание, лекарства, жилье и другую жизненно важную гуманитарную поддержку. Их работа спасла жизни, и важно, чтобы БАПОР рассмотрело эти обвинения и приняло все соответствующие корректирующие меры, включая пересмотр существующей политики и процедур", - заявил 26 января пресс-секретарь Госдепартамента США Мэтью Миллер.
      Во время слушаний 30 января Шефф заявил, что пропаганда антисемитизма и террора в школах БАПОР и события 7 октября неразрывно связаны между собой. ""Impact-se" уже много лет предупреждает о последствиях такого воспитания ненависти, и я спрашиваю вас: что БАПОР может предложить следующему поколению палестинцев? Токсичные учебники, которые слишком часто преподают учителя - экстремисты? Проще говоря, БАПОР не соответствует своей цели", - заметил он.
      В течение более двух часов комитет Палаты представителей по иностранным делам выслушивал выступления других экспертов (и время от времени критиков), в том числе Ричарда Голдберга из Фонда защиты демократии (FDD), Хиллеля Нойера из "UN Watch" и профессора Университета Вирджинии Мары Рудман. Они описали опасную как для израильтян, так и для палестинцев ситуацию, которая требует немедленного внимания мирового сообщества, хотя иногда и расходились во мнениях относительно того, что следует делать сейчас. "Когда вы смотрите на подстрекательство к насилию, которое продолжается десятилетиями, когда люди которые из поколения в поколение верят, что они - беженцы, ожидающие возвращения в то, что сегодня является Израилем, чтобы сбросить евреев в море, то 7 октября становится логическим завершением образования в школах БАПОР", - рассказал комитету Гольдберг. "Это, конечно, то, чему они обучали поколения, как использовать ресурсы, которые мы предоставили этим террористическим организациям для помощи в выполнении этой миссии. БАПОР является проблемой. БАПОР является частью того, что произошло 7 октября, и это будет происходить снова, если мы продолжим его финансировать".
      Мара Рудман защищала роль БАПОР как агентства социальных услуг для палестинцев, но объяснила, что его чиновники были "ханжескими" и "слепыми" в отношении проблем внутри организации. "Помощь США БАПОР является ключом к удовлетворению основных потребностей палестинцев, особенно в секторе Газа, и имеет решающее значение для безопасности Израиля и безопасности США", - заметила Рудман. "Чтобы возобновить эту помощь, нам нужна структура для оценки того, что пошло не так с агентством и можно ли это исправить с помощью внутренней реформы или требуется передача ответственности другой организации, внутри или за пределами ООН. Разработка и надзор за аудитом, необходимым для такой оценки, должны осуществляться за пределами БАПОР - вне всякого сомнения".
      Какая организация, такой и директор
      В заключение Рудман заявила, что помощь БАПОР должна быть возобновлена, пока ее деятельность тщательно изучает внешняя организация, настаивая на том, что гуманитарный кризис в секторе Газа распространится на весь Ближний Восток, поставив под угрозу безопасность США и Израиля. Многие, в том числе некоммерческая организация "Движение по борьбе с антисемитизмом" (CAM), не хотят возобновления финансирования агентства. "Сегодняшние слушания только подтвердили то, что мы знали уже давно: БАПОР никогда не будет партнером, которому можно будет доверять в достижении своей цели - служении благосостоянию палестинского народа", - говорится в заявлении организации, опубликованном 30 января. "Соединенные Штаты и их союзники должны полностью и навсегда сократить финансирование БАПОР и найти альтернативные механизмы для удовлетворения гуманитарных потребностей палестинского гражданского населения, не подрывая при этом безопасность израильтян".

    • @canchero724
      @canchero724 9 місяців тому +11

      War is truly the most profitable industry there is.

    • @Getoffthepitch
      @Getoffthepitch 9 місяців тому +1

      Yeah that's why the revenue dropped so hard for all semiconductor companies last quarter 😅😂

  • @SC-zg6iv
    @SC-zg6iv 9 місяців тому +5670

    Glad to finally understand why Texas Instruments charges $200 for calculators 😑

    • @worldoadobe
      @worldoadobe 9 місяців тому +154

      $200 for calculators???

    • @bondrewdthelordofdawn3744
      @bondrewdthelordofdawn3744 9 місяців тому +84

      200 for calculator?The f ?

    • @petrichor259
      @petrichor259 9 місяців тому


    • @somone1437
      @somone1437 9 місяців тому +82

      they put their mouth where the money is. I dont trust the companies, yet i cant do anything...yet. Vote for politicians who actually does less shady than right stuff

    • @Tensho_C
      @Tensho_C 9 місяців тому +419

      ppl surprised there are expensive calculators have not done math above algebra lmao

  • @EricBussman
    @EricBussman 9 місяців тому +93

    One thing I'd like to note that Johnny didn't really touch on... These chips are not military grade. So they don't have the durability or general reliability that military grade does, which are heavily controlled and cost a lot more money. But these are regular consumer grade chips that all our cars, phones and calculators have. Which makes it very hard to regulate, nearly impossible

    • @ShayCovers
      @ShayCovers 8 місяців тому +1


    • @EricBussman
      @EricBussman 8 місяців тому

      @@ShayCovers it's common knowledge. You're gonna have to do a little Google searching for something to read on it. The military chips are highly controlled and cost more. I'm sure you can find some good stuff to read on it if you search for it

    • @EricBussman
      @EricBussman 8 місяців тому

      @@ShayCovers It's common knowledge. You're gonna have to do a little Google searching to read something on it. The military chips are highly controlled and cost more. I'm sure you can find some good stuff to read on it if you search for it

    • @harrietxo2310
      @harrietxo2310 6 місяців тому +2

      He did in another video!

    • @RebelMan-
      @RebelMan- 5 місяців тому +6

      It doesnt matter if it’s Military grade or consumer grade. Both are basically the same product. Military grade means it can handle higher temps and vibrations compared to consumer grade. Both can be used in weapons. At the end, you have tons of IC brokers around the world buying out IC inventories from manufacturers and selling them to any company that wants them legally as long as they have paperwork. It’s impossible to know if you are selling to a shell company or to another new broker.

  • @LuisLascanoValarezo
    @LuisLascanoValarezo 9 місяців тому +1575

    "The only way to certainly win a war is to support both sides"
    - Italy at Some point

    • @gianlucamagi1635
      @gianlucamagi1635 9 місяців тому +7


    • @A86270
      @A86270 9 місяців тому

      lol except here no one will win until poisoned west stop feeding Ukriane...this would be over if not for globalist agenda

    • @jsillyv86
      @jsillyv86 9 місяців тому +23

      Sounds like someone stays at home watching UA-cam

    • @karezaalonso7110
      @karezaalonso7110 9 місяців тому

      French banks were helping Germany during WWII to prolong the war because they were making a "killing" on the interest payments.

    • @scriptself6092
      @scriptself6092 9 місяців тому +4

      That a little bit doesn't make any sense

  • @Walliin
    @Walliin 9 місяців тому +566

    War has always been very profitable for certain groups of people…
    “The more things change, the more they stay the same”

    • @Sublllll
      @Sublllll 9 місяців тому

      Most solid comment here!

    • @USSAnimeNCC-
      @USSAnimeNCC- 9 місяців тому

      And capitalists or anyone in the far act like capitalism haven't killed people while pointing how communism killed people the irony

    • @simulatednatas
      @simulatednatas 9 місяців тому +1

      If we let them, US is profiting from all wars in the world

    • @blackmamba___
      @blackmamba___ 9 місяців тому +6

      I definitely chose the wrong career path 😔

    • @Jozamendo
      @Jozamendo 9 місяців тому +2

      Correctomundo. . Wealthy will make bank while innocents will die..

  • @victor.randolph
    @victor.randolph 9 місяців тому +511

    “WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious.” Smedley D. Butler - 1935

    • @xyx4266
      @xyx4266 9 місяців тому +11

      During COVID ppl were scared indoors while these mofos around the world were sketching the boundaries of the new map, like Ribbentrop-Molotov - ez...makes sense now.

    • @snizami
      @snizami 9 місяців тому +1

      Yet Harris even concludes the piece by painting the OEMs as somehow well meaning but largely helpless actors in the face of an inherently intractable issue; instead of greedy global war profiteers who are happy to see these toxic dynamics continue.

    • @БранеБогуновић
      @БранеБогуновић 9 місяців тому +1

      @@xyx4266 true...

    • @Mo-jp8ty
      @Mo-jp8ty 9 місяців тому

      lool the imagery is funny@@xyx4266

    • @apocolypse11
      @apocolypse11 9 місяців тому +4

      Lol this guy in the video sounds worried n paranoid. 1935 they knew this already. Stay ahead of the curve n worried about yourself.

  • @mohammadyounes645
    @mohammadyounes645 9 місяців тому +310

    Conclusion : Sanctions means closing a door and opening a 1,000 windows.

    • @BenYamunma
      @BenYamunma 9 місяців тому +6

      Tell that too Cuba

    • @Алексей-ч2ф9л
      @Алексей-ч2ф9л 7 місяців тому +14

      @@BenYamunma It is impossible to simply take and isolate 1/6 of the planet; despite sanctions, even the United States imports something from Russia. The departure of most companies consisted of a name change. Russia now looks stronger in the eyes of the Middle East, Asia, many countries, it went against the United States and did not break, this gives them an incentive.

    • @Epoch11
      @Epoch11 7 місяців тому +1

      Sounds pretty accurate

    • @2hotflavored666
      @2hotflavored666 7 місяців тому +4

      @@Алексей-ч2ф9л Looks stronger? Half of Russia's army got annihilated by Ukraine, Russia's Black Sea fleet is now a submarine fleet and Prigozhin utterly humiliated Putin, and by extension, Russia.

    • @Алексей-ч2ф9л
      @Алексей-ч2ф9л 7 місяців тому

      @@2hotflavored666 That's just what they tell you. That there is total mobilization in Russia, that missiles are running out, that Russians have nothing to eat, that the economy is destroyed... Don’t you find it funny yourself?

  • @RenéSaussy
    @RenéSaussy 9 місяців тому +1569

    This feels like living in the 1930s but with Wi-Fi and UA-cam.

    • @kotenoklelu3471
      @kotenoklelu3471 9 місяців тому +54

      I don't know. Some people say it's more like before WW1.

    • @dennisp8520
      @dennisp8520 9 місяців тому +64

      It’s because it is history always repeats itself and the events happening these last 20 or so years has been mirroring many events that happened during the early 20th century almost to a T.

    • @benkin155
      @benkin155 9 місяців тому +8

      Expect we are not under the bombs

    • @jeffersonclippership2588
      @jeffersonclippership2588 9 місяців тому

      It's crazy how this war has completely shattered the mythology of WW2. Now we know for a fact that if Hitler had oil he would've been allowed to stomp all over Europe unopposed.

    • @davidhamilton9871
      @davidhamilton9871 9 місяців тому +8

      @@kotenoklelu3471yea it’s completely avoidable and purposeless like ww1. At least there were rational reasons to support ww2

  • @littledoseTM
    @littledoseTM 9 місяців тому +815

    In war is money to be made, especially if you sell to both sides

    • @vasilispatsalidis5683
      @vasilispatsalidis5683 9 місяців тому +66

      Ask Rothchild he specialises in this double dealing.

    • @Sn-ue2pd
      @Sn-ue2pd 9 місяців тому +16

      Self perpetual customer base.

    • @voyog5191
      @voyog5191 9 місяців тому

      Well how about we just don't let them anymore: I am apparently paying for the reordering of NATO weaponry & the chip manufacturing incentives with my tax money, while already wealthy shareholders are increasingly gobbling it all up. So I believe I have the obligation to track down Employees and Engineers, if necessary over social media, working in those Companies, who should refuse to be part of this dirty con-game played by their Employers.

    • @protic4
      @protic4 9 місяців тому +43

      Profits over lives. Long live capitalism!

    • @somone1437
      @somone1437 9 місяців тому +3

      they put their mouth where the money is. I dont trust the companies, yet i cant do anything...yet. Vote for politicians who actually does less shady than right stuff

  • @TringmotionCoUk
    @TringmotionCoUk 9 місяців тому +796

    I can't find the quotes now, but Standard Oil was supplying Germany with specialist gearbox oils (among other things) via Panama. When investigated the CEO (possibly) said to the investigation "the needs of shareholders are more important than the needs of the government".
    Ford and GM were also somewhat complicit IMHO

    • @sharpfangs37
      @sharpfangs37 9 місяців тому +1

      For starters, you should know that By 1940, Standard Oil no longer existed; it was disbanded due to antitrust laws.🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @EriK8520
      @EriK8520 9 місяців тому +83

      Money is always more important to psychopaths than lives.

    • @sharpfangs37
      @sharpfangs37 9 місяців тому

      By 1940, Standard Oil no longer existed; it was disbanded due to antitrust laws.

    • @SiaarZH
      @SiaarZH 9 місяців тому

      Not always money, some people like the founder of Royal Dutch Shell - Henri Deterding - were simply Nazis at heart. They donated before the war and once the war started saw no conflict of interest.

    • @ctriis
      @ctriis 9 місяців тому +98

      It's not just about "psychopaths". The entire US economy, the way it is structured, relies on "fiduciary responsibility", which in practice has been turned into "money and growth is worth more than human lives and humans' health".

  • @427SuperSnake1
    @427SuperSnake1 7 місяців тому +31

    We did the same to them. We got the majority of the Titanium necessary to build the SR-71 from them. By use of shell companies that filtered the material to our military.

    • @Indian_2109
      @Indian_2109 Місяць тому +1

      Yes you're right they can't control who will be the one gets chips it's all about the intrest , they made Russia looks evil but it isn't. when Russia enters ukraine, it's threat for their sovereignty but when us enters in Afghanistan, veitnam and many countries it is for freedom and democracy

  • @hattielankford4775
    @hattielankford4775 9 місяців тому +431

    Chip companies: Wow! We're suddenly selling a lot more chips on a steady basis while wars surprisingly go on and on. How fortuitous and not related! No need to look behind the curtain. 🙄

    • @Obi_01
      @Obi_01 9 місяців тому +81

      lol straight up. Oh this vacation island just purchased $200 million worth of equipment? That’s odd. Ship it tho

    • @networkgeekstuff9090
      @networkgeekstuff9090 9 місяців тому +29

      Don't instantly blame the chip companies, it is more about the middle-man looking for a quick buck here. If you are texas instruments and someone from Turkey, Hungary, Serbia or India orders 500 chips, you do not know if that goes to a car or to a missile. Some of the chips listed are very much general purpose chips. The better question you should be asking HOW do you help the middle man to get his margins so high, that Russia will not be able to affort many of them. Or worst case export tax of 50% for any chip leaving western country.

    • @Obi_01
      @Obi_01 9 місяців тому

      @@networkgeekstuff9090 we’re not talking of 500 chips going to shell companies. We’re talking about $200 million worth of chips going to shell companies. The chip manufacturers are smart enough and equipped enough to verify their customers. If a UA-camr can do it (with limited information), a corporation can do it. But they won’t because that’s would be putting something over profits which is a sin

    • @llamingo696
      @llamingo696 9 місяців тому +12

      Free market mate

    • @hattielankford4775
      @hattielankford4775 9 місяців тому

      @@networkgeekstuff9090 Are you telling me that chip companies aren't basing stockholder value and growth projections on the numbers they have? Are you telling me it wouldn't be bad for them, profit-wise, if they weren't able to sell those chips to sanctioned entities, through middlemen or not? I may not have an answer, but I can see a problem. This reminds me of other companies whose product lines include at least parts or materials acquired* through child labor and unsafe conditions, just outsourced. They also claimed they didn't know, and they still profited from it. There has to be a better answer.

  • @cannedtoast
    @cannedtoast 9 місяців тому +308

    I appreciate how you credit the news outlets for using their reporting to build your map. Nice work.

    • @Omnigreen
      @Omnigreen 9 місяців тому +3

      Map with Crimea as russia for some reason btw

    • @fatherofchristmas
      @fatherofchristmas 9 місяців тому +17

      @@Omnigreen Crimeans consider themselves Russians. Good luck arguing with them.

    • @markkonigman7369
      @markkonigman7369 9 місяців тому +2

      @@fatherofchristmasthey’ll tell you that many Crimeans consider themselves as Ukrainian citizens, but they are not a majority but minority

    • @olek640
      @olek640 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@@fatherofchristmas [sarcasm]People in Texas consider themselfs as Mexican. Why Texas is on US map but not on Mexican?[\sarcasm]

    • @fatherofchristmas
      @fatherofchristmas 9 місяців тому +5

      @@markkonigman7369 All Crimeans consider themselves Russian citizens, no exceptions, no minorities.

  • @justincloward3362
    @justincloward3362 9 місяців тому +324

    We did the same thing with titanium for the SR-71 Blackbird during the Cold War.

    • @TommyShlong
      @TommyShlong 9 місяців тому +20

      CIA was pretty slick

    • @AndRei-yc3ti
      @AndRei-yc3ti 9 місяців тому +71

      The difference is most of these missiles that are in this video using western components were at the beginning of the war. Now they are using Chinese or local components. Most of them aren't hard to produce and Russia has its own fab. It only used Western components previously because it was easier.

    • @sharpasacueball
      @sharpasacueball 9 місяців тому +3


    • @muramasa870
      @muramasa870 9 місяців тому +7

      ​@@AndRei-yc3tiI call big cap on that. Iranian Shaheed drones are still full of western and european components

    • @AndRei-yc3ti
      @AndRei-yc3ti 9 місяців тому

      @muramasa870 who told you that? Iran is under pretty severe sanctions and has been for a decade. Quite unlikely they are able to source good components in large enough quantities for thwt

  • @audiomxr
    @audiomxr 9 місяців тому +11

    Great Reporting - so much learned in this video. Well done team.

  • @OlssonDaniel
    @OlssonDaniel 9 місяців тому +316

    A few months ago, Johnny spook about hiring a composer to do his music. That part got stuck in me and it really shows in this video how good that composer is. The music is discreet yet very effective in amplifying Johnny's massage.
    Oh, a good video in general but hats of to the composer.

    • @Crashyocean
      @Crashyocean 9 місяців тому +3

      Could you share the link? I would like to see that. Thanks

    • @freedomishavingachoice3020
      @freedomishavingachoice3020 9 місяців тому +13

      Tom Fox did a really good job on this ambient backing. He has a website in the description of this video. Thanks for complimenting them!

    • @Cybersawz
      @Cybersawz 9 місяців тому +3

      The music at times drowns out the narration. So no, I wouldn't call that discreet.

    • @matthewstubbs4413
      @matthewstubbs4413 9 місяців тому

      No one will read this
      If you can research this then the western military and nato can.
      This is more of the elite not just companies for money is actually to coordinate war for years and influence society to their specific will.
      Doesn't mean peace until billions die with convincing the people to kill eqch other through war , pandemic ,taking vaccines , food supplies contamination and land exploitation through over charging and selling to the private sector , making more of us more compact

    • @allemagneproducer
      @allemagneproducer 9 місяців тому

      lol, but i really wouldnt have noticed it tho!!

  • @c1ph3rpunk
    @c1ph3rpunk 9 місяців тому +300

    3 decades ago this sort of news would have spawned congressional investigation. We’ve devolved to the point of “yea, so, we all know what’s going on” and let them continue to operate.

    • @excentrik5725
      @excentrik5725 9 місяців тому

      Well, the important thing is that USA and EU cant stop virtue signaling about how theyre doing their best to stop evil Putin. LoL

    • @somone1437
      @somone1437 9 місяців тому +9

      they put their mouth where the money is. I dont trust the companies, yet i cant do anything...yet. Vote for politicians who actually does less shady than right stuff

    • @envybartowski8519
      @envybartowski8519 9 місяців тому +21

      @@somone1437 *voting* hahaha

    • @muramasa870
      @muramasa870 9 місяців тому +15

      Yes american political system is now a joke

    • @ioanbotez7128
      @ioanbotez7128 9 місяців тому +16

      I hate to break it to you, but this kind of stuff was very common back in the cold War. Among at ton of other things, my country stole the Leopard tank engine back when it was still fairly new and cutting edge. Then bought the parts needed to build a factory for it through the mechanism described in this video.

  • @colekarrh9114
    @colekarrh9114 9 місяців тому +269

    Nice to see some good old fashion war journalism

      @ILOVELEESIN 9 місяців тому +3

      Yes, but can we the people actually put an end to this. Innocent people on both sides are paying the price.

    • @MattAngiono
      @MattAngiono 9 місяців тому

      ​@@ILOVELEESINit could have ended almost immediately had Ukraine been reasonable.
      But you're right.
      Corrupt leaders on the west wanting to weaken Russia made Ukraine refuse to follow through on terms or had already negotiated to bring a peaceful resolution.
      Look how that turned out....
      Ukraine has destroyed itself in this delusional childish way of acting. An entire generation of them has been obliterated.
      So sad

    • @MattAngiono
      @MattAngiono 9 місяців тому +7

      I'm sure you could find better.
      Look up Scott Ritter or Max Blumenthal and the Grayzone...
      Way better war journalism that isn't biased towards America

    • @lushbIood
      @lushbIood 9 місяців тому +2

      ​@MattAngiono the guy literally said Americans are feeding Russians weapons, the bias is against America.

    • @xxg6573
      @xxg6573 9 місяців тому

      @@lushbIoodThat’s how propaganda usually works.

  • @stmithra
    @stmithra 9 місяців тому +23

    Thank you Johnny for not forgetting about this war

  • @ericfan1223
    @ericfan1223 9 місяців тому +128

    I sold these components for over a year in the DC area. I repped UMS, Teledyne e2v, Psemi, Nuvotronics and others who sold chips and radio equipment to firms like VICOR, PCTel, Hughes, NGC, and gov. IT is crazy. Happy for this video.

    • @ericfan1223
      @ericfan1223 9 місяців тому +11

      We sold the military and space grade zilinx and other processors and electronics. They made so much money on programs that would have their funding pulled.

    • @ericfan1223
      @ericfan1223 9 місяців тому +14

      And let me tell you. the market is so small, and I BET that the firms want Russia and others to buy their shit. I repped firms who had to stop-sale everything as soon as russia attacked Ukraine.

    • @ericfan1223
      @ericfan1223 9 місяців тому +3

      nxp and altera lol

    • @frsr416
      @frsr416 9 місяців тому +8

      @@ericfan1223 what stocks do you hold that will make me money from this war

    • @lushbIood
      @lushbIood 9 місяців тому

      ​@frsr416 hehe my man 😎

  • @jasongauthier8567
    @jasongauthier8567 9 місяців тому +107

    Well done Johnny, and team very informative!
    I work for one of the chip company mentioned and i can assure that we get trained every year to identify when chip go to embargoed countries.
    The bad guys are smart and don't make it easy to track their behavior.
    Not to mention that when you manufacture more than 10 billion transistors every second, a few thousands of chip via a few douzens of shell companies can easily go unnoticed and make it very hard to crack.

    • @sophia5808
      @sophia5808 9 місяців тому

      But can you take for example hundred of these orders that will go to Russia and fake them? Like making something that their engineers can't repair but that looks believable enough to put in a rocket? Your company will receive money but rocket won't fly. Win-Win.
      Maybe it sounds stupid but I am just curious

    • @PeterDB90
      @PeterDB90 9 місяців тому +12

      I work for a company that files certain reports, and depending on the client's size, the reports can be enormous. We're an office of 10 people and sometimes the reports reach 10,000 pages and we try our best to review them to catch any mistakes but 10,000 pages is not easy to get through - we can't put every single one of our employees on it, so even if 4 of them are reviewing, that's still 2,500 pages per person (some of them have to be referenced back and forth between other pages to verify that everything is correct). Assuming you can get through a page in 5-10 seconds, which is decent time, it would take you between 3 and a half to 7 hours to go through 2500 pages, and that's if you maintain absolute focus which is impossible.

    • @sukosuko1
      @sukosuko1 9 місяців тому +4

      @@PeterDB90 any people wonder why everything in america costs 5x more than it should.

    • @jintype2984
      @jintype2984 9 місяців тому +1

      @@sukosuko1 yeah, but if they didn't do that, more components for the Russians to make their missiles😢

    • @milkdrinker7
      @milkdrinker7 9 місяців тому +1

      ​@@jintype2984not to be the pessimistic type but it seems to me like that ship has already sailed.

  • @SprayArtNYC
    @SprayArtNYC 9 місяців тому +123

    Thank you for doing this investigation. We tend to overlook these things but they cost peoples lives :(

    • @martinvigil-mh9nf
      @martinvigil-mh9nf 9 місяців тому

      Your right but at the same time most people don't care it's the sad truth if we don't benefit we don't give a dam until it's to late. And what is to late when it starts affecting our wallets then that's when we start wanting to know what the fucking is happening 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @neoanderz
    @neoanderz 9 місяців тому +145

    Bloody hell Johnny, this is something normal TV news would never report on. Videos like these should go viral! You are the best in the business when it comes to reporting great news!

    • @d1namis
      @d1namis 9 місяців тому +3

      Because it's not critical review prof. If you try to google components that he showed in the video, not just in info-graphics, but also in photographs, you will quickly notice that most of Rocket components of Russia rockets are 1985 to 2007 years of production, most of them are discontinued in 2007 and most of them have cheaper China clones or alternatives. This video is very confusing.

    • @dinobot_maximize
      @dinobot_maximize 9 місяців тому +2

      it did go viral, 1.3m views. but what are those 1.3m viewers going to do about it. nothing.

    • @Ahmed-li4bw
      @Ahmed-li4bw 9 місяців тому

      @@d1namis bro google is not reliable when it comes to these things and you need a deep research

    • @marvinbrando722
      @marvinbrando722 8 місяців тому

      It will not happen. To start, people want to be lied. It is easier to live in a lie.
      In fact, people will hate this. All of those viewers of MSNBC, CNN, FOX, NBC, ETC, ETC, they want to be lied, period.
      The truth like this, deep state, etc, etc, they will hate it.

  • @rangersraven1453
    @rangersraven1453 9 місяців тому +230

    The problems is that you can cut down on the chips and stuff, but they can go and order 200 units of TI86 to Hong Kong, then send them to Russia. Because the chips INSIDE of TI 86 can also be used to fire a missile. There is no way of stopping them unless you just close off all trades. And that is a thing they will never do.

    • @jozefsnopek352
      @jozefsnopek352 9 місяців тому +33

      if chips in the TI86 could be used to navigate a missile, then Russia needs not to import it. At this level of complexity, they can manufacture it themselves.
      Western companies that manufacture such specialized chips should really be forced to do due diligence on the end-customer of their chips. And selling such chips to shell companies should be excluded altogether. And I mean if a company in Maldives orders bunch of chips without having any industry that can require them, it is such a red flag.

    • @highondankium3626
      @highondankium3626 9 місяців тому

      I work in this industry and would like to add some detail and context to Johnny's video. First off, this was an accurate explanation of how parts get where they aren't supposed to go. Kudos there. What is important to understand though is that these aren't military or space grade chips. Those can handle heat and vibration and radiation and are pretty well controlled by our government, with an extreme price tag accompanying them. The trick is, consumer electronics are advanced enough now that you can fly a missile with the same parts in your car, or washing machine, or phone. The parts Russia is getting are used everywhere, and as a result it's nearly impossible to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands. This phenomenon is the same one that has enabled cheap consumer drones to be modified to deliver explosives in the conflict. This level of performance is commonplace and cheap now.@@jozefsnopek352

    • @dialecticalmonist3405
      @dialecticalmonist3405 9 місяців тому

      ​​@@jozefsnopek352The problem with economics, is that is not compatible with socialist thinking.
      Socialists think they can micromanage their way to power, but they can't. This is why both socialism and socialists lose lose lose lose.
      Cut off your own exports, and watch the nearly destroyed, useless dollar finally become worthless. And all the socialists in the world can't shed enough tears to change this reality.
      Absolute world tyranny is the only "solution" to socialists having any chance of defeating markets.

    • @СтражникПравды
      @СтражникПравды 9 місяців тому +12

      @@jozefsnopek352 Therefore, all these stories about chips are one big fiction. We in Russia are surprised how you make big stories out of nothing) It seems to me that this is because you cannot force Russia to retreat (all of your NATO), but then you should at least tell the world that Russia depends on you)

    • @jozefsnopek352
      @jozefsnopek352 9 місяців тому

      @@СтражникПравды Oh boy, the only might Russia possess are nuclear weapons. Without them, NATO would make Russia into a desert in a year. Have you noticed that Russia cannot establish air superiority over Ukraine? Russia is actually a poor country with a lot of natural resources. Armed to the teeth fuel station. The only competitive export of Russian technology is nuclear reactors. Yes, Russia can manufacture some primitive chips, but maybe buying the consumer (not MIL versions) version of chips from the West is cheaper than home manufacturing, since it may be super inefficient, like all of Russia.

  • @monolith2001
    @monolith2001 9 місяців тому +88

    So hard not to be completely and hopelessly cynical about the world we live in.

    • @danceswith7wolves
      @danceswith7wolves 9 місяців тому +7

      That's where the pharmaceutical companies come in

    • @CdschW2
      @CdschW2 7 місяців тому

      Well, everyone sees financial opportunity in This war to make their life better so why not ?

  • @ImOnGearSoWhat
    @ImOnGearSoWhat Місяць тому +1

    The most effective method would be that western companies can’t ship chips to any company that isn’t at least 10 years old.

  • @awood12345
    @awood12345 9 місяців тому +290

    Surely, the companies that make the chips hold some responsibility. They should be able to do some basic research into who they sell to.

    • @michaellee3903
      @michaellee3903 9 місяців тому +100

      In an ideal world yes, but let's be real these American microelectronic companies care more about their bottom line and aren't going to jeapordize their sales and income just to support an international war effort.

    • @steph4356
      @steph4356 9 місяців тому +56

      Dont matter who they sell to, as said here, the original buyer could just sell it to another seller in the spider web either willingly or unaware who the final destination of those chips are

    • @bondrewdthelordofdawn3744
      @bondrewdthelordofdawn3744 9 місяців тому +1

      It is what it is

    • @OKOK-hm2is
      @OKOK-hm2is 9 місяців тому +12

      Most of the information obtained in this investigation has been revesre-tracked. If you have specific chip, with serial number you can try to track its path.
      But when you have few thouthands of inquiries, how do you know who is gonna re-sell chips to someone who may re-sell them to Russians?

    • @Comrade-Canuck
      @Comrade-Canuck 9 місяців тому

      I'm sure they know, profit is what runs the world. Lives are the last concern of private companies.
      He'll, the Nestle Company literally killed 10 fucking million babies.

  • @hercoldestson5240
    @hercoldestson5240 9 місяців тому +44

    This same thing happened with Ford Motor company and WW2. Ford continued to make tanks and other war materials.

  • @Toastyhere681
    @Toastyhere681 9 місяців тому +82

    Kudos to the graphics audio teams- beautiful work! And ofcourse the journalism as well.

    • @duffal0
      @duffal0 9 місяців тому

      Yeah he lost a fan with this one

  • @petemchardy3605
    @petemchardy3605 9 місяців тому +6

    Hi Johnny I've just watch your video thanks man for the info you have a new subscriber

  • @randxalthor
    @randxalthor 9 місяців тому +108

    The US used this technique to buy the titanium from the USSR for building the SR-71. In this case, Russia is buying small (yes, 100 units is small) amounts of cheap chips. Hunting these transactions down is like finding a needle in a haystack. We have ITAR export restrictions, but they're only so effective for these small transactions, especially through front companies. We have to keep tracking down which companies are placing these orders and blacklisting them, as well as running HUMINT operations to cut off the business links to Russian companies in the first place.

    • @asdasd-by4hm
      @asdasd-by4hm 9 місяців тому +2

      Maybe that’s a stupid question but why US doesn’t just backdoor the chips or smth

    • @mactep1
      @mactep1 9 місяців тому +8

      @@asdasd-by4hm you don't know which chips are actually going to Russia.

    • @sircrapalot9954
      @sircrapalot9954 9 місяців тому

      @@asdasd-by4hmputting a backdoor into every consumer-grade chip, in the expectation a few of them get diverted and you can spy on Russia, would be exponentially more damaging to Western Industry.
      Semi related: when the NSA lost control of several key hacking tools, those weapons were turned against the US and the rest of the world in the form of the 2017 WannaCry and NotPetya worm attacks that cost billions in damage.
      Backdoors and exploits can work both ways. In free nations where a right and expects of privacy is generally enshrined, the loss of trust and credibility is more damaging to the homeland than the perceived benefit of the exploit in the first place.

    • @matthewstubbs4413
      @matthewstubbs4413 9 місяців тому

      No one will read this
      If you can research this then the western military and nato can.
      This is more of the elite not just companies for money is actually to coordinate war for years and influence society to their specific will.
      Doesn't mean peace until billions die with convincing the people to kill eqch other through war , pandemic ,taking vaccines , food supplies contamination and land exploitation through over charging and selling to the private sector , making more of us more compact

    • @crhu319
      @crhu319 6 місяців тому

      Can't possibly work. The war is for profit and these companies get theirs.

  • @mackenziemccutcheon5169
    @mackenziemccutcheon5169 9 місяців тому +140

    If you can’t make money during a war, you flat out cannot make money - Varrick

    • @AbdulGoodLooks
      @AbdulGoodLooks 9 місяців тому +3

      > Blows up an embassy and blames it on the Northern Water Tribe.
      > Makes propaganda films to get the United Republic to join the war on the side of the Southern Water Tribe to sell more weapons.
      > Kidnaps the President.
      > Escapes Prison.
      > Builds literal WMDs for the Earth Empire.
      How this man was able to return to the United Republic so easily and keep all his assets is wild

    • @Sonic_emperor
      @Sonic_emperor 9 місяців тому +1

      You’re a man of culture 👏🏿

  • @valchaars
    @valchaars 9 місяців тому +48

    Reminds me of the quote from Wardogs: “ War is an economy. Anybody who tells you otherwise is either in on it or stupid.”

    • @RomanPiter
      @RomanPiter 9 місяців тому +2

      У нас русских есть пословица "Кому война, а кому мать родна".. рифма. Суть ее в том, что война страшна, а кто-то живет ей..

  • @on__off2923
    @on__off2923 4 місяці тому +1

    I hope you get another EMMY for this. Good work Johhny

  • @christianlainesse4281
    @christianlainesse4281 9 місяців тому +59

    "War is a racket" - Smedley Butler

    • @Shadowx34
      @Shadowx34 9 місяців тому

      I got a feedback report on what I feel and k said informative 😂

  • @jorgebernal8741
    @jorgebernal8741 9 місяців тому +28

    Thank you for having the courage and foresight to make this. Making the public aware of this issue is the first step in solving the problem. Great work!

    • @ognjen73
      @ognjen73 9 місяців тому

      And yet he has 0 curage to talk down on Israel killing more than 30k civilians including kids is Palestine and all done legally with US made weapons..... smh

  • @howIsee1t
    @howIsee1t 9 місяців тому +47

    Here before it gets viral, really good analysis.

  • @djnomadgarcia
    @djnomadgarcia 9 місяців тому +16

    Probably one of the best channels I have come across lately.. , seriously, I have been looking for such simple, pure honest news content quite a long time , Johnny Harris you like Wikipedia version 2.0

    • @logandewey4303
      @logandewey4303 9 місяців тому

      You should check out Real Life Lore as well. I bounce between these two.

    • @r200ti
      @r200ti 9 місяців тому

      Problem is he is anti Russian, and people with that attitude are leading us to WW3. Unbiased people are far better, they think about trade and preserving life. Rather than finding an enemy and destroying yourself over it. Russia would easily work around a lack of US chips so it doesnt even matter.

    • @BSland
      @BSland 8 місяців тому +1

      You know that his stories are bs. They been debunked. He constantly lies and tells half truths. He just sounds and his videos are good

    • @thuytiendang0128
      @thuytiendang0128 7 місяців тому

      ​@@BSland why ? Evidence please ?

  • @Dekedence
    @Dekedence 9 місяців тому +98

    It's almost like war is good for business 🤔

    • @matthewsammut2881
      @matthewsammut2881 9 місяців тому +4

      Businesses: lets supply both sides

    • @DeTrOiTXX12
      @DeTrOiTXX12 9 місяців тому +1

      It always has been, for many centuries.

    • @gaslitworldf.melissab2897
      @gaslitworldf.melissab2897 9 місяців тому

      Beginning in the 20th century, that became so, b/c private banks, rather than the peasants of kingdoms started sponsoring them.

    • @gaslitworldf.melissab2897
      @gaslitworldf.melissab2897 9 місяців тому +3

      @@DeTrOiTXX12 . . .only with decisive victories when soldiers or warriors could loot. So often, however, kingdoms went broke, b/c peasants couldn't pay the higher taxes to pay for implements of war. War once cost way too much and no one benefited from it.

  • @LeaSchmidt-p8q
    @LeaSchmidt-p8q 9 місяців тому +48

    Johnny, this is very important content. No one talks about this and it is driving me insane. Thank you for bringing this up.

    • @movement2contact
      @movement2contact 9 місяців тому

      Twitter is full of this info. But yeah- nothing is being done about it...

    • @PiousSlayer
      @PiousSlayer 9 місяців тому

      Shell companies gonna shell company.
      The U.S built multiple shell companies during the Cold War to source materials such as titanium directly from Russia to make the SR-71's.
      The SR-71's were then used to spy on Russia and others.

    • @mgboltstwitch6921
      @mgboltstwitch6921 9 місяців тому

      Maybe so but I'd rather get my news here then twitter 😂​@@movement2contact

    • @khayablack3305
      @khayablack3305 9 місяців тому

      ​@@movement2contact nothing can be done about it lol they can easily get those chips from mobile phones, TV's, etc.

    • @MrEnjoivolcom1
      @MrEnjoivolcom1 9 місяців тому +2

      It really doesn’t have to be talked about. This is all fairly common sense. Depends how sheltered you are.

  • @prfwrx2497
    @prfwrx2497 9 місяців тому +13

    Shell companies are disposable; operators and their valuable connections aren't.
    Act accordingly.

    • @ryuhabdle9
      @ryuhabdle9 9 місяців тому +2

      Nothing will happen. The US economy needs for these things to happen. We don’t actually want the war to end; not at least before we make some money. Most of both major parties in the US benefit from these activities.

  • @thomaspaine9610
    @thomaspaine9610 9 місяців тому +18

    Are the chips being sold weapons specific or are they generic chips that can also be used for weapons?? This matters..

    • @sion8
      @sion8 9 місяців тому +13

      Most of them are generic.

    • @NadeemAhmed-nv2br
      @NadeemAhmed-nv2br 9 місяців тому +9

      Most chips are generic period

  • @clutteredchicagogarage2720
    @clutteredchicagogarage2720 9 місяців тому +12

    I am an engineer who has done a lot of work with micro-controllers, and I have done some work with hardware companies that make various kinds of controller boards for machinery. I am not an absolute expert, but I know a bit about the market for various kinds of integrated circuits and various kinds of computer chips.
    I 100% sympathize with the aim to cut off Russia from supplies of western computer chips. With that said, I believe that a whack-a-mole approach to shut down all exports of western chips to POTENTIAL middlemen around the world who can re-export them to Russia is probably a Sisyphean problem. Computer chips are cheap, and they're small. Some ICs from Texas Instruments cost as little as a $1, and they're tiny. You could fit thousands of them into a backpack. Someone could purchase them in, for example, Dallas and then fly to Turkey on holiday and hand them over to a middle-man who can take them to Russia.
    I think that rather than whacking the moles, the CIA should feed them rat poison -- the kind of poison that rats bring back to their nests and share with other rats.
    Rather than stopping shipments, which would lead Russians to switch to a different supplier, the CIA should find a set of common key components and then pay a few of the suppliers to manufacture visually-identical but defective products. Once an illegal middleman is uncovered, the CIA should ensure that they receive a shipment of subtly-defective chips. For example, with a GPS chip, it could be made to gradually report defective output. The same could be done with accelerometers. CPUs could be made to have memory errors. Basically, the CIA could study the guidance systems of Russian missiles, determine the key components, and then come up with a way that would cause the rockets to fail and fall out of the sky due to small and subtle errors in components. If the CIA finds some Russian guys in Brooklyn who are shipping chips to Singapore that are then shipped to Kazakhstan, instead of arresting them immediately, monitor them and ship them a batch of subtly-defective chips.
    In that case, Russian industry would spend millions of dollars to manufacture missiles, and an entire batch of missiles would fail AFTER the money is already spent. Companies like Rostec would be crippled because they would struggle to keep track of which chips in their warehouses are or are not defective.

    • @Sneg00vik
      @Sneg00vik 9 місяців тому +1

      Все компоненты предварительно тестируются включая чипы.

    • @clutteredchicagogarage2720
      @clutteredchicagogarage2720 9 місяців тому +2

      @@Sneg00vik Приветствую Иван -- Good luck with that. I am not suggesting that components should simply not work. They should work but with flaws. For example, a 555 timer component could be modified to function properly for the first 5 minutes and then start to malfunction with random outputs. A GPS chip could give correct coordinates for the first 5 minutes and then return random coordinates. The same could be done with gyroscope/accelerometer chips, altimeters, etc. Good luck testing every single integrated circuit that will go into every single board on every piece of Russian equipment. Such a level of testing would slow down production by 90% and require significantly more engineers to produce an equivalent output. This would also accomplish the intended goals.

    • @Sneg00vik
      @Sneg00vik 9 місяців тому

      @@clutteredchicagogarage2720 Ну засунуть заведомо неработающих компонент в устройсто это надо быть совсем профнепригодным =). Я как раз и имел ввиду под тестированием - проверку правильной функциональности компонента. В военке и космосе всё досконально тестируется. Также есть избыточное резервирование почти всех компонентов по партиям/производителям/физическому принципу работы. Именно поэтому военный hi-tech такой дорогой.
      А то, что это замедлит производство - так и есть, поэтому и делаются десятки ракет в месяц а не сотни.

    • @crhu319
      @crhu319 6 місяців тому

      And the bad chips would get into other products, kill people say by starting electrical fires, and then the CIA would be to blame as usual. By then Russia shifts to all native and Chinese chips.

    • @RobespierreThePoof
      @RobespierreThePoof Місяць тому +1

      Yours is probably the most informed and intelligent comment on this message board. It remindes me of Cold War stories about clandestine sabotage.

  • @j.markkrzystofiak9907
    @j.markkrzystofiak9907 9 місяців тому +74

    Couldn’t be less surprised.
    Seems like the whole shell companies thing doesn’t have an upside for the general population. Gee, wonder why those are allowed?

    • @TimHarris-w5q
      @TimHarris-w5q 9 місяців тому +4

      It’s a double edged sword - being able to easily set up a business is a key part of being an entrepreneurial capitalist country such as the US however it does create huge issues because they are so easy to set up

    • @somone1437
      @somone1437 9 місяців тому

      they put their mouth where the money is. I dont trust the companies, yet i cant do anything...yet. Vote for politicians who actually does less shady than right stuff

    • @jeffersonclippership2588
      @jeffersonclippership2588 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@user-xc9le1pm5l it's looking more and more like a single edged sword as time goes by

    • @Out-Of-Service
      @Out-Of-Service 9 місяців тому

      Biden and Trump have dozens of shell companies... wonder what they are hiding? Just another tool for the corrupt elite to use.

    • @jinjunliu2401
      @jinjunliu2401 9 місяців тому +1

      @@jeffersonclippership2588 depends on who, because the other countries not really involved in the war would be fine with getting their economy going through these middle man means

  • @powertothesheeple5422
    @powertothesheeple5422 9 місяців тому +10

    People honestly can't be suprised by this. It's been going on ever since WWII.

  • @user-m5x3s
    @user-m5x3s 9 місяців тому +2

    It's nothing personal, it's just business.
    Al Capone

  • @martinvukovski4370
    @martinvukovski4370 9 місяців тому +54

    I think there is a slight misunderstanding in the real desires of the west. It is not to fully commit to supporting the independence of Ukraine, but it is to play both sides and profit from a conflict that realistically does not involve them. At least the companies in the west seem to follow this logic of playing both sides and I’m not sure if this really is solvable because the monetary incentive is definitely tempting for the corporation owners

    • @themuffinman737
      @themuffinman737 9 місяців тому

      Greed/capitalism encourages war, nothing new

    • @wenterinfaer7868
      @wenterinfaer7868 9 місяців тому +8

      The hardest thing to explain to a Westerner is that governments and corporations are not one entity.

    • @tomy34188
      @tomy34188 9 місяців тому +5

      I think it is crucial to understand that the West is not an individual player that is orchestrated by a single master mind. Rather it consists of a multitude of governments and cooperations that each have their own goals and incentives, and all of which interact with each other in complex networks, which you could call markets or society. And those players often contradict each other. So if somebody is talking about the West it is always important to figure out what exactly they mean by that.

    • @4mb127
      @4mb127 9 місяців тому +2

      That's one narrative, and I'm sure it's also the opinion and intent of some. But it's most definitely not all. Some of us just want to kick Russia out of Ukraine.

    • @jackryan765
      @jackryan765 9 місяців тому +4

      Have you ever seen war dogs. Or other movies like that? This is something that has been happening for a very long time. People play both sides of the fence to profit as much as possible they don't care about anything other then the all mighty dollar.

  • @OperationMegalodon
    @OperationMegalodon 9 місяців тому +34

    Great video as always, Johnny. Thanks for keeping us informed about things that matter🙂

  • @suren2313
    @suren2313 9 місяців тому +19

    Awesome research Johnny
    I never skip your videos

  • @andyb281
    @andyb281 6 місяців тому

    Great stuff. The shell network analysis was exactly what I wanted to know about after watching the Kyiv Independent report.

  • @remiadeoye6788
    @remiadeoye6788 9 місяців тому +30

    Any electronics enthusiast knows these components can come from anywhere. The same component that runs a toaster can be adapted to run a missile. The fact that there are several components from different manufacturers just shows how they make do with what is available which to me is the scary part. They do need to get a specialized Integrated Circuit.

    • @man-by9iz
      @man-by9iz 9 місяців тому +3

      I guess my graphing calculator runs missiles

    • @anonymousadam8950
      @anonymousadam8950 9 місяців тому +12

      @@man-by9izit very realistically could

    • @Justowner
      @Justowner 9 місяців тому +4

      @@man-by9iz Your graphing calculator is more powerful than the computer than got men to the moon on the Apollo landing.

  • @TheMacs1
    @TheMacs1 9 місяців тому +1

    Phenomenal journalism. Way to go @johnnyharris

  • @ChristopherStellarTucker
    @ChristopherStellarTucker 9 місяців тому +34

    Have been inspired by your journalism over the last 3 or 4 years. Great investigation and research.

  • @diegoflores9237
    @diegoflores9237 9 місяців тому +33

    Both the US and Russian defense industries are loving this war

    • @Cyberpsych0_
      @Cyberpsych0_ 9 місяців тому +8

      And stock traders, my defence related index funds have never been so high.

    • @mattolivier1835
      @mattolivier1835 9 місяців тому

      Yup, all the while the evil US gov't is involved, stealing American tax dollars and murdering people.

  • @ronanmorgans6097
    @ronanmorgans6097 9 місяців тому

    I like how Johnny doesn’t try to point the finger, rather he’s focusing on facts and proposing we find a solution.

  • @foxdeleon
    @foxdeleon 9 місяців тому +20

    Please put dates on the news footage. It would be at least easier to reconcile when the reporting happened 🙂

  • @freddyfrancis3955
    @freddyfrancis3955 9 місяців тому +31

    This is the best investigative journalism

    • @iPpBG
      @iPpBG 9 місяців тому

      It's not investigative journalism if the CIA is feeding him info. Johnny is merely a vessel

  • @sectumsempra9813
    @sectumsempra9813 9 місяців тому +22

    Thank you for rising this problem. It’s just surreal.

    • @Menroth.
      @Menroth. 9 місяців тому +3

      It's not surreal, it's business.

    • @allemagneproducer
      @allemagneproducer 9 місяців тому

      i really didnt expect it either. i thought the states were MUCH more strict and sharp minded. i hope nato itself isnt that corrupt.. its the one thing i dont want to stop believing in!! i viewed them as my fkn guardian angel in europe..

    • @organicleaf
      @organicleaf 9 місяців тому

      @@allemagneproducer everyone is corrupt, you just have to figure out their price

    • @vaylard9474
      @vaylard9474 9 місяців тому

      it's crazy that it's new to the outsiders tbh
      i still lived in russia for a year after the war began
      the supply issues were resolved so quickly that i barely even noticed
      westerners were always shocked to learn that we had the latest iphone for about the same price as it used to be

    • @benjamin7114
      @benjamin7114 9 місяців тому +1

      What problem?

  • @thecretthauce8843
    @thecretthauce8843 2 місяці тому +1

    Johnny just now discovering the military industrial complex lol

  • @16Nemezis
    @16Nemezis 9 місяців тому +12

    Thank you for raising this issue!

  • @thanksyoutubefortakingmyhandle
    @thanksyoutubefortakingmyhandle 9 місяців тому +15

    Okay so invest in Vicor, Zilog, Texas Instruments, Intel, got it

  • @patrickhenry1249
    @patrickhenry1249 9 місяців тому +7

    Ironic the Russians are doing the same thing the U.S. did to get Titanium from the USSR for things like the SR-71 during the Cold War. 😂

  • @Abcd2500-m1t
    @Abcd2500-m1t 8 місяців тому +2

    I believe they don't need shell companies to buy these chips they can get it from Chinese and western companies producing chips in china.

  • @kanishqsolanki
    @kanishqsolanki 9 місяців тому +8

    i dont usually comment on videos but the way you demonstrated everything, well done, johnny!

  • @returners
    @returners 9 місяців тому +29

    What is the thought process of revealing the names of the people standing up Shell Companies in HK but not reveal the Dutch or German people at 14:44?

    • @sheesh4129
      @sheesh4129 9 місяців тому +9

      They are aliases

    • @pettahify
      @pettahify 9 місяців тому

      Probably not intended like that. Maybe they could easily find names for HK shell companies, but not for the others.

    • @returners
      @returners 9 місяців тому

      @@sheesh4129 I'm genuinely curious what you've stated is an assumption or if you have additional sources.

    • @returners
      @returners 9 місяців тому

      @@pettahify the sources underneath does state the name of the Dutch individual

  • @Xanos1
    @Xanos1 9 місяців тому +16

    Your production is always on point at this point you’re just flexing lol

  • @parthasart
    @parthasart 8 місяців тому

    Very Nicely Documented

  • @falconeagle3655
    @falconeagle3655 9 місяців тому +10

    Chips can't be sanctioned. These are commodity goods. Its like asking let them starve or die of thirst. It just doesn't work in current world.

  • @Sethastic
    @Sethastic 9 місяців тому +9

    Reading this book “Chip War” really helps you understand the history of chips and the current geopolitical tension surrounding it.

  • @Edddy1337
    @Edddy1337 9 місяців тому +8

    shoutout to Johnny Harris and everyone else who works on these vids

  • @DejanPesovic-t7x
    @DejanPesovic-t7x 9 місяців тому +23

    It's really idiotic to think that sanctions will stop the Russian production of weapons, as well as the story that the Russians are running out of ammunition.😂😂😂😂

  • @alexisherex6086
    @alexisherex6086 9 місяців тому +9

    Wow johnny harris thanks back at it again with these bangers !

  • @soonny002
    @soonny002 9 місяців тому +5

    It is no surprise that sanctions don't work, but it is a real surprise that sanctions lead to better business!

  • @expozition
    @expozition 9 місяців тому +13

    I want you to know that in the center of Brussels, 15 minutes away from the EU headquarters, there are registered companies of Russians (Viktor Labin and his son), their companies supply parts for "daggers" to Russia, etc. and they work and live in Belgium non-stop, according to The Insider (independent media in Russia), you can watch their investigation on their UA-cam channel with subtitles and help spread it

  • @andrewhowie3418
    @andrewhowie3418 9 місяців тому +1


  • @AgitpropPsyop
    @AgitpropPsyop 9 місяців тому +20

    What’s the map program he was using to see how the microchips were making it to Russia??

    • @rst.jxnaaa
      @rst.jxnaaa 9 місяців тому


    • @nachos6745
      @nachos6745 9 місяців тому +3

      Definitely Adobe After Effect

    • @vikkormallansohn6484
      @vikkormallansohn6484 9 місяців тому +8

      AE+GEOlayers. There is video about it on his chanel

    • @Sonnerick2k
      @Sonnerick2k 9 місяців тому

      His imagination...

    • @mejjarsagent227
      @mejjarsagent227 5 місяців тому

      Is what he do for a living don't take him seriously he's a content creator

  • @jameskipp1657
    @jameskipp1657 9 місяців тому +5

    Thanks for doing this story! Agree it is extremely important to bring attention to this.

  • @pneumonoultramicroscopicsi4065
    @pneumonoultramicroscopicsi4065 9 місяців тому +9

    Not possible to stop components reaching Russia unless the way the world economy works is fundamentally changed

  • @groomlake51
    @groomlake51 8 місяців тому

    Amazing content !! I gave up on the TV news 15 years ago and now with your channel I truly feel informed🙏🏻 real hero’s don’t wear capes😎

  • @Lenoch_
    @Lenoch_ 9 місяців тому +19

    Can we just take a moment and appreciate how beautiful all of Johnny's infographics are?

  • @Scorpioking1987
    @Scorpioking1987 9 місяців тому +9

    Thank you for this video

  • @npnarendra23
    @npnarendra23 9 місяців тому +8

    Hey @johnnyharris
    Just want to say I love your content.
    There is one thing I noticed was that the India's map was wrong from the top. I didn't bother to check old videos.
    It's something you can rectify in your future videos.

    • @rapariya_engineering_pvt_ltd
      @rapariya_engineering_pvt_ltd 9 місяців тому +4

      I have unsubscribe his channel for same reason…. He has wrong map in old videos too…

    • @amankumarsingh4497
      @amankumarsingh4497 9 місяців тому +3

      ​@@rapariya_engineering_pvt_ltd I too unsubscribed long back cuz of same reason.

    • @klarheitpictures
      @klarheitpictures 9 місяців тому +1

      Seriously interested what’s wrong about it? Looks like it’s the one you find everywhere on the internet at least? 😅

    • @rapariya_engineering_pvt_ltd
      @rapariya_engineering_pvt_ltd 9 місяців тому +4

      @@klarheitpictures you don’t find our Lakshadweep islands into another country maldives. Country’s map is also distorted. He has typical usa mindset, superiority complex, that you can ignore other country’s sovereignty, impose sanction, invade, basically these people don’t care. We don’t expect any humble behavior, but we can’t promote their agenda.

  • @willyoder8668
    @willyoder8668 9 місяців тому +1

    Just an absolute piece of cinematic mastery, every single time. Beautiful!

  • @MarktYertd
    @MarktYertd 9 місяців тому +34

    The issue lies in Russia sourcing those chips through intermediary nations such as China, Georgia, the UAE, and Turkey. This makes it challenging for Western countries to entirely restrict Russian access to Western technology. Implementing sanctions on these intermediary nations would be a strategic move to hinder Russia's benefits and facilitate more meaningful assistance to Ukraine.

    • @MarktYertd
      @MarktYertd 9 місяців тому


    • @dianapennepacker6854
      @dianapennepacker6854 9 місяців тому +2

      My question is. How were the Soviets making missiles?
      I mean I know they had a huge brain drain over the last 23 years, but seriously.
      Russia kept up their space program. Had massive AA systems before.
      Was it just cheaper, and the dissolution of their industry included those making their components? Were the ex Soviet states responsible?
      No one ever talks about that.

    • @Dave05J
      @Dave05J 9 місяців тому +5

      ​@@dianapennepacker6854soviet Era weapons don't equate 21st century weapons in quality and efficiency.

    • @franklin8216
      @franklin8216 9 місяців тому

      Not a good idea . China produces %29 of worlds products , china is too big to sanction . And there will always be countries that trade with russia in some way sooo you cant sanction everyone

    • @Notbaokhanhsosorry
      @Notbaokhanhsosorry 9 місяців тому

      Lmao UAE, India and Arab countries will never be sanctioned. That will lead to the domino effect on the global economy.

  • @user-jk4fk7ne1z
    @user-jk4fk7ne1z 9 місяців тому +21

    Thank You for this in depth story

  • @MacMilly707
    @MacMilly707 9 місяців тому +15

    Wow😮, it never fails to amaze me how America is always at the end of anything that's horrible 😔

    • @bob38028
      @bob38028 9 місяців тому

      The enormous and sweeping generalizations implied by your comment are making me irrationally angry. It’s like I’m being forced to watch a child build a Lego boat only to throw the whole thing into an acetone bath when they finish.

  • @nahomabraham69
    @nahomabraham69 4 місяці тому

    Really loving the visuals, keep it up 👌

  • @pavanmelukote
    @pavanmelukote 9 місяців тому +6

    Brilliant video as usual. Love how the details are so well explained.

  • @earthpeoplechurchforhumani9456
    @earthpeoplechurchforhumani9456 9 місяців тому +11

    Brilliant insights, as usual ... accompanied by dazzling, flowing maps and editing. Thank you.

  • @PhantomHarlock78
    @PhantomHarlock78 9 місяців тому +5

    Selling to both sides. Genius.

  • @savageexotics8509
    @savageexotics8509 9 місяців тому +1

    Those weapons were in storage before it was illegal and all of the sanctions.

  • @gregkysenko5301
    @gregkysenko5301 9 місяців тому +21

    Watching this in Kyiv while having air raid alarm outside (it is the second one for today)

    • @categories5066
      @categories5066 9 місяців тому +6

      Ukraine belongs to Russia bro

    • @awesomelad
      @awesomelad 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@@categories5066 Russia belongs to the US bro.

    • @tranhuunghia9206
      @tranhuunghia9206 9 місяців тому

      Holy shit hope you and your family are doing okay 💙💛🙏🙏

    • @alena-qu9vj
      @alena-qu9vj 9 місяців тому +5

      @@awesomelad US belong to Israel, bro.

    • @trevAce350
      @trevAce350 9 місяців тому


  • @carlosvasquez9890
    @carlosvasquez9890 9 місяців тому +38

    "How dare these small companies to make money out of this war...only we are supponed do that...right, Brandon?"
    Lockheed Martin CEO (probably)

    • @bradb.9248
      @bradb.9248 9 місяців тому +2

      Russian Bots on UA-cam Bruh ☠

    • @huyanhpham1445
      @huyanhpham1445 9 місяців тому +3

      @@bradb.9248no. He actually not brainwashed

    • @Chris-rg6nm
      @Chris-rg6nm 9 місяців тому


  • @Eziuxxx13
    @Eziuxxx13 9 місяців тому +4

    Thank you so much for making this video! Why you as a journalist dont approach companies for their comments?

  • @edwinsubijano263
    @edwinsubijano263 6 місяців тому

    Restricting the sale of Microchips means bankrupting the chip manufacturer !!!

  • @devilman-g2f
    @devilman-g2f 9 місяців тому +8

    Absolutely loved this one, shows us how things play under the carpet & how complicated & intricate modern warfare is.

  • @johnreyontv
    @johnreyontv 9 місяців тому +9

    Love the new style of editing especially the maps!

  • @J3dotgg
    @J3dotgg 9 місяців тому +17

    One of the public broadcasters here in the Netherlands also did some investigative journalism on the matter, they actually went up to one of the relaying shell companies in germany and they immediately refused to let the journalist in and denied any claims that they had links to the FSB. Just a bit later one of the other workers there delivered a conflicting story, definitely some shady business going on there.

    • @DD-dp4pj
      @DD-dp4pj 9 місяців тому

      Well, my friend, Idk why in the 21 century we still need some investigations in order to understand certain things. From day one of this war it was obvious that someone gonna make good money on that and yet still people believe in propaganda. What Putin did is wrong, but think about this way, maybe they are ok with what he did cause they did all possible to make it happen.

    • @somone1437
      @somone1437 9 місяців тому +1

      they put their mouth where the money is. I dont trust the companies, yet i cant do anything...yet. Vote for politicians who actually does less shady than right stuff