These new product really touch my soul making me remember the 80s when I was a commercial composer and I search for the new sounds we can create on the D-50, M1 and wavestation ... I need these one !!!.
Thank uou for the videos guys!! Not sure why the hate on the boutique line in the comments? I get there are some purest out there who want the originals, which is totally cool and I fully respect that. These new units give people who haven't had a chance to own the original to relive these memorable sounds and integrate it with our production, dj sets or whatever they want. Regardless of Rolands business choices, I think it's dope that we get a chance of owning these iconic sounds.
re "same price or even cheaper" sure ...all with no warranty at all, some in need of servicing and very few would be likely to last anywhere near as long as any of these new boutiques from today! It's a no brainer, which is the better buy, when you look at it that way.
Hi Mike and Jim. Nice to see you again around. Great and very clear comparison between the D-50 and the new Boutique D-05!!. The little D-05 is awesome and has nothing to be ashamed for :-) Cheers, PauloF
@Jens: Not sufficiently accurate. In whole mode, when you use only the upper section, you have 2 tones per voice and 16 voices in all. In dual (or split) mode you use both the upper and lower section, having 4 tones per voice and 8 voices in all.
It sounds really close but I do have to say I noticed the reverb on the new one sounds like it has lower resolution. It sounds a little "echoy". Also the "tone" portion of the sound seems a little brittle like it been slightly bit crushed. Some patches are right on though.
XP30 has some of the D50 patches and sound good, also my V Synth xt with the D50 card is nice. I love the Roland sound and for any one wanting the classic D50 sound of yesterday Roland has made it available at a reasonable price.
I'm usually one of the people that gets hated on in the comments for saying the original sounds better (in the case of the JP-08/TR-09/TR-08/etc. where it was SO obvious) - but in this case.. I'm sat in a dead silent room with great monitors and I really struggle to hear a difference here. Horn Section sounds very slightly brighter on the D-05. Fantasia sounds VERY slightly more pleasing on the D-50. Soundtrack sounds a little cleaner on the D-05. But these are really really extremely small differences on the order of
BluffMunkey I sold both in the early 90's when I worked for Jim's Music Center in So.Cal ..... two different beast .. obviously the guy has never played both.
As Adam Ant once sang; "Ridicule is nothing to be scared of"! With this in mind, I'm willing to be made into a laughing stock and say that I MUCH preferred the Warm pad fades preset patch on the D10 to anything on the D50. To my ears, that was a beautiful sounding patch, and I can only imagine how good it would have sounded on the D50.
Having a Real Orginal D-50 and paying what I did for it at the time. I like it. To me the Original D-50 sounds fatter, by a little not much. I do think this I a great device for 349.99
You know to me saying cheaper is not really a good definition. Since that is what made the sound of the D-50. It's like saying Eddie Van Halen's original guitar is a piece of junk. Since it had all kinds of defects on it. Example : a quarter under the bride. It has a distinct sound.
Yeah I thought the original just sounded a fraction better but couldn't really pinpoint why. I did think for a split second it was just the D-50 was a touch louder.
Roland stated publicly that a decade ago when they made the D-50 emulation for the V-Synth & VariOS; the article said they went into the archives and used the original programming from the D-50 and basically ported/translated it for the modern systems. So of course it'll sound exactly the same - other than the DACs on the 80s keyboards, I know the DX7 had a 12-bit DAC for output which made it more gritty than say a Korg Volca FM...Roland commented when they did it a decade ago that the sound output was cleaner for that reason. The PCM samples it uses for the attack partials are all 8-bit! ALSO - much respect for showing sounds that are important and classic!
Seeing as it was the impenetrability of programming (for so many) that was chiefly responsible for the same sounds being so overly used on the D50 and DX7 synths, in the first place, yes, you would have imagined a more intuitive interface to have been a major consideration.
Awesome, thanks for the comparison. How did you track them? It seems the D-05 lacks quite a bit of low end on most patches and sounds quite hi-middy. Is that just the D-05 itself or could it be due to something external?
One thing they failed to mention was the original D50 keyboards MIDI was s-l-o-w. (Not the D550 rack version though) Also, I wonder if the PG-1000 controller would work with this?
Could be so nice if you just change sounds between the 2 without talking. It makes much different to compare and… everyone could read. Thanks for the video
the original has a slightly bigger low frequencies but you would never notice it in a mix. also the reverb tail is a bit different...great job by roland
Is the D-05 just the Cloud D50 in a module? Or is there a difference? For what it’s worth, I am a very pleased owner of Cloud D50. And Cloud Juno-106. I chose those two to keep after my subscription ended.
I'm guessing that they will probably make an iPad/pc app to program them. Would be the easiest and cheapest solution. They would charge you to download it just like the firmware updates for the tr8. But again I'm only speculating.
The difference is really quite minimal, there is a bit more weight and heft to the original but not much. The effects don't sound as expansive though. They did a damn good job! Let's hope they release a programmer!
Whah!! Roland finally did it! Great sounding mini-D50. Super identical, close to original 95-98%. Samples is a real POWER =)) Ok, waiting for the incredible JD-800/990.
The D-05 sounds a bit brighter to me, and to be honest, I think I prefer it over the sound of the D-50. The highs can always be filtered out if the mix asks for it. Neat stuff, Roland!
Which sound mode are you using on the D-05 in this, the "Original" (more like the D-50) or the "Clear" (newer inception)? I believe by default it's set to the new 'Clear' sound mode which is supposed to be more clear than the original D-50 but the 'Original' would be closer to the original sound. Good demo.
Great video and review guys. I'm definitely coveting one! My favourite sound was Stereo Polysynth (55), and it's a shame that wasn't included in the demos
@ADSR Music Production Tutorials 2:16 Now, I've discovered what sound from the Roland D-50/D-05 they've used for the famous and funny Macintosh Quadra 660AV death sound...
The top end of the D-05 is "too clean" when comparing to the classic D-50 sound. Probably better converters allowing more detail through. Not a perfect replacement for the D-50 (missing some dirt/funk/grunge), but a nice synth in it's own right. But I'd still rather have the '50 ;)
@@seancurtin5131 he said he prefers the d50; his opinion is his opinion; i dont think he would agree with your comment tbh; its not baout them being worn out; he's saying the sound has differences, as many plugin versions of old instruments are, alot the same but still somewhat different, not an exact match
yeah it's very evident in the horn section patch at 6:45. The D05 sounds more high in the reverb with less bass and mid section. Still sounds good though.
niether can i, its just snobery thoses people who say that they can hear a differance between modern emulations and older synths perticuarly analouge versers digital, i garantee anyone, in a dubble blind trial of an original analouge compeard to a modern virtual synth, [ ie as with medical drug testing ] wethearther like a boutique hardware or software, would not be able to tell the differance.. end of story.
carl aylward We could here the difference. I'm just not familiar with D50 as I never played one. But I can hear the minor differences. If you played an instrument or sing. Your ears should be able to pick up the minor differences.
Nothin new is perfect. I never owned a D50, but some friends of mines had one in there studio back in the 80s. I would go over to play it when I could. all i'm saying is I think this remake sounds pretty close for the money.
mmmmmmmmmmmm i do play and i used to have a D50 myself, and i understand your point but to repeat i wont be convinced that there are differances untill every single person , yes every single person ,who claimes that they can hear a diferance in a DUBBLE BLIND comparason trial ALL of them can aggree on is one or the other. [ as in a medical drugs trial ] end of story. cheers
It sure would be nice instead of demos of synths that sound 'almost as good" as decades old synths, Roland came out with some stuff that sounded better than the old synths. Don't get me wrong - it is a great deal for the price - but that doesn't matter to those who want the best sound. Come on Roland, it is 2017. Put something out for the high end of the market too.
Not a bad little package. Maybe Roland should bring out more digital synth boutiques as a pose to ACB emulations . In my head it kind of makes more sense. Very very close in sound . Here some suggestions Roland : Roland JD 98 , 800/990 combo with all the pcm roms installed. Maybe a W 03 advanced sampler, thou not sure how you could load your old disks. Perhaps just a Sd slot. Anyway great demonstration from you guys and a well played to Roland this time round.
Both sound great and are very similar. But I detect a little fuller sound with a tad more bass and heft in the original D50 also some extra resonant timbres. I agree with Marvin the D-05 seems cleaner.
The world's gone nostalgia mad. The D-50 only had 3 good sounds and they have all been used 30 times each in 300 no.1's. You can't get any more sounds coz it's not possible to program it coz it's too hard. Having said that, it was fun seeing people leave Fairlight CMI's in the corner of the studio to just lay down another 'Digital Native Dance'. I want one! But then again, I'm one of the few people that probably spent over a year learning how to program 'Linear Arithmetic' synthesis. On a D-20, which I know is not the same. But then again, I learned how to program FM synthesis on a 4-operator version of the DX-7. Again, not the same. But still, when I have FM7 and FM8 in my hands, I have a rough idea of what it's all about. This looks like a very cool little toy. Love the controller. Kudos to Roland.
I wasn't all that enamored by the Jete Strings recreation at all! The tail on Living Calliope, leaves a bit to be desired too. Oh, I've just seen the price. Cancel everything I said previously!
eeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr there is hardware in the D50/D05 as is everything ELECTRONIC has , the software just tells the HARDWARE what to do, even the most basic "digitlal" circuuit a on/off flipflop "digital" oscilater uses a circuit of 2 ANALOGE trasnsisters and even the software is held in electronic memory which again actuarly still uses ,analoge, transister circuits. same goes for usb sticks etc the memory is still held by the electronic states of analoge transister circuts ie in reality there is no such thing as a "digital "circuit since these "digital" circuits comprise of analoge transister componants, ie again a "digital" oscarlater is an analoge oscarlater with very accuarate crystal "clock" regulating the analoge , transister , oscalater. ie no such thing as a "digital " oscalater, ie refering to your statment even a dsp uses actuarl analoge componants/transisters to do its processing. cheers
hhhhhmmmmmmmmm might have miss read your comment, as you say, now noticed, , you refer to actuarl hard ware from one not being on the other, with that in mind though, i dont think there will much differance in the DA/AD converters as basicly they all more or less conform to similer ic design . but anyway the post still stands a good observation refering to must keys player not understanding the true "ditital"/"analoge" nature of "digital"/"analoge" oscalaters. oh got all this info by my BSs electronic engineer twin bro, who specilises in ic design of high performance oscalaters, ie like whats needed for satnav which has to be exstreemly accurate, otherwise your position on the earth could be off by miles if only even a tiny minute amount of frequency drift occors. ok, also notice my other posting below regarding the "golden ears brigade" dispite what they claim i believe that they couldnt tell in a dubble blind trial the diferance from old real analoge synths and modern virtual/hardware recreations., i certinly couldnt tell the differance between them, cheers
Spot-on recreation of those iconic presets. Probably much easier than modelling analogue synths. Expect we'll be hearing more classic D-50 sounds from now on.
Yes I my ears can hear the difference and I guess Expansive is a good description but I’m still getting one. Doesn’t take geniusity (not a real english word) to get the D-05 to an expansive sound quality. Found one for $250 and I have a W30 for a controller!
Official specs claim 16-note polyphony, so it appears the original polyphony was halved. That would mean only 4-notes for the most intensive patches. Can you confirm that the polyphony was indeed halved or is Roland counting it differently now?
Polyphony is 16 dual partial, one voice for each Upper and Lower tone. So same as D-50, which was listed as 32 voice polyphony, but was one for each partial (up to 4 per patch).
Thanks a lot, Mike. I was expecting the polyphony to be reduced (given the previous boutiques), so when they listed "16" that indeed confirmed my doubts. Glad to hear it's the same as the D-50. I hope you know this from experience, not just inferring this from the specs? :)
the "cork sniffers" excellent!!! LMAO (as for myself - never could quite remember whether the montecristo no3 gazumped the no2, or whether the '91 Dom Perignon whips the '93 etc.)
There's something about the way that old digital synths processed data that created this "blurry" sound, probably comes from the low resolution of the dac but that step in the signal path is really important to the sound of the instrument
These new product really touch my soul making me remember the 80s when I was a commercial composer and I search for the new sounds we can create on the D-50, M1 and wavestation ... I need these one !!!.
Thank uou for the videos guys!! Not sure why the hate on the boutique line in the comments? I get there are some purest out there who want the originals, which is totally cool and I fully respect that. These new units give people who haven't had a chance to own the original to relive these memorable sounds and integrate it with our production, dj sets or whatever they want. Regardless of Rolands business choices, I think it's dope that we get a chance of owning these iconic sounds.
Chenyu Fan There's always been D-50's and 550's on eBay and at music stores. They aren't exactly rare.
you can buy an original d-50 today for about the same price or even cheaper
re "same price or even cheaper" sure ...all with no warranty at all, some in need of servicing and very few would be likely to last anywhere near as long as any of these new boutiques from today! It's a no brainer, which is the better buy, when you look at it that way.
Hi Mike and Jim. Nice to see you again around.
Great and very clear comparison between the D-50 and the new Boutique D-05!!.
The little D-05 is awesome and has nothing to be ashamed for :-)
cool that joystick and chase are modelled. what's the poly, anybody know?
So that means it's gonna have at least 8-note polyphony, assuming two voices per note?
4 voice poly - each "patch" consist of two "tones" and each tone consist of two "partials"
Hi Woody,
Yes it's 16-voice polyphony in whole mode, 8-voice in dual mode.
Architecture is exactly like that of the original.
@Jens: Not sufficiently accurate. In whole mode, when you use only the upper section, you have 2 tones per voice and 16 voices in all. In dual (or split) mode you use both the upper and lower section, having 4 tones per voice and 8 voices in all.
This is one of the few boutique synths from Roland that I'd actually buy. This and the se02
What happend to 6.3 jacks & 19'' these days? How many desktops can fit in 1 studio?
Thanks I still have my 2 D50 modules plus the D50 keyboard
I think all these new boutiques are fun
Wow this is great!
It sounds really close but I do have to say I noticed the reverb on the new one sounds like it has lower resolution. It sounds a little "echoy". Also the "tone" portion of the sound seems a little brittle like it been slightly bit crushed. Some patches are right on though.
sounds absolutely the SAME! Huge well done work Roland!!!
Happy that i have not sold my d50. Always great synth 👍
Exactly my thoughts. D50 still sounds better than this. It's close but not the same. I wanna buy another D50 from ebay before prices will go up: -)
The Re-Revolution of Music HAS BEGUN!
The 80s will never leave.
Thanks for the video and demonstration it sounds incredible
XP30 has some of the D50 patches and sound good, also my V Synth xt with the D50 card is nice. I love the Roland sound and for any one wanting the classic D50 sound of yesterday Roland has made it available at a reasonable price.
Yes!! It supports d50 sysex files, i can take my d50 on the go now, how exciting :)
Nice!! Wish it was a full size reissue, but I'm pe-ordering one now!
Marshal Arnold you have too much money dude. You buy everything. Lol.
Danielle Scribbins lol well Im lucky these things aren't all that expensive 😁
I bought a D-550 a few years ago and the output had a really weird problem that made it unusable. Glad to see an updated hardware unit.
I'm usually one of the people that gets hated on in the comments for saying the original sounds better (in the case of the JP-08/TR-09/TR-08/etc. where it was SO obvious) - but in this case.. I'm sat in a dead silent room with great monitors and I really struggle to hear a difference here. Horn Section sounds very slightly brighter on the D-05. Fantasia sounds VERY slightly more pleasing on the D-50. Soundtrack sounds a little cleaner on the D-05. But these are really really extremely small differences on the order of
I need to see Linndrum LM1 or 2 drum machine like the TR09 will buy immediately.
Okay...SOLD. That Soundtrack demo did it for me!
Bloody hell, rolands costing me a bomb im just saving for sh01 and 808 boutique .. now this
The notion that a D10/110 sounds like a D50 is about as hilarious as a comment gets.
BluffMunkey I sold both in the early 90's when I worked for Jim's Music Center in So.Cal ..... two different beast .. obviously the guy has never played both.
And me now I might drop the 808 for this
i can't pass on that 808 its a beauty and only £350 bargain.i got the 09 its phat as...
As Adam Ant once sang; "Ridicule is nothing to be scared of"! With this in mind, I'm willing to be made into a laughing stock and say that I MUCH preferred the Warm pad fades preset patch on the D10 to anything on the D50. To my ears, that was a beautiful sounding patch, and I can only imagine how good it would have sounded on the D50.
Having a Real Orginal D-50 and paying what I did for it at the time. I like it. To me the Original D-50 sounds fatter, by a little not much. I do think this I a great device for 349.99
agreed. Mostly the reverb sounds different on the original. The D-05's reverb sounds cheap(er).
You know to me saying cheaper is not really a good definition. Since that is what made the sound of the D-50.
It's like saying Eddie Van Halen's original guitar is a piece of junk. Since it had all kinds of defects on it.
Example : a quarter under the bride. It has a distinct sound.
Yeah I thought the original just sounded a fraction better but couldn't really pinpoint why. I did think for a split second it was just the D-50 was a touch louder.
Roland stated publicly that a decade ago when they made the D-50 emulation for the V-Synth & VariOS; the article said they went into the archives and used the original programming from the D-50 and basically ported/translated it for the modern systems. So of course it'll sound exactly the same - other than the DACs on the 80s keyboards, I know the DX7 had a 12-bit DAC for output which made it more gritty than say a Korg Volca FM...Roland commented when they did it a decade ago that the sound output was cleaner for that reason. The PCM samples it uses for the attack partials are all 8-bit! ALSO - much respect for showing sounds that are important and classic!
You two gangsters *never* age!
I'm kind of surprised they didn't improve the interface. No sliders or knobs? are the touch strips good enough for editing?
Seeing as it was the impenetrability of programming (for so many) that was chiefly responsible for the same sounds being so overly used on the D50 and DX7 synths, in the first place, yes, you would have imagined a more intuitive interface to have been a major consideration.
The interface is fine the way it is... LA-Synths are the easiest synths to program...
Nonsense! The DX7 takes that honour, hands down.
If it had sliders and dials for programming, each one would be a few millimetres in size. It an extremely in depth unit.
TX816 anyone?
Awesome, thanks for the comparison. How did you track them? It seems the D-05 lacks quite a bit of low end on most patches and sounds quite hi-middy. Is that just the D-05 itself or could it be due to something external?
One thing they failed to mention was the original D50 keyboards MIDI was s-l-o-w.
(Not the D550 rack version though)
Also, I wonder if the PG-1000 controller would work with this?
Could be so nice if you just change sounds between the 2 without talking. It makes much different to compare and… everyone could read. Thanks for the video
the original has a slightly bigger low frequencies but you would never notice it in a mix. also the reverb tail is a bit different...great job by roland
Will the D-05 patches properly respond to pressure aftertouch as on the original?
Is the D-05 just the Cloud D50 in a module? Or is there a difference?
For what it’s worth, I am a very pleased owner of Cloud D50. And Cloud Juno-106. I chose those two to keep after my subscription ended.
What about programming this thing.. they going to release a mini PG-1000 too?
Marshal Arnold yes it's available at all good shops but human eyes cannot see it
Nope, it works with the original PG-1000.
@Mario Kruselj: Hope you have actual confirmation of that, because it would be crucial for me. Send us a link?
That would be great for many people, since the original PG-1000 is now much more rare than the original D50.
I'm guessing that they will probably make an iPad/pc app to program them. Would be the easiest and cheapest solution. They would charge you to download it just like the firmware updates for the tr8. But again I'm only speculating.
The difference is really quite minimal, there is a bit more weight and heft to the original but not much. The effects don't sound as expansive though. They did a damn good job! Let's hope they release a programmer!
Can't believe you guys didn't play the one and only STACCATO HEAVEN :-/
Because in this sound you hear the difference between the d50 and d05 the most.
Whah!! Roland finally did it! Great sounding mini-D50. Super identical, close to original 95-98%. Samples is a real POWER =))
Ok, waiting for the incredible JD-800/990.
The D-05 sounds a bit brighter to me, and to be honest, I think I prefer it over the sound of the D-50. The highs can always be filtered out if the mix asks for it. Neat stuff, Roland!
There is a difference in sound but they sound close, it seems as if the 05 has more highs/mids but for 350 this is a great product
That sounds really really good..
Which sound mode are you using on the D-05 in this, the "Original" (more like the D-50) or the "Clear" (newer inception)? I believe by default it's set to the new 'Clear' sound mode which is supposed to be more clear than the original D-50 but the 'Original' would be closer to the original sound. Good demo.
Great video and review guys. I'm definitely coveting one! My favourite sound was Stereo Polysynth (55), and it's a shame that wasn't included in the demos
where have you guys been
I just received the Roland TR-08. Now I need this as well. I'm going to compare the TR-808 with the TR-08. It should be fun! :)
wow awesome:)))) thanks guys. I remember D-50 big instrument - legend:))
@ADSR Music Production Tutorials 2:16 Now, I've discovered what sound from the Roland D-50/D-05 they've used for the famous and funny Macintosh Quadra 660AV death sound...
This is great! Thanks for posting this. So, around 10:00 in, where are the drum tracks coming from? What gear are you using for those? Thanks again!
Pizzagogo: AKA the Enya preset lol
I made also a comparison with D-50 PC card from V-Synth XT! All of these three sounds very similar. Amazing!
Great video! Tell me, please, is it possible to return to factory settings if changes were made earlier? Are the presets compatible with the D-50?
Not is multitimbral? Same the original?
2.12 sounds like the very beginning of when you used to turn an original Playstation on. But the comparisons are spot on. Is pizzagogo used in ENYA?
gary abbot yes!
Sail Away!
Good recreations but with greater flexibility 👍
Thanks guys 😎
Fantasia is back. Very cool.
excelente video colega saludos desde mexico
Cheers guys, great demonstration of the D-05. Can't wait to order mine!
The top end of the D-05 is "too clean" when comparing to the classic D-50 sound. Probably better converters allowing more detail through. Not a perfect replacement for the D-50 (missing some dirt/funk/grunge), but a nice synth in it's own right. But I'd still rather have the '50 ;)
This is no fault of the new synth, it's simply that the old D-50's are worn out Demag.
@Joe Wright They have used the classic mode during this test (17:04).
@@seancurtin5131 he said he prefers the d50; his opinion is his opinion; i dont think he would agree with your comment tbh; its not baout them being worn out; he's saying the sound has differences, as many plugin versions of old instruments are, alot the same but still somewhat different, not an exact match
Awesome comparison. What drum sounds were you using on fly fairy?
What's the riff @ 4:26 ?
George Michael father figure
Original has a more pleasing and less piercing top-end IMO. A tad bit of EQ on the 05 should solve that. Great product!
I really can not tell the difference with the comparisons!!!!!!! very nice.
yeah it's very evident in the horn section patch at 6:45. The D05 sounds more high in the reverb with less bass and mid section. Still sounds good though.
niether can i, its just snobery thoses people who say that they can hear a differance between modern emulations and older synths perticuarly analouge versers digital, i garantee anyone, in a dubble blind trial of an original analouge compeard to a modern virtual synth, [ ie as with medical drug testing ] wethearther like a boutique hardware or software, would not be able to tell the differance.. end of story.
carl aylward We could here the difference. I'm just not familiar with D50 as I never played one. But I can hear the minor differences. If you played an instrument or sing. Your ears should be able to pick up the minor differences.
Nothin new is perfect. I never owned a D50, but some friends of mines had one in there studio back in the 80s. I would go over to play it when I could. all i'm saying is I think this remake sounds pretty close for the money.
mmmmmmmmmmmm i do play and i used to have a D50 myself, and i understand your point but to repeat i wont be convinced that there are differances untill every single person , yes every single person ,who claimes that they can hear a diferance in a DUBBLE BLIND comparason trial ALL of them can aggree on is one or the other. [ as in a medical drugs trial ] end of story. cheers
It sure would be nice instead of demos of synths that sound 'almost as good" as decades old synths, Roland came out with some stuff that sounded better than the old synths. Don't get me wrong - it is a great deal for the price - but that doesn't matter to those who want the best sound. Come on Roland, it is 2017. Put something out for the high end of the market too.
Kurt Hirschenhofer they do,its just crapola
Not a bad little package. Maybe Roland should bring out more digital synth boutiques as a pose to ACB emulations . In my head it kind of makes more sense. Very very close in sound . Here some suggestions Roland : Roland JD 98 , 800/990 combo with all the pcm roms installed.
Maybe a W 03 advanced sampler, thou not sure how you could load your old disks. Perhaps just a Sd slot.
Anyway great demonstration from you guys and a well played to Roland this time round.
Both sound great and are very similar. But I detect a little fuller sound with a tad more bass and heft in the original D50 also some extra resonant timbres. I agree with Marvin the D-05 seems cleaner.
Boutique version has a bit more high frequencies but fortunately they can be filtered out later.
However, the question of which sound path was used for the demonstration?
The world's gone nostalgia mad. The D-50 only had 3 good sounds and they have all been used 30 times each in 300 no.1's. You can't get any more sounds coz it's not possible to program it coz it's too hard.
Having said that, it was fun seeing people leave Fairlight CMI's in the corner of the studio to just lay down another 'Digital Native Dance'.
I want one!
But then again, I'm one of the few people that probably spent over a year learning how to program 'Linear Arithmetic' synthesis. On a D-20, which I know is not the same. But then again, I learned how to program FM synthesis on a 4-operator version of the DX-7. Again, not the same. But still, when I have FM7 and FM8 in my hands, I have a rough idea of what it's all about.
This looks like a very cool little toy. Love the controller. Kudos to Roland.
I wasn't all that enamored by the Jete Strings recreation at all! The tail on Living Calliope, leaves a bit to be desired too. Oh, I've just seen the price. Cancel everything I said previously!
Excelente maquina el roland d-05 saludos desde Buenos Aires Argentina 😀🇦🇷🌎👍👍👍🥇
Sounds great to me the original has a little more warmth or maybe it's noise and the new model has great reverb but of course it's more modern tech.
just me or someone else also think that micro USB is too fragile?
should have done C
Micro USB Sucks!
I've wondered about just changing out the micro for a type C on all my Boutiques, they should be pin compatible...
Micro USB is horrible. Likewise 3.5mm jacks for MIDI. I simply don't buy any gear that uses them, flimsy and a repair job in the making.
Do you know if the infamous MIDI lag has been improved on the D-05? I assume it is, but just wondering if you guys noticed it.
elsongs Didn't notice any lag at all
are the drumkits in the latter part of the video included as well or were they external?
They were external & added to hear some of the factory presets within context of some modern drum tracks.
It's fascinating what you can do with software and modern "DSP". Considering that not a single hardware component of the old D-50 is in D-05.
eeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr there is hardware in the D50/D05 as is everything ELECTRONIC has , the software just tells the HARDWARE what to do, even the most basic "digitlal" circuuit a on/off flipflop "digital" oscilater uses a circuit of 2 ANALOGE trasnsisters and even the software is held in electronic memory which again actuarly still uses ,analoge, transister circuits. same goes for usb sticks etc the memory is still held by the electronic states of analoge transister circuts ie in reality there is no such thing as a "digital "circuit since these "digital" circuits comprise of analoge transister componants, ie again a "digital" oscarlater is an analoge oscarlater with very accuarate crystal "clock" regulating the analoge , transister , oscalater. ie no such thing as a "digital " oscalater, ie refering to your statment even a dsp uses actuarl analoge componants/transisters to do its processing. cheers
Maybe you should read my comment again. Perhaps slower... ;)
hhhhhmmmmmmmmm might have miss read your comment, as you say, now noticed, , you refer to actuarl hard ware from one not being on the other, with that in mind though, i dont think there will much differance in the DA/AD converters as basicly they all more or less conform to similer ic design . but anyway the post still stands a good observation refering to must keys player not understanding the true "ditital"/"analoge" nature of "digital"/"analoge" oscalaters. oh got all this info by my BSs electronic engineer twin bro, who specilises in ic design of high performance oscalaters, ie like whats needed for satnav which has to be exstreemly accurate, otherwise your position on the earth could be off by miles if only even a tiny minute amount of frequency drift occors. ok, also notice my other posting below regarding the "golden ears brigade" dispite what they claim i believe that they couldnt tell in a dubble blind trial the diferance from old real analoge synths and modern virtual/hardware recreations., i certinly couldnt tell the differance between them, cheers
It would be interesting to hear some phase cancellation between the two.
Spot-on recreation of those iconic presets. Probably much easier than modelling analogue synths. Expect we'll be hearing more classic D-50 sounds from now on.
OK,so you have got to be REAL picky to notice any difference, but it is still ideal for the gigging musician.
At this rate, I'm gonna end up maxing out the USB capabilities of my computer with all of the Boutiques, 'cause I'm getting most if not all of them!
So, the touch strips are for Scene One and Scene Two? Would these allow for deep editing of parameters like the PG-1000? Can they be assigned?
Should the D-05 send and receive sysex from any D-50 software librarian via midi? either USB or 5 pin?
Yes I my ears can hear the difference and I guess Expansive is a good description but I’m still getting one. Doesn’t take geniusity (not a real english word) to get the D-05 to an expansive sound quality. Found one for $250 and I have a W30 for a controller!
Official specs claim 16-note polyphony, so it appears the original polyphony was halved. That would mean only 4-notes for the most intensive patches. Can you confirm that the polyphony was indeed halved or is Roland counting it differently now?
Polyphony is 16 dual partial, one voice for each Upper and Lower tone. So same as D-50, which was listed as 32 voice polyphony, but was one for each partial (up to 4 per patch).
Thanks a lot, Mike. I was expecting the polyphony to be reduced (given the previous boutiques), so when they listed "16" that indeed confirmed my doubts. Glad to hear it's the same as the D-50. I hope you know this from experience, not just inferring this from the specs? :)
Wait, so based on Water Drops, does this have something similar to the Wavestation's wave sequences, or the drum beats are pre-recorded?
Drums were pre-recorded and used to show the presets within a modern context.
Though the D-05 is great news, I personally enjoy the feel of the keys of my D-50 and not just the sounds.
So what if you have a D550 ??? No keys either. And no Joystick ! Blablabla.
sK3LeTvM1 He said D-50 not D550
What's the intro he's playing at 4:25? I know it but can't get the name! Driving me nuts!
Does Mike still rock the MV-8000?
I do! We did a Gear Chat episode on the MV-8800 as well.
Reverb seems different in the revision. Changes the feel of some of the sounds I can see why the 'cork sniffers' are crying foul.
the "cork sniffers" excellent!!! LMAO (as for myself - never could quite remember whether the montecristo no3 gazumped the no2, or whether the '91 Dom Perignon whips the '93 etc.)
It’s definitely much cleaner with more headroom. But I think it actually sounds nice.
i want one
No you don't or you would have bought a real d50 or rack mount D550 for $200 already.
Station 2Station the d550 lacks the joystick.
Station 2Station leave her alone
Staccato Heaven is my favourite!
Please stop Roland! Your costing me a fortune!!! 😩✌🏻🕶🎶
dukeofpearl 😂😂
It would be nice if it was multi-timbral , so you could layer the patches.
can you load d50 sounds into the d-05?
they say so around minute 15 yes can sysex them in
Somebody knows if this device comes with all card sounds??
Yes, it does, all 6 x Roland D-50 ROM Memory Card programs, but not others like the Crystal produced sets.
Love it 10 plus
Esta excelente
Can it's presets be erased and initialized?? I like to start from scratch rather than tweaking to taste
There's something about the way that old digital synths processed data that created this "blurry" sound, probably comes from the low resolution of the dac but that step in the signal path is really important to the sound of the instrument