Lepa hvala za pohvale! Mama Slavka je letos dopolnila 100let in še vedno se drži ok. Kuha pa žal ne več, je pa nekaj receptov še vedno skrbno zapisanih :-)
Vsaka čast gospe slavki za njene pristne recepte, naredila sem juho po njenem receptu, ne bom dodala ničesar ko samo to,božanska gotova juha in gospa Slavka hvala vam za recept LP.Irena
Vsi vemo, da babice so vedno nardile najboljse štruklje, potico in štrudl k smo bli mejhni. 😎😎 Pr babicah se je in vedno bo najboljš jedlo. In vedno govorijo jej da boš velik in zdrav. 💪💪💪
Pozdravljeni, šruklji so uspeli super. Mene pa zanima ali je gospa Slavka iz Tržica . Če je sem njena znaka iz mojih otroških _ mladostnih dni. Lp Veri
Hello!!!! i wonder if somebody could try to translate this recipe in English?? at least the ingredients list.... and amount... cooking times... thanks a million!!!!! best regards from Barcelona
Recipe for ŠTRUKLJI *Ingredients:* *DOUGH:* - 400 g of plain flour - a pinch of salt - 5 spoons of sunflower oil - 1 egg - 2.5 dcl of warm or room temperature water *THE FILLING:* - 500 g of cottage cheese - breadcrumbs - butter - 2 big spoons of sour cream - one packet of vanilla sugar *THE STEPS:* 1. In a bowl mix all ingredients for the dough - 0:31 flour - 0:41 salt - 1:10 sunflower oil - 1:51 egg - 2:08 warm water 2. After mixing all ingredients together, knead the dough. When finished, cover the dough with flour, so it won't stick to the bowl. 3. Let the dough rest for at least 30 minutes. 4. Heat up a pan with a spoon of butter (or oil) and when hot add breadcrumbs. Remove off the heat, when the breadcrumbs are a golden brown color. 5. In a bowl mix 500g of cottage cheese (7:43), cooled breadcrumbs (7:51), 2 spoons of sour cream (8:04). After mixing the filling add vanilla sugar (8:42). Mix again 6. Cover a table with a cloth and flour (or you can cover it just with flour). Strech out the dough by using a rolling pin and/or with hands. Strech it out to a square shape. 7. Cut the edges. 8. Spread out the filling and roll the dough up in a snake kind of shape. 9. Wrap the dough into a clean cloth. To not make the dough fall out, you must tie elasctic or a string at the end (if the dough is too big cut it into smaller sections. Close it at the ends, so that the filling won't come out) 10. Put the wrapped dough into boiling salted water and let it cook for 30 minutes. 11. After 30 minutes take the dough out and let it cool off. 12. Cut the dough into about 1,5 cm thick circles. It is traditional that you put breadcrumbs ( cook same as step number 4) on top of Štruklji and add sugar by taste Good luck! :)
Vaša Mami je čudovita. Hvala za recept.
Najboljši recept na YouTubu definitivno...super so uspeli
Oh kako simpatična gospa ❤hvala za recept,naslednjič bom delala štruklje po vaše 👏👍🙋♀️
Hvala from France!! We love Strukji and Sovenija
preslatka baka, a sve sto pravi delicija prava ....soooo adorable lady
Pozdrav iz Beograda, rada Vas gledim, ste baš dobri. Povejte mi je Slavka još z Vami, je živa ♥️
Lepa hvala za pohvale! Mama Slavka je letos dopolnila 100let in še vedno se drži ok. Kuha pa žal ne več, je pa nekaj receptov še vedno skrbno zapisanih :-)
Hvala za odgovor i pozdrav od srca ❤️❤️❤️a mami pa dajte veliko puso😘
Super recept mama Slavka. :) Tako pristna predstavitev. :) Še več recpetov bi imeli....
Super gospa,kot ,da bi gledala mojo pokojno mamo1😀😀😀
Hvala mama Slavka.
Mama Slavka je res legenda. Njen recept za potico je pa sploh super!
danes delala štruklje, super so uspeli, hvala vam punce, da delite recepte domačih slovenskih jedi ;) ♥
Super posnetek! Sem delala točno po videu in je uspelo super! 🙏💕
Super video z izredno simpatično mamo Slavko v glavni vlogi. Hvala, ker recepte delite z nami. Lep pozdrav iz Logatca.
Bravo mama Slavka, super ste :)
Best recipe ever. Prvic sem jih naredla In so bli tako dobri. Hvala!
No, danes bom delala sirove štruklje po receptu mame Slavke! Vse sem si zapisala in ogledala, zdaj pa veselo na delo! Hvala za tale video!
Svaka čast mama Slavki' pozdrav iz Subotice!
Draga slavka, se veliko zdravih let vam zelim. Da nas boste s svojimi recepti še dolgo razveseljevsli
Včeraj sem naredila vlečeno testo za štrudelj po receptu mame Slavke.Super je uspelo!
Mama Slavka, še kaj nam skuhajte in specite, super nasveti so!
Ćestitke gospe Slavki za nasvete mladim gospodinjam - odlična domača kuhinja, zopet se nekaj novega naučiš!
Mama Slavka,veliki pozdrav
Vsaka čast gospe slavki za njene pristne recepte, naredila sem juho po njenem receptu, ne bom dodala ničesar ko samo to,božanska gotova juha in gospa Slavka hvala vam za recept LP.Irena
irena fijavz
Krasno, hvala!
Vsi vemo, da babice so vedno nardile najboljse štruklje, potico in štrudl k smo bli mejhni. 😎😎 Pr babicah se je in vedno bo najboljš jedlo. In vedno govorijo jej da boš velik in zdrav. 💪💪💪
Baš je draga i slatka :) Da li je još živa? Svako dobro želim.
recept je super, vsaka čast mami Slavki, naredite prosim še kak recept!
Domači štruklji so odlični :)
Pozdravljeni, šruklji so uspeli super. Mene pa zanima ali je gospa Slavka iz Tržica .
Če je sem njena znaka iz mojih otroških _ mladostnih dni. Lp Veri
Mama Slavka se tokrat predstavlja z receptom - Gobova juha.
Hvala za pohvale, upam da vam tekne.
Hello!!!! i wonder if somebody could try to translate this recipe in English?? at least the ingredients list.... and amount... cooking times... thanks a million!!!!! best regards from Barcelona
Recipe for ŠTRUKLJI
- 400 g of plain flour
- a pinch of salt
- 5 spoons of sunflower oil
- 1 egg
- 2.5 dcl of warm or room temperature water
- 500 g of cottage cheese
- breadcrumbs
- butter
- 2 big spoons of sour cream
- one packet of vanilla sugar
1. In a bowl mix all ingredients for the dough
- 0:31 flour
- 0:41 salt
- 1:10 sunflower oil
- 1:51 egg
- 2:08 warm water
2. After mixing all ingredients together, knead the dough. When finished, cover the dough with flour, so it won't stick to the bowl.
3. Let the dough rest for at least 30 minutes.
4. Heat up a pan with a spoon of butter (or oil) and when hot add breadcrumbs. Remove off the heat, when the breadcrumbs are a golden brown color.
5. In a bowl mix 500g of cottage cheese (7:43), cooled breadcrumbs (7:51), 2 spoons of sour cream (8:04). After mixing the filling add vanilla sugar (8:42). Mix again
6. Cover a table with a cloth and flour (or you can cover it just with flour). Strech out the dough by using a rolling pin and/or with hands. Strech it out to a square shape.
7. Cut the edges.
8. Spread out the filling and roll the dough up in a snake kind of shape.
9. Wrap the dough into a clean cloth. To not make the dough fall out, you must tie elasctic or a string at the end (if the dough is too big cut it into smaller sections. Close it at the ends, so that the filling won't come out)
10. Put the wrapped dough into boiling salted water and let it cook for 30 minutes.
11. After 30 minutes take the dough out and let it cool off.
12. Cut the dough into about 1,5 cm thick circles. It is traditional that you put breadcrumbs ( cook same as step number 4) on top of Štruklji and add sugar by taste
Good luck! :)
Mama Slavka se tokrat predstavlja z receptom - Gobova juha.
Hvala za pohvale, upam da vam juha tekne.
Jabolcna pita
Ko sem gledala to mamo savko sem se nasmejala do solz.cudovita😂
jst še vode za špagete ne sulim tuk pa če jih za 10 oseb kuham 😂